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(Srtisan JUNE, 1911 CONTENTS The Scoffer 1 The Message 2 From the Mountain Top 2 The Circuit of the Soul . 3 Dreams B. S. 5 Editorial Mirror 7 Children's Department 8 Social Science—NoRevenge, Sydney Hillyard 10 Temple Convention Notice 12 Temple Activities and Notices 12 Temple Home Association Notes 14 mysticism, SkIH Scieice Ml etlict PUBLISHED AT HALCYON, CALIFORNIA Price 10 Cents $1.00 Pet Year THE TEMPLE PRIMARILY, The Temple is a cosmic organic centre, the constituent parts of which are the units of collective humanity. Coincident with the original impulse, the first emanation from the Cen tral Spiritual Sun—the Universal Heart—came into manifestation, the Father-Mother-Son, the triangular corner stone of The Temple, upon which is rising, age by age, a geometrically perfect edifice. The cap stones to the pillars of the porch, and the outer walls are now being laid, preliminary to the work of the roof-builders—the humanity of the sixth great root-race. The place of each stone is determined by the law of selection, and the same law determines the different Degrees and Orders which lead to and from the great "Stone of Sacrifice which rests upon the pavement of the Central Square. The development of outer conditions, planes and personalities must keep pace with and correspond to the development of the interior man, or evolu tionary force would be diverted from its proper channels. When the Craftsman or Apprentice to any Degree has finished his titui of service, and has mastered all the details of the work, he is "recognized" by the Master Builder, and raised to a higher Degree, although he may never be conscious of the presence of that Master, until his apprenticeship is completed, and he in turn becomes a Master of h lower Degree. The organization of The Temple, the members of which belong by evolu tionary right to a certain Degree of Cosmic Life, which Degree is subdivided into seven Orders, is the continuation and expansion of the work of the Masters revivified in this country a quarter of a century ago by certain chelas or disciples. To the efforts of the Masters is due the impulse which has caused the great advance in Scientific, philosophical and social endeavor; for they are the guardians of Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge, in which lies the root of all progress; and the work of The Temple is to cultivate and embody the highest principles of all such endeavor in one stupendous living organic whole. It is a common belief that the fires on the altars of the Ancient Temples have been permitted to die out: but "those who know" say this is not true; that they are but hidden from the view of the masses, awaiting the time when the veil of ignorance and corruption hanging before the hearts of the humanity of this transitory period, shall be rent asunder, and the light »f the ages become manifest to all. The time is comparatively close at hand when the doors of "The Temple of the Mysteries'* shall once more swing outward. The Site of that once wonderful structure has been rediscovered, and when the Lord, the Saviour, the Elder Brother of the human race once more reappears to claim his own, He will find a place prepared for him by those who, having heard this call, "Come over and help us," have faithfully responded, and have taken up their share of the burden of responsibility. Are you of that numberf Address THE TEMPLE, Halcyon, California. 1 1 ,<t: '-iIiI «!a' The Temple Artisan ;z' 1 B 4JMW Vol. XII. JUNE, 1911 No. 1 Behold, T give unto thee a key. THE SCOFFER Hast thou chosen tlien? thou pitiful scoffer at Holy Things! Chosen in Pride and Ignorance, only to awaken one day to sor row unspeakable ! The earth rises to greet the falling sun when its day is done, even as the Soul rises to greet its descending (lod when its little day is done. Night cometh; the night when no man may uvrk; and, tliou, like unto a bird, must needs seek a resting pl<iee; but unlike the bird, which seeks wisely and rrell the top-most branches ofits chosen tree, thou, the fruit of all past ages! thou, built in the image of a (lod. taught by the Dei'as of the higher spheres, thou buildest thy resting place on the shifting sands of life's mostfitful Ocean; the sands which that Ocean in its wrath will surely oi'er/low. and whoseoutgoing tide will bear thee swiftly downward, outward to extinction. None can give thee helpfor thouhastdespised the rocks to which thy kind hath clung since Time began for man. Thou hast closed thine ears to the voice of thy heart. Thou hast made o/ the Gods a mock and of their messenger a buff. Thou hast chosen thy lot when thine was the choice and must abide therein. Thou hast bartered thy birthr+ight for a bauble and the bauble, is broken. I THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. THE MESSAGE. Hearken, ye children of the New Dispensation! The time is near at hand when He who is to come will re-appear among men for the unification of the races of the earth. Open your eyes that they may see. Open your ears that they may hear. And open your hearts that the Son of Man may have place to lay his head, lest he pass you by and ye know him not. FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOP. The Workshop. "Come apart with me. thou child of my begetting. Come apart from all the noisy crowd. Come from under the weight of man's infirmities and