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The Radial and Rotational Velocities of PSO J318.5338$-$22.8603, a Newly Confirmed Planetary-Mass Member of the $\beta$ Pictoris Moving Group PDF

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Preview The Radial and Rotational Velocities of PSO J318.5338$-$22.8603, a Newly Confirmed Planetary-Mass Member of the $\beta$ Pictoris Moving Group

Draftversion January20,2016 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 THE RADIAL AND ROTATIONAL VELOCITIES OF PSO J318.5338−22.8603,A NEWLY CONFIRMED PLANETARY-MASS MEMBER OF THE β PICTORIS MOVING GROUP K. N. Allers DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,BucknellUniversity,Lewisburg,PA17837,USA;[email protected] J. F. Gallimore 6 DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,BucknellUniversity,Lewisburg,PA17837,USA 1 0 Michael C. Liu 2 InstituteforAstronomy,UniversityofHawaii,2680WoodlawnDrive,Honolulu,HI96822,USA n a J Trent J. Dupuy 8 TheUniversityofTexasatAustin,DepartmentofAstronomy,2515Speedway C1400,Austin,TX78712,USA 1 Draft version January 20, 2016 ] ABSTRACT R PSO J318.5338−22.8603 is an extremely-red planetary-mass object that has been identified as a S candidatememberoftheβ Pictorismovinggroupbasedonitsspatialpositionandtangentialvelocity. . WepresentahighresolutionK-bandspectrumofPSOJ318.5338−22.8603. Usingaforward-modeling h Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach, we report the first measurement of the radial velocity and p - v sin(i)ofPSOJ318.5−22,−6.0+−01..81km s−1and17.5+−22..38km s−1,respectively. Wecalculatethespace o velocityandpositionofPSOJ318.5−22andconfirmthatitisamemberoftheβPictorismovinggroup. r Adoptinganageof23±3MyrforPSOJ318.5−22,wedetermineamassof8.3±0.5M andeffective t Jup s temperature of 1127+24 K using evolutionary models. PSO J318.5338−22.8603 is intermediate in a −26 mass and temperature to the directly-imaged planets β Pictoris b and 51 Eridani b, making it an [ important benchmark object in the sequence of planetary-mass members of the β Pictoris moving 1 group. Combining our v sin(i) measurement with recent photometric variability data, we constrain v the inclination of PSO J318.5−22to >29◦ and its rotational period to 5–10.2 hours. The equatorial 7 velocityofPSOJ318.5−22indicatesthatitsrotationisconsistentwithanextrapolationofthevelocity- 1 mass relationship for solar system planets. 7 Subjectheadings: browndwarfs-infrared:stars-planetsandsatellites: atmospheres-techniques: radial 4 velocities - techniques: spectroscopic - stars: rotation 0 . 1 0 1. INTRODUCTION tionofthe lithium depletionboundaries(e.g.King et al. 6 2000; Binks & Jeffries 2014). Though the estimated age Objectswithmassesbelowthehydrogenburninglimit 1 of an individual group may vary by up to a factor of (∼75M ;Burrows et al.2001)coolastheyage,result- : Jup ∼2 depending on the method of age determination, the v ing in a mass-age-luminosity degeneracy. Several-Gyr- various methods agree on the relative ages of the groups i oldbrowndwarfscanhavethesameluminositiesasmuch X (e.g.Mentuch et al.2008;da Silva et al.2009;Bell et al. younger,several-Myr-oldplanetary-mass(.13M )ob- Jup 2015). In order to link an object to a local young mov- r jects. Thus, to determine the mass of a single substellar a ing group, its galactic kinematics (UVW) and position object, one must have an independent constraint on its (XYZ)mustagreewiththeotherknownmembersofthe age. group. Asplanetary-massobjectsandbrowndwarfscool,they PSOJ318.5338−22.8603(hereinafterPSOJ318.5−22), also contract, increasing their surface gravity as they discovered by Liu et al. (2013), is the first free-floating evolve. Thus evidence of low gravity (e.g. weak FeH object with colors and luminosity that overlap the andalkalifeatures,strongVOabsorption)inaspectrum young, dusty, planetary-mass companions to HR 8799 can corroborate the youth of an object. As noted in and2MASSJ1207-39. Basedonitsparallax,propermo- Allers & Liu (2013), however,spectroscopicages arenot tion,andspectroscopicsignaturesofyouth(low-gravity), particularly accurate, and objects of the same age and Liu et al. identified PSO