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Draftversion February5,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 THE INITIAL MASS FUNCTIONS OF FOUR EMBEDDED STELLAR CLUSTERS A. Leistra1, A. S. Cotera2, J. Liebert1 Draft versionFebruary 5, 2008 ABSTRACT We present near-infrared J, H, and K images of four embedded stellar clusters in the Galaxy. We find a significant fraction of pre-main-sequence stars present in at least one of the clusters. For the clusters dominated by main-sequence stars, we determine the initial mass function (IMF) both by using the K luminosity function and a global extinction correction and by deriving individual extinction corrections for each star based on their placement in the K vs. H −K color-magnitude 6 diagram. BasedonourIMFs we finda significantdiscrepancybetweenthe meanIMFderivedvia the 0 different methods, suggesting that taking individual extinctions into accountis necessaryto correctly 0 derive the IMF for an embedded cluster. 2 Subject headings: open clusters and associations: general — stars: formation — stars: luminosity n function, mass function a J 1. INTRODUCTION (Leistra et al. 2005). Claims that variations in the IMF 4 Embedded clusters are increasingly recognized as vi- exist,whether basedonindividualextreme clusters such 1 tal sites of star formation for both low- and high-mass as the Arches or a general analysis of the data (Scalo v stars. Recent studies indicate that clusters may ac- 1998), must thus be handled with care to compare only 3 results based on similar methodology. count for 70-90% of star formation and that embed- 8 The final release of the Two Micron All Sky Sur- ded clusters (those still partially or fully enshrouded 0 vey (2MASS) has fostered studies (e.g. Dutra & Bica in their natal molecular cloud) may exceed the num- 1 2000, 2001; Bica et al. 2003; Ivanov et al. 2002) which ber of older, non-embedded open clusters by a fac- 0 can probe a much larger portion of the Galaxy for pre- tor of ∼20 (Elmegreen et al. 2000; Lada & Lada 2003). 6 viously unknown embedded stellar clusters and signifi- 0 The stellar content of embedded clusters within well- cantly increased the number of known embedded clus- / known star formation regions can now be probed, where h high extinction (AV & 10) prohibits studies at opti- ters. A compilation of some of these results along p with previously known embedded clusters is presented cal wavelengths. The IMF of such clusters has gener- - in Porras et al. (2003) who find that ∼80% of the stars o ally been found to be consistent with a Salpeter value intheirsamplearefoundin“largeclusters”ofmorethan r with a slope of Γ = −1.35 (e.g Okumura et al. 2000; st Blum, Damineli, & Conti 2001; Figuerˆedo et al. 2002) 100 stars, despite the rarity of such clusters. However, thesestudiesarenotfoolproof,andcompilationsof“em- a althoughoutliershavebeenfoundaswell,generallywith : flatter slopes than the Salpeter value (e.g. Porras et al. bedded clusters”basedpurely onthe 2MASS data with- v out followup must be treated with caution. The studies i 1999). X Althoughnear-infrared(NIR) spectralclassificationof basedsolelyonstellardensitycriteria(e.g.Dutra & Bica 2000, 2001) have been found in followup work by dif- r massive stars is possible (Hanson et al. 1996), in most a cases determinations of the IMF from NIR data rely ferent groups (e.g. Dutra et al. 2003; Leistra et al. 2005; Borissova et al. 2005) to have only about a 50% success heavily, if not exclusively, on photometry and use spec- rate toward the inner Galaxy where the stellar back- troscopyonlytoobtainreliablemassesofthefewbright- ground is high. We have performed an independent est and most massive stars in a cluster if at all. Since searchofthe2MASSarchive,searchingthePointSource these results thus depend on stellar evolutionary models Catalog for regions of higher stellar density than the aswellasdetailsofthehandlingofextinction,thisraises background(determinedlocallywithina5′radius)which concerns about to what extent the IMF depends on the are redder in H −K than the local field. This selects methodologyemployed. Massey(2003)citestheexample for embedded clusters, with the color criteria helping to of NGC 6611, where two separate analyses of the same eliminate chance superpositions and regions of low ex- data (Hillenbrand et al. 1993; Massey et al. 1995) using tinction. A largebackgroundradius and the use of color different treatments of extinction produced IMFs differ- selection are critical to the automated identification of ing by more than the formal 1σ errors would suggest embedded clusters, but even color selection can fail in (Γ=−1.1±0.1andΓ=−0.7±0.2.) Similarly,the IMF regions of high backgroundstellar density, where patchy for the