he arrasc Fon u[at }ne badly placedp iece makesy our wholep osition bad. TheT arraschFormula by GMS amP alatnlk and NM Markl shee r Contents vll Ch:rpterO e: The Knishl I lnlantryA gainstC avalry( Marshall-Ragozin. ). . I 2 Openingo l'OncK nighl (l\rrman-Polugacvsky) 2 I Virtuall ixlraM alcria(l Kcres-tjnzickct). . ... 5 4 A (;rx)dM an is I lardb Irind( Rosenbcrg-Palalnik). '7 5 l'hrowingO il on lhe l;ire( A l,clrosian-l'alalnik). I I (r (iordianK not( Palatnik-Klingcr)..... l7 7 l hc tlgly l,ocation(M urthy-Palatnik) 20 8 Shadowo l'a Knight( KasparovP alatnik) 24 L Knilihls 'li)Lrr( Karpov-'lairnanov. ) .. .2ll Ilxcrcisos l,l (lh{pter 'l wo: 'l'hc Bishop l0 Opcnl lighway( llalashovl lornanishin) .l lt ll One-WavI ickct to Nowhcre( Sprechich-l'alatnik. ). . .1o l2 ( r'irninaBl roughlt o Justicc( Palatnik-Aristorcnas) 44 l.l Movingl he lrclloc( Palatnik-Gul'eld) l4 A I'air,'l'ts,r'ts(G rrlil J l'alatnik) 48 l5 Prisonewr ith a Lifc Scntcnce(P alatnik-Dandridge) 5:] l6 InevitablBe reakthroug(hP alalnik-Schneider) 57 l7 l)eadW ood( lshec-Rovdl lll l)rematurAet tack( Vaganian-l,alatni.k ) . . 66 l9 Strugglinwg ith Ciod( Kasparov-Ponomariov) '12 20.F romB adt o Worse( Palatink -S hus terman.) . . . . ........... ......71 21.T he( ireatW all ofl'awns (Palatnik-Vasjukov. ). .. . . . . ..... 80 22.S urvivaIln stincl( Reshevsky-Vagani.rn) 87 Exercises .... ... .... 92 Chapter 'l'hree: Onposite Color Bishops 2:l 'Q.ED .' (DurischH, an& Hisler-Tarrasch.) .. .. . . . . . . ...96 24 lnlillrarion{R ubinslein-Sprelma.n . r. '''',,',','',102 25 Morel nfiltration( Palatnik-David) . ... ...... . . .. 104 26 DiflerentC olor, Different Power (Kaidanov-Palatnik.) . . . . 107 27 Echoeos l'Sleinitz(P latonov-Geller) ...........1 10 28 l-imitingM obility (Boleslavsky-Sterner) ......... I l4 ltl TheT arraschF onnula 29 BaneryP owe(rL arsen-Gligoric.h..)... ...... I l8 l0 MindO verM arte(rP latonov-Tal) t20 3l. A GatheringS torm( Gurevich-Palatnik).. 122 Chaoter Four: Eeavy Pieccs l2 DebtR epaymen(Sr myslov-Tolush.) t25 ll. BuriedA live{Sakharov-Palatnik.)........ t21 34. QueensidBel ockade( AnandJvanchuk..) t32 .15 SmothereQd ueen( Hofl-Alburt). 134 3b.M isplaceQdu een(l shee-Mayna.r .d.).. ........... 138 37. UnbalanceMd aterial( Diaz-Palatnik..). l4l 38.P reventivMea intenanc(Ae rdaman-Palatnik).............. .......t.4.6. Exercises. t54 ChaoterF ive: Zuezwane 39.T hel mmortaZl ugzwanGg ame( Saemisch-Nimzovich)..1..5.7.... 40.E ncircleme(nNt imzowitsch-Capabla.n..c..a..). ...............1..6.2.... 4l.FollowingPrecedent(Tseshkovsky-Palatnik)......1..6.6................ 42. Chemotherap(Cy apablanca-Treybal)... t73 43.S paceA dvantag(eA lekhine-Nimzowitsch)......................1..7..7. 44.E xtremMe easure(sU bilava-Timoschenko)...............l8l 45.D o NotH urryl( Palatnik-Popov) r84 46 ToT radeo r Not?( Karpov-Ribli). t89 4T.Decisivelmprovement(lshee-Guests89)...........1..9.2................. Exercises. . t94 ChaoterS ix: Philidor's DefenseR evisited Philidor'Cs oncepr.... 199 Philidor'Os riginaDl efense...... 201 TheN eo-PhilidoDre fens.e.. ..... 