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Index to Volume 68 All items are indexed by author. Key to abbreviations: (A) article; (BR) book reviewed; (R) reviewer; (RA) review article. Abbott, Mary Family Ties: English Families, 1540-1920 (BR) 678 Adamson, Walter L. Avant-Garde Florence: From Modernism to Fascism (BR) 492 Adonis, Andrew Making Aristocracy Work: The Peerage and the Political System in Britain, 1884-1914 (BR) 453 Agulhon, Maurice The French Republic, 1879-1992 (BR) 472 Allen, James Smith (R) 697 Aly, Gotz, Peter Chroust, and Christian Pross Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene (BR) 1028 Anderson, Margaret Lavinia (R) 1019 Andrle, Vladimir (R) 745 Ansell-Pearson, Keith Nietzsche Contra Rousseau: A Study of Nietzsche’s Moral and Political Thought (BR) 114 Antonio, Robert J. (R) 157 Aschheim, Steven E. The Nietzsche Legacy in Germany, 1890-1990 (BR) 114 Bajohr, Frank, Werner Johe, and Uwe Lohalm, eds. Zivilisation und Barbarei: Die widerspriichliche Potentiale der Moderne (BR) 629 Ball, Alan M. And Now My Soul Is Hardened: Abandoned Children in Soviet Russia, 1918-1930 (BR) 263 Baranowski, Shelley The Sanctity of Rural Life: Nobility, Protestantism, and Nazism in Weimar Prussia (BR) 629 Beaune, Colette The Birth of an Ideology: Myths and Symbols of Nation in Late- Medieval France (BR) 84 Beck, Hermann (R) 499 Behler, Ernst Confrontations: Derrida/Heidegger/Nietzsche (BR) 114 Bell, David Recent Works on Early Modern French National Identity (RA) 84 Bell, David (R) 199 Ben-Amos, Ilana Krausman Adolescence and Youth in Early Modern England (BR) 446 Ben-Amos, Ilana Krausman (R) 675 Berg, Matthew Paul (R) 737 Berkowitz, Michael Zionist Culture and West European Jewry before the First World War (BR) 163 Besier, Gerhard Der SED-Staat und die Kirche: Der Weg in die Anpassung (BR) 398 Besier, Gerhard, and Stephen Wolf, eds. “I°farrer, Christen und Katholiken”: Das Ministerium fiir Staatssicherheit der ehemaligen DDR und die Kirchen (BR) 398 Bessel, Richard Germany after the First World War (BR) 629 Biagioli, Mario Galileo, Courtier: The Practice uf Science in the Culture of Absolutism (BR) 657 Biefang, Andreas Politisches Biirgertum in Deutschland, 1857-1868: Nationale Organisationen und Eliten (BR) 239 Black, Jeremy European Warfare, 1660-1815 (BR) 972 1038 Index Black, Jeremy (R) 726 Blanning, T.C.W. (R) 437 Bloch, Marc, and Lucien Febvre Correspondance. Volume 1: 1928-1933. Edited by Bertrand Miiller (BR) 671 Blum, Jerome In the Beginning: The Advent of the Modern Age: Europe in the 1840s (BR) 166 Bonora, Elena Ricerche su Francesco Sansovino imprenditore librario e letterato (BR) 710 Boross, Elizabeth A. Inflation and Industry in Hungary, 1918-1929 (BR) 509 Bossenga, Gail (R) 974 Bossuat, Gérard La France, l’aide américaine et la construction européenne, 1944-1954 (BR) 208 Bosworth, Richard (R) 673 Bottineau, Yves Les Bourbons d’Espagne, 1700-1808 (BR) 230 Bouton, Cynthia A. The Flour War: Gender, Class, and Community in Late Ancien Régime French Society (BR) 191 Bouwsma, William J. (R) 1017 Boyer, John W., and Michael Geyer, eds. Resistance against the Third Reich, 1933-1990 (BR) 249 Brenner, Peter J.,ed. Der Reisebericht: Die Entwicklung einer Gattung in der deutschen Literatur (BR) 617 Brenner, Peter J. Reisen in die Neue Welt: Die Erfahrung Nordamerikas in deutschen Reise- und Auswandererberichten des 19. Jahrhunderts (BR) 617 Bridge, R. (R) 1025 Brovkin, Vladimir N. