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Preview THE LIBRARY OF ANTHONY WOOD - Oxford Bibliographical Society

THE LIBRARY OF ANTHONY WOOD 1. A., E.Newsindeed:Winchestertaken.Togetherwith...thegreatvictory...atAlsford.London:f.L. Blaiklock, 1644. 4o. Pp. 8. Dupl. at Wood 612(13). Wood 377(2). Wing N1031. 2. A., E.Newsindeed:Winchestertaken.Togetherwith...thegreatvictory...atAlsford.London:f.L. Blaiklock, 1644. 4o. Some cropping at top and bottom. Pp. 8. AW wrote ‘Dupl’, in pencil. Dupl. at Wood 377(2). Wood 612(13). Wing N1031. 3. A., E., and S. E. A letter from his majesties quarters at Newcastle, containing the substance of the kings answer to the Scots commissioners. London: E. G., 1646. 4o. Pp. 8 (i.e., [1-2], 3-5, 4-6). Tp, modern notes. Wood 501(28). Wing A4. 4. A., N. A true and perfect account of the discovery of a . . . plot . . . by the Jesuites in Ireland, for the destroying of the duke of Ormond. London: f. R. T., 1679. 4o. Pp. [2], 5. Wood 510(33). Wing A20. 5.A.,T.Religioclerici.London:f.H.Brome,1681.12o.Nofrontisp.inthisissue.Pp.[12],96.Pasteboard (blue) with parchment spine. 1st upper and last lower (cid:176)yleaves, marbled paper. Backing, fragments of a sheet with titles written by AW (‘Art of simpling’, at Wood 729(3) (missing), is visible). Flyleaf, upper, 3rd,AWwrote‘There is abookextantcalled Religio Laici.pen’d byJohnDriden the poet Laureat. But that book I have not as yet.’ (there is a copy at Wood 320(1), item 2320). Wood 773(1). Wing A32. 6. [Abbot], George. Canterbury, abp. of. A briefe description of the whole worlde. London: T. H[arper] soldW.Sheares,1636.12o.Pp.[2],350,[5](wantingengr.tp).Calfwith2flllets,blind-stamped‘AW’on covers. Cover,upper,inside,AW’sbook-plate,mostlytornout(seeIndex,‘Wood,A.,bookplate’).Flyleaf,upper, signature of Edward Wood, Robert W[ood]{ and other notes, washed out. Pp. 3-87, 141-150, 217, some underscoringandfrequentlinesinmargins;187,correction,prob.nonebyAW.Flyleaf,lower,2ndv,scrib- bles, not by AW. Wood 150. STC 32. 7. Abbot, George.Canterbury,abp.of.Cheap-side crosse censured and condemned by a letter sent from thevicechancellourandotherlearnedmenof...Oxford...Asalsosome...arguments...by...John Archer. London: A. N. f. I. R., 1641. 4o. Pp. [2], 14. Tp, bsm. Wood 514(6). Wing A64. Not Madan 979. 8. Abercromby, David. Ars artium: or, the art of divine converse. A new-years-gift. London: f. the author, sold S. Smith, 1683. 12o. Pp. [12], 55. Tp, bsm. Wood 792(4). Wing A79 (rare). 9.Aberdeen,University.Augustissimo,illustrissimo,etserenissimomonarchae,Carolosecundo...Col- legii regii universitatis Aberdonensis patrono. [Aberdeen]: [J. Brown], [1660]. S.sh. obl. LT 1.351. Wood 276a(411a). Wing A90 (rare). Aldis 1624. 2 The Library of Anthony Wood 10. Aberdeen, University. Dimidium plus toto. Theses logicae . . . praeside Patricio Sandilandio [12 July]. [Aberdeen]: J. Brunus, [1660]. S.sh. Wood 276a(411b). Wing S655 (rare). Aldis 1677. 11. Aberdeen, University. Marischal College. Wee under-subscribers masters and professors in the colledge of New-Aberdeen, are constrained by pressing necessity to give this candid declaration. [Oxford]: n.pub., [1660]. S.sh. v, ‘1660’, in pencil. LT 1.351. Wood 423(35). Wing A92A (rare). Madan 2515. 12. Abergavenny.The popes down-fall, at Abergaveny, or a true and perfect relation of his being carried through the fair in a solemn procession. London: f. T. C. a. N. L., 1679. 4o. Pp. [2], 6. [MS.] Wood B. 40(15). Wing P2931. 13. Academy of Pleasure. Academy of pleasure. London: f. J. Stafiord & W. Gilbertson, 1656. 12o. Pp. [8], 128, [12]. Missing in 1837. ‘Academy of Pleasure { Lond. 1656’ in Whiteside cat. Wood 63(1). Wing A159 (two). O(two), Harv. 14.AdamBell.*AdamBell,ClimoftheClough,andWilliamofCloudesle.London:E.Cotes,f.F.Grove, 1661. 4o. A-C4 (C4 blank). Wood 321(6). Wing A472A (rare). f g 15. Adams, Richard. Oixia . . . The earthly and heavenly building, opened in a sermon . . . at the funeral of . . . Henry Hurst. London: f. J. Weld, [1690] MDCIC. 4o. Pp. [4], 29, [1] (1 p. books printed for Weld). Tp, author’s name underscored in red ink. Pp. 22-25, vertical lines in margin, at details of Hurst’s and others’ lives, in red ink and pencil. AO 4.273-5. Wood 634(8) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing A490. 16. [Addison, Lancelot]. A modest plea for the clergy. London: f. W. Crook, 1677. 8o. Pp. [8], 164, [11] (11pp.booksprintedf.Crook).Pasteboard(blue)withparchmentspine.Lastlower(cid:176)yleaf,marbledpaper; rebacked. Flyleaf, upperv, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Pasteboard, upper, note covered by blue paper. Tp, bsm. Wood 885(1). Wing A524. 17.[Addison,Lancelot].TheMooresba†ed:beingadiscourseconcerningTanger.London:f.W.Crooke, 1681. 4o. Pp. [5], 27, [5] (5 pp. of books sold by W. Crooke). Tp, ‘Tanger’ altered to ‘Tangier’. Wood 386(15). Wing A525. 18. Adelardus. Bathoniensis. (Questiones naturales). [Louvain]: [J. de Westfalia], [1475/83]. 