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THE IMPORTANCE OF STORE IMAGE DIMENSIONS IN APPAREL RETAIL: CUSTOMER AND MANAGEMENT PERCEPTIONS by Janetta van der Vyver THESIS PRESENTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER IN COMMERCE AT THE STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY Supervisor: Prof R Du Preez March 2008 i Declaration I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the work contained in this thesis is my own original work and that all sources have been accurately reported and acknowledged, and that I have not previously in its entirety or in part submitted it at any university in order to obtain an academic qualification. 03-12-2007 Copyright © 2008 Stellenbosch University All rights reserved ii Abstract The apparel retail environment is highly competitive. Products and services that are easily replicated, together with informed and demanding consumer markets, add to the complexity of this dynamic, fast changing retail and manufacturing industry. One avenue that companies explore to differentiate themselves from the competition is by the development of their corporate identity. A fundamental element of marketing communication and corporate identity representation is store image, as it is a vehicle that affects the customers’ perception of the store and the store’s identity. To be able to invest in store image optimally, retailers should take cognisance of the need to manage store image in order to increase potential sales. The purpose of the current study was to expand the existing body of knowledge on retail store image and the female apparel consumer in the Western Cape with special reference to the perceived importance of retail store image dimensions. The research question directing the current study was formulated as follows: How do consumers perceive the various store image dimensions in apparel retail and how congruent are customers’ and management’s perceptions of these store image dimensions? The literature review focuses on the importance of store image for retail differentiation purposes as well as independent (demographics, lifestyle, shopping orientation) and dependent variables (patronage behaviour, store loyalty, customer satisfaction) in store image research. Congruity as well as gap analysis are also discussed as these are the focus of the research analysis. The Store Image Scale (SIS) was used as measuring instrument. Management (n -= 14) and customer (n = 200) samples from a leading apparel retailer were used to measure the importance of the various store image dimensions. The questionnaire was adapted for the purpose of reaching all the set empirical objectives. The customer questionnaire included five sections to measure the ideal and the actual store image and the management iii questionnaire included two sections to measure management’s perception of the importance of store image dimensions for customers. Data was subjected to reliability analysis, descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. Results indicated that Atmosphere, Merchandise and Service were rated as most important dimensions according to customer perceptions of the ideal, while Atmosphere, Promotion and Service were the most important dimensions according to management. Atmosphere, Convenience and Merchandise were rated as most acceptable by customers. Due to the nature of the research design congruency analysis was used. The congruency analysis yielded 29 of the 55 attributes as congruent. The analysis of congruency between acceptability and importance ratings of customers indicated that the dimensions Convenience, Institutional and Sales Personnel showed no significant differences. It therefore was concluded that management’s perception and customers’ perceptions of the importance of ideal store image are closely related for these dimensions. However, closer consideration has to be given to the specific attribute design. Significant differences between management’s and customers’ perceptions were found for the Promotion, Merchandise and Service dimensions. Based on the results, recommendations were made to management from which they could infer possible adjustments to the strategic management of store image dimensions. This is one of the first academic studies to attempt to provide management with feedback on the performance of their retail strategy and is therefore exploratory in nature. The recommendations from the current study could help retailers meet consumer needs, and thereby create a competitive advantage and unique market position for the store. This could contribute to building brand equity, store patronage and, consequently, sales, as well as support the possibility of benchmarking the importance of specific store image dimensions as retail practices in the chain store apparel sector. This could contribute to this retailer’s ability to project a store image that meets customers’ expectations while enforcing the strategic corporate identity. iv Opsomming Die klere kleinhandelsomgewing is hoogs kompeterend. Produkte en dienste word maklik nageboots en ingeligte en veeleisende verbruikers dra by tot die kompleksiteit van hierdie dinamiese en veranderende kleinhandel- en vervaardigingsbedryf. Een wyse waarop maatskappye poog om hulself van die kompetisie te onderskei, is die ontwikkeling van ‘n korporatiewe identiteit. Winkelbeeld is ‘n fundamentele bousteen van korporatiewe identiteit en ‘n prominente deel van bemarkingskommunikasie. Winkelbeeld verpersoonlik die winkelidentiteit en beïnvloed die verbruiker se persepsie van ‘n winkel. Om besteding op winkelbeeld optimaal te benut, moet kleinhandelaars kennis neem van die belangrikheid van die bestuur van winkelbeeld ten einde verkope te verhoog. