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Preview The S-wave resonance contributions in the $B^0_s$ decays into $ \psi(2S,3S)$ plus pion pair

The S-wave resonance contributions in the B0 decays into ψ(2S,3S) plus pion pair s Zhou Rui1, Ya Li2, and Wen-Fei Wang3 ∗ † ‡ 1College of Sciences, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009, China 2Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu , China and 3Institute of Theoretical Physics, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi, China (Dated: March 31, 2017) 7 The three-body decays Bs0 → ψ(2S,3S)π+π− are studied based on the perturbative QCD ap- proach. With the help of the nonperturbative two-pion distribution amplitudes, the analysis is 1 0 simplified into the quasi-two-body processes. Besides the traditional factorizable and nonfactoriz- 2 ablediagramsattheleadingorder,thenext-to-leadingordervertexcorrectionsarealsoincludedto cancelthescale dependence. Thef0(980), f0(1500) resonance contributionsas well as thenonreso- r nantcontributionsaretakenintoaccountusingthepresentlyknownππ time-likescalarformfactor a M for the ss¯component. It is found that the predicted Bs0 → ψ(2S)π+π− decay spectra in the pion pairinvariantmassshowsasimilarbehaviorastheexperiment. ThecalculatedS-wavecontributions 0 tothebranchingratioofBs0 →ψ(2S)π+π−is6.0×10−5,whichisinagreementwiththeLHCbdata 3 B(Bs0 →ψ(2S)π+π−)=(7.2±1.2)×10−5 withinerrors. TheestimateofB(Bs0 →ψ(3S)π+π−)can reach the order of 10−5, pending thecorresponding measurements. ] h PACSnumbers: 13.20.He,13.25.Hw,13.30.Eg p - p e h I. INTRODUCTION [ 2 ThedecaysoftheneutralB mesonstothecharmoniumstatepluslightmesonpairhaveattractedlotsofattentions v recently. These decayprocessescouldbe usedto study the spectroscopyin variousmesonpairsystems,andthey also 1 4 havesignificantrolesinunderstandingofthesubstructureofdifferentresonantstates. Uptonow,severalexperimental 29 Bco0llaboJr/aψtiπon+sπ, li[k5e–8L],HBC0b anJd/ψBKaB+aKr, ha[9v]e, Bm0easuJre/dψφthφe[1d0e]c,aBys0Bs0ψ→(2SJ/)Kψπ++ππ−[1[11],.2], Bs0 → J/ψK+K− [3, 4], 0 O→n the theor−etical side,→the studies o−f B messo→ns decay into thrsee→hadronic fina−l states have been performed using . 1 different approaches [12–36] in recent years. The perturbative QCD approach (PQCD) [37, 38] has some unique 0 features that are particularly suitable for dealing with the three-body B meson decays. First, by introducing two- 7 mesondistributionamplitudes [39–45], the analysisofthree-bodyhadronicB mesondecaysis simplifiedinto the one 1 for two-body decays. As pointed out in [46, 47], it is not practical to make a direct calculation for the three-body : v processes due to the enormous number of diagrams which contain two gluon exchange at lowest order. Besides, its i contributionis not importantbecause the regionwith the two gluons being hardsimultaneously is power suppressed. X The dominant contributions come from the kinematic region where the two light mesons move almost parallelly for r producing a resonance with an invariant mass below O(Λ¯M ) (Λ¯ being the heavy-meson and heavy-quark mass a B difference), which can be catched by this new nonperturbative inputs. Second, the three-body decays of B meson receive both resonant and nonresonant contributions, it is difficult to separate the two parts clearly [27]. After absorbing the nonperturbative dynamics associated with the meson pair into the complex time-like form factors in the two-meson distribution amplitudes, both resonant and nonresonant contributions [46, 47] are included in the PQCD approach. Third, in the above dominant contribution region, the end-point singularities are smeared by the two-meson invariant mass, which suggest that the PQCD approach has a good predictive power without