G305+0.2embedded clusterdiffers by morethan extinction can mimic clusters. the errors between the value derived from the K lumi- In §2 we present the observations and data reduction nosity function (KLF; Γ=−1.5±0.3) and that derived for four embedded clusters found in the 2MASS Point using the color-magnitude diagram (Γ = −0.98± 0.2) Source Catalog, in §3 we present the K-band luminos- 1 Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 933 N. Cherry ityfunctions (KLF)andinitialmassfunctions (IMF)for Ave.,Tucson,AZ85721 the clusters, and in §3.5 we address the issue of system- 2 SETI Institute, 515 N. Whisman Road, Mountain View, CA aticdifferencesbetweendifferentmethodsofderivingthe 94043 IMF for embedded clusters, for our clusters as well as Electronicaddress: [email protected],[email protected], [email protected] 2 Leistra et al. IMFs from the literature. trend with location on the chip was observed in the cal- ibration for any of the clusters, though the scatter be- 2. OBSERVATIONS& DATAREDUCTION tweenthe PISCESand2MASSmagnitudesbecomessig- We selected five young stellar cluster candidates from nificant in the outermost 15 ′′; we thus exclude these the 2MASS Point Source Catalog based on color and sources from the analysis. density criteria as described in (Leistra et al. 2005). We selected regions with a higher stellar density than the 3. ANALYSIS locally defined field with redder H −K color than the 3.1. Sh 2-217 Cluster field to select embedded cluster candidates. The cluster candidates were observed using the PISCES instrument WepresentaK-bandimageoftheclusternearSh2-217 (McCarthy et al. 2001) on the 6.5m MMT on Jan10-11, in Figure 1. The cluster is nearly circular in projection 2003. PISCES uses a 1024x1024 HAWAII array with a and is quite dense; even in the highest-resolution indi- platescaleof0′.′185/pixelontheMMT,providinga3′×3′ vidual pointings we obtained it suffers from crowding in field of view. Images of all cluster candidates were ob- thecentralregions. Theclusterextendsovermost,ifnot tained in J, H, and K filters to a limiting magnitude of all, of the field of view. We present the K image rather J =19.5,H =18.5,K =18. Fourofourcandidates(all than a color frame because the seeing was significantly excepttheonenearSh2-217)wereindependentlyidenti- better at K. fiedasclustercandidatesbyBica et al.(2003),whoused This cluster was analyzed in the NIR by criteria based only on stellar density without color con- Deharveng et al. (2003), who discuss the large un- siderations. Our deeper, higher-resolution images sug- certainties in the distance to Sh2-217. Based on the gest that four of these candidates are genuine stellar Lyman continuum fluxes from the main exciting star of clusters, while the fifth, near Sh 2-258, contains only a Sh2-217 (located several arcminutes outside our field of few stars in the PISCES images and could be either a view; the cluster is located on the periphery of the H II verysmallcluster ora chancesuperposition. We present region) they adopt a distance of 5.0±0.8 kpc., which is our results for the four confirmed clusters in this paper. consistent with the kinematic distance to the associated Seeing conditions when the images were obtained were molecular gas. The cluster is coincident with a peak in variable, ranging from 0′.′5 to 1′.′1 at K. the 8 µm emission as measured by the MSX mission, All images were reduced and combined using IRAF suggesting dust is still present in the cluster. routines. The distortions of the PISCES camera were The K vs H −K color-magnitude diagram is shown mapped by imaging the globular cluster NGC 4147 and in Figure 2. The stellar density (determined in K where mapping the observed locations to the USNO-B known theseeingwasbest)doesnotplateauinthe3′×3′fieldof coordinates,thenconstructingatransformationfunction view,suggestingthatthe true field-stardensity levelhas using the IRAF task geomap and correcting the images notbeenreached,andclusterstarsarestillpresentoutto using IRAF geotran. There are too few USNO-B stars the edges of the field. As a result, in order to correctfor in the heavily extincted regions we observed to provide foreground contamination, we selected an adjacent field suitabledistortioncorrectionsfromthefieldsthemselves. of the same size from 2MASS to use as a comparison Theindividualimages,takenwithaspiralditherpattern, field. We assumedthe luminosity function ofthe field to were then combined. We fit a PSF to each image using be the same as that of the outer portions of the cluster the IRAF task psf, allowing the PSF to vary across the (excluding the inner regions to minimize the results of field to compensate for residualdistortions. Photometry crowding and mass segregation) in order to extrapolate was then