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The Forbidden History of Science (The God Series Book 26) PDF

263 Pages·2015·2.099 MB·English
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The Forbidden History of Science �� M��� H������ P�������� �� H����������� B���� Copyright © Mike Hockney 2015 The right of Mike Hockney to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review. Table of Contents The Forbidden History of Science Table of Contents The Science Fraud God (Religion) versus No God (Atheism) The Kant–Boscovich Force-Shell Atom Theory The Mormons Demonology The Sadducees Field Theory The Illusionists Ultimate Existence Gravity = God? The Cult The Rabbit Hole The Fearless One The Holographic Principle The Cardinal of Monads One Theory To Bind Them All Nietzsche and Boscovich Soul Atoms Stationary Souls The Occult? The Clod of Souls The Terrifying Old Ideas Potential versus Actual Space The Liars Death The Spell Sufficient Reason On Mind and God Will to Power The Failure of Logic Doubting Thomas Nothing The Three Reasons The Secret Arche Transubstantiation Active Space versus Active Matter Gravity and God Transformation The Unconscious Thought is Motion How and Why Intelligent Design The Topos of the Soul Death Love The Turing Test The “Hollow World” Problem The Outsider The Wager Swedenborg Outer and Inner Man Reincarnation The Cosmic Game Thou Shalt Not Agency The Waking Dream Knowing What You’re Talking About Enlightenment The Immune System Change Your Beliefs! Conclusion The Science Fraud “The problem is not to find the answer, it’s to face the answer.” – Terence McKenna At school, you are taught “science”. You are not taught the history of science, so you have no idea how science came to be the institution it now is. Above all, you have no idea that science is a vast, rigid system of dogmatism and ideology, an inflexible paradigm, an incomplete and inconsistent set of heuristic fictions, a quasi-religious faith that, on behalf of scientific empiricism, explicitly opposes philosophical and mathematical rationalism. You are led to believe that science couldn’t have developed in any other way. You are never shown how science was offered numerous chances to evolve in a radically different manner, and how it always rejected those opportunities for ideological rather than “scientific” reasons. You are never taught the secret history of science whereby scientific idealism (based on the mind) could have become the orthodoxy, rather than scientific materialism (based on the body). You are brainwashed to believe that science is the only possible “rational” undertaking to explain the world. But science isn’t rational at all. If it were, it would be mathematics. Science is empirical, and empiricism is a subject that has a long and extremely dubious philosophical history. Empiricism has sprung so many logical leaks that no rational person would ever take seriously any empirical system as having any explanatory value whatsoever, or any connection with true knowledge. The ultimate empiricist was David Hume, a man whose philosophy degenerated into absolute skepticism, nihilism and solipsism. Hume, one of the world’s greatest geniuses, pushed empiricism to its logical and inevitable conclusion as a system of pure anti-knowledge. Science avoids this fate via its inadmissible, irrational hijacking of mathematics, the quintessential anti-empiricist subject. Not a single scientist ever explains why science – a fanatically empirical enterprise, i.e. it proceeds by way of observations and experiments – has as its indispensable engine an a priori, analytic subject (mathematics) that has no connection whatsoever with observations and experiments. This fatal contradiction is brazenly ignored. If you remove mathematics from science, you get either alchemy or Hume’s ultra-skepticism. Mathematics, not empirical experimentation, is what gives science its power, yet this is never acknowledged, and is implicitly denied. The status of mathematics in science is wholly undefined. Science is an intellectual fraud and has warped the human psyche as much as mainstream religion has, and is overflowing with just as many fallacies ... all of which flow from its rejection of the principle of sufficient reason. Science is not an intellectual, rational subject. It’s a practical, instrumental subject that has no capacity whatsoever to explain ultimate reality. To trace where science departed from intellectualism, we must go back to Descartes and the beginning of modern philosophy. Descartes’ problematic dualistic philosophy – involving unextended mind and extended matter (which seemed to have no basis for interaction since the two substances were, by definition, diametrically opposed) – immediately invited the reduction of this untenable dualism into a monism. Two rival schools subsequently arose: 1) materialism denied the existence of mind and claimed that everything was extended and that non-extended existence was impossible, and 2) idealism denied the existence of matter and claimed that everything we know concerns minds and the ideas in minds, with “matter” being just another idea rather than an entity independent of mind. Descartes’ work also gave birth to another two rival schools: 1) rationalism, which proposed that reason is the basis of all certain knowledge, and 2) empiricism, which asserted that all worldly knowledge begins with experience and the senses. “Nothing in the intellect without first being in the senses” is the guiding principle of this worldview, to which Leibniz, the great rationalist, astutely replied, “Nothing in the intellect without first being in the senses, except the intellect itself.” If we combine these different schools, we get four possible outcomes: 1) Materialism and empiricism. 