201 TheP alarniCk ambit. 201 IllustrativeG ames: Foreword "Oneh adt!p tdcedp iccem dkeslo M whotet \i1t:li:li^*^ All chcssp laycrsa rc cngagcidn a scarchfo r truth.T hcys cokt ho choss cquivalcnot f thc Philosophcr'Ss tono.a mcthodo f play that will cnabl0 thcm to rvritc thcir ncxt movc on tho scorc shcot in "goldcn lcttcrs Winningm orc gamcsr oquircsm aling morc good choicosw hon sclocting $'hichm ovct o play.T hus.a phyor's dccision-makinmgo thodis criticalt o his rcsults.T his volumcs howsh ow a singlo.v cry poworfulp rinciplc whichw c rofcr to as "Tho TarraschF ormula"- can both strongthcann d facilitatcc vcryc hcssp laycr'sd ocision-making. h is amazingto notc thc diffcijnt mothodsb chindt hc choicosm adcb y chcssp lavorsd uringa gamc.F or oxamplot.h crc arc manys trongp laycrs who can calculatclo ng variationsw ith fcvcrishs pcod.A ftcr tho gamci s ovcr. thoy arc ablc to domonstratmo any rnind_bogglinvga riationsi hoy cnvisioncdd uring thc battlc. This kind of playcr rcprcscntst hc "accountings"c hoool fchcss.E vcrythingto thcmi s vcry concrcteT. hoyd o not trust gcnoral principlcs. No chcss oxiom is accoptcd$ ithout accompanyingp roof from specific variations that confirm or rofutc its corrcctncssC.r cativcg cniuscsin this stylc of play includcA lckhinca nd Tal. Howcvcr,t hcro aro manyo ther playcrso f thc sameh igh class\ r'ho spcndc ompdrativclyli ttlo timc in calculatingv ariations.F ormidablc cxponontso f this stylo includc Botvinnik. Sm)slov and Karpov. Tho studenwt ho aspircst o improvch is lcvcl of play must rcfinc his thought procostso includeb otha pproachesH owevcri.t can sometimobsc difficult to kno$'w hcn is thc right momcntt o calculatev ariationso. r when it is morci mportantto thinka bstractly GrandmxsStcarm P alalnirkc liteslh ef ollo$itrsgt on ''When I was a young master( twcnty poundsy oungdl), I scwed as traincr duringt ho 1972 USSR Championshipin laningrad for my fricnd. GM PlatonovI.n his gamea gainstf ormerW orld ChampionS myslovP. latonov hadt hc bctter position throughoutt he first forty moves.a nd at adjournment sccmedto be on the verge of a winning breakthrough I was proud to b{} entrustedw ith the adjournment a-nalysiso f his game against such a formidablocp ponenNt. ecdlcssto say.i t wasv cry desirablfeo r met o 6nd a \,!innincgo ntinuatlon The Ta rrasch Form la "With grcat cnthusiasma nd inspiration, I bcga.na ralysis of his adjoumed game. I spent th€ entirc night analyzing ono promising variation after anothcr. ln the moming I was able to give many long variations to my friend, as well as a generalc onclusionS: myslovw ill lose! With a full night's sleepa ad the cncouragemenot f my night of work, Platonovs et ofr for breakfast, whcrc he encountercdS myslov. Spendingf ivc hours the prcvious day as antagonistsa cross the board did not preventt hem from having a pleasant brealfast together. Before even opening thc moming newspaper,S myslov offcrcd a draw in the adjoumed game. Platonov promiscdt o considert he offcr andt o malc a dccisions oon. "When he reportedt he draw offcr to me, I \ras sha.kenS! ur€ly