done using IRAF-DAOPHOT. from the limiting magnitude of 2MASS to that of our Photometric calibration was performed using the images. We then binned the field starsby K andH−K 2MASS magnitudes offield stars. Stars used for calibra- with a bin size of 0.5 magnitudes and randomly selected tion were selected to be well-separated from other stars the appropriate number of stars for removal from each and from nebulosity in the PISCES images to ensure binintheclusterregion. Thisissimilartotheprocedure that they were uncontaminated in the lower-resolution employed by, among others, (Blum et al. 2000) (who do 2MASS images, and to have magnitudes bright enough notdescribe anextinctioncorrection;this lackofcorrec- to have good photometry in 2MASS (K < 14). We tionisequivalenttoassumingacommonextinction)and chosetousearelativelylargenumberofcalibrationstars Figuerˆedo et al. (2002), and is the method we employed ratherthanselectingthefewmostisolatedstarstoreduce in (Leistra et al. 2005). The resulting statistically cor- effects of potential variability and photometric outliers rected CMD is shown in Figure 3. A total of 62 stars among the calibration stars. The scatter in the photo- were removedin this procedure,out of an initial total of metriccalibrationderivedfromcomparisonto2MASSis 236. The fairly wide distribution in H −K for cluster the dominant source of photometric error, contributing stars is likely due to a combination of factors, notably two to three times the measurement errors as reported an actual spread due to differential extinction to differ- by DAOPHOT. DAOPHOT errors were ∼ 0.03 magni- ent regions of the cluster and to the greater influence of tudeswhilethecalibrationuncertaintieswere∼0.1mag- crowding in H (where the seeing was poorer). Although nitudes. Quoted errors in the 2MASS photometry were we find that individually correcting extinctions gener- negligible,withmoststarshavinganerrorof±0.003mag allyprovidesasuperiorestimationofthe IMFcompared or less in all bands. Thus, the quoted error should be with using only the K data and a single extinction for consideredanoverestimatewhenconsideringtherelative the cluster asa whole, in this situation the lowerquality photometry of stars within either cluster; the calibra- (in particular the poorer seeing and consequently more tion errors from comparison to the 2MASS photometry severecrowding)oftheH-banddataleadsusexpectthat will shift allour measurements by the same amount. No the K luminosity function (KLF) will produce a better Embedded Stellar Clusters: II 3 estimate of the IMF for this cluster than the CMD will. evenin K. To make this transformation,we firstcorrect We have previously compared these two methods of de- the observed K for distance and extinction. Without terminingtheIMFforembeddedclustersinLeistra et al. spectra, we cannot obtain a precise estimate for the ex- (2005);inthatcase,wefoundtheygavedifferentresults, tinction; instead, we compute an averageextinction cor- with the “CMD” method (which we anticipate will be rectionbasedontheobservedJ−H andH−K colorsof morereliableinmostcases,especiallywherevariableex- the brighter stars. Since there is little difference in the tinction is present) yielding a flatter slope. intrinsic H −K color of stars of spectral type F5 and earlier,this estimate of an averageextinction is not sen- 3.1.1. The KLF sitivetominorerrorsinthedistanceestimate. Usingthe stellar evolutionary models of Meynet & Maeder (2003) In order to obtain a robust determination of the KLF for solar metallicity, we relate the mass for each track and the IMF, we need to determine the completeness of to an absolute K magnitude for a star on the ZAMS. our data. To do this, we performed artificial star tests. We transformed Lbol to K using the bolometric correc- We inserted five artificial stars, each of the same magni- tionsfromVacca, Garmany, & Shull (1996)for the early tude, at a time into the cluster region, then ran IRAF- spectraltypesandMalagnini et al.(1986)forlaterspec- DAOPHOTwiththesameparametersasweusedforthe tral types. We then use the intrinsic V −K colors from initialanalysis. Thisprocedurewasrepeated50timesfor Bessell & Brett (1988) for A-M stars and from Wegner each magnitude bin (∆m = 0.5), for a total of 250 arti- (1994) for O andB stars. Finally we interpolate linearly ficial stars added in each bin in H and in K. The stars between the masses available on the evolutionary tracks were added in small numbers at a time to avoid hav- to find the masses corresponding to our magnitude bins, ing the artificial stars significantly change the crowding and fit a power law to the resulting mass function. The characteristicsandthus influence the completeness. The IMF slope we derive by this method is Γ=−2.7±0.25, artificial