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The toroidal momentum pinch velocity A.G. Peeters, C. Angioni, D. Strintzi Max Planck Institut fuer Plasmaphysik, EURATOM association, Boltzmannstrasse 2 85748 Garching, Germany 7 In this letter a pinch velocity of toroidal momentum is shown to exist for the first time. Using 0 the gyro-kinetic equations in the frame moving with the equilibrium toroidal velocity, it is shown 0 that the physics effect can be elegantly formulated through the “Coriolis” drift. A fluid model is 2 usedtohighlightthemaincouplingmechanismsbetweenthedensityandtemperatureperturbations n on the one hand and the perturbed parallel flow on the other. Gyro-kinetic calculations are used a to accurately asses the magnitude of the pinch. The pinch velocity leads to a radial gradient of J the toroidal velocity profile even in the absence of a torque on the plasma. It is shown to be 2 sizeable in the plasmas of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) leading 1 toamoderately peakedrotation profile. Finally,thepinchalso affectstheinterpretation of current experiments. ] h PACSnumbers: 52.25.Fi,52.25.Xz,52.30.Gz,52.35.Qz,52.55.Fa p - m In a tokamak the total toroidal angular momentum rotation), µ the magnetic moment, m (e) the particle as is a conserved quantity in the absence of an external mass (charge), and u∗0 = u0+vkb. For the background l source. Transport phenomena determine the rotation velocity (u0) we assume a constant rigid body toroidal p profile which is of interest because a radial gradient in rotationwithangularfrequencyΩ(thisisanequilibrium . s the toroidal rotation is connected with an ExB shearing solution see, for instance, Refs. [26, 27, 28]) c that can stabilise micro-instabilities [1, 2, 3] and, hence, si improveconfinement. Furthermore,atoroidalrotationof u0 =Ω×X=R2Ω∇ϕ, (3) y sufficientmagnitudecanstabilisethe resistivewallmode h where ϕ is the toroidal angle. We briefly outline the [4,5,6]. Inpresentdayexperimentsthe rotationisoften p derivation of the final equations here. More details can [ dsuelttesrmfroinmedthbeyntheeuttroarlobideaalmtohrqeauteinogn.tShuecphlaasmtoarqthuaetwriel-l be found in [29]. The backgroundvelocity u0 will be as- 1 sumed smaller than the thermal velocity, and only the belargelyabsentinareactoranditisgenerallyassumed v thattherotation,andhenceitspositiveinfluence,willbe terms linear in u0 will be retained. This eliminates the 7 centrifugalforces but retains the Coriolis force. Further- 4 small. The novel pinch velocity described in this letter, more the low beta approximation is used for the equi- 1 however, may generate a sizeable toroidal velocity gra- librium magnetic field (i.e. b·∇b ≈ ∇ B/B where ⊥ 1 dient in the confinement region even in the absence of a ⊥ 0 torque. indicates the component perpendicular to the magnetic 7 field). With these assumptions We will focus onthe IonTemperature Gradient(ITG) 0 mode, which is expected to be the dominant instability cs/ governingthe ion heat channel in a reactor plasma. The u∗0·∇u∗0 ≈vk2∇B⊥B +2vkΩ×b. (4) equations are formulated using the gyro-kinetic frame- i s work [7, 8, 9, 10], which has been proven success- Using the definition of B∗ (see Ref. [26]) and expanding y ful in explaining many observed transport phenomena up to first order in the normalised Larmor radius ρ∗ = h p [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. Because ρ/R, where R is the major radius, one obtains : of the rotation, the background electric field cannot be Xiv othrdeedreerdivsamtiaolnl [i2s3a,s2e4t,o2f5e,q2u6a],tiaonndsftohretshtearttiminegepvooilnuttifoonr