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Index to Volume 35 (1991-92) Volume 35 of The Literary Review consists of four numbers: 1. Fall (October 1991) 2. Winter (January 1992) 3. Spring (April 1992) 4. Summer (July 1992) Volume 35 is paged continuously, 1-648. The index is arranged alphabetically, using the following abbreviations: * e, essay © i, interview ¢ et, author of essay in translation p, poetry e f, fiction pt, author of poetry in e ft, author of fiction in translation translation re, review-essay © ge, guest editor t, translator Adams, Monica: p, 309 Broughton, T. Alan: p, 250 Andres, Cira: pt, 449, 590 Bukowski, Charles: p, 310 Ansano, Richinel: t, 578, 579, 581, Butcher, Grace: p, 123 582, 583, 584, 589 Cardenas, Georgina Herrera: pt, Antognazzi, Carlos: ft, 227 450, 590 Arrillaga, Maria: t, 514, 516 Carr, Peggy: p, 545 Ball, Angela: p, 272 Celac, Sergiu: t, 34, 35, 36 Bankay, AnneMaria: t, 451, 458, Chien, T’ao: pt, 73 465, 467 Chute, Robert: p, 88 Baratta, Edward: p, 260 Citino, David: p, 256 Barnstone, Tony: t, 220, 384 Clark, Naomi: p, 268 Barnstone, Willis: p, 259 Clemencia, Joceline: pt, 571, 612 Barnstone, Willis: t, 220 Clemencia, Joceline: t, 571, 574, 575, Belrose-Huyghues, Allix: pt, 525, 576, 582 609 Cobb, William: f, 361 Berlind, Bruce: t, 177 Coleman, John: p, 91 Biggins, Michael: t, 70 Coliman, Marie-Therese: pt, 509, 600 Bilgere, George: p, 343 Conliffe, Grafton: t, 227 Bishop, Wendy: p, 374 Conta, Marcia Maher: f, 263 Blok, Alexander: pt, 383 Cooper, M. Truman: p, 396 Blumenthal, Jay: p, 323 Cosman, Madeline Pelner: re, Bowie, Robert: p, 52 Paul Oppenheimer, The Birth of the Bowman, P.C.: p, 58 Modern Mind, 150 Breeden, David: p, 85 Coursen, Herb: p, 314 Bridgford, Kim: p, 267 Craig, Christine: p, 470 Brody, Ervin: e, “Camus Thirty Cross, Mary: re, Mary Cross, Years Later: His Relevance to Our Rooms, Which Were People, 429 Days,” 124 Cross, Mary: re, Carol Emshwiller, Carmen Dog, 430 639 Cross, Mary: re, Sharon Dilworth, Hansen, Paul: t, 72 The Long White, 151 Hansen, Tom: e, “Robert Bly’s Cross, Mary: re, Leo Bersani, Iron John,” 415 The Cuiture of Redemption, 152 Harrod, Lois Marie: p, 253 Cross, Mary: re, Robert Frank and Hart, Micky: pt, 574, 614 Henry Sayre, eds., The Line in Haskins, Lola: p, 53 Postmodern Poetry, 154 Hedin, Robert: t, 342 Cunningham, Mark: p, 328 Henriquez, Jeanne: pt, 575, 614 Daniels, Jim: p, 119 Hillringhouse, Mark: re, Das, Mahadai: p, 583 Jim Harrison, The Theory & Practice Davila, Angela Maria: pt, 514, 603 of Rivers, 157 De Burgos, Julia: pt, 516, 604 Ho-Ching, Lin: pt, 72 Debeljak, Ales: pt, 70 Hollo, Anselm: t, 5 Debeljak, Ales: t, 70 Horsting, Eric: p, 407 Decavalles, Andonis: re, John T. Houston, Beth: p, 278 Mayer, T.S. Eliot's Silent Voices, 156 Hsiao-shih, Hu: pt, 75 Dephtereos, Andrew: f, 397 