star tests indicate a high level of completeness excluding bins corresponding to K > 17.5 where in- down to K = 17.5. The actual completeness is most completeness becomes significant. The slope we fit to likely slightly lower, since in the crowded central region the KLF itself for sources detected in both H and K is of the cluster our method may produce false positives 0.35±0.04. when the artificial star is placed on top of a real star of We have previously used multi-color photometry in approximatelythesamemagnitude. Despitethisconcern conjunction with near-IR spectroscopy of the bright- wehaveusedthecalculatedincompletenessincorrecting est stars to determine the IMF for embedded clusters the KLF; however, we have excluded the K = 17.5 bin (Leistra et al. 2005). Although we do not have spec- fromconsideration,both becausethis effect willbe most tra in this case, we can still derive extinctions for in- pronounced at faint magnitudes, and because statistical dividual stars based on their near-IR colors. We use uncertainties in the incompleteness will be significant. the same evolutionarymodels and conversionsfrom the- Knowingourincompleteness,wecancalculatetheKLF oretical to observed quantities described for the KLF forthe cluster. Figure4showsboththeuncorrectedand method. TheZAMSderivedfromtheevolutionarytracks completeness-corrected versions of the KLF, as derived of Meynet & Maeder (2003) is overplotted on the dis- from all sources detected in K. The slope of the KLF is tance and extinction-corrected CMD in Figure 5. The 0.31±0.04, with no extinction correction applied. ZAMSliesinthemiddleofthedistributionofstarsdueto the method used to estimate an averageextinction. The 3.1.2. The IMF scatter around the ZAMS is rather large, and is likely We derived an IMF for the Sh 2-217 cluster by two due to a combination of variable extinction in the clus- methods. For both methods we used a distance to the ter region and poor photometry in H, especially in the cluster of 5 kpc (Deharveng et al. 2003). In general central portion of the cluster. we believe that the “CMD method” for deriving the Since extinction appearsto vary acrossthe cluster, we IMF,whichusesindividually-derivedextinctionsforeach impose an extinction limit on the sample used for the star in the cluster, to be more reliable than the “KLF CMD computation of the IMF. Since the most massive method”whichassumesacommonextinctiontoallstars stars can be seen to greater extinction than less massive in the cluster, since variable extinction is frequently ap- stars, neglecting to impose this constraint will produce parent in the NIR images of embedded clusters. How- anoverlyflatIMF.Thusweneedtosimultaneouslylimit ever, in this case our K data is superior to our H data our sample by extinction and by mass. We use a mean duetothe differenceinthe seeing,whichwas∼0.′′ inK extinction to the Sh2-217 cluster of AV = 9 mag as de- and ∼1.2′′ in H. This suggests that despite the general terminedbyindividuallyde-reddeningsourcesuntilthey drawbacks of the KLF method it may be preferable in reachthemainsequence. Withtheexceptionofafewex- this situation; including the H-band data adds nothing treme outliers that mostlikely suffer from poorphotom- if it is of poor quality. At the least, using both methods etry,mostsourceswithhigherextinctionshaveAV <15. will provide information on potential systematic effects At a distance of 5 kpc with our limiting magnitudes, we inthe IMFdeterminationthatdepend onthe methodol- can observe stars earlier than G4 to an extinction of 9 ogy used. mag and earlier than F0 to an extinction of 15 mag. The KLF method of determining the IMF is some- Atadistanceof5kpcwithourlimitingmagnitude,an times employed even when multi-color photometry and extinction of AV = 9 limits us to G4 and earlier stars, spectra are available (e.g. Blum et al. 2000), and is sim- while AV = 15 limits us to F0 and earlier. We select ply a transformation from K magnitude bins to mass AV = 10 and G2 as our limits; stars with higher ex- bins. Themajorproblemwiththisisthatofvariableex- tinction or later spectral type cannot be detected over tinction,whichformanyembeddedclustersissignificant the entire range of mass or extinction included and thus 4 Leistra et al. are excluded. Approximately 34 stars have a higher ex- Arches cluster (Stolte et al. 2002)), we expect the core tinctionthanthis,includingfivewithextremecalculated IMF to be quite flat. When we re-derive the IMF for extinctions (AV > 50) that most likely suffer from poor this cluster using their radius with our data, we derive photometry and have unrealistic colors. This extinction an IMF of Γ = −1.55±0.22, statistically indistinguish- limit will also have the effect of excluding stars with able fromour originalresult. Porraset al.