Smyslov would not offer a draw in a lost position?! This mea.ntt hat his position could be defendedIl t was ncccssaryt o reconsideer verlthing, and to look at thc adjoumcdp ositiont hrough Smyslov'sc ycs: not going deep into a jungle of variations, but instead thinking abstractly, following general principlesA. nd ... in fivc minutcst he drawingi deaw as discoveredT.h c opponsntsa grccdt o a dmw on the telephonea few minutesl ater. "What about thc night I spenta nalyzingt hc adjoumedp osition?I was very cxcitcd to analysea gamea gainsta groat player, and the position had mary chancesto win. My dcsirct o win the gameb lockedm y objcctivity.T his ca.no asily happenw hen you calculetcs o many variationsf ar from thc initial position.ln scarchingfo r thc happye ndingto this fairy talc,I lost my way in a Junglco fvariations." Thc point of this story is that cslculrting lots of vsrif,tions does not alwaysy ield th€ right move. lt is oftcn simplora nd morc cffcicnt to narrow tho rangco f cardidatc movosb y first considoringh ow a fcw gcncral principlcsm ighta pplys pccificallyto thop ositiona t hand. Considoringo nly gcncral principlcs,h owevor,w ith no calculationsfo r support,w ill also incvitablyl ead to mistal@sT. hcre has not yet bcena chcssp layerw ho hasf ounda pcrfcctb alanceb etweenca lculatinvga riations and applyingg cncral principles.E nthlsiasmf or onc of thosea spects withoutt he otherl eadsi n practicct o sadr esultsS. ucccssfuplc rfoma.ncien toumamenct ompetitionr equir€s the ability to ma.ker apid a.ndp recise calculationsb,u t this "wcapon"m ustb e usede conomicallyK.n owingw len b calculate is Justa s i\portant as knowing, ol, to calculate-l t is ofcourse vcry dcsirabloto be able to idcntib' thosc" critical momcnts"d uringt ho aa.rnoa s it unfolds. t viii 'Ih! lLtftlt.h l.om la Roadcrso f this book wlll nolicc thut thc ulDolxtions ol-ganrcs usurlh do not contirinl ong. dazzling rariatrons. Frcqucntl) thc ruthors d'spcnscw rth such anrlr-srsr n livor ol lookrng al thc posit'(m wilh "conlnron sonsc ' Thcrc aro sovcnl rcasons lb this npprcxch F'irst. to a grcal dogrcc lhc thors rcpnjsoDllh o'.positronrl' schoolo fchcss. us lhc roadcrc arr rcadilv obsonc allcr pcnrsrnltt his book Sccond.o nc ol thc basic tasks of lhjs vohunci s to holp thc sludcnl know ho$ lo xppl! gcocral pfi'rcr cs tn lhc corrcct profo(iorr- rc to rccognrTot \hcn it rs Inlporlilnt to crlculalc lari.rlidr\ or grc.rt dclril. or $hcn rnolhcr kind ol thinking nxrrc 's appropflitc lhfld. b\ adoplrrgx strcrmlincda pproachto chcss llvs's. our goal rs to highlighlo nlv lhc nrostI nportiul pllfts ol rl. so that thc slrdonct ltnd l]nkl lonrr rrvrl-\1n\g\c llspfrngo l chssicc hcssg antcs Stri'ri1z'slh tofy ol l'osilirxr:rIl' lrty lho scronlillcc hcsst hcorr dc\'cft)pebrlr thc lirsl ollkirl cl,css( hrnrtroD ol thcW odd.W illirD Stcrni(zh. ts v:rlrrcb $rrnd its usc ir chcss Slcrntzs thcor\ h.rs rpplrcxlnnrs li)f ovcnonc rs r law ol thc strugglu jar lilij. ol' r,,hicll he grnrc ol chcssr s siDrpl\ a nnrdcl l'urlhcr dcvoloPnrcnxln d 0l.b orirrrono l Stornrtsz lhoor\ trelorrdl