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The interaction between colloids in polar mixtures above T c Sela Samin and Yoav Tsori Department of Chemical Engineering and The Ilse Katz Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel. (Dated: January 18, 2012) We calculate the interaction potential between two colloids immersed in an aqueous mixture containing salt near or above the critical temperature. We find an attractive interaction far from the coexistence curve due to the combination of preferential solvent adsorption at the colloids’ surface and preferential ion solvation. We show that the ion-specific interaction strongly depends on the amount of salt added as well as on the mixture composition. Our results are in accord with recent experiments. For a highly antagonistic salt of hydrophilic anions and hydrophobic cations, a repulsive interaction at an intermediate inter-colloid distance is predicted even though both the electrostatic and adsorption forces alone are attractive. I. INTRODUCTION teraction and sometimes other specific interactions with the polar solvent strongly depends on the solvent and 2 1 Chargedsurfacesinliquidmediaareubiquitousinsoft the chemical nature of the ion [16–18]. The total solva- 0 matter and the interaction between such surfaces has tion energy of an ion when it is transfered from one sol- 2 been studied extensively. In the seminal theory of Der- vent into another (the Gibbs transfer energy) is in many n jaguin,Landau,Verwey,andOverbeek(DLVO)thetotal cases much larger than the thermal energy, especially if a interaction potential is the additive combination of the one solvent is water and the other is an organic solvent J attractive van der Waals interaction and an electrostatic [17–19]. In addition, for a given solvent, the solvation 7 repulsivescreenedCoulombpotential[1,2]. IntheDLVO energy of cations and anions is generally different due to 1 theory the liquid between the surfaces is a homogeneous theirdifferentsizeandspecificchemicalinteractionswith dielectric medium and only enters the electrostatic po- the solvent, such as Lewis acid-base interaction. Thus, t] tentialthroughitspermittivityε. Thesituationisdiffer- themagnitudeandsometimeseventhesignoftheGibbs of entinsolventmixtures,wherethestructureofthesolvent transfer energy for cations and anions may differ in var- s mayvaryinspaceduetogradientsinelectricfieldandion ious salts and solvents [19, 20]. t. density. Several authors explored experimentally the in- In bulk binary mixtures, the addition of salt modifies a teraction between charged surfaces in mixtures [3–7]. In the coexistence curve [21–25]. When a salt-containing m a homogeneous binary mixture of water and 2,6-lutidine mixture is confined between charged surfaces, the influ- - close to the demixing temperature, a reversible floccu- ence of ionic solvation on the surface interaction in mis- d n lation of suspended colloids has been observed [3]. The cible solvents has been studied in Ref. 15, while for par- o flocculated region in the phase diagram is suppressed by tially miscible mixtures close to the coexistence curve it c the addition of salt [4]. These experiments were inter- was explored in Ref. 10. In the latter case it was shown [ preted in terms of the preferential adsorption of one of thatpreferentialsolvationalonecanqualitativelymodify 1 thesolventsonthecolloidsurfaceinaccordwithwetting the interaction between similarly charged surfaces, re- v theory[8,9]. Morerecently,itwassuggestedthatthese- sulting in a strong long-range attraction. 5 lective solvation of ions in the two solvents is important Inordertoaccountfortherecentexperimentalfindings 3 in these experiments [10, 11] as well as charge-regulation in critical mixtures [7], Bier et. al. [13] had employed a 5 effects [11]. lineartheorythatincludesbothionsolvationandsolvent 3 Recently,directmeasurementoftheinteractionpoten- adsorptionontheconfiningsurfaces. Recently, Okamoto . 