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1 UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES MEMPHIS,™ 38152 TheUmversity of Memphis Summer 2002 Schedule of Classes www.tigerweb.memphis.edu Register for Classes Add/Drop Classes View Schedule of Classes View Personal Class Schedule View Holds View Grades Degree Audit View/Update Address Information View Catalogs (Graduate and Undergraduate) Change PIN Admissions (Apply or View Status) Financial Aid (News/General Information) Fee Payment: www.memphis.edu/cashnet Stripes (901)321-7000 Need Help? Registerfor Classes www.enrollment.memphis.edu/registrar Add/Drop Classes Hear Personal Class Schedule Establish/Change PIN or Check Status of a Class Hear Grades Helpline Check Admission Status (901)678-2810 Financial Aid Information Fees and Payment Information: CASHNet (901) 678-8600 ^ 2 I o 00 00 C3O CO 0) c CO ZJ .Q 5^ C 03 00 00 > COOD 3C 3 Cft O *Wj >N 3 O) C 3 < E E O1 o o CD c 3 CN DC 8g < Q CM Z a LU -I < I" >i O a CN 0. 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TheUniversityofMemphisisoneof46institutionsintheTennesseeBoardofRegentssystem,theseventhlargestsystemofhighereducationinthenation.TheTennesseeBoardof Regentsisthegoverningboardforthissystemwhichiscomprisedofsixuniversities,fourteencommunitycollegesandtwenty-sixareatechnologycenters. TheTBRsystemenrollsmorethan80%ofall Tennesseestudentsattendingpublicinstitutionsofhighereducation TheUniversityofMemphisoffersequaleducationopportunitytoallpersonswithoutregardtorace,religion,sex,creed,color,nationalorigin,ordisability. TheUniversitydoesnotdiscriminateonthese >asesintherecruitmentandadmissionofstudentsandtheoperationofanyofitsprogramsandactivities,asspecifiedbyFederalLawsandregulations ThedesignatedcoordinatorsforUniversity :ompliancewithSection504oftheRehabilitationAclof1973andTheAmericanswithDisabilitiesActof1990aretheVicePresidentforStudentAffairsandViceProvostforEnrollmentServicesandthe iqualEmploymentComplianceOfficer.Uponrequest,informationcontainedinthisdocumentwillbeprovidedinalternateformat. Student Responsibility Statement You accept both fee and grade liability at the time of registration. If you decide not to attend, you must cancel your registration by dropping all your classes on TIGERWEB www.tiqerweb.memphis.edu) or STRIPES (901-321-7000) prior to the first day of ; Masses for the session to avoid owing significant enrollment fees. You will receive "F" grades you do not attend and do not cancel your registration or withdraw from classes if Dy the appropriate deadline. Summer2002 The University ofMemphis . . STEP1: ADMISSION UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE All requirements for admission or readmission to the For more detailed information about the Graduate University must be completed before registration is School, refer to the web site authorized. Any former student who was not enrolled in www.memphis.edu/gradschool. Spring 2002 must apply for readmission. Students who PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS hold an undergraduate degree and desire to take courses at the graduate level must applyfor admission to Prospective students should check with the appropriate the Graduate School. program for specific deadlines. For admission to a degree program, applicants should allow a reasonable APPLICATION DEADLINE amount of time for necessary documents to be The application deadline for ALL new students is May 1 processed by the appropriate degree program and the Aapdpmliiscsainotns wthoo aappldyegarfeteer-sMeaekyin1gmacyatneogtorbye. elSigtiubdleenftosr GInrtaedrunaattieonaSlchapopollica(natpsprsohxoiumladteallylowtharteeleatsot fsoixurwmeoenktsh)s. admitted as undergraduate (including post- for the application process. Applicants are urged to appl> baccalaureate) maytake courses numbered 0000-4999. earlyto ensure full consideration. RESIDENCY CLASSIFICATION RESIDENCY CLASSIFICATION For information concerning Tennessee Board of Regents For information concerning Tennessee Board of Regents guidelines and regulations for residency classification for guidelines and regulations for residency classification foi fee-paying purposes, undergraduate students should fee-paying purposes, graduate students should contact contact Applicant Services, 229 Administration Building, Graduate School, 308 Administration Building, (901) 678 2590. 