B∗ =B+ ωB∇×u∗0 =B(cid:20)b+ 2ωΩ + ωvk B×B2∇B(cid:21) (5) c c c oftheguidingcentreXandtheparallel(tothemagnetic r a field) velocity component (vk) in the co-moving system and Bk∗ = b·B∗ = B(1+2Ωk/ωc) (ωc = eB/m is the (with background velocity u0) obtained from Ref. [26] gyro-frequency). Expandingnowtheequationsofmotion dX b retaining only terms up to first order in ρ∗ yields =v b+ ×(e∇φ+µ∇B+mu∗·∇u∗), (1) dt k eBk∗ 0 0 dX =v b+b×∇φ+vk2+v⊥2/2B×∇B+2vkΩ (6) dt k B ω B2 ω ⊥ dv B∗ c c k =− ·(e∇φ+µ∇B+mu∗·∇u∗). (2) dt mB∗ 0 0 Thetermsinthisequationarefromlefttoright,thepar- k allelmotion(v b),theExBvelocityv ,thecombination k E Here b = B/B is the unit vector in the direction of the ofcurvatureandgrad-Bdriftv , andanadditionalterm d magnetic field (B), φ is the perturbed gyro-averagedpo- proportional to Ω . An interpretation of this term can ⊥ tential (i.e. the part not connected with the background be found if one uses the standard expression for a drift 2 velocity (v ) due to a force (F) perpendicular to the where F is the Maxwell distribution. Note that trans- D M magnetic field v =F×B/eB2. Substituting the Cori- lation symmetry in the z-direction is assumed, eliminat- D olis force F =2mv×Ω, and taking for the velocity (v) ing the parallel dynamics. Building moments of these c the lowest order (parallel) velocity one obtains equations neglecting the heat fluxes (this a clear simpli- fication, see for instance [34, 35, 36, 37]), and taking the F ×B 2v v = c = kΩ (7) space and time dependence of the perturbed quantities dc eB2 ωc ⊥ as exp[ikθz−iωt], one arrivesat the following equations for the perturbed density (n) normalised to the back- The last term in Eq. (6) is therefore the Coriolis drift. ground density (n0), the perturbed parallel velocity (w) Expanding the terms in the equation for the parallel ve- normalisedwith the thermal velocity, and the perturbed locity to first order in ρ∗ one can derive iontemperature(T)normalisedwiththebackgroundion dv dX dX temperature (T0) k mv =−e ·∇φ−µ ·∇B (8) k dt dt dt R ωn+2(n+T)+4uw= −2 φ, (12) where dX/dt is given by Eq. (6). The derived equations (cid:20)LN (cid:21) are similar to the non-rotating system, with the differ- ence being the additional Coriolis drift. It follows that ωw+4w+2un+2uT =[u′−2u]φ, (13) thisCoriolisdriftappearsinacompletelysymmetricway compared with the curvature and grad-B drift. In this letter the approximation that assumes circular 4 14 8 R 4 ωT + n+ T + uw = − φ. (14) surfacesandsmallinverseaspectratio(ǫ)isused. Inthis 3 3 3 (cid:20)L 3(cid:21) T case the Coriolis drift adds to the curvature and grad-B drift Here R/LN ≡−R∇n0/n0, R/LT ≡−R∇T0/T0, the po- v2+2v RΩ+v2/2 tentialφis normalisedto T0/e,andthe frequency isnor- v +v ≈ k k ⊥ e , (9) malisedwiththedriftfrequencyωD =−kθT0/eBR. The d dc z ωcR Coriolisdrift(alltermsproportionaltou)introducesthe perturbed velocity in the equations for the perturbed where e is in the direction of the symmetry axis of the z density, and temperature. However, since u ≪ 1 the tokamak. The linear gyro-kinetic equation is solved us- influence of the Coriolis drift on the “pure” ITG (with ing the ballooning transform[30]. The equations,except u = 0) is relatively small. The Coriolis drift generates fromthe Coriolisdrift arestandardandcanbe foundin, a coupling between w and the density, temperature as forinstance,Ref.