Research Reports The ‘inch flora’: some observations on the morphologyand seed biology ofannual plant species common in semi-arid woodlands ofwestern Victoria W John Morgan andTeri P O’Brien DepartmentofBotany,LaTrobeUniversity,Bundoora,Victoria3086 Email:[email protected] Abstract Annualplantsarean under-studiedcomponentoftheVictorian flora.Wedescribethemorphologyandseed biologyoftenspecies commontosemi-aridwoodlands infarwestern Victoria:Actinoboleuliginosum, Blen- nospora drummondii, Calandriniagranulifera, Centrolepis strigosa, Millotia tenuifolia, Podothecaangustifoliay Pogonolepismuelleriana, Qui—netiaurvillei, Rhodanthepygmaea, Triptilodiscuspygmaeus.Twoformsofgrowth morphologywereobserved erect’ and‘branched’. Threespecieswerefoundto havemyxospermous seeds. Here,theseedcoatcontainsamassofdrymucilagewhichhydratesandswellsrapidlyoncontactwithwater. Eightspeciesappeartohavedormantseedatthetimeofdispersal,presumablyastrategytoavoidgermination insummer.Thisdormancywasovercomewhenseedwasheatedto35°Cfor4weeks.Ourpreliminarystudies confirm that annuals are a fascinating group ofplants which warrant much better ecological understand- ing. Further quantitative investigation ofthe seedbiology(particularlythe extentand roleofmyxospermy), seedgerminationrequirements(includingdormancy-breakingmechanisms) anddevelopmentalanatomyare clearlynecessary. {The VictorianNaturalist129(1)2012,4-9). Keywords:germination,growthform,myxospermy,seeddormancy, annual flora Introduction Annual plants of the worlds arid ecosystems cies (Quinetia urvillei) is classified as rare in can be divided into those that flower and seed Victoria. The maximum heightofall species is in the summer and those that carry out those <100mm,withseveralspeciesstrictly<30mm activitiesinwinter-spring.Annualspeciesfrom tall at maturity. All species we have observed low rainfall zones in western Victoria fit com- demonstrate one oftwo characteristic growth fortably into the winter-spring active group, morphologies (Table 1). Species eitherdevelop using the winter-dominant rainfallthat occurs (i) asingleshootwhich bearsjustoneterminal in this region. While annuals are a common inflorescence(‘erect’habit;Fig. 1),or (ii)oneor componentofsemi-aridwoodlandsandmallee moreadditional shoots are producedfrom lat- shrublandsinsouthern Australia (e.g. Rice and eralbudsontheprimaryaxis(‘branched’habit; Westoby 1983; van der Moezel and Bell 1989; Fig.2).Theselateralshootsappeartogrowdia- Morgan et al 2011), few species have received geotropically and then curve upwards, bearing detailed ecological study. Indeed, of the spe- either inflorescences or further shoots that, in cies we studied, only the seed dormancy and turn,bearinflorescencesin amoreorlesserect germination ofActinobole uliginosumhas been position. Six species have ‘branched’ habit but previouslyreported (Hoyle etal 2008). Hence, there is much variation. Blennosperma drum- in this contribution, we introduce aspects of mondti, for instance, omitsthe developmentof the morphology and seed biology ofa suite of the lateral shoot stage and has either just one annual species common to semi-arid eucalypt single shoot with a terminal inflorescence, or woodlands in Victoria based on our observa- two or more laterals that grow atan angle that tionsofthese much-overlookedplants. is steeply inclined to the vertical, each termi- natedbyasinglesmallerinflorescence.InPogo- MWoerpshtuodlioegdy1a0ndspesceieedsbtiyopliocgalyly found in the nolepis muelleriana^ it is very clear that when additionalbranchesarisefromthediageotropic ‘inch flora' ofsemi-arid woodlands in western laterals,the sizeofthe inflorescencesproduced andnorth-western Victoria(Table 1).Onespe- are smaller than those produced terminallyby 4 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports Table1.Height,growthformmorphologyandevidenceofmyxospermyfortenannualplantspeciescommon tosemi-aridwoodlandsinwesternVictoria. *Height<30mm; Comprisingasingleshootwhichmaybear justoneterminalinflorescence(erect),oroneormoreadditionalshootsareproducedfromlateralbudsonthe primaryaxis(branched); Seedsrichinmucilagewhichhydratesrapidlyonwetting;****Seedssurrounded byhairsthatturnmucilaginousonwetting. Species Family InchPlant* Morphology** Myxospermous*** Actinoboleuliginosum