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INDEX Achinstein, S., Literature and Dissent in Birnbaum, M., Race, Work, and Desire in Milton’ England, revd, 147 American Literature, 1860-1930, revd, 338 Aers, D., Sanctifying Signs: Making Christian Blake, N. F., 4 Grammar of Shakespeare’ Tradition in Late Medieval England, Language, revd, 145 revd, 138 Blumreich, K. M. (ed), The Middle English Armstrong, P. B., Play and the Politics of ‘Mirror: An Edition Based on Bodleian Reading: The Social Uses of Modernist Library, MS Holkham misc. 40, revd, 778 Form, revd, 804 Boccaccio, Giovanni, see Morgan, G. (art, Arnold, Matthew, Literary Criticism, Brome, Richard, see Steggle, M. (revd) selected and introd. B. Crick and Brooker, P., Bohemia in London: The Social M. Disanto, revd, 682 Scene of Early Modernism, revd, 346 Attridge, D. (ed), James Foyces ‘Ulysses: A Browne, Thomas, see Preston, C. (revd) Casebook, revd, 164 Bullard, P., RES Prize Essay, The Meaning Auden, W. H., The Sea and the Mirror: A of the ‘Sublime and Beautiful’: Shaftes- Commentary on Shakespeare’ ‘The Tempest: burian Contexts and Rhetorical Issues revd, 478 in Edmund Burke's Philosophical Enquiry, 169-9] Baldick, C., /9/0-1940: The Modern Burke, Edmund, Philosophical Enquiry, see Movement, revd, 688 Bullard, P. (Prize Essay) Baron, H., see Lawrence, D. H., Paul Morel Burks, D. G., Horrid Spectacle: Violation (revd) in the Theater of Early Modern England, Bawcutt, N. W., art. by, The Assassination revd, 664 of Alessandro de’ Medici in Early Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy, Seventeenth-Century English Drama, see Tilmouth, C. (art) 412-24 Beckett, K. Scarfe, Anglo-Saxon Perceptions Carlyle, Jane, see Sorenson, D. R. (revd) of the Islamic World, revd, 135 Carlyle, Thomas, see Sorenson, D. R. (revd) Benson, C. D, Public Piers Plowman: Caxton, William, see Hanham, A. (art.) Modern Scholarship and Late Medieval Chalmers, H., Royalist Women Writers, English Culture, revd, 662 1650-1689, revd, 676 Beowulf, see Fulk, R. D. (art) Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales, see Berkhout, C..T., see Wilcox, J. (revd) Miller, M. (revd); Miller’s Tale, see Biberman, M., Masculinity, Anti-Semitism Biggs, F. M. (art); Parliament of Fowls, and Early Modern Engitsh Literature: From see Morgan, G. (art.) the Satanic to the Effeminate Jew, revd, 782 Chaudhuri, A.. D H. Lawrence and Bigelow, G., Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of ‘Difference: Postcolomality and the Poetry Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland, of the Present, revd, 341 revd, 463 Cheney, P., Shakespeare: National Poet- Biggs, F. M., art. by, The Miller’s Tale and Playwright, revd, 667 Heile van Beersele, 497-523 Chinitz, D. E., T S. Eliot and the Cultural Bildhauer, B., and Mills, R. (edd), The Divide, revd, 472 Monstrous Middle Ages, revd, 317 Clairmont, Claire, see Rossington, M. (art.) Bilston, S., The Awkward Age in Women’ Clare, John, Poems Descriptive of Rural Life Popular Fiction, 1850-1900: Girls and the and Scenery, see Dawson, P. M. S. (art); Transition to Womanhood, revd, 461 Poems of the Middle Period V: 1822-1837, The Review of English Studies, New Series, Vol. 56, No. 227 © The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press 2005; all .i ghts reserved doi 10.1093 ‘res hgil27 812 INDEX ed. E. Robinson, D. Powell, and Drew,J .M . L., Dickens the Journalist ,revd, 457 P. M. S. Dawson, revd, 455. See also Dryden, John, Life of Plutarch, see Vardy, A. D. (revd) Bawcutt, N. W. (art.) Clarke, S. A., art. by, ‘Bright Heir t th’ Duncan, L., see Davis, L. (revd) Bird Imperial’: Richard Lovelace’s ‘The Duncan-Jones, K, art. by, City Limits: Falcon’ in Context, 263-75 Nashe’s ‘Choise of Valentines’ and Coatalen, G., art. by, “Lo a timorous cor- Jonson’s ‘Famous Voyage’, 247-62 rection: Unrecorded Extracts from Spenser and Harington and Negative Early English Text Society, see Singleton, Criticism of The Faerie Queene in a A. (art) Folio from the Bodleian Library, 730-47 Eliot, T. S., see Chinitz, D. E. (revd) Cole, S., Modernism, Male Friendship, and Erler, M. C., Women, Reading, and Piety in the First World War, revd, 686 Late Medieval England, revd, 140 Colletta, L., Dark Humor and Social Satire Esty, J., 4 Shrinking Island: Modernism and in the Modern British Novel, revd, 343 National Culture in England, revd, 340 Collins, M., see Rivero, A. J. (revd) Conrad, Joseph, Notes on Life and Letters, Fitzgerald, Thomas, see Rumbold,V . (art) ed. J. H. Stape, revd, 470 Folly. A Poem, see Rumbold,V . (art.) Conspiracy of Aeneas and Antenor (anon., Franklin, M. J., art. by,‘I burn with a desire of seeing Shiraz: A New Letter from 1682), see Roper, A. (art) Sir William Jones to Harford Jones, Cooper, H., The English Romance in Time: 748-56 Transforming Motifs from Geoffrey of Monmouth to the Death of Shakespeare, Fraser, H., Green, S., and Johnson, J., revd, 318 Gender and the Victorian Periodical, revd, 465 Crick, B., see Arnold, Matthew (revd) Fulk, R. D, art. by, Some Contested Dance, R., Words Derived from Old Norse Readings in the Beowulf Manuscript, in Early Middle English: Studies in the 192-223 Vocabulary of the South-West Midland Texts, revd, 447 Gatrell, S., Thomas Hardy’ Viston of Wessex, Dane,J . A., The Myth of Print Culture: Essays revd, 158 on Evidence, Textuality, and Bibliographical Gelfant, B. H. (ed), The Columbia Com- Method, revd, 313 panion to the Tiventieth-Century American Davies, M., art. by, Falstaff’s Lateness: Short Story, revd, 166 Calvinism and the Protestant Hero in Genesis, see Murdoch, B. (revd) Henry IV, 351-78 Goodlad, L. M. E., Victorian Literature Davis, L., Duncan, L, and Sorensen, J. and the Victorian State: Character and (edd), Scotland and the Borders of Roman- Governance in a Liberal Society, revd, 156 tucism, revd, 327 Gordon, S. P., The Power of the Passive Self Dawson, P. M. S., art. by, The Making of in English Literature, 1640-1770, revd, 149 Clare’s Poems Descriptive of Rural Life and Gravil, R., Wordsworth: Bardic Vocation, Scenery (1820), 276-312. See also Clare, 1787-1842, revd, 153 John (revd) Green, S., see Fraser, H. (revd) Deats. S. M., and Logan, R. A. (edd), Greenslade, W., see Hardy, Thomas (revd) Marlowes Empery: Expanding his Critical Contexts, revd, 322 Haan, E., Andrew Marvells Latin Poetry: Dickens, Charles, see Drew, J. M. L., From Text to Context, revd, 675 Moore, G., Smith, G. (revd) Hagiioannu, A., The Man Who Would Be