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THE OCCURRENCE OF TETRAQONIA DECUMBENS AND TRACHYANDRA DIVARICATA IN SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA. By PETRUS C. HEYL1GERS CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Long Pocket Laboratories, Indooroopilly Qld 4068. ABSTRACT Tetragonia decumbens (Aizoaceae) and Trachyandra divaricata (Liliaceae s.l.) are native to southwestern Africa. They are coastal dune plants and have similar distributions, not only in Africa, but also in Australia. Herbarium specimens, published records and fieldwork have been used to document their history in Australia Most early records are from the vicinity of ports and this suggests that propagules arrived with ships’ ballast or cargo. Experiments have shown that the fruits of Tetragonia decumbens are buoyant; some stay afloat for more than two years and are still viable. Trachyandra dituricata is a tumbleweed its ’crown' of mature flower stalks is easily dislodged and, blown about by wind, drops numerous small seeds from the fruit capsules The seeds are not buoyant, but dry flower stalks float for several weeks The different dispersal characteristics of the two species correlate with occupation of somewhat different niches in the dunes: Tetragonia decumbens on strandlines and unstable dunes, Trachyandra divaricata on more densely vegetated dunes These characteristics are also implicated in the manner in which the species have enlarged their ranges the herbarium records appear to support the thesis that offshore currents are a prime agent in the regional dispersal of Tetragonia decumbens and that cars, boats and planting stock have greatly contributed to that of Trachyandra divaricata. INTRODUCTION Throughout this range Tetragonia decumbens forms an important element Tetragonia decumbens Miller of the dune flora Along the dry coasts (Aizoaceae), Sea Spinach and of the Namib it is one of the few species Trachyandra divaricata (Jacq.) Kunze that stabilizes small, isolated hummock (Liliaceae s.l: Asphodeliaceae), Dune dunes, while further to the south, in the Onion Weed or Strapweed are native to Cape Region, where the beach daisy southwestern Africa They are coastal Arctothecapopulifolia forms characteristic dune plants and occur from the arid hummock dunes Tetragonia decumbens coast of Namibia to the Port Elizabeth often occurs in dense patches, especially region on the southern coast of the in hollows or blowouts. Along the Republic of South Africa (Figure 1). southern coast, where Tetragonia 187 decumbens reaches its eastern limit, it is from Victoria and, for Tetragonia still abundant, but native grasses decumbens, New South Wales. Later, become more important (Lubke et al. also Trachyandra dimricata found its way 1997). Trachyandra dimricata, from what to New South Wales and both species I have been able to ascertain from the appeared in South Australia literature (Obermeyer 1962, Van der In this paper 1 aim to answer three Maarel 1993), is of lesser importance in questions. Firstly, how did they arrive in the dune vegetation and, although Australia; secondly, how did they present in pioneer associations, it is spread; and thirdly, what is the more common in stable communities. likelihood that they will spread further? Both species have been introduced to Australia and at present have a similar distribution (Figure 1). In southwestern PLANT HABIT AND PROPAGULE Western Australia they have become CHARACTERISTICS familiar elements of the dune flora (Smith 1985, Hussey et al. 1997) and it Tetragonia decumbens is a perennial is difficult to imagine that it is only 70 herb, although older stems become quite years ago that the first herbarium woody. As indicated by the specific collections of these species were made epithet, its stems spread over the ground near Cottesloe. However, this was not or over obstacles such as flotsam timber the first time that they gained a or sand-stilling fences. The stems grow foothold in Australia as earlier several meters long and produce shoots occurrences have been documented from the leaf axils The yellow flowers o Tetragonia decumbens (cid:9830) Trachyandra divaricala Figure 1. The geographic distribution of Tetragonia decumbens and Trachyandra dimricata in relation to climate. The maps of Africa and Australia south of 26‘ S have been overlaid for easy comparison of the climates of the coastal regions, which have been classified according to KOppen's scheme (after Schulze and McGee 1978 and Gentiili 1972, respectively). BS: semi-arid, and BW: arid climates with mean annual temperatures above (h) or below 18'C (k>, Cs: 'Mediterranean' climates with winter rains and hot, dry summers (a) or long mild summers (b); Cf: humid mild-winter climates with appreciable rainfall throughout the year, either with hot summers (a), or with mild summers (b). 