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THE SCIENTIST’S GUIDE TO CARDIAC METABOLISM Edited by Michael Schwarzer and TorSTen doenST Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena Jena, Germany AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an Imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125, London Wall, EC2Y 5AS, UK 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. 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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 978-0-12-802394-5 For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ Publisher: Mica Haley Acquisition Editor: Stacy Masucci Editorial Project Manager: Shannon Stanton Production Project Manager: Julia Haynes Designer: Matt Limbert Typeset by Thomson Digital List of Contributors Christophe Beauloye Université catholique de Miranda Nabben Department of Genetics and Louvain, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale Cell Biology, Cardiovascular Research Institute et Clinique, Pole of Cardiovascular Research, Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, Brussels, Belgium; Université catholique de Maastricht, The Netherlands Louvain, Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc, Tien Dung Nguyen Department of Cardiothoracic Division of Cardiology, Cardiovascular Intensive Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Care, Brussels, Belgium Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany Jessica M. Berthiaume Department of Physiology Bernd Niemann Department for Adult and & Biophysics, School of Medicine, Case Western Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Vascular Surgery, Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA University Hospital Giessen and Marburg, Justus Luc Bertrand Université catholique de Louvain, Liebig University Giessen, Rudolf Buchheim Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Strasse, Giessen Pole of Cardiovascular Research, Brussels, Belgium Moritz Osterholt Department of Internal Medicine, Helios Spital Überlingen, Überlingen, Germany David I. Brown McAllister Heart Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Linda R. Peterson Department of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA Cardiovascular Division, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Torsten Doenst Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Susanne Rohrbach Institute for Physiology, Justus Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany Liebig University Giessen, Aulweg, Giessen Jan F.C. Glatz Department of Genetics and Cell Andrea Schrepper Department of Cardiothoracic Biology, Cardiovascular Research Institute Maas- Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich tricht (CARIM), Maastricht University, Maastricht, Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany The Netherlands Paul Christian Schulze Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Columbia University Louis Hue Université catholique de Louvain, de Medical Center, New York, New York Duve Institute, Protein Phosphorylation Unit, Brussels, Belgium Michael Schwarzer Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Peter J. Kennel Department of Medicine, Division Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany of Cardiology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York Marc van Bilsen Departments of Physiology and Cardiology, Cardiovascular Research Institute Terje S. Larsen Cardiovascular Research Group, Maastricht, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Department of Medical Biology, UiT the Arctic Netherlands University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway Christina Werner Department of Cardiothoracic Craig A. Lygate Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany of Oxford, Oxford, UK ix x List of Contributors Monte S. Willis McAllister Heart Institute, Martin E. Young Division of Cardiovascular University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Diseases, Department of Medicine, University Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, University of North Carolina Medicine, Chapel AL, USA Hill, NC, USA Foreword If you consider yourself a scientist already or find out which investigative methods have been want to become one and you have found interest used in the past and which are currently applied in investigating cardiac metabolism but are lack- to further develop the field. Having read this ing the fundamentals, you need The Scientist’s book you will know “what the experts in the Guide to Cardiac Metabolism. Reading this book field are talking about” and develop a solid base will provide you with the basic and, therefore, for quick understanding of the sometimes dry often timeless information required to get a fly- appearing but indeed highly interesting publi- ing start in any good