THE FREELANCER’S BIBLE SARA HOROWITZ, FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, FREELANCERS UNION WITH TONI SCIARRA POYNTER WORKMAN PUBLISHING, NEW YORK FOR BERNICE CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS INTRODUCTION: WELCOME! PART 1: GETTING STARTED Chapter 1 | Seven Start-up Steps Chapter 2 | Your Office Setup Chapter 3 | Your Freelance Portfolio PART 2: GETTING WORK Chapter 4 | Getting Clients Chapter 5 | Closing the Deal Chapter 6 | Clients 360° Chapter 7 | Troubleshooting PART 3: GROWING YOUR BUSINESS Chapter 8 | Marketing You Chapter 9 | Marketing Yourself Online Chapter 10 | Moving Your Freelancing to the Next Level Chapter 11 | The Nimble Freelancer: Subcontracting and Building Teams Chapter 12 | Community—Where Personal and Professional Meet PART 4: MANAGING YOUR BUSINESS Chapter 13 | Managing You Chapter 14 | Managing Your Office Chapter 15 | Taking Care of Taxes PART 5: YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR COMMUNITY Chapter 16 | Working, Playing, and Staying on Top of Your Game Chapter 17 | Your Safety Nets CONCLUSION: THE FUTURE IS NOW . . . AND IT’S US APPENDIX: SELECTED SOURCES AND OTHER HELPFUL RESOURCES INDEX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Peter and Rachel—who make my life so full. To Sidney Hillman, Bayard Rustin, FDR and Eleanor, and to my Grandfather Israel and Aunt Esther, whose lives have taught me so much and who act as my northern star. To my sister Anne and to Ron and Natalie—I love you so much—and for my nieces Josie, Sage, Paulotta, and Tessa: the next generation. To Michele Molotsky, my dearest friend. To Toni Sciarra Poynter, who is divinely inspired in taking all forms of intuitive knowledge or ideas and expertly turning them into thoughtful, understandable, logical prose. You made this book journey a pleasure and I know that meant crazy extra amounts of work for you. Your ideas are genius and you are a good friend to boot. To my agent, Heather Schroder, who had lunch with me for ten years before I could finally birth a book. I love your toughness and charm. To Mary Ellen O’Neill, who added extra zing here and there and made the book leaner. To Savannah Ashour for reaching out and gently persuading me to make this book happen. To the team at Workman—many thanks for working your magic. And to Peter Workman, who is such an entrepreneur and steward that his publishing company flourishes amid much ruin. To the Board of Freelancers Union—Joe Caserto, Trisala Chandaria, Ohad Folman, Andrew Kassoy, and especially to Charles Heckscher, Hanan Kolko, and Stephanie Buchanan, whose wisdom and kindness know no bounds. To the staff at Freelancers Union, who have spirit, resolve, and dedication to independent workers. I would especially like to thank Althea Erickson, Caitlin Pearce, Dan Lavoie, Gabrielle Wuolo, Kaitlyn Newman, Gillian Sewake, Hollis Calhoun, and Jen Stern for all their great help on this book. Thanks also to Dina Sena, Diallo Powell, and Ann Boger for being great leaders and friends. And to Bob Belfort, whose legal brilliance is matched only by his wit and tolerance of my grumpiness (on rare occasion). To those funders and friends who want to catalyze resources for great change, including Janice Nittoli, Nancy Barrand, Mara Manus, and Maria Gotsch. And to the Ford Foundation for getting Freelancers Union started and moving us forward. To Bill Drayton at Ashoka, who shares with me a love for Bayard Rustin and for realizing that a life of persistence toward something good is truly a life well lived. To Cheryl Dorsey and Echoing Green for setting me on the course of social entrepreneurship and catalyzing much support along the way. To Nick Salvatore and the late Clete Daniel for giving me a deep love of labor history and for constantly reminding me that unionism is part of a social movement for all workers. To Richard Winsten and New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who have made New York the most freelance-friendly state in the country. To Shelly Korman, a true legal warrior, and Jean Tom, an expert navigator through all storms. My deep thanks to the following accomplished professionals who agreed to be interviewed for this book and who generously gave of their time and expertise —with a special thanks to Howard J. Samuels, CPA, MST, and Galia Gichon for their time and effort in reviewing portions of the manuscript: Ilise Benun, cofounder of Marketing Mentor ( and author of numerous books, including The Creative Professional’s Guide to Money. Erica Ecker, owner of The Spacialist ( Galia Gichon, founder of Down-to-Earth Finance ( and author of My Money Matters, a boxed set of