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The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY PUBLICATIONS The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine (Third Edition) Edited by A. John Camm, Thomas F. Lüscher, Gerald Maurer, and Patrick W. Serruys The ESC Textbook of Preventive Cardiology Edited by Stephan Gielen, Guy De Backer, Massimo Piepoli, and David Wood The EHRA Book of Pacemaker, ICD, and CRT Troubleshooting: Case-b ased learning with multiple choice questions Edited by Harran Burri, Carsten Israel, and Jean- Claude Deharo The EACVI Echo Handbook Edited by Patrizio Lancellotti and Bernard Cosyns The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology: Putting prevention into practice Edited by Catriona Jennings, Ian Graham, and Stephan Gielen The EACVI Textbook of Echocardiography (Second Edition) Edited by Patrizio Lancellotti, José Luis Zamorano, Gilbert Habib, and Luigi Badano The EHRA Book of Interventional Electrophysiology: Case-b ased learning with multiple choice questions Edited by Hein Heidbuchel, Matthias Duytschaever, and Harran Burri The ESC Textbook of Vascular Biology Edited by Robert Krams and Magnus Bäck The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Development Edited by José Maria Pérez- Pomares and Robert Kelly The EACVI Textbook of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Edited by Massimo Lombardi, Sven Plein, Steffen Petersen, Chiara Bucciarelli- Ducci, Emanuela R. Valsangiacomo Buechel, Cristina Basso, and Victor Ferrari The ESC Textbook of Sports Cardiology Edited by Antonio Pelliccia, Hein Heidbuchel, Domenico Corrado, Mats Börjesson, and Sanjay Sharma The ESC Handbook of Cardiac Rehabilitation Edited by Ana Abreu, Jean- Paul Schmid, and Massimo Piepoli The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care (Third Edition) Edited by Marco Tubaro, Pascal Vranckx, Eric Bonnefoy-Cudraz, Susanna Price, and Christiaan Vrints FORTHCOMING The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging (Third Edition) Edited by José Luis Zamorano, Jeroen Bax, Juhani Knuuti, Patrizio Lancellotti, Bogdan Popescu, Fausto Pinto, and Udo Sechtem The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care THIRD EDITION EDITORS Marco Tubaro Pascal Vranckx CO-E DITORS Eric Bonnefoy-Cudraz Susanna Price Christiaan Vrints 1 3 Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, United Kingdom Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries © European Society of Cardiology 2021 The moral rights of the authors have been asserted First Edition published in 2011 Second Edition published in 2015 Third Edition published in 2021 Impression: 1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by licence or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this work in any other form and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Published in the United States of America by Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, United States of America British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Control Number: 2020941873 ISBN 978– 0– 19– 884934– 6 DOI: 10.1093/ med/ 9780198849346.001.0001 Printed in Great Britain by Bell & Bain Ltd., Glasgow Oxford University Press makes no representation, express or implied, that the drug dosages in this book are correct. Readers must therefore always check the product information and clinical procedures with the most up-t o- date published product information and data sheets provided by the manufacturers and the most recent codes of conduct and safety regulations. The authors and the publishers do not accept responsibility or legal liability for any errors in the text or for the misuse or misapplication of material in this work. Except where otherwise stated, drug dosages and recommendations are for the non- pregnant adult who is not breast- feeding Links to third party websites are provided by Oxford in good faith and for information only. Oxford disclaims any responsibility for the materials contained in any third party website referenced in this work. Preface Intensive cardiac care (procedures) saves lives and reduce car- ACVC has expanded the recommended treatment from a pre- diac disability in acute cardiac patients. This treatment is to be vious focus on in-hospital intensive care, with emphasis on the delivered by specially trained and accredited cardiologists, nurses intensive cardiac care units (ICCUs), to intensive and acute car- and paramedics working in specially designed and equipped fa- diovascular care wherever it is needed (including pre-hospital, cilities. The urgent nature of some acute cardiac presentations ambulances, emergency rooms, ICCUs, wards, operating theaters, dictates the need to apply acute cardiac care as early as possible, etc.). This is in accord with the realization of the need for a con- at the prehospital and or emergency room scenario. Prompt and tinuum mode of treatment and the incorporation of the specific accurate diagnosis, meticulous monitoring and urgent treat- groups under the ACVC. Therefore, the effort for this new edition ment are indicated in