2) Materialism and rationalism. 3) Idealism and empiricism. 4) Idealism and rationalism. Modern science, predicated on experiments, reflects materialism and empiricism, and found much of its inspiration in the philosophy of John Locke. Bishop Berkeley was an idealist empiricist who flatly denied the existence of matter, and showed that there’s zero evidence or proof that matter exists as anything distinct from minds and the ideas in minds, i.e. he denied the entire basis of scientific materialism. Science has never refuted him, or even bothered to try. David Hume and Immanuel Kant developed Berkeley’s philosophy. Hume produced ultra-skeptical empiricism which denied that any sure knowledge was possible. Kant, in turn, tried to refute Hume via “transcendental idealism”, which asserted that our own minds project knowable reality onto an otherwise unknowable ultimate reality, i.e. Kant said that ultimate reality comprises unknowable noumena, but we construct knowable phenomena from these thanks to the innate faculties of our minds which exist for precisely this purpose. We are prisoners of the design of the human mind, and we can “know” only those things that the design reveals to us. We can have no idea what reality is like in itself, unmediated by the mind. Just as science refused to respond to Berkeley, it also refused to respond to Hume and Kant. Instead, it pulled off an entirely invalid manoeuvre: it added materialist rationalism to materialist empiricism. Where the latter is all about experiments, the former is all about mathematics; specifically, the mathematics of dimensional things (idealist rationalism, on the other hand, concerns the mathematics of dimensionless things). Modern science splits into: 1) theoretical science (materialist rationalism), and 2) experimental science (materialist empiricism). However, the agenda is emphatically driven by, and dictated by, the latter. No Nobel Prize is ever awarded for great theoretical work. A theoretician wins a Nobel Prize only if experimental evidence is provided to support his theory. Peter Higgs received his Nobel Prize some five decades after he produced his theoretical work predicting the existence of the Higgs boson. Only when experiments supplied evidence compatible with the existence of this particle was Higgs’s work deemed vindicated. Stephen Hawking, the most famous scientist in the world, will never win a Nobel Prize since no experimental evidence has ever been adduced to support his theories. Theoreticians always perform their work conditioned by the need to predict observable, experimentally-testable phenomena, hence they never stray into pure rationalism and logic that would never under any circumstances be experimentally productive. Hawking’s work predicts various observable phenomena. The trouble is that the technology does not yet exist to test whether they actually exist. The irony is that ultimate reality – reality that existed prior to the Big Bang – is wholly and permanently beyond the scientific method. Only idealist rationalism can address it. The technical subject that deals with idealist rationalism is noumenal, transcendental, ontological mathematics, dealing with dimensionless mathematics, i.e. the mathematics that necessarily precedes the addition of the dimensions that make possible space, time and matter (i.e. the “scientific” world). This type of pure, analytic mathematics rejects observations and experiments, and works out ultimate reality from indisputable mathematical reason and logic alone. Anyone who truly accepts the Big Bang ... the theory that our universe erupted from a Singularity ... must rationally accept that this corresponds to the dependence of dimensional mathematics upon dimensionless mathematics, and necessitates that dimensionless entities are the origin of dimensional entities (exactly as Leibniz said in his Monadology). Dimensionless mathematics is rejected wholesale by science. As ever, science refuses to explain why this approach is invalid (in its view), beyond the dogmatic fact that dimensionless math does not, and cannot, reflect the scientific method. The true problem, of course, is that the scientific method itself is in need of rational and logical justification. Science cannot provide it, so ideologically ignores the issue. That’s why science is not an intellectual, rational, logical subject, and is much closer to a religious faith. Science literally has no method for addressing rational arguments. Its method is exclusively sensory and empirical. The rational assertion that dimensionless mathematics precedes dimensional mathematics, that a pure mathematical Singularity precedes scientific spacetime, can never be addressed scientifically. Instead, science makes the deranged claim that the spacetime universe randomly and miraculously jumps out of nothing at all, i.e. it claims that no definable, analytic state preceded the Big Bang, hence that the spacetime universe was simply and inexplicable magicked into existence from non-existence, for no possible reason and via no conceivable mechanism. If that’s not a religious claim – a claim based on magic, miracles and the supernatural – what is?! Science is just a religion