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MARAC Volume 40 No. 3 SUMMER | 2011 ISSN 0738-9396 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference MlcL-AtLaMtio Archivist PROTECTING THE PAST Safeguard the past well into thefuture with ourfull ARCHIVAL STORAGE ESSENTIALS. line of Take advantage of our expertise in preservation to fortify all ofyour historical records, newspapers, photographs and collections. We offer a broad range of quality materials and carefully crafted designs to suit your every need. ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD STORAGE CARTONS ENVELOPES FILE FOLDERS MICROFILM REEL BOXES MONITORING Visit our NEW DIGITAL CATALOG at Gaylord.com/2011ArchivalCatalog. Gavlord Gaylord Requestyour ARCHIVAL FREE 2011 Archival Catalog •I Your Trusted Source8 toseeour/u!l line 0/products. 1-800-448-6160 1-800-272-3412 GAYLORD.COM call: fax: web: FroHv tk& Chair ED GALLOWAY MARAC Chair I looked backto seewhat myesteemed predecessors wrote for their inaugural column as MARAC chair to gain words ofwisdom and not embarrass myself.Theybasicallysaid the same thing:"What? I got elected!?"And now I find myselfin the same position.With only threeweeks havingelapsed sinceI learned ofmyelection and facing my first MAA column deadline,bearwith me. I couldwriteabout howgreat MARAC is (which it is!) orwhata great meetingAlexandria was (which itwas...thanks MCC,LACand PC!) or lookahead and comment on the future ofthearchival professional (anyoneknow?). Instead, I thought I'd introduce myselfa bit more. Let me first sayhowveryproud I am tobe servingasyour chair ofthis organization. Let me saythat again: I'myourchairandwill alwayswelcomeyourthoughts, opinions,comments, and criticism.As I take on this responsibility,please knowthat I pledge to do mybest to serveyou well and MARAC represent asbest I can. Sowhat shouldyouknowabout me? I'vebeen an archivist forthe past 18 years,establishing myentire professional careerin Pittsburgh. Upon graduatingfrom the UniversityofTexas libraryscienceprogram in 1993, 1 accepted an appointment with Carnegie Mellon University. And you knowwhat I did in that same year I arrived? I Joined MARAC. For the next seven years, I worked as the HeinzArchivist, processingthe papers ofthe late Senator John Heinzas well as other Universitycollections. Some ofyou (Lauren Brown, Rebecca lohnson Melvin, Karen Paul,etc.) remember when I showed up on yourdoorstep seekingadvice and wisdom on howto deal with alarge political collection! I waspart ofa team at CMU who tackled the daunting project ofdigitizingthebulkofthe congressional papers. Learningon thejob was onlyone part ofthe equation,however,because I gained a networkofcolleaguesbyattending MARAC conferences and makinga presentation or two. Then the University LibrarySystem ofthe UniversityofPittsburgh lured me away in 2000 to managedigital initiativesascoordinatorofits Digital Research Library (DRL). I served in this capacity for the next eight years,buildingdigital collectionsbased on archival and special collections material.Throughout that time, I was still a faithful MARAC member. In fact,when I lookback on myserviceto MARAC, most ofit occurred duringthis time period,but it had changed to become more committee oriented.And this is where I learned where the real action is! Almost threeyears ago duringa library reorganization, I wasasked to become head oftheArchives ServiceCenter...backtobeinga full-time archivist. I still oversee theworkofthe DRL and constantly feed them material for scanning from the archivesand special collections'departments.And with the help of Archivists'Toolkit (love it!) we havebeen proficientat gettingour findingaids online in an efficient manner as possible. I trulylove myjob at Pitt and enjoy its myriad challengesand responsibilities. So what else should you knowabout me? I am a firm believer in volunteer service to the profession and community. In order to make a difference or make improvements,you must be engaged in an organization. (In otherwords,don't complain ifyou're not involved.) Outsidework,I serve on the communityswim team parent board (as president ironically), siton theborough's Recreation Board,host threewebsites for communityorganizations, manage email communications for the local Boy Scout troop,and coordinate the annual golftournament to raisescholarship funds for my kids'school. And now I find myselfas MARAC chairservingyou. MARAC has provided mewith manyopportunities, mainlygetting to knowsome ofyou.And what do I askofyou? Togetinvolved!To seek ways ofservingthis organization. Besides HollyOtt (Kalbach),who worksonly 10 hours perweekfor MARAC,this isanALL volunteerorganization. Come talk to me,email or call me ifyou are interested in serving MARAC in some capacity, no matter howbigorsmall.We need you! EcC Qaliourny 1 Present: Beth Alvarez, Danna Bell- D. Treasurer,includingFinance FindingAids Russel, Sharmila Bhatia, Lauren