4o. a-d8,e12 (e12 blank). a1,AWwrotethetitleandacrossref.hisownbook,‘DeistoAdelardo,videinHistor.etAntiq.Universit. Oxon, Edit 1674 Lib. 1. p. 56. col. 1. p. 157. col. 2’. Wood 498(12). GW 218. 19. Advertisements. Advertisements. I shall go the round of publishing. 1. Physiciansm . . . [London]: (J. Whitlock, J. Hindmarsh, R. Clavel, A. Churchil, W. Rogers, D. Brown), [1694]. S.sh. (r-v). Wood 276a(44) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in Wing. Not in N & S (see 49.087fi.). Not in ESTCR. 20. Advice to a Painter. Manuscript. Advice to a Painter: upon the defeat of the rebells in the west, and the execution of the late duke of Monmouth { Pictoribus atque po˜etis quidlibet. {. ?: ?, 1685. Pp. 4. Not in AW’s hand. See Savile, Wood 417(11), item 5770; and New Advice, Wood 417(21b), item 4636. Wood 417(141). 21. Ady, Thomas.A candle in the dark: shewing the divine cause of the distractions of the whole nation of England, and of the Christian world. London: f. R. Ibbitson, 1655. 4o. Pp. [6], 172. Flyleaf, upperv, AW wrote, ‘In 1661 was another title printed for this book, called a perfect discovery of Witches shewing &c { But no additions or cor[r]ections’ (Wing A676). Tp, bsm. P. 165 (a cancel), minor underscoring. [MS.] Wood B. 16(2). Wing A673(3). The Library of Anthony Wood 3 22. Aelfric Grammaticus. Eynsham, abbott of [Parker, M. and J. Josseline, eds.]. [A testimonie of antiquitie]. [London]: [J. Day], [1566?]. 8o. C3-8,D-K8,L1-6 (wanting leaves at beginning and at end) (fi. 19(Ciii)-75(Kii), 75v blank). f. 62, i.e., H5: Here followeth the wordes of Aelfrike; K5 Lords Prayer; L5-6 summary. Loose leaf, before the text: ‘Note that this sermon following I have seen under this title A Testimonie of AntiquityshewingtheauncientfaythinthechurchofEnglandtouchingthesacramentofthebody&blood &c. [/] printed at Lond. by John Day { 8o [/] Before which book is a long preface containing about 16 or 17 leaves, pen’d by some learned Antiquary & one that belonged to the church of Canterb. or Archbishop therof, for he speaketh much of that ch. & those Bishops (perhaps by J. Josselin. { q[uaere]’; followed by a fragment, on which is ‘Ant: Woode: Merton Coll: Ox„on: 1658’. C3, notes by earlier owners, crossed out, and,notinAW’shand,‘published(asItakeit)&flrstfoundoutbyJo:Josselin.SincebyWmLisle.Lond: 1638’ (possibly by Langbaine). Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaine’s study, LT 1.247. Wood 134(3). STC 159.5. 23. Aelianus, Claudius, and Heraclides Ponticus. Vulteius, Justus, ed. De varia historia libri xi- iii. . . . Item, de politiis, sive, rerumpublicarum descriptiones, ex Heraclide. Lugduni: ap. J. Tornaesium, 1577. 16o. Pp. 279, [22]. Calf with 2 flllets and stamp centrepiece; spine, 4 bands. Flyleaf,upper,signatures,2,of‘Fayrfax’andnote,notinAW’shand;2nd,v,Latintag,notbyAW.P.249, underscoring. Wood 197. Adams. 24. Aesop. Aesopi Phrygis fabulae elegantissimis iconibus . . . Gabriae Graeci fabellae xxxxiiii. Batra- chomyomaxia.Galeomyomachia[Gr.andLat].Parisiis:ap.H.deMarnef&vid.G.Cavellat,1585(‘[1]585’). 16o. Pp. 448, [8]. Calf with 3 flllets. Pp. 143, 146, 149, 312, notes; 273, 357, 369, scribbles, and some names (John Mason; 302, C{aister (?), 448, Edmund), none by AW. Lent to J. Curten, 1664, LT 2.8. Wood 703. Not in BL, Adams, VD. 25. Aesop. Barret, William, trans. The fables of Aesop. With his whole life. London: R. Oulton f. F. Eglesfleld, 1639. 8o. A1-5,B-Q8. Parchment. Cover, upper, outside, ‘H. fioulis’; inside, ‘Hen fioulis Boke August :1: day 1651’, price, and ‘given by Mr Tho. Jacson [/] for . . . David Pary’, and scribbles. Q8v and pastedown, lower, scribbles and 2 rough drawings. LT 2.179, 191. AW gave a copy, 8 Mar. 1673, to ‘Tom Wood’, his nephew, LT 2.258. Wood 98. STC 189 (3). f 26. Agard, [Arthur]. [Powell, Thomas, ed.]. The repertorie of records: remaining in the 4. treasuries on the receipt side at Westminster.London:B.Alsopa.T.Fawcetf.B.Fisher,1631.4o.Pp.[6],217.Calf with 3 flllets. Tp, AW wrote the price, ‘3s’ and in pencil, ‘nou:5:60’. LT 1.337. Wood 489. STC 194.1. 27. Agas, Ralph. Ryther, Aug., deliniavit. Celeberrimae Oxoniensis academiae aularum et collegiorum . . . descriptio R. Agaso autore 1578. [London]: n.pub., [1588?]. S.sh. Missing. Purchased 7 June 1658 from Davies, see LT 1.254. Lent to D. Loggan, 14 Oct. 1665, LT 2.49. ThismapeventuallywenttoCharlett,accordingtoHearne,4.261:‘theMaphe[Charlett]hathofOxford, printed and published in Q. Elizabeth’s Time, formerly belong’d to Anthony (cid:181)a Wood’. See also 2.11, 13. ButseeMadanwhostatedthatAW’scopywasprob.theone‘whichwasintheAshmoleanMuseumabout 1730’. Madan also stated that Charlett’s copy went to Dr. Brathwaite, warden of Winchester. Hearne 1. STC 194.3 (one). Madan 96. 28. Age of Wonders. The age of wonders, or miracles are not ceased. Being a true relation of a child born at Burslem, who prophesied strange things. London: f. N. Chamberlain, 1660. 