901-678-2111. NEW STUDENTS NEW STUDENTS 1. sNuebwmituntdheergrreaqudiuraetdeadpepglirceaet-isoenekfiongrmsatunddenats$1m5u.s00t 1. GNreawdugartaeduAatdemisstsuidoenntss Amppulsitcastuibomnitantdheare$q2u5i.r0eCc application fee to the Office of Admissions, 229 application fee for domestic students or $50.0C Administration Building. Telephone 901-678-2111 for application fee for international students tc Graduate Admissions, 216 Administration Building information regarding admission or apply online at www.embark.com Telephone 901-678-2911 for information or appl} . online atwww.embark.com . 2. Applicants should submit all documents required to complete their admission file. Notification of 2. For full admission, submit official transcripts to the acceptance and information about orientation, GraduateAdmissions Office. advising, and registration opportunities will be sent to READMISSION each accepted student. 1 Former graduate students who were not enrolled a 3. If additional placement testing (COMPASS) is TshubemiUtnivaersrietaydmofisMseiomnphiapspliincaStpiroinngto20G0r2admuuatse required, students should contact the Office of Transitional Academic Studies at 901-678-2028 Admissions, 216 Administration Building, 901-678 before meeting with an advisor. See "Schedule of 2911. Special Examinations"fordates. NOTE: It may be possible for graduate student: READMISSION to complete readmission by telephone. Call 901 1. Former undergraduate students who were not 678-2911 forinformation. enrolled at The University of Memphis in Spring 2002 must submit a readmission application to the 2. Applicants should submit any required documents t< Office ofAdmissions, 229 Administration Building, 901- complete their readmission file and be notified of thei 678-2111. Students who have attended another acceptance before attempting to register. Students iMnestmiptuhtiiosnmsuisntcesublmasitt aennrooflfliecdialattraTnhsecriUpntivferrosmiteyacohf wenhroollehdavaet ThateteUnnidveedrsiatnyootfheMremipnhstiistutmiuonstssiunbcmeitlaasr institution priorto readmission. official transcript from each institution prior t< readmission. NOTE: It may be possible for undergraduate GRADUATE NON-DEGREE STUDENTS students to complete readmission by telephone. Call 901-678-5775forinformation. There are limitations on the amount of coursework takei as a non-degree student that may be used toward ; 2. Applicants should submit any required documents to degree program. Students must sign a Graduate Non completetheir readmission file and be notified oftheir Degree Agreement before registering for more than on< acceptance before attempting to register. semester of non-degree course work. For additions 3. After acceptance, applicants will be notified of their information, contact Graduate Admissions, 21t registration opportunities. Administration, 901-678-2911. Summer2002 The University of Memphi STEP ADVISING 2: NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to obtain initial advising and to follow the prescribed degree program sheet given at that advising session. Any studentwho needs ordesires additional or updated advice should meetwith his/heradvisorwell in advance ofthe registration dates. Ifthe advisor is unavailable, the studentshould contactthe departmental office. Ifprogram changesoccur that could result in alterations in degree requirements, student registration clearance flags will be reset to disallow student registrationwithoutseeing an advisor. REGISTRATION CLEARANCE registerfor selected upperdivision courses leading to teacher licensure. Students who are inappropriately registered forTEP Most degree-seeking students must obtain registration upperdivision courseswill beadministrativelydropped. clearance from an advisor to register. Students should contactthe appropriate advising area to setup an appointment Undergraduate students assignedtothefollowing departments well in advance of their assigned day for registration. While who are in good standing will automatically be cleared for non-degree-seeking students are not required to have registration. Any student who needs or desires additional or registration clearance, those considering future degree- updated advice should meetwith his/herfaculty mentorwell in seeking status are encouraged to seek advising either in the advanceofthe registration dates. college of the intended major or the Academic Counseling ConsumerScience and Education (901-678-2301) Unit. Human MovementSciences& Education (901-678-2324) The following students must receive registration clearance Instruction and Curriculum Leadership (901-678-5771) from an advisor: (1)firsttimefreshmen and transferstudents, An Undergraduate Advising Center is available in the (2) students on academic probation, (3) students receiving Instruction and Curriculum Leadership Department. veterans' benefits, (4) students who have not enrolled in required Transitional Academic Studies courses, and (5) University College - Students must receive registration participants in varsitysports. clearancefrom the UniversityCollegeOffice, G-1 Johnson Hall UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTADVISING (901-678-2716) if they: do not have an approved baccalaureate contract; have not attended a University ACADEMIC COUNSELING UNIT College new student workshop; or are new, continuing, or 107ScatesHall(901-678-2062) transfer students who have not had an initial advising appointment. The Academic Counseling Unit (ACU) advises all undergraduate students who are undecided about their major, GRADUATE STUuENT ADVISING pre-Nursing, and/or required to take Transitional Academic Studies (TRAC) coursework. (Exceptions: Art majors Graduate degree-seeking students should contact the contact the Art Department, 201 Jones Hall; Music majors department of their major for registration clearance and contact the Music Department, 123 Music Building; and advising information. Theatre majors contact the Theatre Department, 143 Theatre CommunicationArts Building.) Graduate students in good standing assigned to thefollowing departmentswill beclearedforregistration: STUDENTSWITH DECLARED MAJORS ConsumerScience & Education (901-678-2301) Human MovementSciences & Education (901-678-2324) College ofArts and Sciences - Students should contacttheir Instruction& Curriculum Leadership (901-678-2365) advisor in the department of their major for registration Leadership(901-678-2368) clearance. A listofAdvising Coordinators is availableonline at Counseling, Educational Psychology& Research thefollowing url: (901-678-2841) cas.memphis.edu/advisors.html Students who have transferred to The University of Memphis Students who desire/need specific advice should contact their are encouraged to seethe CollegeAdvisorin 209 Mitchell Hall advisororthedepartmentofficeforan appointment. priorto registering. Graduate non-degree students may register without Fogelman College of Business and Economics - In order advisorclearance. Studentswith questions related to course to register for classes, undergraduate students must receive prerequisites are encouraged to contact the college in which clearance from the Business and Economics Undergraduate courseswill betaken. Advising Center either by calling (901) 678-2855 to set an JACKSON CENTERADVISING appointment with an advisor or by visiting the website at www.fcbe.org . Jackson Center students should contact The University of College ofCommunication and FineArts and Memphis Office on the Jackson State Community College HerffCollegeofEngineering and campus at 731-427-4725 or 901-678-5087 (local Memphis Loewenberg School of Nursing - Students must receive call)forregistration clearance information. registrationclearancefrom theirdepartmental advisor. DEGREE AUDIT College of Education - All students assigned to Advisory Students may access "Degree Audit" on TIGERWEB at AwtSdeoevarricvkishicoenerrgslihni(oc2upe0rne2ssrusBfraooelnrlwroHheragolilbs)iytsrmapnutohsitootnnfucelcollny(et9aaa0rdc1amt-ni6ctt7eht.8ee-dCA2otn7lo2yl8te)shgteeduTudoreEfinPnEtgdmusrceaeeaygktuiinlnooagntr wcdwoewmg.prlteeeitaieendrawesabtnu.ddmeenmtthp'ohssisesp.eecstidifluliedrtoemqaujgioerrte.daforlistanofuntdheergrcaoduurastees Summer2002 The Universityof Memphis .. STEP STUDENT FINANCIAL AID 3: Financial Aid forthe Summer Semester review. If you need to make any changes, sign and return it as soon as possible. Your A. Current Aid Applicants. You should have awards will then befinalized. already completed the 2001-2002 FAFSA (Free 2. If your award includes a Direct Loan, you Application for Federal Student Aid) or the may be contacted about signing a promissory Renewal 2001-2002 FAFSA either by paper note. Federal regulations require that the application or through the web at loan be divided into two disbursements. www.fafsa.ed.gov. Once you sign the note, the first half of the 1 Registerfor at least half-time credit hours: loan will be disbursed at the beginning of the • Undergraduate students register for a term and the second half at the middle ofthe minimum of six (6) undergraduate credit term. hours. NOTE: If you have already completed a • Graduate students register for a minimum Direct Master Promissory Note (MPN), you offive (5) graduate credit hours. do not need to complete a new MPN. You • Law students register for a minimum of will be notified if you need to complete a new MPN. three (3) law credit hours. 