cardiac metabolism lab. cations in this field. We are certain it is worth You get the chance to refresh your basics on your while. biochemistry, cell biology, physiology as well as the required methodology to investigate new ar- Michael Schwarzer, Torsten Doenst eas. You will be familiarized with fundamental Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, principles relevant to cardiac metabolism, learn Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller regulatory mechanisms and pathways and also University of Jena, Jena, Germany xi C H A P T E R 1 Introduction to Cardiac Metabolism Michael Schwarzer, Torsten Doenst Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Jena, Germany In order for the heart to sustain its regular is directly influenced by metabolism. Again, if heartbeat, it needs a constant supply of energy ATP is limited (e.g., during ischemia), it is eas- for contraction [1]. This energy comes primarily ily envisioned that contractile function seizes. from the hydrolysis of ATP, which is generated However, the scheme finally encompasses myo- within the cardiomyocyte by utilizing various cardial metabolism as potential target for treat- competing substrates and oxygen, which again ing contractile dysfunction [5]. Considering that are supplied by coronary flow [2,3]. Cardiac metabolic processes also influence biosynthesis, metabolism therefore comprises all processes it becomes clear that metabolism is a prime tar- involved in the biochemical conversion of mol- get of investigations for nearly all physiologic ecules within the cell utilizing energy substrates. and pathologic states of the heart, may it be In addition, cardiac metabolism comprises all ischemia/ reperfusion, diabetes, hypertrophy, biochemical processes of the cell aimed at the and acute and chronic heart failure [6]. generation of building blocks for cell mainte- In order to develop an understanding for nance, biosynthesis, and cellular growth. these interrelations and to obtain basic knowl- There is an intimate connection between car- edge about the methods and tools used for the diac metabolism and contractile function, which investigation of (cardiac) metabolism, we have is illustrated schematically in Fig. 1.1. As simple compiled this book. It reflects a selection of as this illustration, which stems originally from chapters geared toward the transfer of princi- Heinrich Taegtmeyer, appears as complex is its ples in cardiometabolic research. The book does meaning [4]. It is clear that changes in contrac- not claim to be complete, but its content should tile function require changes in cardiac metab- make the reader quickly understand most of the olism as more power needs more fuel, that is, specific topics he or she intends to specialize in ATP, and less power needs less fuel. The sche- and to be better able to put the personal investi- matic also illustrates that contractile function gations into perspective. The Scientist’s Guide to Cardiac Metabolism 1 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802394-5.00001-7 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2 1. IntroduCtIon to CArdIAC MEtABolIsM reader may find that both fatty acid oxidation and phospholipid ether biosynthesis may be per- oxisomal processes and that the endoplasmatic/ sarcoplasmatic reticulum has a major role in cal- cium homeostasis which influences cardiac con- tractility as well as metabolic enzyme activities. While the role of ribosomes seems to be better FIGURE 1.1 Schematic illustration of the interrelation known, the importance of transport systems and of cardiac contractile function and substrate metabolism. vesicle pools may have been less recognized and Adapted from Ref. [4]. their role in glucose and fatty acid uptake, fis- sion and fusion of mitochondria is highlighted. In Chapter 2, Jan Glatz and Miranda Nabben Finally, the authors elegantly explain the differ- begin with illustrating basics in metabolically ent modes of cell death known as apoptosis, au- relevant biochemistry. They show that metabo- tophagy, necrosis, and necroptosis. They describe lism is tightly coupled to all major types of bio- their causes, regulations, and their differences. molecules as virtually every biomolecule can In Chapter 4, together with Christina Werner, be used as a substrate or pathway component we address principle metabolic pathways and in metabolism. Carbohydrates and fatty acids metabolic cycles as they relate to energy produc- are the main substrates used to produce ATP. tion and building-block generation in the heart. Amino acids and nucleotides are mainly used This chapter covers the important biochemical to build proteins and nucleic acids. However, all parts of substrate use in cardiac metabolism. biomolecules come with specific characteristics The contents of this chapter represent