4o. Pp. 8. Tp, AW altered the year to 16‘59: March:’, below, he wrote, ‘To be put among miracles’, in pencil. [MS.] Wood B. 35(23). Wing A759 (two). 29. Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius.Sandford,James,trans.Of the vanitie and uncertaintie of artes and sciences, Englished by Ja. San[ford] gent. London: H. Bynneman, 1575. 4o. Ff. [7], 187, [1]. Parchment. Flyleaf,upper,AWwrote,‘ThisbookdidoncebelongtoMrJoh.DayofOrielColl.Oxon,forthosenotes in the margin are of his hand writing’; he added later, in a difierent ink, ‘Corn. Agrippa a Kt, Dr of the lawe, judge of the prerog. court & counsellour to the emperour & a man of deep learning, an. 1530’ (see LT 2.102). Tp, bsm. Text, passim, lines in margins, some underscoring, prob. none by AW; a few notes, apparentlyinDay’shand;pastedown,lower,a33-linedidacticpoeminLatinwithanequalno.oflineson 4 The Library of Anthony Wood the pasted down side, in an unknown hand, and 3 annotations apparently in Day’s hand. [MS.] Wood B. 26. STC 205. 30. Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius. F., J., trans. Three books of occult philosophy. London: R. W. f. G. Moule, 1651. 4o. Pp. [26], 583, [13]. Calf with 3 flllets. Flyleaves, upper and lower, printer’s waste paper. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, ‘Dono Noveieae [?] meae Amantissimae Jun. 18 [/] 75 [?].’ Tp, bsm. [MS.] Wood B. 22. Wing A789. 31. Agust¶in, Antonio.Tarragona,abp.of.DeRomanorumgentibusetfamiliis...AntoniusAugustinus etFulviusUrsinus.Lugdunensis:ap.F.Fabrum,1592.4o.Pp.[8],156.Calfwith3flllets,stampdecoration inside corners ((cid:176)owers), and roll decoration at inner, spine edge (Ashm. binding); 1 loose board. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, titles of 7 printed works in this vol., written by an Ashm. librarian. Tp, bsm. Wood 644(1). Not in BL. 32.Airay, Henry.P[otter],C.,ed.ThejustandnecessaryapologieofHenrieAiray...touchinghissuite in law for the rectorie of Charleton.London:[W.Jones],1621.8o.Pp.[6],44.Calfwith3fllletsandstamp decoration (dragons) in corners (Ashm. binding). Flyleaf, 2nd, list of 8 printed works in this vol., by an Ashm. librarian. Tp, ‘Anth: Woode: Merton Coll: Oxon’;v,24-linenotetothereaderinLatin,signedBale.P.5,AWidentifled‘oneAndrews&oneTemple’, ‘Richard Andrews Nich. Temple’. Acquired 29 Ap. 1658 out of G. Langbaine’s study, LT 1.247-8. Wood 112(1). STC 244. 33. Albertus Magnus, Saint. Ratisbon, bp. of. De secretis mulierum libellus. Lugduni: n.pub., 1615. 12o. Pp. 166. Former owner, Richard Phillips, see Wood 688(1), the next item. Wood 688(2). BL. 34.AlbertusMagnus,Saint.Ratisbon,bp.of.Speculumastronomiae:...Praemittunturautemejusdem authoris libelli, de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum, & animalium quorundam. Item de mirabilibus mundi. Lugduni: n.pub., 1615. 12o. Pp. 166. Calf with 3 flllets; 1st and last (cid:176)yleaves, printer’s waste paper. Flyleaf, upper, 2nd, ‘Anthony Wood his book 1649’, lined out, under name of a former owner, ‘Richard Phillips his book’, lined out. Wood 688(1). BL. 35. Albertus Magnus, Saint. Ratisbon, bp. of. Digby, Kenelm, trans. A treatise of adhering to God; . . . Also a conference with a lady about choyce of religion. London: f. H. Herringman, 1654. 12o. Pp. [18], 139, [2]. Calf with 2 flllets; rebacked. Pasteboard, upper ‘Birchingham’ (Barthingham?). Wood 822. Wing A876. 36. Albizzi, Bartholomaeus. S., D., trans. The alcoran of the Franciscans, or a sink of lyes and blas- phemies. Collected out of . . . the book of the conformites [sic]. London: f. L. Curtice, 1679. 12o. Pp. [24], 156(wantingthefrontispiece).Pasteboard(grey)withparchmentspine.1stupperandlastlower(cid:176)yleaves, marbled paper. Flyleaf, upper, 2ndv, AW wrote the titles of 2 printed works in this vol., within guidelines made with red ink. Wood 874(1). Wing A881. 37. Alciati, Andrea. Emblematum libri duo. [Geneva]: ap. J. Tornaesium, 1614. 16o. Pp. [16], 257, [14] (misnumbering). Calf with 2 flllets, new backing. Tp, signature or words lined out. Wood 72. BL. 38. Aldeburgh, and Merlin. A signe from heaven: or, a fearefull . . . noise heard . . . at Alborow . . . Whereunto is annexed, a prophesie of Merlins, concerning Hull.London:T.Fawcet,1642,12Aug.4o. Pp. [2], 6. [MS.] Wood D. 28(8). Wing S3776. 39. Aleman, Matheo.Therogue:or,thelifeofGuzmandeAlfarache.London:J.C.f.P.Chetwind,sold T. Johnson; 2nd-3rd tpp, H. Hills, 1656; 2nd-3rd tpp, 1655. 8o. 5th ed. Pp. [4], 1-142, 1-99, [2], 1-216 (3 tpp). Calf with 2 flllets; rebacked. Flyleaf,upper,1st,scribbles,2linesofverse,notinAW’shand;2nd,‘RobHungerfordhisbooke.’Flyleaf, lower, scribble, not in AW’s hand. LT 1.182. Possibly lent to O. Sedgwick, March 1660, LT 1.306. The Library of Anthony Wood 5 Wood 305. Wing A904aA (rare). 40. [Aleyn, Charles]. The historie of that wise prince, Henrie the seventh. [London]: [T. Cotes f. W. Cooke], [1638]. 8o. Pp. 152 (wanting A4 and leaves at end). B1r, AW wrote, ‘Ch. Aleyne the’ (cropped at bottom). Other pencil notes, not in AW’s hand. Text, some marks in margins and underscoring, in pencil. Wood 90(8). STC 353. 