188 are borne in the leaf axils of these lined with moist filter paper after shoots, each on a short stalk, in number rinsing with fresh water. varying from one to four per axil. Petals Specimen label details were obtained are lacking; the colour results from the from state and university herbaria as calyx lobes as well as the stamens, specified in the Acknowledgments This which ripen before the stigmas spread information was supplemented by out The calyx has four ridges, which published records and, over the last 25 grow out to broad, corky wings in the years, by field observations along many fruit This characteristic gives the fruits sections of sandy coastline south of the buoyancy, and although incapable of Tropic of Capricorn. lifting the fruits into the air, the wings As on previous occasions, I have used enlarge the surface area and, hence, these data to infer mode of introduction fruits can be blown over the ground in and subsequent spread based on the strong winds Fruit size varies in length presumption that the earliest collections between 10 and 14 mm and in width would have come from the area where between 12 and 19 mm, the up to 7 mm the species first became naturalized and broad wings included that this area served as the focus of Trachyandra divaricata plants form large further dispersal. For strandline and rosettes of drooping, long, strap-like foredune species with buoyant leaves which grow from an irregularly propagules this has lead to the shaped rootstock (Heyligers 1999a). supposition that the dispersal of such These rosettes develop a crown' of species happens through making leaps' leafless, branched inflorescences, about entrained in major current systems with 70 cm long. The flowers are pale lilac subsequent filling in of the 'gaps’ by and much sought after by honeybees means of largely wind-driven along¬ Each inflorescence produces about 200 shore drift (Heyligers 1983,1989,1991, capsules, each containing on average 11 1993, 1996, 1999a). However, as seeds. Thus, the crown of a well- Keighery and Dodd (1997) have shown developed plant may have produced in for the spread of Euphorbia paralias along the order of 50 000 seeds by the end of the west coast of Western Australia, the flowering period. These seeds are leaps’ can also be achieved by other pyramidal, 2 mm across, and unadorned. means such as transport on boats. Dried-off crowns’ are tom away by wind and function as tumbleweeds. The inflorescence stems are filled with RESULTS aerenchyma and are buoyant when dry. A) Buoyancy and seed viability MATERIAL AND METHODS Most Tetragonia decumbens fruits sank within the first few weeks, but some To determine buoyancy, fruits of remained buoyant for more than two Tetragonia decumbens and seeds and dry years and still contained viable seed. inflorescences of Trachyandra divaricata The viability of seeds in sunken fruits were put in containers with seawater. decreases over time-, some seeds still The viability of fruits and seeds was germinated after 15 months, but none tested at the start of these experiments did after two years. and at various intervals afterwards For this they were placed in petri dishes The seeds of Trachyandra divaricata sank 189 within minutes, but dry flower stalks B) History of discovery and spread stayed afloat for several weeks and some Western Australia (Figure 2) for up to a month and a half. They sank once they became waterlogged Out on In August 1932, both Tetragonia the beach, many seeds will drop before decumbens and Trachyandra divaricate the sea is reached and later during were collected at Cottesloe. From there drifting at sea, thus diminishing the they spread to become a common colonization potential of a stranded element in the foredune vegetation bunch. Some sunken seeds kept in along the west coast between Perth and seawater were still viable after eight Cape Leeuwin and have also been months reported from several offshore islands Tetragonia decumbens Trachyandra divaricata \ 1997 Bowen River 1971 Dongara il994 Cliff Head v Jurrien Bay \ 1966 Lancelin 932 32°S---.-*r1932- i Cottesloe 1948 ^ Cottesloe Carden Iysl.^ ^ 1959 Bunbury l947 Bunbury + j 1963 Lake 1985 Cape Leeuwin *4940 Karridale Towerrinning LEGEND • Published records (cid:9733) Significant collections a Significant observations * Other collections " Other observations Scale of overview map »— 500 km Scale of map sections h 100 km Figure 2 Documented occurrences of Tetragonia decumbens and Trachyandra divaricata in southwestern Western Australia 190 (Creed and Bailey 1998, Keighery 1998, 1987). In 1963 Trachyandra divaricata McArthur 1957, Rippey et al. 1998, was also collected at Lake Sauer 1965, Storr 1962). Both species Towerrinning, 110 km inland from the have been collected further to the coast as the crow flies, but only 25 km north, Tetragonia decumbens earlier and west of the highway between Perth and more often than Trachyandra divaricata. Albany. They have also spread along the southern coast. Tetragonia decumbens Victoria (Figure 3) occurrences are still sporadic (pers. Between 1908 and 1913 both species obs.), but Trachyandra divaricata is were collected at Coode Island, the reported to be widespread as far as ballast ground for Port Melbourne Albany (Hussey et al. 1997). (Tovey 1911). However, they did not On the coastal plain south of Perth persist (Willis 1970,1972), nor is there Trachyandra divaricata has spread inland any evidence that they spread along the and in times of drought, when other shores of Port Phillip Bay. feed has become scarce, it has been New South Wales (Figure 3) eaten by livestock, sometimes with lethal consequences (Huxtable et al. In 1916 Tetragonia decumbens was found ^ Birubi Point *992^J j Stockton 1947v~ Tetragonia decumbens 1916-1955 34S Maroubra Birubi Point 1993 Towradgi 1982 Maroubra 1975^--34°S Wollongong (cid:9632)/1968 } Pt Noarlunga Killalea Beach d 1996 1995 / tp ,4l°E Figure 3. Documented