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 (BR) 510 Brower, Daniel (R) 1034 Brown, Alison (R) 215 Browning, Reed The War of the Austrian Succession (BR) 495 Browning, Reed (R) 489 Bucholz, Arden (R) 729 Bull, Anna (R) 225 Bullard, Melissa Meriam (R) 1004 Burds, Jeffrey A Culture of Denunciation: Peasant Labor Migration and Religious Anathematization in Rural Russia, 1860-1905 (A) 786 Burke, Bernard V. Ambassador Frederic Sackett and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic, 1930-1933: The United States and Hitler’s Rise to Power (BR) 1027 Burke, Janet M., and Margaret C. Jacob French Freemasonry, Women, and Feminist Scholarship (A) 513 Burleigh, Michae] Death and Deliverance: “Euthanasia” in Germany c. 1900-1945 (BR) 1028 Buzard, James The Beaten Track: European Tourism, Literature, and the Ways to Culture, 1800-1918 (BR) 617 Cain, P. J., and A. G. Hopkins British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction, 1914-1990 (BR) 451 Cain, P. J., and A. G. Hopkins British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion, 1688-1914 (BR) 451 Cannadine, David Aspects of Aristocracy: Grandeur and Decline in Modern Britain (BR) 453 Index 1039 Cannistraro, Philip V. Mussolini, Sacco-Vanzetti, and the Anarchists: The Transatlantic Context (A) 31 Cesarani, David The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1841-1991 (BR) 458 Chapman, Stanley Merchant Enterprise in Britain: From the Industrial Revolution to World War I (BR) 689 Chickering, Roger Karl I amprecht: A German Academic Life, 1856-1915 (BR) 241 Chroust, Peter, Gétz Aly, and Christian Pross Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygine (BR) 1028 Citron, Suzanne Le mythe nationale: L’histoire de France en question (BR) 84 Clark, Anna (R) 983 Clark, Christopher The Wars of Liberation in Prussian Memory: Reflections on the Memorialization of War in Early Nineteenth-Century Germany (A) 550 Clark, Maudemarie Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy (BR) 114 Clark, Peter (R) 678 iarke, Linda Building Capitalism: Historical Change and the Labour Process in the Production of the Built Environment (BR) 176 Clavero, Bartolomé (R) 160 Cohen, H. Floris The Scientific Revolution: A Historiographical Inquiry (BR) 662 Collins, James B. Classes, Estates, and Order in Early Modern Brittany (BR) 695 Connell, William J. (R) 709 Connelly, John The Uses of Volksgemeinschaft: Letters to the NSDAP Kreisleitung Eisenach, 1939-1940 (A) 899 Conniff, James (R) 173 Conway, Martin (R) 1002 Coppa, Frank J. (R) 494 Cregier, Don M. (R) 989 Crook, Paul (R) 666 Daly, Jonathan W. (R) 740 Davis, Barbara Beckerman (R) 462 Del Caro, Adrian Nietzsche Contra Nietzsche: Creativity and the Anti-Romantic (BR) 114 de Leon, Fernando Gonzalez (R) 1012 Dening, Greg Mr. Bligh’s Bad Language: Passion, Power and Theatre on the Bounty (BR) 617 Detwiller, Bruce Nietzsche and the Politics of Aristocratic Radicalism (BR) 114 Diefendorf, Barbara B. Give Us Back Our Children: Patriarchal Authority and Parental Consent to Religious Vocations in Early Counter-Reformation France (A) 265 Diefendorf, Jeffrey M., Axel Frohn, and Hermann-Josef Rupieper, eds. American Policy and the Reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955 (BR) 504 Diephouse, David J. Pastors and Pluralism in Wiirttemberg, 1918-1933 (BR) 398 Dietrich, Donald J. Catholic Citizens in the Third Reich: Psycho-social Principles and Moral Reasoning (BR) 398 Dimendberg, Edward, Anton Kaes, and Martin Jay,eds. The Weimar Republic Sourcebook (BR) 629 Di Rienzo, Eugenio