that dispensed with miracles performed by God and replaced them with random miracles that perform themselves! Atheism is the religion of a magic show whose greatest trick – the prestige – is to pull itself out of a top hat that doesn’t exist. Atheism is the belief in Godless miracles. Atheism does not respect and reflect the principle of sufficient reason, hence is nothing but magical thinking, entirely devoid of a logical, analytic foundation. Atheism is the opposite of ontological mathematics where absolutely everything has an exact reason why it is thus and not otherwise, where miracles and magic are utterly impossible. Nothing is more intellectually offensive than the absurd claim that atheists and scientists are rational. All they did was kill an irrational religious God of design, teleology and meaning and replace him with an even more irrational God of randomness, purposelessness and meaninglessness. If you cannot refute noumenal, transcendental, ontological mathematics, yet blindly accept science, you’re no better than an Abrahamist or Karmist. You’re religious, not intellectual. Your “knowledge” has no logical foundation. You are a person of faith. Science could have turned out entirely differently. In the period after Descartes, two titans faced off against each other. Newton was the champion of materialist empiricism (and materialist rationalism conditional upon it), while Leibniz was the champion of idealist rationalism. Science took the Newtonian rather than Leibnizian path and thus cut itself off from mind, logic and the principle of sufficient reason. It became all about the ad hoc exercise of matching mathematical guesses to experimentally observed patterns. Newton did not work out his gravitational law from any analytic first principles, any ontological and epistemological principles. In fact, he explicitly disdained these. What he did was try out lots of mathematical guesses until he found one that was consistent with observed astronomical data, i.e. with Kepler’s laws. This was then judged a wondrous breakthrough. Science has operated in exactly this ad hoc, heuristic way ever since. It never at any time relies on first principles, ontology, epistemology, analysis, logic and reason. It’s simply the world’s most elaborate exercise in “educated guesses”. And that’s exactly why it will never tell you anything about ultimate reality. It can’t even get the first thing right – that this is a fundamentally mental rather than material world, as Descartes (“I think therefore I am), Leibniz and Berkeley so emphatically demonstrated. If you listen to scientific propaganda, you invariably imagine that science has smoothly and rationally proceeded to where it is now. In fact, it has deliberately suppressed all rivals to its Newtonian modus operandi, while having no legitimate reasons for doing so. As we shall show, even Newton wasn’t a true Newtonian (!), and held numerous bizarre beliefs that science ensures you never hear about in science class when it’s telling you how brilliant Newton was. Newton’s strange ideas are painstakingly airbrushed away so that he can be portrayed as a genius who could walk into any science department in the world today, and fit in instantly. In fact, much of today’s science and its interpretation of reality would nauseate, repel and baffle Newton. He would unquestionably oppose modern science and denounce the leading scientists of today ... exactly those who so slavishly revere him. In this book, we are going to do something remarkable. We will show you how easily science could have taken an entirely different route from the one it did take. It could, for example, have pursued the Leibnizian path and become noumenal, transcendental, ontological mathematics. However, we shall concentrate on the historical attempt to combine Leibniz and Newton. You might think of this in much the same way as today’s scientific effort to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics, with relativity being quasi-Newtonian and quantum mechanics quasi-Leibnizian. The heroes of this tale are Immanuel Kant (in his younger, Leibnizian years), and the Jesuit Roger Boscovich. When you reach the end of the book, we want you to seriously ask yourself whether modern science offers a better solution than theirs. Their systems embraced mind in its own right (i.e. mind considered as something that does not owe its existence to matter), something that science signally fails to do, and refuses to do. Why do today’s scientists keep trying – futilely – to explain mind in materialist terms? Why does none of them have the gumption to explore the alternative history of science, which is driven by the mind and the dimensionless? It’s because science is a religion, and its believers are every bit as indoctrinated as those of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Read for yourself the astounding rival history of science, and ask yourself why science doesn’t talk about it, and pretends it doesn’t exist at all. For science, it’s the supreme “inconvenient truth”. Science is an overt conspiracy against clear, rational, logical, analytic thinking, and has deliberately and ruthlessly suppressed all threats to its dogmatism. It refuses to teach alternative views that would instantly and fatally undermine it. You will soon discover why it’s so terrified of drawing any attention to the secret history of science ... the forbidden history. Divisibility

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