any arbitrary cutoffs. Finally, different from the two-body cases, some possible final state interactions (FSIs) may be significant in the three-body decays [31, 48]. According to [48], there are two distinct FSIs mechanisms. One is the interactions between the meson pair in the resonant region associated with various intermediate states. The other is the rescattering between the third particle and the pair of mesons. In our opinion, the former can be factorized into ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] †Electronicaddress: [email protected] ‡Electronicaddress: [email protected] 2 TABLE I: Theproperties of ψ(2S) and ψ(3S) mesons. Mesons IG JPC Mass (MeV) Width (keV) ψ(2S) 0− 1−− 3686.097±0.025 296±8 ψ(3S) 0− 1−− 4039±1 800±100 two-meson distribution amplitudes while the latter is ignored in the quasi-two-body approximation. Over past few years, the braching ratios and direct CP asymmetries of the three-body decays such as B π (K )π+π [49], ± ± ± − B0 J/ψπ+π [50], B0 η π+π [51], B+ D+ π+π [52], B (D ,D¯ )π+π →[53], B Pπ+π (s) → − (s) → c − c → (s) − (s) → (s) (s) − (s) → − [54] and B0 η (2S)π+π [55] have been studied systematically in the PQCD approach. In a recent work, the (s) → c − P-wave resonance contributions have been calculated in the B Kππ decays [56]. → The three-body hadronic B meson decays with the radially excited charmonium mesons in the final state have not received much attentions in the literature. As the LHC gathering more and more data, the processes of the B mesons decays including excited charmonium states must have much possibilities to be found. Recently, the LHCb Collaborationhavemeasuredthe three-body decaychannelsofB0 ψ(2S)π+π with ppcollisiondata collectedat (s) → − √s=7TeVrecently[57]. Inthequarkmodel,ψ(2S)(ψ(3S))isthefirst(second)radiallyexcitedvectorcharmonium with the radial quantum number n = 2(3) and the orbital angular momentum l = 0. Both ψ(2S) and ψ(3S) were observed by the processes of the e+e annihilation into hadronic [58, 59]. The properties for the two high excited − charmonium were updated in PDG 2016 [60]; they are listed in Table I. We have previously studied the semileptonic and two-body nonleptonic decays of the B meson to radially ex- c cited charmonium mesons in the PQCD approachby using the harmonicosillatorwave functions for the charmonium states [61, 62]. In the present work, we will extend our analysis to the three-body decays B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π to s → − provide an order of magnitude estimation. By introducing the two-pion distribution amplitudes, the S-wave contri- butions, whichare the main contributionsin the three-body decaysB0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π [57], couldbe describedby the quasi-two-bodyprocesses B0 ψ(2S,3S)f ψ(2S,3S)π+π cosnt→aining the S-wav−eresonantstates f , f (980) s → 0 → − 0 0 and f (1500) as two examples. Following the steps in Ref. [50], the decay amplitude (B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π ) can 0 A s → − be written as the convolution (B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π )=H φ φ φS , (1) A s → − ⊗ B ⊗ ψ ⊗ ππ where the hard function H could be treated by PQCD including both factorizable and nonfactorizable contributions in the expansion at the leading order in α (single gluon exchange as depicted in Fig.1). The hadron wave functions s φ ,φ and φS absorb the nonperturbative dynamics, and they can be extracted from experimental data or other B ψ ππ nonperturbative methods. Following the introduction, in Sect. II, we shall define kinematics and describe the wave functions of the initial and final states, then we will briefly review the related theoretical formulas. In Sect. III, we will calculate the