2. If you know the amount of Direct Loan you 3. Federal regulations require that the first loan would like to borrow, or if your parents are disbursement to first-time freshmen be held interested in a Parent Loan (PLUS), complete for30 days. the Summer 2002 Update Form in this 4. When financial aid is disbursed, university section ofthe Class Schedule. charges are deducted before any remaining 3. All 2001-2002 awards are subject to a review balance is given to you. Refer to the Fee of your academic record at the end of the Payment section of this Schedule for summer semester. information of the disbursement of financial aid. B. NewApplicants for 2001-2002. 1 You must be ACCEPTED or currently enrolled D. Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students in a degree-program, and if seeking a second applying for or receiving financial aid must meet bachelor's degree, have declared a major. If the academic standards in order to establish or you are in a conditional, special admission, or retain their eligibility. Refer to the undergraduate non-degree status, you are not eligible for bulletin or to the financial aid website at - financial aid. http://www.enrollment.memphis.edu/financialaid/. 2. Complete the 2001-2002 Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) and E. Receipt ofAid from OtherSources mail in the envelope provided. Be sure to list In determining a student's eligibility for the need- The University of Memphis (Title IV code based financial aid programs, all other aid 003509) in Step 6 ofthe FAFSA. received by the student is counted as a resource 3. When your FAFSA is processed, a Student and subtracted from the student's budget. This Aid Report (SAR) will be sent to you. includes external and institutional scholarships, Immediately review the SAR for accuracy. If undergraduate and graduate fee waivers, corrections are required, make them on part Vocational Rehabilitation, and Veterans' 2 and submit the corrected SAR to the Educational Benefits. Excluded are short-term address listed on the SAR. You may be loans and non-Federal Work-Studyemployment. required to submit additional documents before an award can be made. CLASS ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED 4. If you know the amount of Direct Loan you would like to borrow, or if your parents are Faculty will report all students who do not interested in a Parent Loan (PLUS), complete begin or who stop attending classes. Students the Summer 2002 Update Form in this who receive federal/state financial aid may section ofthe Class Schedule. have awards reduced or cancelled. This can potentially result in a student's owing significant C. Awarding and Disbursing financial fees to the university. 1. When all required documents have been received, you will receive a Financial Aid Notification (Award Letter) which you should Summer2002 The Universityof Memphis STEP STUDENT FINANCIAL AID 3: RETURN OF FUNDS - EARNING YOUR FINANCIAL AID The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 established the concept thatfinancial aid must be earned though class attendance. A student has not earned 100% ofhis/herfinancial aid until he/she has attended at least 60% ofthe term. Ifa financial aid recipient totallywithdraws on or before the 60% point ofthe term, there is a portion ofthe aid that has not been earned. The unearned portion ofthe aid is equal to the percentage ofthe term remaining at the point ofwithdrawal and must be returned to the Department of Education. The unearned portion is repaid by both the student and the school based on a federal formula. The school can use any refund generated by the withdrawal to paythe portion it owes back. Students who withdraw through the 60% point of the term will receive a letter indicating how much they are responsible for repaying to the federal financial aid programs. The following example illustrates the Return ofFunds: The student withdraws on the tenth day of a term that is 100 days long. He/she has received $2,000 in federal grants which paid his/herfees of $1,500 and gave the student a balancecheck of $500. CALCULATING THE UNEARNED FINANCIAL AID: Length ofTerm = 100 days Days Not Attending = 90 (100 - 10) Total