Turteltaub, better known (as Harry Turtledove) for his alternate-history novels, brings us the third installment in the tales of those Grecian adventurers, Sostratos and Menedemos. The time is 308 B.C.E., not too long after the death of Alexander the Great. Greece is in turmoil, politically and socially, but our heroes are getting away from it all, traveling by sea to Phoenicia, where they intend to spend a few months trading, but things aren't going according to plan. There's the matter of their ship's unwanted cargo, olive oil they are supposed to dispose of (coals to Newcastle). There's the matter of the unwanted guests on the voyage, a band of sailors who are supposed to protect them from various dangers. And, well, the whole adventure is just full of misadventure. Turteltaub keeps things moving at a brisk clip, throwing in just enough period detail to remind us we're in ancient Greece and scattering real historical figures throughout the story (Menedemos himself actually existed). It's a lighthearted, whimsical story, another solid entry in an entertaining series. David Pitt
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"Good pacing, a light touch, and a genuine feel for the period."
--Kirkus Reviews on The Sacred Land
"Another solid entry in an entertaining series."
--Booklist on The Sacred Land
"Well-researched [and] well-written."
--Library Journal on Over the Wine-Dark Sea
"A mountain of solid scholarship entertainingly dished out."
--Publishers Weekly on Over the Wine-Dark Sea
"Superlative historical adventure."
--Kirkus Reviews on The Gryphon's Skull
--Booklist on The Sacred Land