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The Kage of Skylands by BlurtheHedgehog Category: Naruto, Skylanders Genre: Adventure, Family Language: English Characters: Cynder, Hinata H., Kaos’s Mom, Naruto U. Pairings: Naruto U./Hinata H. Status: In-Progress Published: 2016-04-18 15:06:09 Updated: 2016-04-18 15:06:09 Packaged: 2016-04-27 15:40:58 Rating: M Chapters: 1 Words: 2,687 Publisher: www.fanfiction.net Summary: Summary: while being chased by the village idiot mob, Naruto falls down a hole and through a portal. There he meets a woman who would not only change his life but also the fate of two worlds for the better. How will Naruto fare being raised by the mother of Kaos? Please read and review. The Kage of Skylands The Kage of Skylands. By: Blur the Hedgehog Disclaimer: blur the hedgehog does not own Skylanders nor Naruto. They are the property of their respective owners and subsidiaries. Thank you. Summary: while being chased by the village idiot mob, Naruto falls down a hole and through a portal. There he meets a woman who would not only change his life but also the fate of two worlds for the better. How will Naruto fare being raised by the mother of Kaos? Chapter one: a new portal master arrives. "Get back here demon!" an angry voice shouted at a small blond haired boy. It was not the only voice following the white shirt wearing child. The child ran jumped and leaped through the village away from the mob that was chasing him. He ran into an alley and toward the training grounds, hoping to get rid of the idiots. "You can't run forever!" "These guys are far more sober than I thought." The blond boy stated out loud. "Got to get somewhere with a lot of cover." He then spotted a high fence and huge trees. He did not know that this was the favorite playground for Konoha's most vicious and scary female Shinobi. His only thought was to get a way. He scrambled over the fence and ran into the forest. After a few minutes he noticed that the sounds of pursuit had ended. He sighed in relief thanking his lucky stars that the mob just let him go. However he then heard a low growl and saw a group of giant tiger like beasts stalk out into the moon light. "Nice kitties," Naruto said as calmly as possible while backing away. "Pretty kitties." The lead tiger roared at him, causing him to stumble backward in surprise. "Son of a mule!" he shouted as he fell down the side of a cliff. He hit a few ledges on the way down nearly breaking a few bones. He landed on the ground head first with enough force to crack the forest floor a little. He carefully sat up and groaned, "That really hurt. Not the way I wanted to get away from those tigers but I'll take it." He looked up and said "I don't see how this could get any worse." The ground under him sank a foot causing him to gasp and then scream while the ground broke apart, "I knew I jinxed it!" The place he fell into had high marble columns and a huge stone basin in the middle with runes carved on the side. The top of the basin rippled slightly and glowed softly. Naruto fell right into the basin and it started to glow fiercely and swirl around violently. '_So this is what being flushed is like._' Naruto thought as he tried in vain to escape the vortex. He soon found himself hurtling through a tunnel of color and light. He was soon ejected out of the other end and his head crashed into something. A pair of feminine shrieks came to his ears as he fell unconscious. (Minutes before in a throne room in another world.) A green skinned woman in her teens walked into an ornate room holding a feather duster. She wore a form hugging outfit that consisted of a pair of patched jeans and a checkered shirt that was tied in front. Her dark green almost black hair was tied up in a ponytail. The room had a long red carpet leading up to a large black throne with red fabric cushions. In the middle of the throne room was a portal basin. On the wall behind the throne was a large portrait of a rather boney looking woman who appeared to be sleeping. She had on a dark red almost black dress with a high collar and her hair was done up to look like a pair of horns. "Mistress Mayhem." The girl said in a shy voice that was just loud enough to rouse the boney woman from her slumber, "I'm here to clean the throne room, ma'am." "Oh hello Angela." Mayhem greeted the shy girl. Her voice was warm and motherly making the girl smile. "You are looking quite lovely today." "Thank you Mistress Mayhem." The now named Angela said shyly blushing at the compliment. "I am merely stating a fact my dear." Mayhem stated as she watched the female troll dust the columns around the edge of the throne room. "I am also glad your cousin insisted that you come here for work. Such a nice young man Glum Shanks is." "I am too Mistress Mayhem." Angela stated as she started to dust the throne, "I just hope this place is far enough away from Lord Kaos and his schemes that I don't get involved with them." She then turned to Mayhem with a sour look on her face and said, "No offence meant