Asteraceae Strict Branched Yes Blennosporadrummondii Asteraceae Strict Branched Yes Calandriniagranulifera Portulacaceae Strict Branched No Centrolepisstrigosa Centrolepidaceae Strict Branched No Millotiatenuifolia Astercaeae No Erect No Podothecaangustifolia Asteraceae Variable Branched No Pogonolepismuelleriana Asteraceae Strict Branched Yes Quinetiaurvillei Asteraceae No Erect No Rhodanthepygmaea Asteraceae Variable Erect No**** Triptilodiscuspygmaeus Asteraceae Variable Erect No the original diageotropic shoot. This is equally little as a few minutes (Fig. 3). In Rhodanthe truewith Blennospermadrummondii. pygmaea, seeds are surrounded by hairs that Three species {Actinobole uliginosum, Blen- turn mucilaginous on wetting. Myxospermy nospora drummondii, Pogonolepis muelleriana) have myxospermous seeds. Here, theseed coat containsamassofdrymucilagewhentheseeds areshed.Themucilagehydratesandswellsrap- idly on contactwith water, in some cases in as Fig. 1. Examples ofannualplantswith erect' growth morphologywhereasingleshootbears aterminal in- florescence. (a) Millotia tenuifolia, (b) Siloxerus multiflorus and (c) Gnephosis drummondii. Photos by Pete Green. Vol 129 (1)2012 5 Research Reports Fig.2.Actinoboleuliginosumisanexampleofaspecieswith‘branched’growthmorphologywhereoneormore shootsareproducedfromlateralbudsontheprimaryaxis.PhotobyPeteGreen. has been studied in many species of desert Observationsondevelopmentalanatomy plants (reviewed by Fahn and Cutler 1992), A feature of annual plants is their ability to and been found to be common in plant fami- growrapidlyaftergermination,establishoneor lies such as PlantaginaceaeandAsteraceae. In- more shootsthat bear inflorescences, andthen terestingly, myxospermy is common in winter to flower and produce seed rapidly. One can annualsofIsraelandSouthAfrica (van Rheede speculate that achieving this end has sparked van Oudtshoorn and van Rooyen 1998); how- the creation ofthe 'branched’ morphology we ever, it does not appear to have been investi- observed. First, photosynthetic tissue needs to gated much in Australian annual species. A be close to the sites at which photosynthates number oftheories have been suggested about are consumed,becauseit isalmostan axiomof its significance and mxyospermymightbe im- phloem function that the shorter the distance portant when seeds are both wet and dry. We betweensourceandsink,themorerapidlypho- areinclinedtotheideathatitassiststheseedto tosynthetic products are moved to their desti- attach to the soil, giving the radicle something nation.Inplantswiththis ‘branched’morphol- topushagainstasitstartstoelongate,minimis- ogy,suchmorphologyguaranteesthatthesinks ingthe riskofpushingthe roothairzoneaway and the source of photosynthates are never fromthesoilsurface.Thismightbeparticularly more thanafewcentimetresapart. important where the substrate is covered by a The water and mineral nutrition for these biological soilcrustas is commonin semi-arid axes will be drawn from soil and the root sys- areas. Clearly this is an area in need ofmuch tems,andsomewaterwillnodoubtbetakenup greaterstudy. 6 TheVictorianNaturalist Research Reports Fig. 3. EvidenceofmyxospermyinBlennosperma drummondii (foreground) compared lo aspecies which is not myxospermous {Podotheca ungustifolia, background). In this example, the mucilage had hydrated and swelledrapidlyoncontactwithwaterapplied 15minutespreviously.PhotobyJohnMorgan. byabsorption throughgrowingleafsurfaces,in ledons have barely finished unfolding. In soil, somecasesas dew; however,thereareno stud- this primary root develops lateral branches at ies on the developmental anatomy and histol- regularintervals (5-10mm),lateralswhichare ogyofanyofthese specieswith theseissues in also strongly diageotropic from the moment mind. Theuptakeofwater, photosynthates and they emerge from the stele ofthe parent root. minerals into the developing flower heads and These laterals then produce vertical roots with seedsofthesespecies, w'iththeurgencycreated numerousroothairswhichcanadherestrongly by the relatively short growing season, and its to sandgrainsin thesoil. A detailed analysis of timing with respect to vascular development, therootmorphology,includingdevelopmentof