a wide variety of cardiovascular condi- of the ESC Textbook of Acute and Intensive Cardiovascular Care is tions, including acute coronary syndromes, acute decompensated timely and highly appreciated. heart failure, life-threatening rhythm disturbances, myocarditis, For simplicity and consecutiveness, the table of contents in pulmonary embolism, infective endocarditis, as well as compli- the current edition has been maintained similar to that of the cations of cardiac interventions and other acute maladies (i.e. second edition. However, the content has been improved and infection, haemorrhage, trauma) whereby chronic heart disease updated and a new chapter (Chapter 50) is now fully dedicated may jeopardize the short-term prognosis. to implanted cardiac support devices. A special mention is to be The Association for Acute CardioVascular Care (ACVC) of dedicated to Chapter 3 on ‘Intensive Cardiovascular Care Units: the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) has set out to pi- structure, organization and staffing’ which reflects the reality that oneer this subspeciality of cardiology. The ESC Textbook of three levels of acute cardiac care may function in different hos- Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care is a major asset. It is pitals. Some can apply only limited acute coronary care, while the only textbook completely dedicated to the field of acute car- others can provide the full scope of advanced, comprehensive, in- diovascular and intensive care. It contains all the basic neces- tensive, and acute cardiac care (level III). sary comprehensive, yet practical information needed for the As in the previous editions, the print textbook is accompanied optimal implementation of acute cardiac care. This includes by an expanded and more comprehensive online edition, which is the recommended organization and function of the service, de- expected to be yearly updated. tailed description of the laboratory tests, special cardiac evalu- The editors and authors of the third edition of the ESC Textbook ation techniques, procedures, pharmacological and invasive of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care should be congratu- therapeutic interventions used for the practice of intensive car- lated on the completion of this major task. I am confident that this diac care. A detailed description and recommendations for the endeavor will contribute to the daily conductance of acute cardiac management of the various diseases in need for acute cardiac care and provide mandatory learning material for the education care is also included. of cardiologists and allied staff training in the field. Cardiology in general, and specifically the field of intensive car- diac care, is constantly evolving. There is a constant new inflow of Professor Yonathan Hasin information, introduction of updated evidence-based guidelines Founding chairperson of the Working Group on Acute Cardiac and new and improved therapeutic techniques (including organ Care of the ESC supportive therapy for the critically ill patients). Currently, the Ariel University Medical School Contents Symbols and abbreviations xi SECTION II Contributors xxix The pre- hospital phase and the emergency department 1 Intensive and acute cardiovascular care: an introduction 1 8 The emergency medical system 65 Eric Bonnefoy-Cudraz, Susanna Price, Marco Tubaro, Olivier Hoogmartens, Michiel Stiers, Koen Bronselaer, Pascal Vranckx, and Christiaan Vrints and Marc Sabbe 9 Out- of- hospital cardiac arrest 76 Jerry P Nolan and Christian Hassager SECTION I 10 Chest pain in the emergency department and the Intensive and acute cardiovascular care chest pain unit 88 Christiaan Vrints, Janina Stepinska, and Marc J Claeys 2 Training and certification in intensive and acute cardiovascular care 5 11 Acute dyspnoea in the emergency Susanna Price and Eric Bonnefoy-Cudraz department 103 Eleni Michou, Nikola Kozhuharov, Jasmin Martin, and 3 Intensive cardiovascular care units: structure, Christian Mueller organization, and staffing 11 Eric Bonnefoy-Cudraz and Tom Quinn 4 The heart team 25 SECTION III Sergio Leonardi, Thomas Modine, and Stephan Monitoring and investigations in the Windecker intensive cardiovascular care unit 5 Patient safety and clinical governance 33 Matthew Parkin and Tom Quinn 12 Pathophysiology and clinical assessment of the 6 Ethical issues in cardiac arrest and acute cardiac cardiovascular system (including pulmonary care: a European perspective 43 artery catheterization) 115 Jean- Louis Vincent and Jacques Creteur Alessandro Sionis, Etienne Gayat, and Alexandre Mebazaa 7 Quality of care assessment in acute cardiac care 54 13 The respiratory system 127 Fiona Ecarnot and François Schiele Antoine Vieillard- Baron viii Contents 14 Neurological assessment of the acute cardiac 26 Chest tubes 331 care patient 134 Giulio Maurizi, Camilla Vanni, and Erino Angelo Rendina Mathieu van der Jagt, Jeroen JH Bunge, and 27 Renal support therapy 338 Fabio S Taccone Claudio Ronco, Stefano Romagnoli, and Zaccaria Ricci 15 Monitoring of the kidneys, liver, and other 28 Percutaneous (short- term) mechanical circulatory vital organs 147 support 351 Karl Werdan, Brijesh Patel, Matthias Girndt, Henning Holger Thiele and Pascal Vranckx Ebelt, Jochen Schröder, and Sebastian Nuding 16 Blood gas analysis: acid– base, fluid, and 29 Nutrition support in acute cardiac care 360 Michael P Casaer and Greet Van den Berghe electrolyte disorders 165 Farah Shariff and Richard Paul 30 Physiotherapy in critically ill patients 373 Rik Gosselink and Jean Roeseler 17 Interpretation and clinical use of chest radiographs 181 Alexander Parkhomenko, Olga S Gurjeva, and Tetyana Yalynska SECTION V 18.1 Echocardiography and thoracic ultrasound 201 The laboratory in intensive and acute Frank A Flachskampf, Pavlos Myrianthefs, and cardiovascular care Ruxandra Beyer 31 The use of biomarkers for acute cardiovascular 18.2 Echocardiography and thoracic ultrasound 218 Frank A Flachskampf, Pavlos Myrianthefs, and disease 387 Allan S Jaffe Ruxandra Beyer 19 Computerized tomography: coronary angiography 32 Biomarkers in acute coronary syndromes 400 Jasper Boeddinghaus, Thomas Nestelberger, and cardiac imaging 224 Raphael Twerenbold, and Christian Mueller Jeff M Smit, Mohammed El Mahdiui, Michiel A de Graaf, Arthur JHA Scholte, Lucia Kroft, and Jeroen J Bax 33 Biomarkers in acute heart failure 409 Rajiv Choudhary, Nicholas Wettersten, Kevin Shah, and 20 Cardiac magnetic resonance in the intensive and Alan Maisel cardiac care unit 246 Juerg Schwitter and Jens Bremerich 34 Biomarkers of coagulation and thrombosis 425 Anne- Mette Hvas, Erik L Grove, and Steen Dalby Kristensen SECTION IV 35 Biomarkers of renal and hepatic failure 434 Mario Plebani, Monica Maria Mion, and Procedures in the intensive cardiovascular Martina Zaninotto care unit 21 Non- invasive ventilation 267 Josep Masip, Kenneth Planas, and Arantxa Mas SECTION VI 22 Mechanical ventilation 284 Acute coronary syndromes Luigi Camporota and Francesco Vasques 36 Atherosclerosis and thrombosis 447 23 Temporary pacing 306 Lina Badimon and Gemma Vilahur Bulent Gorenek 37 The universal definition of myocardial 24 Ultrasound- guided vascular access in infarction 463 intensive/ acute cardiac care 314 Kristian Thygesen, Joseph S Alpert, Allan S Jaffe, and Richard Paul Harvey D White 25 Pericardiocentesis 323 38 ST- segment elevation myocardial infarction 479 Caterina C De Carlini and Stefano Maggiolini Borja Ibanez and Stefan James Contents ix 39 Fibrinolytic, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant drugs 51 Donor organ management 691 in acute coronary syndromes 494 Arne P Neyrinck, Patrick Ferdinande, Dirk Van Sigrun Halvorsen, Giuseppe Gargiulo, Marco Valgimigli, Raemdonck, and Marc Van de Velde and Kurt Huber 52 Palliative care in the intensive cardiovascular 40 Mechanical complications of myocardial care unit 706 infarction 513 Jayne Wood Elena Puerto and Héctor Bueno 41 Non- ST- segment elevation acute coronary syndromes 531 SECTION VIII Héctor Bueno and José A Barrabés Arrhythmias 42 Percutaneous coronary interventions in acute 53 Atrial fibrillation and supraventricular coronary syndromes 549 Andreas Mitsis and Marco Valgimigli arrhythmias 719 Demosthenes G Katritsis and A John Camm 43 Coronary artery bypass graft surgery 565 Piroze M Davierwala and Michael A Borger 54 Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 740 Paolo Della Bella, Dagmara Dilling, and Francesca Baratto 44 Sex considerations in acute coronary syndromes 585 55 Pacemaker and ICDs: troubleshooting 755 Neasa Starr and Haran Burri Eva Swahn, Joakim Alfredsson, and Sofia Sederholm Lawesson SECTION IX SECTION VII Specific acute cardiovascular conditions Acute heart failure (including cardiogenic 56 Myocarditis and pericarditis 767 shock) Massimo Imazio and Stephane Heymans 45 Acute heart failure: epidemiology, classification, 57 Acute valve disease and endocarditis 778 and pathophysiology 603 Gregory Ducrocq, Franck Thuny, Bernard Iung, Dimitrios Farmakis and Gerasimos Filippatos and Alec Vahanian 46 Acute heart failure: early pharmacological 58 Congenital heart disease in adults 795 therapy 617 Susanna Price, Brian F Keogh, and Lorna Swan Kieran F Docherty, Jonathan R Dalzell, Mark C Petrie, and 59 Aortic emergencies 805 John JV McMurray Marc Schepens and Eric Graulus 47 Low cardiac output states and cardiogenic 60 Cardiac complications in trauma 820 shock 633 Lydia Lam, Leslie Kobayashi, and Demetrios Demetriades Holger Thiele and Suzanne de Waha- Thiele 61 Cardiac emergencies in pregnancy 830 48 Non- pharmacological therapy of acute heart Mark Johnson and Jolien Roos- Hesselink failure: when drugs alone are not enough 651 Jeroen Dauw, Wilfried Mullens, Johan Vijgen, 62 Pulmonary hypertension 839 and Pascal Vranckx Massimiliano Palazzini, Nazzareno Galiè, and Alessandra Manes 49 Heart failure surgery and transplantation 664 Felix Schoenrath, Jan Klages, and Volkmar Falk 63 Pulmonary embolism 849 Stavros Konstantinides, Marcin Kurzyna, and Adam 50 Implanted cardiac support devices 680 Torbicki Andrew C Morley- Smith, André R Simon, and John Pepper

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