occurrences of Tetragonia decumbens and Trachyandra divaricata in southeastern Australia. For legend and scales see Figure 2 191 in Sydney at Maroubra beach and forms low hummocks. Where it occurs it judged to *be a welcome addition to the grows well, but it does not appear to be dune flora in the capacity of a aggressively spreading. sandbinder’ (Hamilton 1917). In 1919 In 1989 I found a single Tetragonia it was also collected at Camp Cove, just decumbens plant on the foredune inside the entrance to Port Jackson. At between Kings Camp and Cape Jaffa the time the plants were incorrectly among other introduced dune species identified as Tetragonia nigrescens, a common in the area, e.g. Cakile mistake that has only recently been maritima, Euphorbia paralias and recognized (Heyligers 1999b). The Thinopyrum junceum. Ten years later it species has in the mean time was still there and had grown disappeared from the Sydney foreshores, considerably, but no offspring was although at Maroubra it persisted at spotted in the vicinity. least until 1955. The first record of Trachyandra divaricata In 1947 Tetragonia decumbens was from South Australia is from Tumby Bay collected at Stockton, former ballast (Hewson 1987): in 1964 a single plant ground for Port Hunter. The species still was found near the schoolyard and persists on the restored dune terrace, promptly eradicated. However, an where by 1994 Trachyandra divaricata annotation with the specimen (Alcock had become established as well. In 1993 C35, AD) mentions that a revision of both species were collected in a restored the identification in 1987 led to the dune area at Birubi Point which forms conclusion that it was not Trachyandra the northeastern end of Stockton divaricata, but probably a species of Beach, but in 1998 1 could only find Asphodelus. Tetragonia decumbens at that location. In the early 1990s true Trachyandra Earlier, in 1968, Trachyaridra divaricata divaricata was discovered on beaches of had already been found on the restored Port Adelaide, where it has become foredunes at Fairy Meadows near locally commoa The only other known Wollongong. It is still common there locality in the state is some 40 km and has turned up at several other dune further to the south, at Port Noarlunga, rehabilitation sites on the Central Coast where a small population occurs in a of New South Wales. A frequently dune swale. Extensive dunecare planted shrub at these sites is Acacia activities are carried out in the dunes, saligna, a widespread coastal species largely concentrating on combating indigenous to Western Australia and often used for dune stabilization Arctotisstoechadifolia. In the midst of the area with Trachyandra divaricata overseas (Marchant et al. 1987). flourished one large sprawling female Spinifex longifolius tussock! This species South Australia (Figure 3) is indigenous to the northern and Tetragonia decumbens has been known to western coasts of continental Australia occur in the Adelaide region since 1963, (Heyligers 1988). when it was collected at Glenelg. Over the years it has been found at scattered locations, mostly in disturbed habitats DISCUSSION such as the boulder scree of sea walls, or near parking areas for beachgoers. In a A) How did they arrive? dune restoration area at Hallett Cove it All early collections of Tetragonia 192 decumbens and Trachyandra divaricata coast of southwestern Western Australia were made near major ports, providing (Heyligers 1983). However, the strong circumstantial evidence that possibility remains that the fruit arrived propagules of these species came in with in the area as a stowaway as the plant ballast or cargo taken aboard in Cape grows within sight of the fishing Town. The contemporary collections at settlement of Kings Camp. Coode Island as well as the later ones at Cottesloe suggest that on both occasions B) How did they spread? the propagules arrived in the same As both species are most common in contaminated' load. Western Australia, the data from that Later collections in southeastern State are the more suitable ones for Australia, namely those of Trachyandra trying to reconstruct how their present divaricata in New South Wales and of range was attained. The earlier both species in the Adelaide region, often Tetragonia decumbens records, with the come from locations where dune exception of the collection at Cape restoration works have been aimed out Riche, show a steady progression of In the Wollongong area and at several dates towards the north and south from other locations in New South Wales the Perth. I assert that this pattern is the occurrence of Trachyandra divaricata is result of fruits from established strongly linked with the presence of populations being carried by offshore Acacia saligna and hence it is quite likely currents to outlying locations. Local that Trachyandra divaricata was introduced dispersal, filling in gaps left between with Acacia saligna planting stock newly established populations, would be obtained from Western Australia. The effected by inshore currents as well as evidence for the source of propagules in by wind the Adelaide area is less clear. The The data for Trachyandra divaricata occurrence of a single Spinifex longifolius reveal a different pattern. Soon after the plant at Noarlunga makes one wonder initial collections in the Perth area, this whether at some stage materials from species