J318.5−22 as a candidate spectral type can have different indicators of youth. member of the β Pictoris (hereinafter β Pic) moving Another method to determine the age of a sub- stellar object is via association with a young stellar group. Liu et al. estimate a mass of 6.5+−11..30 MJup moving group. These groups have ages known from for PSO J318.5−22, based on evolutionary models for the stellar members of the groups, either from model an isochronal age of 12+−84 Myr and the luminosity of isochronefitting ofthe membersonanHRdiagram(e.g. PSO J318.5−22. Here, we report a determination of the Zuckerman et al. 2001; Pecaut et al. 2012) or the loca- radialandrotationalvelocitiesofPSOJ318.5−22forthe 2 Allers et al. firsttimeandassesstheprobabilitythatPSOJ318.5−22 Unfortunately, no radial velocity standard was ob- is a member of the β Pic moving group. We re-estimate served as a part of our Gemini program. We use an ap- the physical properties of PSO J318.5−22 based on re- proach similar to that described by Blake et al. (2010), centdeterminationsoftheageoftheβ Picmovinggroup wherein we employ forward modeling to simultaneously (23±3Myr;Mamajek & Bell2014). Withamassandef- fit the wavelength solution of our spectrum, the rota- fective temperature intermediate to the directly-imaged tionalandradialvelocitiesofPSOJ318.5−22,thescaling exoplanets β Pictoris b (Lagrange et al. 2009) and oftelluricline depths,andthe FWHMofthe instrumen- 51 Eridani b (Macintosh et al. 2015), PSO J318.5−22is tal LSF. an important free-floating analog to these young plan- ets. In addition, combining our measurement of v sin(i) 3.1. Creating a Forward Model with the recent measurements of PSO J318.5−22’s or- Our observedspectrum ofPSO J318.5−22is the com- bitalperiod(Biller et al.2015),weconstrainitsspinaxis bination of the spectrum of the brown dwarf, telluric inclination and equatorial velocity. absorption,andeffectsfromtheinstrument(wavelength- 2. OBSERVATIONSANDDATAREDUCTION dependent response and line spread functions). We cre- ate myriad model spectra and evaluate the best fit pa- We obtained a high resolution (R ≈ 14000) spec- rameters by comparison to our observed spectrum of trum of PSO J318.5−22 using the GNIRS spectrograph PSO J318.5−22. The components of our forward model (Elias et al. 2006) on the Gemini-North Telescope. We are: usedthe111linesmm−1 gratingwitha0.15”slit,result- ingina2.27–2.33µmspectrum. Ourqueueobservations • Wavelength Solution: When reducing ourdata, wereobtainedonUT26November2013underclearskies thewavelengthsolutionofourobservedspectrumis whiletheseeingwas0.49”. Sevenexposuresof600swere determinedfromsevenXenon-Argonarclineswith obtained,nodding6′′alongtheslitbetweenexposuresfor wavelengthsof2.29-2.33µm. Therearenoarclines a total integration time of 70 minutes. Immediately af- for the 2.27–2.29 µm portion of our spectrum. In ter ourobservationsofPSO J318.5−22,we obtainedflat addition, the typical residuals to our wavelength field and Xenon-Argon lamp images. We also observed solutionforeacharclinecorrespondto∼5kms−1. an A0 star, HIP 110746,as a telluric standardusing the Our spectrum itself contains many telluric absorp- same instrument setup. tion features which allow us to refine the wave- Data were reduced using the REDSPEC reduction length solution as a part of our forward model- package to spatially and spectrally rectify each expo- ing. We calculate the wavelength solution of our sure, referencing the Keck/NIRSPEC Echelle Arc Lamp observedspectrum using a 2nd-degree polynomial. Tool (http://www2.keck.hawaii.edu/inst/nirspec/ Rather than having the coefficients of the poly- N7arclamps.html)toidentifythewavelengthsoflinesin nomial as our fitted parameters, we use barycen- our arc lamp spectrum. After nod-subtracting pairs of tric Lagrangian interpolation (Berrut & Trefethen exposures,wecreateaspatialprofilewhichisthemedian 2004; Waring 1779), solving for the wavelengths of intensity across all wavelengths at each position along the first, middle, and last pixels of the spectrum the slit. To remove any residual sky emission lines from anddeterminingthecoefficientsoftheunique2nd- our nod-subtracted