ma'am but your son is kind of a dick." She was still mad at the little shrimp for zapping Glum Shanks with petrified darkness. "None taken my dear." Mayhem stated looking a bit put out by her son as the troll. "Even I will admit he is one." Suddenly the basin in the middle of the room started to glow, "Now that is curious." Mayhem said as she tapped her chin. "Mistress Mayhem," Angela stammered as she backed away from the portal. "What's going on? Why is the portal acting like that?" "I don't know." Mayhem stated as she stared, "Be ready for anything my dear." Suddenly a white and yellow blur shot out of the portal and crashed head first into the mirror. The impact not only shattered the glass but also the magic that held mayhem inside the mirror. With a shriek and a bright flash of light, Mayhem stood shakily on her feet. "Mistress Mayhem," Angela gasped with shock, "How is this possible?" she picked up a shard of the mirror, "This mirror has a traptanium lining, it is supposed to be unbreakable except for another traptanium artifact. What he just did is impossible." "It is also impossible for anyone other than a Skylander and portal master to travel through the portal, yet he has done just that." Mayhem stated as she knelt down next to Naruto. She could sense great power within the boy, most of it belonged to some other soul that was trapped within him. "Angela," she said after seeing how injured he was, "Take the child down to the infirmary, I shall tend to his wounds personally." "Yes Mistress Mayhem." The troll stated as she picked you boy up. She was a little concerned at how light the child was in comparison to his height. She also saw some of his injuries and was disturbed by the bruises. "What happened to you little guy? Who would harm a cutie like you?" she made her way through the castle until she could smell the universal scent of sterilization. The infirmary was stark white and had several beds that were also white. She laid him on a bed closest to the medical cabinet then sat down and waited for Mayhem to arrive. "Oh good, you're here already." Mayhem said as she walked into the room. She had changed out of her intimidating formal attire and was now dressed in a dark red almost black sun dress. While she may have been fine with her own son screaming in terror of her, something told her that this child had had enough fear in his life. "Help me to disrobe him Angela." She said nonchalantly. She then saw her helper's face turn scarlet and said, "Not all the way dearie even though he has nothing I haven't seen before." She giggled at the flustered look on the young girl's face. Once the boy's clothes had been taken off they saw just how mangled he was. Bruises and cuts covered most of his body. He also had several broken bones some of which seemed to be healing. "He seems to be healing at an astonishingly fast rate." She mused as she seemed to have less to do. "How is this possible Mistress Mayhem?" Angela asked while she dressed his wounds. "I don't know." Mayhem stated as she looked at the strange markings on the boy's stomach. The power she sensed earlier flowed from the mark and out into the child's body. "However I intend to find out." She said as she channeled her magic into one hand. The moment her hand came in contact with the marking, a surge of energy flowed through her and she found herself in a rather cavernous looking sewer. "Now isn't this a dreary place." Mayhem stated as she walked down the tunnel. She walked along until she came upon a large cage. She saw a strip of paper on the bars that had unfamiliar letters on it however she could tell that she was looking at a seal of some kind. "What pray tell is in here, I wonder?" inside the cage she could see what looked like a mountain of velvet blankets. She then saw the boy nestled deep within them. A giant red eye slowly opened up to reveal that the blankets were in fact a living being. "**You are different from the others who have come seeking an audience with me.**" The massive creature stated. When Mayhem got a good look at the imposing creature before her, she could see that it was a giant fox with red fur. Its nine tails were wrapped around itself and the boy. "**You honor me with your presence, Lady of Darkness.**" The fox said using one of her many titles. "So you are the entity I sensed in this boy." Mayhem said in an astonished voice. "It is an honor to see another strong woman exists in the world." She stepped through the bars of the cage with a smile on her face. "If I may be so bold, you look quite lovely my dear." "**Thank you for the compliment, Mistress Mayhem.**" The fox stated shocking the Dark Lady. "**Don't look so surprised.**" The vixen chuckled, "**Your servant said your name at least three times before you started to treat the kit here.**" She nuzzled the small child. "**He was burdened with my presence and power. Like his mother and great grandmother before her, he is known as a Jinchuriki or Human Sacrifice. Humans who house one of us Biju or Tailed Beasts are cursed with loneliness and fear. They are almost always made into living weapons. That is a fate I want to keep the kit from.