Financial Aid = $2,000 Total Fees = $1,500 Percent ofAid Unearned = 90 (90 - 100) Total Unearned Aid: = $1,800 ($2,000 x 90%) CALCULATING THE REPAYMENTS: Each student's balance is calculated based on the date ofwithdrawal, the amount offinancial aid received, and whetherthe programs offinancial aid received include grants or loans. Ifa student must totallywithdraw, it is bestto attend class through 60% ofthe term to avoid anyfinancial penalty. A balance is calculated based on the adjusted fees and reduced grants. The student is given a pro rata adjustment ofthefees (referto "Refund of Enrollment Fees" in this Schedule ofClasses): Adjusted fees = $150 [$1,500 - $1,350 ($1,500 x 90%)] Adjusted grant = $200 ($2,000 original grant - $1,800 unearned grant) The student is due a $50 refund from the University based on the difference between the adjusted fees ($150) and the adjusted grant ($200). The University must repay the lesser ofthe total unearned financial aid, orthe total fees multiplied bythe percent ofaid unearned. Since total fees ($1,500) are less than total aid ($2,000), the amount to be repaid is based on the total fees. Total financial aid to be repaid by the University = $1,350 [$1,500 (fees) x 90%] The student must repay the portion ofthe unearned aid not repaid bythe University. Federal regulations allow unearned grant to be reduced by half. Student's portion ofunearned grant = $450 ($1,800 unearned - $1,350 repaid bythe University). Grantto be repaid by student = $225 ($450 x 50%) The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 specifythe following order in which any unearned amounts are to be returned to Title IVfinancial aid programs: Federal Direct Loan Programs (unsubsidized then subsidized); Federal Perkins Loan Program; Federal Direct PLUS loans; Federal Pell Grant Program; Federal SEOG Program; any other programs funded byTitle IV including the Tennessee Student Assistance Program; otherfederal, state, private or institutional aid programs. Any amount remaining after the applicable programs have been fully repaid is returned to the student. Summer 2002 5 The UniversityofMemphis . STUDENT AID OFFICE 312 SCATES HALL MEMPHIS, TN 38152 U SUMMER 2002 financialaid update form (SUM) G ( PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM BY APRIL 1, 2002 FOR PRIORITY AWARD CONSIDERATION ) |_ A Name(PleasePrint) SSN LocalPhone P N Permanent Address City,State,Zip 1 I will enroll (I am enrolled) for # undergraduate hours #_ graduate hours # law hours I I will be in a Study-Abroad program in (country) and I will leave (date). Iwill receiveaGraduateAssistantshipfrom (department). _ Yes No NOTE: Toclaimfinancialaiddisbursement,astudentmustregisterandpaybythefeepaymentdeadlineforsummersession (Pre, 1st,2nd,Fullorcombined) andbeenrolledforaminimumof: 6 undergraduate credithours or 5 graduate credithours or 3 lawcredithours NOT Financial assistance will be awarded ifyou enroll after June 30, 2002 Checkthetype(s)ofaidforwhichyou areapplying: RemainingFederal I I Federal Work-Study ~IFederal Subsidized "I FederalUnsubsidized tPje^.l1l1nG*r-ann-~ttr(.icf-y.,o™-u.da:iad I^""^I /(»p»a,>r»t+-+t;i.^m.e^j;o~bu)\ ' ' tDai;r^e^c^t+tLo~~a~n. DirectLoan notreceiveafull-timeaward (refertochart) (referto chart) & Fall2001 Spring2002) MAXIMUMDIRECTLOANLIMITS NOTE: The amountyou borrowed Fall 2001 and Spring 2002 FOR THE WHOLEAWARD YEAR determines your Summer 2002 loan eligibility. (subsidizedandunsubsidizedcombined) DEPENDENT INDEPENDENT 1styearundergraduate(Freshman) $ 2,625 $ 6,625 2ndyearundergraduate(Sophomore) $ 3,500 $ 7,500 & 3rd 4thyearundergraduate(Junior, Senior) $ 5,500 $10,500 5thyearundergraduate(withdegree) $ 5,500 $10,500 Graduate/Professional/Law N/A $18,500 I requestaloan in the amountof$ forSummer2002. I willacceptallorpartofmy loan as unsubsidized funds, ifnecessary, in orderto receive the amount requested. I I YES I I NO i 1 AllfinancialaiddisbursementsforFederalPellGrantandstudent/parentloansaremadebytheBursar'sOffice. AllFederalDirectandFederalPLUS loansaresplitintotwodisbursements,perfederalregulations. IMPORTANTNOTE: Theseconddisbursementisnotavailableuntilmid-July,evenifyouarenotattendingthesecondsummersession. Forinformationregardingfeepaymentprocedures,contacttheBursar'sOfficeat(901)678-5579. PARENT LOAN - dependentstudents only - anapplicationwillbesenttotheparentlistedbelow Name ofBorrower (PARENT) Address City, State, Zip . GENERALINFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS / 1 Only students classifiedbytheAdmissions Office as degree-seekingundergraduates with remainingPell entitlement for2001-2002 are eligible forthe Federal Pell Grant for Summer 2002. The 2002-2003 StudentAid Report cannot be used for Summer 2002, at this institution. NOTE: Generally, unclassified students are not eligible to receive any financial assistance. 