Alle origini della Francia contemporanea: Economia, politica e societa nel pensiero di André Morellet: 1756-1819 (BR) 696 Dolan, Frances E. Dangerous Familiars: Representations of Domestic Crime in England, 1550-1700 (BR) 678 1040 Index Dow, James R., and Hannjost Lixfeld, eds. and trans. The Nazification of an Academic Discipline: Folklore in the Third Reich (BR) 1031 Drake, Richard (R) 492 Dreitzel, Horst Monarchiebegriffe in der Fiirstengesellschaft: Semantik und Theorie der Einherrschaft in Deutschland von der Reformation bis zum Vormarz. Volume 1: Semantik der Monarchie. Volume 2: Theorie der Monarchie (BR) 235 Duke, Alastair, Andrew Pettegree, and Gillian Lewis, eds. Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 (BR) 660 Dunn, Susan The Deaths of Louis XVI: Regicide and the French Political Imagination (BR) 463 Dupuy, Roger (R) 221 Efron, John M. (R) 727 Egmond, Florike Underworlds: Organized Crime in the Netherlands, 1650-1800 (BR) 719 Ehmer, Josef (R) 664 Eifert, Christiane (R) 181 Eigen, Joel Peter Witnessing Insanity: Madness and Mad-Doctors in the English Court (BR) 980 Elwood, R.C. Inessa Armand: Revolutionary and Feminist (BR) 258 Epstein, James A. Radical Expression: Political Language, Ritual, and Symbol in England, 1790-1850 (BR) 683 Epstein, Robert M. Napoleon's Last Victory and the Emergence of Modern War (BR) 438 Epstein, S.R. (R) 479 Esenwein, George, and Adrian Shubert Spain at War: The Spanish Civil War in Context, 1931-1939 (BR) 1013 Falter, Jiirgen Hitler's Wahler (BR) 629 Febvre, Lucien, and Marc Bloch Correspondance. Volume 1: 1928-1933. Edited by Bertrand Miiller (BR) 671 Feldman, David Englishmen and Jews: Social Relations and Political Culture, 1840-1914 (BR) 458 Feldman, Gerald D. The Great Disorder: Politics, Economics, and Society in the German Inflation, 1914-1924 (BR) 245 Ferguson, Priscilla Parkhurst Paris as Revolution: Writing the Nineteenth-Century City (BR) 701 Ferraro, Joanne M. (R) 712 Fichtner, Paula Sutter (R) 235 Findlen, Paula Possessing Nature: Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy (BR) 1006 Finlayson, Geoffrey Citizen, State, and Social Welfare in Britain, 1830-1990 (BR) 686 Finn, Margot (R) 179 Firpo, Massimo (R) 218 Fissel, Mark Charles The Bishop’s Wars: Charles I’s Campaigns against Scotland, 1638-1640 (BR) 447 Fitzpatrick, Sheila Signals from Below: Soviet Letters of Denunciation of the 1930s (A) 831 Fitzpatrick, Sheila, and Robert Gellately Introduction to the Practices of Denunciation in Modern European History (A) 747 Index 1041 Forster, Robert (R) 693 Forsyth, Douglas J. The Crisis of Liberal Italy: Monetary and Financial Policy, 1914-1922 (BR) 494 Forsyth, Douglas J. (R) 490 Fragnito, Gigliola AR) 1006 Franchini, Silvia Elites ed educazione femminile nell’ Italia dell’ Ottocento: L’'Istituto della SS. Annunziata di Firenze (BR) 716 Freedeman, Charles E. The Triumph of Corporate Capitalism in France (BR) 706 Freeze, Gregory L. Subversive Piety: Religion and the Political Crisis in Late Imperial Russia (A) 308 Friedgut, Theodore H. Iuzovka and Revolution. Volume 1: Life and Work in Russia’s Donbass, 1869-1924 (BR) 742 Friedgut, Theodore H. Iuzovka and Revolution. Volume 2: Politics and Revolution in Russia’s Donbass, 1869-1924 (BR) 742 Frierson, Cathy A. (R) 254 Fritzsche, Peter Did Weimar Fail? (RA) 629 Fritzsche, Peter A Nation of Fliers: German Aviation and the Popular Imagination (BR) 735 Frohn, Axel, Jeffrey M. Diefendorf, and Hermann-Josef Rupieper, eds. American Policy