another and even when they are “exclusively” used as fundamental component of cardiac metabolism, substrate for ATP generation, their biochemical as it demonstrates how glucose and fatty acids influence on other cellular processes needs to as the main substrates are metabolized. Here, be taken into account as well. Furthermore, the the connection between different pathways is properties of biomolecules influence their trans- illustrated and the importance of the citric acid port as well as their import into the cell or into cycle for the generation of reducing equivalents cellular substructures, such as mitochondria. as well as for building blocks for biosynthetic Fatty acids as lipophilic compounds are not processes becomes readily visible. The role of readily soluble in the aqueous blood and cyto- the respiratory chain as acceptor of reducing plasm. Carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and amino equivalents, as consumer of oxygen and most acids are more hydrophilic and may not cross importantly as the main site of ATP production membranes without help. Thus, it is important is made apparent. Furthermore, anaplerosis as to be aware of the properties of biomolecules mechanism to “refill” exploited moieties within and their biochemistry. This chapter introduces metabolic cycles is introduced and the inter- the reader to the biochemical properties of the relation of hexosamine biosynthetic pathway, major classes of molecules and illustrates their pentose phosphate pathway, and glycolysis is behavior. presented as well as the influence of fatty acid In Chapter 3, Bernd Niemann and Susanne oxidation on glucose use and vice versa. Un- Rohrbach address metabolically relevant cell derstanding of the principles explained in this biology and illustrate the roles of intracellular chapter is essential to follow the metabolic path organelles for cardiac metabolism. In this chap- of substrates in an organism. ter, the roles of all major cellular organelles with Louis Hue, Luc Bertrand, and Christophe respect to cardiac metabolism are described. The Beauloye then address the principles of how the 1. IntroduCtIon to CArdIAC MEtABolIsM 3 previously described cycles and pathways are Osterholt, we first present a general overview regulated and how metabolism is controlled. of methods used to investigate cardiac me- Cardiac metabolism must never stop and needs tabolism. From basic biochemical determina- to be adjusted to substrate availability, hormonal tions of individual metabolite concentrations regulation, and workload. The authors elegantly and enzyme a ctivities using spectrophotometry, describe how metabolic pathways are organized through powerful new tools for broad analyses and controlled. Furthermore, they discuss how of RNA and protein expression or metabolite short- and long-term control of enzyme and path- concentration (the “-omics”) up to nuclear and ways activity is achieved and how flux may be magnetic resonance tracing of metabolic rates, controlled. With flux control, they distinguish be- the principles are illustrated. We have tried to tween two general mechanisms: control by sup- illustrate the strengths and the weaknesses of ply as a “push mechanism” or control by demand the individual methods. As mitochondria have as a “pull mechanism.” Another way to control moved more and more into the focus of meta- substrate metabolism is achieved by substrate bolic research, we have addressed those bio- competition and interaction, which seems to be chemical analyses frequently used in the context the most sensitive regulation seen in metabolism. of mitochondrial investigations as an example Chapter 5 offers the reader a thorough under- for the integration of methods. standing of the regulations and interdependen- We then move to address commonly used cies of cardiac metabolic pathways and cycles. models to investigate cardiac metabolism. Meta- The previously mentioned information is bolic measurements are frequently impossible in strictly focused on processes ongoing in the humans, thus animal models are required. Mod- mature, adult heart. However, metabolism eling of disease in animal models brings along undergoes massive changes during develop- advantages and shortcomings. The chapter is ment. These changes are described by Andrea intended to introduce the reader to surgical, in- Schrepper in Chapter 6. The adult heart con- terventional, environmental, and genetic animal sumes preferentially fatty acids followed by low- models and should enable the reader to choose er amounts of glucose, lactate, and ketone bodies. an appropriate model for cardiac metabolic re- In contrast, embryonic, fetal, and neonatal hearts; search. The chapter includes models of cardiac considerably deviate from the adult situation. hypertrophy from different causes, ischemic as