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The Hunt 2018 Below are the official clues for the Hunt 2018. You are required to read The Rules completely before completing any of the clues. You may also want to read the bit about scoring but that’s up to you.All Clues are due by 1pm Sunday the 28th. The Rules and answers to any other questions you have can be found at go/thehunt Keep your calendars open for The Hunt Gala on Tuesday Jan. 30. We will show some of the best submissions and announce the winners of The Hunt Awards. Godspeed and Goodluck! # The Clue List Point Value Notes/Additional Info: Team Cap’ns : Message photo evidence you Scavenger Hunt Clue 1: While the Hunt is by now a Middlebury have found the answer and we will send you tradition, it has not been around forever. Which student from the class the next clue! We’ll try to be Johnny-on-the- of 1834 would have been a born natural at the hunt had it been around spot with the next clue, but if it’s 3am you 1 in his day? 20pts might have to wait a bit. It’s The Hunt's 10th anniversary! Celebrate this decade milestone by 2 incorporating tin and aluminum* into your Hunt! 5 points Hunt Spirit is the most revered of all hunt qualities. Create a hunt flag and anthem unique to your team. Make a video introducing your team and singing your team's anthem, Also, you must include your team's 4 points, negative points if you fail to MUST BE COMPLETED BY SATURDAY 3 flag somewhere in the video. complete this challenge AT 3PM Everyday at an undisclosed time, The Hunt Masters will text the Team Cap'ns when a question mark is released from a printer. The first team to capture this question mark will be rewarded with a hefty 4 reward. 10 pts per capture The huntmasters henchmen have taken Ry--the epitome of purity and justice--captive. YOU MUST FIND RY. Once per day, at an undisclosed time, the captive will release a photo of his location along with the time he has left to live. YOU MUST FIND RY. The future of 7 points for Saving Ry within the time limit 5 this very world depends on it. Good luck, and godspeed. (once per day) Get as many autographed photos of nostrils as you can. Alternatively, 6 autograph someone else's nostrils and take a photo. .25 points per nostril (max 5 points) 7 Go shooting with a card carrying member of the NRA 9 points Please be safe. Library Hide-and-go-seek, find the 10 Middlebury Students hiding in 1 point per question mark found for a total Team Cap’ns will be texted. You will have 8 the library with question marks. of 10 points 30min. Tell Nick Jansen's story and find physical evidence of his existence 9 on Midd's campus... 3 points Go to MCAB Trivia on Thursday at 9pm! Use your hunt team name 5pts for showing up, 3pts per round won 10 as your team name (also $$$, thanks MCAB!) Design and create a Card's Against Humanity expansion pack for 11Middlebury College Top 3 packs win 8, 7, 5 points respectively 20 cards total, any mix of black or white cards. Gregorian Chant remix of Dirty Little Secret. Harmonizing is a 12 bonus. 4 points Knit an outfit for a sculpture on campus (negative points if it's the 3 - 10 points depending on size of the scarf 13 same sculpture as another team) in relation to the size of sculpture Who says you can’t be culinarily creative in Ross? Using only ingredients from Ross Dining Hall, make a small dish and have it ready to serve to the Hunt Masters and Judges by 6pm on Friday. (Late entries not accepted!) All preparation must occur in Ross 14 Dining Hall Judged on taste, presentation, and creativity Run run run I'm the kraft cheese man, eat a box of mac kraft as fast as 3 fastest teams win 8, 7, 5 points 15 you can. (Timed from the moment the box is opened). respectively Microwaveable mac and cheese is not allowed 16 Recreate a viral video 5 points (extra if it goes viral) Brooke is obessed with vine compilations. Please make her one. 17 Bonus points if you make her laugh so hard she cries. 3 points (2 extra points if Brooke cries) Find a stock photo that represents your team and explain why you 18 picked that photo 3 points 19 Show us how you put safety ‘first’ 3 points bonus points for pub safes approval 20 Find the BiHall Zoo. 5 points 21 Write Yelp! reviews for campus laundry rooms 1 point per room reviewed (max 6 points) 22 We love fanfiction, make a storyboard for the next season of Firefly 4 points Make a definitive list of the top 10 bathrooms on campus. Include 23 your criteria. There are no right answers, but there are wrong answers. 