pairs and to determine the noise per degree polynomial that will fit these three points. pixel at each wavelength, we identify pixels in the spa- We start by adopting the wavelengths of our re- tialprofilethatdonotcontainsignificantsourceflux. At duced spectrum as the initial guess. each wavelength, we fit a line to the intensity of these • Brown Dwarf Atmosphere Model: Weusethe background pixels vs. position along the slit. The fit- BT-Settlmodelatmospheres(Allard et al.2012)as ted line provides the background level as a function of the intrinsic spectrum of PSO J318.5−22 in our position and the scatter of the background pixels about the line gives the noise per pixel.1 We then performed forward modeling. The BT-Settl models are pro- vided for two different assumed solar abundances a profile-weighted extraction (Horne 1986) on each ex- (Asplundetal. 2009[AGSS]andCaffauetal. 2011 posure and combined the resulting spectra using a ro- [CIFIST]). We use model grids with effective tem- bustweightedmeanwiththexcombspecprocedurefrom peratures (T ) of 1100–2500K and surface grav- theSpeXtoolpackage(Cushing et al.2004). Themedian eff ities (log(g)) of 3.5–5.5 dex (where g is in units of signal-to-noise of our final spectrum is 21. We determine the FWHM of the line spread function cm s−2.) We adjust the wavelengths of the model (LSF) by fitting 1-dimensional gaussians to the Xenon atmospheretoaccountfortheradialvelocityofthe and Argon lines in an extracted spectrum of the arc object, λ = λ0 + ((vr +vbary)λ0/c), where vr is lamp image. For the seven arc lamp lines, we calculate the radial velocity of PSO J318.5−22, and vbary a mean and standard deviation for the LSF FWHM of (28.1 km s−1) is the barycentric motion projected of0.000163±0.000015µm,correspondingtoaresolution, away from PSO J318.5−22 at the time of our ob- R=λ/∆λ=14100. servation. We then convolve the model spectrum to account for rotation, v sin(i), using a convolu- 3. DETERMININGRADIALANDROTATIONAL tion kernel created by the LSF ROTATE task2. Our VELOCITIES velocity-shifted, rotationally broadened model at- mosphereapproximatesthespectrumofthe brown 1 This assumes that the shot noise is dominated by the back- dwarf itself. ground. PSOJ318.5−22isfaint,sotheskybackgroundlevelis>3 timesbrighterthanthefluxofoursourceacrossallwavelengthsof ourspectrum. 2 ApartoftheIDLAstronomyUser’sLibrary llllloooooACgggggG(((((IgggggFS)))))IS=====S034455T9.....50505 PSO J318.5-22is a β Pic member 3 • Telluric Absorption: We use the telluric spec- 11..22••110044 trum of Livingston & Wallace (1991)3. We ad- 11..11••110044 CAGIFSISST09 just the depths of the telluric features and create log(g)=3.5 log(g)=4.0 a new telluric spectrum, T(λ) = T0(λ)τ, where 11..00••110044 log(g)=4.5 log(g)=5.0 T (λ) is the Livingston & Wallace (1991) spec- 0 log(g)=5.5 trum, and τ is one of the parameters of our fit. 99..00••110033 Thevelocity-shifted,rotationallybroadenedbrown χ2 88..00••110033 dwarf model atmosphere is then multiplied by the telluric spectrum, approximating the spectrum of 77..00••110033 PSO J318.5−22as it enters the telescope. 66..00••110033 • Instrumental Effects: We approximate the in- strumental LSF as a gaussian and fit for the 55..00••110033 FWHM of the gaussian convolution kernel. We 11220000 11440000 11660000 11880000 22000000 22220000 22440000 BTSettl Model T (K) convolve the brown dwarf model atmosphere with eff telluric absorption by this gaussian kernel. We ac- Figure 1. AMOEBA’s bestfitχ2 usingBT-Settl models. Themin- count for any changes in spectral shape between imum χ2 occurs for the CIFIST model with Teff=1650 K and ourmodelandtheobservedspectrumbytakingthe log(g)=5.0. Ingeneral,theCIFISTmodelsprovidemarginallybet- ratio of our observed spectrum of PSO J318.5−22 terfitsthantheAGSS09models. Overall, the CIFIST models provide better fits than to our model spectrum, fitting the smoothed ra- the AGSS models (Figure 1). Regardless of the as- tio with a 3rd order polynomial, multiplying our sumed solar abundance, T , or log(g) of the atmo- modelbythefit,andthenscalingourmodeltothe eff sphericmodel,wefindthatAMOEBAconvergesonaradial median of our observed