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201] HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES. Carl HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- P. Daw Jr. 61:4:24 Aut 2010 TURE. Daniel Jay Grimminger Hiv News: Errata: Correction to 2010 61:4:48 Aut 2010 hymnic anniversaries 61:2:4 Spr BLUES 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: My father’s yin ANTHEMS favorite, my least favorite: What a REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSI- friend we have in Jesus. Dan C. ANNUAL INDEX TIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace Damon 61:3:44 Sum 2010 61:1:61 Win 2010 BOYDEN, JENNI LEE 2010 Annual Index, Volume 61 Compiled by Deborah C. Loftis REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSI- Bidden, unbidden: New hymns by TIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace Jenni Lee Boyden and Rusty ABBINGTON, JAMES 61:3:54 Sum 2010 Edwards (rev. by) Donna Hamil- Let the church sing on! Reflections REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPOSI- ton 61:1:53 Win 2010 on Black sacred music. James TIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace BRINGLE, MARY LOUISE Abbington (ver. by) Melva Costen 61:4:69 Aut 2010 A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- 61:4:67 Aut 2010 ARCHER, ED nary address to The Hymn Soctety ADVENT Cross generation. Ed Archer; in the United States and Canada. Christmas ts coming: A collection of Michael Cymbala; Gary Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. carols for Advent and Christmas. Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 Nicholas Temperley (rev. by) (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward BRODY, BENJAMIN Heather Josselyn-Cranson 61:4:62 61:3:50 Sum 2010 Hymns we love to sing. Alan C. Aut 2010 Whitmore (rev. by) Benjamin ASIAN AFRICAN Brody 61:3:51 Sum 2010 Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal Summoned to Cameroon by e-mail: Songs for a gospel people. R. Gerald 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano: The report ofa rookie hymnal edi- Hobbs (rev. by) Benjamin Brody James Minchin; I-to Loh (rey. by) tor. John Thornburg 61:2:7 Spr 2010 61:3:51 Sum 2010 Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr AFRICAN AMERICAN BROWN, ROSALIND 2010 Let the church sing on! Reflections Durham sings! Durham’s contribu- BAPTISTS on Black sacred music. James tion to English hymnody. Rosalind “I will sing the wondrous story”: A | Abbington (ver. by) Melva Costen Brown (rev. by) Martin V. Clarke history of Baptist hymnody tn 61:4:67 Aut 2010 61:3:50 Sum 2010 North America. David W. Music; | AMBROSE, JOHN BUKOWSKI, PETER Paul A. Richardson (rev. by) Bev- Nominations: Executive Committee Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der erly A. Howard 61:4:66 Aut | Nomunees |J ohn Ambrose, Jacque Gemetnschaft Evangelischer Kirchen 2010 B. Jones, Jan Kraybill |6 1:2:5 Spr in Europa/Hymnbook of the Com- 2010 BARTHEL, ALAN munity of Protestant Churches in At dawn of grace: Hymn tunes of AMERICAN Europe/Livre de cantiques de la Carson P. Cooman. Pat Talbert | “T will sing the wondrous story”: A Communion a’Eglises Protestantes Instory of Baptist hymnody in (rev. by) Alan Barthel 61:1:53 | en Europe. Peter Bukowski; Thomas North America. David W. Music: Win 2010 Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; Paul A. Richardson (rev. by) Bev- BELL, JOHN Christine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas erly A. Howard 61:4:66 Aut 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: A small | Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl; Ilsabe AMERICAN-NINETEENTH piano in a big room. Dan C. | Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles CENTURY Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 Commentary, notes and introduc- We walk his way: Shorter songs for | CAMEROON tions to the 1858 “Sabbath hymn worship. John L. Bell and the | Summoned to Cameroon by e-matl: book”: The musicalized theology Wild Goose Resource Group. The report of a rookie hymnal edt- of popular belief just before the (rev. by) Margaret Leask 61:2:50 tor. John Thornburg 61:2:7 Spr Civil War. Samuel J. Rogal (ver. Spr 2010 2010 by) Robin Knowles Wallace BIBLIOGRAPHIES CANEDO, KEN 61:4:64 Aut 2010 HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- Keep the fire burning: Thef olk Mass AMERICAN GUILD OF TURE. Daniel Jay Grimminger | revolution. Ken Canedo (rer. by) ORGANISTS 61:1:42 Win 2010 Michele Johns 61:2:47 Spr 2010 AGO founders hymnal. Rollin HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- CATHOLICS Smith (ver. by) Alan J. Hom- TURE. Daniel Jay Grimminger| Cross generation. Ed Archer; merding 61:4:62 Aut 2010 61:2:36 Spr 2010 Michael A. Cymbala; Gary ANNIVERSARIES HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley 2010 HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES TURE. Daniel Jay Gnmminger (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward 61:1:40 Win 2010 61:3:36 Sum 2010 61:3:50 Sum 2010 Winter 2011 © Vol. 62, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 61 Keep the fire burning: The folk Mass “O who will join and help me sing”: DAMON, DAN C. revolution. Ken Canedo (rer. by) An invitation to Birmingham. Paul A cry for justice in hymnody: A Michele Johns 61:2:47 Spr 2010 A. Richardson 61:1:8 Win 2010 plenary address to The Hymn Never too young: Spirit and song for RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Society in the United States and young people. Leader’s resource Displays of scholarship. Tina Canada. Dan C. Damon with by Mark Friedman and Janet Schneider 61:1:7 Win 2010 Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut Vogt (rev. by) Mary Nelson Kei- CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 2010 thahn; John D. Horman 61:1:55 HyMN PERFORMANCE: A_ small HYMN PERFORMANCE: A_ small Win 2010 piano in a big room. Dan C. piano in a big room. Dan C. CHERRY, CONSTANCE Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 HYMN INTERPRETATION: “When Streams of song: An overview of HYMN PERFORMANCE: From Ger- will people cease their fighting?” congregational song in_ the man chorale to jazz waltz. Dan Donna Hamilton 61:2:40 Spr twenty-first century. C. Michael C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr 2010 