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Index The Reading Teacher 1997-1998 Volume 51 ARTICLES Supporting literacy through service learning, Theresa M. Prosser Assessing children's views about themselves as writers using the and Jeri A. Levesque, Sep 32 Writer Seif-Perception Scale, Diane M. Bottomley, William A Teachers’ Choices for 1997, Nov 239 Henk, and Steven A. Melnick, Dec/Jan 286 Teaching them to read Russian: Four hundred years of the Russian Autism and literacy: Looking into the classroom with rabbit stories, bukvar, John E. McEneaney, Nov 210 Rita Colasent and Penny L. Griffith, Feb 414 There's more to teaching at-risk and delayed readers than good Beginner-oriented texts in literature-based classrooms: The segue reading instruction (Distinguished Educator Series}, Irene W for a few struggling readers, Ardith Davis Cole, Mar 488 Gaskins, Apr 534 Beyond a chocolate crunch bar: A teacher examines her philosophy Three paradigms of spelling instruction in Grades 3 to 6, B. Gail of teaching reading, Pat Meehan, Dec/Jan 314 Heald-Taylor, Feb 404 Building practical knowledge of letter-sound correspondence: A Transactional Literature Discussions: Engaging students in the beginner's Word Wall and beyond, Janiel M. Wagstaff, appreciation and understanding of literature, JoAnn Dugan, Dec/Jan 298 Oct 86 Children's Choices for 1997, Oct 129 Using volunteers as reading tutors: Guidelines for succcessful Commentary on a critique (Commentary), Peter Johnston, practices, Barbara A. Wasik, Apr 562 Dec/Jan 282 The View From Saturday: A conversation with E.L. Konigsburg, “Doing” literature: Using drama to build literacy classrooms: The winner of the 1997 Newbery Medal, Judy Hendershot and Jackie segue for a few struggling readers, Jennifer Catney McMaster, Peck, May 676 Apr 574 Visiting South Africa through children’s literature: Is it worth the Folk processes and media creatures: Reflections on popular culture trip? Linda D. Labbo and Sherry L. Field, Mar 464 for literacy educators, Anne Haas Dyson, Feb 392 What readers do: Young children’s ideas about the nature of Golem comes to life: A conversation with David Wisniewski, winner reading, Linda Teran Strommen and Barbara Fowles Mates, of the 1997 Caldecott Award, Jackie Peck and Judy Hendershot, Oct 98 Mar 456 Where are teachers’ voices in the phonics/whole language debate? Helping struggling readers: Linking small-group intervention with Results from a survey of U.S. elementary teachers, James F. cross-age tutoring, Barbara M. Taylor, Barbara E. Hanson, Karen Baumann, James V. Hoffman, Jennifer Moon, and Ann M. Justice-Swanson, and Susan M. Watts, Nov 196 Duffy-Hester, May 636 “If you can pass Momma's tests, then she knows you're getting your Writing about reading for the public, Allen Berger, Sep 6, education”: A case study of support for literacy learning within an African American family, James F. Baumann and Deborah Thomas, Oct 108 DEPARTMENTS Learning with text in the primary grades, Andrea M. Guillaume, Mar 476 Children’s Books Literacy assessment reform: Shifting beliefs, principled possibili- Crossing borders, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and ties, and emerging practices (Distinguished Educator Series), Patricia L. Scharer, Mar 504 Robert J. Tierney, Feb 374 Flight, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia L. Literacy for all students: Ten steps toward making a difference Scharer, Oct 146 (Distinguished Educator Series), Kathryn H. Au, Nov 186 Imagine! Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia L 1997 Notable Books for a Global Society, The Children’s Literature Scharer, Sep 52 and Reading Special Interest Group of the international Reading Impressions, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia Association, Dec/Jan 306 Nonability-grouped, multilevel instruction: Eight years later, L. Scharer, May 684 Memories, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia L. Patricia M. Cunningham, Dorothy P. Hall, and Margaret Defee, Scharer, Dec/Jan 328 May 652 Noticing and responding to learners: Literacy evaluation and in- Mosaics, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia L struction in the primary grades, Karen R. West, Apr 550 Scharer, Nov 250 An open letter to United States President Clinton (Commentary), Universals of childhood, Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A. Lehman, Edward Fry, Feb 366 and Patricia L. Scharer, Feb 424 The reader, the text, and the task: Learning words in first erade, Unusual! Unbelievable! Unreal! Evelyn B. Freeman, Barbara A Francine R. Johnston, May 666 Lehman, and Patricia L. Scharer, Apr 588 Reading ciubs boost second-language first graders’ reading achievement, Elizabeth Kreuger and Nancy Townshend, Oct 122 Critical Questions Reading-writing relationships, thematic units, inquiry learning...In Worthy, Jo and James V. Hoffman, Dec/Jan 338 pursuit of effective integrated literacy instruction (Distinguished Educator Series), Timothy Shanahan, Sep | 2 Early Childhood Self-monitoring in beginning reading, Robert M. Schwartz, Sep 40 The Literacy Pyramid organization of reading/writing activities in a Sort, Search, and Discover: Spelling in the child-centered class- whole language classroom, Beverly J. Bruneau, Oct 158 room, Mary Jo Fresch and Aileen Wheaton, Sep 20 What goes on at schooi? A teachers’ focus group develops a two- Standards in action in a first-grade classroom: The purpose dimen step plan to communicate about emergent literacy practice, sion, Nell K. Duke and Bonnie B. Stewart, Nov 228 Margaret Humadi Genisio, Mar 514 Index to The Reading Teacher, 1997-1998 717 DEPARTMENTS (cont’d.) Exploring Literacy on the Internet Readers Theatre and the writing workshop: Using children's litera- Beyond classroom boundaries: Constructivist teaching with the ture to prompt student writing, Loretta T. Stewart, Oct 174 Internet, Amelia E. El-Hindi, May 694 Text sets: One way to flex your grouping—in first grade, too! Caity’s question: Literacy as deixis on the Internet, Donald J. Leu, Michael F. Opitz, Apr 622 Jr., Sep 62 The Writers’ Group, Shirley Kendrick and Nan Forler, Sep 79 Just beyond the horizon: Writing-centered literacy activities for traditional and electronic contexts, Patrick V. lannone, Feb 438 Teaching Skills Within Meaningfui Contexts Favorite sentences: Grammar in action, Sharon Kane, Sep 70 Given This, Then...What? Sonnets for subjects, limericks for lunch, Sharon Kane, Feb 434 Helping children become independent readers, Sylvia Forsyth and Cathy Roller, Dec/Jan 346 Visual Literacy Broadening conceptualizations of literacy: The visual and commu- Inquiry About Learners and Learning nicative arts, James Flood and Diane Lapp, Dec/Jan 342 Multiple sign systems and reading, Beth Berghoff, Mar 520 Teachers online: Using personal visual literacy skills to enhance Thinking about teaching through inquiry, Patricia Tefft Cousin, professional teaching knowledge, Diane Lapp, James Flood, and Melissa Pauly Dembrow, and Jennifer Molldrem-Shamel, Debra Bayles Martin, May 702 Oct 162 Linguistic Perspectives in Literacy Education EDITORIALS Emerging awareness of linguistic diversity for literacy instruction, Reading wars...nothing new, May 630 John G. Barnitz, Nov 264 Secrets of success: The Reading Teacher writer survey, Dec/Jan 278 Revising grammar instruction for authentic composing and compre- What to do when you don't agree with what you read in RT, hending, John G. Barnitz, Apr 608 Nov 182 Professional Books The information superhighway: How much fun is it? Bonita L. AUTHORS Wilcox, Stefan Bauschard, and John Osterhus, May 706 Au, Kathryn H. Literacy for all students: Ten steps toward making a The teacher's portfolio: An essential tool for professional develop- difference (Distinguished Educator Series), Nov 186 ment, Bonita L. Wilcox, Oct 170 Bar-David, Michele. Where