Description:The Genetics and Development of Scoliosisedited by Kenro Kusumi, Ph.D.Table of Contents: Genetic Regulation of Somite and Early Spinal Patterning Kenro Kusumi, Ph.D., Walter Eckalbar, Olivier Pourquie, Ph.D. Development and Functional Anatomy of the Spine J. Alan Rawls, PhD and Rebecca E. Fisher, PhD Environmental Factors and Axial Skeletal Dysmorphogenesis Peter G. Alexander, Ph.D. and Rocky Tuan, Ph.D.Overview and Comparison of Idiopathic, Neuromuscular, and Congenital Forms of Scoliosis Benjamin Alman, M.D.Abnormal Vertebral Segmentation (or Segmentation Defects of the Vertebrae) and the Spondylocostal Dysostoses Peter D. Turnpenny, M.B.Ch.B.Spondylothoracic Dysostosis in Puerto Rico Alberto Santiago Cornier, M.D., Ph.D.Progress in Understanding Genetic Contributions in Syndromic and Non-Syndromic Disorders Associated with Congenital, Neuromuscular, and Idiopathic Scoliosis Philip F. Giampietro, M.D., Ph.D.Genetics and Functional Pathology of Idiopathic Scoliosis Nancy Hadley Miller, M.D.Current Understanding of Genetic Factors in Idiopathic Scoliosis Carol A. Wise, Ph.D. and Swarkar Sharma, Ph.D.Conclusion: Trends and Predictions for Genetic and Developmental Biological Research on Scoliosis Kenro Kusumi, Ph.D.