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GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE The Ladies’ Diary Puzzles and Riddles from the Era of Newton! BSShylaja Solving mathematical puzzles has always been a fascination for curious minds. Some of the riddles fromthe 18thcentury are very challenging and can trigger the readers' curiosity even today. Published in a periodical titled Ladies' Diary, thesepuzzlesreflecttheastronomicalandmathematicalknowl- edge ofthe readerswhichincludedwomen.Debatesonmath- BSShylajaistheDirector ematical solutions offered by some famous personalities like of the Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium, Bangalore. Newton and Flamsteed are recorded. A selection of such Shehaskeeninterestinthe puzzles is discussed here. historyofsciences, particularly astronomy. It is very interesting to solve riddles and more so if some math- Sheisengagedinteaching ematicalideasareembeddedinit.Oneisremindedofthefamous andresearchapartfrom examples from Leelavathi of the 12th century, wherein the popularisation activitiesofthe Bhaskaracharyacapsuledthealgebraicandarithmeticconceptsin Planetarium. problems involving mythologicalcharacters, animals, number of arrowsusedinMahabharathawar andthelike. Sucha curiosity also appears to be a precursor of the ‘Enigma’ column in New Scientist. I chanced upon another similar collection of puzzles dated 1704 to 1816 AD, when I was trying to understand the origin of the calendar system. This collection, initiated by John Tipper was calledtheLadies’DiaryorWoman’sAlmanack;ithadthedetails ofallcelestialevents,festivalsandbirthdaysofkings,queensand othermembersoftheroyalfamily.Itattractedmyattentionsince itreferredtoJanuary16thas“Oldnewyear’sday”!Whatwasthe ‘new’ newyear’s day? Whendidthecelebrationshift toJanuary 1st? and why? The answers to these were not directly readable there, but there may have been a clue hidden somewhere. Keywords Itcarriedarticlesverymuchlikethewomen’smagazinesoftoday 18th century mathematical – health care, recipes and so on. By 1709 it had many enigmas/ riddles, Ladies’ Diary, puzzles on positional astronomy. riddles which were numbered serially. The answers provided by 412 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)May 2013 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE readerswerepublishedinthesubsequentissues.CharlesHutton, theeditorin1816,compiledallsuchriddles.Hewasthelasteditor and for some reason the magazine was discontinued thereafter. Althoughbyitstitleandotherwiseitwasexpectedtoattractonly thereadersofthefairsex,itwasverypopularandenjoyedalarge readershipfromtheothersextoo.Thisbecomesobviouswhenwe lookatthenamesofthosewhoposedtheproblemsandthosewho solvedit.Astatisticalanalysisofabout913suchriddlesrulesout the myth that it was for ladies only. Whilereading the problems onewonders at thescholarlyanswers– alsopoints totheunsung heroesandheroinesofyesteryears.Themajorityoftheriddlesare from geometry and next comes astronomy. There are algebraic and trigonometric problems too. Interesting solutions are also found. It is surprising that the average reader of those days was well acquainted with such mathematical and more importantly, astronomical knowledge. Thetextbookproblemofa bodyinanimaginarytunnelalongthe earth’s diameter executing simpleharmonic motion appears as a riddlein theLadies’ Diary; this is reproduced inBox 1. Box 1. Thishas been answered byMr RobPhillipswith acorollary–“Sinceanyactive force, acting in contrarydirections,alwaysgeneratesordestroysanequalquantityofmotioninthesametime,itis evidentthatafterthebodypassesthecentre,itsvelocityatallequaldistancesoneithersidewillbe equal;andwhenitarrivesattheoppositesurface,itsvelocitywillbequitedestroyed,andthebody willagainfalltowardsthecentre,andproceedtillitarrivesatthesurfaceagain;andthusitwilloscillate backwardandforwardcontinually;andthewholetimeofadoubleoscillation,……..willbequadruple thetimeabovefound………………1h24m51.28s.” RESONANCE (cid:168) May 2013 413 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Theproblemthatappearsveryoftenisthatoffindingthelatitude ofaplacegiventheshadowlengthatnoononaspecificdate.Such an exercise must have been a common activity those days while today it demands special coaching. Youngsters, today, hardly appreciate the effort in finding the location without any aid – either theGPS or a muchsimpler device, themagnetic compass. Here are some examples