am I? (poem), Nov 238 Thinking journals, Bonita L. Wilcox, Dec/Jan 350 Barnette, Jackie K. and Rosie Webb Joels. Promoting world peace and understanding: The Batchelder Award-winning books, Rapid Research Report Dec/Jan 358 The impact of one trip to the public library: Making books available Barnitz, John G. (see Departments—Linguistic Perspectives in may be the best incentivfeo r reading, Francisco Ramos and Stephen Krashen, Apr 614 Literacy Education) Baumann, James F. and Deborah Thomas. “/f you can pass Reading Around the World Momma's tests, then she knows you're getting your education”: A case study of support for literacy learning within an African Learning English in a Greek preschool, Christodoula Mitakidou, Oct 166 American family, Oct 108 Baumann, James F., James V. Hoffman, Jennifer Moon, and Ann Teaching and Learning About Cultural Diversity M. Duffy-Hester. Where are teachers’ voices in the Breaking the silence, Howard M. Miller, Nov 260 phonics/whole language debate? Results from a survey of U.S. Victims, heroes, and just plain folks, Howard M. Miller, Apr 602 elementary teachers, May 636 Bauschard, Stefan, Bonita L. Wilcox, and John Osterhus. The Teaching Reading information superhighway: How much fun is it? (Professional Books), May 706 Can we read you our story? The tale ofa school-public library partnership, Marianne C. Saccardi, Feb 445 Berger, Allen. Writing about reading for the public (Commentary), Children’s books to develop phonemic awareness—for you and Sep 6 parents, too! Michael F. Opitz, Mar 526 Berghoff, Beth. Multiple sign systems and reading (Inquiry About The electronic journal: Combining literacy and technology, Jane Learners and Learning), Mar 520 Sullivan, May 711 Boloz, Sigmund A. / loved my way into language (poem), Enhancing reading and writing through competitions, Frances A. Dec/Jan 349 Karnes and Tracy L. Riley, Nov 270 Bottomley, Diane M., William A. Henk, and Steven A. Melnick. Even though we have never met, I feel 1 know you: Using a parent Assessing children’s views about themselves as writers using the journal to enhance home-school communication, Ellen M. Writer Self-Perception Scale, Dec/Jan 286 Finnegan, Nov 268 Bruneau, Beverly J. (see Departments—Early Childhood) Fun with vocabulary, Janet Towell, Dec/Jan 356 Bryan, Jan. K-W-W-L: Questioning the known, Apr 618 K-W-W-L; Questioning the known, Jan Bryan, Apr 618 Carr-Lambert, Marsha. Jeffrey's need (poem), Apr $72 Language master redux, Arne E. Sippola, Nov 271 Chamberlain-Solecki, Julia and Dorothy J. Leal. A Newbery award- Monitoring spelling development, Christopher C. Hayward, Feb 444 winning combination: High student interest plus appropriate The most common phonograms, Edward Fry, Apr 620 readability levels, May 712 A Newbery Medal-winning combination: High student interest plus The Children’s Literature and Reading Special Interest Group of the appropriate readability levels, Dorothy 3. Leal and Julia International Reading Association. 1997 Notable Books for a Chamberlain-Solecki, May 712 Global Society, Dec/Jan 306 On time and poetry, Joanne Durham, Sep 76 Colasent, Rita and Penny L. Griffith. Autism and literacy: Looking Promoting world peace and understanding: The Batchelder Award- into the classroom with rabbit stories, Feb 414 winning books, Rose Webb Joels and Jackie K. Barnette, Cole, Ardith Davis. Beginner-oriented texts in literature-based Dec/Jan 358 classrooms: The segue for a few struggling readers, Mar 488 718 The Reading Teacher Vol. 51,No.8 May 1998 AUTHORS (cont’d.) Cousin, Patricia Tefft, Melissa Pauly Dembrow, and Jennifer Harrington, Suzanne Laverick. One teacher's writing journey: Hey, Molldrem-Shamel (see Departments—Inquiry About Learners I've been there (Our Own Stories), Dec/Jan 354 and Learning) Hayward, Christopher C. Monitoring spelling development, Feb 444 Cunningham, Patricia M., Dorothy P. Hall, and Margaret Defee. Heald-Tay lor, B. Gail. Three