1 tial between a colloid and a charged wall was performed and Onuki [11] also included in the theory solvent de- 0 in water–2,6-lutidine mixtures below the lower critical pendent charge-regulation, and studied the interaction 2 solution temperature (LCST) [6, 7]. In these experi- induced by prewetting and wetting transitions close to 1 ments the addition of salt greatly influenced the range the coexistence curve. : v and strength of the interaction [7], leading to an attrac- Inthispaperwetheoreticallyinvestigatehowtheinter- Xi tiveinteractionfarfromthecriticaltemperatureTc. Ad- playbetweenionsolvationandsolventadsorptionaffects ditionofsalthasaremarkableeffectontheflocculationof theinteractionbetweensurfacesinthenonlinearregime. r a colloids in a critical mixture of water–3-methylpyridine, We show that a strong attraction exists even far from where it reduces dramatically the onset temperature of T due to the nonlinear coupling between solvation and c theflocculation[5]. Preliminaryexperiments[12]suggest adsorption. These effects are strongly ion-specific and that the variation of the mixture composition also has a hence depend on the salt properties and concentration. pronounced effect on the interaction. We highlight the qualitative features of the theory and Atheoreticalefforthasbeenmadetoincorporateionic give several new predictions. solvation effects in polar mixtures [10, 11, 13–15]. The We focus on the regime far from the prewetting and solvation energy of an ion arising from the ion-dipole in- wettingtransitionsandneglectcharge-regulation,assum- 2 ing large surface ionization. Thus, we do not expect any isproportionaltothecoefficients∆u+ and∆u forposi- − discontinuitiesinphysicalquantitiessuchaspressureand tive and negative ions, respectively [26]. In this form the adsorption. We concentrate on electrostatics and ion- Gibbs transfer energies of the ions are T∆u (φ −φ ), ± 2 1 solvation forces and hence ignore the van der Waals in- where φ and φ are the compositions of two solvents. 1 2 teraction (which is relatively small in the current range Inadditiontothebulkterm,oneaddsthecontribution (cid:82) of parameters). oftheconfiningsurfacestothefreeenergy: F = f dS, s s The organization of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II where f is the surface free energy density given by: s wepresentacoarse-grainedmodelofasalt-containingbi- f =eσψ +∆γφ , (3) narymixture,takingintoaccountthespecificion-solvent s s s and surface-solvent interactions. In Sec. III we present where ψ and φ are the electrostatic potential and mix- results for critical and off–critical mixture compositions s s ture composition at the surface, respectively. Eq. (3) in- andshowhowionspecificeffectscanbeusedtotunethe cludes a short range interaction between the surface and inter–colloidal potential. Conclusions are given in Sec. liquidwhichislinearinφ,neglectinghigherorderterms. IV. Thesurfacefield∆γ measuresthedifferencebetweenthe surface-water and surface-cosolvent surface tensions. The fluid is in contact with a matter reservoir having II. MODEL composition φ0 and ion densities n±0. Hence, the appro- priatethermodynamicpotentialtoextremizeisthegrand Thesurfacesofthetwocolloidsaremodeledasparallel potential Ω: platesofareaS separatedbyadistanceDandcarryinga (cid:90) uniformchargedensityeσ andeσ perunitarea,where L R Ω=F +F − [µφ+λ+n++λ n ]dr, (4) eistheelementarychargeandtheindicesLandRdenote b s − − theleftandrightplates,respectively. Anaqueousbinary mixturecontainingsaltisconfinedbetweentheplates. φ whereµandλ±aretheLagrangemultipliersforthecom- is the volume fraction of the water (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1), while positionandions,respectively. Theycanbeidentifiedas thedensitiesofthepositiveandnegativeionaredenoted the chemical potentials of the species in the reservoir: by n+ and n−, respectively. Given their low density and µ=µ0(φ0,n±0) and λ± =λ±0(φ0,n±0). smallsize,thevolumefractionsoftheionsareneglected. Thegoverningequationsareobtainedbyminimization For the fluid free energy we have F = (cid:82) f dr, where of Ω, leading to the Euler-Lagrange equations b b f is the bulk free energy density: [23, 26] b δΩ ±eψ = +log(v n )−∆u φ−λ =0, (5) 0 ± ± ± f C 1 δn T b =f (φ)+ |∇φ|2+ ε(φ)(∇ψ)2 ± m δΩ T 2 2T =∇·(ε(φ)∇ψ)+(n+−n )e=0, (6) +n+(cid:0)log(v n+)−1(cid:1)+n (cid:0)log(v n )−1(cid:1) δψ − 0 − 0 − δΩ ∂f 1 dε −(∆u+n++∆u−n−)φ. (1) =−C∇2φ+ m − (∇ψ)2 δφ ∂φ 2T dφ HeretheBoltzmannconstantissettounityandT isthe −∆u+n+−∆u n −µ=0. (7) − − thermal energy. v = a3 is the molecular volume of the 0 solvent molecules where a is the linear dimension of the The first equation yields the Boltzmann distribution for molecules. The first term in Eq. (1) is the mixture free the ion density energy [27]: