TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY INSTITUTE (SANBI) PRETORIA Obtainable from SANBI, Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001, STRELITZIA RSA. A catalogue of all available publications will be issued on A series of occasional publications on southern African flora and request. vegetation, replacing Memoirs oft he Botanical Survey qfSouth Africa and Annals ofK irstenbosch Botanic Gardens. BOTHALIA • The Memoirs are individual treatises usually of an ecological nature, but sometimes dealing with taxonomy or economic Eo thalia is named in honour of General Louis Botha, first botany. Published: Nos 1-63 (many out of print). Discontin Premier and Minister of Agriculture of the Union of South ued after No. 63. Africa. This house journal of SANBI, Pretoria, is devoted to the furtherance of botanical science. The main fields covered • The Annals are a series devoted to the publication of mono are taxonomy, ecology, anatomy and cytology. Two parts of graphs and major works on southern African flora. Published: the journal and an index to contents, authors and subjects are Vols 14-19 (earlier vols published as suppl. vols to the Jour published annually. nal ofS outh African Botany). Discontinued after Vol. 19. Bothalia Contents: five booklets containing a list of authors and titles, and an index to taxa and keywords: a) to vols 1-20 FLOWERING PLANTS OF AFRICA (FPA) (1921-1990); b) to vols 21-25 (1991- 1995); to vols 26-30 This serial presents colour plates of African plants with (1996-2000); d) to vols 31-37 (2001-2007); to vols 38--41 accompanying text. The plates are prepared mainly by the (2008-20 11 ). artists at SANBI. Many botanical artists have contributed to the series, such as Fay Anderson, Peter Bally, Auriol Batten, Gillian Coody, Betty Connell, Stella Gower, Rosemary Holcroft, FLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (FSA) Kathleen Lansdell, Cythna Letty (over 700 plates), Claire Linder-Smith and Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst. The Editor is pleased A taxonomic treatise on the flora of the Republic of South to receive living plants of general interest or of economic value Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia and Botswana. Contains for illustration. descriptions of families, genera, species, infraspecific taxa, keys to genera and species, synonymy, literature and limited From Vol. 55, twenty plates are published at irregular intervals. specimen citations, as well as taxonomic and ecological notes. An index to Vols 1--49 is available. Project discontinued. FSA contributions 1-20 appear in Bothalia: ·"' PALAEOFLORA OF SOUTHERN AFRICA <> 1: Aquifoliaceae. S. Andrews. 1994. Bothalia 24: 163-166. A palaeoflora on a pattern comparable to that of the Flora 2: Asphode1aceae/Aloaceae, 1029010 Chortolirion. G.F. Smith. ofs outhern Africa. Much of the information is presented in 1995. Bothalia 25: 31-33. the form of tables and photographic plates depicting fossil 3: Asphodelaceae/A loaceae, 1028010 Poellnitzia. G .F. Smith populations. Now available: 1995. Bothalia 25: 35, 36. 4: Agavaceae. G.F. Smith & M. Mossmer. 1996. Bothalia 26: • Molteno Formation (Triassic) Vol. l. Introduction. Dicroidi 31-35. um, 1983, by J.M. & H.M. Anderson. 5: Buxaceae. H.F. Glen. 1996. Bothalia 26: 37--40. • Molteno Formation (Triassic) Vol. 2. Gymnosperms (exclud 6: Orchidaceae: Holothrix. K.L. Immelman. 1996. Bothalia 26: ing Dicroidium), 1983, by J.M. & H.M. Anderson. 25--40. 7: Verbenaceae: Vitex. C.L. Bredenkamp & D.J. Botha. 1996. • Prodromus of South Afi"ican Megafloras. Devonian to Lower Bothalia 26: 141-151. Cretaceous, 1985, by J.M. & H.M. Anderson. Obtainable 8: Ceratophyllaceae. C.M. Wilmot-Dear. 1997. Bothalia 27: from: A.A. Balkema Marketing, Box 317, Claremont 7735, 125- 128. RSA. 9: Onagraceae. P. Goldblatt & P.H. Raven. 1997. Bothalia 27: • Towards Gondwana Alive. Promoting biodiversity and stem 149- 165. ming the Sixth Extinction, 1999, by J.M. Anderson (ed.). 10: Trapaceae. B. Verdcourt. 1998. Bothalia 28: 11-14. • Heyday of the gymnosperms: systematics and biodiversity 11: Zingiberaceae. R.M. Smith. 1998. Bothalia 28: 35-39. of the Late Triassic Molteno fructifications, 2003, by J.M. 12: Plantaginaceae. H.F. Glen. 1998. Bothalia 28: 151-157. Anderson & H.M. Anderson. Strelitzia 15. 