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植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. Originals 71: 57-66 (1996) The Taxonomic Position of Trijidacanthus (Leguminosae) Hiroyoshi OHASHIa,T omoyuki NEMOTOaa nd Te-Lin Wub aBiological Institute,Gr aduate School of Science,To hoku University,Se ndai,98 0-77 JAPAN; bSouth China Institute of Botany,Ac ademia Sinica,Gu angzhou,51 0650 CHINA (Received on October 24,1 995) Trifidacanthus; characterized by having trifid spines,ha s been treated as ad istinct genus in the tribe Desmodieae or Hedysareae or included in Desmodium. The trifid spine is an inflorescence axis with two lateral pedicels lignified after flowering,al though it was previously regarded as ar educed branch. Earlier descriptions of the inflorescences and flowers of the species are revised and pollen grains are described for the first time. Basedonmo叩hologicalcharacteristics of the trifid spines,th e terminal pseudoracemes,th e marginal venation of the leaflets and the pods without hooked hairs Trifidacanthus is maintained as adi stinct monotypic genus. The taxonomic position of Trifidacanthus in subtribe Desmodiinae of tribe Desmodieae is supported. Trifidacanth isconsidered to be nearest to Desmodium 凶 Introduction Desmodiinae after examining the pods of the species. Trifidacanthus was established by Merrill in 1917 Trifidacanthus unifoliolatus was eventual1yf ound as am onotypic genus based on T. unifoliolatus,wh ich on Hainan Is1and in south China (Merrill and Chun was found in Luzon in the Philippines. 1t was charac- 1935) and recently in Vietnam (Dy Phon 1981). The terized by the trifid spines and l-foliolate leaves with genus has been kept to be distinct by Chun and Chang minute stipels. Meil1(1917,p . 270)“placed this (1965),D yP hon (1981),Oh ashi,Po lhill and Schubert 打 proposed new genus (=Tr析~dαcanthus) in the (1981) and Lock and Heald (1994). Ohashi et al. Papilionatae-Hedysareae,a nd with doubt in the (1981) placed Trザidαcanthuswithin subtribe Desmodiinae,as the fruits are unknown. It does not Desmodiinae oftribe Desmodieae and grouped it with appear to be closely al1ied to any previously described Arthroclianthus andNephrodesmus,bo th endemic to genus,al though in some respects it is suggestive ofthe New Caledonia,b ecause of the venation pattern of New Caledonian genus Arthroclianthus Baill. It is, their leaflets and nature of the stipels,w hich distin- however,r adically different from Baillon's genus." guish them from D modium.わが;dacanthusis dis- 白 Merrill suggested a similarity of the genus to tinguished from Arthroclianthus and Nephrodesmus Arthroclianthus,bu t the reasons for his thoughts were in having spines and 1-foliolate leaves and lacking based were not made clear. With expression of doubt bracteoles. he placed Trifidacanthus in subtribe Desmodiinae of Arthroclianthus has been included in subtribe tribe Hedysareae in the sense of Bentham (1865) and Desmodiinae of tribe Hedysareae by Taubert (1894) T削除rt(1894) and later Merrill (1919) confirmed the or in tribe Desmodieae by Ohashi et al. (1981). It was first treatment of the genus as am ember of subtribe classified in tribe Hedysareae,w hich corresponds to -57ー 58 植物研究雑誌第71巻第2号 平成8年4月 subtribe Hedysariinae in the sense of Taubert living plants of T. unifoliolatus at two places. Also, (Hutchinson 1964) or in subtribe