n± =v0−1eλ±e∓eψ/T+∆u±φ. (8) v f =φlog(φ)+(1−φ)log(1−φ)+χφ(1−φ), (2) 0 m Note the dependence on the mixture composition in this where χ ∼ 1/T is the Flory interaction parameter. In equation. The ion distributions are inserted into Eq. (6) this symmetric model the critical composition is given to obtain a modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation with by φc =1/2. The square-gradient term in Eq. (1) takes the boundary conditions −n·∇ψL,R = eσL,R/ε. n is into account the free energy increase due to composition the outward unit vector perpendicular to the surface. inhomogeneities[27],whereC isapositiveconstant. The The governing equation for the composition [Eq. (7)] third term in Eq. (1) is the electrostatic energy density, issupplementedbytheboundaryconditionsn·∇φ = L,R where ψ is the electrostatic potential. This energy de- ∆γ . Assuming that ψ = 0 in the reservoir, the La- L,R pends on the composition through the constitutive rela- grange multipliers for the different species are: tion for the dielectric constant: ε = ε(φ). For simplicity εweaunsde tεhearlientehaer wfoartmer: aεn(dφ)co=soεlvce+nt(pεwerm−itεtci)vφit,iewsh,erree- µ0 = ∂∂fφm(φ0)−∆u+n+0 −∆u−n−0 (9) w c spectively. The second line of Eq. (1) is the ideal-gas λ±0 =log(v0n±0)−∆u±φ0 (10) entropyoftheions,validatlowdensities,whilethethird line is the ion solvation in the mixture. In the simple bi- In our effectively one dimensional system, solution of linearformweemploy, thestrengthofselectivesolvation the Euler-Lagrange equations yields the density profile 3 φ(z) and potential ψ(z) from which we calculate all rele- vant quantities. Of particular interest is the pressure P n exerted on the surfaces by the liquid. −Pn is the normal 4 (a) component of the Maxwell stress tensor and it is given 2 by [15, 28]: P C ∂f T] 0 n = |∇φ|2−Cφ∇2φ+φ m −fm+n+(1−∆u+φ) [ T 2 ∂φ U −2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 dε +n (1−∆u φ)− φ +ε (∇ψ)2 (11) − − 2T dφ −4 τ =0.013 InaplanargeometryP isthezzcomponentofthestress −6 τ =0.01 n τ =0.008 tensorandisuniforminmechanicalequilibrium. Thenet τ =0.003 τ =0.002 pressure on the plates is given by the osmotic pressure −8 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Π=P −P , where P is the bulk pressure. The inter- zz b b D [nm] action potential between the plates U(D) is calculated from the osmotic pressure through (b) (cid:90) D U(D)=−S Π(D(cid:48))dD(cid:48). (12) 0.1 ∞ The excess surface adsorption in a planar geometry is 0.08 defined as usual by Γ 1 (cid:90) D 0.06 Γ= [φ(z)−φ ]dz. (13) 0 D 0 0.04 Thisquantityismeasurableexperimentallyandaccounts forthetotalexcessoffluidbetweentheplatesrelativeto the bulk. 0.02 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 D [nm] III. RESULTS In the following we examine the interaction potential FIG. 1. (a) The interaction potential U(D) between two col- U(D) for a binary mixture containing 10mM of salt at loidsatadistanceDatdifferenttemperaturesτ ≡T/Tc−1> temperatures larger than the critical temperature, T > 0 immersed in a mixture at a critical composition (φ0 =φc). U(D) becomes attractive as τ decreases. Here n = 10mM T . 0 c and ∆γ = 0.1T/a2, corresponding to about 3.4 mN/m. R,L For the solid curves, ∆u± = 4 and the surfaces have the same charge σ =−σ . Dash-dot curve: the same as the A. Colloidal interaction in a mixture at a critical L,R sat solid curve for τ = 0.008 except that σ = 3σ = −1.5σ . composition L R sat Dashed curve: the same as for τ =0.008 except that ∆u− = 8. (b) The corresponding excess surface adsorption Γ. In We start with a reservoir at a critical composition, thisandinotherfigures,asanapproximationofawater–2,6- φ = φ , confined by two hydrophilic (∆γ > 0) col- lutidine mixture we used T = 307.2K, v = 3.9×10−29m3, 0 c R,L c 0 loids. We first consider the symmetric case where both C = χ/a [27], ε2,6−lutidine = 6.9 and εwater = 79.5, and the colloids are identical: ∆γ = ∆γ and σ = σ . We surface area is taken to be S =0.01µm2. L (cid:112)R L R set σ = −σ , where σ = 8n /(πl ) and l = L,R sat sat 0 B B e2/(4πε(φ )T) is the Bjerrum length. σ is used be- 0 sat cause the effective surface charge saturates to this value betweenthegoverningequationsthatisresponsibletoan in the high bare charge limit [29]. Furthermore, we as- attractive interaction far from Tc. sumesymmetricpreferentialsolvation,i.e. ∆u+ =∆u , The