13: Ulmaceae. C.M. Wilmot-Dear. 1999. Bothalia 29: 239-247. • Brief history of the gymnosperms: classification, biodiver 14: Cannabaceae. C.M. Wilmot-Dear. 1999. Bothalia 29: sity, phytogeography and ecology, 2007, by J.M. Anderson, 249-252. H.M. Anderson & C.J. Cleal. Strelitzia 20. 15: Piperaceae. K.L. Imme1man. 2000. Bothalia 30: 25-30. 16: Sphenocleaceae. W.G. Weiman. 2000. Bothalia 30: 31-33. • Molteno ferns: Late Triassic biodiversity in southern Africa, 17: Casuarinaceae. C.M. Wilmot-Dear. 2000. Bothalia 30: 2008, by H.M. Anderson & J.M. Anderson. Strelitzia 21. 143-146. 18: Salicaceae s. str. M. Jordaan. 2005. Bothalia 35: 7-20. SANBI BIODIVERSITY SERIES 19: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Eumorphia. N. Swelankomo. 2011. Eo thalia 41: 277-282. A series of occasional reports on projects, technologies, 20: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Jnezia. N. Swelankomo. 2012. workshops, symposia and other activities initated by or executed Bothalia 42: 247-250. in partnership with SANBI. BOTHALIA A JOURNAL OF BOTANICAL RESEARCH Volume 42,2 Scientific Editor: J.C. Manning Production Editor: Y. Steenkamp 2 Cussonia Avenue, Brummeria, Pretoria Private Bag XIOI, Pretoria 0001 ISSN 0006 8241 October 20 12 Editorial Board D.F. Cutler Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK B.J~ Huntley South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA P.H. Raven Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, USA M.J.A. Werger University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands Acknowledgements to referees Archer, Mrs C., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Barker, Prof. N.P., Rhodes University, Grahamstown, RSA. Becker, Dr R.W., South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, Pretoria, RSA. Berry, Prof. P.E., University of Michigan, USA. Boatwright, Dr S., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Bridson, Dr D.M., Royal Botanic Gardens,. Kew, UK. Fish, Ms L., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Gehrke, Dr B., Johannes Gutenberg-Universitiit, Mainz, Germany. Goldblatt, Prof. P., Missouri Botanical Garden, StLouis, USA. Henderson, Ms L., ARC-Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria, RSA. lvey, Mr P., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Klaassen, Ms E., National Botanical Research Institute, Windhoek, Namibia. Le Maitre, Dr D.C., Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Stellenbosch, RSA. Leistner, Dr O.A., ex South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, RSA. Linder, Prof. P., University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Magee, Dr A.R., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Manning, Dr J.C., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Muasya, Dr M., University of Cape Town, Cape Town, RSA. Oxelman, Prof. B., University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden. Proches, DrS., University ofKwaZulu-Natal, Durban, RSA. Razafimandimbison, Dr S., Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden. Schrire, Dr B., Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK. Singh, DrY., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Durban, RSA. Snijman, Dr D., South African National Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town, RSA. Turland, Dr N., Missouri Botanical Garden, StLouis, USA. Van Oudtshoom, Mr F., Africa Land-Use Training, Modimole, RSA. VanWyk, Prof. A.E., University of Pretoria, Pretoria, RSA. Whitehouse, Dr C., Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, UK. Date of publication ofBothalia 42,1: 3 May 2012. CONTENTS Bothalia 42,2 1. The emerging invasive alien plants of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, southern Africa. C. CARBUTT.... . ...... ... ...... . .... . ... ... ... ........................... 71 2. Systematics of the southern African genus Jxia (Iridaceae: Crocoideae) : 4. Revision of sect. Dichone. P. GOLDBLATT and J.C. MANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 3. Systematics of the hypervariable Moraea tripetala complex (Iridaceae: Iridoideae) of the south- ern African winter rainfall zone. P. GOLDBLATT and J.C. MANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 4. New species and subspecies of Babiana, Hesperantha, and lxia (lridaceae: Crocoideae) from southern Africa; range extensions and morphological and nomenclatural notes on Babiana and Geissorhiza. P. GOLDBLATT and J.C. MANNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 5. A taxonomic revision ofthe southern African native and naturalized species of Silene L. (Caryo- phyllaceae). J.C. MANNING and P. GOLDBLATT....... .. ......... .......... .. 