B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π decays in the PQCD approach with discussions. Finally we will close this paper with a s → − conclusion. II. FRAMEWORK It is convenient to work in the rest frame of the B0 meson. Its momentum p , along with the charmonium meson s B momentum p , the pion pair momentum p and other quark momenta k in each meson, is chosen as [50] 3 i M M M p = B(1,1,0 ), p = B(r2,1 η,0 ), p= B(1 r2,η,0 ), B T 3 T T √2 √2 − √2 − M M M M k = (0, Bx ,k ), k =( Br2x , (1 η)x ,k ), k =( Bz(1 r2),0,k ), (2) B B BT 3 3 3 3T T √2 √2 √2 − √2 − with the ratio r = m/M and m(M ) is the mass of the charmonium (B0) meson. The factor η = ω2/(M2 m2) with the invariant massBsquared ω2B= p2 for the pion pair. The k , x srepresent the transverse momentBum− and iT i longitudinal momentum fraction of the quark inside the meson, respectively. If we choose the ζ = p+/p+ as the π+ 1 meson momentum fraction, the two pion momenta p can be written as 1,2 M M p = B((1 r2)ζ,η(1 ζ),p ), p = B((1 r2)(1 ζ),ηζ,p ). (3) 1 √2 − − 1T 2 √2 − − 2T 3 ψ k3 ¯b π f0 s π kB k (a) (b) (c) (d) FIG. 1: The leading-order Feynman diagrams for the quasi-two-body decays Bs0 → ψ(2S,3S)f0 → ψ(2S,3S)π+π−, where f0 stands for the S-waveintermediate state. Similar to the situation of the B meson [63], B0 meson could also be treated as a heavy-light system, its wave s function in the b space can be expressed by [64–67] i Φ (x,b)= [(/p +M )γ φ (x,b)], (4) Bs √2N B B 5 Bs c where b is the conjugate spacecoordinateofthe transversemomentumk , andN is the colorfactor. Here, we only BT c consideroneofthe dominantLorentzstructuresinourcalculation. Thedistributionamplitudeφ isadoptthe same Bs form as it in Refs. [68, 69] x2M2 ω2b2 φ (x,b)=Nx2(1 x)2exp[ B b ], (5) Bs − − 2ω2 − 2 b with shape parameter ω = 0.50 0.05 GeV and the normalization constant N being related to the decay constant b ± f through Bs 1 f φ (x,b=0)dx= Bs . (6) Z Bs 2√2N 0 c For the considered decays, the vector charmonium meson is longitudinally polarized. The longitudinal polarized component of the wave function is defined as [61, 62] 1 ΦL = [m/ǫ φL(x,b)+/ǫ /p φt(x,b)], (7) ψ 2√N L L 3 c with the longitudinal polarizationvector ǫ = M ( r2,1 η,0 ). For the twist-2 (twist-3) distribution amplitudes L √2m − − T φL(φt) of 2S and 3S states, the same form and parameters are adopted as their in Refs. [61, 62]. According to [50], the S-wave two-pion distribution amplitudes are organized into 1 φS = [/pΦI=0 (z,ζ,ω2)+ωΦI=0(z,ζ,ω2)+ω(n//v 1)ΦI=0 (z,ζ,ω2)], (8) ππ 2√Nc vν=− s − tν=+ where n = (1,0,0 ) and v = (0,1,0 ) are two dimensionless vectors. The asymptotic models for the twist-2 T T distribution amplitude Φ and the twist-3 distribution amplitude Φ ,Φ and relevant time-like scalar form vν= s tν=+ factor can be found in [50]. − Now, we write down the differential branching ratio for B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π decays, s → − dB = τω|−→p1||−→p3| 2, (9) dω 32π3M3 |A| B where τ =1.512 10 12s is the lifetime of B0 meson. The three-momenta ofthe pionin the pion paircenter-of-mass × − s system −→p1 and that of the charmonium −→p3 are given by 1 1 |−→p1|= 2 ω2−4m2π, |−→p3|= 2ωq[MB2 −(ω+m)2][MB2 −(ω−m)2], (10) p 4 100 100 f(980) f(980) 0 0 -5-1ω dB/d(10 GeV) 110 f0(1500) -5-1ω dB/d(10 GeV) 110 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 ω ( GeV ) ω ( GeV ) (a) (b) FIG.2: (a)TheωdependenceofthedifferentialdecayratesdB/dωin(a)Bs0 →ψ(2S)π+π− and(b)Bs0 →ψ(3S)π+π− decays. with m the pion mass. π The decay amplitude is written as A =V V (FLL+MLL) V V (F LL+FLR+M LL+MSP), (11) A c∗b cs − t∗b ts ′ ′ with V the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements. The detailed expressions of F (the factorizable ij emission contributions) and M (the nonfacorizable