Brown, Committee Report submitted. Yvonne Carignan, Heather Clewell, Report submitted. MembershipDevelopment Nat DeBruin, Laura Drake Davis, Jim Reminderto outgoingcommittee Report submitted. Gerencser, Holly Kalbach, Brian Keough, chairs that budget requests willbe Jennie Levine Knies, Dan Linke, Mary due in April. NationalCoalitionforHistory Mannix,ValerieA. Metzler, JeffreyMoy, Report submitted. Paige Newman, Liz Novara,Carolina E. Archivist Palacios,Arian Ravanbakhsh, David Rose, Report submitted. NominationsandElections Dorthea Sartain,and Charlotte Sturm. Fall 2012 willbe40th anniversary Report submitted. ofMARAC. Discussion followed of Committee had difficulties filling Call to Order fundraising campaign similar to the slate ofcandidatesdue to concernsof Danna Bell-Russel called the meetingto "35 for35"at the 35th anniversary. time commitment. orderat 11:13 a.m. $14,000-$15,000wereraised forthe education fund through the"35 for Outreach Approval ofAgenda 35"campaign.Will therebe special Report submitted. The agenda was approved, (motion: events for the 40th anniversary? Metzler,second:Alvarez) Suggestions included: oral history Publications program; awarding40 scholarships Report submitted. Approval of Last Steering duringthe anniversaryyear; and Committee Minutes recognition ofthosewho havebeen State Caucus The Fall minuteswere approved, (motion: members forover30 yearsand those NEW BUSINESSAND UPDATES Novara; second: Mannix) who havebeen members for the Delaware entire40years.The Program and Report submitted. Officers' Reports LocalArrangements Committees for A. Chair the Fall 2012 meetingwill need tobe DistrictofColumbia 1. Chair's Report aware oftheanniversaryand events. Report submitted. Report submitted. Operations manual is in progress, Standing Committee Maryland with a goal ofcompletion bythe NEW BUSINESSAND UPDATES Report submitted. Spring2011 meeting. CusterAward Bylaw updateswill be in the next No report. NewJersey Mid-AtlanticArchivist MicheleTourneyhas moved to Report submitted. Boston but will continue to serve 2.Administrator's Report as chair. Junior Co-Chair,Glenn NewYork Report submitted. Gardnerwill report. Report submitted. Hollywill not be at the Spring201 meeting. Development Pennsylvania Membership is down from this Report submitted. Report submitted. time last year. Several factors could be responsible includingeconomic DistinguishedServiceAward Virginia factors,and thiswas the firstyearof Report submitted. Report submitted. paperless renewals. Education WestVirginia B. ViceChair,includingMeetings Report submitted. Report submitted. CoordinatingCommittee Report submitted. Electronic Resources CONTINUING BUSINESS Report submitted. Deferred until after New Business. C. Secretary No report. 1 St&erUuj Q)MMihtte& Minutes Friday, February 4, 20 1 I Baltimore, Maryland NEW BUSINESS A discussion ofthe roleofthe Adjournment A. PreservationWeek Electronic Resources Committee and The meetingadjourned at 2:46 p.m. YvonneCarignan introduced the the eventual goal ofa unified strategy (motion: Knies; second: Sturm) American LibraryAssociation to unifyall effortsacross committees. "Preservation Week",held in 201 Outreach and Electronic Resources duringweekofApril 24-30. will work togetherto implement BylawsChange solution. (additiontoagenda) Nominationsand Elections A focus on abroadervision of Committee is an entirelynew advocacy is necessary,with a focuson committee each year,with no archives. continuityin membership.Ad Hoc Committee for Revision to StrategicPlan Bylawnumber 3 (Nominations and CoreValues ElectionsCommitteeandAnnual [Duringthelunch, members of Elections) was created and instructed steeringcommitteewereasked to to report at Spring2011 meeting reviewa list ofcorevalues,and assign with recommendations forthe prioritiesto the items on the list. The composition and operations ofthe resultsare reflected in the discussion committee. Members oftheAd Hoc below.] Committee include Beth Alvarez, Brian Keough, JeffreyMoy,Chairof Top two: Professional standards, the Electronic ResourcesCommittee practices and ethics; High quality (ex-officio),and the MARAC programming. Archivist (ex-officio). Next (in no particularorder): B. ServiceAwards Community/collegiality;Advocacy; ServiceAwards were suggested for Skill improvement/education. the Program and LocalArrangement Committee co-chairs forthe ProposedVision Statement:"To Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Meeting; promoteand sustain the archival and Tammy Hamilton for herservice communityin the mid-atlantic at the MARAC Conference Program byprovidingaffordable, high Editor. qualityconferences and education opportunities and thereby fostering CONTINUING BUSINESS collegiality,collaboration and A. OutreachCommitteeBlogand professionalism."Discussion on this AdditionalOutreachActivities statement was deferred until later in David Rose mentioned theblogthat the meeting. an Outreach Committee member hascreated forarchives month and Whatdowewanttoaccomplish in the a discussion ensued about other next3-5years? Beforethiscan be fully possibilities for theblog.With the addressed,thecorevaluesand the creation ofthe Electronic Resources vision statement will beworked out. Committeeto oversee theweb site, theOutreach Committeechaircan Committee will workon focusattention to outreach and "wordsmithing"the corevalues advocacyactivities. electronically. 