[31]. Inthefollowingu′ ≡−R∇RΩ/v th well as potential fluctuations. Note that for u = 0 the and u ≡ RΩ/v . Unless explicitly stated otherwise all th perturbed velocity is directly related to the gradient u′, quantitieswillbemadedimensionlessusingthemajorra- resulting in a purely diffusive flux. For finite rotation dius R, the thermalvelocity v ≡ 2T/m , and the ion th i (u6=0)the ITGwillgenerateaperturbedparallelveloc- mass mi. Densities will be normalipsed with the electron ity w, which is then transported by the perturbed ExB density. Thetoroidalmomentumfluxisapproximatedby velocity. Iftheperturbedtemperatureiskepttheexpres- the flux of parallel momentum (Γ ) which is sometimes φ sions for the momentum flux become rather lengthy and normalised with the total ion heat flow (Q ) i are, therefore, reported elsewhere [29]. Retaining only the coupling with the perturbed density and potential, 1 (Γφ,Qi)=(cid:28)vEZ d3v(cid:18)mvk,2mv2(cid:19)f(cid:29), (10) and assuming an adiabatic electron response (n = φ/τ with τ = Te/T0 being the electron to ion temperature ratio) one can derive wheref isthe(fluctuating)distributionfunctionandthe brackets denote the flux surface average. 1 2+2τ Before turning to the gyro-kinetic calculations, first Γ = k ρIm[φ†w]=χ u′− u , (15) φ θ φ 4 (cid:20) τ (cid:21) the implications of the Coriolis drift will be investigated using a simple fluid model (more extended models have with been published in Refs. [32, 33]). A (low field side) slab likegeometrywillbeassumedwithallplasmaparameters 1 γ 2 χ =− k ρ |φ| . (16) being a function of the x-coordinate only. The magnetic φ 4 θ (ω +4)2+γ2 R field is B = Be , ∇B = −B/Re , The model can be y x Here, the dagger denotes the complex conjugate, ω is build by taking moments of the gyro-kinetic equation in R (X,v ,v ) coordinates the real part of the frequency, and γ the growth rate k ⊥ of the mode. Note that χ is positive since ω (γ) are φ R ∂f +(v +v )·∇f =−v ·∇F −eFM(v +v )·∇φ, normalised to ωD = −kT0/eBR. The second term be- d dc E M d dc tween the square brackets of Eq. (15) represents an in- ∂t T (11) ward pinch of the toroidal velocity (the word pinch is 3 used here because the flux is proportional to u, unlike more negative, i.e. the pinch always enhances the abso- off-diagonal contributions that are due to pressure and lute value of the velocity gradientin agreementwith the temperature gradients [38, 39]) If one assume no torque, results from the fluid theory. Fig. 1 also shows that the i.e. Γ = 0 it can be seen that the pinch can lead to a pinch decreases with k ρ . It is noted here that also χ φ θ i φ sizeablegradientlengthR/L ≡R∇u/u=4(forτ =1). in becomes smaller for smaller k ρ [39]. u θ i Thepeakingisinroughlythesamerangeastheexpected 0 density peaking [40]. 0.5 −1 0.3 −2 0.3 0.28 Qi 0.26 γR / vth χV / φφ−3 Γ(R / 2 L) / φT−00..11′u012−−−1100....5050 −0.1 0kkθθu ρρii ==0 .001..25 R−−54 −0.3 −1 0.5 −6 −2 1.0 1.5 kθ ρi = 0.8 0 1 R2/LN, q, 3s3, 20ε, 6kθ4 ρi 5 6 −0.5 −0.1 0 u 0.1 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 u FIG. 2: RVφ/χφ as a function of various parameters: R/LN (x),3sˆ(+),q (o), and 20ǫ (diamonds), and 6kθρi (squares) FIG. 1: (R/2LT)Γφ/Qi as a function of u for three values of kθρi 0.5(o),0.2(squares),and0.8(diamonds). Thetopright Fig.2showsthenormalisedpinchvelocityRV /χ asa graphshowsthegrowth rateasafunctionofuandthedown φ φ function of various parameters. The magnetic shear and left graph the contour lines of (R/2LT)Γφ/Qi as a function ofuandu′,bothforkθρi =0.5. Inthelattergraphthethick the density gradient have a rather large impact. Note line denotes zero momentum flux, i.e. the stationary point that both due to sˆ, as well as due to q, R/LN and ǫ, the for zero torque pinch velocity is expected to be small in the inner core, but sizeable in the confinement region. Fig. 