Hedysariinae of herbarium specimens of this species and of D. horridum tribe Coronilleae (Ohashi 1971). The genus is charac- were examined in A,I BSC,K ,L a nd TUS. Pollen teristic in lacking stipels and in having axillary ra- grains were examined by Hoshi and Ye using JEOL cemes bearing large f10wers and 5l ong and 5s horter JSM-840 and Hitachi S-4100 scanning electron mi- stam~ns. Pollen mo中hologyshowed no discontinu- croscopes after acetolysis under usual treatments. ous variation between Arthroclianthus and other genera of subtribe Hedysariinae (Ohashi 1971). Observations and Discussions Steenis (1978) described Desmodium horridum 1. Comparison of Trifidacanthus with Desmodium from Lombok and Flores in Lesser Sunda Islands in Inf10rescences of Trifidacanthus were first de- Indonesia. He characterized this new species by its scribed as few-f1owered axillary racemes (Merrill strong thoms and compared it to the Australian D. 1917). According to our observations,th e inf1ores- acanthocladum F. Muell.,be cause both have spines, cence appears to be opposite al eaf (Fig. 1A),he nce but did not compare it with Trザidacanthus the branching is considered to be sympodial and the unifoliolatus. Desmodium horridum was suggested inflorescence is terminal. The lateral branch by Steenis to have adi stinct systematic position in the (=sympodium) arises from the axil of the leaf. Inf1o- genus,a lthough he placed it near the section rescences訂epseudoracemes which have 2(-3) f1ow- Monarthrocarpus in the subgenus Podocarpium in the ers at every node of the axis and there e3-9 nodes 訂 sense of Ohashi (1973). Later,S teenis (1982) noted on an inf10rescence axis. Usually 2-6 f10wers are at the similarity of D. horridum to Trifidαcαnthus anthesis at the same time,bu t sometimes 10 or 14 are unifoliolαtus and reduced Trifidacanthus to open in one inf1orescence. Desmodium. He( 1978) interpreted the thoms as short The inf10rescences are sessile or with short pedun- shoots and did not consider the occuenceof thoms cles up to ca. 10 mml ong; when sessile the first node 打 in Tr約:dacαnthusas sufficient even for infrageneric is at the very base of the inf1orescence. After f1ower- rank in Desmodium,b ecause the character is found ing the inf10rescence axis and pedicels becomes sporadically throughout the genus,fo r example in D. lignified and elongated from the base,u sually the acanthocladum in Australia and D. horridum. peduncle and the first intemode with two pedicels at Desmodium horridum was regarded by Dy Phon the first node remain as atr ifid spine (Fig. 1). The axis (1981,1 987) as as ynonym of T. unifoliolatus. above the second node does not usually remain. This The pu中oseof this paper is to clarify the taxo- spine was regarded e汀oneouslyas ar educed branch nomic position of Trifidacanthus. For this purpose (Me汀ill1917,St eenis 1978). Spines of Desmodium taxonomic characters of Trifidacanthus unifoliolatus αcanthocladum are also lignified inf10rescence axes, were re-examined and the taxonomic relationships of but clearly differ from those of Trifidacanthus in the genus with Desmodium and with Arthroclianthus structure. They are the entire axis without pedicels. were studied. Therefore,sp ines of Trifidacanthus unifoliolatus are basically different from those of Desmodium Materials and Methods acanthocladum. The trifid spines of Trifidacanthus In order to examine fresh material ofTrifidacanthus are unique,ev en within tribe Desmodieae. unifoliolatus,w e made botanical expeditions to The f10wers of Tr約dacanthusunifoliolatus from Hainan,s outh China,in 1992 and 1993. Wef ound Hainan differ from the original description of the April1996 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l71 No. 2 59 信組醐翻醐 Fig. 1. Trifid spine showing leaf-opposed position. A. Young spine with the remains of unlignified inflorescence axis. B. Trifid spine. 