paradigms of spelling instruction in Nonability-grouped, multilevel instruction: Eight years later, Grades 3 to 6, Feb 404 May 652 Heitz, Amanda. /n a book (poem), Nov 262 Defee, Margaret, Patricia M. Cunningham, and Dorothy P. Hall Hendershot, Judy and Jackie Peck. Golem comes to life: A conver- Nonability-grouped, multilevel instruction: Eight years later, sation with David Wisniewski, winner of the 1997 Caldecott May 652 Award, Mar 456 Dembrow, Melissa Pauly, Patricia Tefft Cousin, and Jennifer Hendershot, Judy and Jackie Peck. The View From Saturday: A Mollidrem-Shamel (see Departments——Inquiry About Learners conversation with E.L. Konigsburg, winner of the 1997 Newbery and Learning) Medal, May 676 Duffy-Hester, Ann M., James F. Baumann, James V. Hoffman, and Henk, William A., Diane M. Bottomley, and Steven A. Melnick. Jennifer Moon. Where are teachers’ voices in the phonics/whole Assessing children’s views about themselves as writers using the language debate? Results from a survey of U.S. elementary Writer Self-Perception Scale, Dec/Jan 286 teachers, bAay 636 Hoffman, James V. and Jo Worthy (see Departments—Critical Dugan, JoAnn. Transactional Literature Discussions: Engaging Questions) students in the appreciation and understanding of literature, Hoffman, James V., James F. Baumann, Jennifer Moon, and Ann Oct 86 M. Duffy-Hester. Where are teachers’ voices in the Duke, Nell K. and Bonnie B. Stewart. Standards in action in a first- phonics/whole language debate? Results from a survey of U.S. grade classroom: The purpose dimension, Nov 228 elementary teachers, May 636 Durham, Joanne. On time and poetry, Sep 76 Homa, Lauren and Ashley Garman. Jonas and The Giver (poems), Dyson, Anne Haas. Folk processes and media creatures: Nov 272 Reflections on popular culture for literacy educators, Feb 392 Huffman, Lois A. Cinquains: A series of five (poem), Apr 600 El-Hindi, Amelia E. Beyond classroom boundaries: Constructivist Iannone, Patrick V. Just beyond the horizon: Writing-centered teaching with the Internet (Exploring Literacy on the Internet), literacy activities for traditional and electronic contexts May 694 (Exploring Literacy on the Internet), Feb 438 Field, Sherry L. and Linda D. Labbo. Visiting South Africa through Joels, Rosie Webb and Jackie K. Barnette. Promoting world peace children’s literature: Is it worth the trip? Mar 464 and understanding: The Batchelder Award-winning books, Finnegan, Ellen M. Even though we have never met, I feel I know Dec/Jan 358 you; Using a parent journal to enhance home-school communi- Johnston, Francine R. The reader, the text, and the task: Learning cation, Nov 268 words ::. first grade, May 666 Flood, James and Diane Lapp (see Departments— Visual Literacy) Johnston, Peter. Commentary on a critique (Commentary), Fiood, James, Diane Lapp, and Debra Bayles Martin. Teachers Dec/Jan 282 online: Using personal visual literacy skills to enhance profes- Jurkevich, Alex. The literature party (poem), Apr 616 sional teaching knowledge (Visual Literacy), May 702 Justice-Swanson, Karen, Barbara M. Taylor, Barbara E. Hanson, Forler, Nan and Shirley Kendrick. The Writers’ Group, Sep 79 and Susan M. Watts. Helping struggling readers: Linking small- Forsyth, Sylvia and Cathy Roller (see Departments—Given This, group intervention with cross-age tutoring, Nov 196 Then...What?) Kane, Sharon (see Departments—Teaching Skills Within Freeman, Evelyn B., Barbara A. Lehman, and Patricia L. Scharer Meaningful Contexts) (see Departments—Children’s Books) Karnes, Frances A. and Tracy L. Riley. Enhancing reading and Fresch, Mary Jo and Aileen Wheaton. Sort, Search, and Discover: writing through competitions, Nov 270 Spelling in the child-centered classroom, Sep 26 Kendrick, Shirley and Nan Forler. The Writers’ Group, Sep 79 Fry, Edward. The most common phonograms, Apr 620 Knight, Lisa Pickering. Adventures of a lost reading book (Our Fry, Edward. An open letter to United