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The Magic Thread: Astrological Chart Interpretation Using Depth Psychology PDF

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ASTROLOGICAL CHART INTERPRETATION USING DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY : RICHARD IDEMON BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Copley Square THE MAGIC THREAD Digitized by the Internet Archive 2015 in https://archive.org/details/magicthreadastroOOidem THE MAGIC THREAD ASTROLOGICAL CHART INTERPRETATION USING DEPTH PSYCHOLOGY RICHARD IDEMON C Edited l>y Oina easl SAMUELWEISER, INC York Beach, Maine Firstpublished in 1996 by SamuelWeiser, Inc. RO. Box612 ME York Beach, 03910-0612 Copyright © 1996The Richard Idemon LiteraryTrust All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechani- cal,includingphotocopying,recording,orbyanyinformationstor- ageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromSamuel Weiser, Inc. Reviewers mayquote briefpassages. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Idemon, Richard. The MagicThread:AstrolicalChartInterpretationUsingDepth Psychology/Richard Idemon;forewordbyGinaCeaglio. p. cm. Includesindex. (pbk.:alk.paper) — I,Astrologyandpsychology.2.Astrology Charts,diagrams,etc. I.Title. BF1729.P8I33 1996 133.5' or 9—dc20 96-10440 CIP ISBN0-87728-864-X MV Charts in this book were calculated using the Solar Fire program available fromAstrolabe. Cover art is an original painting copyright © 1996 Rae Rue. Typeset in Lilith and Minion Printed in the United States ofAmerica 04 03 028071 060 599 498 3972961 10 9 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum require- mentsoftheAmericanNationalStandardforPermanenceofPaper for Printed LibraryMaterials Z39.48-1984. Table of Contents Foreword byGina Ceaglio vi Preface vii CKapter I Myth, Psychology,Astrology, and Method 1 Chapter 2 Dominant and Inferior Functions 25 Chapter 3 Following the MagicThread: Step-by-Step Interpretation 73 Chapter4 Shadow Issues 101 CKapter 5 Personal Identification: Death and Polarities 137 CKapter6 The Case ofLynnie Ozer 167 CKapter7 Iiicest in the Family 195 CKapter8 TheAscendant as Mask 217 CKapter9 Weaving the Magic Thread into the Tapestryofa Counseling Session 243 Foreword Richard Idemon’s untimely death in 1987 was a tremendous loss and deprived the astrological community ofhis dynamic “in-per- son” style. However, many ofhis innovative presentations synthe- sizingdepthpsychology,myth,Jungianarchetypalimagery,dreams, anddrama,withtherichsymboliclanguageofastrology,havebeen preservedontape.Outstandingamongthesearethreenever-to-be- repeated six-day seminars in which Richard’s and Liz Greens tal- ents were alchemically combined. First was “The Hero’s Journey” in 1983; next came “Through the Looking Glass” in 1985, and fi- nally,“The Magic Thread” in 1986. Richard Idemon’s first book. Through the Looking Glass, was edited by Howard Sasportas and published by Samuel Weiser in 1992.ItisatranscriptionofRichard’sportionoftheseminarofthe samenameandisasearchfortheselfinthemirrorofrelationships. ThissecondbookbyRichardIdemon, TheMagicThread,bearsthe same title as the seminar fromwhich hislectureswere transcribed. It is an exhaustive study and depth investigation into natal chart interpretation replete with newtechniques, case studies, and lively audience participation. I had the gre—at good fortune to work very closely with Richard for many years to coordinate, oversee, and — bepresentatallthreeseminars and I amhonoredto serveas edi- tor ofthis book. Without reservation I promise you that although you may not have been there to hear and see it “live,” as Richard leadsyouthroughthelabyrinthtotheheartoftheastrologicalchart, itwill excite personal insights and facilitate a transformational ex- perience. — Gina Ceaglio 1996 Preface Ourtitlecomesfromthewonderfultale ofhowAriadne,outofher love for the Greek hero Theseus, betrays her father King Minos of Creteand givesherloverthe marvelous magic threadto guide him through the inextricable maze known as the Labyrinth.The magic thread, twisting and turning and ever unraveling, always avoiding the cunninglydevisedfalsepassages,unerringlyfinds the true road and leads swiftlydownward to its secret heart. Foragesphilosophers,alchemists,andpsychologistshavebeen fas- cinatedwith the intricacies ofthe Labyrinth,viewing it as a many- faceted metaphor ofthe human condition and as a model for the complexbutordereduniverse.Thejourneytothecenterofthelaby- rinth was referred to as an initiation into sanctity and a commit- menttoabsolute realitythroughfacingthe innermostcoreofone’s being.The astrological chart,as a symbolic model ofinherent uni- — versal order, is like the Labyrinth a logical but complicated and elusivestructure.Theinterwovensymbolsinthehoroscopearemade up ofa single threadthat,when unraveledlike the magic thread of Ariadne,willleadusthroughthemazetotheheartofthechartand our own nature — Richard Idemon 1986 ^ % . K-'.f • • . -V.- V- :' .3. > ^ ‘ih..-i f h.f ^ t^V ''•i*(lt> "i(»' I'’' ; ' 'K *W•i>.!<? ^ ''•'' :-Tna>-'' l-"'''^' '!“'* :‘i ] . 4 !^"’’-,.',>‘lrv(i''&, fe m..';.4.«l.i,.;^',<; " 4’',,., Qpf tf ,.i^v. . - - :.: t-i?*-^','.,'. / '4»“;'Hsir'i ‘ * '• > !''' TV,. 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