solid curves of Fig. 1(a) show U(D) as a function − and in this case the solvation asymmetry parameter, de- ofthereducedtemperatureτ ≡T/T −1forT >T . Far c c fined as ∆ud ≡∆u+−∆u , vanishes: ∆ud =0. above T U(D) is purely repulsive; as the temperature − c The parameters we use are such that in the resulting is decreased toward T the interaction becomes attrac- c profilesψ(z;D)andφ(z;D)theconditionseψ(z;D)/T (cid:38) tive. The change in the shape of U(D) originates from 1 and ∆u (φ(z;D)−φ ) (cid:38) 1 hold. Hence, a lineariza- theinterplaybetweensurfacefield,thesolvationinduced ± 0 tion of Eq. (5) is not expected to be accurate [11, 13]. attraction, and the electrostatic repulsion between the In fact, we show below that it is the nonlinear coupling plates. The attraction between the plates is stronger 4 down to τ = 0.003 and then becomes less attractive for τ = 0.002. The attraction range of a few tenths of nm, itsstrengthofafewT,aswellasthetemperaturedepen- 4 (a) dencearesimilartothoseobservedinrecentexperiments [7, 12]. 2 τ =0.009 The dashed and dash-dot curves in Fig. 1(a) are the ] T same as the solid curve for τ = 0.008 except for one pa- [ 0 rameter. The effect of charge asymmetry is shown by U thedash-dotcurve, wherethetotalchargewaskeptcon- −2 stant, but σ =3σ . Here the attraction is stronger, as L R in the classic Poisson-Boltzmann theory [30], since the −4 ∆u+=4,∆u−=8,∆γL,R =0 electrostatic repulsion between surfaces is weaker for the ∆u±=0,∆γL,R =0.1Ta−2 ainsgym∆mue−trbicyc4as(e∆. uTdhe=d−as4h)edrescuulrtvseinshoawssligthhatltyinwceraekaesr- −6 5 10 ∆u1+5=4,∆20u−=82,5∆γL,R30=0.13T5a−2 40 interaction. In the linear theory [11, 13], solvation cou- D [nm] plingonlyentersasaterm∝∆ud. Thus, bycomparison to the solid curve in Fig. 1(a) where ∆ud =0, it is clear that in the nonlinear regime this type of contribution is 4 (b) smaller than contributions proportional to ∆u . ± TheGibbsadsorptionΓcorrespondingtothecurvesin 2 τ =0.005 Fig. 1(a) is shown in Fig. 1(b). When the surface sepa- ] ration decreases Γ increases as the adsorbed fluid layers T [ 0 near the walls merge. Furthermore, since the density of U the ions also increases, more fluid is drawn to the walls −2 because of the solvation interaction. Γ increases as the adsorbed fluid layer thickness, which is comparable to the bulk correlation length, increases closer to T . −4 c The parameters we use are close to those used in ex- periments in a salt containing water–2,6-lutidine mix- −6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 ture below the LCST [7, 12]. In these experiments it D [nm] is reasonable to assume that the surfaces have different charge densities because of their different chemical na- ture. Therefore, below we use σ = 3σ = −1.5σ L R sat for hydrophilic surfaces. The value of ∆γ was chosen FIG.2. Theeffectofremovingpreferentialsolvationorshort- arbitrarily since there is no molecular theory to predict range chemical interactions on the potential U(D) between it accurately. Furthermore, in water–2,6-lutidine mix- the colloids at temperatures given by (a) τ = 0.009 and (b) turestheanionsareexpectedtofavorthewaterenviron- τ =0.004. Thedashedanddash-dotcurvesshowU(D)when ment more than the cations, since 2,6-lutidine is a Lewis either the surface chemical affinity or preferential solvation parameters are zero, respectively. In the solid curves both base. This is supported by data of Gibbs transfer ener- short-range chemical preference and solvation are included. gies of ions in water-pyridine mixtures [19]. 2,6-lutidine These two interactions are clearly non additive as the solid is a structural analog of pyridine and hence on the basis curve is not the sum of the dashed and dash-dotted lines. of Ref. 19 we took ∆u+ = 4 and ∆u = 8. We stress − that over a wide range of values for σ and positive L,R ∆γ , the results do not change qualitatively. This is L,R also true for the solvation parameters as long as the ions leads to an attractive interaction near Tc. Interestingly, are hydrophilic, ∆u > 0. Note that the molecular vol- asisshowninFig. 