41. Algood. Major. A sermon preached, at the funeral of . . . Georg Ritschel, late minister of Hexham . . . with an elegie [by I. H.]. London: f. J. Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1684. 4o. Pp. 24. Passim, corrections, not in AW’s hand. Wood 634(7). Wing A925. 42. Ali Abencuflan, pseud. [i.e., Miguel de Luna]. Ashley, Robert, trans. Almansor the learned and victorious king that conquered Spaine. London: [W. Stansby] f. J. Parker, 1627. 4o. Pp. [16], 79. Tp, AW underscored the author’s name in red chalk. Sig. A1-A2, vertical lines in margins at Ashley’s reference to a library of Arabian books, and to the translator and author. Wood 345(10). STC 354. 43. [Alleine, Richard]. A murderer punished, and pardoned [Thomas Savage]. London: n.pub., 1671. 8o. 13th ed. Pp. 72. Tp, AW wrote, ‘This flrst edit. came out 1668 Oct {’ (The binder had cropped most of AW’s earlier note, so he rewrote it). Bsm. Wood 173(3). Wing A997 (two). 44.[Allen,William].Anon.AtruesincereandmodestdefenceofEnglishCatholiquesthatsufier...against a...libel[byW.Cecil]intituled;Theexecutionofjustice.[Rouen]:[Fr.Persons’Press],[1584].8o.Pp.[8], 219, [1]. Calf with 3 flllets; rebacked. Flyleaf, upper, 11 lines of bibliographical notes on this book and on the answer to it by Thomas Bilson (STC 3071), not by AW. AW marked the 3 notes with vertical lines and wrote ‘vide pag 4. 5. in marg.’, in red ink, over his earlier ‘v p. 4, 5,’, in pencil. P. [3], signature of ‘Nicolas Clifie’ (cropped at top). Text, passim, some marks in margin and corrections from the ms. errata, not in AW’s manner; but see pencil marks on pp. 2, 5, 11, 14. Flyleaf, lower, a ms. errata of 13 items, not by AW. AW owned the work to which this responds, W. Cecil, Wood 586(4) (item 1663); and refers to it in [MS.] D. 21(1) (item 3244) as his book ‘with a black cover’, see Plate II. Wood 878. STC 373. ARCR 2.14. 45. [Allestree, Richard].The whole duty of man. . . . With private devotions.London:f.M.Garthwait, 1671. 12o. Pp. [27], 474, [6]. Calf with 2 flllets and a 2nd rectangle with 2 flllets and stamp decoration at corners. Wood 851. Wing A1176A (rare). 46. Alleyn, E. A catalogue of the noblemen and peers of the kingdom of England . . . in the reign of Charles the second. London: f. the author, 1662. S.sh. AW wrote the price, ‘4d’. Wood 276a(92). Wing A1199 (rare). ALMANACS (items 47-218) 47.Andrews,William.Derebuscaelestibus,oranephemeris,for...1663.London:T.Ratclifief.Co.of Stationers, 1663. 8o. A-B8,B8 (sic) (pp. unopened). One of two almanacs acquired 16 Dec. 1662, LT 1.464. Wood Alm. E(4). Wing A1259. 48. Atkinson, Charles. Panterpe; id est omne delectare: or, a pleasant almanack . . . 1671. London: f. Co. of Stationers, 1671. 8o. A16,B8 (ms. nos. fi. 1-40). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe15thofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromafterA3toafterA15,with ablankleafandslips,allcontainingdiaryentriesormemoranda.AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper, upper, ‘1671 4d. Dec. 21. 70 [/] Jacob sold it at the Angell before Jobson came, he sells it now in old s. hampton buildings [/] Cirquis Jobson, a Jew borne about Mount Libanus, a Jacobit[.] The flrst that sold 6 The Library of Anthony Wood CofieyinOxonoveragainstQ[ueens]Coll.circa1655.56afterwardssolda[t]Tilliard’;notescontinuefrom f.5towrapper,lowerv,f.39,andtoanaddedblankleaf,f.40,onwhich2slipsarepasted.Therearealso notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.212-238. [MS.] Wood Diaries 15. Wing A1306. SC 27737. 49.B[everidge],W[illiam].KalendariumJulianum.London:E.Cotes,venalesprostantap.S.Thompson, [1666]. 8o. Missing. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 59, ‘Kalendarium Julianum 1667 - lat. Will Beveridge’. Acquired 29 Mar. 1667, 6d, LT 1.104. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 59. Wing A1309A (3). 50. [Blount, Thomas]. Calendarium catholicum: or an universall almanack, 1661. N.p.: N.pub., 1661. 12o. A-B12. Parchment over earlier marbled paper. B7, line in margin, at ‘Thomas Morgan’ and ‘Mr. Pyms Son’. See note at item 1109f. Wood 4. Wing A1321. 51. [Blount, Thomas]. A new almanack, after the old fashion; for 1663. London: N.pub., 1663. 12o. A12,B6,C12. Parchment, outer; marbled paper, inner. C11v, a correction entered. C12v, at citation of Edmund Church, ‘Note that the authour of this Alm. Th. Blount married Edm. Church his daughter.’ LT 1.317. Wood 6. Wing A1324 (rare). 52. Booker, John.M.D.C.XLIII.Almanacketprognosticon...1643.London:F.K.f.Co.ofStationers, [1643]. 8o. A-B8,A8. A5, A6, 4 numbers and ‘the fast-’, ‘Darrell’ and ‘Tuesday turn’, prob. not by AW. Wood Alm. A(7). Wing A1330. 53. Booker, John. Mercurius Coelicus, sive almanack et prognosticon . . . 1646. London: F. K. f. Co. of Stationers, [1646]. 8o. A-B8. Wood Alm. A(8). Wing A1336. 