147 6. Notes on African plants: Cyperaceae. Identity and typification of Carex cognate and status of C. drakensbergensis. C. ARCHER and K. BALKWILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Fabaceae. Ophrestia oblongifolia (Phaseoleae) in southern Africa. A.N. MOTEETEE and B.- E. VANWYK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Hyacinthaceae. Albuca tenuifolia and A. sh(lwii (Ornithogaloideae), two distinct species from South Africa. M. MARTINEZ-AZORiN, M.B. CRESPO andA.P. DOLD . . . . . . . . 193 Iridaceae. Notes on Morae a subg . Visciramosa (lridoideae) , including the new species Moraea saldanhensis from the Atlantic coast of South Africa, recognition of M inconspicua subsp. namaquensis, and pollination biology in M rivulicola. P. GOLDBLATT and J.C. MANNING ... ...... . ... . ........ .. .......· ... .. ... ... .... .. .. .. . 210 Iteaceae. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genus Choristylis. M. JORDAAN . . . . 196 Nyctaginaceae. Taxonomic status of Commicarpus fruticosus. M. STRUWIG and S.J. SIEBERT..... .. ....... . ............ .. ......................... .. ... 201 Poaceae. The taxonomic and conservation status ofA grostis eriantha var. planifolia. J.E. VIC- TOR, A. C. MASHAU and V.J. NGOBENI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Rubiaceae. Taxonomic notes on Sericanthe andongensis and a new combin~tion and status in Sericanthe from Limpopo, South Africa. M. JORDAAN and H.M. STEYN . . . . . . . 204 7. Nomenclature and typification of southern African species of Euphorbia. P.V. BRUYNS . . . . . . 217 8. FSA contributions 20: Asteraceae: Anthemideae: Inezia. N. SWELANKOMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 9. South African National Biodiversity Institute: publications 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011. Compiler: Y. STEENKAMP ...... ............ ............, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 251 10. Guide for authors to Bothalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 New combinations, names, sections, series, species and statuses in Bothalia 42,2 (2012) Babiana rivulicola Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov. 137 Ser. Euanthera Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, ser. nov., 90 Euphorbia gerstneriana Bruyns, nom. nov., 236 Euphorbia radyeri Bruyns, sp. nov., 228 Hesperantha radiata subsp. caricina (Ker Gawl) Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, stat. nov., 139 ltea sect. Choristylis (Harv.) Jordaan, sect. nov. et stat. nov., 198 Ixia altissima Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov., 90 Ixia bifolia Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov., 97 Ixia confusa (G.J.Lewis) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, stat. nov., 97 lxia ftagellaris Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov, 107 Ixia minor (G.J.Lewis) Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, stat. nov., 100 lxia rigida Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 91 lxia scillaris subsp. latifolia Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, subsp. nov., 105 lxia scillaris subsp. toximontana Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, subsp. nov., 106 Ixia simulans Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 107 Ixia tenuis Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 106 Ixia teretifolia Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 140 Moraea cuspidata Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov., 120 Moraea decipiens Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 115 Moraea grandis Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 133 Moraea hainebachiana Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov., 127 Moraea helmei Goldblatt & J. C. Manning, sp. nov., 116 Moraea inconspicua subsp. namaquensis Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, subsp. nov., 212 Moraea mutila (C.HBergius ex Eckl.