Ieronim, Joana: pt, 34 Desy, Peter: p, 327 Inez, Colette: p, 54 Dimitrova, Blaga: pt, 179 Jacobsen, Rolf: pt, 342 Dinescu, Mircea: pt, 36 James, Cynthia: p, 558 Divakaruni, Chitra: p, 270 James, David: p, 89 Dixon, Stephen: f, 315 Joe, Reyna: p, 576, 615 Doreski, C.K.: e, “Elizabeth Bishop: Johnson, Michael: p, 384 Author(ity) and the Rhetoric of Jolicoeur, Marie-Anne: pt, 511, 601 (Un)naming,” 419 Julia, Lucie: pt, 527, 610 Doreski, William: re, Walter Abish, Kalfus, Ken: f, 347 99: The New Meaning, 163 Kan, Kikuchi: ft, 385 Doyle, James: p, 262 Kelley, Tina: p, 346 Duehr, Gary: p, 274 Keniston, Ann: p, 360 Dunlop, Lane: t, 385 Kessler, Jascha: t, 181 Ecury, Nina: pt, 572, 612 Kessler, Sydney: p, 50, 322 Edmondson, Dorothea: p, 474 King, Jane: p, 537 Escoffery, Gloria: p, 478 Kirschner, Elizabeth: p, 325 Exler, Samuel: p, 92 Klipschutz: p, 407 Finch, Roger: p, 321 K6résy, Maria: t, 176 Fincke, Gary: p, 326 Labra, Carilda Oliver: pt, 461, 596 Flannery, Matthew: t, 75 Lebron, Lolita: pt, 519, 606 Fleming, Jack: p, 122 Lefer, Diane: f, 93 Fowler, Anne Carroll: p, 273 Leon, Peter: p, 380 Francis, H.E.: f, 183 Levine, Jack: f, 109 Friman, Alice: p, 56 Lima, Chely: pt, 451, 591 Frost, Carol: p, 311 Lindner, Carl: p, 276, 358 Funge, Robert: p, 59 Lippincott, Robin: e, Gabbard, G.N.: p, 103 “One Big Canvas: The Works of Genega, Paul: p, 372 John Berger,” 134 Gill, Charmaine: p, 548 Liu, Newton: t, 384 Gill, Margaret: p, 550 Looney, George: p, 223 Goodison, Lorna: p, 482 Loynaz, Dulce Maria: pt, 452, 591 Goulbourne, Jean: p, 486 Luzzi, Joyce: p, 376 Griffin, Kate: p, 373 Lytle, Leslie: p, 324 Gurevich, David: f, 39 MacKenzie, Ginny: p, 312 Guzman, Catherine: t, 513 Manea, Norman: et, “On Clowns: Haixin, Xu: t, 221 The Dictator and the Artist,” 5 Hamilton, Judith: p, 488 640 Manganaro, Elise Salem: re, Raffel, Burton: re, Barbara M. Elmaz Abinader, Children of the Fisher, Wallace Stevens: Roojme: A Family's Journey, 431 The Intensest Rendezvous, 161 Mannino, Mary Ann: p, 90 Rahim, Jennifer: p, 560 Marchena-Geerman, Lydia: pt, 577, Randall, Margaret: t, 463 615 Ravenel, Sharon: e, The State of the Marx, Paul: p, 269 Story, 619 Maurin-Gotin, Renée: pt, 529, 610 Reiff, Sandra: p, 280 Maxwell, Marina Ama Omoweale: p, Repp, John: p, 395 565 Richards, Marilee: p, 282 McKay, Matthew: p, 121 Richter, Milan: pt, 181 McQuilken, Rennie: p, 406 Richter, Milan: t, 181 Mei, Yuan: pt, 71 Rigsbee, David: p, 344 Miller, Jeanette: pt, 512, 602 Rios, Soleida: pt, 463, 597 Miller, Philip: p, 356 Ripton, John: p, 392 Moore, Frank D.: p, 84 Risseeuw-Winkel, Ilse: p, 578 Moramarco, Fred: p, 353 Rivera, Etnairis: pt, 522, 607 Mordecai, Pam: ge, Summer 1992 Rodriguez, Reina Maria: pt, 465, 598 (Women Poets of the Caribbean) Romanos, Maryse: pt, 531, 611 Mordecai, Pam: p, 492 Rutsala, Vern: p, 341 