spectrum. velocity of -7.4 to -2.3 km s−1 . In contrast, the v sin(i) In total, our forward model has nine free parameters: that AMOEBA finds varies significantly (0 to 80 km s−1) theT andlog(g)oftheatmosphericmodel,thev and depending on the model used. We find that the fitted eff r v sin(i) of PSO J318.5−22, τ for the telluric spectrum, v sin(i) and resulting χ2 of the model fit are correlated. theLSFFWHM,andthewavelengthsofthefirst,middle For atmospheric models with fits having higher χ2 val- and last pixels. The forward model is compared to our ues, AMOEBAconvergesonhighervaluesofv sin(i). From observed spectrum, and the parameters used to create this analysis,it is unknown if the higher χ2 values mean the forward model are adjusted to achieve the best fit. the v sin(i) of PSO J318.5−22is genuinely low, or if for atmospheric models that do not approximate the spec- 3.2. Parameter Optimization with AMOEBA trumofPSO J318.5−22ahigher v sin(i)smearsout the lines and results in a better fit. AMOEBA uses a downhill simplex method Our AMOEBA fitting provides a useful first estimate of (Nelder & Mead 1965) to find the minimum of a the best fit parameters but lacks a straightforward way multivariate function. We used IDL’s implementation to determine their uncertainties. In addition, the corre- of AMOEBA, which is based on Numerical Recipes in C lation between χ2 and v sin(i) motivates a more sophis- (Press et al. 2007). We run our AMOEBA optimization for ticatedanalysistodetermineourbestfitparametersand eachmodel atmosphere havingT = 900- 2500K and eff their associated uncertainties. log(g)= 3.5-5.5in the CIFIST andAGSS grids. AMOEBA does not conduct a thorough search of parameter space, 3.3. Parameter Optimization with MCMC and so it is important to seed it with reasonable parameter estimates. We initialize AMOEBA with v = 0 km s−1 DREAM(ZS) r and v sin(i) = 15 km s−1, typical of observed values of Tobetter determine the bestfit parametersofour for- ultracooldwarfs(Blake et al.2010). We use the FWHM wardmodelaswellastheirmarginalizedposteriordistri- of the LSF as determined from our arc lamp spectrum butions, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) (§2) as a starting point. To get a starting point for approach. We create forward models in the manner de- τ, we divide our observed telluric standard spectrum scribedabove but in addition allow for a continuous dis- by an LSF-convolved telluric absorption spectrum and tributionofTeff andlog(g)by linearlyinterpolatingbe- find the value of τ (0.7) that, by eye, results in a tween atmosphere models in the CIFIST grid. We em- featureless spectrum (as expected for an A0 star from ploy the DREAM(ZS) algorithm of ter Braak & Vrugt 2.27–2.33µm). (2008), which involves an adaptive stepper, updating We find that the atmospheric model giving the best model parameters based on chain histories. A brief de- overall fit (minimum χ2), is the CIFIST model hav- scription of the algorithm follows. ing T = 1650 K and log(g) = 5.0, in reasonable Three chains are run in parallel, and each chain is a eff agreement with the temperature (1400–1600 K) and history of accepted parameter vectors p. Current values log(g) (4.0–4.5) of the atmospheric models which fit the of the 3 chain vectors are stored in the array X, and low-resolution 0.8–2.5 µm spectrum of PSO J318.5−22 chainhistoriesarestoredinthe arrayZ. Tosimplify the (Liu et al. 2013). The best fit parameters returned for notation,X[i]referstothen-dimensional,i-thparameter this model are: FWHM of LSF=0.000169 µm, τ=0.868, vector currently stored in X (i.e., the i-th chain in X), v sin(i)=11.6 km s−1, and v =-7.4 km s−1. and we adopt the same notation for the history array, r Z[i]. We initially seedeachchainwiththe parametersof 3 available for download at ftp://ftp.noao.edu/catalogs/ the best-fit model as determined by our AMOEBAanalysis atmospheric_transmission/transdata_1_5_mic.gz (§3.2). 