and the Reconstruction of West Germany, 1945-1955 (BR) 504 Frye, Susan Elizabeth I: The Competition for Representation (BR) 675 Fubini, Riccardo Italia quattrocentesca: Politica e diplomazia nell’ eta di Lorenzo il Magnifico (BR) 215 Furdell, Elizabeth Lane (R) 980 Fussell, Paul Abroad: British Literary Traveling between the Wars (BR) 617 Galbraith, Gretchen (R) 987 Garrett, Clarke (R) 696 Gat, Azar The Origins of Military Thought: From the Enlightenment to Clausewitz (BR) 666 Gat, Azar The Origins of Military Thought: The Nineteenth Century (BR) 666 Gatrell, V.A.C. The Hanging Tree: Execution and the English People, 1770-1868 (BR) 983 Gehler, Michael, ed. Kari Gruber, Reden und Dokumente, 1945-1953: Eine Auswahl (BR) 737 Gehler, Michael, and Rolf Steininger, eds. Osterreich und die europaische Integration, 1945-1993: Aspekte einer wechselvollen Entwicklung (BR) 737 Gelfand, Toby (R) 998 Gellately, Robert Denunciations in Twentieth-Century Germany: Aspects of Self- Policing in the Third Reich and the German Democratic Republic (A) 931 Gellately, Robert, and Sheila Fitzpatrick Introduction to the Practices of Denunciation in Modern European History (A) 747 Geyer, Michael, and John W. Boyer, eds. Resistance against the Third Reich, 1933-1990 (BR) 249 Giarrizzo, Giuseppe Mezzogiorno senza meridionalismo: La Sicilia, lo sviluppo, il potere (BR) 228 Gildea, Robert The Past in French History (BR) 472 Gillespie, Michael Allen Nihilism before Nietzsche (BR) 976 Gillespie, Michael Allen, and Tracy B. Strong, eds. Nietzsche’s New Seas: Explorations in Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Politics (BR) 114 Gillis, John R. (R) 427 1042 Index Gillis, John R. (R) 446 Gillis, John R., Louise A. Tilly, and David Levine, eds. The European Experience of Declining Fertility, 1850-1970: The Quiet Revolution (BR) 664 Goldman, Wendy Z. Women, the State, and Revolution: Soviet Family Policy and Social Life, 1917-1936 (BR) 258 Goldstein, Judith L. (R) 703 Goldstein, Yossi (R) 442 Gordon, Daniel (R) 189 Gould, Eliga H. (R) 984 Grab, Alexander (R) 438 Graham, B.D. Choice and Democratic Order: The French Socialist Party, 1937-1950 (BR) 708 Graham, Helen (R) 722 Graham, W. Fred, ed. Later Calvinism: International Perspectives (BR) 660 Greenfeld, Liah Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (BR) 84 Grémion, Pierre Intelligence de |’anticommunisme: Le Congrés pour la liberté de la culture a Paris (1950-1975) (BR) 1002 Groppi, Angela I conservatori della virtu: Donne recluse nella Roma dei papi (BR) 712 Grossmann, Joachim Kiinstler, Hof, und Biirgertum: Leben und Arbeit von Malern in PreuBen, 1786-1850 (BR) 497 Grubb, James S. (R) 217 Guiomar, Jean-Yves La nation entre I’histoire et la raison (BR) 84 Gutwein, Daniel The Divided Elite: Economics, Politics, and Anglo-Jewry, 1882-1917 (BR) 458 Hagen, William W. Before the “Final Solution”: Toward a Comparative Analysis of Political Anti-Semitism in Interwar Germany and Poland (A) 351 Hamm, Michael F Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917 (BR) 254 Hamm, Michael F(R) 257 Hammond, Frederick Music and Spectacle in Baroque Rome: Barberini Patronage under Urban VIII (BR) 714 Hanlon, Gregory Confession and Community in Seventeenth-Century France: Catholic and Protestant Coexistence in Aquitaine (BR) 187 Hanrieder, Wolfram F(R) 507 Harris, lan The Mind of John Locke: A Study of Political Theory in Its Intellectual Setting (BR) 173 Harris, lan (R) 444 Harris, James F The People Speak! Anti-Semitism and Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Bavaria (BR) 237 Harsch, Donna German Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism (BR) 629 Harvey, Elizabeth Youth and the Welfare State in Weimar Germany (BR) 629 Harvey, Elizabeth (R) 1021 Haydon, Coiin Anti-Catholicism in Eighteenth-Century England, c. 1714-80: A Political and Social Study (BR) 175 Hayes, Bascom Barry Bismarck and Mitteleuropa (BR) 729 Hazareesingh, Sudhir Political Traditions in Modern France (BR) 470 Hazareesingh, Sudhir (R) 708 Heimann, Siegfried, and Franz Walter Religidse Sozialisten und Freidenker in der Weimarer Republik (BR) 398 Index 1043 Hemingway, Andrew Landscape Imagery and Urban Culture in Early Nineteenth- Century Britain (BR) 176 Hermle, Siegfried Evangelische Kirche und Judentumstationen nach 1945 (BR) 398 Hesse, Carla (R) 449 Heydemann, Giinther, and Lothar Kettenacker, eds. Kirchen in der Diktatur (BR) 398 Higgins, Kathleen M., and Robert C. Solomon, eds. Reading Nietzsche (BR) 114 Hilden, Patricia Penn Women, Work, and Politics: Belgium, 1830-1914 (BR) 477 Hobelt, Lothar (R) 253 Hoffman, Philip T., and Kathryn Norberg, eds. Fiscal Crises, Liberty, and Representative Government, 1450-1789 (BR) 434 Hoffmann, David L. Peasant Metropolis: Social Identities in Moscow, 1929-1941 (BR) 745 Hofmeister-Hunger, Andrea Pressepolitik und Staatsreform: Die Institutionalisierung staatlicher Offentlichkeitsarbeit bei Karl August von Hardenberg (1792-1822) (BR) 499 Hopkins, A. G., and P. J. Cain British Imperialism: Crisis and Deconstruction, 1914-1990 (BR) 451 Hopkins, A. G., and P. J. Cain British Imperialism: Innovation and Expansion, 1688-1914 (BR) 451 Hopkins, Eric Childhood Transformed: Working-Class Children in Nineteenth- Century England (BR) 987 Hiibinger, Gangolf Kulturprotestantismus und Politik: Zum Verhiltnis von Liberalismus und Protestantismus in wilhelminischen Deutschland (BR) 733 Hiibinger, Gangolf (R) 241 Hudon, William V. (R) 486 Hudon, William V. (R) 710 Hughes, Steven C. Crime, Disorder, and the Risorgimento: The Politics of Policing in Bologna (BR) 482 Hughes, StevenC. (R) 716 Hundert, E.J. (R) 681 Hunt, Lester H. Nietzsche and the Origin of Virtue (BR) 114 Hiirten, Heinz Deutsche Katholiken, 1918—45 (BR) 398 Hutton, John G. Neo-Impressionism and the Search for Solid Ground: Art, Science, and Anarchism in Fin-de-Siécle France (BR) 704 Hutton, Patrick H. History as an Art of Memory (BR) 427 Hyam, Ronald Britain's Imperial Century, 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion (BR) 451 Jacks, Philip The Antiquarian and the Myth of Antiquity: The Origins of Rome in Renaissance Thought (BR) 153 Jacob, Margaret C., and Janet M. Burke French Freemasonry, Women, and Feminist Scholarship (A) 513 Jacobson, Jon (R) 206 Jacobson, Jon (R) 245 James, Harold (R) 502 Jardine, Lisa Erasmus, Man of Letters: The Construction of Charisma in Print (BR) 431 Jay, Martin, Anton Kaes, and Edward Dimendberg, eds. The Weimar Republic Sourcebook (BR) 629 1044 Index Jelavich, Peter Berlin Cabaret (BR) 243 Jessenne, J.P. (R) 197 Johe, Werner, Frank Bajohr, and Uwe Lohalm, eds. Zivilisation und Barbarei: Die widerspriichliche Potentiale der Moderne (BR) 629 Johnson, Christopher H. (R) 995 Johnson, James H. Listening in Paris: A Cultural History (BR) 193 Jones, P.M. (R) 191 Jordan, David P. (R) 701 Jordan, Nicole The Popular Front and Central Europe: The Dilemmas of French Impotence, 1918-1940 (BR) 206 Judt, Tony (R) 208 Kaes, Anton, Martin Jay, and Edward