will likely be of considerable interest to eco- themycorrhizasknowntobeafeatureofplants physiologists. growing in these habitats (Warcup and McGee Our preliminary observations suggest that 1983),and ofthesoil sheathsidentifiedbyMc- the root system engages in asimilarpattern of Cully(1987), whichhavebeenshowntopermit development to that ofthe shoots. A primary non-rhizobialN2fixation,awaitdetailedstudy. radicle emerges rapidly from below the hy- Preliminarystudiesofgermination pofocohtyyplocwohtiylchhamiarsy.oDrumrianygnothtishasvteagae,comraonnya We collected ripe seeds from all species in October-November 2009 from a number of seedlings have theircotyledons still encased in state forests between Horsham, Dimboola and a seed coat and, in the case ofmyxospermous GorokeinwesternVictoriatoexaminethecues species, the seed coats are firmly stuck to the for germination in annuals. In particular, we substrate. This radiclegrowsverticallyand rap- idly,reachingadepthof70 mmwhen thecoty- were interested in the temperatures that pro- mote germination and the environmental cues Vol 129(1)2012 7 Research Reports Toanbflree2s.hSsueemdm.aAryfooufrtthheggeerrmmiinnaattiioonntrreesaptomnesnetoofntefnreasnhnsueaeldpwlaanstpsrpeeccieedsedtobmyovheea-tailnognsge(edMsAaIt-335)°tCrefaotrmefnotusr weekspriortosowing. ExperimentalTreatment Species MA1;30“C MA2;20°C MA3:GA3@20°C Seedheating@ (12hrslight/dark) (12hrslight/dark) (12hrslight/dark) 35°Cthen20°C (12hrslight/dark) Actinoboleuliginosum No No No Yes Blennosporadrummondii Yes-substantial Nottested Nottested Yes Calandriniagranulifera No Yes-substantial Nottested Yes Centrolepisstrigosa No No Yes-minimal No Millotiatenuifolia No No No Yes Podothecaangustifolia No No No Yes Pogonolepismuelleriana No No Yes Yes Quinetiaurvillei No No No Yes Rhodanthepygmaea No No No Yes Triptilodiscuspygmaeus No No Yes Yes thatmightbenecessarytoovercomedormancy. Afteranother3weeks,westartedGermination Wedonotreportgerminationexperimentsper Trial3 in an attemptto overcome dormancyof se; rather, we make observations oflikely ger- seeds. Gibberellic acid (GAft, known from the minationstrategiesinthesespeciesasaprecur- literaturetobecapableofbreakingdormancyin sortomore formal study. some desertannuals (Plummerand Bell 1995), Within two months of seed collection, we was added to all Petri dishes where no germi- started Germination Trial 1. Weplaced 70-100 nation had previously been recorded (i.e. 8 of tilled seeds ofeach species on Whatman No. 1 the 10 species). WetreatedeachPetridishwith mm filter paper in individual 90 Petri dishes 7.5 mlofGA3 (at 200 mg/1), andthen returned andplaced them at30°C constanttemperature dishes to the growth cabinet at 20 °C (12 hrs inaThermolinegrowthcabinet(12hrslight/12 light/12hrsdark).Thisexperimentreleasedthe hrs dark). Wewere interested in whetherfresh dormancyofsomespeciesincludingCentrolepis seed would resist germination upon wetting strigosa, Pogonolepis muelleriana and Triptilo- at high temperature. Within one week, Blen- discuspygmaeus; however, for Actinobole uligi- nosperma drummondii had produced a few nosum, Millotia tenuifolia, Podotheca angustifo- germinants; all other species showed no signs lia, Quinetia urvillei and Rhodanthe pygmaea, of activity. After 3 weeks, Blennosperma had nogerminationwas observed. achieved agermination ofapproximately 70%, Finally, in Germination Trial 4, we exposed butnootherspeciesgerminatedatthistemper- filled seed ofall species to 28 days ofheating ature.Atthistime,wemoved all Petridishesto at 35 °C. This is considered a form ofdry af- 20°C constanttemperature (12 hrslight/12hrs ter-ripening. Heating was achieved by placing dark) (Germination Trial 2) in a ‘move-along’ seeds in paper bags inside a thermostatically experiment (i.e. seedexposedto one treatment controlled oven. After heating, 70-100 seedsof thatdoesnotinducegerminationaremovedto eachspecieswereplacedonWhatmanNo. 1 fil- asecondtreatmentinan attempttodoso). terpaper in 90 mm Petri dishes, asbefore,and Calandrinia granulifera germinated rapidly placed at 20 °C constant temperature, with 12 whenseeds were moved to 20°C; >80% germi- hrslight/ 12 hrs dark. All species, except Cen- nationwasobserved withinthree daysofstart- trolepisstrigosUygerminatedinthe3weeksafter ing this trial. No germination, however, was westartedthistrial.Germinationwashigh;60- recordedfor anyother species at thistempera- 80% germination was observed in all species. ture suggesting that seeds have aphysiological WesummarisetheseoutcomesinTable2. dormancyuponbeingshed. 