was found near Karridale, 300 Western Australian origin have been used km further south. Subsequently it during dune restoration projects became established on the dunes in the The occurrence of a single Tetragonia intervening area and spread to paddocks inland One may assume that the these decumbens plant at Cape Jaffa is an intriguing one It is not unlikely that areas were readily colonized through the fruit from which this plant grew tumbleweed action and coupled with the fact that seeds appear to grow best drifted in from Western Australia 1 base this on an analogous case, namely the in disturbed situations, through dune colonization of the dunes between Robe rehabilitation activities and Beachport by the Western In 1963 Tmchyandra divaricata turned up Australian strain of Arctothecapopulifolia at Lake Towerrinning, well away from in the 1980s (H. Lee pers. comm., its natural habitat and since the 1980s author's obs.). The nearest although it has been found at several outlying sporadic occurrences of this species are coastal locations, all of which are along the shores of the Great Australian popular fishing spots Hence 1 suspect Bight and are presumed to have that hitch-hiking on cars, boats and established through long-distance trailers has been the way the seeds were dispersal on ocean currents passing the dispersed to these places 193 Occurrences in New South Wales and divaricata in particular appears to spread South Australia have remained through human activities and in localized. Human activities appear to Western Australia has proliferated on have been the main agent for dispersal subcoastal sandy soils where it has led to new locations. to livestock poisoning, an attempt should be made to eradicate occurrences C) Will they spread further? in New South Wales. I would like to recommend a similar action for Climate-wise, there are obvious parallels Trachyandra divaricata occurrences in between the southern coastal regions of the Adelaide area, although because of Africa and Australia, although the the more favourable growing conditions, configuration of the Australian it would have to be soon, before spread coastline leads to a duplication of the has gone much further. Tetragonia Mediterranean conditions in southwestern Western Australia and decumbens appears to be less aggressive and 1 do not anticipate that a similar south-eastern South Australia (Figure action is warranted for this species. It 1). In Africa the distribution of both could even be useful as a sand stabilizer Tetragonia decumbens and Trachyandra in the drier areas. divaricata is centred on the area with a Mediterranean climate in the southwest. To the north it extends into areas with ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS desert climates; towards the south it stretches into the area with a climatic It is a pleasure to thank Heads, Curators regime transitional to the summer and other staff from the Australian rainfall region of the southeast In view National Herbarium (CANB), the of this broad climatic tolerance, and National Herbarium of New South given that other environmental Wales (NSW), the National Herbarium conditions are suitable, it may be of Victoria (MEL), the State Herbarium assumed that in time both species will of South Australia (AD) and the continue to enlarge their range in Western Australian Herbarium Australia as far as climatic conditions (PERTH), as well as from the following allow. Hence, we can expect range university herbaria: University of New expansion along much of the sandy England (NE), University of Sydney shores along the west coast, the Great (SYD), University of New South Wales Australian Bight and the Gulfs of South (UNSW) and University of Western Australia Australia (UWA), for their co¬ The reason for the disappearance of operation in my data gathering. Tetragonia decumbens and Trachyandra I am grateful to Dr S. Morton, Chief divaricata from Coode Island is not of CS1RO Sustainable Ecosystems, for knowa It would be my guess that it was the hospitality 1 enjoy in the Division. due to a change in the inherently The support of other members of the ephemeral habitat conditions of a Division with their diverse array of ballast ground. Occurrences of both skills is also greatly appreciated, as is species in New South Wales could the help of P. Hohnen (CANB) with possibly remain localized due to the mapping. D. Fotheringham and R. unsuitable climatic conditions, Sandercock (both at the Coast Marine especially the higher rainfall during the Section, Environment Protection summer months. As Trachyandra Agency, South Australia) gave 194 valuable pointers to occurrences in Euphorbia paralias in southern Australia their state. I also acknowledge my 1993 Open Forum and Symposium indebtedness to Dr R.F. Parsons (La Conference of the Ecological Society of Trobe University) for his comments Australia, Australian National on the draft of the paper. University, Canberra Abstracts. HEYLIGERS, P.C. 1996. Rockets down REFERENCES under: what’s going on? 1996 Open Forum and Symposium Conference of CREED. K.E. and BAILEY, M. 1998. the Ecological Society of Australia, Decline in migratory waders at Pelican James Cook University, Townsville. Point, Swan River, Western Australia. Abstracts: 47 The Stilt 33:10-14. HEYLIGERS, P. C. 1999a. Dispersal of GENT1LL1, J. 1972. 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