2. Undergraduate studentswithremainingPell entitlementmustenroll foraminimumof6credit hours and register for the summer term (Pre, 1st, 2nd, Full, or combined) by June 30, 2002 in order to receive their award disbursement. No money will be awardedfor enrollment after June 30, 2002. 3. Students awarded Federal Work-Studymust enroll for a minimum of6 undergraduate credit hours or 5 graduate credit hours and will be paid every two weeks. , , Federal Work-Study awards cannot be used to pay registration / tuition fees. Job placement is contingent upon job availability. 4. Students applying for a Federal Direct Loan and/or Federal Work-Study, who have the 2001-2002 FreeApplicationforFederal StudentAid (FAFSA) application results and all supporting documents on file with the Student Financial Aid Office should submit this Summer 2002 FinancialAid Update Form AND enroll by June 30, 2002. 5. New students who have not completed the 2001-2002 FreeApplicationfor Federal StudentAid must have the FAFSA submitted in enough time for the federal processor to receive it by AND June 30, 2002 enroll byJune 30, 2002 in order to receive summer aid at The University ofMemphis. CERTIFICATIONSTATEMENT I have read this Summer 2002 FinancialAid Update Form and understand the federal regulationregarding the two disbursements ofloan funds. I will make plans for my Summer 2002 expenses accordingly Student's signature Date ATennesseeBoardofRegentsInstitution An Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction University STEP REGISTRATION 4: SUMMER 2002 REGULAR REGISTRATION - See Semester Calendar (inside front cover) REGISTER EARLY FOR BEST COURSE SELECTION. STRIPES: Monday - Saturday 7:30am - 7:30pm Sunday CLOSED | WEB: Extended hours may be available. Check www.enrollment.memphis.edu/registrar/webhours.htm STRIPES TIGERWEB Call (901) 321-7000 to register. www.tigerweb.memphis.edu Summer 2002 Term Code = 022 Registration Reminders Initial registration date is based on classification (cumulative hours including current semester). Most degree-seeking students are required to see an advisor priorto registering. Check TIGERWEB or STRIPES to be sure that holds are cleared before attempting to register. Registerearlyfor best course selection. After registration, review your schedule for accuracy and keep a copy. NOTICE TO STUDENTS ON PROBATION Regardless ofcurrent academic status, students will be allowed to register. However, students whose final grades for any term result in an academic suspension will be automaticallywithdrawn from the University before the nextterm's classes begin. Financial aid eligibility may be affected. See Academic Policies & Procedures section fordetailed information. Students using PC-191 or State ofTennessee Employee fee waiver REGISTER BEGINNING May4. Graduate and Post Baccalaureate Students (105/151) Graduate students may register beginning April 8. Undergraduate Students Currently enrolled or readmitted undergraduate students may register beginning the date indicated below. SENIOR (SR) 85+ hours SOPHOMORE (SO) 25 - 54 hours Last Name Registration Begins Last Name Registration Begins | A-Z Tuesday April A-Z Monday April 15 JUNIOR (JR) 55 -84 hours FRESHMAN (FR) -24 hours and Non-Degree (SPU) Last Name Registration Begins Last Name Registration Begins I A-Z Thursday April 11 A-Z Wednesday April 17 \ SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS Schedule adjustments may be made at anytime after initial registration through the deadlines indicated for drop/add on the Semester Calendar. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT You accept both fee and grade liability at the time ofregistration. Ifyou decide not to attend, you must cance your registration by dropping all your classes on TIGERWEB (www.tigerweb.memphis.edu) or STRIPES (901- 321-7000) prior to the first day ofclasses for the session to avoid owing significant enrollment fees. You wil receive "F" grades if you do not attend and do not cancel your registration or withdraw from classes by the appropriate deadline. Summer 2002 The Universityof Memphis

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