54. Booker, John. Telescopium uranicum: or in plain English, an almanack . . . M. CC. LXI. London: f.Co.ofStationers,1661.8o.31ed.A-B8,A8(ms.nos.fi.1-44(misnumbering)).Modernbinding,half-calf, maroon; inside, brown paper wrapper. This is the 5th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B8, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves and some slips. On the brown paper wrapper, upper, AW wrote, ‘Booker 1661’, and ‘1661’, in orange crayon. On the 1st blank leaf, f. 1, he wrote entries for Jan. Feb. April, June, Sept., Oct., and, v, notes on quacks, prompted by the printed item inserted after A2, now f. 5, an advertisement by James Themut, see Wood Diaries 5b (LT 1.377). The last blank leaf, after B8, ends with entries for Jan.1662,andv,abriefessayon‘whylearninghathdecayedintheselatertimes’(becauseoftheimitation of the French; neglect of Fathers; discussions in cofiee houses and alehouses which before were in scholar’s chambers, etc. LT 1.422f.). There are also marks and notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 1.371-427. [MS.] Wood Diaries 5. Wing A1347. SC 27727. 55. [Bretnor, Thomas].[Anewalmanack...1617][C2begins:]Certainephysicalldirections.[London]: [f. Co. of Stationers], [1617]. 8o. C2r-v, only (cropped at top). Wood Alm. A(11). STC 420.10. 56. [Bretnor, Thomas]. [A new almanack . . . 1618] [C1 begins:] Certaine physicall observations. [Lon- don]:[f.Co.ofStationers],[1618].C1-3,only(followedbyanunidentifledaleaf(1617)withformerstitching marks on outer edge). On an unidentifled leaf of letterpress, notes by a former owner, illeg. Wood Alm. A(12-13). STC 420.11. 57. Calendarium Catholicum. Kalendarium catholicum for the year 1686. N.p.: n.pub, 1686. 8o. A- B8,C4. Calf with 3 flllets, stamp decoration (dragons) inside corners (Ashm. binding); rebacked. Flyleaf, upper, 2ndv, the titles of 8 printed works in this vol. Tp, AW wrote ‘6d’ and ‘Such an Alm. as this,waspublished1661.62.63{andifIamnotmistakenTh.BlountoftheInnerTemplehadahandin it { After it had laid dormant 20 yeares, it was againe published, when all people expected popery to be introduced’. For these early almanacs, see Wood 4 and Wood 6 (items 50f.). LT 1.13; 3.131, 176. Wood 843(1). Wing A1854. 58. Calendarium Perpetuum. Calendarium perpetuum. Oxon: n.pub., 1637. Pp? The Library of Anthony Wood 7 Missing in 1837. T added, inserted on the facing page, in the Whiteside cat. Not identifled. Prob. an almanac. Wood 748b. See STC 431.3. Madan 842; or, STC 419.6. Madan 848; or STC 532.111, Madan 969. 59. Coelson, Lancelot. Speculum perspicuum Uranicum: or, an almanack for . . . 1680. London: J. Grover f. Co. of Stationers, [1680]. 8o. A-C8 (2 tpp) (pp. unopened). Wood Alm. E(9). Wing A1427. 60. Coley, Henry. Nuncius coelestis:. . . a brief description . . . 1679. London: J. Grover f. Co. of Stationers, [1679]. 8o. A-C8 (C5-8 unopened) (ms. nos. 1-73). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, blue paper wrapper. This is the 23rd of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to after B7, and again after C8, with 1 or several blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AW’s notes, wrapper, upper, ‘Coley 1679 [/] Spelman v[ide] June’; and ‘1679’, in red chalk; notescontinuefromf.2to(cid:176)yleaves,lower.Flyleaf,lower,f.71,‘DonebymeinMrSheldonsLibrary...’; f.72v,‘3Dec.senttoSrWill.Dugd.3.stichings[sic]orbundellscontainingcorrectionsonhisbaronagium { The 1. stitching contains 5 papers. the 2d { 7. papers { the 3d. 11. papers { with the Epitaph of Edw. [Talbot] E[arl] of Shrewsbury in the Abbey Ch. of Westm. who died 1617.’, etc. There are also notes on someprintedalmanacpp.NotbyAW,bill,29May1679,withnoteofpaymentfromAW,1July1679,from chemist Nathaniell Wheatly. F. 22 is a printed item, an advertisement ‘Wonder of Nature’; see separate entry at Wood Diaries 23b, item 6682. LT 2.430-475. [MS.] Wood Diaries 23. Wing A1456. SC 27745. 61. Comptoir.Comptoiralmanach,oftjournael,ophet jaer . . .duysent ses hondertneghen-en-twintich. Amsterdam: Broer Jansz voor C. Lodowiicksz, 1629. 4o. A-D4 (C1 mutilated). A diary of Gri–n Higgs of Merton who was travelling to Rhenen, the court of Elizabeth, ‘Winter’ Queen of Bohemia. It begins on the almanac p. for January: ‘Jan: 7: s.v. being Wednesday the Prince of Bohem. [HenryFrederick]drownedinajourneytoAmsterdam’(and7morelines,mainlyonpurchaseofmourning clothes). Entries follow for February (9 lines), beginning ‘Feb: i2. s.v. I bought 2 shirts: one of 4 dutch ells:...’andending,‘Feb.i4.s.v.writtentoWilliamAdkins.[/]Feb:23.s.v.beingMondayemymanhath bin with me full 6 month: He came Aug. 23. Saturd. s.v. on Bartholomew Eve.’; and for March (14 lines, allrecorded):‘Marc:2d.oldstile.receavedapackettfromMr.Jacob.ThomasDoddwithhisAccounts.Mr Jackson, and Mr Cra[w]ford. [/] March 3d old style sent by Mr Dudley [over ‘Mr. Rob. Carrs company:’, lined out] to Cambs [Lambs?] to Stoke: Caver{: [?] {don: [2 words] and to Mr Jacob: to Mr. Cr- [cropped] MrJackson,andT:Dodde.