4 Allers et al. Werun105iterations,which,takingintoaccountthree 1.6 chains and ten steps per interval, corresponds to 3×106 1.4 functionalevaluationsofthe model. Parameterdistribu- tions and summary statistics are derived from the final 1.2 Fλ state of the history array Z. Since we initialize Z using ed 1.0 random draws from the parameter support regions, the aliz early values of Z are drawnfar from the equilibrium pa- m 0.8 or rameter distribution and represent expectedly poor fits N 0.6 to the data. These initial “burn-in” values are identi- fied based on an evaluation of χ2 values, and they are 0.4 discarded before analysis of the chains. Formally, we di- 0.2 videtheχ2 vectorinto20equalintervals. Theboundary 0.4 betweennon-equilibriumandequilibriumintervalsis de- als 0.2 terminedusingtheGeweke(1992)diagnostictoevaluate du 0.0 the difference of means between a giveninterval and the Resi−0.2 final interval. In our earlier AMOEBA analysis, we found that the un- −0.4 certainties in our measured spectrum were systemati- 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 Wavelength (µm) cally smaller than the residuals of the fit. Adding in anadditional∼10%uncertaintybringstheresidualsand Figure 2. OurobservedspectrumofPSOJ318.5−22(black)com- uncertainties into reasonable agreement. This discrep- paredtoourtheforwardmodelwithourbestfitparameters(red). ancy could be due to underestimated uncertainties in The median residual of the fit is 0.079 (in normalized Fλ units), whichislargerthanthemedianuncertainty(0.048)ofourobserved our observed spectrum and/or systematic uncertainties spectrum. Thermsoftheresiduals(0.12)indicatessystematicun- in our telluric spectrum and the brown dwarf model at- certaintiesof≈10%. mospheres. To account for the effect of these system- atic uncertainties in the posterior distributions of our At each iteration and for each chain X[i], two param- MCMC analysis, we include a uniform 10% systematic eter vectors Z[j] and Z[k] are selected at random and uncertainty4 which is added in quadrature to the mea- without replacement from Z. A trial parameter vector, surement errors of our observed spectrum. x, is then calculated by the difference, Our spectrum of PSO J318.5−22 as well as the best x[i]=X[i]+(1+e)γ(Z[j]−Z[k])+ǫ, (1) fit model is displayed in Figure 2. The best fit model has T =1325+330 K and log(g)=3.7+1.1 dex. We de- whereγisaconstantoforderunity,eisann-dimensional terminefefa best−fi1t2LSF FWHM of 0.00−001.61±0.00001µm, vector of uniformly-distributed random numbers span- in agreement with the LSF FWHM from our arc lamp ning [−0.05,0.05], and ǫ is a vector of normally- spectrum (0.00016±0.00002 µm). The reduced χ2 for distributed random numbers with zero mean and σ = our best fit model is 1.24. Figure 3 shows the marginal- 10−6. ized posterior distributions for v and v sin(i). We find r The trial vector is accepted or rejected using the v =−6.0+0.8 km s−1 and v sin(i)= 17.5+2.3 km s−1 for standard Metropolis-Hastings likelihood ratio criterion r −1.1 −2.8 PSO J318.5−22. (Metropolis et al. 1953; Hastings 1970). We assume normally distributed uncertainties. Therefore, the log- 4. MEMBERSHIPINβ PICTORIS likelihood of a parameter vector is given by ln(p) = Based on its parallactic distance and proper motion, C−χ2/2,where C is anormalizationconstantthatcan- Liu et al. (2013) identified PSO J318.5−22 as a likely cels out in the likelihood ratio, and χ2 is the usual chi- β Pic member. The Bayesian analysis of Gagn´e et al. squared statistic. (2014) found a 99.7% probability that PSO J318.5−22 Every ten iterations (the thinning interval), the cur- is a β Pic member and predicted a radial velocity rent chain values X are appended to the history array of −6.4±1.7 km s−1. To determine the full, three- Z. Note that once the chains are appended to Z, they dimensional velocity and position of PSO J318.5−22, lose identity, so that the difference vectors that deter- we combine our v measurement with the updated r mine the step for any one chain depends on the history parallax and proper motion from Liu et al. (2015, of all three chains. This property allows any chain in X in preparation): π = 0′.′0450 ± 0′.′0017; µ cosδ = α to hop between modes in the posterior distributions of 0′.′1362 ± 0′.′0011 yr−1; µ = −0′.′1441 ± 0′.