1-6: node ofinflorescence axis,pc : pedicel. Scale bar=1 cm. (Voucher: Tateishi et al. 1020113,TU S). species provided by Merrill (1917) from Philippine those of the subgenera Dollinera and Sagotia of plants in the shape of the petals,s tamens and pistils. Desmodium. Weh ave therefore emended and supplemented the Pods ofTrifidαωnthus unifoliolatus were described , description in the taxonomic treatment in this paper by Merrill (1919) as ca. 2c ml ong and usually 3-or 4- (Fig. 2). In comparison with the flowers of Desmodium, jointed,bu t in our material they are 3-4 cml ong with they are very similar to each other in size (about 10 as hort stalk and usually with 5-7 articIes. Pods of T. mml ong),co lor (purplish),ca lyx (4-10bed of which unifoliolatus are similar in shape to those ofmembers the adaxiallobes are connate at the base),bu t distinct of subgenus Sagotia of Desmodium,bu t lack hooked in having short calyx-lobes with laterallobes as long hairs on the surface,w hich is different from pods of as the lowest one,an almost orbicular or transversely most species of Desmodium. broadly obovate standard,w ings that are longer than The marginal venation pattern of the leaflets of the keel-petals and am onadelphous androecium. The Trifi・dacanthusis characteristic. The midrib gives rise combination of these floral characteristics is not found to two lateral nerves at the very base of the leaflets and in Desmodium. the lateral nerves run along the margin of1eaflet to the Pol1en grains of Trifidacanthus had not been ex- distal end where they merge with the midrib (Fig. 4). amined previously. The pollen morphology of This is ac haracteristic for the genus within the tribe Desmodium and its al1ied genera shows ah igh degree Desmodieae. of specialization and is often important in distinguish- Differences between T. unグoliolatusand D. ing genera or infrageneric taxa (Ohashi 1971,1 973, horridum are found in inflorescences,th e relative size Ferguson and Skvarla 1981). The pol1en grains of of the wing and keel-petal and the number of ovules. Trifidacanthus are tricolporate with perforate to According to Steenis (1978),i nflorescences of D. microperforate tectum (Fig. 3),w hich are similar to horridum are terminal racemes with about 10-flow- 60 植物研究雑誌第71巻第2号 平成8年4月 -圃・圃・・・・・・・・・ Fig. 2. Flower of Trポdacanthusunifoliolatus. fl: flower in lateral view,c: calyx dissected and opened (view from inside),st: standard (仕ominside),w: wing (view from outside),p: wings and keel-petals (view from above),sh owing relative length and conformation of petals and coherent keelpetals,q: 幽 wing and keel-petal (view from inside),sh owing conformation and curvature ofboth petals and their relative length,k: keel-petals (from outside),a: androecium,ve xillary stamen connate ca. 2/3 from base,g: pistil. Scale bar =2 m m. (Voucher: Ohashi et al. 6008,TU S). April1996 