1 shows the parallel momentum flux as a func- The novel pinch velocity described in this letter has tion of the toroidalvelocityu obtained from linear gyro- several important consequences. It can explain a gradi- kinetic calculations using the LINART code [41] (in ent of the toroidal velocity in the confinement region of which unlike Eq. (11) the parallel dynamics is kept) the plasma without momentum input. A spin up of the for three different values of the poloidal wave vector plasmacolumnwithouttorquehasindeedbeenobserved (k ρ = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8). The parameters of each of [51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56]. Although a consistent descrip- θ i thegyro-kineticcalculationsinthisletterarethoseofthe tionorderingthedifferentobservationsisstilllacking,the Waltz standard case [42]: q = 2, magnetic shear sˆ= 1, calculations of this letter show that the pinch velocity is ǫ = 0.1, R/L = 3, R/L = 9, τ = 1, u = u′ = 0. expected to play an important role. This finite gradient N T In the presented scans one of these parameters is var- without torque is especially important for a tokamak re- ied while keeping the others fixed. Since the flux from actor in which the torque will be relatively small. From Fig. 1 is linear in the velocity, a constant pinch velocity thecalculationsshownabove,andfortypicalparameters exists in agreement with the fluid model. The influence in the confinement region of a reactor plasma, one ob- of the toroidal velocity on the growth rate is small. The tains a gradient length R/Lu = u′/u in the range 2-4 bottom left graph shows the contour lines of the flux as representing a moderate peaking of the toroidal velocity a function of u and u′. The fact that the contour lines profile similar to that of the density. Unfortunately, the are straight means that the momentum flux is a linear current calculation only yields the normalised toroidal combinationofthe diffusive part(∝χ u′)andthe pinch velocitygradient. Inordertodeterminethevelocitygra- φ velocity (V u) dientone wouldneed to know the edge rotationvelocity. φ This situation is similar to that of the ion temperature Γ =[χ u′+V u] (17) [50]. φ φ φ The existence of a pinch can resolve the discrepancy The diagonal part has been calculated previously using between the calculated χ and the experimentally ob- φ fluid [43, 44, 45, 46, 47] as well as gyro-kinetic theory tained effective diffusivity (χeff = Γφ/u′). The latter is [48,49]. Thepinchvelocityisnegative(inward)forposi- oftenfoundtodecreasewithincreasingminorradiusand tiveusuchthatitenhancesthegradient. Itchangessign tobesmallerthanthetheoreticalvalueofχ intheouter φ with u such that for negative velocities it will make u′ regionof the plasma [57, 58, 59]. The pinch indeed leeds 4 to a decrease of χeff Thecalculationsinthis lettershowthatthe secondterm inthebracketscanbeoftheorder-1,leadingtoχeff <χi. RV 1 φ χeff =χφ 1+ . (18) (cid:20) χ R/L (cid:21) φ u [1] R.E. Waltz et., Phys.Plasmas 1, 2229 (1994) [33] R.E. Waltz et al., Phys.Plasmas 4 2482 (1997) [2] T.S. Hahm,K.H. Burrell, Phys.Plasmas 2 1648 (1995) [34] W. Dorland et al., Phys. Fluids B 5, 812 (1993) [3] H. Biglary et al., Phys.Fluids B 2 1 (1990) [35] G.W.Hammettetal.,PlasmaPhysicsContr.Fusion35, [4] A. Bondeson et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 72, 2709 (1994). 973 (1993) [5] E.J. Strait et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 74, 2483 (1995). [36] M.A. Beer et al., Phys. Plasmas 3, 4046 (1996) [6] H. Reimerdes et al., Phys. 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