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The two Babylons, or, The papal worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife : with sixty-one woodcut illustrations from Nineveh, Babylon, Egypt, Pompeii, &c PDF

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Preview The two Babylons, or, The papal worship proved to be the worship of Nimrod and his wife : with sixty-one woodcut illustrations from Nineveh, Babylon, Egypt, Pompeii, &c

\ STUDIA IN THE LIBRARY of VICTORIA UNIVERSITY Toronto THE TWO BABYLONS OR THE PAPAL WORSHIP PROVED TO BE THE WORSHIP OF NIMROD AND HIS WIFE TKHttb SftB*one IHaoo&cut ^lustrations from NINEVEH, MBYLON, EGYPT, POftPEH, BY THE LATE REV. ALEXANDER HISLOP OF EAST FREE CHURCH, ARBROATH popular Edition LONDON S. W. PARTRIDGE & CO. 8 & 9 PATERNOSTER ROW 1903 i4-5 4-9ZI9 19-&-32- TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LOED JOHN SCOTT, AS A TESTIMONY OF RESPECT FOR HIS TALENTS, AND THE DEEP AND ENLIGHTENED INTEREST TAKEN BY HIM IN THE SUBJECT OF PRIMEVAL ANTIQUITY ; AS WELL AS AN EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE FOR MANY MARKS OF COURTESY AND KINDNESS RECEIVED AT HIS HANDS ; IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY HIS OBLIGED AND FAITHFUL SERVANT, THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. ...... NOTB BY THE E.DITOK,... .. .. .. .. .. .. vii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION, viii PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION, . . . . . . xi INTRODUCTION, 1 ... CHAPTER I. .4 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTER OF THE Two SYSTEMS, CHAPTER ...II.. OBJECTS OF WORSHIP. SectionI. TrinityinUnity, 12 II. TheMotherand Child, andthe Original ofthe Child, . .. 2119 Sub-Section i. The ChildinAssyria, . . . .40 IT. The ChildinEgypt, . . . .46 ,, in. TheChild inGreece, . . . .55 iv. TheDeathofthe Child, . . .58 v. The Deification ofthe Child, . . .74 III. The Motherofthe Child, . . CHAPTER III. ........... FESTIVALS. .91 Section I. Christmas and Lady-day, ... II. Easter, 103 III. The NativityofSt. John, .113 IV. TheFeastoftheAssumption, . . . .125 CHAPTER IV. ... DOCTRINE A.ND D.ISCIP.LINE. .129 Section I. BaptismalRegeneration, .144 II. Justificationby Works, III. The Sacrificeofthe Mass, . . 156 IV. ExtremeUnction, . .165 ,, V. Purgatoryand Prayersfor the Dead, . . .167 vi CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. RITES AND CEREMONIES. PAK .171 Section I. IdolProcessions, . . . . . II. RelicWorship, . . 176 III. The Clothing andCrowning ofImages, . . 181 IV. TheRosaryandtheWorshipoftheSacred Heart, . . 187 V. Lampsand Wax-Candles, . . . . . .191 VI. TheSignoftheCross, . 197 CHAPTER VI. ...... RELIGIOUS ORDERS. Section I. TheSovereign Pontiff, 206 II. Priests, Monks, andNuns, . . 219 CHAPTER VII. ... THE Two DEVELOPMENTS HISTORICALLY AND PROPHETICALLY CONSIDERED. Section I. TheGreat Red Dragon. . 225 II. The BeastfromtheSea, . .... 242 III. The BeastfromtheEarth, . . 256 ,, IV. The Image ofthe Beast, . . ... 263 V. TheNameofthe Beast, the Numberof hisName theInvisible ...... Head of the Papacy, . 269 ... .... CONCLUSION, 282 . ... APPENDIX, 291 INDEX, . . . . 325 NOTE BY THE EDITOK. HAD the lamented Author been spared to superintend the issue of the Fourth Edition of his work, it is probable he would have felt himself called upon to say something in reference to the political and ecclesiastical events that have occurred since the publication of the last Edition. By the authoritative promulgation of the dogma of the Popes Infallibility, his argument as to thetime of the slaying of the Witnesses, and his identification of the Roman pontiff as the legitimate successor of Belshazzar have been abundantly confirmed. It is gratifying to the Authors friends to know that the work has been so favourably received hitherto, and that no one, so far as we are aware, has ventured to challenge the accuracy of the historical proofs adduced in support of the startling announcement on the title page. But it is deplorable to think that, notwithstanding all the revelations made from time to time of the true character and origin of Popery, Ritualism still makes progress in the Churches, and that men of the highest influence in the State are so infatuated as to seek to strengthen their political position by giving countenance to a system of idolatry. If Britons would preserve their FREEDOM and their pre-eminence among the nations, they should never forget the Divine declaration, "Them that honour ME I will honour, and they that despise ME shall be lightly esteemed." It only remains for the Editor to say that the work has been carefully revised throughout, and a few trifling errors in the refer ences have, in consequence, been corrected. One or two notes also, enclosed in brackets, have been added, and the Index has been some what extended. R. H. BLAIR BANK, POLMONT STATION, N.B., January 1871. , vii PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. SINCE the appearing of the First Edition of this work, the Author has extensively prosecuted his researches into the same subject; and the result has been a very large addition of new evidence. Somewhat of the additional evidence has already been given to the public, first through the columns of the British Messenger, and then in the publication entitled "The Moral Identity of Babylon and Home," issued by Mr. Drummond of Stirling. In the present edition of " The Two Babylons," the substance of that work is also included. But the whole has now been re-written, and the mass of new matter that has been added is so much greater than all that had previously appeared, that this may fairly be regarded as an entirely new work. The argument appears now with a com pleteness which*, consid*ering th*e obscur*ity in w*hich the subject had long been wrapped, the Author himself, only a short while ago, could not have ventured to anticipate as a thing capable of attain ment. On the principle of giving honour to whom honour is due, the author gladly acknowledges, as he has done before, his obligations to the late H. J. Jones, Esq. to whose researches Protestantism is not a little indebted who was the first that directed his attention to this field of inquiry. That able, and excellent, and distinguished writer, however, was called to his rest before his views were matured. His facts, in important instances, were incorrect; and the conclu sions at which he ultimately arrived were, in very vital respects, directly the reverse of those that are unfolded in these pages. Those who have read, in the Quarterly Journal of Prophecy, his speculations in regard to the Beast from the Sea, will, it is believed, readily perceive that, in regard to it, as well as other subjects, his argument is fairly set aside by the evidence here adduced. In regard to the subject of the work, there are just two remarks viii

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