**" "How would you do that my dear?" Mayhem asked as she walked over to the child and stroked his head. She couldn't help but feel a need to help the boy. "**You'll do that by letting me use my power to make him your son.**" The vixen stated causing the Dark Lady to stare at her like she had grown a second head. "**As your son he will gain abilities that he will need to be trained to use. You will give him that training and give him the love he needs.**" "Why would you offer me this opportunity?" Mayhem asked. She couldn't deny that a part of her wanted to raise the child. "**Because dark doesn't mean evil.**" The vixen stated with a chuckle. "**It just means you are unafraid to do what needs to be done. Will you take the deal?**" Mayhem thought it over, thinking back to her actual son. While he did have his moments of success they were outweighed by the large amount of failures. She felt she had failed as a mother, maybe this was her chance to set things right. "I accept your offer my dear." Mayhem stated as she kissed the boy on the head. "Although I should get the name of my soon to be son, shouldn't I?" "**His name is Naruto Uzamaki and as far as I know, the last of the Uzamaki clan.**" The Kyubii stated as her form started to catch fire. "**In case you were wondering, my name is Kurama the Kyubii no Kitsune.**" One of her tails snaked its way to Mayhem and hovered over her head. "**Be forewarned, this will hurt and you to will be changed.**" Back in the real world, Angela watched as her Mistress seemed to go into a trance as her form was covered in a reddish orange glow. After a few minutes, red flames erupted from Mayhem's body as she started to scream. While Angela was very loyal to her mistress, she knew enough about magic to know not to interrupt what was going on. The flames soon spread across the boy and he started to groan. Then both of them started to change. The boy's hair gained black and red streaks in it and his eyes opened just long enough to show they had changed to a purplish blue. Her mistress however changed the most. Her hair transitioned from an almost black red to a fiery crimson the closer it got to the tips. Her boney figure filled out until she looked like she was in her late twenties/early thirties. Her complexion also shifted to look around the same age and her flat do to old age chest bloomed to a low D-cup. "Mistress Mayhem," Angela asked as the flames and screaming died down, "Are you alright?" "I'm fine," Mayhem stated as she shook her head and stood up, "In fact I feel better than I have in centuries." She then stretched her arms above her head and felt a slight weight on her chest. "Angela, quickly get me a mirror!" she stated to the shocked troll. Angela ran to a nearby room and grabbed the full length mirror that was there. When Mayhem saw herself she was surprised by what she saw. She ran her hand up and down across her figure then stated, "This is roughly the same figure I had before Kaos was born." She was on the verge of tears as she had thought she lost her looks forever. "Kurama certainly did a wonderful job." "Who is Kurama?" Angela asked still in awe of her mistress. "She just happens to be a powerful entity that is sealed inside this child." Mayhem stated as she stroked Naruto's head. "She used her power to make young Naruto here my son." She then smirked as she stated, "She also restored me to my former glory to which I am grateful." "I hope he turns out better than you first son." Angela said with a smile. Meanwhile on the world known as earth a young girl in her teens sat in her room reading a book. She wore blue jeans and a white T-shirt. Her room had a TV and a gaming console near her gaming console was a set of figurines. These were the Skylanders, powerful warriors from the world of Skylands. Most people on earth would say they were just toys meant for a franchised game, however, she knew otherwise. Suddenly her TV flickered to life and the head of a grandfatherly man appeared. "Master Eon!" the girl gasped as she set her book down. "What do I owe for this call?" "Portal Master Bethany," Eon said apologetically, "I wish I could speak with you on a more casual basis however I find myself in need of your aid once more." His image faded and was replaced with a large volcano. "Earlier today I sensed a great disturbance in the very fabric of reality somewhere near mount cloud break." Eon's face appeared once more and said, "I need you to send the Skylanders to investigate. While I hope that malevolent forces are not at work, it would be best if these fears were laid to rest." "I understand Master Eon." Bethany stated as she booted up her game console. "I'll have a taskforce of the stealthiest Skylanders ready to go." She turned to her figurines and asked, "You guys ready to get to work?" "FOR SKYLANDS!" the figures shouted in unison. End file.

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