(1999) do not K-band excess from the IMF determination, since such comment on issues of confusion or field star contamina- sources would appear to be at high extinction. This will tion, so we cannot evaluate how much of an effect it is tend to push the IMF to flatter values, since lower-mass likelytohaveontheirresult;weexpectcrowdingtobea sources spend more time as IR-excess objects and thus moresignificantissue,anda misidentificationofblended aremorelikelytoberuledoutbythiscriterion. However, sources as single stars by Porras et al. (1999) could ac- we consider this to be a better approach than including count for their finding a steeper IMF than we do using the sources since: 1. the number of sources detected in the same method. all three bands in this cluster showing near-IR excess is 3.2. IRAS 06058+2158 Cluster small, suggesting such sources will not significantly in- fluence the mass; 2. the majority are of a low enough We presenta three-colorcomposite of the cluster near mass to fall below the completeness limit, and are thus the IRAS source 06058+2138 in Figure 6. Bik et al. excluded anyway regardless of the method; 3. includ- (2005) obtained VLT spectra in K of several NIR point ing them (since not all sources are detected in J) would sources near the IRAS point source, which is located weaken the extinction limit and tend to again force the near the center of the cluster, and identified two can- IMFtoflattervalues. InclusterswhereIR-excesssources didate massive YSOs and an embedded early-B star. dominatewedonotfitanIMF(seeSection3.2.1forfur- The spectrophotometric distance they derive from the ther discussion). B star is 1.0-1.5 kpc. This cluster is much more heav- Individual extinctions are derived by moving the stars ily embedded than the Sh 2-217 cluster, with significant along the direction of the reddening vector until they lie nebular emission and prominent dust lanes. Numerous on the ZAMS. Once the stars have been corrected indi- OH and methanol masers have been detected in this re- viduallyforextinction,theyareplacedinmassbins. We gion, which along with the IRAS point source suggest fit a power law to the data, excluding masses < 1.1M⊙ ongoing star formation. (see, e.g., Caswell et al. (1995), from the fit since they cannot be seen over the entire Szymczak et al. (2000)). A peak in the 8 µm emission range of extinctions in the cluster. The IMF slope we is observed in the MSX data, extending from the region derive by this method is Γ = −1.61±0.2. As for the ofNIR nebulosity to the southeastto the isolatedbright KLF method, the quoted errors represent only the for- source. mal errors in the fit and should be considered an under- The embedded cluster here is described in the com- estimate. pilation of Lada & Lada (2003), who quote a dis- The difference between these two values for the IMF tance of 1.5 kpc (Carpenter et al. 1993). However, emphasizesthatformalstatisticalerrorssignificantlyun- Hanson, Luhman, & Rieke (2002) describe a UCHII re- derestimate the true uncertainties in the IMF. In this gion associated with the IRAS point source, and quote case, as was the case in Leistra et al. (2005), the CMD adistanceof2.2kpc (K¨ompe et al.1989),andBik et al. method gives a noticeably flatter result than the KLF (2005) obtain a spectroscopic distance of 1.0-1.5 kpc. method. Clearly the individual extinction correction With no a priori reason to prefer one distance over the leads to the conclusion that more massive stars are other,andnouncertaintiesassociatedwitheither,weuse present than an average correction does. This could the averagedistance of 1.5 kpc for our analysis. be due to the effects of mass segregation, or to an in- 3.2.1. The KLF correctly chosen extinction limit (so that we truly are samplingmassivestarsmorecompletelythanlowermass We present color-color and color-magnitude diagrams stars). It is difficult to understand which of these ef- for this cluster in Figures 7 and 8. The “cluster region” fects is most important without obtaining spectra for a was defined to coincide with the extent of the near-IR significant number of stars in the cluster. nebulosity, and field stars were statistically corrected as This cluster is also analyzed by Porras et al. (1999), described in 3.1. The CMD shows objects spanning a who use a slightly different distance (5.8 kpc) and ex- rangeofextinctions,withrelativelyfewobjectswithcol- tinction(<AV >=5.3±3.7)andderiveanIMFslopeof ors consistent with unextincted main-sequence stars re- Γ=−0.59basedon54sourcesusingtheJ vsJ−H CMD maining in the statistically corrected data. Since the to individually correct extinctions and compare with a cluster in this case did not fill the field of view, we were theoretical JLF. This is a significant discrepancy from able to use the data fromthe non-clusterportions of the our result with either method. A number of factors may regionas ourfield, eliminating the needfor anoff-source contribute to this difference. The most significant, how- 2MASS field and extrapolation based on the KLF. The ever, is likely to be due to a different choice of cluster J−H vs. H−K color-colordiagramshowsthatthema- boundaries. Their quoted cluster radius corresponds to jorityofsourcesinthe clusterregionexhibit K-bandex- only 50′.