2,theattractionbetweenthesurfaces ± umes of the two components differ substantially in the is significantly altered by the coupling of solvation and real mixture leading to φ (cid:54)=1/2. Furthermore, our sim- surface fields. c plifiedmodelmixturehasanuppercriticalsolutiontem- In part (a) we highlight this idea by choosing param- perature, whereas experiments are performed below the eters such that far from T , removing either the surface c LCST in water–2,6-lutidine mixtures. Thus, one should tension (dashed curve) or preferential solvation (dash- interpret results in terms of the absolute distance from dot curve) the interaction is purely repulsive. When Tc. both forces are present the result is surprisingly a strong U(D) can be attractive when only surface fields are attractive interaction between the colloids (solid curve). present (∆u = 0, ∆γ (cid:54)= 0) due to critical adsorp- Fig. 2(b) shows that closer to T , an attractive interac- ± L,R c tion [31–35]. When only preferential solvation exists tionofsimilarmagnitudeexistswheneitherforceismiss- (∆u (cid:54)=0, ∆γ =0), wehaveshownrecently[10]that ing, but the interaction is unexpectedly much stronger ± L,R fluid enrichment near the surface, induced by solvation, when both are present. Thus, in the nonlinear regime, 5 4 (a) 4 2 φ =0.48 2 0 T] ] 0 T [ [ U 0 U −2 −2 τ =0.0174,κξb=0.66 −−64 5 10 15 20 ττττ ====250000....00001111654336,,,0,κκκκξξξbbbξb====30005...0677.6913840 −−64 nnn000===000...00000179MMM 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 D [nm] D [nm] (b) FIG. 4. Solid curves show the dependence of U(D) on the 4 mixture salt concentration n with ∆u+ = 4 and ∆u− = 8; 0 colloidal attraction increases with the addition of salt. The φ =0.52 2 0 attractionisweakforasaltconcentrationofn =0.01Mbut T] with ∆u± = 0 (dashed curve). Here φ = φ0, τ = 0.008, 0 c [ U 0 ∆γL,R =0.1 and σL =3σR =−1.5σsat. −2 As is seen in Fig. 3 for φ (cid:54)= φ , the curve U(D) τ =0.009,κξb=0.86 0 c −4 τ =0.008,κξb=0.93 becomes attractive closer to Tc, similar to the φ0 = φc τ =0.006,κξb=1.05 case, but the temperature range at which this occurs is −6 5 10 15 20 2τ5=0.00340,κξb3=51.2440 different. The attractive interaction is stronger for φ0 < φ [Fig. 3 (a)] and thus the temperature range above T D [nm] c c atwhichitoccursislarger;comparewithτ valuesinFig. 2. NotethatinFig. 3(a)severalcurveshavemetastable statesandthattheinteractionisrepulsiveatlongrange. FIG. 3. Interaction potentials at different temperatures τ, The attractive interaction is weaker for φ > φ [Fig. 3 0 c (a) for φ0 = 0.48 < φc with ∆γR,L = 0.1T/a2 and (b) for (b)]. Here, we had to use a larger value of water-surface φ = 0.52 > φ with ∆γ = 0.4T/a2. The onset temper- 0 c R,L interactioninordertoobtainapotentialdepthsimilarto ature for attraction is higher for φ < φ due to preferential 0 c the one which can be resolved in experiments (few T’s) solvation. In (a), at intermediate temperatures the potential [7]. has metastable states. Here we used ∆u+ =4, ∆u− =8 and In order to understand the dependence on reservoir σ =3σ =−1.5σ . Wetooktheaverageiondensitytobe L R sat n0 =10mM leading to κ values of κ(cid:39)2.69nm. compositionweinsertEq. (10)forλ±0 intotheBoltzmann distribution Eq. (8) to obtain solvationandadsorptionforcesarenonadditiveandtheir n± =n0e∓eψ/T+∆u±(φ−φ0). (14) coupling can account for attractive interactions far from This equation suggests that the ion density near the T . c plates increases when φ is reduced, which is verified nu- 0 merically. This leads to a decrease of the osmotic pres- sure in the system since when ∆u φ > 1 the solvation ± B. Surface interaction in an off-critical mixture contribution to Π overcomes the ions entropic repulsion [cf. Eq. (11)]. Thus, the coupling between the mixture The interaction potential between two surfaces for off- composition and the ion density is important for the in- critical mixture compositions at different temperatures teraction between the surfaces. Due to the ion-solvent is shown in Fig. 3. The legend also shows the di- coupling the attraction is increased when salt is added. mensionless parameter κξ corresponding to τ, where This effect is shown by the solid curves in Fig. 4 and is √ b κ = 8πl n is the Debye wave number and ξ is the seen in experiment [5, 12]. The dashed curve in Fig. 4 B 0 b bulk correlation length in the absence of ions, defined as shows U(D) for the highest salt concentration but in the (cid:112) ξ (τ) = χa2/(∂2f (φ )/∂φ2). The combination κξ absence of ion-solvent coupling (∆u = 0). In this case b m c b ± is useful for comparison with experimental results. Ex- the attraction is very weak, indicating that the decrease perimentally, it was found that ions do not modify the in Debye length when salt is added is not significant for correlation length significantly [7]. the potential at the given parameters. 