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 71 No. 2 61 minal inflorescence up to the fifth intemode with lignified lateral pedicels together with smaller inflo- rescences (Fig. 5). The inflorescence axis usually becomes lignified up to the second node in T. unifoliolatus. These facts show variation in size of trifid spines. The differences in flower size and ovule number are,h owever,d ubious,b ecause Steenis (1978) suggested that his description on the floral characters of D. horridum needed emendation because open flowers are not present on the type. Desmodium horridum and T. unifoliolatus show no specific differences in other mo中hologicalcharac- ters. Based on comparisons in herbarium specimens of both species,w e support Dy Phon's treatment (1981,1 987) that they are conspecific. Trifidacanthus differs from Desmodium in the structure of inflorescences,na ture of the trifid spines, marginal nerves of the leaflets,t he combination of various features in floral characters as mentioned above,a nd pods without hooked hairs. On the other hand,in the general appearance of the flowers,p ods and pollen mo叩hology,T. unifoliolatus shows aclose similarity to species of Desmodium. Wec onsider, therefore,t hat Trifidacanthus is distinct from Desmodium,bu t very closely related. 2. Comparison of Trifidacanthus with Arthroclianthus The similarity between Tr約dacanthusand Arthrocli切lthuswas not clearly suggested by Merrill (1917 p. 270 as cited in the introduction),bu t Ohashi et al. (1981) pointed out similarities are mostly the coriaceous estipellate leaflets,w hich have the reticu- late tertiary venation pattem and the looped primary Fig. 3. Pollen grains ofTrifidacanthus unifoliolatus. A. and secondary lateral nerves within the margin,a nd Equatorial view. B. Equatorial view incIuding colporus. C. Polar view. Scale bar =5μ m. (Voucher: Lau 26753, the simple axillary rachis with 1-2( -few?) flowers. A). On the contrary,di fferences between Trifidacanthus and Arthroclianthus are found in many characters. ers,bu t usually 2-6 flowers are at anthesis at the same Ohashi et al. (1981) separated the two genera by the time in T. unifoliolatus. The holotype of D. horridum presence or absence of spines,l eaves 3-foliolate or bears an extraordinarily well-developed lignified ter- unifoliolate,a nd bracteoles present or absent. 62 植物研究雑誌第71巻第2号 平成8年4月 Fig. 4. Leaflet venation of Trifidacanthus unifoliolatus. A. Abaxial surface. B-D. Detailed marginal venation of leaflet at base (B),mi ddle (C) and top (D). Scale bar =1 m m. (Voucher: Ohashi et al. 6008,TU S). The flowers of Arthroclianthus are clearly differ- The position of Arthroclianthus was somewhat ent from those ofTrifiaαcαnthus unifoliolatus in large dubious in tribe Hedysareae,b ut the genus was size (keel-petals 15-40m ml ong in Arthroclianthus again accommodated in tribe Desmodieae,b ecause against about 10 mml ong in Trifidacanthus),be aked Arthroclianthus is nearest to Nephrodesmus of keel-petals and dimorphic stamens. Pollen grains of Desmodieae (Ohashi etal. 1981). WithinDesmodieae Arthrocliαnthus sericeus Bail ,.laccording to Ohashi members of subtribe Lespedezinae usually lacks (1971,o n p. 77 and fig. 26),訂emore coarsely reticu- stipels,bu t their pods and inflorescences differs from late than those of Trifidαcanthus. those of Arthroclianthus. Hutchinson (1964) and Ohashi (1971) placed Wer ecognize,th erefore,Ar throclianthus should Arthroclianthus in tribe Hedysareae sens. str. be placed in subtribe Desmodiinae but not near to (=subtribe Hedysariinae of tribe Coronilleae in Trifidacanthus. Ohashi),be cause the tribe is characterized by estipellate In geographical distribution,A rthroclianthus is leaves and axillary racemes. Trifidacanthus differs in endemic to New Caledonia and Trifidacanthus is these characters,.ie .,it has stipellate leaves and termi- sporadic throughout tropical Southeast Asia; mem- nal pseudoracemes. In those characters Trifidacanthus bers of tribe Hedysareae are distributed mostly in clearly belongs to subtribe Desmodiinae in tribe temperate to subboreal regions of the northern hemi- Desmodieae,a nd,t herefore,n ot considered to be sphere and those of tribe Desmodieae are distributed closely related to Arthroclianthus. widely in both hemisphere. It seems to difficult to April1996 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l71 Noo 2 63 Figo 50 Holotype of Desmodium horridum Steenis in L. regard Arthroclianthus and Trifidacanthus as mem- Taxonomic treatments bers of tribe Hedysareae (s. str.) from this point of Trifidacanthus unifoliolatus Merr. in Philip. J. VIeW. Sci. 12: Bot. 269 (1917) and 15: 405 (1919),En um. Philip. Fl. P .l2: 292 (1923); Me et Chun in 町. 64 植物研究雑誌第71巻第2号 平成8年4月 Sunyatsenia2: 248 (1935); ChunetChang,Fl. Hainan 2.5 mmw ide,ob tuse at apex,c onnate along abaxial 2: 266,fig . 431 (1965); Ohashietal. inAdv. Leg. Syst. margin,c law ca. 3m ml ong,l onger than claw of 1: 299 (1981); DyP hon in Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat. wings. Androecia monadelphous,ve xillary filament e Paris 4se ,.r3,se ct. B,A dansonia 1: 119 (1981),in conn瓜ewith others ca. 2/3 its length. Pistil linear, Fl. Camb. Laos et Viet. 23: 94 (1987); Yao et al. in 8.5-9 mml ong,di stal part incurved more than 900, Sylva Sinica 2: 1484 (1985). exserted from the androecium,gr adually narrowed to Desmodium horridum Steenis in Blumea 24: 482 the style,s tipe 1m ml ong; ovary 5-5.5 mml ong, (1978),in Reinwardtia 10: 24 (1982). pubescent,ov ules 5-6,st yle glabrous,ca . 2m ml ong, D. unifoliolatum (Merr.) Steenis in Reinwardtia with am inute stigma. 10: 24 (1982). Pollen grains tricolporate,p rolate spheroidal or Evergreen shrubs or small trees to 3m tall,m uch subprolate (PxE: 15.5-24.1μmx15.0-21.1μm;P!E: branched,w ith trifid spines. Leaves 1-foliolate,lu s- 1.05-1.27),s emitriangular in polar view,ci rcular in trous and coriaceous. equatorial view; colpi 9/10 length of the polar axis; Inflorescences leaf-opposed, terminal, endoapatures lalongate,ca . 3μmlong,ca.6μm wide; pseudoracemose,0 .5-3 cm long,u sually with 2o r tectum perforate to microreticulate in mesocolpium, rarely 3f lowers at every node of the axis,w ith 3-9 perforate near colpus,p erforate in apocolpium and nodes on an inflorescence axis; peduncles 0-10 mm ve汀ucatein colpus membrane. Perforae 0.1-0.5μm long,fi rst node often at very base of inflorescence in diameter,de pressed conically,mi croperforae open- (hence inflorescences seemingly sessile); pedicels ing at bottom. Microperforae 0.02-0.15μm in diam- simple,ca . 