Dimendberg, eds. The Weimar Republic Sourcebook (BR) 629 Kalberg, Stephen Max Weber’s Comparative-Historical Sociology (BR) 160 Kandel, Johannes Protestantischer Sozialkonservatismus am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts: Pfarrer Rudolf Todts Auseinandersetzung mit dem Sozialismus im Widerstreit der kirchlichen und politischen Lager (BR) 398 Kelly, Gary Women, Writing, and Revolution, 1790-1827 (BR) 449 Kertzer, DavidI. (R) 227 Kete, Kathleen The Beast in the Boudoir: Petkeeping in Nineteenth-Century Paris (BR) 468 Kete, Kathleen (R) 699 Kettenacker, Lothar, and Giinther Heydemann, eds. Kirchen in der Diktatur (BR) 398 Keylor, William R. (R) 999 Kittelson, James M. (R) 724 Koehn, Nancy F. The Power of Commerce: Economy and Governance in the First British Empire (BR) 689 Koelb, Clayton, ed. Nietzsche as Postmodernist: Essays Pro and Contra (BR) 114 Kohler, Joacim Zarathustras Geheimnis: Friedrich Nietzsche und seine verschliisselte Botschaft (BR) 114 Kornberg, Jacques Theodor Herzl: From Assimilation to Zionism (BR) 163 Kosthorst, Daniel Brentano und die deutsche Einheit: Die Deutschland- und Ostpolitik des AuBenministers im Kabinett Adenauer, 1955-1961 (BR) 507 Kozlov, Vladimir A. Denunciation and Its Functions in Soviet Governance: A Study of Denunciations and Their Bureaucratic Handling from Soviet Police Archives, 1944-1953 (A) 867 Kramnick, Isaac, and Barry Sheerman Harold Laski: A Life on the Left (BR) 184 Kselman, Thomas A. Death and the Afterlife in Modern France (BR) 201 Kiihne, Thomas Dreiklassenwahlrecht und Wahlkultur in Preussen, 1867-1914: Landtagswahlen zwischen korporativer Tradition und politischem Massenmarkt (BR) 1019 Kuisel, Richard Seducing the French: The Dilemma of Americanization (BR) 210 Kulczycki, John J. The Foreign Worker and the German Labor Movement: Xenophobia and Solidarity in the Coal Fields of the Ruhr, 1871-1914 (BR) 1023 LaCapra, Dominick Representing the Holocaust: History, Theory, Trauma (BR) 673 Lach, Donald F,, and Edwin J. Van Kley Asia in the Making of Europe. Volume 3: A Century of Advance. Book 1: Trade, Missions, Literature. Book 2: South Asia. Book 3: Southeast Asia. Book 4: East Asia (BR) 382 Index 1045 Lagrée, Michel (R) 201 Laurent, Pierre-Henri (R) 477 Lawrence, Christopher (R) 982 Lease, Gary Denunciation as a Tool of Ecclesiastical Control: The Case of Roman Catholic Modernism (A) 819 Le Crom, Jean-Pierre Syndicats nous voila! Vichy et le corporatisme (BR) 999 Leed, Eric (R) 735 Lehmann, Hartmut, and Guenther Roth, eds. Weber's Protestant Ethic: Origins, Evidence, Contexts (BR) 160 Lehning, James R. (R) 465 Levin, Carole “The Heart and Stomach of a King”: Elizabeth I and the Politics of Sex and Power (BR) 675 Levine, David, John R. Gillis, and Louise A. Tilly, eds. The European Experience of Declining Fertility, 1850-1970: The Quiet Revolution (BR) 664 Lewis, Gillian, Andrew Pettegree, and Alastair Duke, eds. Calvinism in Europe, 1540-1620 (BR) 660 Liebersohn, Harry Recent Works on Travel Writing (RA) 617 Lilley, Ed (R) 466 Lindgren, Lowell (R) 714 Lindholm, Richard T. (R) 233 Lipovetsky, Gilles The Empire of Fashion: Dressing Modern Democracy (BR) 974 Liu, Tessie P. The Weaver's Knot: The Contradictions of Class Struggle and Family Solidarity in Western France, 1750-1914 (BR) 465 Livingstone, David N. The Geographical Tradition: Episodes in the History of a Contested Enterprise (BR) 167 Lixfeld, Hannjost, and James R. Dow, eds. and trans. The Nazification of an Academic Discipline: Folklore in