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PosusiDna, nRcoeu nGdo ltCdhaee(lfn d etaaisdl a)m,a ged in1 978.L ondoNna,t ioGnaalll ery. DaviFdr eedberg THE OF Studiients h e HistoarnydT heory ofR esponse THEU NIVERSIOTFYC HIACGO PRESS ChicagoL oannddo n DAVIFDR EEDBEaRp Gro,f esosfao rrht i story DutLcahn dPsrncitasp e atC olumbUinai veirtsyi,st hea uthoorf otfh See venCteenetRnuutrybh;Te hnLesi :ofeC f h rist afttehrPe a ssiIocnloa,ns·aot ncsTd h eMiovrte is. and (') -. I II TheU niversoifCt hyi caPgroe sCsh,i ca6go6 637 TheU niversoifCt hyi caPgroe sLst,d ., London © 198b9y T heU niversoifCt hyi cago Allr ighrtess ervPeudb.l ish1e9d8 9 Printiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 54321 LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation FreedbeDragv,i d. Thep oweorf i mages. Bibliograpp.h y: Includiensd ex. r. A rt-Psychol2o.gSy i.g nasn ds ymboilnsa rt. I.T itle. N7r.F6159 89 7or'.r'5 ISBN0 -226-26144-1 @ Thep apeurs eidn t hipsu blication meettsh em inimumr equiremoefnt thse AmericNaant ionSatla ndafrodIr n formation Sciences-PermaonfPe anpceefr o Prr inted Library MatAeNrSiIaZ l3s9,· 48-r984. E granedrer opraer ldaerlecl oes dee mlo ndo indiinsttameena tses oluntta,eem ,ep edri rceos i, perre goplear;c qhuea tsuit htaen ndai stinezdi one eccezpieolrna ev arideedl clier cumstiann qzlueea, nl oin s i possofnerom arceo nu nam edisimmias ureqa u:e ste disztiionene ic ceznioonsn iit rovasncor iitnt e su'l,irn barb iiosgnlao i nsegndii slcar ezione. Ricordi -FranceGsucioc cdiian,ri * ButIm usbte c ontewnitt h onlmyo raeon ndea concluidlilnugts itoranar ;e markaanbdlm eo ssti gncainfiotn e, by whyiocuwh i ll fanioltto s e,et hat onnolty is mtohsemt a rvelelvoeunistn t hibso ok corrobobryap tleadfia cnt osft he prdeasyeb,nu ttt hat themsaer ve(llsia kleml a rvlesa)r e mreerepet iotnsi oft haeg e;ss ot haftor t hmei lilontthi mwee s ay amenw itSho loomn-Veritlhye irsen othing newu ndetrh seu n. MobDyi ck -Hermna Melville, * UXORI CARISSIMAE Contents LiosIftl lusttrxa tions Prefaxcvei i Introdxutcxt ion 1.T heP oweorfI mageRse:s poannsdeR epressIi on 2.T heG odi nt hIem age2 7 3.T heV aluoeft hCeo mmonpla4c eI 4.T heM ytho fA niconi5s4m 5.C onsecraMtaikoinnI:gm agWeosr k 82 6.I magaen dP ilgrim9a9ge 7.T heV otiIvmea gIen:v okFianvgoa rn dG iviTnhga nkIs3 6 8.I nvispievbrii sliiMbaei dliitaaat:ni dot hnUe s eosfT heorIy6 I 9.V erisimialnidRt eusdeem blaFnrcoeSm:a cred MountatioWn a xworkIs9 2 10.I nfamJyu,s tiacnedW, it chcrEaxfptl:a nation, Symphayta,n dM agic2 46 11.L ivIem ageTsh:eW ortohfV isiaonndTs a les2 83 12.A rousbayIl m age3 r 7 13.T heS ensaensdC ensors3h4ip 