States President Clinton Own Stories), Apr 548 (Commentary), Feb 366 Kraft, Eric. Killing the text, digitally (Our Own Stories), Garcia, Cara L. No fun with Dick and Jane (Our Own Stories), Dec/Jan 337 Apr 606 Krashen, Stephen and Francisco Ramos. The impact of one trip to Garman, Ashley and Lauren Homa. Jonas and The Giver (poems), the public library: Making books available may be the best Nov 272 incentive for reading (Rapid Research Report), Apr 614 Gaskins, Irene W. There's more to teaching at-risk and delayed Kreuger, Elizabeth and Nancy Townshend. Reading clubs boost readers than good reading instruction (Distinguished Educator second-languafgires t graders’ reading achievement, Oct 122 Series), Apr 534 Labbo, Linda D. and Sherry L. Field. Visiting South Africa through Genisio, Margaret Humadi. What goes on at school? A teachers’ children’s literature: Is it worth the trip? Mar 464 focus group develops a two-step plan to communicate about LaBonty, Jan. / ruined my daughter's life (Our Own Stories), emergent literacy practice (Early Childhood), Mar 514 Dec/Jan 345 Green, Nichole. Which book? (poem), Dec/Jam 353 Lapp, Diane and James Flood (see Departments— Visual Literacy) Griffith, Penny L. and Rita Colasent. Autism and literacy: Looking Lapp, Diane, James Flood, and Debra Bayles Martin. Teachers into the classroom with rabbit stories, Feb 414 online: Using personal visuai literacy skills to enhance profes- Guillaume, Andrea M. Learning with text in the primary grades, sional teaching knowledge (Visual Literacy), May 702 Mar 476 Leal, Dorothy J. and Julia Chamberlain-Solecki. A Newbery award- Hall, Dorothy P., Patricia M. Cunningham, and Margaret Defee. winning combination: High student interest plus appropriate Nonability-grouped, multilevel instruction: Eight years later, readability levels, May 712 May 652 Lehman, Barbara A., Evelyn B. Freeman, and Patricia L. Scharer Hanson, Barbara E., Barbara M. Taylor, Karen Justice-Swanson, (see Departments—Children’s Books) and Susan M. Watts. Helping struggling readers: Linking small- Leu, Donald J., Jr. (see Departments—Exploring Literacy on the group intervention with cross-age tutoring, Nov 196 Internet) Index to The Reading Teacher, 1997-1998 719 AUTHORS (cont’d.) Levesque, Jeri A. and Theresa M. Prosser. Supporting literacy Russell, Jeanette. The legacy (Our Own Stories), Apr 598 through service learning, Sep 32 Saccardi, Marianne C. Can we read you our story? The tale ofa Martin, Debra Bayles, Diane Lapp, and James Flood. Teachers on- school-public library partnership, Feb 445 line: Using personal visual literacy skills to enhance professional Scharer, Patricia L., Freeman, Evelyn B., and Barbara A. Lehman teaching knowledge (Visual Literacy), May 702 (see Departments—Children’s Books) Mates, Barbara Fowles and Linda Teran Strommen. What readers Schwartz, Robert M. Self-monitoring in beginning reading, Sep 40 do: Young children's ideas about the nature of reading, Oct 98 Shanahan, Timothy. Reading-writing relationships, thematic units, McEneaney, John E. Teaching them to read Russian: Four hundred inquiry learning...In pursuit of effective integrated literacy years of the Russian bukvar, Nov 210 instruction (Distinguished Educator Series), Sep 12 McMaster, Jennifer Catney, “Doing” literature: Using drama to Sills, Elizabeth. My favorite place (poem), Sep 68 build literacy classrooms: The segue for a few struggling Sippola, Arne E. Language master redux, Nov 271 readers, Apr 574 Stewart, Bonnie B. and Nell K. Duke. Standards in action in afi rst- Meehan, Pat. Beyond a chocolate crunch bar: A teacher examines grade classroom: The purpose dimension, Nov 228 her philosophy of teaching reading, Dec/Jan 314 Stewart, Loretta T. Readers Theatre and the writing workshop: Melnick, Steven A., Diane M. Bottomley, and William A. Henk. Using children’s literature to prompt student writing, Oct 174 Assessing children's views about