The new elastic scattering measurements of TOTEM — are there hints for asymptotics? 7 Sergey M. Troshin, Nikolai E. Tyurin 1 0 NRC“KurchatovInstitute”–IHEP 2 r Protvino, 142281, RussianFederation a M [email protected] 1 ] Abstract h p We point out to another indication of the black-disk limit exceeding in - p hadroninteractionsfoundintherecentimpactparameteranalysisperformed e h bytheTOTEMCollaborationat√s=8TeVandemphasizethatthisobserva- [ tionmightbeinterpreted asaconfirmation ofthereflectivescattering mode 2 appearance attheLHCenergies. v 5 1 8 1 0 . 1 0 7 1 : v i X r a 1 The geometrical picture of hadron interactions is often based on the impact– parameter dependence of the inelastic overlap function. However, such approach isnotquitecomplete,i.e. elasticandtotaloverlapfunctionsaretobeconsideredin line. Onthegroundofsuchconsiderationaslowgradualtransitiontotheemerging at theLHC picture, where the interaction region starts to become reflective at the center (b = 0) and simultaneously becomes relatively edgier, larger and black at its periphery (we are using an acronym REL to denote this picture) has been discussed in [1], where the references for the earlier papers can be found. The transitiontothismodeseemstobeobservedbytheTOTEMexperimentunderthe measurements ofthe dσ/dtin elasticpp–scattering. Thisis based on theanalysis of the impact parameter dependences of the overlap functions performed in [2]. Thoseoverlapfunctionsenterunitarityrelation: Imf(s,b) = h (s,b)+h (s,b). (1) el inel In Eq. (1) the function f(s,b) is the elastic scattering amplitude in the impact parameter representationwhileh (s,b) istheelasticoverlapfunction, el 2 h (s,b) = f(s,b) . el | | The inelastic overlap function h (s,b) corresponds to the total contribution of inel all the inelasticprocesses. From Eq. (1) the following inequality for the real part ofthescatteringamplitudeRef(s,b) isobtained[3]: 1 1 p1 4hinel(s,b) Ref(s,b) p1 4hinel(s,b). (2) − 2 − ≤ ≤ 2 − It should be noted that Eq. (1) is an approximate one due to the kinematical constraints existing at finite energies. It is valid with an accuracy of (1/s) [4] O being a result of the Fourier-Bessel transform of the unitarity equation written in s and tvariables: ImF(s,t) = H (s,t)+H (s,t). (3) el inel Considering the limit s , the question on the limiting value for the scat- → ∞ teringamplitudecan beposed,isittheblackdisklimitortheunitaritylimit? The well-known black-disk limit for the scattering amplitude f is reached when the maximal absorption, h = 1/4, takes place. It is definition of this limit, which inel corresponds to the values Imf = 1/2 and Ref = 0 (cf. Eqs. (1) and (2)). The impact-parameter analysis performed in [2] implies that the black-disk limit has been overcomeat √s = 7 TeV. In this comment we would like to point out that the most recent impact- parameter analysis performed by TOTEM at √s = 8 TeV [5] is in favor of this conclusionon exceedingtheblack-disklimit. Wedo notdiscusshere theparticu- lar schemes oftheelasticscattering amplitudeunitarization,but it couldbe noted 2 that the usual eikonal unitarization scheme meets problems with the black–disk limit exceeding. Possible way to accommodate the situation is consideration of thequasi-eikonalunitarizationscheme[6, 7]. Indeed, as it followsfrom Fig. 19 in[5], thevalueofh at b = 0 and √s = 8 el TeV is 0.31 while the black-disk limiting value is 0.25. It is true for the central b-dependence ofh withmaximumat b = 0. el Unfortunately, the impact parameter analysis performed in the paper [5] does not account for therespectiveexperimentaldata error bars ofthedσ/dtmeasure- menrs, but, the analysis [2] does and its error bars do not include the black disk limitatb = 0. As it was noted in [5], the peripheral dependence with maximalvalue of 0.05 atb = 1.2fmisalsoconsistentwiththedataatthisenergy. Theexistenceofthese two rather different forms, central and peripheral, is due to uncertainty in the nu- clearphasechoicefortheelasticscatteringamplitude(cf. e.g. [5]). Theformand role of the nuclear phase is essential in the CNI (Coulomb-Nuclear Interference) region of very small values of t. However, the peripheral form is at variance − withReggeand geometricalmodelsfortheelasticscattering. Moreover, the