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, comb. nov., 119 Moraea ogamana Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 128 Moraea saldanhensis Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, sp. nov., 210 Moraea tripetala subsp. jacquiniana Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, stat. et comb. nov., 126 Moraea tripetala subsp. violacea Goldblatt & J.C.Manning, subsp. nov., 125 Sericanthe andongensis subsp. legatii (Hutch.) Jordaan & HMSteyn, stat. nov., 206 Silene aethiopica subsp. longliftora J. C. Manning & Goldblatt, subsp. nov., 181 Silene burchellii subsp. modesta J. C. Manning & Goldblatt, subsp. nov., 170 Silene burchellii subsp. multiflora J. C. Manning & Goldblatt, subsp. nov., 172 Silene burchellii subsp. pilosellifolia (Cham. & Schltdl.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, stat. nov., 169 Silene crassifolia subsp. primuliftora (Eckl. & Zeyh.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, comb. et stat. nov., 175 Silene rigens J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, sp. nov., 164 Silene saldanhensis J.C.Manning & Goldblatt, sp. nov., 160 Silene undulata subsp. polyantha J. C. Manning & Goldblatt, subsp. nov., 160 IV Bothalia 42,2: 71– 85 (2012) The emerging invasive alien plants of the Drakensberg Alpine Centre, southern Africa C. Carbutt* Keywords: biological invasions, climate change, disturbance regime, Drakensberg Alpine Centre, early detection, emerging alien plants, expert opinion, life history traits, prioritisation, selection criteria, swift management interventions ABSTRACT An ‘early detection’-based desktop study has identifi ed 23 taxa as ‘current’ emerging invasive alien plants in the Dra- kensberg Alpine Centre (DAC) and suggests a further 27 taxa as probable emerging invaders in the future. These 50 species are predicted to become problematic invasive plants in the DAC because they possess the necessary invasive attributes and have access to potentially suitable habitat that could result in them becoming major invaders. Most of the ‘current’ emerging invasive alien plant species of the DAC are of a northern-temperate affi nity and belong to the families Fabaceae and Rosaceae (four taxa each), followed by Boraginaceae and Onagraceae (two taxa each). In terms of functional type (growth form), most taxa are shrubs (9), followed by herbs (8), tall trees (5), and a single climber. The need to undertake a fi eldwork component is highlighted and a list of potential study sites to sample disturbed habitats is provided. A global change driver such as increased temperature is predicted to not only result in extirpation of native alpine species, but to also possibly render the environment more susceptible to alien plant invasions due to enhanced competitive ability and pre-adapted traits. A list of emerging inva- sive alien plants is essential to bring about swift management interventions to reduce the threat of such biological invasions. INTRODUCTION to invasive plants in general and that major invaders are also likely to be facilitating invasions of emerging Increased volumes and frequency of trade, travel, and invader species (Nel et al. 2004). Alien plant monitor- tourism have resulted in an increased spread of invasive ing and management programmes, historically reactive and potentially invasive species (Simberloff 2001). The in nature, should therefore not only target well-estab- prediction is that such trends are likely to increase in the lished invaders; the ‘blacklisting’ of emerging invaders short and medium-term future in South Africa (Richard- as an early warning system will help identify, prioritise, son 2001; Le Maitre et al. 2004). One result of increased and appropriately manage new invasions (Mgidi et al. trade, travel, and tourism is that plants will be moved 2004) so that the predicted trend of increasing inva- by humans across geographic barriers far beyond their sions is matched with an ever-increasing ability to nul- natural dispersal range. To date, South Africa has been lify the emerging threat (Nel et al. 2004; Olckers 2004). invaded by many species of non-native plants, many The overall objective should therefore be to proactively of which are already well established and have a nega- curb the threat of invasive alien plant species by stop- tive ecological and economic impact (Wells et al. 1986; ping the invasion in its tracks, which will afford signifi - Richardson et al. 1997; Van Wilgen 2004), particularly cant ‘savings’ in terms of minimising biodiversity losses on ecosystem services (Van Wilgen et al. 2008, 2011). and minimising overall management costs. Although the The different rates of spread observed in different areas established invasive alien plants in the DAC are reason- are attributed to synergistic interactions between