6 In general, attraction occurs up to a temperature win- dow ∆T ≡T −T ≈5K above T , quite far from T but c c c 2 (a) not as large as ∆T ≈ 10K recently observed in experi- ments. This is reasonable given the simplified mixture model, difference in geometry and many approximations 1 of unknown quantities, e.g. σ, ∆γ, and S. Also, in ex- ] T periments the asymmetric binodal curve of water–2,6- [ lutidine mixtures is much ”flatter” near T compared to U 0 c the binodal in the symmetric Flory-Huggins model we use. τ =0.194 −1 τ =0.109 Better agreement with experiments is achieved when τ =0.048 τ =0.031 the values of κξb are compared. Attraction is observed τ =0.013 experimentally when κξ is in the range κξ ≈ 0.85−1 −2 τ =0.008 b b 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 forφ =φ [7]. Inpreliminaryexperimentaldata[12]we 0 c D [nm] find κξ ≈0.65−0.8 for φ <φ and κξ ≈1.1−1.8 for b 0 c b φ > φ . These values are in the range of those in Fig. 0 c 2 and Fig. 3. The difference in temperature range be- 2 (b) tween the experiments and our theory can be explained by the different scaling of ξb =ξ0|τ|−ν. The experimen- 1 tal value of ξ and the critical exponent ν = 0.61 [7] 0 ] are quite different from the mean field values of ξ and T 0 [ ν =0.5. Thus, the adsorbed liquid layers in experiments U 0 are thicker, leading to attraction at temperatures higher above Tc. Nevertheless, our results qualitatively show ∆u±=4 that including ion solvation in the theory accounts for −1 ∆u+=4,∆u−=6 colloid-surface attraction far from T in salt containing ∆u+=4,∆u−=8 c ∆u+=6,∆u−=10 mixtures. −2 ∆u+=-2,∆u−=2 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 D [nm] C. Interaction between hydrophilic and hydrophobic colloids FIG.5. IntercolloidpotentialsU(D)forhydrophilicandhy- Another physically relevant scenario is that of hy- drophobiccolloids(antisymmetricboundaryconditions). For drophilic and hydrophobic colloids, i.e antisymmetric the surface on the right we used ∆γR = 0.1T/a2 and σR = short-range chemical boundary conditions. For this case −σsat. For the surface on the left we used ∆γL =−0.4T/a2 theadsorptionforceintheabsenceofsaltisrepulsive[32– and σL = −0.01σsat (cid:28) σsat. (a) The interaction potential U(D) at different temperatures τ showing that U becomes 34]. However, experimentallyitwasobservedthatinthe attractive when τ decreases, but repulsive close to T . Here presenceofsalttheinteractionpotentialbecomesattrac- c we took for the ions ∆u+ = 4 and ∆u− = 8. (b) U(D) at tive when the temperature is decreased toward T , but c τ = 0.048 and different values of ∆u±. The interaction is then repulsive again as Tc is further approached [7]. In purelyrepulsivefor∆ud =∆u+−∆u− =0(dash-dotcurve) order to explain this phenomenon, Pousaneh and Ciach and weakly attractive for ∆ud = 2 (dashed curve). The at- [14] assumed ions that are insoluble in the cosolvent and tractionismuchstrongerinthesolidcurves,allhavingdiffer- suggested that the attraction is due to the hydration of entvaluesof∆u±butthesamedifference∆ud =−4. Among ions and is of entropic origin. Another explanation was these curves, the attraction is strongest for the antagonistic given by Bier et. al. [13], who attributed the attraction salt (∆u− =−∆u+ =2). to the difference in preferential solvation of ions ∆ud. In their theory the attraction is linear in ∆ud. Fig. 5 (a) shows the non-monotonous behavior of Theonsetoftherepulsiveforceisatasurfacedistance U(D) for antisymmetric surface fields within our theo- D ≈4ξb,occurringwhenthetwoadsorbedsolventlayers retical framework. Here we assumed the ions have dif- begin to overlap [35]. At larger surface separations, the ferent solubilities, ∆ud = −4, and the surface charge of depletion of the more hydrophilic anions close to the hy- thehydrophobicsurfaceismuchsmallerthanthatofthe drophobic surface gives rise also to an enhanced and en- hydrophilic surface, as is usually the case. For these pa- ergetically favorable hydrophilic solvent depletion. The rameters linear theory, relying on the asymmetry in the net result is an attractive interaction at D (cid:38)4ξb. As the solvation energy of ions, reproduces