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The rights and powers of captors and prize agents, over captures and proceeds, before final sentence, considered [microform] : being the substance of a judgement pronounced in the Court of Vice-Admiralty at Halifax, upon the return to a monition in the ca PDF

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Preview The rights and powers of captors and prize agents, over captures and proceeds, before final sentence, considered [microform] : being the substance of a judgement pronounced in the Court of Vice-Admiralty at Halifax, upon the return to a monition in the ca

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TwTshhIhaiNelcUllhEcaeDsov"tne)trr,aeicaonporprtltdhiheeeedss.sfyyrmmabbmooello—Vn-e(am(cemhaenmaiinncigrnog"fEi"cNChDOe"N)-, scdUaeynsrm:nbdioeldeslreessyiyVmmmbbasoogilgleeneidsf—eise^cu"ihFvsaIiaqgNnun"tie.sfimaeipcp"raAorafSiiUtcrhIaeV,RsusErel",loanlele dMiafpfse,renptlarteeds,uccthiaorntsr,ateitocs..,Tmhaoysebetofoillmaregdeatto be fLielsm6csardteds,espltaanucxhedse,rteadbulcetaiuoxn,deitfcf.^,repnetusv.ent §tre mrebrineeegtqgthiuihtrinoeranldeynid:nd.ignTtciholnpeutdtfheooedlbluioopntwptoieonnrmge,ldeefiaxtsapghomrasaaunnmrdseyciaoflrrrlenauesmfrtei,rlsatmleeeafsdtthteo edrLteeoprdrTseoaqdnuhugeailutelteesendunpoudcbnruaismse,eeuurneltngcalepuisrcctehhn6tea,r,noitpldeelgsertganafnouidmclbmhp6reoeuddrpdSartrotriietre, d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE RIGHTS AND POWERS O F CAPTORS AND PRIZE AGENTS, OVER CAPTURES AND PROCEEDS, BEFORE FINAL SENTENCE, CONSIDERED : tiEING THE SUBSTANCE OF A JUDGMENT PRONOUNCED IN THE COURT OF VICE-ADMIRALTY AT HALIFAX, UPON THE RETURN TO A MONITION IN THE CASE OF THE HERKIMER, ON TH£ 26th JANUARY, 1808. PUBLISHED AT THt Kr<iyEST OF MANV OF THE GENTLEMEN CONCERNED IN PR'ZP CAUSES. HALIFAX: PRINTED BY hOWE AND SON, ^ * (^c. y<:. [Dr. Croke.] i^ ""« Court, anfes upona Monition iffued aeainft n.tofhufiemerr,eLoo^ntoftacitrnomtHHmhe™eernkrI'cat-een^e•ofrf"r'fo'aimv^ne.fdi'pxcoaum'rno'gdn*ost'h,p"sea^rn'fcd"re8onma'lthftueohmepirpdnoetacreyereaeondft-f, 6•fthooffA1u?l!?fl' 7 «' 'r1^'*""S'OPPw"e're*c"on'd"e'm"needd oonntthhee P aifen «nt '' r."""' "" '''"" "^"""^^y and ap. ation ofth.T ""'•/"'* "" "'" '«"^" 'he valu. /A-3,77.88o966 5/3, 'm'a'kti?n"'g^'i'n 't"he^'w^hiol°e°°' "f 'he cargo Currency, Armotion was madeby the c;tCp.t4o0,s8qt6otcake, innpprorc'uioinSg " V"' "r ""«'"'''" havfngoccu ed fecurities, the partiesjointly praved the foTn"h"""* ','^'^ °'"'' P™P-'y -d'th'eproceeds aaiiee o.ffffjl,-„p'"a'ndV'c"ar^g'o^'^il'Tyu-ed o'n^^t'h«emmi8tfhfiaonnds2f,otrhtohef Ihe fale by public auclion was made on the joth of September 8c6, by Mefc. y ons were th.at the purchalb mfotn//ey C(ch.oulTdhbeecpoanidditin ffftihuuxelmmfotnnirt,whs,,„w1h.e.1n.', Mgrr.eat£"e"Mr"j"^ep'ra^rtboeeoccfaammtecherthcZearpguor,chifafofrrerthoefr of £.41,6;, ,g 4. The Marlhal refurocd he commiflion offale, without the proceeds, hch he K had applied for payment, but without effect. Upon •he proceed,. No no „ of u/Z'^l ^""^' '" P'^ i" ;«»nd generalorderw Ih"'' "" '""="'» then D«ember,anda,„oni",i„„„!