3 HOLLINGER \ METAL EDGE ' Archival Storage Materials Join us for the Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll MA&AC 2012 Sprung Confirmee, We are pleased to announce that the Spring 2012 MARAC Conference will be held at beautiful and historic Congress Hall in CapeMay,NewJersey,onApril 12th, 13th,and 14th, 2012. From its humblebeginnings in 1816 as a simpleboardinghouseforsummervisitors to its historyasasummer retreat forU.S. Presidents aswellasitsyearsasaBible Conference Center,Congress Hall provides a unique and historic settingfor the Spring2012 conference. Totallyrestored and redesigned in the late 1990s,Congress Hall is one ofthe premier resort hotels in southern New Jersey. The Program and LocalArrangements Committees arealreadyhard at work planning next year's program and festivities.The preliminarytheme is"Faith, Frolic,and Fundamentals at the NewJerseyCape."The program will focus on the rich historyand traditions ofthe Cape,including itsVictorian architecture, itshistoryas a resort destination, and other regional and historical topics ofinterest.Therewill also bespecial sessions on religious archives and southern New Jersey historical religious activities,aswell as five special sessions that emphasizearchival fundamentals for the ever-growingpopulation ofnew archivists in MARAC. The Local Arrangements Committee isbeingco-chaired byCape MayCountyClerk Rita Marie Fulginiti and Cape MayCounty Public Records andArchives Manager Diana Hevener. The Program Committee co-chairsareAlan Delozier, Head ofArchives at Seton Hall University,and Bob Golon,Manuscript Librarian at the Princeton Theological Seminary. More details to follow, but for now, 1 mark your calendars forApril I 2-1 4th, 20 1 2. See you in Cape May! 5 a Tomv Not-So-LbbtU Betkiekem of MARAC Beckons uv October Come to Bethlehem, PA, October 20-22, forwhat promises to bea livelymeetingfocused around four themes: MUSIC,METADATA,METAL, and MORAVIANS. Drawing from the rich social and historical context ofthe LehighValley,the Program Committeehascrafted a program that explores music from its roots to itsdigital future.Audio transfertechnologies,digital preservation and curation,and theappropriate application ofmetadata standards are all de rigueurfor this hot topic.We havesome excitingspeakerslined up tobringyou the nutsandbolts ofdigital preservation formats, capturing local historyin atime ofchange,and planning foryour institution's reorganization. Much more to come (including thedefinition ofMoravians!) Settingthe stage forthese explorationswith a provocative plenarypresentation will be Seth Moglen,Associate Professor ofEnglish at Lehigh University. He will argue that the transformation of Bethlehem from a Utopian religiouscommunityto an industrial steel town to thebrownfields and casinosoftodayconstitutesan American tragedy. We'll lighten up the mood at the luncheon with a presentation from Dick Boak, DirectorofArtist and Public Relations forthe C.F. Martin & Co.in nearbyNazareth, PA,whowill talkabout Martin's historical contributions to guitardesign and his collaborations with celebrityguitarartists to design the signature models madebyMartin Guitar. Hewill bejoined byMartin clinician and renowned guitarist,CraigThatcher,who will provide musical vignettes on his Martin guitars. Arriveearlyand take one offive edifyingworkshops on genealogical research,audio preservation, electronic records,preservingscrapbooks, — orcatablogging. Orsign up foroneofourstellar tour offerings walkingtour ofthe historic Moravian district that surrounds the hotel if* and a chance to experience a Moravian lovefeast; ora tourofthe old Bethlehem Steel site and neighborhood; oravisit to Martin Guitar, whereyou'll see the museum,archives,and factory. There will also be an opportunityto seebehind-the-scenes at Backstage Library Works,with a special tour oftheir Preservation Center right here in Bethlehem. Repositoryopen houses will also be offered on Thursday — afternoon visit the archivesofthe Moravian Church or Lehigh's humanities and special collections libraryon your own. Top:BethlehemSteelWorksfromSouthBethlehem.Pa.Circa 1910.SpecialCollections,Lehigh University.Bottom:Hotel Bethlehem.Bethlehem.Pa.Circa 1920 SpecialCollections.LehighUniversity. A highlightofthe meetingwillbe the Friday night member reception at SteelStacks, Bethlehem's stunning newconcert, film,and communityvenue extraordinaire,located at the foot ofthe Bethlehem Steel's five iconic blast