2010 Hawn 61:1:16 Win 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: Hearing CHERWIEN, SUSAN PALO CONTESTS WONDROUS LOVE again for the From glory into glory: Reflections See COMPETITIONS first time. Dan C. Damon for worship. Susan Palo Cherwien CONVOCATIONS 61:4:57 Aut 2010 (rev. by) John Thornburg See CONFERENCES HYMN PERFORMANCE: My father’s 61:2:46 Spr 2010 COOMAN, CARSON P. favorite, my least favorite: What CHILDREN At dawn of grace: Hymn tunes of a friend we have in Jesus. Dan C. A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Carson P. Cooman. Pat Talbert Damon 61:3:44 Sum 2010 nary address to The Hymn Soctety (vev. by) Alan Barthel 61:1:53 DAW, CARL P., JR. in the United States and Canada. Win 2010 2011 HYMNIC ANNIVERSARIES. Carl Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. God of the future: New hymntunes. P. Daw Jr. 61:4:24 Aut 2010 Alfred V. Fedak (ver. by) Carson Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 A hymn tune Psalter; book two: P. Cooman 61:1:54 Win 2010 Engaging children and youth in gradual psalms: The season after congregational song: Twelve sug- CORE, JOHN Pentecost: Revised Common Lec- gestions. Mary Nelson Keithahn A cry for justice in hymnody: An tionary edition. Carl P. Daw Jr.; 61:3:17 Sum 2010 address to The Hymn Society in Kevin R. Hackett (ver. by) Mari- the United Stutes and Canada. CHRISTMAS lyn Kay Stulken 61:3:48 Sum Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Christmas is coming: A collection 2010 Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 of carols for Advent and Christ- Giving life to the word: Hymns on COSTEN, MELVA mas. Nicholas Temperley (ver. parables. A hymn festival. Script Let the church sing on! Reflections by) Heather Josselyn-Cranson and commentary by Adam M. L. on Black sacred music. James 61:4:62 Aut 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Abbington (ver. by) Melva CLARKE, MARTIN V. HYMN PERFORMANCE: A small Costen 61:4:67 Aut 2010 Durham sings! Durham’s contribu- piano in a big room. Dan C. COUNTRY MUSIC tion to English hymnody. Rosalind Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: My father’s Brown (rev. by) Martin V. Clarke DEVINE, JEFF favorite, my least favorite: What 61:3:50 Sum 2010 a friend we have in Jesus. Dan C. A ministry for the Word: An inter- COMPANIONS Damon 61:3:44 Sum 2010 view with Timothy Dudley-Smith, See HANDBOOKS FHS. Jeff Devine 61:3:27 Sum CREATION COMPETITIONS A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- 2010 News: Macalester Plymouth hymn- nary address to The Hymn Society DICTIONARY OF NORTH writing contests 61:2:4 Spr in the United States and Canada. AMERICAN HYMNOLOGY 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. News: DNAH at Hymnary.org CONFERENCES Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 awarded NEH grant 61:3:5 Sum 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy CYMBALA, MICHAEL A. 2010 Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoftrey Cross generation. Ed Archer; RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. Moore; Tina Schneider; Larry Michael A. Cymbala; Gary Tina Schneider 61:2:6 Spr Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley 2010 A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. nary address to The Hymn Soctety 61:3:50 Sum 2010 Tina Schneider 61:3:7 Sum in the United States and Canada. DAIGLE, GARY 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Cross generation. Ed Archer; Updating the Dictionary of Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 Michael A. Cymbala; Gary North American hymnology at News: Proposal submissions for Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley Aymnary.org. Harry Plantinga; 2011 annual conference 61:4:5 (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward Tina Schneider 61:3:8 Sum Aut 2010 61:3:50 Sum 2010 2010 62 © The Hymn Vol. 62, No. 1 © Winter 2011 DISABILITIES EICHER, DAVID FRAZIER, JULIE A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Giving life to the word: Hymns on Cross generation. Ed Archer; nary address to The Hymn Society parables. A Hymn festival. Script Michael A. Cymbala; Gary in the United States and Canada. and commentary by Adam M. L. Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 ELDERLY 61:3:50 Sum 2010 DIVERSITY A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- FRIEDMAN, MARK HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Ours the nary address to The Hymn Society Never too young: Spirit and song for journey” complete at last. Donna in the United States and Canada. young people, Leader’s resource by Hamilton 61:3:41 Sum 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt DONALDSON, ANDREW Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 (rev. by) Mary Nelson Keithahn; Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal ELIA, CHARLOTTE John D. Horman 61:1:55 Win 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano; News: New Administrative Assis- 2010 James Minchin; I-to Loh (rer. by) tant |C harlotte Elia] 61:1:4 Win GERMAN Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: From 2010 ENGLISH German chorale to jazz waltz. Durham sings! Durham’s contribu- Dan C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr DORAN, CAROL tion to English hymnody. Rosalind 2010 Woven into harmony: 50 hymn texts Brown (rev. by) Martin V. Clarke GIBSON, COLIN by Adam M. L. Tice. (rev. by) 61:3:50 Sum 2010 Family of God: New hymns by John Carol Doran 61:1:56 Win 2010 FEDAK, ALFRED V. Thornburg and friends. (rev. by) DUCK, ROUTH God of the future: New hymntunes. Colin Gibson 61:4:64 Aut A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Alfred V. Fedak (rev. by) Carson 2010 nary address to The Hymn Society P. Cooman 61:1:54 Win 2010 GILLETTE, CAROLYN in the United States and FELICIANO, FRANCISCO EF. WINFREY Canada. Dan C. Damon with Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano: nary address to The Hymn Soctety 2010 James Minchin; I-to Loh (rep. by) in the United States and DUDLEY-SMITH, Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr Canada. Dan C. Damon with TIMOTHY 2010 Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut A mimstry for the Word: An inter- FESTIVALS 2010 view with Timothy Dudley-Smith, Giving life to the word: Hymns on GLOBAL FHS. Jeff Devine 61:3:27 