Disanto, M., see Arnold, Matthew (revd) Kipling: The Colonial Fiction and the Donne, John, see Shami, J. (revd) Frontiers of Exile, revd, 159 INDEX 813 Hanham, A., art. by, Who Made William Keach, W., Arbitrary Power: Romanticism, Caxton’s Phrase-Book?, 712-29 Language, Politics, revd, 329 Hardy, Thomas, ‘Facts’ Notebook: A Critical Keevak, M., The Pretended Asian. George Edition, ed. W. Greenslade, revd, 468. Psalmanazar’s Eighteenth-Century Formo- See also Gatrell, S. (revd) san Hoax, revd, 325 Harington, John, see Coatalen, G. (art) Keymer, T., and Mee, J. (edd), The Harrison, A. H., see Rossetti, Christina Cambridge Companion to English Literature (revd) 1740-1830, revd, 453 Hazlitt, William (1737-1820), see Wu, D. King, A. M., Bloom: The Botanical Vernacu- (art) lar in the English Novel, revd, 467 Herman, R., The Business of a Woman: Kinsley, Z., art. by, Dorothy Richardson's The Political Writings of Delarivter Manley, Manuscript Travel Journals (1761-1801) revd, 323 and the Possibilities of Picturesque Heywood, C., A History of South African Aesthetics, 611-31 Literature, revd, 691 Kipling, Rudyard, see Hagiioannu, A. (revd) Hogg, James, The Jacobite Relics of Scotland: Knoppers, L. L., and Landes, J. B. (edd), Being the Songs, Airs, and Legends of the Monstrous Bodtes/Political Monstrosities in Adherents of the House of Stuart, ed. Early Modern Europe, revd, 320 M. G. H. Pittock, revd, 679 Korshin, P. J., and Lynch, J. (edd), The Age Honigmann, E. A. J., art. by, Shakespeare’s of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual, vol. 15, Deletions and False Starts, 37-48 revd, 677 Hopkins, Gerard Manley, ‘Felix Randal’, see Whiteford, P. (art.) Landes, J. B., see Knoppers, L. L. (revd) Hoy, Thomas, Agathocles, see Roper, A. (art.) Langland, William, Piers Plowman, see Hume, R. D, art. by, Construction and Benson, C. D. (revd) Legitimation in Literary History, 632-61 Lawrence, D. H.,‘At the Gates’, see Nash, A. Hunt, M., Shakespeare’ Religious Allusiveness: (art); Paul Morel, ed. H. Baron, revd, Its Play and Tolerance, revd, 141 163; Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious; Fantasia of the Unconscious, ed. B. Steele, revd, 806. See also Chaudhuri, A. (revd) Jackson, G., see Wordsworth, William, Lernout G., and van Mierlo, W. (edd), Sonnet Series (revd) The Reception of James Joyce in Europe, Jackson, MacD. P., art. by, Francis Meres revd, 689 and the Cultural Contexts of Shake- Lesser, Z., Renaissance Drama and the Politics speare’s Rival Poet Sonnets, 224-46; of Publication: Readings in the English Defining Shakespeare: ‘Pericles’a s Test Case, Book Trade, revd, 452 revd, 143 Lindner, C., Fictions of Commodity Culture: James, Henry, see Person, L. S. (revd) From the Victorian to the Postmodern, Johnson, J., see Fraser, H. (revd) revd, 335 Johnson, Samuel, see Korshin, P. J. (revd) Logan, R. A., see Deats, S. M. (revd) Jones, C., Literary Memory: Scotts Waverley Lovelace, Richard, “The Falcon, see Novels and the Psychology of Narrative, Clarke, S. A. (art. revd, 681 Low, A., Aspects of Subjectivity: Society Jones, Harford, see Franklin, M. J. (art) and Individuality from the Middle Ages to Jones, Sir William, see Franklin, M. J. (art) Shakespeare and Milton, revd, 