[/]March.4.s.v.DeliveredalettertoMrDudley,andawatchforDr.Mauric[e] Williams in the presence of Mr. Yelverton: Mr Crofts: Mr. C{p{er: [?] w. [a.?] the Countess of A[?]bistein. [/] March. 6. s.v. Sr. Rob. Carr and his Companie: and Mris Crofts went from the Hage [/] March. 6. s.v. Barb:[/]March.9.s.v.ourJourneybegantowardsRhenen.’AWobtainedotherHiggs’diaries,mostlikely fromMertonCollegelibrary,seeWoodAlmA(1)and(3),items118,105,recordedbyMorrish,pp.131-201, esp. [137] 1, [185] 49 n. 8, [143] 7; see also note at Wood 276a(517), item 4082, and LT 1.12. Wood 498(14). Not in BL. 62.Crawford,Henry.VoxUraniae,or,astrologicalobservations...for...1676.London:J.D.f.Co.of Stationers, 1676. 8o. A-C8 (C5-6 unopened) (ms. nos. fi. 1-61). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. This is the 20th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A2 to after B8, and alsobeforeandafterC8,with1ormoreblankleavesandslips,allcontainingdiaryentriesormemoranda. AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Crawford[/]1676[/]Jan.3Monday{ofMagdColldied’ (AW wrote the name, John Heather, at Jan., f. 5), etc., and notes continue to wrapper, lowerv. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, epitaph of John Good, Balliol, at which AW wrote, ‘vid Fasti 1661’ (f. 8); and 2 addresses on an envelope (f. 32v). LT 2.333-364. [MS.] Wood Diaries 20. Wing A1497 (two). SC 27742. 63. [Daniel, Humphrey]. [Daniel, 1651. For London . . . an almanack for . . . 1651]. [London]: [G. Dawson for Co. of Stationers], [1651]. 8o. B4-8,C4, only. Wood Alm. A(16). Wing A1580 (rare, 2 at O). 64.Digges,Leonard.Digges,Thomas,ed.Aprognostication...ofrightgoodefiect.London:T.Orwing, 1592. 4o. Missing.MS.WoodE.2(70),p.26.AO1.415,‘correctedandaugmentedbyhissaidsonThomas...Lond. 1592, qu[arto]’. MS. Wood E. 2(70), p. 26. STC 435.55 (3). O (severely cropped). 8 The Library of Anthony Wood 65. Dove, Jonathan. Dove. Speculum anni . . . Or an almanack for . . . 1666. [Cambridge]: J. Field, 1666. 8o. A-C8 (ms. nos. fi. 1-47). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. This is the 10th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B7, Dec., with 1 or 2 blank leaves, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AW’s notes begin on the paper wrapper,upper,‘lentMrShippenNotitiaOxonNov.27[/]Dove1666.’(Wood513(3),item3110),‘1666’in redchalk,andothernotes,andendonthewrapper,lowerv.Therearealsonotesonsomeprintedalmanac pages. LT 2.69-97. [MS.] Wood Diaries 10. Wing A1612 4 at O. SC 27732. 66. Dove, Jonathan. Dove. Speculum anni . . . Or an almanack for . . . 1668. [Cambridge]: J. Field, 1668. 8o. A-C8 (quire C unopened) (ms. nos. fi. 1-39). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. This is the 12th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the paper wrapper toafterB5,Dec.,with1or2blankleaves,allcontainingdiaryentriesormemoranda.AW’snotesbeginon the paper wrapper, upper, ‘1668 [/] March 10. 67[1668] lent Mrs Okes 5s. which my sister hath promised to pay if shee doth not’, and other notes, and end on the wrapper, lowerv. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.126-148. [MS.] Wood Diaries 12. Wing A1614. SC 27734. 67. [Dove, Jonathan].Speculumannioranalmanackfor...1682.Cambridge:J.Hayes,1682.8o.A-C8 (ms. nos. fi. 1-73). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe26thofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromafterA1toafterC2,with 1ormoreblankleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentries,memoranda,anda‘lettertoMrFulmannotsent’ (fi.63-4).AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Nov.23.an.1681.4dob[/]Dove1682’,etc.,and notes continue to wrapper, lowerv. There are also a very few brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, 4 12o leaves and a slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in the vol. at appropriate months (fi. 16, 21 (i.e., after 22 and before 23), 25, 29 (on which AW wrote, ‘This note belongs to Mr A. Allum’), 48 (a slip)). LT 3.1-34. [MS.] Wood Diaries 26. Wing A1627 (two). SC 27748. 68.[Dove,Jonathan].Dove.Speculumannioranalmanackfor...1684.Cambridge:J.Hayes,1684.8o. A-C8 (C unopened) (ms. nos. fi. 1-67 (misnumbering)). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe28thofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromaftertheupperwrapperto afterB7,with1ormoreblankleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentriesandmemoranda.AW’snotesbegin on the paper wrapper, upper, ‘Dove 1684. 4d [/]’, ‘1684’ in red chalk, ‘Will. Stane sometimes of Merton Coll.diedatthebeg.oftheyeare1684...’etc.,andnotescontinuetowrapper,lower.Therearealsobrief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, 1 slip from the diary of Andrew Allam bound in among July events (f. 32). LT 3.84-122. [MS.] Wood Diaries 28. Wing A1629. SC 27750. 69. Dutch Almanac. A Dutch almanack. Amsterdam: ?, 1634. Pp? Missing in 1837. See Wood Alm. A(3), item 105, for a 1632 ‘Dutch Almanack’. Wood 1. Not in Bod. Not in BL. 70. Erra Pater. A prognostication for ever, made by Erra Pater. London: R. Bishop, [1649 or later]. 