contributions) are the same as the B0 J/ψπ+π process in s → − the appendix of Ref. [50], except for the replacement J/ψ ψ(2S,3S). In this work, we also consider the vertex → corrections to the factorizable amplitudes F at the current known next-to-leading order (NLO) level. Their effects can be combined in the Wilson coefficients as usual [63, 70, 71]. In the NDR scheme we have C α µ a = C + 2 + sC [ 18 12ln( )+f +g (1 r2)], 1 1 2 I I 3 9π − − m − b C C α µ a = C + 4 +C + 10 + s(C +C )[ 18 12ln( )+f +g (1 r2)], 2 3 9 4 10 I I 3 3 9π − − m − b C C α µ a = C + 6 +C + 8 + s(C +C )[6+12ln( ) fh g (1 r2)]. (12) 3 5 3 7 3 9π 6 8 m − I − I − b The functions f and g arise from the vertex corrections; they can be found in [72]. I I III. RESULTS The mesons and quark masses (in units of GeV) and the Wolfenstein parameters are taken from the Particle Data Group [60] M = 5.367, m =3.686, m =4.040, m =0.14, m =4.2, m =1.27, B ψ(2S) ψ(3S) π b c λ = 0.22506 0.00050, A=0.811 0.026, ρ¯=0.124+0.019, η¯=0.356 0.011. (13) ± ± −0.018 ± The decay constants needed (in units of MeV) are [61, 73] f =259 32, f =296+3, f =187 8. (14) Bs ± ψ(2S) −2 ψ(3S) ± By using Eq. (9), we have the predictions of the branching ratios as B(Bs0 →ψ(2S)f0(980)→ψ(2S)π+π−) = [5.1+−11..62(ωb)+−11..42(fBs)+−10..07(aI2=0)+−00..64(t)]×10−5, (B0 ψ(2S)f (1500) ψ(2S)π+π ) = [2.3+1.3(ω )+0.7(f )+0.2(aI=0)+0.4(t)] 10 6, (15) B s → 0 → − −0.5 b −0.5 Bs −0.1 2 −0.1 × − wheretheerrorsareinducedbytheshapeparameterω =0.50 0.05GeV,thedecayconstantf =0.259 0.032,the GegenbauercoefficientaI=0 =0.2 0.2forthe two-piobnsystem±,andthe hardscaletwhichvarBiessfrom0.7±5tto1.25t, 2 ± respectively. The errors from the uncertainty of the CKM matrix elements and the decay constants of charmoniaare 5 6 B →ψ(2S)π+π− s ) 4 -1 V e G -4(10 2 ω /d B d 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 ω ( GeV ) (a) (b) FIG. 3: π+π− invariant mass distributions for the Bs0 →ψ(2S)π+π− decay. (a) The S-wave contributions in this work, and (b) from the LHCb Collaboration [57]. verysmall,andhavebeenneglected. Itisfoundthatthe mainuncertaintiesinourapproachcomefromtheB meson s wave function (the first two errors), which can reach 30 50% in size. The uncertainties caused by the Gegenbauer coefficient are less than 20% which is similar to that of−B0 J/ψπ+π [50]. The scale-dependent uncertainty is s → − largely reduced due to the inclusion of the next-to-leading order vertex corrections. Summing the two resonances f (980) and f (1500)in the strange scalar form factors, we have the total S-wave contribution for B0 ψ(2S)π+π 0 0 s → − decay as (B0 ψ(2S)(π+π ) )=[6.0+1.7(ω )+1.6(f )+0.9(aI=0)+0.6(t)] 10 5, (16) B s → − S−wave −1.4 b −1.4 Bs −0.9 2 −0.5 × − whichis compatiblewith the LHCbdata(7.2 1.2) 10 5 [60]whenconsideringits uncertainty. The measuredratio − between the branching ratios of B0 ψ(2S)π±+π a×nd B0 J/ψπ+π is [57] s → − s → − (B0 ψ(2S)π+π ) B s → − =0.34 0.04(stat) 0.03(syst) 0.01( ), (17) (B0 J/ψπ+π ) ± ± ± B B s → − which is consistent with the PQCD prediction 0.37+0.25 (uncertainties added in quadrature), where the (B0 J/ψπ+π ) is read from [50]. Because the mass of the−f0.1(81500)resonance is beyond the π+π invariantmassBspesct→ra − 0 − (2m <ω <M m) in B0 ψ(3S)π+π decay, there is only one resonantstate f (980) contributing to this decay. π − s → − 0 We have the branching ratio: B(Bs0 →ψ(3S)f0(980)→ψ(3S)π+π−)=[1.7+−00..53(ωb)+−00..54(fBs)+−00..31(aI2=0)+−00..20(t)]×10−5 (18) In Fig. 2, we plot the differential branching ratio for B0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π as a function of the π+π invariant s → − − massω. Thereddashedandbluedottedcurvesrepresentthecontributionsfromtheresonancesf (980)andf (1500), 0 0 respectively. As expected, the f (980) production