affirmations, tips, and workbooks. Evelyn Hecht, PT, ATC, president of EMH Physical Therapy ( John Indalecio, OTR/L, CHT. Peggy Post, etiquette expert, a director of The Emily Post Institute (, and coauthor with Peter Post of The Etiquette Advantage in Business, among others. Barbara Safani, owner of Career Solvers ( Howard J. Samuels, CPA, MST, KDMS LLC Certified Public Accountants ([email protected]). Jennifer Shaheen, The Technology Therapist® and president of the Technology Therapy® Group (, creator of Tech Therapy TV ( Brigitte Thompson, president of Datamaster Accounting Services, LLC (, author of Bookkeeping Basics for Freelance Writers. Colleen Wainwright, a.k.a. “the communicatrix” ( My sincere thanks to the freelancers who offered their personal stories, experiences, and insights. You helped bring alive the ideas in this book. Finally, thanks to freelancers and independent workers everywhere, who every day find their own solutions while some still believe that they’re slacker dudes wearing jammies at their computers. Little do those people know that freelancers are quietly designing the next safety net, powering the economy, and often creating pretty groovy lives for themselves. —Sara Horowitz Working with Sara Horowitz has been a gift. Through our many conversations and through my experiences with Freelancers Union, she has raised my consciousness about what freelancers need as professionals and as people. She has grown my faith in the capacity of human beings to create solutions where none previously existed. She has given me a close-up view of how one continues to press forward toward goals that seem very large and far away. Thanks to her and our work together, I’m a better freelancer, and maybe a better person, too. Thanks to the wonderful team at Freelancers Union who were welcoming and helpful at every turn, especially Judy Osteller, Caitlin Pearce, Jennifer Stern, and Gabrielle Wuolo. I would also like to thank: Ann Bramson for recommending me; Savannah Ashour for offering me the opportunity to work with Sara; Mary Ellen O’Neill for her clear editorial insights and for her careful shepherding of this project; Dona Munker for listening, listening, and listening; Neil Felshman and Josleen Wilson for their living room couch in July, and Jos for her wisdom about “the wall”; Fern Sanford for her editorial expertise; my sister and my mother for listening raptly when our phone calls became monologues on advocacy issues for freelancers; and my husband, Donald, who, after I accomplish anything, always says, “Of course, I’m not at all surprised.” —Toni Sciarra Poynter Introduction WELCOME! Hello, freelancer—or future freelancer. I’m writing this “What do I like book so we can talk about the rules of the road I’ve learned from being the head of Freelancers Union for most about fifteen years and meeting thousands of freelancers. I’ve freelancing? The listened as they’ve shared the tricks of the trade they’ve first four letters.” picked up and perfected to get ahead. I want to teach you the strategies that work. I’ve also heard about freelancers’ challenges and what they’ve done to meet them. I want to help you meet these challenges and grow. Most of all, I want to share the models for success that I’ve seen and provide tools you can use to make the living you need. FREELANCERS: A BREED APART When you ask freelancers about their work, they’re likely to tell you about not just one thing, but five or six: accountant by day, singer by night, professional office organizer on weekends, accounting firm part-timer during tax season, bookkeeper for their local professional group—oh, and last year they started selling their special handmade jewelry on Etsy “just for fun”! A freelancer is a different kind of worker from the “Organization Man” of the 1950s or the current cubicle crowd. In the cubicle world, you get an assignment, complete it, and pick up your next assignment. As a freelancer, you can and often do perform multiple kinds of paid work. You network and market to find the work, complete the work, and then bill for it (and, too often, fight to collect payment). Once you’re paid, you switch gears and become an HR specialist, apportioning every dollar into accounts to cover regular expenses and pay taxes and benefits. You also need to know how to buy health insurance, plan for retirement, implement financial planning, and structure business ventures and deals. Freelancing is a fluid work medium that rewards nimbleness and flexibility. When it’s working well, there’s no better feeling. The Freelancer’s Bible will help you find that feeling as you start, grow, and thrive in your freelance career.