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The memory doctor: fun, simple techniques to improve memory & boost your brain power PDF

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Pub lisher’s Note Care has been taken to conf irm the accu racy of the inform a tion pres ented and to describe gen era lly accepted prac tices. Howe ver, the authors, edi tors, and pub lisher are not respons ib le for errors or omis sions or for any cons eq uences from appli ca tion of the inform a tion in this book and make no warr anty, express or implied, with respect to the cont ents of the publ i ca tion. The authors, edi tors, and publ isher have exerted every effort to ensure that any drug selec tion and dos age set forth in this text are in accord ance with curr ent reco m - men da tions and prac tice at the time of publ i ca tion. Howe ver, in view of ongoi ng research, changes in gov ernm ent regu la tions, and the cons tant flow of inform a tion relati ng to drug thera py and drug reac tions, the reader is urged to check the packa ge insert for each drug for any change in indic a tions and dos age and for added warni ngs and prec au tions. This is part ic u larly impor tant when the reco m mended agent is a new or infre quently employed drug. Some drugs and med ic al devices pre sented in this publ i ca tion may have Food and Drug Admin ist rat ion (FDA) cleara nce for lim ited use in restricted research set- tings. It is the respons ib il ity of the health care prov ider to ascert ain the FDA stat us of each drug or device planned for use in their clini c al prac tice. Dis tribu ted in Cana da by Raincoast Books Copy right © 2005 by Douglas Mason and Spencer Smith New Har bin ger Pub li ca tions, Inc. 5674 Shattuck Ave nue Oak land, CA 94609 Cover design by Amy Shoup Text design by Michele Waters-Kermes Acquired by Catha r ine Sutker All Rights Reserved New Har bin ger Pub li ca tions’ website address: www.newharbinger.com This book is ded i cated to my daugh ters Stepha n ie, Jenna and Jordyn, my wife Brenda and my par ents Ray and Mable. —DJM For Marie and Tristan. —SS Contents Introd uct ion 1 1 Mem ory: An Over view 9 2 Getting Started: Per cep tions and Goals 23 3 Relax and Remem ber 39 4 Pay Atten tion! 57 5 Putting Information In and Getting It 71 Back Out THE MEMORY DOCTOR 6 The Truth about Herbs, Supplements, and 85 Alternative Treatments 7 Pre scrip tion Med i ca tions That Affect Your 101 Mem ory 8 Mem ory Tips, Tricks, Tools, and Tac tics 125 con clu sion Future Direc tions 137 Ref er ences 139 vi Introduction I got up this morn ing at four A.M. to get some writ ing done before headi ng out to the hos pi tal. As usual, I started by putt ing a cup of cof fee into the micro wave to heat it up for the adven ture at hand. I sat down at my com puter and started writ ing about mem ory. After strugg ling through a few lines I decided I needed my java to fuel my cre ative juices, but where was it? I looked every where. I went into the bathr oom, the liv ing room, and the kitchen. I searched the pant ry and the porch. Try as I might, I just could n’t seem to locate my coff ee. After ten min - utes or so I remem bered where I’d put it. Actually, I did n’t remem ber, I was reminded when I saw the micro wave. What a farce! A neuropsychologist sit ting down to write about mem ory unable to find his morn ing fix. Am I becom ing THE MEMORY DOCTOR senile? Is it just a mat ter of time until I descend into the depths of Alz hei mer’s as my grand mother and her mother did? My God, what else have I for gott en lately? Okay, hold on. First of all, it was four A.M. I’d had about four hours of sleep the pre vi ous night and prob ab ly less the night before that. I was think ing about the ten patients who would be wait ing for me at the hos pi tal that day and what time I needed to leave to meet my first appoint ment. I was dis tracted by the cat scratchi ng at the door to come in, and the baby start ing to stir in the next room. As for the cof fee, well, I sus - pect that if I’d had a cup of cof fee before los ing my cof fee, then I prob ab ly would n’t have lost my cof fee. This patt ern of for getf ul ness is a nor mal one. We have only so much cog ni tive energy that we can expend at any given moment, and at four A.M. on that par tic u lar morn ing the energy expen di ture nec es sary for my multitasking far exceeded my day- break cog ni tive resources. To for get is nor mal; to for get that you for got is not. In other words, as long as you keep remem ber ing that you for got, you are going to be okay. THE WARDEN OF THE BRAIN Shake speare called mem ory “the war den of the brain,” charged with keep ing watch over our per sonal his tory of being. Should this sen try begin to fail, your own record of self can become endan gered. We iden tify ours elves so com pletely with our mem - ory that even the slight est glitch in our abili ty to remem ber can cause great fear, even panic. Who would you be if your record of self was stripped from you? If the vast com plex of mem o ries that make up your life—your first kiss, fall ing in love with your part ner, grad u ati ng 2 Introduction from col lege, your first real job, the birth of your chil dren—if all these things were to drop down the mem ory well never to be seen again, who would you be? What would it mean about you? More to the point, what does it mean that you have started to regu larly for get where your keys are? Does it mean that you are in the early stages of Alz hei mer’s dis ease and soon you will be lost in a world with out mem o ries? The answer is sim ple—prob ab ly not. If you were brows ing at a book store and ran across this book, or if you were perus ing the selec tions online, and decided that your mem ory did indeed need improvem ent, you have n’t started to lose your record of self. The truth is that this fear is unfounded. Even peo ple with severe demen tia do not com pletely lose their identity. More over, if you are read ing this page right now, then you are far from that level of debil i tat ion. So relax, take a deep breath, and read this book. You aren’t “los ing your mind”; you just can’t remem ber where you put the keys. We can help you with that. HOW THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU Per haps you are start ing to have “senior moments,” and for the first time in your life you are for gett ing things you’ve never for got- ten before. Or per haps you are so busy that you just can’t remem - ber all the things you have to do in the day. Maybe you are some one who’s “never had a good mem ory,” or per haps you’ve picked up this book because you feel that your mem ory can use a lit tle boost. What ever your rea son, you have picked up this book 3

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