′9, compared to ours of ∼ 80′′. This suggests cess and fall in the regionpopulated by reddened CTTS that their IMF will be more weighted towardthe cluster and YSOs, suggesting they may be pre-main-sequence corethanours. Thevaluetheyquoteforafield+cluster objects. BecausetheamountofK-bandexcessisaffected IMF is Γ=−2.71±0.24,much steeper and in fact quite by many factors (see, e.g.,Meyer, Calvet, & Hillenbrand closetothevalueweobtainusingtheKLF.Ifthecluster (1997)),derivingmassesfortheseobjectsisdifficult. We suffers from mass segregation, as we would expect given thus derive only a KLF for this cluster, and do not con- that it is observed even in very young clusters (e.g. the vert it to an IMF or derive an IMF from the CMD. We Embedded Stellar Clusters: II 5 determine and correct for our incompleteness as in 3.1. distanceof3.5kpc (Wouterloot & Brand1989)is shown The KLF we derive using a statistically-corrected sam- in Figure 12. ple of all sources detected in K, with no attempt to cor- Using the color-magnitude diagram based method of rectfor extinctiondue to the uncertaintyof the intrinsic derivinganIMFasdescribedabove,foralimitingextinc- H−K colorofthe YSOsthatarepresent,hasaslopeof tionofAV =25,wefindanIMFslopeofΓ=−0.9±0.25. 0.30±0.03. If only sources detected in H are included, UsingtheKLFmethod(withnoextinctioncorrection,to the KLF declines for K >14.5 since the high extinction mimic the results of a study with only single-color pho- meansthefainterobjectsarelesslikelytobedetectedin tometry available) we arrive at Γ = −2.6±0.3. Even H. afterallowingfortheerrorstobe largerthanquoteddue to uncertainty in the photometry and the conversion to 3.2.2. Pre-Main-Sequence Objects mass, these two slopes are inconsistent with each other, suggestingthatsystematiceffectsinoneorbothmethods A total of 37 out of 58 sources (63%) detected in all dominate over the statistical errors. three bands show a K-band excess in the color-color di- agram, suggesting they are pre-main sequence objects. 3.4. Sh 2-288 This is a lower limit on the actual pre-main-sequence The near-IR cluster image (Figure 13) of the cluster fraction of the cluster, since objects with a sufficiently near Sh2-288 shows a cluster with a dense core, crossed high IR excess may be detected in K but not in J or H. near the center by a dust lane. The center of the clus- Atotalof49sourcesweredetectedinK withinthe clus- ter is unresolved in our images, taken with a seeing of terregionthatwereundetectedinJ,H,orboth. Adding 0.7′′. This region was previously identified as an em- in these sources would give a PMS fraction of 80%. The bedded cluster by (Dutra & Bica 2001). In their cata- latterfigureisanupperlimit,sincesomeoftheK−-only log of outer-Galaxy HII regions, Rudolph et al. (1996) detectionsarelikelytobeknotsofnebularBrγ emission quote widely disparatedistances,with a radiokinematic or heavily extincted backgroundstars. Comparing these distance of 7.2 kpc and a photometric distance of 3.0 values to the near-IR excess fraction of embedded clus- kpc(Brand & Blitz1993). Thekinematicdistancewould ters of known ages presented in Haisch, Lada, & Lada make the sources we observe (several with K < 12) ex- (2001), we conclude that the age of the IRAS 6058 clus- tremely massive, it is thus far more likely that the pho- ter is less than 3 Myr. tometric distance is correct, and we have used the pho- We observe a few sources with colors even red- tometric distance for our analysis. der than the reddened extension of the CTTS locus. The 8 µm image from the MSX missionshows a peak Meyer, Calvet, & Hillenbrand (1997) observe sources coincident with the near-IR nebulosity; there is not a with similar colors, and suggest re-radiation by an ex- significant amount of 8 µm emission from regions dark tended envelope as an explanation. intheNIR.Thissuggeststhattherearenotasignificant number of sources so deeply embedded that they cannot 3.3. IRAS 06104+1524 Cluster be seen in K present in this cluster. Thenear-IRclusterimage(Figure9)oftheclusternear The K versus H −K color-magnitude diagram of the IRAS06104+1524showsaclearseparationintotwosub- cluster near the HII region Sh2-288 (Figure 14) clearly clusters separated by ∼ 2′. The southwest subcluster is shows the effects of variable extinction; the stars sep- dominatedbytwocloselyspacedbrightsourceswhilethe arate into two groups, one nearly unextincted and one northeastsubclusterisdenserandisnotdominatedbya with ∼AV =5. We correct for field star contamination single object. A ridge of marginally higher density than using the region of the field outside the cluster region as the surroundingfieldappearsto liebetweenthesubclus- described above. The J −H versus H −K color-color ters, though it is not apparent whether this is a real diagram (Figure 15) shows few stars separated from the feature. The MSX 8 µm image similarly shows two sep- main sequence locus by more than 2σ, suggesting that arate peaks, with no indication of a connection. These most stars in this cluster are on the main sequence. Ex- aretreatedasseparateclustersbyBica et al.(2003),and treme outliers in the color-color diagram were inspected there are IRAS point sources associated with each of individually; in general, they lie in the crowded central them(IRAS06104+1524andIRAS06103+1523,respec- region of the cluster and most likely suffer from poor tively). The IRAS point sources both have kinematic photometry due to the different PSFs in H and K that distances of 3.5 kpc (Wouterloot & Brand 1989), sug- resulted from variations in seeing. Such sources were gesting the subclusters are related. The radio kinematic excluded from analysis of the KLF and the IMF. Addi- distances derived to the two sources are the same, and tionally, the brightest source in the cluster, which lies theangularseparationiscomparabletothesizeofeither in the most crowded central region and has a FWHM subclump; in addition, a slight overdensity of stars can slightly broader than most sources in the field, was ex- be seen in the K image. These factors suggest that, at cluded since it is quite likely to be a blend of multiple the very least, these clusters are related; they may differ sources. We consider that the effects on the IMF are inage,but they arelikely to be partofthe same general likelytobeworseifablendisincludedthanifanysingle star-formation event. We see no difference between the star, even the most massive, is excluded. two apparent in either the CMD or the color-color dia- Using the photometric distance of 3.0 kpc from gram (Figures 10 and 11); if they do differ in age, it is (Rudolph et al.1996),wederiveanIMFfromtheKLFof beyondtheabilityofourdatatodiscern. Duetothisap- Γ=−1.95±0.62. Tobettercomparethetwomethodsof parentassociationandthe smallnumber ofstarsin each deriving the IMF, we included only those sources which cluster, we analyze the two together as a single cluster. were also detected in H, so that the same datasetwould The CMD after statistical correction and adjusting to a be used for both the KLF and CMD methods of deriv- 6 Leistra et al. ing the IMF.We individually de-reddenedsourcesinthe 4. SUMMARY H −K CMD until they were on the main sequence, im- We present NIR images of four embedded clusters in posing an extinction limit as before, and derive an IMF the outer Galaxy. In the case of the cluster near IRAS ofΓ=−1.62±0.65. Giventhe largeuncertainties,these 06058+2158 the number of stars with NIR excess indi- resultsareentirelyconsistent. Thebetteragreementmay catesapre-main-sequencefractionbetween60%and80% be because the extinction bias is less in the latter case. and an age of less than 3 Myr; the other three clusters show less nebular emission and fewer stars with NIR ex- 3.5. Comparison of Methods for IMF Determination cess indicating an older age. We compute the IMF for A summary of the IMFs derived for the three clusters the three clusters dominated by main-sequence stars, in without significant numbers of pre-main-sequence stars each case using both a KLF-based method relying on a andthesimilarresultsfrom(Leistra et al.2005)isshown single extinction value for the cluster and using only K in Table 1. In each case, there is a significant difference banddataandaCMD-basedmethodwhereanindividual betweentheIMFderivedfromtheKLFandthatderived extinction value is calculated for each star. We found a fromthe CMD.Does this reflectonlyuncertainties,oris statisticallysignificantdifference betweenthe twovalues one method in general more reliable than the other? A in two of the three cases, prompting us to examine IMF simple analysis would suggest that the CMD method is values ofembedded clusters fromthe literature to deter- more reliable, simply because it uses more information; mine whether systematic effects are at work. We found theextinctionclearlyvariesacrossmanyembeddedclus- asignificantdifferenceinthe meanvalueofthe IMFsfor ters (of those analyzed here, most notably Sh 2-288 and