781 Jonson, Ben, ‘The Famous Voyage’, see Lynch, J., see Korshin, P. J. (revd) Duncan-Jones, K. (art.) Joyce, James, Ulysses, see Attridge, D. (revd). McDonagh, J., Child Murder and British See also Lernout, G., Mullin, K. (revd) Culture 1720-1900, revd, 333 Justice, G., see Rivero, A. J. (revd) McGeary. T., see Rumbold,V . (art.) 814 INDEX Manley, Delarivier, see Herman, R. (revd) Swift: A Bio-Bibliographical Handbook. Marlowe, Christopher, see Deats, S. M. Part 1: Swifts Library in Four Volumes, (revd) revd, 148 Marrapodi, M. (ed), Shakespeare, Italy, and Paster, G. K., Humoring the Body: Emotions Intertextuality, revd, 789 and the Shakespearean Stage, revd, 665 Martindale, C., and Taylor, A. %. (edd), Patrick, D., art. by, Unorthodox Theology Shakespeare and the Classics, revd, 669 in Two Short Works by Sterne, 49-58 Marvell, Andrew, see Haan, E. (revd) Person, L. S., Henry James and the Suspense Matthews, S., Poetical Remains: Poets’ Graves, of Masculinity, revd, 803 Bodies, and Books in the Nineteenth Cen- Pittock, M. G. H., see Hogg, James (revd) tury, revd, 337 Pollard, T., Drugs and Theater in Early Mee, J., see Keymer, T. (revd) Modern England, revd, 787 Meres, Francis, see Jackson, MacD. P. (art) Pope, Alexander, Dunciad, see Rumbold, V. Miller, M., Philosophical Chaucer: Love, Sex, (art) and Agency in ‘The Canterbury Tales; Powell, D., see Clare, John (revd) revd, 779 Preston, C., Thomas Browne and the Writing Mills, R., see Bildhauer, B. (revd) of Early Modern Science, revd, 791 Milton, John, see Achinstein, S. (revd) Priestley, Joseph, see Wu, D. (art, Moll, R. J., Before Malory: Reading Arthur in Psalmanazar, George, see Keevak, M. (revd) Later Medieval England, revd, 450 Pugh, S., Spenser and Ovid, revd, 785 Moore, G., Dickens and Empire: Discourses of Class, Race and Colonialism in the Works of Raylor, T., art. by, Waller’s Machiavellian Charles Dickens, revd, 801 Cromwell: The Imperial Argument of4 Morgan, G., art. by, Chaucer’s Adaptation Panegyrick to My Lord Protector, 386-411 of Boccaccio’s Temple of Venus in Reilly, P., The Dark Landscape of Modern The Parliament of Fowls, \-36 Fiction, revd, 345 Mullin, K., James Joyce, Sexuality and Social Richardson, Dorothy, see Kinsley, Z. (art) Purity, revd, 474 Rivero, A. J., Justice, G., and Collins, M. Murdoch, B., The Medieval Popular Bible: (edd), The Eighteenth Century Novel, Expansions of Genesis in the Middle Ages, vol. 3, revd, 151; The Eighteenth-Century revd, 315 Novel, vol. 4, revd, 794 Robinson, E., see Clare, John (revd) Nash, A., art. by, ‘At the Gates: New Rolle, Richard, see Sutherland, A. (art, Commentaries on a Lost Text by Roper, A., art. by, Aeneas and Agathocles D. H. Lawrence, 766-75 in the Exclusion Crisis, 550-76 Nashe, Thomas, ‘Choise of Valentines), Rosenthal, J. T., Telling Tales: Sources and see Duncan-Jones, K (art.) Narration in Late Medieval England, revd, Nesvet, R., art. by, Parallel Histories: 448 Dryden’s Plutarch and Religious Tolera- Rossetti, Christina, Letters, vol. 4: /887- tion, 424-37 1894, ed. A. H. Harrison, revd, 684 Rossington, M., art. by, Claire Clairmont’s Ovid, see Pugh, S. (revd) Fair Copy of Shelley’s ‘Ode to Naples’: A Rediscovered Manuscript, 59-89 Pace, J., and Scatt, M. (edd.), Wordsworth