Uj«^is-'.!ii'-.,J5-.^^ ^r- F' ^BIPIIH^-" vs Im'JF^ ' ^^3mp> jKiX ^T<- ?P^,v M ^V "^^ ^^>^• 1 ^\, 1^ ^ ^^^^^H fc CbeCotus Peace College 15 6ast Peace Street NC Raleigh, 27604 919-508-2000 ww-w.pcace.edu mmm ->^.^3m saHH 1 ^6de\\eet for a to^a 20.00 inixai:..$ Gatorade for a football 0am6.J 1.50 ace Co\\60e exy6r'\6nce...yr\c6\6ee \'Mcometothe20022003feaceCdit%&VoXM'b.Thegoalofthe f?IGhT:Pea:ePrt*acesn'tjLettai;spla:eat :^ LotusIStorememberallthethingsatPeacethathavemadeeach athbtca'etTts.KateEnjid^wasepcX-ted.- cnx!reprowiforgpritPay. persons experience priceless Whether you set a first-year BELOi'.': Msighan Pat^s, t?B cairpis ^,^_ studentoraseniot; youryearsatFfeace iviillalwaysbepricel S"mtougdge;ntcoCroxMxvcerbiY&a-Vovc.'acrtkr^wrtehtvtrf.eaS™e'r*r"a^ '^S^I Wehopethatthisyearbookexemplifiesailthatfecehasmeant kve, toyou.Somedayivewillalllookbackandlaughthatgatoradewas or\\i $1.50 Remember these moments, ren\&rr\\>er these women, remember these times Soon they will all just be memoriesthat money itself cs<\ r\ot bring back. Soon ive will all be pricelessmoments of a great time in life. V/e hope that this yearbook will be a priceless treasure for you nowi md forever Sam Mfev Steptiane JiaieaiGuy,.Jaa^tussCarr,sndTfaSmith sppearsnxofM'sndaBurdcK.^ecsK^x stw IS wtet fanjy e re4' abait drra Cretan Snsath, McWe Carcn aid P;: Faniyy/eet:sr^i Ccrtett. WELCOME ^oBsaam thsPeaceCdeopHrsrarslFcotbaiTsan putenthsr^ave racesbefcret^ki^on aaavFrst-yea-PSGAdeaJom studsfflspsndsrr^thsipabtsast.-«>' ascdsdwhstoeisctftrfrst-yearctes < . -- : , -Salittisfraz^das r.'^Ranedfarenaxxiddetrvnexratcre jLtmt-v!-teatfia-d'VeJreseFar. WELCOME '^-'--^-^^----- Z0!m Cite ^ F^^^^ PSk "^^^^.^^HIL"t" ' y fc). "^^MM^Kiif^^ .^ l\^^B^ps,.^> bj 1 bOfc Bi J| 1 CRaIGtHTC:a>jJdaei,y[aRruttctni,ehMiaarMyrY&atDens,, r 7 ^lHB ! rSl Kiverdatice T\ckete.J25.50 KatirynFiJferarriRegnaSchantz r^ Campue UfeSthdeee went &-eet: fcr the bg Toga 'f \ feaceCo\\e0e unique in every ivay. Weare all offered a ivide variety of opportunities to /WvtTheFnstYearctee fepedceH.rate ^et involved and beapartof theroeptofa$1000,000donatcngn^enby thsFHeyFondatcntorencvateFrfeyRe&i- clsrceHalDon'tthsybok kvely ntterwhite ctesass? college life on FeaceCoWeqe PIGHT:^thsgrfearegsttng"APeaKof HT.-iy.'.ood"atthsFalCocktai! Campue. From dubeto baked bean wreeUmQ there \e nffs/era dull momer(tatVeacS. 4 • CAMRiSUFE ^T':^:KalaMSer,PawnDten,PatMarptes , -IKybKnoxsirwl6"thskd nthsm" habweeri '" '.'chsleSmanscnafret-year, '.'dbyI'OtrK]fcrhg"newctes --isatJwLeoisrdstowsher .:o'spritbyservrgfcrorPeace ^3SVcfeybalteam! ^J^ Ivte^ianBsefer,OreuanSreath,JssecanKmianard/VnarrfaBirdo gotalitterreseydrnjFalFest.TVeystewedIter 'rdsbywrestingrbakedbea^. CAMPU6LIFE»5 \o*CAHDVe>