Oxygen availability is frequently limited and well as volume or pressure overload heart fail- substrate provision differs significantly from the ure models as well as models of diabetes and adult situation. G lucose is the major substrate in nutritional intervention. Exercise may influ- these hearts with glycolysis as the main process ence cardiac metabolism as well as infection. for ATP generation. With birth, the heart has to Furthermore, there are in vitro models as the adapt quickly to the abundance of fatty acids and isolated Langendorff or the working heart prep- increased oxygen availability. The change from aration, which are well suited for the investiga- glucose as the preferred substrate in the fetus to tion of metabolic fluxes in relation to contractile the adult situation is described in this chapter. function or for the metabolic investigation of Furthermore in the aging organism, cardiac me- ischema/ reperfusion. Cell culture models are tabolism changes again and the heart has to cope used more and more to assess signaling mecha- with increasing limitations in metabolism and nisms in cardiovascular disease, although the function. The findings in cardiac metabolism in loss of workload-dependent contractile function the aging heart are also discussed. makes the interpretation difficult at times. Thus, With Chapters 7 and 8, we enter the realm understanding the limits of these models may of methods and models. Together with Moritz prove helpful. 4 1. IntroduCtIon to CArdIAC MEtABolIsM Another physiologic principle, which in itself result from a nutritional “dysbalance,” that is, is highly interesting and even clinically relevant, the over-reliance on one substrate (mainly fatty also affects the proper conduct of metabolic acids). Exercise in turn may not only lead to car- research and the planning of metabolic experi- diac hypertrophy, but affects cardiac substrate ments. Martin Young describes elegantly the im- metabolism as well as mitochondrial function pact of diurnal variations in cardiac metabolism in a way that may provide protection against and how genetically determined cardiac and such metabolic insults. This excellently written biologic rhythms affect cardiac function and the chapter clearly addresses the influence of nutri- methods used to investigate them. Cardiac me- tional and exercise-induced changes on cardiac tabolism not only changes in response to chang- metabolism with respect to acute and chronic es in environmental conditions or disease, it also consequences. changes regularly throughout the day. Diurnal Chapter 11 touches on the vast field of isch- variations are mainly caused by variations in emia, hypoxia, and reperfusion. David Brown, behavior such as sleep–wake cycle and feeding Monte Willis, and Jessica Berthiaume describe at different times. They significantly affect both how cardiomyocytes as well as the complete or- gene and protein expression. These variations gan depend on a continuous coronary flow for lead to changes in glucose and fatty acid me- proper function. Thus, hypoxia and ischemia tabolism. Disturbance of diurnal variations may present potentially deadly challenges for the even lead to heart failure, underscoring their rel- entire organism. Hypoxia is defined as reduced evance. Frequently, there is little attention paid oxygen availability, which may be, up to a cer- to diurnal variations in the experimental design, tain degree, tolerated by the heart. In contrast, yet a different time point of investigation with- ischemia (myocardial infarction) interrupts the in 1 day may significantly alter the amount of provision of oxygen and nutrients to the heart protein or RNA to be investigated. Reading this and the removal of carbon dioxide and disposal chapter not only provides interesting and im- of “waste products” together; and depending portant information, but also it helps to clarify on the degree of ischemia even completely (low the relevance of diurnal variation for planning flow- or total ischemia). This has a profound of experiments. effect on cardiac metabolism. Importantly, the We then enter a series of chapters address- necessary reperfusion to terminate ischemia ing states of disease. Marc van Bilsen starts with provokes more changes to cardiac metabolism the description of the influence of nutrition and and causes damage to the cell by itself, a phe- environmental factors on cardiac metabolism. nomenon termed reperfusion injury. In the long As should be clear by now, the heart is able to run, ischemia is the most common cause for the utilize all possible substrates and has therefore, development of heart failure. In this chapter, the been termed a metabolic omnivore. Cardiac effects of hypoxia, ischemia, and reperfusion on metabolism is therefore relatively robust. How- cardiac metabolism and metabolic