8 TheVictorianNaturalist 1 Research Reports We conclude from these observations that Acknowledgements the common seasonal pattern of high sum- Technical assistance was provided by Max Bartley mer temperatures and a variable period oflow and Pete Green kindly allowed us to use his photo- graphs. Professor Roger Parish gave on-going en- rainfall combine to render the seed of many couragementandsupport. annual species initially dormant upon disper- sal. Blennospora drurnmondii and Calandrinia References graniiliferawouldappeartobeexceptions;they FathrnaegAera:nBderCluitnl)erDF(1992)Xerophytes.(GebruderBorn- await the arrival of appropriate temperatures Hoyle GL, Daws MI, Steadman K) and AdkinsSW (2008) and moisture to germinate. As the summer mPraen-cayndalploesvti-athiaornvesotf ainnflAuuesntcreasliaonn Apshtyesriaocleoageicaslpecdioers-; progresses, the high temperatures that seeds Actinobole uliginosum (A. Gray) H. Eichler. SeedScience experience at (or near) the soil surface ap- McRCeuslelarychM1E8,(119918-71)99S.elected aspects ofthe structure and pear likely to slowly reduce the dormancy of development offield-grown roots with special reference the embryo, which eventually responds to the tomaize.InRootdevelopmentandfunction,pp53-70.Eds combinationofcoolerconditionsandmoisture PPrJesGsr:egCoarmyb,riJdVgLea)keandDARose.(CambridgeUniversity by rapidly germinating. Actinobole uliginosum, Morgan [W. Wong NK and Cutler SC (2011) Life-form Millotia tenuifolia, Podothecaangustifolia, Qui- wspoeocdilesa-nadrecaommruelnaittiyo.nsPhlipasntEicnoloagy2t1e2m,pe1r0a4t7e-105eu5c.alypt netia urvillei and Rhodanthe pygmaea all ap- PlummerJAandBellDT(1995)Theeffectsoftemperature, pearto respondinthismanner. lightandgibberellicadd(GA?)onthegerminationofAus- tralianeverlastingdaisies(Asteraceae,TribeInuleae).Aus- Conclusions RictrealBiaannJdouWrenasltoobfyBoMtan(y194833,)93P-l1an0t2.speciesrichnessatthe The ecology ofannual plants has largely been 0.1 hectare scale in Australian vegetation compared to overlooked in southern Australia, despite the vaonthdeerrcMoonteizneelntPs.GVaegnedtaBteilol5D2,T12(91-91894)0.Plantspecies rich- important contribution they make to diversity nessinthemalleeregionofWesternAustralia.Australian insemi-aridwoodlandsandmalleeshrublands. vaJnouRrhtieaeldoefEvcaonlOoguydt1s4,ho2o2r1n-2K26a.ndvanRooyenMW(1998) Hence, our observations were undertaken in Dispersalbiologyofdesertplants.(Springer:NewYork) the almost complete absence ofpublished lit- WarcupJHandMcGee PAU983)Themycorrhizalassocia- erature. By describing the variation that exists 6ti6o7n-s67o2f.someAustralian Asteraceae.NewPhytologist95, in morphology and seed biology ofthis group, we have demonstrated that annual plant spe- cies exhibit a fascinating array ofstrategies to cope with their environment. We hope that thisstimulates furtherquantitative studyofthe ‘inch flora. Received11August2011;accepted24November201 Onehundredandtwenty-eightyearsago MALLEEHENSANDTHEIREGGMOUNDS ByA.J.Campbell (ReadbeforetheFieldNaturalists'ClubofVictoria,Dec.8, 1884) ...WhenanythingismentionedabouttheMalleecountry,thereisinstantlyconveyedtothemindofmany peopleavividpictureofdesertland, theabodeonlyofwilddogsandlatterlyofrabbits.Neverwastherea greatererror. ItispredictedthatinthenearfuturetheMalleecountrywillbeamongthemostfruitfuland productivepartsoftheColonyofVictoria.TheMalleescrubisaspeciesofdwarfgum-treeorEucalyptus, and 10to 12 small treesspringfrom the oneroot. The foliage spreads over head 10 to 20 feet abovethe ground. Thewoodishardanddurable,thebarkasarulesmoothandthin. Thisscrubgenerallygrows inalooseyellowish sandysoil, andin longbeltsvaryingfromhalfamileto milesinbreadth. Betweenthebeltstherearecorrespondinggoodtractsofcountrymoreopenlytimbered withbull-oak,andstillmorethicklyinpartswheretheyareinterspersedwithoneormorevarietiesofgum trees,Murraypine,&c. From The VictorianNaturalistI,p. 124,December 1884 Vol 129 (1)2012 9