from the compilation – they are worth including in any textbook even today; the solutions use some tablesandrulesandcitebookswhichcannotbetracednow.Hence thesolutionlookslikemagic.However, Ihaveattemptedtosolve someofthemwiththelatesttechniquesthatwehavebeentaught. Question No.723 Thefamousclockproblemwhichgivestheanswerof65minutes astheintervalof twosuccessiveoverlapsofthehour andminute handsappearsinmanypuzzlebookstoday.Itisthesamelogicthat wasusedbyastronomerstofindtheorbitalperiodsofplanets,the periodofrevolutionoftheeartharound thesunandso on.It has an altogether different approach here. Question no 723 reads: Tofindwhenthethreeconcentrichandsofaclockmakeallequal angles with each other, or have such positions as to divide the circleintothreeequalparts(supposingthemtobegintomoveall togetherfromaconjunction)ineachofthesetwocases,viz.,1st, supposing that for every time the first hand moves round, the secondhandgoes10times,and thethirdgoes100timesround; and 2ndly, for the case of the usual hour, minute, and second handsofa clock (ifpossible) wherein thefirstgoes round in 12 hours,the secondinonehour,andthethirdin oneminute. As youcan guesstheproblemis quiteeasytosolvefor only two hands. In fact, that was the method used by all astronomers to derivethesiderealday, thesynodic periodsof moonandplanets. Quite interestingly this has beenanswered by Mr Henry Clarke; he proved that this is an impossible solution (Box 2). I have attempted a solution– this is givenin Appendix A. 414 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)May 2013 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE Box 2. Box 2. Continued... RESONANCE (cid:168) May 2013 415 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Box 2. Continued... Prize Question There are some prize questions. (It is not mentioned anywhere whattheprizewas!)Oneofthem(byapersonnamedPlusMinus) reads: Byobservingtheinterval oftimebetweentwo observations,one oftwofixedstarsonthesameazimuthcircle,theotheroftwoother fixedstars(orevenofthesamestarswhenthatispossible)onthe sameazimuthcircle,thelatitudeoftheplaceofobservationmay bedetermined.Itisrequiredtoshewhowtheobservermaychuse hisstar,thattheerrorinlatitude,causedbythatwhichheisliable to commit in judging when the stars are on the same azimuth circle,maybetheleast possible? QuestionNo. 761 Here is one with a resemblance to a problem from Leelavathi (Box 3). BeingonthesandsatMarsk,whicharetrulyhorizontal,Isawa sea-mewflying,atwhichIthrewastonewithavelocityof60feet persecond,andobservedthatittouchedthebirdinthevertexof 416 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)May 2013 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE Box3. ProblemNumber 152 from Leelavathi There is a hole at the foot of a pillar nine hasthas* high and a pet peacock standing on the top of it. Seeing thesnake returnto the holefroma distance equalto three times its height, the peacock descends upon it slantwise. Say quickly at how many hasthas from the hole their meeting occurs? (the speeds of the two are assumed to be equal;*hastha means hand; here it is a unit of length). The solution to the Leelavathi problemutilises Pythagoras theorem. itspath.Itisrequiredtofindtheangleofprojection,thetimethe stonewasinmotion,andtheheightofthebird;thesumofthesaid heightand horizontaldistanceof thestone’s projectionbeinga maximum. Question No.738 Theusualmethodoffindingthelatitudeatsea,isbyobservingthe greatest altitude of the sun, and taking that for the meridian latitude:NowonMarch23d,1777,anobserver,onboardaship runningN.N.W.attherateof10milesanhour,madethegreatest altitudeofthesun’scentre13o5(cid:99)5(cid:99)(cid:99)onthesouthmeridian:Iwould knowthetruelatitudehe wasthenin, andthetime whenhe had completedhis observation. Question No.753 The positions of stars, apart from the names themselves, were perhaps commonknowledge. Thefollowing question reflects the idea. It is required to find at what time, on May 21st, 1779, the differenceofazimuthbetweenAldebaranand(cid:68)Orien,willbea maximumorminimumatLondon? Question No.759 Likewise, the calculation of latitudes using the sun’s meridian passage was also very well known.This question is a direct applicationofsphericalastronomy.Howeverthesolutionisgiven injust 4 lines (Box 4). RESONANCE (cid:168) May 2013 417 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE Box.4 ItisinterestingtoseethatthereisareferencetoThacker’stheorem in the solution, which