™!!"'.,r?^'' "P"" ""= ='9"' <'f 'l"tl>i,monition '«'"'* "^'^8''^'"^. . ""der , p„,e„ n2ai"ft?hrr^'^^! ""«• been given which it will benSLl Vr'^'^'^-'f'l'e Court. \ . the Court ha, go«e ben2 ! '" T''"'"' "="•""» if •'«faid"'£tz:;atr" »"=''«- '•«h.n public auflion by cCIw^ ''" '^''S" «erc fold at •Auaioneer,, i„ pu fu^'^f'/'"'',C<''"P»"yo^ '" 'he publicne,i:?pf;r:;^:";''-«*"'entinfertcd the bidder, at th" fZl^^-^'^"'"'"''' ""eamont; bidder ,„, the mt^ ^T' '"" ^""S 'h= highe.f --^"•eof the dC^./« i^r^riSo, did purchaifthe ™ «/f o/Mf kidTturt^h^rZ.,„ ,/ '"'" " '*''''/par. -ndij,,, »/*>'' :'T^ Cfcarlelflil, Company alone canteem leJT t'^'^'*' ">" '^^ tw t"l"itcrienfkoreerhuamndblycJgnroiv'a,'s,1,.^ Id "^ '"•'"'P"''''"''P^O"«e"nPt , ""^ '" .he ju iM:,'^^''™P?''^'"'''^ hound to fub. the fiid nmnitiu, " "" '^'"'" '" 'he matierof '"•<« o. fale was made merely with thq Auftionecr, wd the ftlcitfelfnot „„der the authority o"uutt imn ,,1h.,;s. an«•-umption'. Th'e''°ad'v^'e^^r'^ti"f'e"mc"n"t<i!n":,»|•,etphue"m ic Papers exprefsly ftated the fale to be made by "he «W/,>/«;" and it U.obe obferved thnt'^Mr^/ii «r M^ffr l"""^^"' "•"' '- ^"-'-Z-'"- Rood o PfnofotfAldaumsteipdreatrlhfteoymnfseablvuaetmstgihnauttnhdeMcebfriflrltssh.eofaMup/tahrcoaernlidstyCoofmth!e,^.Cyohuarjt „"p^™""'S"'=f>'1i" i"s """""S "P"" the faceitsoffulltchfetexmtoennti,d„fi„ll! itthfedrfe tuVuH'^ " P--?'"" -I'icl. can oull the C t o it: tjjat allegation tLS;4S7rc^S-.f""T J "-" - fie,:"!, :: 't,"-^! ;^^, public auc- wlallif -'S^^^^^^^^^^ r'" "-z^:^rt^:^^:^;;^^^7?"»s the junWiaion of he Cou t^hicl / '?' '" '"""'* c..gni.a„c= of Pri.e, and 1' p P all .ncdental queftions .vhich mav^Jt'::/ .^i'f'"""""':'? ' in diinlceufCfoinu;r.ttwhiellfun^a'f.MAnll•v'/+%.«i r^"'^' "•^'S^'' ofdelicacy Jtthereiorea "1^ " confiderable de^r.—,„.:'.' a- - '«t«ia«.itun, ft"h'a"t'^i't pWttMlMtiiMip rather to refer to the decittons of other Courts nf M.ce. thofeofWeftminfter IfaU. ,„d i„"afcs:;prl TheSolictor Generalquoted a *<7«„ofLordJf«„^ Steed . h '/,"•' ''S^P"P"'yi"Pri'«goadswa. L7 tMhcl,rftplace,tkh",.'m"e"ree^i'^^'^mt'i'^'tion over the.n."I„ oi,/,r,;ia,«ofthateminent ludtre 1 'r"'"" '"""^ >'=«'«!'"'.»« not.d„u/t d an!;;i WWro.btJ,„..„.ceed^„&r, whodoubted,fuppofing the plaintiffs thefeg.x,d,u„dera legal title?under wh ch c.rcu„ fiance would be aground for prohibition."- 7' fC:nZof h m'm''''m'a'r'k]e't'"ov"er"t^, ohraduonbdteir^-anneydt p ff^ fl.lllth,nka prohibition ought not to be grlaegnatledtitolen h»t account," becaufe," he adds afterwards!" that he cf™,s.» "^ '" '^' A''"'i""y. »»welt asin other prceBiucHtn,cfaef,ec,nondudlfcyla,„r,gutlood ihtTha,evamkefeetblheviees,n.^aV7m«Homandaiptpiloincabtloetoalthi,et It a monition to . <ff«l been duefteH to a perfon who had iona/ll rM-"chacd them a, public auflion, whether underfhl aull's aut or ,y, or in the common courfeof t« 1 ranJ. m,gl,. have availed himfelfofI.ord K.l^le "'.' '" "" '" P™P«'y '"Id in market overt, but the aie .idraittcd to be m ilic parlies hands.

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