furnaces.Watchingdarkness fall over these hulkinggiantswill be an experience to remember. Registerearlyforyourbest shotat a room in the Hotel Bethlehem,the conference hotelanda HistoricTrust hotel built in the 1920s.It is convenientlycloseto restaurants and shops,includingtheworld's oldest continuously- operatingbookstore,the Moravian Book Shop, rightacross the street. Bethlehem isserved bycar, — bus,and plane train service isa distant memory. Howeveryou get to Bethlehem,you're sure to enjoythis autumnal gatheringof archivists. Toptobottom:MartinGuitarsocial.BethlehemSteel advertisement.Circa 1950.SpecialCollections,Lehigh University.SouthBethlehemandTheBethlehemSteel Works.Circa 1910.SpecialCollections,LehighUniversity. HotelBethlehem,Bethlehem,Pa.Circa 1920.Special Collections,LehighUniversity. 7 News State and Local DELAWARE Hagley Museum and Library Hagley Museum and Library Executive Winterthur Library DirectorGeoffHalfpennyhas announced "The Butcher, The Baker, &TheTallow the appointment ofa newdirector forthe Chandler: CraftingTangiblebut Hagley Library.Takingover the leadership TemporaryGoods in EarlyAmerica"is as Director, LibraryServices,on July 1, nowon view inside thelibrary. Curated 2011, is Erik P. Rau, Ph.D. Dr. Rau comes WPAMC byTyler Putman, 2011, the to Hagley from Drexel Universitywhere exhibit highlights common items hewas an assistant teachingprofessor in like meat,bread,and candles thatare the Department ofHistoryand Politics. destroyed in use. See how published guides and booksoftrades,craftsmen's Accordingto Mr. Halfpenny,"Asa accountbooks, invoices, indentures, historian oftechnology, information,and and even poetryenablethe recreation of organizations, Dr. Rau brings to Hagley practicesand products ofhistoric trades. a keen understandingofthe issues now facing independent research librariesand Start at the case opposite the circulation the insight to guide the Hagley Library desk to learn about butcheringand into the future."Dr. Rau serveson the continuedown the staircase to read about board asvice chairperson ofthe Delaware bakingand candle-making. Theshowwill Humanities Council and is project beon viewthrough September directoroftheir Delaware Industrial SergeantStephenBuckson.Photo:DelawarePublicArchives. History Initiative,a digital humanities The FairyGarland,celebratingthe tenth program ofthe Delaware Humanities anniversaryofEnchantedWoods, is now Forum.The initiative includes Hagley's ofBuckson,theletterswerewritten onviewoutside thelibrary. Curated by "Industrial Brandywine"project. to Buckson's wife Harriett from 1862 Linda Eirhart,theexhibit showcases a He earned a Ph.D. and M.A. in the to 1864. Stephen Buckson enlisted in selection ofpicture cards,postcards, Department ofHistoryand Sociology Wilmington in 1862 and eventually calendars,and children'sbooks from the ofScience from the Universityof reached the rankofFirst Sergeant in the Grossman Collection featuring images of Pennsylvania and a B.S. from Stanford Fourth Regiment ofDelawareVolunteers. fairiesand floral ladies and children. The University. In theseletters,he asksfor information showwill be up till the end ofJuly. about familyand friendswhile discussing HagleyMuseum and Librarycollects, thedifferent places his unit had been,the Temple University preserves, and interprets the unfolding terrible casualties sufferedbythe Union "Marty Levitt,who teachesArchives at historyofAmerican enterprise. The forces,thedeterioratingcondition of Temple Universityand is the Librarian HagleyLibraryis a member ofthe the ConfederateArmy; and his feelings oftheAmerican Philosophical Society, Independent Research Libraries ofloss and isolation. Buckson waskilled has accepted a Fulbright Specialist Association. Formore information,call duringan attackon the Confederate appointmentoverpart ofthe summer of (302) 658-2400weekdays orvisit www. defenses near Petersburgon June 18, 2011. Levitt is in Kigali, Rwanda,where hagley.org 1864.Archives DirectorStephen M. Marz he is helping to organize governance statesthat"this isa fascinating firsthand and administrative structure that will Delaware PublicArchives account ofthe CivilWaras experienced lead to the openingofthe first public In May, the Delaware PublicArchives bya Delaware soldier.Weare fortunate library in that country. Rwanda suffered received a donation ofAmerican thatsuch a collection is nowhoused at a terrible internal genocide in 1994,and CivilWardocuments consistingof the PublicArchives forall to see. It's such thecountry is findingways to re-build approximately65 original letters a valuable addition to our existingCivil its cultureand promote healingand written duringthe warbyStephen WarCollection that we've alreadyset upa reconciliation. Taylor Buckson. Donated bya Florida displayin theArchivesabout these newly woman who isthegreat-granddaughter acquired primarysource documents.

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