therapies for ever, chronic changes in substrate supply lead ischemia-induced heart failure are discussed. to chronic adaptations of cardiac metabolism, Chapter 12 then addresses heart failure but which may not always be associated with the this time with pressure overload as the cause. preservation of normal function. Nutritional T. Dung Nguyen illustrates that cardiac hy- changes, such as fasting or high-caloric or high- pertrophy and heart failure can be induced by fat feeding, profoundly affect cardiac metabo- several different mechanisms but pressure over- lism. The heart and its metabolism is even more load is a major cause. The relation of metabolic severely affected in conditions such as obesity, remodeling and morphologic remodeling in the metabolic syndrome, and diabetes, which all heart during the development of heart failure is rEFErEnCEs 5 discussed and their possible interrelation pre- Finally, Terje Larsen provides a historic over- sented. While a causal role for impaired cardiac view over the field. Metabolic investigations metabolism in the development of heart failure have a long tradition and many early discover- seems not always clear; the observed metabolic ies were necessary to build the foundation for changes frequently indicate the state of heart fail- today’s investigations of cardiac metabolism. ure progression (e.g., mitochondrial function). Historically, cardiac metabolism started with Furthermore, concepts to target cardiac metabo- the ancient Greeks when Aristotle observed that lism for the treatment of hypertrophy and heart cardiac function is associated with heat and that failure are presented and their results analyzed. nutrition and heat are connected. Several histor- A similar target is investigated by Craig Lygate ic findings strongly influenced the development from a both conceptually and methodologically of the field of metabolism and cardiac me- different perspective. Energetics address the role tabolism and allowed more and better under- of high-energy phosphate generation and turn- standing of cardiac function and its coupling over as assessed by nuclear magnetic resonance to cardiac metabolism. Furthermore, several spectroscopy. This perspective also assumes methods to perform cardiac metabolic research a tight link between ATP production and con- have their base on such “historic” work and the tractile function, but adds the creatine kinase historic findings have been the base for several system to the picture. Creatine kinase deficiency Nobel prizes in medicine. has been observed in cardiac hypertrophy and We hope you will find useful information for heart failure, but the regulation of creatine ki- your endeavor into cardiac metabolism and we nase is very complex. In Chapter 13, the creatine wish you lots of curiosity and success in your kinase system is described including various investigations. findings in hearts with elevated or reduced lev- els of creatine. Furthermore, energy transfer and References energy status of the heart in hypertrophy and heart failure are discussed and the effect of treat- [1] Kolwicz SC Jr, Purohit S, Tian R. Cardiac metabolism and ments to improve energy status is presented. its interactions with contraction, growth, and survival of In the end, we attempt together with Chris- cardiomyocytes. Circ Res 2013;113:603–16. [2] Neely JR, Liedtke AJ, Whitner JT, Rovetto MJ. Relation- tian Schulze, Peter Kennel and Linda Peterson to ship between coronary flow and adenosine triphosphate illuminate the clinical relevance of metabolism production from glycolysis and oxidative metabolism. and the current efforts and achievements of me- Recent Adv Stud Cardiac Struct Metab 1975;8:301–21. tabolism in the treatment of cardiac disease. In [3] Neely JR, Morgan HE. Relationship between carbohy- this chapter, the advantages and disadvantages drate and lipid metabolism and the energy balance of heart muscle. Ann Rev Physiol 1974;36:413–39. of noninvasive metabolic assessment of the heart [4] Taegtmeyer H. Fueling the heart: multiple roles for car- by nuclear and magnetic resonance techniques diac metabolism. In: Willerson J, Wellens HJ, Cohn J, is addressed, illustrating how powerful but also Holmes D Jr, editors. Cardiovascular medicine. London: how complex metabolic research can be. In ad- Springer; 2007. p. 1157–75. dition, a detailed update on metabolic therapy [5] Taegtmeyer H. Cardiac metabolism as a target for the treatment of heart failure. Circulation 2004;110:894–6. in clinical practice is provided in the second part [6] Taegtmeyer H, King LM, Jones BE. Energy substrate me- of the chapter again illustrating the important tabolism, myocardial ischemia, and targets for pharma- role of metabolism in cardiac disease. cotherapy. Am J Cardiol 1998;82:54K–60K.

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