sins. Come away from the path of the flood of women's tears, the pressure of helpless children's cries, those cries which beat unceasingly upon the ears of tender souls. "Come thou with Me into the cleft of yonder rock: lie down and rest, and I will show thee wondrous things which thou mayest bring to pass on earth, if so thou wilt." Thus spake the Christ. "Behold the city of a thousand hills—a city white and glorious, and in the midst thereof see thou the poor in spirit, the lame, the halt, the blind, the castaways of all the earths the cyclic sweep of Time hath gathered up. And over all the mighty throng, like out spread wings above a nest, see thou the peace of God. the glory shining from His face and sweeping o'er and o'er each worn and battered form, until that form is lost within the glory to appear again like unto God. "Then see then One in simple majesty of form who saith unto the throng about Him: 'Listen, children of my soul! Lo! ye have suffered, labored, danced and played these many years on earth, whence ye are now released. While under glamour of the Jinns ye have believed that ye were laboring hard and sore bestead,—but now with Me get ye unto your work—the work of Gods and Angels. " 'The glory and the peace that ye have won with me must be transferred to earth and we must do the mighty work. Breathe .deep and fill your hearts, and by the strands of Love we weave thereof, descend to earth and swiftly, silently seek out the rich, the powerful, the great, the sorely tempted, blind and halt and lame of soul who know not yet how poor they are, and, throwing off our breastplates, set free the streams of Love and Peace and Glory now within our hearts, for sore indeed is now their need. THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. 3 " 'The earth will change. There will be no more sea. Heaven will be brought to earth, the twain be merged in one, and then at last Love will be justified, Its will be done, when we have loosed the chains which bind the souls of men.' "All this will I show thee when thou comest apart with Me, for know ye now that Heaven is the Workshop of the Gods, and earth the playground of the Jinns. "Man must make his Heaven, if he would dwell therein, and he can only make it as he worketh clay by day with Me, apart from all. yet one with all." Thus spake the Christ. THE CIRCUIT OF THE SOUL. Temple Teachings. Open Series, No. CV. Do you understand in the least how closely you are related to and connected with the Universal Lodge centers throughout all worlds and spaces, when once the divine, the Higher Self, has commenced to manifest in your soul? Each such center has as definite a connection with every human soul as has the wireless electric outfits of great steamships on the Ocean, with similar outfits on the high places of the earth. Your inability to realize this fact fully is due to the paralyzing of the sta tions or centers in your own bodies and souls by long neglected or ignored opportunities, or by viciously crippling them with evil thought and action, and though it is no longer possible for you to consciously and deliberately send forth your messages direct to all those greater centers, there are many which catch your feeble mes sages, your aspirations and desires, and answer them, and yet you do not understand. Sometimes you think those answers are but fluctuations of your own mentality. Sometimes you crush them down and out of your consciousness because they bid you do that which you do not desire. At other times you stop and wonder how it is that, some totally un familiar thought or word impinges upon your consciousness, and you strive to locate the cause. The whole human race is bound together by a network of sound and light waves, and the thoughts and words of each person are im pinging upon the mentality and psychic centers of others with tre mendous power and activity; but it is only the fully developed occul tist who can consciously direct the messages borne by these waves wheresoever he will, for only he has reawakened the once atrophied centers of brain and body which are requisite to accomplish this. 4 THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. Yet any normal person can do this if he is willing to spend the time and effort, and will put himself entirely under the guidance of one who is truly able to instruct him in this great and universal science. Unfortunately for many sincere seekers, there is an ever increas ing class of pseudo occultists who claim the power to so instruct man, and only succeed in making mental and physical wrecks of their victims. The very first necessity for securing reliable and efficient instruc tion is such a purification of mind and body as but few among the races of earth are willing to submit to in this day and age. Of one thing you may rest assured, that the man or woman who tells you that he or she individually has the power to develop those long atrophied centers in you, is invariably deceiving you, for not so will come your instructor to you, even if you prove yourself worthy. Your own Higher Self will make known the means and method, and the teacher when you are ready, for that Higher Self is in con stant communication with the Higher Selves of others, and only It is able,to perceive the definite line, the circuit upon which your in dividual intelligence is located, and make the connection between you and others on that same line, who may