further observations can be made. The slope parameter, an experimentallyobservedquantity,B(s), d dσ B(s) ln −t=0, ≡ dt dt| is determinedbytheaveragevalue b2 , where[8]: tot h i ∞ 2 2 b totσtot(s) = X b n(s)σn(s), (4) h i h i n=2 hereσ (s)isthen–particleproductioncross–section. Thisrelationshowshowthe n slope B(s) is constructed from the individual elastic and inelastic contributions. Theexplicitfunctionalenergydependenciesoftheupperboundsforthefunctions ∞ 3 b dbh (s,b) 2 R0 el,inel b (s) = el,inel ∞ h i bdbh (s,b) R0 el,inel have been obtained in [9]. They follow from the bound on b2 and have the tot h i forms: 4 C s 2 4 b (s) 32π ln , (5) el h i ≤ σel(s) s0 4 C s 2 4 b (s) 8π ln . (6) inel h i ≤ σinel(s) s0 3 The two above bounds assume similar energy dependence in case when both 2 σ (s) and σ (s) have also similar s-dependence, say ln s. It corresponds el inel to the case of the black-disc limit saturation and the uppe∝r bounds for b2 and el b2 are bothproportionalto ln2s underthisscenario. h i inel h i However, it is not the case when the elastic and inelastic cross-sections have 2 different energy dependencies at s , e.g. σ ln s, while σ lns. el inel → ∞ ∝ ∝ Such dependencies of elastic and inelastic cross-sections are typical for the uni- tarity limit saturation when Imf 1 and Ref 0 at s . In this case the upper bounds for b2 and b→2 would als→o have diff→eren∞t energy depen- el inel h i h i 2 dencies, the former one would be ln s while the latter one is proportional to 3 ∝ ln s. Suchfunctionaldifferencecan beconsideredasananotherqualitativeissue in favorofacentral form forh and aperipheral oneforh . el inel It is worth to note here that the above two scenarios, corresponding to the black-disk limit or unitarity limit saturation have been discussed, in particular, in [10]and thenewdataseemsto behelpfulintheirdiscriminating. Conclusion on central or peripheral forms of the overlap functions can also be made on the grounds of unitarity and analyticity of the scattering amplitude in the Lehmann–Martin ellipse. It is a straightforward consequence of the above general properties of the elastic scattering that the ratio of the overlap functions h (s,b)/h (s,b) is decreasing with b like a linear exponent e−µb at large el inel ∼ values of b and fixed high energy value. It follows from a similar decreasing behaviorofanelasticscatteringamplitude[11]. Thus,ratherexoticsituationwith acentral formofh andaperipheraloneofh isat variancewiththeresultsof inel el unitarityandanalyticity(underanaturalassumptionofamonotonousdependence oftheoverlapfunctionsin theregionoflargevaluesofb). The existence of the more central character of elastic scattering compared to theimpactparameterdistributionofthetotalprobabilityoftheinelasticprocesses isknownforalongtimeandisinagreement withCERN ISRdata[12], inpartic- ular, itwas predicted at smallb valuesat theLHCenergies (cf. e.g. [13, 14]). It should be noted that peripheral b–dependence of h with maximum at inel b = 0 (i.e. with the fall down at small b) was depicted and discussed in [12] for 6 the energy √s = 3 TeV. Currently, various interpretations ([15, 16, 17]) of this effect havebeen proposed. So, reasonably leaving aside the peripheral option, one can conclude that the twoindependentimpactparameteranalysisoftheTOTEMdata[2,5]at theLHC energies √s = 7 TeV and 8 TeV indicate an existence of the transition to the reflectivescatteringmode[18]relevantto theasymptoticpicture. 4 Acknowledgements WearegratefultoM.Deile,J.Kaspar,E.MartynovandV.Petrovfortheinterest- ing discussionsand correspondence. References [1] S.M. Troshin,N.E. Tyurin,Mod.Phys.Lett.A 31,1650079(2016). [2] A. Alkin, E. Martynov, O. Kovalenko, and S.M. Troshin, Phys. Rev. D 89, 091501(R)(2014). [3] S.M. Troshin,Phys.Lett.B682,40 (2009). [4] M.L.Goldberger,K.L.Watson,CollisionTheory (JohnWiley&Sons,Inc., New-York–London–Sydney,1964). [5] G. Antchevet al.(TOTEM Collaboration),Eur.Phys.J. C76,661 (2016). [6] J.-R. Cudell, E. Predazzi, and O.V. Selyugin, Phys. Rev. D 79, 034033 (2009). [7] E. Martynov,arXiv: 1412.0269. [8] B.R. Webber, Nucl.Phys.B 87,269 (1975). [9] Z. Ajduk,NuovoCimento,15, 390(1973). [10] V.V. 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