5 14.I dolaatnrdIy c onocl3a s7m 8 15.R epresenatnadRt eiaolni 4t2y 9 Abbrevi4a43t ions Note4s4 5 Bibliog5r0a7p hy Inde5x1 9 Illtursations · I.B rothoeftr h eA rchconfraotfSe arnGn iiotvya Dnencio l- lationR omeh oldiant ga voletta 6 2.A nnibCaalrer aAc ciH,a n(gciaIn. g 5 99) 7 3.T avolsehtotwait nhgLe a mentataiC ornu;c ifioxnit ohne obve(rssee ventceeennttuhr y) 7 4·T avolsehtotwaitn hgbe e headoifSn agi Jnoth tnh Bea ptist (seventceeennttuhr y) 7 5·F rAan geliLcaom,e nt(caat1.i4 o4n0 ) 9 6.H anBsa lduGnrgi eHno,l Fya miwliytS ha iAnntn( e5I I I) I4 7.P aolVoe roneHsoelF,y a miwliytS ha iBnatr baanrtdah e InafnSta ijnoth( nca I5 . 62-65) I 5 8.T itiVane,no uUfsr bi(nIo5 38) I6 9·G iorgiVoenusen(,c aI5IO) I6 . IOT.i tiVane,nw uista hnO rga(nciaIs.5 t4 5-48) I8 Ir . EdouaMradn eOt,l ym(pIi8a6 3) 20 I2 .T heM adononfaR ocamadour 2 8 I3D.r achfmr oAmi noosn;r everesnet:h rocnuelidtm agoef B.C.) HermePse rpher(afiooucsret nht ury 34 q. PetPearu Rlu benCsi,m aonnPd e (rcoaI .6 35) 48 I5 .F olloowfe rJ vaannE yckH,e aodf C(hfirfitsetecne tnh- tury) 53 I6B.a smailnta h feo romf a p arr(oItr aIn2;5 803/4I-35) 57 !7A·r ticsotl'osp hKoenn,n icBoitbtl( eI 476) 57 I8A.q uiflraoC,mi certor'asn sloaftt ihoAen r at(Ceaar olin- gian) 57 I9G.e rmamni crogrmaaprhgiicin lallu storfaJ toinoaanhn d thWeh aleP,et natewuicthTh ar guma ndM aso(rfao urtceeenn-th tury) s8 20].. [ Itzhaasks }c ribmei,c rograppohritcro afi'R ta bbi MoseGsa st(ecraI .8 9o) 2I .P yrmaidabla etoynal d iiad racahnmda s tatfer�;oC ma ria B.C.) (fifctehn tury ' 22A.s syrailatnwa irt Thu kuNltiin uritnaa doratbieofno re B.C.) thae ltoafrN us(kcua I.2 40 23 .Z eusC asiianst emploen t etradrfarcohmSm e leucia (A.D. Pieria 222-35) 24T.h ec onoefA polAlgoy ieounas d rachfmr oAmm bracia Bc.. ) (seccoenndt ury B.C.) 25F.e masltea tufertotEmep hes(oesa rsliyxc tehn tury B.c.) 26 .H eroaSf a m(ofsih raslotff s ixctehn tury 27S.t atoufew omans pinnifnrgo,Em p hes(olsa steev enth B.C.) century 7I . 28S.t atoufde e awdo maans simitloaD teemde t(efirf cteho ;- B.C.) tury 73 29."C hainAerdt"e moifsE phesoonsi mperciiaslt ophoroi (laftiera sntde arsleyc ocnedn tuAr.yD .) 75 30S.t atue-reolfSi aqiunatrey Foy (tenth centu9r3y ) 3I .R eliquhaeraoydf S aint Eup(hsreovseinntece eennttuhr y)9 3 32T.h e MorMgaadno n(ntaw elcfetnht ury) 95 33A·l brecht AltthdSeo crhfMieairrn,oi efaR e gensb(ucrag. I5I9-22) IOI 34M·i chaOeslt eonrdfePri,l grtiotm hNaeeg weC huractRh e ­ gens(bcuaIr.5 gI 9) I02 35M·o ldfso trw op ilgrimageo ftb haeSd gcehsMo anreai ta Regensb(u5IIr g9 ) I03 36G.a etaGniog anTtheF,ee aostfth M ea dodnenAlareo l ('I 58)2 ro4-5 37J.a cquCeasl lTothF,e a iartl mpruneta (r62o)1 07 38A.f tBerru egSeali,G neto rDgaeFy'a si( craI 5. 