Sum parables. A Hymn festival. Script For everyone born: Global songs for 2010 and commentary by Adam M. L. an emerging church. Jorge Lock- Pratse to the Name: Thirty-six new Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 ward; Christopher Heckert; hymns. Timothy Dudley-Smith FLUGGE, THOMAS | Carlton R. Young (rer. by) Adam (rev. by) Daniel Jay Grimminger Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der M. L. Tice 61:1:54 Win 2010 61:4:67 Aut 2010 Gemetnschaft Evangelischer Kirchen GRAHAM, FRED KIMBALL DUEFNER, DELORES in Europa/Hymnbook of the Giving life to the word: Hymns on A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Community of Protestant Churches parables. A hymn festival. Script nary address to The Hymn Soctety in Europe/Lavre de cantiques de la and commentary by Adam M. L. in the United States and Canada. Communion d’Eglises Protestantes Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. en Europe. Peter Bukowski; Thomas To sing the Artist’s praise: Hymn Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; tunes of Sally Ann Morris. (rev. The Mundelein Psalter. Douglas Christine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas by) Fred Kimball Graham Martis; Samuel Weber (ver. dy) Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl; Ilsabe 61:4:68 Aut 2010 Delores Dufner 61:3:53 Sum Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles GRIMMINGER, DANIEL JAY 2010 Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- DYRNESS, WILLIAM A. FOLK TURE. Daniel Jay Grimmuinger A primer on Christian worslnp: Keep the fire burning: The folk 61:1:42 Win 2010 Where weve been, where we are, Mass revolution. Ken Canedo HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- where we can go. William A. Dyr- (rev. by) Michele Johns 61:2:47 TURE. Daniel Jay Grimminger ness (vev. by) Kent Sanders Spr 2010 61:2:36 Spr 2010 61:2:46 Spr 2010 FOXWELL, ROBERT HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- EDWARDS, RUSTY SCOTT TURE. Daniel Jay Grnmminger Bidden, unbidden: New hymns by Giving life to the word: Hymns on 61:3:36 Sum 2010 Jenni Lee Boyden and Rusty parables. A Hymn festival. Script HYMNS IN PERIODICAL LITERA- Edwards. (rev. by) Donna Hamil- and commentary by Adam M. L. TURE. Daniel Jay Grimminger ton 61:1:53 Win 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 61:4:48 Aut 2010 Winter 2011 © Vol. 62, No. 1 The Hymn © 63 Praise to the Name: Thirty-six new Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker HUNT, PATRICIA hymns. Timothy Dudley-Smith (rev. by) Eileen M. Johnson Giving life to the word: Hymns on (rev. by) Daniel Jay Grimminger 61:2:48 Spr 2010 parables. A hymn festival. Script 61:4:67 Aut 2010 HATTENDORE, NORBERT and commentary by Adam M. L. GRINDAL, GRACIA Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on hymnary. Scott M. Hyslop HUSBERG, AMANDA parables. A Hymn festival. Script 61:1:27 Win 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on and commentary by Adam M. L. HAWN, C. MICHAEL parables. A hymn festival. Script Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Streams of song: An overview of and commentary by Adam M. L. HACKETT, KEVIN R. congregational song in_ the Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 A hymn tune Psalter; book two: twenty-first century. C. Michael HYMN PLAYING gradual psalms: The season after Hawn 61:1:16 Win 2010 HYMN PERFORMANCE: A_ small Pentecost: Revised Common Lec- HEAFIELD, SUSAN piano in a big room. Dan C. tionary edition. Carl P. Daw Jr.; Hope 1s our song: New hymns and Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 Kevin R. Hackett (ver. dy) Mari- songs from Aotearoa New HYMN PERFORMANCE: From Ger- lyn Kay Stulken 61:3:48 Sum Zealand. (rev. by) Susan Heafield; man chorale to jazz waltz. Dan 2010 Brian Wren 61:4:65 Aut 2010 C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr 2010 HALL, NANCY HECKERT, CHRISTOPHER HYMN PERFORMANCE: Hearing 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy For everyone born: Global songs for WONDROUS LOVE again for the Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoftrey an emerging church. Jorge Lock- first time. Dan C. Damon Moore; Tina Schneider; Larry ward; Christopher Heckert; 61:4:57 Aut 2010 Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 Carlton R. Young (rev. by) HYMN PERFORMANCE: My father’s HAMILTON, DONNA Adam M. L. Tice 61:1:54 Win favorite, my least favorite: What Bidden, unbidden: New hymns by 2010 a triend we have in Jesus. Dan C. Jenni Lee Boyden and Rusty HIBBARD ESTHER L. Damon 61:3:44 Sum 2010 Edwards. (rev. by) Donna Hamil- Giving life to the word: Hymns on HYMN SOCIETY IN THE ton 61:1:53 Win 2010 parables. A hymn festival. Script UNITED STATES AND HYMN INTERPRETATION: “How long, and commentary by Adam M. L. O Lord, how long?” Donna CANADA Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Hamilton 61:1:46 Win 2010 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Ours the HOBBS, R. GERALD Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoftrey journey” complete at last. Songs for a gospel people. R. Gerald Moore; Tina Schneider; Larry Donna Hamilton 61:3:41 Sum Hobbs (ver. by) Benjamin Brody Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 2010 61:3:51 Sum 2010 FROM THE PRESIDENT: Urgent and HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Stand HOMMERDING, ALAN J. non-anxious. John Thornburg tor what is right.” Donna Hamil- AGO founders hymnal. Rollin 61:3:3 Sum 2010 ton 61:4:54 Aut 2010 Smith (ver. by) Alan J. Hom- News: DNAH at Hymnary.org HYMN INTERPRETATION: “When merding 61:4:62 Aut 2010 awarded NEH grant 61:3:5 Sum will people cease their fighting?” HORMAN, JOHN D. 2010 Donna Hamilton 61:2:40 Spr Engaging children and youth tn News: Meet our administrative 2010 congregational song: Twelve sug- assistant |Sherry McCormick] HANDBELL MUSIC Zestions. Mary Nelson Keithahn 61:4:5 Aut 2010 Engaging children and youth in 61:3:17 Sum 2010 News: New Administrative Assis- congregational song: Twelve sug- Never too young: Spirit and song for tant |C harlotte Elia] 61:1:4 Win gestions. Mary Nelson Keithahn young people, Leader’s resource. 