rrs orrgrnrlc onccplxmc ould bc goncrrlI r scopec. orsrsturgo l r ')hilosol)h\ ol strugglc \lhrch coukl br its 0pphcr(ionrn chcsso. f irs tl spccilicr ppl'crlxnr( 'sclirlo nl\ in chcss.t o crhLrncLch cu ndorslrndrlgo l chcs\ lin lls oulr sr*c '1hc pirkrsophrcrlr pplic.rlioDo l Steirrtzs thoor1 wirs onrbrrccd l)\ Stciuitr'ss ucccssoorf i lhc chossth roDcl.i mnucl l;rsker lhorti is no dorrbl thatl .rskor'\t r\jrncr)doussu cccssa s r plil\er \!ls loru)dodo n hrs.rdopliolr ol Stcrnitzs thoor\ h0 crcollcd lt urlonsilrirrgt hc strugglc b) conslirnth posingd rlllcull practicol problorn\ lbf h's opponcnts Cons,:qucntlr L$kors nros(c nduring.rndin rportiu)cto ntfibutroDtos chcssr rc hrsg amcs- spccillc.rlht hc nirnncr ir) $l)ich he l'on llowcvcr. his css,jntiall! phrlosophrcaLl rndcrsl.rndingo l tLc Storni(zrar chcss slrtrgglc $as t(X) pcrsonrlr Dd roo lhr rcnr(xcd tioln thc chcssboardio providot he lb ndruon lbf .r chcsss chool Il is nol un.rccidenll h:rt l.rskcr coutnbulcd1 rtlloo t' \ahc to clrcssl ilcr^L r0 Dr Srcgbcnl arrrsch- also a drsciplco f Slexritz.c Dlnrcod r dilllrcot iDpfoach I lc dcrolopods pocitic chossr pplicxhons of Stcinitz s th0on ll\ cxprcssnrgs cicntiflc trulhs in thc lbn)r ol pith! chcssa xioms. I)r. Tarrasch bcc nc thc terchor of thc gcncrxtionst hal fblhwcd Stcinitz 'I:rrrasch s grcltostc ontributronsa re in chessl rtcr:rturo His most valuablo$ ork is J00 Ma\to (;Ltn(\ t)/ ('ha$. n Nhrch ho stdcd nttm) (imclcssc hcssp rinciplcs in lln intorcstinga nd mctlor$lc Nir1. f The TarraschF ormula The TarraschF ormula Tarraschw as the first to formulatea nd cxpresst he leth^t ,,If onep iece is badly placed, your whole game is bod.. Tllc geniuso fthis phraseU ;s in ils simplicity as well as its corr€ctness. Properly applied, it is a significant addition to Steinitz's thcory. On the ba^siso f this single axiom. various tlpes of posrtroncsa n be studted\ herct he dtffcrcncern -f orceb enveetnh e two sidcs is defined only by the difference in location between corespondingp iecesA. pplyingt he TarraschF ormulain this wav develoDs and builds chcssr heoryb ) emphasizindgc Inrenelatronshbipc nreent i,c locahono f a piecea nd its real polrer. Examrnea ny modemr extbooko f chcsss trat€gya nd you will seei ts lasting value. Thc TarraschF ormt|la is a fundamentala nd unifiing principle that embracesf amiliar core conceots sucha s "good/ bad bishop,"" advantagoef oppositc-colorebdis hopsin an attack. supcnorityo fkntghro \er btshop"( andv icer crsa),a nds oi onh For conturiest hc basic valuc of the chcssp ieccsh as becn well kno$n. As part of cvcryone'sb asicc hessc ducationt.h c averagev alueo f thc pieccsis not debatableH. owcvor,t he real "market pric€,' of this or that piccc fluctuatcsu p or down dependingo n thc spccificb oarda rrangcment. Assumcf.o r exarnplct,h at the Bishop( initiallyq uotcda t an averagcv alue of threep awns),u nder" advorscm orkctc onditionsa" ppcarsin a aituation uhlyc tt ts blockcdr n b1 pawns.S uchr blshopb ccomlsn o morc\ aluablc tha.na singlcp awn,a nd its valucd iminishctso tho pointw hcrci t carriosa "rcd tag" discounst alcp ricc. If thc rosultingd oficioncy(t wo pawns.worth of matcrial)is not covcrcdb y tho incomc( activity)o f thc othcrp iocesi.t is logrcatl o assumcth at it can rosulti n thc bankruptcoy ftho entircc ompany. This is thcc sscncocf !h( TarraschF ormula PracticrlA pplicstion,o r How to Find a Sick Buffrlo Thorcv ct remainsth o qucstiono f roconcilingth c theorcticailm portancoef thc TarraschR ulow ith its practicaal pplicationdsu ringc ompctitionI.n this contcxt.lo t us considchr ow thc chosss trugglcis a modclo f reall ife, sot hat makingt hc transitionf rom chcssp roblcmsto rcal-lifes ituations(a ndv ice vcrsa)w ill nots eemu nnatural. lmaginea situationi n the Afircan savannai.w hcrea lion,s familv has bcgunt h( hunt for food. A ncarb)h urdo f buffaloi s an Invtringla rg(.1fo r such prcdatorsb ccausei t carries litcrally tons of meat. Howevcr.t he l- 'Ih c litttls(h lbrnltuI groupcdb ullalo hcrd also has hundrcdso f sharp. strong hornsa nd hoovcs. and is colloctivolva s poworfi'l rs tons of dYncmitc.s o thit cnl prcdator muslD c\ r4,,1 So what is thc sccrct of thc fovul huntl l,ions $'ork according to thc TarrAschR ulcl Evcn tho KinS of Bcasts canrot succocdw ilh ir liontal assxultr grirst lhc untirc hcrd Instcad.t hc l|(nl takcss dvantrgoo forrc woak or sicka nrmxll hrt bocorncsb ndly placcd.s op:rrulcdfr on tho hord. For f:Inso ftho royal gtrnc. thc situxtim ast hc saDlc Whcn \"o look at thc groupcd hcrd ol cttcnl),p ioocs| tnd prr\ns. thcir collcctivc lbrco is lcrriblo to bcholdtl lul vrctoryr s possibloif lou paticnll]s cokt hc sick bullirlo in tho cncnlvc iulp. thmks b thc lbnrulil lionr Dr l'trraschl Pltyrng stcadill to r0ducct hc powcr of iI siDglc cnolllv piccc. 1o turn dowD thc volumo" until its norfixl voicc bccomcs onl,v c \lhispor. ctn providc cno gh advantagc1 ()\ \'ur thu g.rrDc Wh,v'l Bocausci t is ltrnctrorralll tho saorc as winnrng ! prcco. Ilvcry chcss pltrcr lovcs to h:rv0 m cxtra pioco Tho Tnrrnschl bmrul.r pointst hc \"a-vQ ward hxv0)ga vllrr., oxtra prccc Thinknrg of stratogy iD thrs way is r vurt usct'ul pa( ol your choss plannrng lt ollirs a strlighlfb$ird irnd oftcctivc mothod for lmproving lour dccisior-nrakrngil nd movo solcction. is dcnxnrstr:rtcdiD lhc galnos collcclcdlb r this vohmc thitl arc now prcsontodlb r ,Yours tudy lrcqucnlh thc sLrcccsslulr oalizutiort ol_ il plan bdscd on thc Txrrasch Irornnrlai ncludcsn ot onl) rn a condifion:rli rdvantagoi n lbrco. but also il restriction in mobility of thc opposirrga rmy (prophr-laxrs)t.b llowod bv its blockadc ard pcrhaps finatty b! complete paralysis (zrrgzwazg) In m:*ing uso ol thosc pnnciplcs thc authors cannot lail to rknor"lcdgo lnothef groat chess thinkcr. Aron Ninrzovich. whosu tcachrngs about prcphllaxis irnd btockadc arc a corncrstonco f tnodom choss Although Tanascha nd Nimzolich did Dof lovo cach othcr in lil_c.t hcir contributions 10c hesst hoor\ iuc conrplolncntarya. nd thc intcrrolationshipo f thcir idcas hasc nrichr:dg cncrationso l plavcrs. No\\ lcl us considcr spccific oxxmplcs of thc 'farrasch Fonnula rn oPeration. xl