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die bestaande kennis rondom kleinhandelaar- winkelbeeld en vroue-klereverbruikers in die Wes-Kaap uit te bou, met spesifieke verwysing na die belangrikheid van die dimensies van ‘n winkelbeeld. Die navorsingsvraag wat die studie gerig het, is soos volg geformuleer: Hoe word die verskillende dimensies van winkelbeeld deur verbruikers waargeneem en hoe kongruent is die verbruikers en bestuurders se persepsies van winkelbeelddimensies? Die literatuurstudie fokus op die belangrike rol van winkelbeeld in die proses van kleinhandelaardifferensiasie, sowel as die onafhanklike (demografie, lewenstyl, aankooporiëntasie) en afhanklike veranderlikes (aankoopgedrag, winkellojaliteit, verbruikerstevredenheid) in winkelbeeldnavorsing. Kongruensie en gapinganalise word ook bespreek omdat dit die fokus van die navorsingsanalise is. Die Winkelbeeldskaal (Store Image Scale - SIS) is as meetinstrument gebruik. Twee steekproewe bestaande uit bestuurders (n = 14) en verbruikers (n = 200) van ‘n modehandelaar is gebruik om die belangrikheid van winkelbeelddimensies te bepaal. Die vraelys is aangepas om die verskillende empiriese doelwitte te bereik. Die verbruikersvraelys wat gebruik is, bestaan uit vyf afdelings en meet die ideale en v werklike winkelbeeld. Die bestuursvraelys bestaan uit twee afdelings ten einde bestuur se persepsie van verbruikers se ideale belangrikheid van winkelbeeld dimensies, te meet. Die data is met behulp van betroubaarheidanalise, beskrywende statistiek en analise van variansie ontleed. Volgens die kliënte se persepsie van die ideale winkelbeeld is Atmosfeer, Handelsware en Dienste die belangrikste dimensies, terwyl bestuurspersepsie Atmosfeer, Promosie en Dienste as die belangrikste dimensies aangedui het. Atmosfeer, Handelsware en Gerief is deur kliënte as die mees aanvaarbare dimensies geïdentifiseer. Die aard van die navorsingsontwerp het die gebruik van kongruensie-analise vereis en dit het kongruensie tussen bestuurders- en verbruikersresponse vir 29 uit 55 attribute getoon. Die kongruensie-analise dui verder aan dat geen statisties beduidende verskille tussen die dimensies Gerief, Institutionele en Verkoopspersoneel voorkom nie. Die gevolgtrekking kan dus gemaak word dat bestuurs- en verbruikerspersepsies ten opsigte van die belangrikheid van die winkelbeeld ooreenstem, maar dat verdere aandag aan spesifieke winkelbeeld-attribute geskenk moet word. Beduidende verskille tussen verbruikers- en bestuurspersepsies ten opsigte van belangrikheid is vir die Promosie-, Handelsware- en Dienstedimensies gevind. Verskeie aanbevelings is op grond van die resultate aan die bestuur voorgestel ten einde moontlike strategiese wysigings aan die bestuur van winkelbeeld te fasiliteer. Hierdie is een van die eerste akademiese studies wat terugvoering gee rakende die effektiwiteit van ‘n kleinhandelstrategie en is dus verkennend van aard. Die aanbevelings is daarop gemik om verbruikers se behoeftes aan te spreek, en 'n kompeterende voordeel en unieke markposisie vir die kleinhandelaar te skep, om tot die ontwikkeling en uitbouing van handelsmerkwaarde, winkelkeuse en, gevolglik, verkope by te dra. Verder behoort die resultate ondersteuning te bied vir die ontwikkeling van normstelling rakende die belangrikheid van winkelbeelddimensies in klere kettingwinkels. Dit kan hierdie handelaar in staat stel om ‘n winkelbeeld te skep wat aan verbruikers se verwagtinge voldoen en gelyktydig ook die korporatiewe identiteit versterk. vi Acknowledgements I should like to express my gratitude to: Prof Ronel du Preez, who provided supervision and support, Dr Babsie Janse van Noordwyk, for her willingness to assist me in this research project, Prof Martin Kidd from the Centre for Statistical Consultation, Stellenbosch University, for his expert advice and the analysis of data, Mrs H Honey for the language editing, My parents, Marlet and Koos, for giving me the opportunity to be a full-time student and for moral support as well as advice. vii CONTENTS Declaration i Abstract ii Opsomming iv Acknowledgements vi List of Tables xi List of Figures xiii List of Appendices xiv Page Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introductory perspectives 1 1.2 The South African apparel industry: market and retail challenges 1 1.3 The role of store image in influencing consumer behaviour 5 1.4 Statement of the problem and objectives 9 1.5 Defining of key concepts 10 1.6 Research methodology 12 1.7 Structuring of the thesis 13 1.8 Conclusion to Chapter 1 13 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Theoretical framework 14 2.3 The significance of store image for business 16 2.4 Store image and related consumer behaviour variables 20 2.4.1 Consumer behaviour variables as independent variables in store image research 21 viii Demographics 22 Lifestyle 23 Shopping orientation 24 2.4.2 Consumer behaviour variables as dependent variables in store image research 25 Store choice 25 Store loyalty 26 Customer satisfaction 28 2.5 Store Image 29 2.5.1 Defining store image 30 2.5.2 Store image structure 32 2.5.3 Store image dimensions 34 Atmosphere 34 Convenience 35 Facilities 37 Institutional 38 Merchandise 39 Promotion 40 Sales personnel 42 Service 43 2.6 Congruity analysis 44 2.6.1 Perception 44 2.6.2 Store image congruity 45 2.7 Conclusion to Chapter 2 50 Chapter 3: Research methodology 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 Research design 52 3.3 Method of sampling 52 3.3.1 Sample domain 52 ix 3.3.2 Sample description 53 3.4 Data gathering 55 3.4.1 Store-intercept survey 56 3.4.2 Data gathering and fieldworker training 59 3.5 Measurement instrument 61 3.6 Statistical analysis 64 3.7 Conclusion to Chapter 3 65 Chapter 4: Results and Discussion 4.1 Introduction 66 4.2 Sample profile of customers and management 67 4.3 Questionnaire reliability 70 4.4 Importance of store image dimensions: Customers’ perceptions of the ideal apparel retail store 75 4.5 Importance of store image dimensions: Management’s perceptions of customers’ importance ratings 81 4.6 Acceptability of the current store image: Customers’ perception 86 4.7 Congruity analysis: Customers’ perception of the importance of store image dimensions versus management’s perception thereof 92 4.7.1 Perception of the importance of store image dimensions 92 4.7.2 Congruence analyses 93 Image congruence – Above average 98 Image congruence – Below average 99 Image incongruence – Above average, Customers higher 101 Image incongruence – Below average, Customers higher 101 Summary: Congruency between customers’ and management’s overall perceptions 102

the importance of store image dimensions in apparel retail: customer and management perceptions by janetta van der vyver thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the
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