5 points Make the front page of Reddit or get an op-ed published in the New 24 York Times (which are definitely equivalent) 50 points All photos must show phone background with the face of the phone's owner. If two teams Get as many people at Midd as possible to set their phone have the same person it doesn’t count! Bonus 25 backgrounds to a photo of your team .25 points per photo (no max) for faculty! Knit a terrible long scarf. At least 6 inches wide. To be judged by the .5 point per foot, 15 points overall for the Provide proof you knited from scratch. No 26 hunt masters grandmothers. longest scarf more than 15 points will be awarded per team. 27 Have everyone on your team learn a foreign tounge twister 1 point per person and twister ∞ points** (and The Ellen Degeneress 28 Get a shoutout from Ellen Degeneres Award) 29 FInd evidence of a mythical creature on google Earth 2 points 30 Unnecessary censor of Lil' Einsteins 5 points Find the people in the Graveyard who lived the longest and the 31 shortest. 2 points 32 Spruce up campus with some well-placed googly eyes 4 points 33 Classical rendition of Stacy's Mom 4 points 34 Toenail Clipping Art 6 points Find the largest cornflake and deliver it to us unbroken (try to not 35 ramshackle the dining hall) 7 points to the winner Send one person from your team to compete on the Bachelorette on Friday at 8:30 pm in the Grand Salon. Make sure that you are dressed to impress and ready to win the rose. Hint: it's a good idea to have a 36 special talent for our special curly-haired huntmaster. Roses and prizes will be awarded. 1 point if it's a photo, 5 points if the portrait 37 Portrait of a Feb in a snuggy is hand-painted 38 Stick the landing. 2 point 39 What go/link does Middlebury need? Make it. 1 point 40 Get the highest QWOP score. 5 points 41 Serenade a tour. Bonus points for quality singing 7 points 42 Write a Craigslist personal post for a fictional charcter 5 points 43 Make a music video for Shut Up and Dance with Me 7 points 44 Synchronized swimming to Rolling in the Deep by Adele 5 points 45 Compose and send a sonnet to someone who Ghosted you 8 points Conduct a tinder chat with a stranger using only content from Trump's Points will be awarded for creativity, length, 46 twitter and response of the person. (5 max) ITS THE HUNT GAMES at the Middlebury Classic Badminton Tournament. Arrive at that gym that used to be an airplane hanger Register for the badminton tournament no later (name?) on Saturday at 3PM. Bring your flag and have your anthems than Thursday at Midnight. (Registration link: ready! the 2018 Hunt Olympics will consist of three games. Please https://docs.google. designate only 2 members from each Hunt team to represent your com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGC3xbgbgcjrQDnd team in each of the games. However, anyone is welcome to provide 10 for attend, bonus 8,5,3 for 1,2,3rd in each -fXua30NlKAwJy_8c- 47 moral support! :) category and 5 bonus for Best Spirit Squad KVYU9xA437JPeA/viewform?usp=sf_link) 48 find an ant. 1 point (-10 pts if you find an "aunt"***) Ask out your crush in a public and creative way. (more public and 49 unconventional = more points) 8 points 50 Flash mob dance with another team 10 points On Friday, all Hunters must dress up as their spirit animal in honor of your Hunt Masters. (We want time stamped pics every hour - Snapchat is a good way to do this. Pictures must include at least half 51 the team.) .5 points per hour, MAX 6 points Make an #instagram account and be sure to follow your Huntmasters @HuntMasters2018. Bonus points for beautiful photos, followers, 52 and making us laugh use the hashtag: #hunt2018. Required, negative points for not doing it 53 Pay homage to the huntmasters 5 points Find the oldest book in the Middlebury Library and update it's 54 message for the modern youth 5 points 55 Podcast of the hunt (minimum half an hour) 7 points Go on a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sledding adventure with 56 another team 5 points Make a Gift basket for the huntmasters using only items from the recycling center (WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING THAT IS 57 NOT FROM THE RECYCLING CENTER) 7 points 58 Ride the Panther 2 points Recreate Davinci’s last supper with Professors (bonus points for 20 points (MUST INCLUDE ALL 13 in 59 theme) order to receive points) 60 Take a photo of the most interesting room on campus 2 points 61 Ruin our childhood. 5 points 62 There's no place like gnome. 2 points 63 Freshman say whhhhaaatttt????? 3 points This year is the 10th anniversary of the Hunt. Give us the scoop on: 64 Middlebury's Hunt: Through the Ages 5 points 65 Get on TV 8 points, 20 points for national TV Caption contest for a photo on our instagram from the archives. 