2010 61:3:17 Sum 2010 by Mark Friedman and Janet News: News from Aotearoa New REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- Vogt (rev. by) Mary Nelson Kei- Zealand. Deborah Carlton Loftis SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace thahn; John D. Horman 61:1:55 61:1:4 Win 2010 61:2:51 Spr 2010 Win 2010 News: Proposal submissions for HANDBOOKS HOWARD, BEVERLY A. 2011 annual conference 61:4:5 A reference companion to “The “T will sing the wondrous story”: A Aut 2010 United Methodist hymnal” and history of Baptist hymnody in News: Seeking contact informa- “The faith we sing.” Dean B. North America. David W. Music: tion for former Lovelace Schol- McIntyre (ver. by) Evy Lamb Paul A. Richardson (rer. by) Bev- ars 61:1:4 Win 2010 61:3:48 Sum 2010 erly A. Howard 61:4:66 Aut News: Three Hymn Society Fel- HARBOR, RAWN 2010 lows named at annual conference Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: HUMOR [David W. Music, Paul A Lent, Eastertide @ Ordinary Ad libitum: God’s “Ford”. Austin Richardson, Paul Richard Pow- Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar C. Lovelace 61:2:56 Spr 2010 ell] 61:4:5 Aut 2010 64 ¢ The Hymn Vol. 62, No. 1 © Winter 2011 NOMINATIONS: Executive Com- Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley INDEXES mittee Nominees |J ohn Ambrose, (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward Updating the Dictionary of North Jacque B. Jones, Jan Kraybill | 61:3:50 Sum 2010 American hymnology at Hym- 61:2:5 Spr 2010 Hope 1s our song: New hymns and nary.org. Harry Plantinga; Tina “O who will join and help me sing”: songs from Aotearoa New Schneider 61:3:8 Sum 2010 An invitation to Birmingham. Zealand. (rev. by) Susan INKSTER, KENNETH Paul A. Richardson 61:1:8 Win Heatield; Brian Wren 61:4:65 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy 2010 Aut 2010 Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoftrey RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal Moore; [ina Schneider; Larry Displays of scholarship. Tina 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano; Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 Schneider 61:1:7 Win 2010 James Minchin; I-to Loh (ver. by) INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC HYMN STUDIES Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- HYMN INTERPRETATION: “How 2010 SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace long, O Lord, how long?” Summoned to Cameroon by e-mail: 61:2:51 Spr 2010 Donna Hamilton 61:1:46 Win The report of a rookie hymnal edi- INTERFAITH 2010 tor. John Thornburg 61:2:7 Spr A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Ours the 2010 nary address to Tbe Hymn Soctety journey” complete at last. Donna HYMNALS —- LARGE in the United States and Canada. Hamilton 61:3:41 Sum 2010 PRINT Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Stand Hymns we love to sing. Alan C. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 for what is night.” Donna Hamil- Whitmore (rev. by) Benjamin INTERNATIONAL ton 61:4:54 Aut 2010 Brody 61:3:51 Sum 2010 ARBETTGEMEINSCHAFT HYMN INTERPRETATION: “When HYMNALS - FUR HYMNOLOGIE (1AH); will people cease their fighting?” PRESERVATION INTERNATIONAL Donna Hamilton 61:2:40 Spr RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. FELLOWSHIP FOR 2010 Tina Schneider 61:2:6 Spr 2010 RESEARCH IN HYMN TEXTS RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. HYMNOLOGY See TEXTS — BY FIRST LINE Tina Schneider 61:3:7 Sum Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der HYMN TUNES 2010 Gemetnschaft Evangelischer Kirchen See TUNES — BY NAME HYMNARY.ORG | in Europa/Hymnbook of the Community of Protestant Churches HYMN WRITERS News: DNAH at Hymnary.org| in Europe/Livre de cantiques de la A ministrfyo r the Word: An inter- awarded NEH grant 61:3:5 Sum Communion a’kglises Protestantes view with Timothy Dudley-Smith, 2010 en Europe. Peter Bukowski; Thomas FHS. Jeff Devine 61:3:27 Sum RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; 2010 Tina Schneider 61:3:7 Sum Christine-Ruth Miller; Andreas 2010 HYMN WRITING 4 al I: ‘ral Z Cal i | ra . il dcl Cc RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. News: Macalester Plymouth hymn- S« YI | Vey. [ ‘| R« by Ky ( VW les Tina Schneider 61:4:7 Aut 2010 writing contests 61:2:4 Spr Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 Updating the Dictionary of 2010 | IONA COMMUNITY North American hymnology at HYMNALS We walk Ins way: Shorter songs for Hymnary.org. Harry Plantinga; AGO founders hymnal. Rollin worship. John L. Bell and the Tina Schneider 61:3:8 Sum Smith (vev. by) Alan J. Hom- Wild Goose Resource Group. 2010 merding 61:4:62 Aut 2010 (rev. by) Margaret Leask 61:2:50 ‘ano lours of grace: Gesangbuch der HYMNOLOGY Spr 2010 Gemetnschaft Evangelischer “T will sing the wondrous story”: A JANSEN, FRANK Kirchen in Europa/Hymnbook of Iistory of Baptist hymnody in Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: the Community of Protestant North America. David W. Music: | Lent, Eastertide © Ordinar) Churches 1n Europe/Livre de Paul A. Richardson (ver. by) Bev Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar cantiques de la Communion erly A. Howard 61:4:66 Aut Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker a Eglises Protestantes en Europe. 2010 (rev. by) Etleen M. Johnson Peter Bukowski: Thomas Streams of song: An overview of 61:2:48 Spr 2010 Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; congregational song in_ the JANSEN, VALLIMAR Christine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas twenty-first century. C. Michael Psalms from the soul: Volume Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl; [sabe Hawn 61:1:16 Win 2010 Lent, Eastertide C Ordinary Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles HYSLOP, SCOTT M. Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker Cross generation. Ed Archer; hymnary. Scott M. Hyslop (rev. by) Eileen M. Johnson Michael A. Cymbala; Gary 61:1:27 Win 2010 61:2:48 Spr 2010 Winter 2011 © Vol. 62, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 65 JAZZ KEITHAHN, MARY (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward HYMN PERFORMANCE: ~~ From NELSON 61:3:50 Sum 2010 German chorale to jazz waltz. Engaging children and youth in LOFTIS, DEBORAH Dan C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr 2010 congregational song: Twelve sug- CARLTON HYMN PERFORMANCE: Hearing gestions. Mary Nelson Keithahn News: News from Aotearoa New WONDROUS LOVE again for the 61:3:17 Sum 2010 Zealand. Deborah Carlton Loftis first time. Dan C. Damon Never too young: Spirit and song for 61:1:4 Win 2010 61:4:57 Aut 2010 young people, Leader’s resource LOH, I-TO JOHNS, MICHELE by Mark Friedman and Janet Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal Keep the fire burning: The folk Mass Vogt (rev. by) Mary Nelson Kei- 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano; revolution. Ken Canedo (rev. by) thahn; John D. Horman 61:1:55 James Minchin; I-to Loh (rep. by) Michele Johns 61:2:47 Spr 2010 Win 2010 Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr JOHNSON, EILEEN M. KERVIN, WILLIAM S. 2010 A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Love’s open door: Hymns and songs LOVELACE, AUSTIN C. nary address to The Hymn Soctety (2004-2008). Brian Wren (rer. Ad libitum: God’s “Ford”. Austin in the United States and Canada. by) William S. Kervin 61:3:52 C. Lovelace 61:2:56 Spr 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Sum 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 KIMBROUGH, S T, JR. parables. A Hymn festival. Script Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED RECORD- and commentary by Adam M. L. Lent, Eastertide Ordinary INGS. S T Kimbrough Jr. 61:1:62 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar Win 2010 News: Austin Cole Lovelace, FHS Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker KLUSMEIER, RON 1919-2010. Carlton R. Young (vev. by) Eileen M. Johnson News: Frederik Herman Kaan, 61:3:5 Sum 2010 61:2:48 Spr 2010 FHS 1929-2009. Ron Klus- LUTHERANS Tally of topical index entries: A cry meier 61:1:5 Win 2010 See also GERMAN for justice in hymnody. Eileen M. KRAYBILL, JAN Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz Johnson 61:4:17 Aut 2010 NOMINATIONS: EXECUTIVE COM- hymnary. Scott M. Hyslop JONES, JACQUE B. MITTEE NOMINEES |J ohn 61:1:27 Win 2010 Congregational hymns from the Ambrose, Jacque B. Jones, Jan MANZ, PAUL poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: Kraybill] 61:2:5 Spr 2010 Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz A comparative study of the sources LAMB, EVY hymnary. Scott M. Hyslop and final works, with a biblio- A reference companion to “The 61:1:27 Win 2010 graphic catalog of the hymns. United Methodist Hymnal” and Samuel J. Rogal (ver. by) Jacque “The faith we sing.” Dean B. MARTI, ANDREAS B. Jones 61:3:49 Sum 2010 McIntyre (rev. by) Evy Lamb Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der NOMINATIONS: EXECUTIVE COM- 61:3:48 Sum 2010 Gemeinschaft Evangelischer MITTEE NOMINEES [John LEASK, MARGARET Kirchen in Europa/Hymnbook of Ambrose, Jacque B. Jones, Jan We walk lis way: Shorter songs for the Community of Protestant Kraybill] 61:2:5 Spr 2010 worship. John L. Bell and the Churches in Europe/Livre de JOSSELYN-CRANSON, Wild Goose Resource Group. cantiques de la Communion HEATHER (rev. by) Margaret Leask 61:2:50 d’Eglises Protestantes en Europe. Christmas is coming: A collection Spr 2010 Peter Bukowski; Thomas of carols for Advent and Christ- LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; mas. Nicholas Temperley (rev. dy) AND TRANSGENDERED Christine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas Heather Josselyn-Cranson A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl: 61:4:62 Aut 2010 nary address to The Hymn Society Ilsabe Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles Wallace 61:4:63 Aut JUSTICE in the United States and 2010 A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Canada. Dan C. Damon with nary address to The Hymn Society Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut MARTIS, DOUGLAS in the United States and Canada. 2010 The Mundelein Psalter. Douglas Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. LOCKWARD, JORGE Martis; Samuel Weber (rev. by) Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 For everyone born: Global songs for Delores Dufner 61:3:53 Sum Tally of topical index entries: A cry an emerging church. Jorge Lock- 2010 for justice in hymnody. Eileen M. ward; Christopher Heckert; MATSIKENYIRI, PATRICK Johnson 61:4:17 Aut 2010 Carlton R. Young (ver. by) Adam A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- KAAN, FRED M. L. Tice 61:1:54 Win 2010 nary address to The Hymn Society News: Frederik Herman Kaan, Cross generation. Ed Archer; in the United States and Canada. FHS 1929-2009. Ron Klus- Michael A. Cymbala; Gary Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. meier 61:1:5 Win 2010 Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 66 © The Hymn Vol. 62, No. 1 © Winter 2011 MATSUMOTO, SOGO Gemetinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen News: Three Hymn Society Fel- Giving life to the word: Hymns on in Europa/Hymnbook of the lows named at annual conference parables. A hymn festival. Script Community of Protestant Churches [David W. Music, Paul A and commentary by Adam M. L. in Europe/Livre de cantiques de Richardson, Paul Richard Pow- Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 la Communion a’Eglises Protes- ell] 61:4:5 Aut 2010 MCCORMICK, SHERRY tantes en Europe. Peter Bukowski; The Richard Proulx hymnary. News: Meet our administrative Thomas Fliigge; Dorothea Mon- Richard Proulx (ver. by) David assistant [Sherry McCormick] ninger; Christine-Ruth Miller; W. Music 61:2:49 Spr 2010 61:4:5 Aut 2010 Andreas Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl: NEAR, HOLLY MCELRATH-ESKEW [lsabe Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- RESEARCH FUND Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 nary address to The Hymn Soctety Commentary, notes and tintroduc- MOORE, GEOFFREY in the United States and tions to the 1858 “Sabbath hymn 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy Canada. Dan C. Damon with book”: The musicalized theology of Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoffrey Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut popular belief just before the Civil Moore; Tina Schneider; Larry 2010 War. Samuel J. Rogal (rev. by) Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 NEGRO Robin Knowles Wallace 61:4:64 MORRIS, SALLY ANN See AFRICAN AMERICAN Aut 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on NEW ZEALAND MCINTYRE, DEAN B. parables. A hymn festival. Script Hope 1s our song: New hymns and A reference companion to “The and commentary by Adam M. L. songs from Aotearoa New United Methodist hymnal” and Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Zealand. (rev. by) Susan “The faith we sing.” Dean B. To sing the Artist’s praise: Hymn Heatfield: srian Wren 61:4:65 McIntyre (ver. by) Evy Lamb tunes of Sally Ann Morris. (rev. Aut 2010 61:3:48 Sum 2010 by) Fred Kimball Graham NICOLAI, PHILIPP MELLEY, PAUL 61:4:68 Aut 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on Cross generation. Ed Archer: MOURER, CHARLES C. parables. A hymn festival. Script Michael A. Cymbala; Gary Ad libitum: God’s “Ford”. Austin and commentary by Adam M. L. Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley C. Lovelace 61:2:56 Spr 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 (vev. by) Jorge A. Lockward MULLER, CHRISTINE- NOMO, THERESE 61:3:50 Sum 2010 RUTH Summoned to Cameroon by e-matl: METHODISTS Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der The report ofa rookie hymnal edt- A reference companion to “The Gemetinschaft Evangelischer tor. John Thornburg 61:2:7 Spr United Methodist hymnal” and Kirchen in Europa/Hymnbook of 2010 “The faith we sing.” Dean B. the Community of Protestant OBITUARIES McIntyre (rer. by) Evy Lamb Churches 1n Europe/Livre de News: Austin Cole Lovelace, FHS 61:3:48 Sum 2010 cantiques de la Communion 1919-2010. Carlton R. Young METRICAL PSALMODY d’Eglises Protestantes en Europe. 61:3:5 Sum 2010 See PPALMODY Peter Bukowski; Thomas Fliigge; News: Frederik Herman Kaan. MINCHIN, JAMES Dorothea Monninger; Christine- FHS 1929-2009. Ron Klus- Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal Ruth Miiller; Andreas Marti: meier 61:1:5 Win 2010 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano; Franz Karl Prafsl; Ilsabe Seibt OPPRESSION James Minchin; I-to Loh (ver. by) (rev. by) Robin Knowles Wallace A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 Spr 61:4:63 Aut 2010 nary address to The Hymn Soctety 2010 MURRAY, SHIRLEY ERENA in the United States and MITCHELL-WALLACE, SUE A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- Canada. Dan C. Damon with REVIEWS OF HYMN- BASED COMPO- nary address to The Hymn Soctety Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace in the Uniten States and Canada. 2010 61:1:61 Win 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. PARABLES REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 Giving life to the word: Hymns on SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace News: News from Aotearoa New parables. A Hymn festival. Script 61:2:51 Spr 2010 Zealand. Deborah Carlton Loftis and commentary by Adam M. L. REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- 61:1:4 Win 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace MUSIC, DAVID W. PARKER, VAL 61:3:54 Sum 2010 “I will sing the wondrous story”: A Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- history of Baptist hymnody tin Lent, Eastertide Ordinary SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace North America. David W. Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar 61:4:69 Aut 2010 Music; Paul A. Richardson (rer. Jansen: Frank Jansen; Val Parker MONNINGER, DOROTHEA by) Beverly A. Howard 61:4:66 (rev. by) Eileen M. Johnson Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der Aut 2010 61:2:48 Spr 2010 Winter 2011 ¢ Vol. 62, No. | The Hymn © 67 PATTERSON, JOY F. the Community of Protestant AGO founders hymnal. Rollin Giving life to the word: Hymns on Churches in Europe/Livre de c Smith (rev. by) Alan J. Hom- parables. A hymn festival. Script antiques de la Communion merding 61:4:62 Aut 2010 and commentary by Adam M. L. A’Eglises Protestantes en Europe. At dawn ofg race: Hymn tunes of Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Peter Bukowski; Thomas Fliigge; Carson P. Cooman. Pat Talbert PAVLECHKO, THOMAS Dorothea Monninger; Chris- (vev. by) Alan Barthel 61:1:53 Giving life to the word: hymns on tine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas Mart; Win 2010 parables. A hymn festival. Script Franz Karl Pratl; Ilsabe Seibt (ver. Bidden, unbidden: New hymns by and commentary by Adam M. L. by) Robin Knowles Wallace Jennt Lee Boyden and Rusty Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 61:4:63 Aut 2010 Edwards. (rev. by) Donna Hamil- PEACE PROULX, RICHARD ton 61:1:53 Win 2010 HYMN INTERPRETATION: “When The Richard Proulx hymnary. Christmas is coming: A collection will people cease their fighting?” Richard Proulx (rev. by) David W. of carols for Advent and Christ- Donna Hamilton 61:2:40 Spr Music 61:2:49 Spr 2010 mas. Nicholas Temperley (rer. by) 2010 PSALMODY Heather Josselyn-Cranson PHONO RECORDS - BY Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: 61:4:62 Aut 2010 TITLE Lent, Eastertide @ Ordinary Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der See RECORDINGS Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen PIANO Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker in Europa/Hymnbook of the REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED COMPO- (rev. by) Eileen M. Johnson Community of Protestant Churches SITIONS. Sue Mitchell-Wallace 61:2:48 Spr 2010 in Europe/Livre de cantiques de la Communion d’Eglises Protes- 61:2:51 Spr 2010 PSALTERS tantes en Europe. Peter Bukowski; PIANO MUSIC See also PPALMODY Thomas Fliigge; Dorothea Mon- HYMN PERFORMANCE: A _ small A hymn tune Psalter; book two: ninger; Christine-Ruth Miller; piano in a big room. Dan C. Gradual psalms: The season after Andreas Marti; Franz Karl Prafl; Damon 61:1:48 Win 2010 Pentecost: Revised Common Lec- Ilsabe Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles HYMN PERFORMANCE: From Ger- tionary edition. Carl P. Daw Jr.; Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 man chorale to jazz waltz. Dan Kevin R. Hackett (ver. by) Mari- Commentary, notes and tntroduc- C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr 2010 lyn Kay Stulken 61:3:48 Sum tions to the 1858 “Sabbath hymn HYMN PERFORMANCE: Hearing 2010 book”: The musicalized theology of WONDROUS LOVE again for the The Mundelein Psalter. Douglas popular belief just before the Civil first time. Dan C. Damon Martis; Samuel Weber (rev. dy) War. Samuel J. Rogal (rev. dy) 61:4:57 Aut 2010 Delores Dufner 61:3:53 Sum Robin Knowles Wallace 