′0012 yr−1. the parameters. To search for modes and allow their in- δ Using the three-dimensional velocity and position of clusion in the parameterdistribution, the algorithmsets PSO J318.5−22, we recalculated membership probabili- γ =1 every ten iterations. tiesusingtheBANYAN-II webtool5 (Gagn´e et al.2014; TheDREAM(ZS)algorithmalsoemploysamorecom- Malo et al. 2013) and find that the probability of mem- plicated ”snooker” updater that relies instead on three bershipinβPicincreasesto99.98%. Thus,ourmeasured draws from Z. ter Braak & Vrugt (2008) demonstrated radial velocity is consistent with membership in β Pic. thatthesnookerupdatercomplementsthedifferenceup- We determine galactic XYZ position and UVW ve- daterdescribedabove,arguablyallowingamoreefficient search of parameter space than would be provided by 4 Because AMOEBA does not propagate uncertainties, includinga difference steps alone. In our implementation, there is systematic 10% uncertainty reduces the χ2 of our AMOEBA fits, a 10% chance of a given iteration using snooker rather butdoesnotaffectthebestfitparameters. than difference updates. 5 http://www.astro.umontreal.ca/~gagne/banyanII.php PSO J318.5-22is a β Pic member 5 20 25 %) 20 es ( 15 pl m a S 15 o arl C 10 e nt o M 10 of n o cti 5 a Fr 5 0 0 −11 −10 −9 −8 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 vr (km / s) vsin(i) (km / s) Figure 3. Histogramsofthemarginalizedposteriordistributionsforvr andv sin(i)fromourMCMCanalysis. Thedashedlinesindicate themedianofeachdistribution. Thedottedlinesindicatethe68%confidence limits(1-σ)centeredonthemedian. Table 1 GalacticPositionsandVelocities Name X Y Z U V W ··· pc pc pc kms−1 kms−1 kms−1 β PicGroupa 8.4±31.9 -5.0±15.4 -15.0±8.0 -10.9±1.5 -16.0±1.4 -9.2±1.8 PSOJ318.5−22 15.2±0.6 7.2±0.3 -14.6±0.6 -10.4±0.7 -16.4±0.6 -9.8±0.8 Offset 6.7±31.8 12.2±15.4 0.4±8.0 0.5±1.6 -0.4±1.7 -0.6±2.0 a FromMamajek&Bell(2014). TheuncertaintiesinUVW includebothuncertaintiesinthe meanUVW forthegroupaswellasthe1σdispersionofthegroupmembers. locitiesforPSOJ318.5−22usingitsparallaxandproper the β Pic group. motions and our radial velocity measurement. We use a 5. THEPHYSICALPROPERTIESOFPSOJ318.5−22 MonteCarloapproachwith10000iterationstodetermine uncertaintiesinourcalculatedparameters(UVWXYZ) Liu et al.(2013)estimatedthemassofPSOJ318.5−22 based on the uncertainties in our measured quantities. based on an age of 12+8 Myr for β Pic. Recently, re- −4 Table 1 includes the XYZ positions and UVW ve- vised age estimates indicate that the group is older. locities for both PSO J318.5−22 and the β Pic group Mamajek & Bell (2014) determined an age of 23 ± (Mamajek & Bell 2014). As shown in Table 1, the dif- 3 Myr by combining isochronal ages (Mamajek & Bell ference in the galactic position and velocity between 2014; Malo et al. 2014) and lithium depletion boundary PSO J318.5−22 and the β Pic group are well within ages (Binks & Jeffries 2014; Malo et al. 2014). For a the uncertainties. The total velocity of PSO J318.5−22 uniformly-distributedage of23±3 Myr anda normally- is 0.8 ± 1.8 km s−1 from the mean velocity of the distributed luminosity of log(Lbol/L⊙) = −4.52 ± β Pic group. The reduced χ2 for membership based on 0.04dex,wedeterminethemass,T ,radiusandlog(g) eff UVWXYZ and associated uncertainties (Table 1) for of PSO J318.5−22using model isochrones (Table 2). In PSO J318.5−22 and the β Pic group is a mere 0.15. general, the parameters determined from all four sets For comparison, we calculated the velocity offset from of models agree quite well. The cloud-free evolutionary the mean velocity of the β Pic group for each of the models (Ames-COND and Saumon & Marley cloudless) stars listed as “bona fide” β Pic moving group members yield slightly lower masses and smaller radii than mod- in Gagn´e et al. (2014)6. We find that PSO J318.5−22 els with clouds (Ames-DUSTY and Saumon & Marley is a closer match to the mean kinematics of the β Pic f = 2). PSO J318.5−22 has incredibly red J − K sed group than 46 out of 50 of the Gagn´e et al. ”bona colors, indicating a very cloudy atmosphere (Liu et al. fide” members. Figure 4 shows the galactic position 2013). The Ames-DUSTY models are not recommended and velocities of PSO J318.5−22 compared to young for