8o. A-B8,C1-7 (wanting C8). C1v-C3, undercoring in section on ‘Fayres of England’. Wood 9(4) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Wing E3243 (two). 71. Evelyn, John. Kalendarium hortense: or, the gard’ners almanac. London: J. Martyn, 1676. 8o. 6th ed. Pp. 127, [9]. Calf with 2 flllets with a vertical line, 2 flllets; rebacked. Wood 573(1). Wing E2496. 72. Evesdropper, Adam, pseud. Platoes cap. Cast at this yeare 1604, being leape-yeere. London: [T. Purfoot] f. J. Chorlton, 1604. 4o. A-D4 (A1-2, D3-4 blank). Tp, no. 2 in a former bundle. D1, scribble in margin, not in AW’s manner. Wood 616(2). STC 19975. 73. Faithful and True Prognostication.Coverdale,Miles,trans.Afaythfullandtruepronosticati„oup„o the yere M.CCCCC.xlviii. and parpetually after to the worldes ende. (London): [J. Hereford f.] (R. Kele), [1547?]. 8o. A2-8,B8,D8,E4 (wanting the title leaf and sheet C). The Library of Anthony Wood 9 E4, date added, 1548. Wood 736(4). STC 20423 (two). 74. [Fin¶e, Oronce]. Baker, Humfrey, trans. The rules and ryghte ample documentes touchinge the use . . . of . . . almanackes . . . named ephemerides. (London): (T. Marshe), [1558?]. A-G8. Underscoring and notes on astrological matters, made before binding (some are cropped), not by AW. Wood 9(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 10878.5 (rare). 75. F[lorio], J[ohn]. [?]. Perpetuall and natural prognostications of the change of weather . . . translated out of the Italian into English, by J. F. London: [A. Islip] f. E. White, 1598. 8o. A-C8. Wood 9(3) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). STC 403.9. 76. Franco, Jean. Kalendrier ou journal, pour l’an de nostre seigneur Jesus Christ 1629. Pariis: A. Anvers. Chez Guylliaume, 1629. 16o. A-B8. Parchment. Cover, upperv ‘Anthony Wood’. Wood 2(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC. 77.Franco,Jean.Prognosticationpourl’andenostreseigneurJesusChrist1629.Pariis:A.Anvers.Chez Guylliaume, 1629. 16o. A-B8. Wood 2(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC. 78. Franco, Jean. Kalendrier ou journal, pour l’an de nostre seigneur Jesus Christi 1631. Paris: A. Anvers. Chez Guillaume, 1631. 16o. A-B8. Parchment. Cover, lower, outer, AW wrote, ‘French almanack 1631’. Wood 3(1) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC. 79. Franco, Jean.Prognosticationpour l’an de nostre seigneur Jesu Christ,1631.Paris:A.Anvers.Chez Guillaume, 1631. 16o. A-B8. Wood 3(2) (not in Bodl. CD cat.). Not in BL. Not in BN. Not in NUC. 80. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1660. London: J. C. f. Co. of Stationers, [1660]. 8o. A-C8 (ms. nos. fi. 1-41). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, brown paper wrapper. This is the 4th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4) with extensive interleaving from after A1 to after B6, Dec., with1or2blankleaves.Onthebrownpaperwrapper,upper,AWwrote,‘Gadbury[/]1660’,and‘1660’in orange crayon. Tp, ‘Anthony Woode’. On the 1st blank leaves, after A1 and A2, he wrote various entries, some for March, April, Oct. and Dec.; on the last, after B5 and B6, he wrote entres for Nov., Dec., and January 1661. There are also a few marks and notes on some printed almanac pp. Acquired 2 Jan. 1660 for 3d, LT 1.301-371. [MS.] Wood Diaries 4. Wing A1739 (two). SC 27726. 81. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1661. London: J. Cottrell f. Co. of Stationers, 1661. 8o. A-C8 (1 p. books sold). Parchment with marbled paper pasted over as center panel. Spine and pastedown, upper, ‘D: VV’; (cid:176)yleaf, upper, 1st, author and year of 8 Gadbury ‘Almanacks’, in Whiteside’s hand. AW wrote large Arabic nos. on each tp, in pencil. Wood Alm. D(1). Wing A1740. 82. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1668. London: J. Cottrell f. Co. of Stationers, [1668]. 8o. A-E8. Acquired 3 Dec. 1667, [7.5d, with [MS.] D. 28(16), item 3070, which was also 7.5d], LT 2.122. Wood Alm. D(2). Wing A1747. 83. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1669. London: f. Co. of Stationers, [1669]. 8o. A-E8. Wood Alm. D(3). Wing A1748. 84. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1670. London: (J. C.) f. Co. of Stationers, 1670. 8o. A2-8,B8,C4,A-B8,C4 (1 p. books sold) (2 tpp). Acquired 11 Jan. 1670, LT 2.184. Wood Alm. D(4). Wing A1749. 85. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw: or, a diary . . . for . . . 1673. London: f. Co. of Stationers, [1673]. 8o. A-C8,B-C8(A7-8unopened)(ms.nos.fi.1-64).Modernbinding,half-calf,maroon;inside,paperwrapper. This is the 17th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after wrapper, upper, to after C5, Dec., with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. AW’s 10 The Library of Anthony Wood notesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Gadbury1673.6d[/]27Mar.2.sheetstoMrPeers.16peicesof paperspastedtherin./5/7peicesofpapertothose2lastsheets’(forthetranslationofhisHistoria);and ‘1673 [in red chalk], . . . Nativity f Ld Bacon [/] J. Selden [/] Sr K. Digby f calculated { v[ide] ad flnem’, andnotescontinuetowrapper,lowerv.2ndC3v,C4r-v,C6v,lines,a‘q[uaere]letteratastrologicalmatters, mainly concerning John Selden, and a correction of a date in Selden’s horoscope. There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.256-278. [MS.] Wood Diaries 17. Wing A1752. SC 27739. 