surprisingly well the critical temperature is approached and ξb increases the non-monotonous behavior [13]. In the nonlinear regime repulsiveadsorptionforcedominatesthisrelativelysmall ∆ud (cid:54)= 0 is a requisite for this trend but the interaction attraction. dependsonthenominalvaluesof∆u asisshownbelow. Fig. 5 (b) demonstrates the influence of the value of ± 7 ∆u+, ∆u , and their difference ∆ud on the interaction − profile U(D). In the solid blue curve we plot U(D) for ∆ud = −4 where ∆u+ = 4 as in Fig. 5 (a). Reduc- 10 (a) tion of ∆ud from −4 to −2 (dashed curve) diminishes the strength of interaction by an order of magnitude, a 5 strongnonlinearresponse. For∆ud =0(dash-dotcurve) ] T the interaction is repulsive. Fig. 5 (b) shows that the [ nominal values of ∆u+ and ∆u are important, not just U 0 − their difference. The solid curves in this figure all have σL,R =-σsat, ∆druodph=ili−c4sabltut(pduirffpelreencturvvael,ue∆suo+f ∆=u6±).thFeoratatrmacotrieonhyis- −5 σ∆∆Luu,R++===22σ,,sa∆∆t,uu−−==44 weaker while for an antagonistic salt where the cations σL=-σR=σsat, are hydrophobic and the anions are hydrophilic (yellow −10 ∆u+=-6,∆u−=6 curve, ∆u+ =−2) the attraction is much stronger. The 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 D [nm] reasonforthisisthathydrophobiccationsreducethewa- teradsorptiononthehighlychargedhydrophilicsurface, thusreducingtherepulsiveadsorptionforceandamplify- 10 (b) ing the asymmetric solvation effect. The antisymmetric case is an example of the delicate and complex interplay 5 betweensolventadsorptionandelectrostaticinteractions ] in confined salty mixtures. T 0 [ U −5 D. Ion specific effects −10 ∆γL,R =0.1Ta−2 ,∆u±=4 In this section we discuss some consequences of the ∆γL,R =-0.1Ta−2 ,∆u±=0 specific nature of the ion solvation. The ion solvation −15 ∆γL,R =-0.1Ta−2 ,∆u±=4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 energy can vary greatly depending on the chemical na- D [nm] ture of the ion and solvent, its value being typically in the range ∆u∼1−10T. Thus, the influence of the ion- solventcouplingontheinteractionpotentialishighlyion- specific. In Fig. 6 (a) we plot U(D) for hydrophilic ions FIG.6. (a)Theeffectofthesignofthecolloids’chargeonthe and surfaces, ∆u+ =2, ∆u =4 and ∆γ =0.1T/a2. inter-colloidpotentialU(D). Theinteractionisattractivefor − R,L When the surfaces are both positively charged (dash-dot two positively charged surfaces and is repulsive for two neg- curve), the anions are in excess between the plates and atively charged surfaces; compare the dash-dot and dashed U(D)isattractivesince∆u− =4islargeenoughandthe curves. We used ∆u+ = 2, ∆u− = 4, ∆γR,L = 0.1T/a2 and τ = 0.008. In the solid curve the surfaces are both hy- solvation-related force overcomes electrostatic repulsion. drophilic (∆γ =0.1T/a2) but oppositely charged. For an However, this is not the case for negatively charged sur- R,L antagonistic salt with ∆u− =−∆u+ =6 there is a repulsive faces(dashedcurve)whereU(D)isrepulsive. Inthiscase regime at an intermediate range. (b) The effect of the hy- thecationsareinexcessbetweentheplatesand∆u+ =2 drophilicty or hydrophobicity of the colloid’s surface. In the is notlarge enoughto overcome therepulsion. Thus, the absence of preferential solvation (∆u± =0) two hydrophobic difference in the preferential solvation of cations and an- (and hydrophilic, not shown) surfaces weakly attract (dash- ions can produce a selective interaction with respect to dot curve). For a hydrophilic salt (∆u± = 4), hydrophobic the sign of the surface charge. surfaces repel (solid curve) whereas hydrophilic surfaces at- An even more intriguing scenario is that of oppositely tract (dashed curve). We used τ =0.003 and σL,R =−σsat. chargedsurfaces,whereforhydrophilicsurfacestheinter- action is expected to be purely attractive since both ad- sorptionandelectrostaticforcesareattractive. Nonethe- due to hydrophobic anions. This depletion reduces the less, if the mixture contains a strongly antagonistic salt adsorptionforceandtheoverallresultisarepulsiveinter- (cid:12) (cid:12) (∆u+∆u− < 0, (cid:12)∆ud(cid:12) (cid:29) 1), U(D) has a repulsive re- action. Atsmallseparationstheadsorptionlayersmerge, gion, as is seen in the solid curve in Fig. 6 (a) for which Γ increases, and combined with the electrostatic attrac- ∆u = −∆u+ = 6. In this curve, since σ = −σ the tion the