61:4:64 PLANTINGA, HARRY 2010 Aut 2010 Updating the Dictionary of North RECORDINGS Congregational hymns from the American hymnology at Hym- REVIEWS OF HYMN-BASED RECORD- poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: nary.org. Harry Plantinga; Tina INGS. S T Kimbrough Jr. 61:1:62 A comparative study of the sources Schneider 61:3:8 Sum 2010 Win 2010 and final works, with a biblio- POVERTY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Ggraplic catalog of the hymns. A cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- See CHILDREN Samuel J. Rogal (rev. by) Jacque nary address to The Hymn Society RESEARCH B. Jones 61:3:49 Sum 2010 in the United States and Canada. See HYMNOLOGY Cross generation. Ed _ Archer; Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. REVIEWS Michael A. Cymbala; Gary Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 A hymn tune Psalter; book two: Daigle; Julie Frazier; Paul Melley POWELL, PAUL RICHARD Gradual psalms: The season after (rev. by) Jorge A. Lockward News: Three Hymn Society Fel- Pentecost: Revised Common Lec- 61:3:50 Sum 2010 lows named at annual conference tionary edition. Carl P. Daw Jr.; Durham sings! Durham’s contribu- [David W. Music, Paul A Kevin R. Hackett (ver. dy) Marilyn tion to English hymnody. Rosalind Richardson, Paul Richard Pow- Kay Stulken 61:3:48 Sum 2010 Brown (rev. by) Martin V. Clarke ell] 61:4:5 Aut 2010 A primer on Christian worship: 61:3:50 Sum 2010 POWERS STREET Where weve been, where we are, Family of God: New hymns by Giving life to the word: Hymns on where we can go. William A. Dyr- John Thornburg and friends (rev. parables. A hymn festival. Script ness (vev. by) Kent Sanders by) Colin Gibson 61:4:64 Aut and commentary by Adam M. L. 61:2:46 Spr 2010 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 A reference companion to “The For everyone born: Global songs for PRASSL, FRANZ KARL United Methodist hymnal” and an emerging church. Jorge Lock- Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der “The faith we sing.” Dean B. ward; Christopher Heckert; Gemetinschaft Evangelischer McIntyre (ver. by) Evy Lamb Carlton R. Young (rev. by) Adam Kirchen in Europa/Hymnbook of 61:3:48 Sum 2010 M. L. Tice 61:1:54 Win 2010 68 © The Hymn Vol. 62, No. 1 ¢ Winter 2011 From glory into glory: Reflections to sing the Artist’s praise: Hymn SCHNEIDER, TINA for worship. Susan Palo Cherwien tunes ofS ally Ann Morris (rev. by) 2010 CONFERENCE REPORT. Nancy (rev. by) John Thornburg Fred Kimball Graham 61:4:68 Hall; Kenneth Inkster; Geoftrey 61:2:46 Spr 2010 Aut 2010 Moore; Tina Schneider; Larry God of the future: New hymntunes. Walking in the light of Christ. Janis Wolz 61:4:35 Aut 2010 Alfred V. Fedak (rev. by) Carson Dunson Wilson (rer. by) Robin Giving life to the word: Hymns on P. Cooman 61:1:54 Win 2010 Knowles Wallace 61:4:68 Aut parables. A Hymn festival. Script Hope 1s our song: New hymns and 2010 and commentary by Adam M. L. songs from Aotearoa New We walk Ins way: Shorter songs for Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Zealand (rev. by) Susan Heafield; worsip. John L. Bell and the RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. Brian Wren 61:4:65 Aut 2010 Wild Goose Resource Group. Tina Schneider 61:2:6 Spr Hymns for today. Brian Wren (rer. (rev. by) Margaret Leask 61:2:50 2010 by) Robin Knowles Wallace Spr 2010 RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. 61:3:51 Sum 2010 Woven into harmony: 50 hymn texts Tina Schneider 61:3:7 Sum Hymns we love to sing. Alan C. by Adam M. L. Tice (rev. by) 2010 Whitmore (rev. by) Benjamin Carol Doran 61:1:56 Win 2010 RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT. Brody 61:3:51 Sum 2010 RICHARDSON, PAUL A. Tina Schneider 61:4:7 Aut Keep the fire burning: The folk “I will sing the wondrous story”: A 2010 Mass revolution. Ken Canedo Iistory of Baptist hymnody in RESEARCH DIRECTOR’S REPORT: (rev. by) Michele Johns 61:2:47 North America. David W. Music; displays of scholarship. Tina Spr 2010 Paul A. Richardson (rev. by) Bev- Schneider 61:1:7 Win 2010 Let the church sing on! Reflections erly A. Howard 61:4:66 Aut 2010 Updating the Dictionary of on Black sacred music. James News: Three Hymn Society Fellows North American hymnology at Abbington (rev. by) Melva named at annual conference Hymnary.org. Harry Plantinga; Costen 61:4:67 Aut 2010 |D avid W. Music, Paul A Richard- Tina Schneider 61:3:8 Sum Love’s open door: Hymns and songs son, Paul Richard Powell] 61:4:5 2010 (2004-2008). Brian Wren (rer. Aut 2010 SCRIVEN, JOSEPH M. by) William S. Kervin 61:3:52 “O who will join and help me sing”: HYMN PERFORMANCE: My father’s Sum 2010 An invitation to Birmingham. favorite, my least favorite: What Never too young: Spirit and song for Paul A. Richardson 61:1:8 Win a friend we have in Jesus. Dan C. young people; Leader’s resource by 2010 Damon 61:3:44 Sum 2010 Mark Friedman and Janet Vogt ROGAL, SAMUEL J. SEIBT, ILSABE (rev. by) Mary Nelson Keithahn; Commentary, notes and tintroduc- Colours of grace: Gesangbuch der John D. Horman 61:1:55 Win tions to the 1858 “Sabbath hymn Gemetnschaft Evangelischer 2010 book”: The musicalized theology of Kirchen in Europa/Hymnbook of Praise to the Name: Thirty-six new popular belief just before the Civil the Community of Protestant hymns. Yimothy Dudley-Smith War. Samuel J. Rogal (rev. by) Churches in Europe/Livre de (rev. by) Daniel Jay Grimminger Robin Knowles Wallace 61:4:64 cantiques de la Communion 61:4:67 Aut 2010 Aut 2010 a Eglises Protestantes en Europe. Psalms from the soul: Volume 2: Congregational hymns from the Peter Bukowski; Thomas Lent, Eastertide @ Ordinary poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier: Fliigge; Dorothea Monninger; Time. Rawn Harbor; ValLimar A comparative study of the sources Christine-Ruth Miiller; Andreas Jansen; Frank Jansen; Val Parker and final works, with a ltblio- Marti; Franz Karl Prafsl; Ilsabe (rev. by) Eileen M. Johnson graphic catalog of the hymns. Seibt (ver. by) Robin Knowles 61:2:48 Spr 2010 Samuel J. Rogal (rev. by) Jacque Wallace 61:4:63 Aut 2010 Songs for a gospel people. R. Gerald B. Jones 61:3:49 Sum 2010 SENSMEIER, RANDALL Hobbs (rer. by) Benjamin Brody ROMAN CATHOLICS Giving life to the word: Hymns on 61:3:51 Sum 2010 See CATHOLICS parables. A hymn festival. Script Sound the bamboo: CCA