66 Comment your caption (1 per team) Best caption wins 4 points 67 Recreate your most awkward moment 3 points 68 Make it from Bihall to the CFA with an egg on a spoon in your mouth 8 points NO ADHESION 69 Show us your best 100 things collection 4 points Between the hours of 6 pm and 6 am on the final night of the hunt, 70 sing your team's anthem outdoors on the hour every hour. 8 points 71 Prank War with another team 6 points The Hunt loves question marks! How many photos can you get of people holding question marks at farmous landmarks around the Timestamp Required 72 world? (.5 points per landmark, max 15 landmarks) 73 Reinvigorate Middlebury's rivalry with UVM 9 points Get a team member who is an ordained minister (with proof) to marry 74 two dogs 8 points 75 #scarecam 3 points 76 Here is your inspiration: https://vimeo.com/58659769 7 points 77 Throw a surprise party for your food delivery person 5 points Design your own Points (show us what 78 Design your own clue you've got) Fill out this Friday's New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Honor 79 Code) 5 points 80 Surprise trustfall with strangers 1 pt per stranger (10 max) 81 Spell "The Hunt" with long exposure photography 5 points 82 Thread the Needle 8 points (Hint: Ask a physics major) 83 Vlog Ross Challenge Day 28 3 points 84 Fit as many team members as you can into the same pair of pants 2 points per team member Tabitha loves maps and scavenger hunts, make her a treasure hunt on 85 Midd's campus 5 points 86 Show your appreciation for Middlebury's staff members 8 points 87 Build a card castle with all 52 cards 3 points How many dollars are on the roof of two brothers? No adding more 88 dollars except in the tip jar. 5 points 89 How high up can you get on campus? 7 points 90 Create a new Hunt themed cryptocurrency. 7 points 91 Get the huntmasters a can of Grapico and a bag of Goldenflake Chips 15 points Use a calling card to make a phone call from a phone booth using a 92 phone book. (-50 points if it’s not a real phone booth) 8 points The only difference between a ___ and a ___ is six months of 93 reading. 2 points Middlebury needs more commemorative plaques commemmorating 94 commemorative things or commemorative rooms. 5 points How many steps are in bicentennial hall? Can you get a slinky to go down them all? (Can you get a cow to go up them all? no extra points, Remember, there's more than one staircase in 95 but we'll like you better) 11 points BiHall 96 Assorted objects suspended in jello - bonus for creativity. 8 points Ride in a snowplow with your team flag streaming in the wind behind 97 you. 5 points 98 Why do chicken coops only have two doors? Seriously. 4 points 99 Make a Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blaster 7 points 100 Duplicate a key that says “Do Not Duplicate” 7 points Ask, and take, a quidditch player to the Yule Ball on Saturday (bonus This Quidditch player must be an active, 101 points if you dress up) 2 points per date (bonus points for outfit) participating member 102 bounce a bouncy ball REALLY high 3 points 103 Set a high score on a mechanical pinball machine 7 points The Huntmaster’s LOVE corporate sponsorships... unfortunately we don’t have the street cred. Get a corporation with a ton of cash to shoutout your hunt team on social media. Most 104 followers/likes/retweets wins. 10 points Get as many hugs with current supersenior febs as you can. We want Hugs with the same supersenior feb only count 105 to send them off with a warm goodbye :) 1 point per hug, (max 15 points) once. Recreate your favorite pop song in the style of this video: https: 106 //www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2WH8mHJnhM 10 points for well-done videos Can't get enough of scavenger hunts? Go to go/labsafety and complete that scavenger hunt too! (PS the lab safety hunt is giving out 107 gift card prizes) 5 points Show us that you answered each question. Brooke and David have been so busy planning the hunt that they forgot to eat lunch. They are in the library right now. Bring them a proctor panini as soon as possible. First team to deliver the proctor panini wins. THIS CLUE IS EFFECTIVE AS OF 1 PM 108 THURSDAY. GO GO GO!!! 10 points Remember that flavor is important. President's Challenge: What was the biggest rise and the biggest decline in career choices amongst Middlebury graduates in its first century of existence? 15pts $100 Scott Center for Spiritual and Religious Life Clue: Design an interfaith baccalaureate program that works for students, parents, faculty, staff, and administration. 15pts $50 Cook Commons Clue: We don't believe pigs can fly. Show us we're wrong. 15pts $50 Brainerd Commons Clue: Make as many owls as you can and deliver them to us. The winner will be determined by sheer quantity. A stranger must be able to identify these creations as owls. 15pts $50 Wonnacott Commons Clue: Squirley, squirley, shake your bushy tail in every dining hall, and don't forget to sing the squirrel song as loud and as long as you can. Winner is chosen on tail bushyness, style, and creativity. 15pts $50 Atwater Commons Clue: Make a giant frog for the Atwater commons office. Winner will be selected by the Commons CRD, Dean, and Coordinator. 15pts $50 Ross Commons Clue: Create and film a soap opera based around the Ross Commons Challenge. Winner will be selected by the Ross Commons staff 15pts $50 *negative points if you use "Aluminium" in your clues ** According to the Huntmaster Handbook ∞≤50pts Huntmaster locuta, causa finita. ***Really?

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