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TheTurks in Egypt and Their Cultural Legacy Turks Egypt in The and Their Cultural Legacy An Analytical Study of the Turkish Printed Patrimony in Egypt from the Time of Muhammad ‘Ali with Annotated Bibliographies Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu Translated by Humphrey Davies The American University in Cairo Press Cairo New York First published in 2012 by The American University in Cairo Press 113 Sharia Kasr el Aini, Cairo, Egypt 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018 www.aucpress.com Copyright © 2012 Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu From the Arabic translation by Salih Sadawi, al-Atrak fi-Misr wa-turathuhum al-thaqafi: dirasa tahliliya wa-thabt bibliyughrafi li-irthihim al-matbu‘ mundhu Muhammad ‘Ali (Istanbul: IRCICA, 2006) Published with the generous support of the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Dar el Kutub No. 2371/10 ISBN 978 977 416 397 5 Dar el Kutub Cataloging-in-Publication Data İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin The Turks in Egypt and Their Cultural Legacy / Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu; Translated by Humphrey Davies. —Cairo: The American University in Cairo Press, 2012 p. cm. ISBN 978 977 416 397 5 1. Turkish People I. Davies, Humphrey (Trans.) 305.89430962 1 2 3 4 5 16 15 14 13 12 Designed by Adam el-Sehemy Printed in Egypt To my dear father, from whom I imbibed a love of knowledge and books, and to all those who supported me on this journey Contents Author’s Acknowledgments for the English Edition xi Foreword to the English Edition by Nelly Hanna xiii Foreword by Halit Eren xv Translator’s Note xix About This Book xxi Introduction 1 Abbreviations Used in This Book 11 PART ONE The Turks and Their Culture in Egypt since the Nineteenth Century 19 1. The Number of Turks in Egypt and Their Status within Egyptian Society 21 2. The Turkish Language and Ottoman Culture at the Palace and among the Aristocracy 39 Poetesses and Women Writers Raised in the Palace and Its Environs 63 3. Turks in the Egyptian Administration and the Turkish Language as a Language of Administration 81 4. Turks and the Turkish Language in the Egyptian Army 99 Military Literature in Turkish in Egypt 102 vii 5. The Teaching of the Turkish Language and Ottoman Culture in Egyptian Schools 113 Initial Turkish Teaching Activities 113 The Reigns of ‘Abbas Pasha I and Sa‘id Pasha 118 The Reign of Khedive Isma‘il 120 The Teaching of Turkish in Sudan 123 The Decline and Eventual Disappearance of Turkish Teaching in Schools 124 Turkish Textbooks Set in Egyptian Schools 129 6. The Teaching of Persian Language and Literature in Egypt 143 Books and Dictionaries Used for the Teaching of Persian 143 Books Translated from Persian into Turkish 145 Persian Books Printed in Egypt 146 7. The Place of Turkish in Egypt’s Translation Program 149 How Translation Was Carried Out in Egypt 152 Who Made Translations into Turkish in Egypt? 155 The Shift to Institutions 157 Translations from Oriental Languages 160 Translations from Occidental Languages 165 8. An Overview of Turkish Books Printed in Egypt 175 The Bulaq Press and Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha 176 Books Printed in Egypt during the Reign of Sultan Abdülhamîd II 183 Religious Books 183 Collections of Poetry and Works of Literature 193 Books of History, Biography, and Geography 203 Turkish Books on the Modern Sciences 211 The Young Turks and the Publications of the Political Opposition 219 Overview of Turkish Books Printed in the Twentieth Century 233 9. The Turkish Press in Egypt 243 Stage One: Vekâyi-i Mısriye and Mısır 245 Stage Two: Young Turk Newspapers and Magazines 253 viii Contents Stage Three: Prisoner-of-War Newspapers from the First World War 276 Stage Four: Two Newspapers Produced after the Declaration of the Republic (Müsâvât and Muhâdenet) 287 Stage Five: The Second World War and Cephe (Vanguard) Magazine 294 10. Books Translated from Turkish into Arabic and Printed in Egypt 297 PART TWO Printing in Egypt and Works of Turkish Culture Printed There 315 11. The Beginning of Printing in Egypt 317 The First Turkish Printed Books 317 The Role of Printing in Muhammad ‘Ali’s Modernization Campaign 320 12. The Bulaq Press and the Turkish Books Printed There 323 The Founding of the Bulaq Press 323 The Printing of Turkish Books at the Bulaq Press 326 Typesetters and Proofreaders 326 Printing Books for Private Concessionaires (multazims) 330 The Typefaces Used 332 The Interplay of Influence between Printing in Istanbul and at Bulaq 336 The Sale of Bulaq Press Books in Ottoman Turkey 338 The First Book Printed at the Bulaq Press: The Vesâyâname-i seferiye (The Advices Related to War) 339 13. Presses Other Than the Bulaq Press Printing Turkish Books in Egypt 345 Matba‘at Diwan al-Jihadiya (The War Office Press) 346 Matba‘at Diwan al-Madaris al-Mulkiya (The Civil Schools Office Press) 347 Matba‘at Wadi al-Nil (The Nile Valley Press) 347 Contents ix

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