is clearly dominant. From the branching ratios in Eqs. (15) and 0 (16)onecouldfindthatthef (980)resonanceaccountsfor85.0%ofthe totalbranchingratio,thef (1500)resonance 0 0 3.8%, and positive interference between the two terms is for 11.2%. Fora moredirectcomparisonwiththe availableexperimentaldata[57], wealsopresentthe S-waveπ+π invariant − mass distributions for the B0 ψ(2S)π+π decay in this work as well as the Fig. 4b in Ref. [57]. One observes s → − an appreciable peak arising form the f (980) resonance and a less strong, but clearly visible peak for the f (1500) in 0 0 Fig. 3 a. Comparing with the data, our distribution below 1.4 GeV for the resonances agrees quite well, showing a similar behavior in this region. Different from the fixed kinematics of the two-body decays, the decay amplitudes of the quasi-two-body decays are dependent on the π+π invariant mass. Therefore, it is more convenient to compare these contributions to the − branching ratios, whose results are displayed separately in Table III, where the labels FF, MM, FM correspond to the contributionofthe factorizable,nonfactorizablecases,andthe interferencesbetweenthem, respectively,while the 6 TABLE II: Contributions to the branching ratios ( in unit of 10−5) of Bs0 → ψ(2S,3S)π+π− decays from the factorizable amplitudes F, from thenonfactorizable amplitudes M, and from theinterference between F and M. Modes FF MM FM Total Bs0 →ψ(2S)f0(980)→ψ(2S)π+π− 6.4 0.2 -1.5 5.1 Bs0 →ψ(2S)f0(1500)→ψ(2S)π+π− 0.34 0.04 -0.15 0.23 Bs0 →ψ(2S)(π+π−)S-wave 7.3 0.3 -1.6 6.0 Bs0 →ψ(3S)f0(980)→ψ(3S)π+π− 2.0 0.2 -0.5 1.7 label“Total”denotes the totalcontribution. Itcanbe found thatthe dominantcontributionsto the branchingratios coming fromthe factorizabletopologydue to the vertexcorrections,whichare enhancedby the Wilsoncoefficient C 2 (see Eq. (12)). The interference contributions are of the same order as the factorizable ones with an opposite sign, which reflects the importance of nonfactorizable effects in the color-suppressed processes. This is similar to the case of the two-body B meson decays into charmonia [74–76]. IV. CONCLUSION Inthiswork,thequasi-two-bodydecaysB0 ψ(2S,3S)π+π havebeenanalyzedinthePQCDapproach,assuming s → − dominance of the S-wave resonance states f (980) and f (1500) in the invariant π+π mass distributions. Both the 0 0 − factorizable(includingthevertexcorrections)andnonfactorizablecontributionsaretakenintoaccount. We discussed theoretical uncertainties arising from the nonperturbative shape parameters, the decay constant, the Gegenbauer coefficient, and the scale dependence. It is found that the main uncertainties of the concerned processes come from the shape parametersandthe decayconstantofthe B meson. The predicted branchingratioandthe invariantmass s distributions for B0 ψ(2S)π+π decay are in agreement with the results from LHCb Collaboration. The decay mode B0 ψ(3S)πs+→π has not b−een measured yet, while the large value of the prediction =1.7+0.8 10 5 for it in this wso→rk waits the t−he future measurements. B −0.5× − Acknowledgments The authorsaregratefulto Hsiang-nanLiforhelpfuldiscussions. This workwassupportedinpartby the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants Nos. 11547020, 11605060, and 11547038, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province under Grant No. A2014209308, in part by the Program for the Top Young InnovativeTalentsofHigherLearningInstitutionsofHebeiEducationalCommitteeunderGrantNo. BJ2016041,and inpartbytheTrainingFoundationofNorthChinaUniversityofScienceandTechnologyunderGrantNos. GP201520 and JP201512. [1] R.Aaij et al. [LHCb Collaboration], Phys. Rev.D 86, 052006 (2012). [2] R.Aaij et al. [LHCb Collaboration], Phys. 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