the Third Reich (BR) 1031 Lohalm, Uwe, Frank Bajohr, and Werner Johe, eds. Zivilisation und Barbarei: Die widerspriichliche Potentiale der Moderne (BR) 629 Lorimer, Douglas A. (R) 429 Lucas, Colin The Theory and Practice of Denunciation in the French Revolution (A) 768 Liidtke, Alf Eigen-Sinn: Fabrikalltag, Arbeitererfahrungen und Politik vom Kaiserreich bis in den Faschismus (BR) 629 Ludwig, Heiner, and Wolfgang Schroeder, eds. Sozial- und Linkskatholizismus: Erinnerung, Orientierung, Befreiung (BR) 398 Luria, Keith P. (R) 187 MacCaffrey, Wallace Elizabeth I (BR) 675 Magnus, Bernd, Stanley Stewart, and Jean-Pierre Mileur Nietzsche’s Case: Philosophy as/and Literature (BR) 114 Major, J. Russell From Renaissance Monarchy to Absolute Monarchy: French Kings, Nobles, and Estates (BR) 693 Marchand, Suzanne (R) 497 Marcuse, Harold (R) 249 Margadant, Jo Burr (R) 166 Margadant, Ted (R) 472 Margerison, Kenneth (R) 992 Marquardt, Frederick (R) 1023 Marsh, Christopher W. The Family of Love in English Society, 1550-1630 (BR) 678 1046 Index Marsh, Peter T. Joseph Chamberlain: Entrepreneur in Politics (BR) 989 Martin, A. Lynn (R) 695 Martin, Benjamin F. (R) 204 Martin, John Venice’s Hidden Enemies: Italian Heretics in a Renaissance City (BR) 218 Mazohl-Wallnig, Brigitte Osterreichischer Verwaltungsstaat und administrative Eliten im K6nigreich Lombardo-Venetien, 1815-1859 (BR) 251 McPhee, Peter (R) 990 McWilliam, Neil Dreams of Happiness: Social Art and the French Left, 1830-1850 (BR) 466 Mees, Ludger (R) 1013 Megill, Allan Historicizing Nietzsche? Paradoxes and Lessons of a Hard Case (RA) 114 Melman, Billie Women’s Orients: English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1918: Sexuality, Religion and Work (BR) 617 Melzer, Karl Heinrich Der Geistliche Vertrauensrat: Geistliche Leitung fiir die Deutsche Evangelische Kirche im Zweiten Weltkrieg? (BR) 398 Menning, Carol Bresnahan Charity and State in Late Renaissance Italy: The Monte di Pieta of Florence (BR) 709 Mentzer, Raymond A., Jr. Blood and Belief: Family Survival and Confessional Identity among the Provincial Huguenot Nobility (BR) 462 Merriman, John (R) 210 Micale, Mark S. Approaching Hysteria: Disease and Its Interpretations (BR) 970 Mileur, Jean-Pierre, Bernd Magnus, and Stanley Stewart Nietzsche’s Case: Philosophy as/and Literature (BR) 114 Miller, Michael (R) 1001 Miller, Peter N. Defining the Common Good: Empire, Religion and Philosophy in Eighteenth-Century Britain (BR) 681 Miller, Peter N. (R) 153 Mitchell, B.R. (R) 689 Mitchell, Timothy Colonising Egypt (BR) 617 Moch, Leslie Page Moving Europeans: Migration in Western Europe since 1650 (BR) 167 Moles, Alistair Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Nature and Cosmology (BR) 114 Molho, Anthony Marriage Alliance in Late Medieval Florence (BR) 479 Molho, Anthony (R) 434 Mommsen, Hans Die verspielte Freiheit: Der Weg der Republik von Weimar in den Untergang 1918 bis 1933 (BR) 629 Mommsen, Wolfgang J. Das Ringen um den nationalen Staat: Die Griindung und der innere Ausbau des Deutschen Reiches unter Otto von Bismarck, 1850-1890 (BR) 730 Monkkonen, Eric H. (R) 719 Monteath, Peter (R) 669 Moote, A. Lloyd (R) 463 Moran, Sean Farrell (R) 685 Morgan, Kenneth Bristol and the Atlantic Trade in the Eighteenth Century (BR) 689 Morgan, Marjorie (R) 453 Moss, B.H. (R) 706 Muldoon, James The Americas in the Spanish World Order: The Justification for Conquest in the Seventeenth Century (BR) 720

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