6 0-70) I08 39P·i lgritmhargoena gtFs a ti(mcaaI .9 8o) I09 40T.h ei nteroifto hrHe olCyh apaetlH alf,r omL]i.p sius, DivVai rHgaol l(eAnnstiwseIr 6pI, 6) III 4I .T heV irgoifGn u adalupe III 42F.r ancdiesZ cuor barTahnMe,i raactSl oer i(acanI.o6 26- 27) III 43T·h Vei rogfiG nu adaflruopW.me ,Gu mppenbeArtgl,a s Mariuas(ln n golsr6t a53d )t , II4 44·T hVei rogLfie no fnr,oG mu mppenbAertglM,aa sr ianusI J4 45T·h Vei rogfiLno ufdruoGmnu ,m ppenbAertglM,aa sr ianuIsI 4 46T.h Vei rogRfio nc aumraf,dr ooGmu mppenbAertglM,aa sr - tanus II4 x Illustrations 47T.h Vei rogSfia nMn a rcfroo,{m F C.o rn}eA rp,parietti onum celebirmiaogri(uVnmeu nmi1 c7e6, 0) II 6 48T.h Vei rogSfia nMn a rzifarol{meC ,or n]Ae rp,parietti onum celebirmiaogriunmu m I I 6 49T·h Vei rogfLi anC elefsrtoi{maC o,r n}Ae rp,parietti onum celebirmiaogriunmu m I I 6 50A.n onymocuosp oyft hPea ssMaaur iab-yH]iC.lf. L oth int hPee terskiinMr ucnhiec( he ighteceennttuhr y) I1 7 5r . ].N . Maaga ft]e.Cr . L otht,h Pea ssMaaur iialf(- lHa te eighteceenntthu ry) I1 7 52.T hVei rogMfio nn Bteer ifrcoo[m,C or,n}Ae rpparietti onum celebirmiaogriunmu m I I 8 53T.h eV irgoifMn o ntBeer ico I I 8 54A·u doaf t hVei rgSienv,i lle II 9 55W·i lleKme y( anQdu intMians sysP?i)e(,ts iax teceennt-h tury) I22 56E.n gravaifntgAe .rA bondiMou,t dteeSsrc hmuenrddze ers Leiibnte h,eO ratoorfty h Jee suCiotn gregMaitniooMr u,n ich (late sevceenntteuernyt)h I22 57A·n thovnaynD yckL,a ment(caatI.i26 8o)n I23 58]..N . Maaga,f tedre]P .a, ya ftVearnD yckL,a mentation, Gnadenbiintl hdPe e terskiinMr ucnhiec (hl aetieg hteceennt-h tury) I32 59P·i lgripmeangnea wnitt Sha iAnntd refwr oBma len-Neet (seventceeennttuhr y) I 2 5 6oP.i lgripmeangnea wnitt Sha iMnatr tfirno Pme ut(isee v- enteecnetnht ury) I52 6r . Horswee aripnigl gripmeangnea nt I 2 5 62S.i lvpeirl gritmoakgeeon b,v erssheo witnhgeV irgoifn Altott(ienigg hteceennttuhr y) I27 63T.h Vei rogAfilti nit itn(gf ourteenth century) I27 64P.e tPearu Rlu benSsa,i Tnetr Ienstae rfcroBe edrinnagr dino daM end(oIz6a3 os) I27 65C.o rneGlailsla ef ter RSuboeuinlnPss, u rgabteonretyah teh MonogorCfah mr (issetv entceeennttuhr y) I27 66T.h eV irgoifnL oreteon,g rapvready cearr (de ighteenth century) 128 67A.m pulwliat mha rtyhre'asd (tfosi efvtehnc tehn tury) I 3 I 68A.m pulwliat chr oasnsda post(lleaesti eg hctehn tury) I3I 69A.m pulwliat thh Vei rgainndC hilEdn throntehdAe,n ­ nunciattoti hoSenh ephearnddts h,Ae d oratoifto hnMe a gi (late I I3 eighctehn tury) Illustrationsx 1

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