5m ml ong in flower,el ongating to 10-15 eter. Perforae often without microperforae adjacent to mml ong in fruit and usually as long as the intemode colpus and sometimes with visible collumelae in the of the inflorescence axis at first node. A peduncle, microperforae in apocolpium. Verrucae on the colpus when present,an d the first intemode with two lateral membrane 0.02-0.6μm in diameter,th e larger ones pedicels at first node becoming elongated and lignified (0.2-0.6μm in diameter) mainly distributed on the after flowering and remaining as atr ifid spine,s ome- endoaperture. times second intemode remaining with the first one Pods patent or somewhat pendulous,sh ort stalked and rarely up to the fifth intemode remaining with (stipes ca. 3m mlo ng),us ually with (3-)5-7 articles, pedicels at each node. (2-)3-4 cml ong,pu bescent,re ticulate,up per suture Flowers purplish,ca . 10 mmlo ng. Calyx 4-10bed, indebted at the joint,th e lower suture undulate,is th- densely pubescent and puberulent,ca . 2.5 mml ong; mus ca. 1/4a s broad as articles. upper lobes connate except apex,w ith 2-midribs, Specimens examined: minutely 2-toothed at apex; lateral lobes broadly Lesser Sunda Islands. Lombok,P r吋a,al .t300 m on dry stony gully edge in grassland. De Voogd 2130 (L-holotype of triangular,ca . 0.8 mmlo ng,wi th l-midrib; lower lobe Desmodium horridum,K- isotype). as long as the lateral ones. Standard ca. 10 mml ong, Philippines.Luzon. Vidal1281 (K);Luzon,Batangas,rocky. M.D. Sulit For. Bur. 28265 (A); Batangas,M t. Lobo,r ocky 10 mmw ide,a lmost orbicular to transversely broad exposed ridge. M.D. Sulit Phi .lNat. Herb. 15704 (A); Luzon, obovate,re tuse at apex,wi th ad istinct claw,cl aw ca. Ilocos Norte Province,Bu rgos. M. Ramos Bur. Sci. 27196 (A- isotype ofTrifidacαnthus unifoliolαtus,K -i sotype); ib. M. Ramos 3m mlo ng. Wings oblong,cl awed at base,ca. 9.5 mm Bur. Sci. 32925 (K). long,d istinctly longer than keel-petals,c a. 3m m China. Hainan. Ya ichow. F.C. How7 1 065 (A,K) ; Ya ichow, alt. 800ft,on rock. N.K. Chun & C.L. Tso 44610 (A); Loktung. wide,r ounded at apex,au riculate at base of lamina, S.K. Lau 26753 (A-pollen voucher) and 27107 (A); Changjiang claw ca. 2m ml ong. Keel-petals 8-8.5 mml ong,2 - Co.,Ka Chik Shan and vicinity,in dry,ro cky stream side. S.K. April1996 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 71 No. 2 65 Lau 1581 (A); Changjiang Co.,Ue Lung Shan,dr y,sa ndy soil, H. Ohashi whenh e visited their herbaria for this study rocky,fo rest. S.K. Lau 3241 (A); Changjiang Co.,5 k mw est of in 1988. This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid Wulie Farm (Long. 1902' N,La t. 10900' E),by ar iver,in open grassland. Ohashi,Ch en,Ta teishi,Ch en,Ne moto,Zh u,Ka jita No. 04041019 (1992-94) and No. 07041122 (1995) & Xing 6008 (TUS-pollen voucher,I BSC); i.b.,o n sandy from the Monbusho International Scientific Re- riverside. Tateishi,Ch en,Ne moto,Zh u,En do,Xi ng,K 勾ita& Ye 1019140 (TUS-pollen voucher,IB SC); Dongfang Co.,Da tian. search Program (representative by H. Ohashi). Tateishi,C hen,N emoto,Z hu,E ndo,X ing,K 勾ita& Ye 1020113 (TUS,IB SC). References Habitat: Onr ocky,c layey or sandy soil; on ex- Bentham G. 1865. Leguminosae. In: Bentham G. and Hooker J. posed ridges,ri versides,o r in forest. D.,Ge nera Plantarum 1: 434-600. Reeve & Co.,Lo ndon. Chun W. Y. andChang C. C. 1965.10. Tr約ぬcanthusMerr. In: Distr.: Southern China (Hainan),s outhern Viet- Flora Hainanica 2: 266. Science Press,Be ijing (in Chinese). DyP hon P. 1981. Taxons nouveaux pour la flore de l' Indochine. nam,t he Philippines (Luzon) and the Lesser Sunda Bull. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat. Paris,4e s e ,.r3,se ct. B,Ad an- Islands (Lombok and Flores). sonia 1: 111-119. 一一一一一1987.Trifidacanthus. 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Philippine Hoshi of Na tional Forest Tree Breeding Center of 汀 J. Sci. 12: 269-270 (Trifidacanthus). Forestry Agency,M inistry of Agriculture,F orestry 一一一一一1919.New or noteworthy Philippine plants,X V. and Fisheries,M ito,an d Miss Bin Yeo f our System- Philippine J. Sci. 14: 365-457. Ohashi H. 1971. A taxonomic study of the tribe Coronilleae atic Botany Laboratory for their contribution to pollen (Leguminosae),wi th as pecial reference to pollen morpho- mo中hology;Professor J. Murata ofthe Makino Her- logy. J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo,se ct. III,11 : 25-92. 一一一一一1973.The Asiatic Species of Desmodium and 1ts barium,T okyo Metropolitan University,fo r provid- Allied Genera (Leguminosae). pp. 318+76 pls. Academia ing some of the references used in this work; and Dr. Scientific Book 1nc.,T okyo. 一一一一一,PolhillR. M. and Schubert B. G. 1981. Desmodieae. D.E. Boufford of Harvard University Herbaria who In: Polhill R. M. and Raven P. H. (edsよAdvancesin corrected e町orsin English expression in the manu- Legume Systematics,Pa rt 1,pp . 292-300. Royal Botanic Gardens,K ew. script of this paper. Wet hank the Curators of the Steenis C. G. G. J. van 1978. Miscellaneous Botanical Notes herbaria cited in this paper for allowing us to examine XXV. Blumea 24: 479-484. 一一一一1982.156. Reduction of Trifidacanthus Merr. to specimens in their care. Thanks are also to the late Desmodium (Leguminosae). In: Steenis C. G. G. J. van and Dr. R. Geesink of Rijksherbarium,Le iden,D r. B.G. Veldkamp J. F.,M iscellaneous botanical notes XXVI. Reinwardtia 10: 21-26. Schubert,D r. D.E. Boufford and Ms. EmilyW oodo f TaubertP. 1894. Leguminosae.ln: Engler A. undPrantl K., Die Harvard University Herbaria and Dr. R.M. Polhill of naturlichen Pflanzenfamilien III,3: 70-396. Leipzig. Royal Botanic Gardens,K ew,fo r their warm help to 大橋広好,根本智行,臭 徳部:マメ科 ベ Tfidacan的usの分類学的研究 Trifi・'daωnthusunifoliolatus Merri11 はノレソン島 発表された.学名は三叉に分枝する (trifidus) で発見され,マメ亜科の新属新種として1917年に 刺をもっ (acanthus)1小葉の(unifoli01atus)種 66 植物研究雑誌第71巻第2号 平成8年4月 であるという特徴に基づいて名付けられ, 1属 1 Trifidacanthusの形態と花粉の特徴を明らかにし, 種として記載された.今日では海南島,ベトナム, この属の分類学的位置を検討したものである. 小スンダ列島(ロンボク島, フロレス島)にも分 Tr抑dacanthusを最もよく特徴づけている三文 布が知られている(小スンダ列島の植物はヌスビ 刺は花序軸の下部(主に総花柄と第1番目の節間) トハギ属の 1種として記載されたが,本種と同種 と第1節につく 2本の小花柄が花後に伸長しかっ である).この植物は節果をもつことによってヌ 木化したものであり,従来考えられていたような スビトハギ連に分類されていたが,分類学上の位 枝の変形したものではないことが明らかになった. 置については2説があり, 1つはニューカレドニ 花序についてはこれまで肢生の総状花序といわれ アに固有のArthroclianthusに近い独立属とする説 ていたが,頂生の偽総状花序であることを明らか (Merri111917,O hashi et a .11981)であり,他の 1 にした. これらの形質に加えて,Trifidαcanthus , つはヌスビトハギ属に含める説 (Steenis1982) では小葉のへりに葉脈が発達することと果実に鈎 である.世界の主なハーバリウムにも T. 毛を欠くことなどの特徴があることが分かった. unifoliolatusの標本は少なく,また,標本だけで これらの特徴はヌスビトハギ連の中で本属に特有 は十分に研究できない特徴もあったので, この問 なものであり,Trifidacanthusは独立属とするの 題を解決することを目的のーっとして,中国科学 がよいと考えられる. しかし,花序,花,花粉の 院華南植物研究所と共同で 199293年に海南島 形態から T.r伊dαcanthusに最も近い属は ・ でマメ科植物調査を行った. 日本側は大橋,根本 Arthroclianthusではなくて,ヌスビトハギ属であ の他に立石庸一,遠藤泰彦,梶田 忠の3氏に参 ると推定した. したがって, われわれは 加していただいた.調査の結果,花と実をつけた Trifidacanthusはヌスビトハギ属に近縁の独立属 生きた個体を見付けだすことができた.本論文は であると結論した.

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