Mordecai, Pam: t, 454, 459, 461 Salzman, Neil: re, Gail Porter Morejon, Nancy: pt, 455, 593 Mandel, Life into Art, Conversations Morrison, R.H.: t, 383 with Seven Contemporary Murawski, Elizabeth: p, 255 Biographers, 159 Myers, Ed: i, “Notes from a Bottle Savory, Elaine: p, 551 Found on the Beach at Sausalito: Seaton; [.P::. § 71,73 An Interview with Selby Jr., Hubert: f, 284 Evan S. Connell,” 60 Senior, Olive: p, 502 Myers, George: i, “Iron John: Shand-Allfrey, Phyllis: p, 533 An Interview with Robert Bly,” Shea, Don: f, 377 408 Shectman, Robin: p, 261 Nolla, Olga Ramirez de Arelano: p, Sheehan, Tim: p, 283 521 Shikibu, Lady Izumi: pt, 108 O’Brien, Michael: p, 118, 345 Simmons-McDonald, Hazel: p, 541 O’Brien, Michael: re, Lance Lee, Sklar, Morty: e, The State of the Wrestling with the Angel, Story, 623 Gary Young, The Dream of a Moral Small, Jean: p, 586 Life, 160 Smith, John: p, 374 Oldknow, Antony: p, 373 Smith, R.T.: p, 226 Oravecz, Imer: pt, 176 Soniat, Katherine: p, 354 Orban, Ottd: p, 173 Sorescu, Marin: pt, 37 Parham, Robert: p, 120 Sorkin, Adam: e, “Hard Lines: Pavlov, Konstantin: p, 178 Romanian Poetry, Truth, and Pereira, J.P.: t, 453, 454 Heroic Irony Under the Ceausescu Petrie, Paul: p, 323 Dictatorship,” 26 Phillips, Michael L.: p, 405 Sorkin, Adam: t, 34, 35, 36, 37 Pollard, Velma: p, 497 Statia, Ini: pt, 580, 616 Popova-Wightman, Ludmilla: t, 179 Tamen, Pedro: pt, 218 Prelipceanu, Nicholea: pt, 35 Tavernier-Louis, Janine: pt, 510, 600 Radjkoemar, Asha: pt, 589, 618 Teika, Fujiwara No: pt, 108 Raffel, Burton: e, “The Poetry and Ten Meer, Arnela: pt, 582, 617 Prose of David Romtvedt,” 143 Thomas, James: e, The State of the Raffel, Burton: p, 324 Story, 629 Tjin-a-Sie, Yvone Mechtelii: pt, White, Kaisa: pt, 467, 599 587, 617 Willerton, Chris: p, 254 Tobin, Daniel: p, 257 Wilson, Betty: ge, Summer 1992 Trethewey, Eric: p, 252 (Women Poets of the Caribbean) Trotman, Annette: p, 556 Wilson, Betty: t, 449, 450, 454, 459, Uhlich, Richard: p, 277 461,509; 510; 511, 525; 527, 529) Ungar, Barbara Louise: p, 86 531 Valle, Carmen: pt, 523, 607 Wilson, Graeme: t, 108 Vance, Richard: p, 277 Witt, Harold: p, 355 Vianu, Lydia: t, 37 Worley, Jeff: p, 222 Volkow, Veronica: pt, 215 Yanez, Mirta: p, 468 Vorda, Allen: 1, “Examining the Yaping, Tang: pt, 384 Disease: An Interview with Yarbrough, Steve: f, 329 Hubert Selby, Jr.,” 288 Yotsuna, Otomo No: pt, 108 Waldman, Gloria F.: t, 519 Young, George: p, 225 Wang, Wei: pt, 220 Zadoorian, Michael: f, 77 Watts, Margaret: p, 567 Zander, William: re, Jane Bradley, Weaver, Kathleen: t, 457 Power Lines, 433 Wexler, Evelyn: p, 375 Zander, William: re, Whishaw, Iona: t, 215 J.B. Goodenough, Bury the White, Michael: e, The State of the Blackbird Here, 434 Story, 634 Zenith, Richard: t, 218

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