embeddedclustersderivedfrommethodsthathandleex- IRAS 06058+2158),and accounting for this should pro- tinction individually compared with those that adopt a vide a more robustestimate of the true IMF. We cannot singlevalueforthe extinction. Althoughalargersample say for certain that this is the case, however, without wouldhelptomakethisclaimmorerobust,sincemanyof obtaining spectra for most of the stars in each cluster, the results come froma single study (Porras et al. 1999) so that we can classify them spectroscopically and ob- and methodological details of that work could affect the tain individual masses. We note that in each case, the results,weconsiderittobesignificantenoughthatIMFs IMF we derivefromthe CMD by individually correcting obtained by different methods should not be compared the extinction for each object is flatter than that we de- in an attempt to search for variations in the IMF from rive from the KLF by assuming a single extinction for region to region. the entire cluster. This suggeststhatmore massivestars Truly reliable IMFs for embedded clusters will most may preferentially lie in more heavily extincted regions likely require spectra for a large number of stars in the in embedded clusters. Resolving this seeming discrep- clusters; we are continuing to try to obtain spectra for ancy would require spectra for a large number of cluster thesesourcestobettercharacterizethemassivestarpop- members, so that the IMF derivedfrom spectralclassifi- ulation and the IMF of these clusters. cation of stars can be compared to that derived via the different photometric methods. Weexaminetherelationbetweenderivedmassandex- tinction (with the extinction limit imposed) for the Sh2- 217 cluster, where we have the most data, in Figure 16. Such a relation appears to be present, albeit at low sig- nificance. This effect is opposite in sign to what would be expected from massive stars clearing their immediate environment more rapidly than their lower-mass coun- terparts,but the stars weobservearemostly of interme- diate mass, rather than truly high mass, such that their winds are not as significant; the effects of mass segrega- tion, placing the more massive stars at denser regions in the cluster, appear to dominate over the effects of clear- ing in these clusters. Since the clusters are numerically dominatedbylow-massstars,theaverageextinctionwill be mostly determined by the average for the low-mass stars,changedslightlybytheaverageforhigh-massstars. If more massive stars are indeed preferentially found at higherextinctionasourresultssuggest,thiswouldmean the majority of (low-mass) stars are over-corrected for extinction by a small amount when using a single value, while a few (high-mass) stars are under-corrected (thus lowering the derived mass) by a large amount; thus, the effectsofover-correctingandunder-correctingextinction do not fully cancelout, since the large under-corrections would be more likely to move stars between mass bins than the small over-corrections. If there is no relation betweenmassandextinction,wewouldexpectthesetwo results to cancel, since the average extinction for low- massstarswouldbethesameasthatforhigh-massstars. Embedded Stellar Clusters: II 7 WethankDonMcCarthyforuseofandassistancewith makesuseofdataproductsfromtheTwoMicronAllSky the PISCES instrument. 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TABLE 1 IMFs forembedded stellar clusters Cluster IMF:CommonAV IMF:Individual AV Distance(kpc) Source Sh2-288 Γ=−1.95±0.82 Γ=−1.62±0.5 3.0 Thiswork IRAS06104+1524 Γ=−2.49±0.3 Γ=−1.38±0.6 3.5 Thiswork Sh2-217 Γ=−2.7±0.25 Γ=−1.61±0.2 5.0 Thiswork G305.3+0.2 Γ=−1.5±0.3 Γ=−0.98±0.2 4.0 PaperI Fig. 1.— K-band image of the Sh 2-217 cluster center (North=up, East=left). Image is approximately 120′′on a side. The stellar densitydoesnotplateauinourentire3′FOV,suggestingtheclusteroutskirtscontinueatleasttotheedgeofourimage. Embedded Stellar Clusters: II 9 Fig. 2.— K vs. H−K color-magnitude diagram for the cluster near Sh2-217. Average DAOPHOT error bar is the size of the plot symbolsorsmaller. Overalluncertaintiesincludingcalibration(whichincludetermsthatwillnotaffecttherelativepositionofthepoints) areindicatedbythesymbolintheupperright. 10 Leistra et al. Fig. 3.— Statistically-corrected K vs. H−K color-magnitude diagram for the cluster near Sh2-217. Statistical correction was done based on the 2MASS Point Source Catalog for an adjacent field, extrapolating to the our limiting magnitude based on the luminosity function. Fig. 4.— K luminosityfunctionforthe Sh2-217cluster. (Solidismeasured; dashediscorrected forincompleteness.) Since thecluster fillsthefieldofviewandthecomparison2MASSdatadonotgoasdeep, wedonotshowafieldsampleforcomparison.

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