Karmically become your instructors. That line or circuit is the Group Soul of which you are a part, and such communication as I have referred to is only possible in this age, and with the present human race, with the companion souls on that one circuit ; but there are enough of those souls to communi cate with to satisfy the mind of the average man, especially until after he has gone over that circuit. In other ages, and with other races, the circuit will be widened, for there are groups of group souls, among which a wider intelli gence, vaster experiences, more God-like powers obtain than can be realized by experience with a single such soul, and the evolu tion of man will place him in such relations with those grand cen ters in some future age, as will enable him to partake of their knowl edge and power. The possibilities of man are limitless. Then, will you to whom I speak be content to sit down in idleness, or spend your time in trivial pursuit, in gossip, or in reckless dissipations, and let your opportunities pass, because they bring you some measure of sacri fice or pain, some effort, some endurance? or will you be so care less of the warnings, the pleadings, of your present teachers as to risk such opportunities at the instance of some self aggrandizing, self advertised charlatan and deceiver? You may be enabled to THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. 5 choose wisely if you will. The choice is yours, but you must learn to choose by sacrifice. The currents set in motion by your thoughts must be strong and pure and able to pass over obstructions as the light flashes from one pole to another or a condition will arise which corresponds to the short circuiting of an electric current, and so long as obstruction is possible by selfish or impure desire so long will you fail to make the requisite conscious connection be tween your mind and that of others, who are at the higher centers of your circuit. DREAMS. That experience is the only reliable teacher of life, is a com monly accepted truth, and in no instance is its verity better illus trated than in the case of some recognized physicist whose experi ences of life have been confined to the various phases of a three dimensional space, yet who attempts to describe the causes and effects of the phenomena of the fourth dimension, which, as yet he is hardly willing to accept as a working hypothesis. The Lit erary Digest of January 11th, quotes from and comments on an article taken from the Medical Record entitled "The Significance of Dreams," the data of which is very insufficient to our mind. It appears that a noted German investigator, Dr. Jung, has ad vanced a theory and gives a method by which all dreams may be reduced to a common cause, as follows: "Some unfulfilled wish," of the dreamer's. If Dr. Jung had ever experienced some phases of life in the dream state such as are frequently experienced by the psychic or sensitive, he would be less certain of his premises and conclusions. But we should judge that in his case, as with so many others, that non-acceptance or ignorance of the basic prin ciple of Occultism, "the seven fold division of the Universe" and the functioning of the Ego of man upon all of those divisions must limit his investigations to the three lowest of those seven divisions, commonly referred to as planes. All that the noted Dr. says regarding one phase of dream life is true but it is only true of THAT ONE PLANE which is the second of the three planes last mentioned, the lower Astral, the plane of shadows, the substance of which is formed of the reflec tions from the physical plane, the lowest of the three planes, con sequently the soul functioning on that plane of shadows as it does so function in light sleep, could experience nothing but the reflec tions from the physical plane upon which the minds of the great 6 THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. majority of mankind are centered the greater part of the time. Such dreams are unreliable and are entirely of the present. As it depends upon the quality and perfection of a mirror as to how exact a reflection can be cast upon it so it depends upon the condition of that lower Astral plane at any one time and place as to how exact are the reflections cast upon it by the thoughts and deeds of man. The unstable, changeable, tenuous nature of the substance of that plane makes it almost impossible for a perfect reflection to be cast upon it, which accounts for the fantastic dreams we often have, when our waking thoughts and acts seem inex tricably mixed with those of others. But the dreams which we experience in deep sleep when the soul is released from its bondage to the body are altogether dif ferent. The Soul is then functioning in its own natural environ ment, the fourth plane, the Higher Astral, and the lower self is quiescent. It then reaches into the hidden spheres of life and knowledge and brings back from thence pure pearls of knowledge and wisdom. All prophetical dreams or symbolic representations of things that are to happen in the future, come from this plane. The Soul may not always be able to bring back to physical con sciousness the details of such dreams, but wdiatever it does bring back is TRUE, and in most cases an inner consciousness of deep peace is felt for many days thereafter. It is by no means certain that man can always interpret such dreams aright even if he can remember