use with objects having T cooler than 1700 K eff moving groups from Torres et al. (2008). Regardless of (Allard et al. 2001). Thus, we adopt the physical prop- which list of known members is used for comparison erties as determined by the Saumon & Marley f = sed (Mamajek & Bell 2014; Gagn´e et al. 2014; Torres et al. 2 models: mass=8.3 ± 0.5 M , T =1127+24 K, Jup eff −26 2008), PSO J318.5−22is determined to be a member of radius=1.464+0.009 R , and log(g)=4.01±0.03 dex. −0.008 Jup The T determined by forward-modeling our spec- eff 6 https://jgagneastro.wordpress.com/banyanii/ trum, 1325+330 K, is significantly higher than the T −12 eff 6 Allers et al. 0 0 −10 PSO 318.5−22 −5 −5 V (km/s) −15 TWA β Pic W (km/s)−10 W (km/s)−10 −20 Tuc−Hor −15 −15 −25 Columba Carina AB Dor −20 −20 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 −20 −15 −10 −5 0 −25 −20 −15 −10 U (km/s) U (km/s) V (km/s) 100 100 100 50 50 50 c) c) c) p 0 p 0 p 0 Y ( Z ( Z ( −50 −50 −50 −100 −100 −100 −100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 −100 −50 0 50 100 X (pc) X (pc) Y (pc) Figure 4. ComparisonofthegalacticpositionandvelocityofPSOJ318.5−22tomembersofknownyoungmovinggroupsfromTorresetal. (2008). Ellipses represent the rms formembers of the group. The uncertainties in UVW and XYZ forPSO J318.5−22 are smallerthan theplottedredcircle. Table 2 PhysicalPropertiesfromEvolutionaryModels EvolutionaryModel Mass Teff Radius log(g) Name Ref MJup K RJup dex PSOJ318.5−22(log(Lbol/L⊙)=−4.52±0.04dex5;age=23±3Myr7): AMES-COND 1 7.9±0.4 1176+26 1.358±0.010 4.03±0.03 −25 AMES-Dusty 4 8.7±0.4 1154+25 1.417±0.007 4.00±0.02 −27 Saumon&Marleycloudless 8 7.9±0.4 1164+26 1.373±0.010 4.04±0.03 −27 Saumon&Marleyfsed=2 8 8.3±0.5 1127+−2246 1.464±0.010 4.01±0.03 β Picb(log(Lbol/L⊙)=−3.86±0.04dex6;age=23±3Myr7): Saumon&Marleyfsed=2 8 12.8±0.2 1583+−3303 1.576±0.010 4.135±0.003 2M1207b(log(Lbol/L⊙)=−4.68±0.05dex2;age=10±3Myr3): Saumon&Marleyfsed=2 8 4.5±0.5 1006+−2246 1.515+−00..001163 3.71±0.06 References. — (1) Baraffeetal. (2003); (2) Barmanetal. (2011); (3) Belletal. (2015); (4) Chabrieretal. (2000); (5) Liuetal. (2013); (6) Malesetal. (2014); (7) Mamajek&Bell (2014);(8)Saumon&Marley(2008) inferredbyevolutionarymodels. Thisdiscrepancyissim- (2013). This can be attributed to the revised (older) ilartothe resultfoundbyLiu et al.(2013)usingamuch age of the β Pic moving group. For comparison to lower resolution spectrum spanning a larger wavelength PSO J318.5−22, we calculate the properties of β Pic b range. This hints that atmospheric models over-predict and 2M1207b (Table 2) using the Saumon & Marley T when fitting either the broad-band spectral mor- f = 2 evolutionary models and accounting for re- eff sed phology seen in low-resolution spectra or the depths of cent revisions to the ages of the β Pic and TW Hydra spectral lines seen in high resolution spectra. moving groups. The mass of PSO J318.5−22 (8.3 ± The mass we determine for PSO J318.5−22 is some- 0.5 M ) is intermediate to the two known directly- Jup whathigherthanthe6.5+1.3 M reportedbyLiu et al. imaged exoplanets around β Pic members, β Pic b and −1.0 Jup PSO J318.5-22is a β Pic member 7 Our constraints on its equatorial velocity (17.5– 36 km s−1) allow us to compare the rotation of 110000..00 PSO J318.5−22 to recent measurements of the rota- tionofother planetary-massandsubstellarobjects. The PSO 318.5−22 equatorial velocity of β Pic b, 25 km s−1(Snellen et al. 2014), is consistent with our constraint on the equa- −1m s)1100..00 S J 2M1207βb Pic b ptoerriiaoldvoeflo2cMity12o0f7bPS(OZhoJu31e8t.5a−l.2220.15T)hies s1l0ig.7h+−ty10..28lohnoguerr k than our upper limit on the period for PSO J318.5−22. ( y Given 2M1207b’s lower mass and younger age (see §5), ocit N it is expected to rotate more slowly than β Pic b el and PSO J318.5−22. Indeed, the equatorial veloc- V U al ity of 2M1207b is 17.3±1.5 km s−1as calculated from ri its rotational period and evolutionary-model inferred o 11..00 at radius. The agreement in equatorial velocities for u Eq E 2M1207b, PSO J318.5−22 and β Pic b hints that the angular momentum evolution of free-floating and M gravitationally-bound planetary mass