is not provided in todays’ textbooks. A searchfor thisauthorleadstothecollectionsinEarlGreggSwem Library as A miscellany of mathematical problems : In three volumes. By Anthony Thacker, Teacher of the Mathematicks at BirminghamFree-School. This isdated1743. Asolutiontothisproblembasedonthecurrenttechniquesisgiven in Appendix B. Question No.904 The standard of readers can be gauged from the question no. 904 posed by Mr John Bonnycastle. It refers to an equation by Isaac Newton. It is asserted by Mr Castillioneus, in his Commentary upon Sir IsaacNewton’sArithmetic,thatanyrationalcubicequationofthe irreduciblecase,(asx3–15x=3),willhaveatleastonerational root:itis requiredtoshewthetruthorfalsity ofthisassertion? Thereis a debate that follows this. Question No.936 Anotherquestion(byGSanderson)throwslightonthecontempo- 418 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)May 2013 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE raryknowledgeofastronomy–onthecalculationsforasolareclipse. This alsohas invited a debate. The question reads: To determine whether the horizontal diameter of the moon, or its diameteraugmentedaccordingtoitsaltitude,oughttobemadeuseof incalculatingsolareclipses,byMrFlamsteed’smethod. Question No.717 Thisisanexamplefromnavigation(Box5). Theanswerprovidedby Ra. Thompson is very short and skips many intermediate steps. We Box 5. RESONANCE (cid:168) May 2013 419 GENERAL (cid:168)ARTICLE give a detailed solution in Appendix C. Theanswerstosuchproblemscitecertainruleswhicharenotused now. However it is interesting to note that the answers are providedto 3 or 4 decimalplaces. The questionis:howwas this accuracy achieved in 1770s? Question No.769 Here is a person imagining a cruise with Captain Cook; his/her name is ‘Plus Minus’. HadIbeenattheantipodeswithCaptainCook,Imighthavewon awagerofhim;forhesays,thathethenwasasremovedfromhis friendsinLondonaspossible.NowIdesiretoknowwhatcourse heoughttosteer,andhowfarfromtheplacewherehethenwas, tobe asfar fromLondon as possible; and howmuchfarther he would then be than when at the antipodes; supposing the polar diameterof theearthto be totheequatorial diameter as 229 to 230,and thatthelatteris8000miles? Question No.739 Hereisanexampleofa purelygeometricalproblem(questionby theRev. Mr.Crakelt). Onagivenbasetoconstituteatriangle,suchthatthesquareofa line from the vertical angle to bisect the base may be to the rectangle of the sides containing the vertical angle in a given ratio;andmoreoverthat,ifacirclebedescribeduponthegiven baseasadiameter,cuttingthebisectingline(producedifneces- sary)intwopoints,thesquareonthesaidbisectinglinemaybe also used to the rectangle under the two segments thereof, so intercepted,inanothergivenratio. Question No.732 This can be solved algebraically as well as geometrically. Required the difference of the areas between the greatest curve whoseequationispx3=y4,thatcanbeinscribedinacurvewhose 420 RESONANCE (cid:168)(cid:3)(cid:3)May 2013 GENERAL(cid:168) ARTICLE boundingordinate=20,greatestabscissa=30,andequationp4x = y5 (the vertex of the former in the middle of the base of the latter); and the greatest parallelogram that can be inscribed between the base of the inscribed curve and the vertex of the circumscribed curve. Questions in Verse Here are some questions which read like a poem. No. 834 byMr Alex. RoweofReginnis,is an interestingpoem on an imaginary balloon flight. Mongolfierwithhis air-balloon, Steeringbetweentheearthandmoon, Observeswithwonder, as heflies, Thesetting sunappeartorise; And seeshimtake hisev’ning’s nap IngentleThetis’ watery lap, Aquarter*after lyingfame Hadseenhimkissthebuxomdame. Tellme,yePhillomathsprofound, Howhighaboveearth’sspaciousround, Thedaringartisttookhisflight, Soaringbeyondfrailmortal’ssight, Far intheliquidfieldsabove, And rivallingthebirdofJove; Orhim, whosefate,aslegendsfain, Gave nameto Icarian main. *Ofanhour.ThishappenedatParisinlatitude48o,50(cid:99)(cid:15)(cid:3)onApril 1,thesun’sdeclination50o0(cid:99)(cid:17)(cid:3)Theradiusoftheearthissupposed 4000miles. Another poem(question no: 984 by Nancy Mason) specifically asks thewomenand it is bya woman. DearLadies fair,I praydeclare, InDia’s pagenext year, RESONANCE (cid:168) May 2013 421

called the Ladies' Diary or Woman's Almanack; it had the details of all celestial events, today it demands special coaching. Youngsters, today, hardly.
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