potential is strongly attractive as expected. − R L adsorption of both anions and cations is significant and Similar to the effect of the sign of the surface charge, similar in magnitude. Hence, since ∆u = −∆u+ the the ion-solvent coupling renders the interaction specific − contribution of the solvation energy to the interaction is also relative to the sign of the surface field. In the ab- small. In addition, at separations D (cid:38) 4ξ , prior to the sence of salt, if both surfaces are hydrophobic or hy- b merging of the adsorbed solvent layers [35], there is sig- drophilic they attract [31–34]. As we saw before, for hy- nificant solvent depletion near a positively charged wall drophilicsurfacesthepreferentialsolvationofhydrophilic 8 ions greatly enhances the interaction far from T , see repulsive interactions combine to an attraction [Fig. 2 c the dashed curve in Fig. 6 (b) for ∆u = 4 and (a)], (ii) for a hydrophilic salt, hydrophobic surfaces re- ± ∆γ =0.1T/a2. By reversing the sign of ∆γ [solid pelwhereashydrophilicsurfacesattract[Fig. 6(b)], (iii) R,L R,L curveinFig. 6(b)]theinteractionbecomesrepulsivefor two oppositely charged colloids repel down to distances hydrophobicsurfacesandhydrophilicions. Thedash-dot ∼10nm and have a high repulsive barrier of 5-10T [Fig. curve in Fig. 6 (b) shows that for hydrophobic surfaces 6 (a)], or (iv) two similarly charged colloids repel when in the absence of preferential solvation (∆u = 0) the they are negatively charged and attract when they are ± interaction is weakly attractive. Here, the addition of both positive [Fig. 6 (a)]. hydrophilic ions renders the interaction repulsive by re- Ourmean-fieldtheoryallowsthesemi-quantitativein- ducing the adsorption of the solvent on the hydrophobic terpretation of recent experiments performed in salty surface while greatly increasing the adsorption and at- mixturesnottooclosetothecriticaltemperature[7,12]. traction for hydrophilic surfaces. Wedonotlookattheinfluenceofthecriticalfluctuations ontheinteractionbetweensurfaces[6,31–34]althoughit has been argued that the addition of salt does not alter IV. CONCLUSIONS the universal critical behavior of the solvent [13]. Recently, multilamellar structures were observed in a In summary, we calculated the interaction potential bulk binary mixture upon the addition of an antagonis- U(D)betweentwochargedcolloidsinsalt-containingbi- tic salt [36]. In light of the current work, we believe that nary mixtures. The preferential adsorption of one of the theeffectofantagonisticsaltsontheinteractionbetween solvents on the colloid’s surface combined with the pref- surfaces is intriguing and deserves similar attention. In erentialsolvationoftheionsgivesrisetoastrongattrac- addition,fortemperaturesbelowthecriticaltemperature tion between the colloids far from the coexistence curve and/or near the wetting and prewetting transitions, first of the mixture. For surfaces with symmetric chemical ordercapillarycondensation[10]andbridgingtransitions affinity, the interaction is governed by the individual ion [11]havebeenpredicted. Inlightofthecurrentworkand solvation (∝ ∆u±) and to a lesser extent by the differ- these recent findings we stress the importance of prefer- ence in solvation energies of cations and anions. This entialsolvationinsaltymixtures. SincetheGibbstrans- is true also for the attraction for antisymmetric bound- fer energy of ions is usually larger than the thermal en- ary conditions albeit here ∆ud (cid:54)= 0 is a requisite for an ergy, the solvation-related force can either induce large attractive potential. composition perturbations by itself [10] or amplify them The ion and solvent densities near the surface of the significantly if already present, as in this work. colloid are highly sensitive to the ion solvation energy. Thus, the bulk mixture composition φ and salt con- 0 centration n play an important role in determining the 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS inter-colloid potential (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) and this suggests the possibility of fine-tuning the potential with these readily controllable parameters. In addition, the We gratefully acknowledge numerous discussions with ion specific nature of the solvation energy renders the D. Andelman, C. Bechinger, M. Bier, J. 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