86. Gadbury, John.Efhmeriw:or, a diary . . . for . . . 1678.London:J.D.f.Co.ofStationers,1678.8o. A-C8 (ms. nos. fi. 1-48). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. This is the 22nd of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper to after B6, with 1 or more blank leaves and slips, all containing diary entries or memoranda. Pastedown, upper, 2 notes ‘1677 is missing 1883’ (a similar note in Diary 1676) and ‘Now found. 1890’. AW’s notes beginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Gadbury1678[/]MemorandumthattheLib.atLantarnamwasonlie afewoldwritings&aan[sic]oldbible’(seeLT2.381),etc.,andnotescontinuetowrapper,lowerv.There are also notes on some printed almanac pp. LT 2.399-430. [MS.] Wood Diaries 22. Wing A1757. SC 27744. 87. Gadbury, John.Efhmeriw:or, a diary . . . for . . . 1687.London:J.D.f.Co.ofStationers,1687.8o. A-C8 (C unopened) (ms. nos. fi. 1-66). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe31stofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromaftertheupperwrapperto afterB8,Dec.,andafterC8,with1ormoreblankleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentries,andmemoranda. AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Gadbury16875d1687’,‘1687’inredchalk,etc.,andnotes continue to wrapper, lowerv. There are also brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, copy of partofaletter,24June1687,from[Thomas]Laneconcerningthepapist/protestantstruggleatMagdalen College (f. 31); and a note of a book purchase by the Bishop of Oxford (f. 42v). LT 3.204-51. [MS.] Wood Diaries 31. Wing A1766. SC 27753. 88. Gadbury, John.Efhmeriw:or, a diary . . . for . . . 1688.London:J.D.f.Co.ofStationers,1688.8o. A-C8 (C2-4 unopened) (ms. nos. 1-77). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe32ndofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromaftertheupperwrapperto afterB8,Dec.,andafterC8,with1ormoreblankleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentriesandmemoranda. AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Gadbury1688’,and‘1688’inorangecrayon;notescontinue fromf.1vtowrapper,lowerv.Therearealsobriefnotesonsomeprintedalmanacpp.NotbyAW,aletter, 24 Jan. 1687, from John Dugdale, concerning John Davenport (f. 6). LT 3.251-294. [MS.] Wood Diaries 32. Wing A1767. SC 27754. 89. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1691. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1691. 8o. Pp. A-C8 (ms. nos. 1-92). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper. Thisisthe35thofAW’sdiaries(seeLT1.3-4),withextensiveinterleavingfromaftertheupperwrapperto afterB8,Dec.,andafterC8,with1ormoreblankleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentriesandmemoranda. AW’snotesbeginonthepaperwrapper,upper,‘Gadbury1691’‘1691’inorangecrayon,‘owingtoMrBasset Jan 30. 90[1] Tooth brush - half an ounce of tob[acco] Thread’, and continue from f. 2 to wrapper, lowerv. There are also a few brief notes on some printed almanac pp. Not by AW, a note on collection for Scotch Episcopal clergy (f. 24); ms. waste, citation from a book (f. 60v). LT 3.349-379. [MS.] Wood Diaries 35. Wing A1770. SC 27757. 90. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1692. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1692. 8o. A-C8 (ms. nos. 1-92). Modern binding, half-calf, maroon; inside, paper wrapper, upper only. This is the 36th of AW’s diaries (see LT 1.3-4), with extensive interleaving from after the upper wrapper toafterB8,Dec.,with1ormore4oblankleavesandsome8oleavesandslipscontainingdiaryentriesand memoranda. AW’s notes begin on the paper wrapper, upper, ‘Gadbury 1692 [/] Correct. 628 Ward’, i.e., p. 628 of proof copy of AO, the 1st of corrections of the proof sheet which continue to f. 4; notes continue fromf.2toC8v.Therearealsoafewbriefnotesonsomeprintedalmanacpp.NotbyAW,abill,29March 1692,fromEdwardReade,adraper,belowwhichAWwrote,‘making2s-6’and‘paid20May1692’(f.21); a note from Mr [James] Harrington, 2-line epitaph of Thomas Shadwell (f. 65); and a letter, 20 Apr. 1693 (outofplace,LT3.420-1)fromJamesEckersal,an8-lineepitaphofThomasShadwellbyThomasBrowne (f. 66). LT 3.379-413. Dupl. at Wood Alm. D(5). [MS.] Wood Diaries 36. Wing A1771. SC 27758. 91. Gadbury, John. Efhmeriw. Or, a diary . . . for . . . 1692. London: J. R. f. Co. of Stationers, 1692. 8o. A-C8.

printed at Lond. by John Day – 8o [/] Before which book is a long preface containing about .. De rebus caelestibus, or an ephemeris, for . Speculum anni .
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