in Rumbold,V .,a nd McGeary T,, art. by, Folly, American Literary Culture, revd, 796 Session Poems, and the Preparations for Park, S. S., art. by, Suffrage and Virginia Pope’s Dunciads, 577-610 Woolf: ‘The mass behind the single voice’, 119-34 Salkeld, D., art. by, Literary Traces in Passmann, D. F.,, and Vienken, H. J., Bridewell and Bethlem, 1602-1624, The Library and Reading of Jonathan 379-85 INDEX 815 Scott, Maria M., Re-Presenting ‘Jane’ Shore: Sutherland, A., art. by, Biblical Text and Harlot and Heroine, revd, 786 Spiritual Experience in the English Scott, Matthew, see Pace, J. (revd) Epistles of Richard Rolle, 695-711 Scott, Sir Walter, see Jones, C. (revd) Swift, Jonathan, see Passmann, D. F. (revd) Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, third earl of, Characteristicks, see Bullard, Tarr, R. L., see Sorenson, D. R. (revd) P. (Prize Essay) Taylor, A. B., see Martindale, C. (revd) Theological Repository, see Wu, D. (art) Shakespeare, William, Henry IV,s ee Davies, M. (art); Pericles, see Jackson, MacD. P. Thormahlen, M. (ed), Rethinking Modernism, (revd); Sonnets, see Jackson, MacD. P. revd, 161 Tilmouth, C., art. by, Burton’s “Turning (art); Zempest, see Auden, W. H. (revd). See also Honigmann, E. A. J. (art); Blake, Picture’: Argument and Anxiety in The Anatomy of Melancholy, 524-49 N. F., Cheney, P., Hunt, M., Marrapodi, M., Martindale, C., Paster, G. K. (revd) van Mierlo, W., see Lernout, G. (revd) Shami, J., John Donne and Conformity in Vardy, A. D, John Clare, Politics and Crisis in the Late Jacobean Pulpit, revd, 671 Poetry, revd, 154 Shelley, Percy Bysshe, ‘Ode to Naples’ Vienken, H. J., see Passmann, D. F. (revd) see Rossington, M. (art.) Sherry, V. (ed), The Cambridge Companion Waller, Edmund, 4 Panegyrick to My Lord to the Literature of the First World War, Protector, see Raylor, T. (art) revd, 800 Whiteford, P., art. by, What Were Felix Shore, Jane, see Scott. M. M. (revd) Randal’s ‘Fatal Four Disorders’?, 438-46 Singleton, A., art. by, The Early English Wilcox, J. (ed), Old English Scholarship and Text Society in the Nineteenth Century: Bibliography: Essays in Honor of Carl T. An Organizational History, 90-118 Berkhout, revd, 776 Smith, G., Dickens and the Dream of Cinema, Wilson, A., Plots and Powers: Magical revd, 460 Structures in Medieval Narrative, revd, 137 Sorenson, D. R., and Tarr, R. L. (edd), The Witham, B. B., The Federal Theatre Project: Carlyles at Home and Abroad, revd, 798 A Case Study, revd, 476 Sorensen, J., see Davis, L. (revd) Woolf, Virginia, see Park, S. S. (art) Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queene, see Wordsworth, William, Sonnet Series and Coatalen, G. (art,). See also Pugh, S. (revd) Itinerary Poems, 1820-1845, ed. G. Stape, J. H., see Conrad, Joseph (revd) Jackson, revd, 331. See also Gravil, R., Steele, B., see Lawrence, D. H., Psychoana- Pace, J. (revd) lysis and the Unconscious (revd) Wu, D, art. by, William Hazlitt (1737- Steggle, M., Richard Brome: Place and 1820), the Priestley Circle, and The Politics on the Caroline Stage, revd, 672 Theological Repository: A Brief Survey Sterne, Laurence, see Patrick, D. (art.) and Bibliography, 757-65

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