much of the detail and unless he is a deep student of life he can seldom do so, but that is due to his failure to make close connections between the physical and Astral brain centres. It requires great power of concentra tion and training to accomplish this, but later races will have this power naturally. In dreams of this character the soul contacts phases of life which bear no semblance to anything on earth and therefore could not be reproductions or representations of earthly objects. It sees sights, hears sounds, experiences sensations which it never saw, heard, or felt in waking hours, consequently for which it could feel no such wish as the doctor formulates. No theory which excludes real and conscious experience on the higher planes can possibly explain all phases of dream life satis factorily, to a.deep student of life's mysteries. Thousands of such students have had such experiences; it has passed beyond the phase of theory into the realms of established fact. B. S. The Temple Artisan PublishedbyTheTempleon firstof eachmonth. AnnualSubscription,$1.00. SingleCopies. 10Cent Enteredassecond-classmatterJuly1st.190S.atPost-office. Halcyon,Calif. AddressallcommunicationstoThe Temple Artisan, Halcyon,Calif. EDITORIAL MIRROR. Subsequent fillow antecedents by bond of inner consequences ; it is no merely numerical sequence of arbitrary and isolated units, but a rational inerconnexion. And just as things existent exhibit harmonious co-ordination, so too, things coming into being display not bare succession but a marvelous internal relationship. —Alarms Aurclius. J* "The Christ Spirit which entered the body of Jesus when Jesus himself vacated it, was a ray from the Cosmic Christ (or Mercury Ray). We say that before the coining of Christ he worked upon the earth from the outside—much as the group spirit works with the animals from without. There was no indwelling spirit in the earth prior to the coming of the Christ, but at the time when the sacri fice was made upon Golgotha and the Christ Spirit had been liberated from the body of Jesus it drew into the earth and it was the indwelling Earth-Spirit, which St. Paul says is "'groaning and travailing, waiting for the day of liberation"; for, contrary, to the accepted opinion, the sacrifice upon Golgotha was not completed with the death of Jesus : in fact that event may be said to be only the beginning; the sacrifice will continue until such time as we shall have evolved the altruism and love that will liberate the Earth Spirit from the cramping conditions of material existence, when the necessity for guiding us shall have passed away." From "Rosicrucian Philosophy." If but the pat on the head of a stray dog: if but the withdrawal of a half extended foot bent on the bestowal of a kick on a like stray dog, and that is all you have ever seen in the career of a wayfarer, that would lead you to think he possessed a spark of human kindness, it is enough to make a strong demand on your supply of Brotherhood. If you do not honor that demand by feeding and watering that one impulse, that one tiny plant, thus giving it a chance to grow and mature, you have failed in your duty to him, and it may be 8 THE TEMPLE ARTISAN. to a far greater degree than he has failed in his duty to the human race; for to you has been given the power, the knowledge, the ability, and example to enable you to perceive the possibilities of the final results of every good or bad action man can perform, and obedience to a single Divine prompting toward good shows con clusively that That, the Holy Spirit of Love, is still striving with that man—shows that the human soul yet enfolds and cherishes that body, however degraded in your eyes it may appear. It may be the last chance, the last exterior act which could make any such demand upon you, and therefor all the more important to him, all the more important for you, who, if the act is left unnoted, unrecognized, ignored, will be largely responsible for the final loss of that soul. You can never make a mistake in cultivating a good impulse. You can make a most terrible mistake in leaving such an im pulse (intended, unnoted. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Gemple "Builders—jVo. 85 SOME INDIAN LEGENDS. The following legends are told by the Onondaga Indians, one of the remaining tribes of the Six Nations of New York State. They have never been printed before and are therefore of unusual interest. They contain the same lessons found in legends from other nations and people. STORY OF THE INDIAN HUNTER. A hunter was overtaken by a terrible storm. He went to a white man's house and asked for shelter for the night. "No," said the white man, "no Indian can stay under my roof over night." Time passed by and the Indian hunter was in his own home. It was winter and a terrible storm was raging outside. The same white man and his wife were caught in the storm. The wife was sick and they drove up to the Indian's house seeking shelter. The Indian recognized the white man but the white man did not recognize the Indian. The Indian took them

tral Spiritual Sun—the Universal Heart—came into manifestation, the . battered form, until that form is lost within the glory to appear again like unto God to how exact a reflection can be cast upon it so it depends upon the condition . wood carvers, bee-keepers, machinists, cooks and agricultu
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