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by  N.A.
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The Pnertelend of Tha lcsrttl Ctdie. Tr Gretel of Ie PRESIDENT OF THE COUNEH. OF INDLA LN COUNT, [We hare uom tho anos ue report mir opus mpm Un quiet referee ona hu Me Seerotary Gems lets 6 the 1 esto at out fa Renn me Hh ta tie Pent fe bn Ramat in seelance sili Revumnentatia's wliely, © atm wer lng pader he ee ‘tose nod he wsarapte Iam pa enwlation male Tye Howe Commision fa loath povicinns ub le C2 ict souoye Fa eum ey ee “The Honorable Cont af Disretors ware fu thelr Digute nthe Tce Aeperssnenh dee Zak Sepeesitow TE (Nm Lejeal which wu entrart moony vi ove neutaed Teter of Me-Cérawe io ove Seeectar, (uaa thik Mecano tet iis antre eairenee, ams eg ve thal Clovennment wll one ne in pati a ceca Fo ee oct of Cho Teen ett weal tained Mee Wig Hanoi the Gowennae lettes Feo the Off caatias Soret to te Cooetoonent Livia wih be Sever oe General dated th Sch Deceober IX sar extaaet ul ata aces ipanied Me. Grunts letter, 9 ject with so Leto ha thie pitip' Boe peep of ths Tegan setl= J Low bern Rovitably asanombge wa te p19 ino Contact Feat ia el iow ly die Sullee he st Se esr” ts Poway dibielat ol the ewet Pacvineys wit Sich Ting ae yoni nse etry oy rutlonal tain hy Sevile Wesseln Prvwinous fu the very Gov iataaers it bie Teesone Iawe angel blo ie spteof le Megane ol Gaverumeit er yr do a price shoul Ys salt Misia nue Cours uf Justiew a> tng of pesler equality.” arcyitald prewipley” 1 Hoa, “ie betenel 10 hae a genecaly ie exile i thi laracter of muster a ‘ne Seenotary sith oe ureeor Cue then poorest meaty leat Fe weil reams Gur he Hoa Tde the President fn Casas iy detcening welling er @ ‘omsvatias of eay qnesiow, ein eng wot be chests Bor deta the ime ate wractncu afm Ls wh aoe mgt ms nafs ig peekally eutite wih seeroure to the Tit prvalesee uf Msn the Reveal Peden yy the “wry ld olrater in which i waist. al he estan ppl i Cores of refeng lo eveogune any dl proceedings” tin af pss Be teapoee a cilcral "Abe Lora Jae dievtea sue inti ete", thn Seerclare with the oe sesuu Genre cuitinucs, mane expel to ree to le Pragney of Bengal, 2 REPORT, ur shthough he i Teor accurately infuried of the Law end pple tx che ‘Aitier Presidencies, le islet ti fartiove chat the same principle of genceat proces tion i ala exter to Users bt he soak aid sta etc have tle formation.” "The quontion rier to us hy Me. Seoratney: Grants letter hich encloses the Atocumente ee have eile iy wheter tha Tos, ak te actly in free over every [patt of Ditch India ie or in uot sei bo make the passing of & directed Wy the Hew'ble Coast vaguisite ia onloe yt the Govcemment aay be eure ints complete effet. sw of the nature wntion of the Home "Ta this quostion we mut answer chat we Chink the pase of a Daw af the wee tre diteetod by the Thon'le Coen is requisite in amter deat dha intention of the Ateaue Governinent nny be ext ol ita corngate ole, Quy ressu ve Abie atures ate as Haan y= inst. TE we tke our nations of the iow in Bece fora the svete of the sariuas Judiad Fouetinucia ns ta the cone they would puri, ut w expel Ibeie Ma sees, then tae Loe I India slrealy in conformity with the intentions of the iene Gorernmnent, im ather pasts iti not, ae ir other pasta itis i tov state that na on enn aay with eeriainly wheter i fs ia mot in couformity With those ntcutions. tt willie abecrced of coarse, that Taw depending pan tke opdafans of stiomorie ia Viable 1 be elaniged hy w eharige of Finetionnticn clots to pursue, wader supped einen dane parts of Bei J igin che lat mentionel stato thst we voneuive the Lave to be in the Tower Peovinees snbject to this Presidenes. Wa speak with the wlaest delerenea tu Ut Hight Hon'ble the Govenor General, hut Hia Lardsbip wus writing only fren tevole lection of documents whieh wo Bave Velie us, We eay this upon dha proaniption ‘that dhe minute eayaiey whieh Uis Lomeli abades to ns sing boon entered inte lay the Sudder Dewanoy Adawht dor the Tower won dat enqnity which saaiusticaed for they in olast fans years, moss oF combing the Cant to vephp teeta spietime aidrouted co town on the aujet Ly the Law Gomes, at the real afl which, vowbined with the rele of slinilar enuiricn institated by the Courts uf Sudder and Pavjdarce Adalat wt Mudcus and Boinbay, Fare she bis ‘oF bat Kecoumenation of che Law Ci fel utusod the Hawble Court of Ditectora to tune dhe instruction or neler Aiaeneston, “Thre uneovtain sta of the Live we callestot from the onswete of the Judicial ._ Foetionaties is et. firth in Nowe Btu the Ponal Code, Hint in voneequence of 1 the doubts exprenesl hy the Right Uon'ble the ss of the Inge feom thee satdeovities Me. Re Martin the Oficiaing Judge of the 24 Perguunehs, sys, “<The authority of the austet ver hia lave is quive abeolwe aecording to the onye= dan Tau, wad protection cxnmut Iezaily be gacendad to the loiter it ease, of erueley o baed ¥Mb, bt notvvithscundting the Saw at the present tive isco mmc, ee 40 the pine elionatics of the Loner Proviners, it ill we right to cite snore REPORT. 4 wa the UAW ihe wane, itis an acknesledged foner of the over ote nastier doo end nn lathe it Haves wel, n-ne them tomar pss hm wor a” Met J. K, Bwatt, the Olfcisting Mri arate of che Suarchera Disinion of Cole tack, aay ight tos sise's late, mind tn myply wutlly eH wivderate eotteoton et iv SA nanster. whether Hindn or Murenlnau, is considered to bare a rnecewary. If itn proved that whiten” swter hs erecta that Hai he fe Hatta to Ma. C, Harting ints between master aul shave ae of wuch este eeeoreenee, and tho pruetico Commissioner nf Girenit wf the 12th Diisian, say Co 1 Gun udiernt eortng to Sesmetneoy tha emp trey fo Ths queion suicuripe Tra wer wits pov ely alent wii shoe, be wo probaly be fas! and wipes TE he merely “hate bim te iplercey sions oe mae Bay he wal sik jen mtn Me fa. Herne, Dwvopiey the Comes wer of dhe 16th Disiion, sa cro i entog of eruclty or severe maleeatmcst only, Hineow a bivw i Taid downy the prattive nf atondingg cho amiatawee vafien much, santo uflcors entirely sepanitng the alae and amster, whilst otheen deem i suf coat to tale soguritye Gar tin fate gon condet of the aster.” A RTE Myton, the Magistrate of Spthee, anys, « The Criainal Causts do rot terfira breccias andl eloeo exoopt fie il treatment or any act which the former cane totter correction’ af slave by Tis masiee onl wot be conatdered as a mialomeanoun. vay militate aginst wat ‘Treve citations shew tat the Ta for fu st Ennetivaarios of the Liver Peavinoes tanasvinous in denying the Fight oF eontwotion to the mare, though it mat about Talf diese whe have given ang opinion vay they sliauld make nw ference Setweeen che ttostiment of a abe and an feeeninn, The Court of Nisaunt Adww'nt, hewvrce, whielt presilon oar antl rrypuatee the proceed ign ot etl these Kapetionaticn, Mave espera m diferent opinion, In the loacee sriten by che Regiater uf the Gourt in sanert to the enquities of the Law Commisinn it is suid, A master wonld net be puvisbed, the Court opine, far ine cling a slight eGreection an his Tegal alave, sue oe a teach 7 would be justi Jnfioting ou a reliola, ot w father om his eb Th the Uppee Provinces a3 thee Niruniut Adawlut, samaniing iiven by th tae, withont expression of dase oh lust na ditinetion s recognized Welsen tho alate ahd the freeman in er waiters, with soore few exceptivns it may Ue sid that the Law is already ia conform of tha Home itl onviersandiog, ‘he won Late she cuutse whieh the adie aries wy they would purane, ubordinates, ty with the mentio With reepeet to the Providencion oF Mntras aul Rombg the Right Hon'ble the Gavernor Genoral expresses a wish far farther info é Up this we

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