themselves as writers using the Strommen, Linda Teran and Barbara Fowles Mates. What readers Writer Self-Perception Scale, Dec/Jan 286 do: Young children’s ideas about the nature of reading, Oct 98 Miller, Howard M. (see Departments—Teaching and Learning Sullivan, Jane. The electronic journal: Combining literacy and About Cultural Diversity) technology, May 711 Mitakidou, Christodoula. Learning English in a Greek preschool Taylor, Barbara M., Barbara E. Hanson, Karen Justice-Swanson, (Reading Around the World), Oct 166 and Susan M. Watts. Helping struggling readers: Linking small- Molldrem-Shamel, Jennifer, Patricia Tefft Cousin, and Melissa group intervention with cross-age tutoring, Nov 196 Pauly Dembrow (see Departments—-Jnquiry About Learners and Thomas, Deborah and James F. Baumann. “/f you can pass Learning) Momma's tests, then she knows you're getting your education” : Moon, Jennifer, James F. Baumann, James V. Hoffman, and Ann A case study of support for literacy learning within an African M. Duffy-Hester. Where are teachers’ voices in the American family, Oct 108 phonics/whole language debate? Results from a survey of U.S. Tierney, Robert J. Literacy assessment reform: Shifting beliefs, elementary teachers, May 636 principled possibilities, and emerging practices (Distinguished Opitz, Michael F. Children’s books to develop phonemic aware Educator Series), Feb 374 ness—for you and parents, too! Mar 526 Towell, Janet. Fun with vocabulary, Dec/Jan 356 Opitz, Michael F. Text sets: One way tof lex vour grouping—in first Townshend, Nancy and Elizabeth Kreuger. Reading clubs boost grade, too! Apr 622 second-language first graders’ reading achievement, Oct i22 Osterhus, John, Bonita L. Wilcox, and Stefan Bauschard. The infor- von Schleusingen, Janet. Because of her (Our Own Stories), mation superhighway: How much fun is it? (Professional Books), May 700 May 706 Wagstaff, Janiel M. Building practical knowledge of letter-sound Parkinson, Virginia. For love of Pooh (Our Own Stories), May 715 correspondence: A beginner's Word Wall and beyond, Pawlowski, Dianne. Literature circle (poem), Dec/Jan 341 Dec/Jan 298 Peck, Jackie and Judy Hendershot. Golem comes to life: A conver- Wasik, Barbara A. Using volunteers as reading tutors: Guidelines sation with David Wisniewski, winner of the 1997 Caldecott for succcessful practices, Apr 562 Award, Mar 456 Watts, Susan M., Barbara M. Taylor, Barbara E. Hanson, and Karen Peck, Jackie and Judy Hendershot. The View From Saturday: A Justice-Swanson. Helping struggling readers: Linking small- conversation with E.L. Konigsburg, winner of the 1997 Newbery group intervention with cross-age tutoring, Nov 196 Medal, May 676 West, Karen R. Noticing and responding to learners: Literacy Prince, Karen. 911 (Our Own Stories), Nov 246 evaluation and instruction in the primary grades, Apr 550 Prosser, Theresa M. and Jeri A. Levesque. Supporting literacy Wheaton, Aileen and Mary Jo Fresch. Sort, Search, and Discover: through service learning, Sep 32 Spelling in the child-centered classroom, Sep 20 Ramos, Francisco and Stephen Krashen. The impact of one trip to Wilcox, Bonita L. (see Departments—Professional Books) the public library: Making books available may be the best Wilcox, Bonita L., Stefan Bauschard, and John Osterhus. The incentivfeo r reading (Rapid Research Report), Apr 614 information superhighway: How much fun is it? (Professional Rash, Toni. Pen to the paper (poem), Dec/Jan 340 Books), May 706 Riley, Tracy L. and Frances A. Karnes. Enhancing reading and Wilcox, Brad. Everything | ever needed to know about literacy | writing through competitions, Nov 270 learned from the crossing guard (Our Own Stories), Nov 258 Roller, Cathy and Sylvia Forsyth (see Departments—Given This, Worthy, Jo and James V. Hoffman (see Departments—Critical Then...What?) Questions) 720 The Reading Teacher Vol. 51, No.8 May 1998

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