hymnal 2000. Francisco F. Feliciano; RUSH, JULIAN and commentary by Adam M. L. James Minchin; I-to Loh (rer. HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Ours the Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 by) Andrew Donaldson 61:2:48 journey” complete at last. SMITH, ROLLIN Spr 2010 Donna Hamilton 61:3:41 Sum AGO founders hymnal. Rollin The Mundelein Psalter. Douglas 2010 Smith (ver. by) Alan J. Hom- Martis; Samuel Weber (rev. by) SANDERS, KENT merding 61:4:62 Aut 2010 Delores Dufner 61:3:53 Sum A primer on Christian worslnp: SPIRITUALS 2010 Where we've been, where we are, Giving life to the word: Hymns on The Richard Proulx hymnary. where we can go. William A. parables. A hymn festival. Script Richard Proulx (rev. by) David Dyrness (rev. by) Kent Sanders and commentary by Adam M. L. W. Music 61:2:49 Spr 2010 61:2:46 Spr 2010 Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Winter 2011 ¢ Vol. 62, No. 1 The Hymn ¢ 69 SPIRITUALS, NEGRO How good and joyous. Engaging Life is broken at its core. A cry for See AFRICAN AMERICAN children and youth in congrega- justice in hymnody: A_ plenary STRATHDEE, JIM tional song: Twelve suggestions. address to The Hymn Society in HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Stand Mary Nelson Keithahn 61:3:17 the United States and Canada. for what is nght.” Donna Hamil- Sum 2010 Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. ton 61:4:54 Aut 2010 How long, O Lord, how long? Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 STUDY OF HYMNS HYMN INTERPRETATION: “How Like a tiny mustard seed. Giving See HYMNOLOGY long, O Lord, how long?” life to the word: Hymns on para- Donna Hamilton 61:1:46 Win bles. A hymn festival. Script and STUEMPEFLE, HERMAN G., JR. 2010 commentary by Adam M. L. Giving life to the word: Hymns on In labor all creation groans. A cry Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 parables. A hymn festival. Script for justice in hymnody: A plenary Lo, how a rose e’er blooming. and commentary by Adam M. L. address to The Hymn Soctety in HYMN PERFORMANCE: From Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 the United States and Canada. German chorale to jazz waltz. HYMN INTERPRETATION: “How long, Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Dan C. Damon 61:2:42 Spr O Lord, how Long?” Donna Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 2010 Hamilton 61:1:46 Win 2010 In star and crescent, wheel and A lonely tear. A cry for justice in STULKEN, MARILYN KAY flame. A cry for justice in hymnody: A plenary address to A hymn tune Psalter; book two: hymnody: A plenary address to The Hymn Soctety in the United gradual psalms: The season after The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada. Dan C. Pentecost: Revised Common Lec- States and Canada. Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Johnson tionary edition. Carl P. Daw Jr.; Damon with Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 Kevin R. Hackett (ver. by) Marilyn 61:4:8 Aut 2010 The love that goes unspoken. A Kay Stulken 61:3:48 Sum 2010 In the midst of new dimensions. cry for justice in hymnody: A ple- TALBERT, PAT HYMN INTERPRETATION: “Ours nary address to The Hymn Soctety At dawn ofg race: Hymn tunes of the journey” complete at last. in the United States and Carson P. Cooman. Pat Talbert Donna Hamilton 61:3:41 Sum Canada. Dan C. Damon with (rev. by) Alan Barthel 61:1:53 2010 Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut Win 2010 In this world of sin and sor- 2010 TEMPERLEY, NICHOLAS row. Ad libitum: God’s “Ford.” Many rivers running. A cry for jus- Christmas is coming: A collection Austin C. Lovelace 61:2:56 Spr tice in hymnody: An address to of carols for Advent and Christ- 2010 The Hymn Soctety in the United mas. Nicholas Temperley (rer. Jesus loves me even though I am States and Canada. Dan C. by) Heather Josselyn-Cranson small. Summoned to Cameroon Damon with Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:62 Aut 2010 by e-mail: The report of a rookie 61:4:8 Aut 2010 TEXTS — BY FIRST LINE hymnal editor. John Thornburg Of women and of women’s hopes Ah, what shame I have to bear. 61:2:7 Spr 2010 we sing. A cry for justice in Giving life to the word: Hymns on Keep your lamps trimmed. Giving hymnody: A plenary address to parables. A hymn festival. Script life to the word: Hymns on para- The Hymn Society in the United and commentary by Adam M. L. bles. A hymn festival. Script and States and Canada. Dan C. Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 commentary by Adam M. L. Damon with Eileen M. Johnson Alleluia! Almighty King. Simg to Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 61:4:8 Aut 2010 the Lord: The Paul Manz hym- The kingdom of God. Giving life Peace came to earth at last that nary. Scott M. Hyslop 61:1:27 to the word: Hymns on parables. A chosen night. Sing to the Lord: Win 2010 Hymn festival. Script and com- The Paul Manz hymnary. Scott A certain traveler on his way. Gip- mentary by Adam M. L. Tice M. Hyslop 61:1:27 Win 2010 ing life to the word: Hymns on 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Sleepers, wake! Giving life to the parables. A hymn festival. Script The kingdom of God grows word: Hymns on parables. A and commentary by Adam M. L. silently. Giving life to the word: hymn festival. Script and com- Tice 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Hymns on parables. A hymn festt- mentary by Adam M. L. Tice The crucifer comes. Sing to the val. Script and commentary by 61:2:20 Spr 2010 Lord: The Paul Manz hymnary. Adam M. L. Tice 61:2:20 Spr Strong, gentle children. A cry for Scott M. Hyslop 61:1:27 Win 2010 justice in hymnody: A_ plenary 2010 Let my spirit always sing. A cry for address to The Hymn Soctety in Far, far away from my loving justice in hymnody: A plenary the United States and Canada. father. Giving life to the word: address to The Hymn Society Dan C. Damon with Eileen M. Hymns on parables. A hymn festi- in the United States and Johnson 61:4:8 Aut 2010 val. Script and commentary by Canada. Dan C. Damon with Thank you, God, for water, soil Adam M. L. Tice 61:2:20 Spr Eileen M. Johnson 61:4:8 Aut and air. A cry for justice in 2010 2010 hymnody: A plenary address to 70 © The Hymn Vol. 62, No. 1 © Winter 2011

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