objects is simi- lar. For comparison, we calculate the equatorial veloc- 00..11 ities for field brown dwarfs with measured periods in 11xx1100−−44 11xx1100−−33 11xx1100−−22 11xx1100−−11 11xx110000 11xx1100++11 11xx1100++22 Metchev et al. (2015) and with estimated masses and Mass (M ) radii from Filippazzo et al. (2015). We find that field Jup brown dwarfs have a relatively broad range of equato- rial velocities ∼6–80 km s−1. Additional rotation mea- Figure 5. A variation on Figure 2 of Snellenetal. (2014) com- surements for planetary-mass objects are needed to de- paringthe equatorial velocities ofplanets andbrowndwarfs. The termine if the field brown dwarf spread in equatorial red bar indicates our constraints on the equatorial velocity of PSO J318.5−22. The blue data point shows the equatorial ve- velocity extends to lower masses. Figure 5 compares locity(Snellenetal.2014)andestimatedmass(see§5)ofβPicb. the equatorial velocity of PSO J318.5−22 to that of Thegreendatapointshowstheequatorialvelocityof2M1207bcal- β Pic b (Snellen et al. 2014), planets in our solar sys- culated from its rotation period (Zhouetal. 2015) and estimated radius (Table 2). The gray open circles indicate the equatorial tem7, and field brown brown dwarfs. Solar system plan- velocities of field brown dwarfs calculated from period measure- ets have a log-log velocity-mass relationship. 2M1207b, mentsinMetchevetal.(2015)andmassandradiusestimatesfrom β Pic b and PSO J318.5−22 are slower rotating than Filippazzoetal. (2015). Solar system objects are plotted as the would be expected from the extrapolation of the solar firstletter oftheirname. MercuryandVenus areexcludeddueto their extremelylow equatorial velocities. Thedotted lineshows a system velocity-mass relationship. This is likely due to linearfittolog(mass)vs. log(velocity)forthesolarsystemplanets theiryoungages. Bythetime theyaretheageofourso- plotted. larsystem,theequatorialvelocitiesof2M1207b,β Picb, and PSO J318.5−22 should increase by a factor of ∼1.5 51 Eri b (∼2 M ; Macintosh et al. 2015). In addition, Jup asthey contractto aradiusof∼1R , putting them in PSO J318.5−22 is an excellent free-floating analog to Jup good agreement with the velocity-mass relation seen for β Pic b and 2M1207b, the only other planetary-mass the solar system planets. objects having constraints on their rotation. 6. CONSTRAININGTHEROTATIONANDINCLINATION 7. CONCLUSIONS OFPSOJ318.5−22 Using forward modeling techniques, we have mea- Ourmeasurementofv sin(i)=17.5+−22..38 km s−1 allows sured the radial velocity (−6.0+−01..81 km s−1) and v sin(i) us to constrainthe equatorialvelocity and inclination of (17.5+2.3 km s−1) of PSO J318.5−22. Combining −2.8 PSO J318.5−22. Biller et al. (2015) report the detec- our v with an updated parallax and proper motion r tionof JS-bandvariability,likely due to rotationalmod- of PSO J318.5−22, we determine its UVW veloci- ulation of inhomogeneous cloud cover. Unfortunately, ties. We find that the galactic position and motion of the measurements of Biller et al. (2015) do not cover a PSO J318.5−22 are consistent with membership in the long enough time span to measure a full rotational pe- β Pic moving group. The luminosity ofPSO J318.5−22, riod of PSO J318.5−22, but they constrain the period combined with recent age determinations of the β Pic to ≥5 hours. Assuming a radius of PSO J318.5−22 moving group allow us to use evolutionary models to of 1.464 RJup, a period of >5 hours corresponds to an estimate its mass, Teff, radius, and log(g). Using equatorial velocity of <36 km s−1. Thus, our v sin(i) our v sin(i) measurement and recently published vari- measurementincombinationwiththeBiller et al. result ability results, we determine that the inclination of constrains the equatorial velocity to 17.5–36 km s−1and PSO J318.5−22 must be greater than 29◦ and the ro- the inclination of PSO J318.5−22 to i ≥ 29◦. In addi- tational period is constrained to 5–10.2 hours. Our con- tion, our v sin(i) measurement places an upper limit on straints on the equatorialvelocity of PSO J318.5−22in- the rotational period of 10.2 hours. 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