the ably well known and their threat to plant biodiversity in basic features of the environment, features of the distur- the region recognised (Carbutt & Edwards 2004, 2006), bance regime, and life history traits (Richardson 2001; no study has focussed explicitly on the emerging inva- Thuiller et al. 2006). sive alien plants of the DAC and the likely threat that such invaders may pose in the future. Mgidi et al. (2004) predicted that more invasive alien species are likely to reach South Africa in the immedi- Emerging invasive alien plants of the DAC are here ate future. Although upon arrival, such species are still defi ned as either (i) those alien plant species recorded in the infancy of their invasion (either only recently from the DAC in the past 25 years or less that are cur- introduced and/or are entering a phase of rapid popula- rently still in the early stages of invasion (i.e. less than tion growth), they pose an even greater threat than some 100 populations with less than 1 000 individuals per of the major established invaders because of the large population) and given their specifi c attributes and poten- areas they have the potential to invade and the ‘unknown tially suitable habitat, could expand further to become factor’ associated with the exponential phase of their major invaders in the future (~ ‘current’ emerging inva- expansion (Hobbs & Humphries 1995; Nel et al. 2004). sive aliens); or (ii) those alien plant species naturalised Emerging invaders appear to be establishing in areas in parts of South Africa that do not occur within the con- already heavily invaded by major (well-established) fi nes of the DAC, but in all likelihood will in the future invaders, suggesting that due to certain climatic fea- given either their predominantly temperate affi nity and/ tures, patterns of human settlement, and/or land-use pat- or their current range within 70 km’s of the DAC (~ terns, certain areas are more susceptible and predisposed ‘future’ emerging invasive aliens). The aims of this study were threefold: (i) outline a * Scientifi c Services, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife, P.O. Box 13053, Cas- basic methodology to identify the emerging invasive cades 3202, South Africa. e-mail: [email protected]. MS. received: 2011-07-19. alien plants of the DAC; (ii) develop a preliminary list 72 Bothalia 42,2 (2012) using the desktop component of the methodology identi- The initial proposed fi eld work component focuses on fi ed in (i) above; and (iii) discuss the likely threat posed the South African portion of the DAC although future by these emerging alien invasive plants and the possible studies should include representative areas of Lesotho. It relationship between their spread and emerging global is important to note that the term ‘DAC’ is based on cli- change drivers. matological and not fl oristic grounds (Van Wyk & Smith 2001). The delineated area from 1 800 m a.s.l. to the highest point at 3 482 m a.s.l., encompasses three topo- ecological zones, namely montane (± 1 300 m to ± 1 900 METHODS m), sub-alpine (> 1 900 m to ± 2 800 m) and alpine (> Scope of study 2 800 m to 3 482 m) zones. The DAC is therefore pre- dominantly sub-alpine and alpine in nature, with only the A desktop approach was adopted to rapidly generate a upper limit of the montane zone falling marginally within preliminary list, which is especially helpful if the scope the DAC. Therefore many of the emerging invasive alien of study encompasses a large geographical area (i.e. plants being discovered in the montane foothills of the where fi eld work would prove costly and time consum- DAC are here listed as ‘future’ emerging aliens as they ing and may take years to complete). The best interim currently do not technically occur within the DAC, but in measure is a list to leverage swift management action all likelihood will do so in the future once they breach that can later be fi ne-tuned with fi eld work. the DAC’s climatic envelope. The geographical scope of the desktop study is the All sites proposed for the fi rst phase of fi eldwork are DAC, a temperate region with summer rainfall. Mean dispersed along the length of the Free State, KwaZulu- annual rainfall varies from ± 640 mm on the more lee- Natal and Eastern Cape Drakensberg (Figure 1; Table 1). These sites are well representative of the eastern DAC, ward Lesotho side to over 2 000 mm on the main escarp- and take into account a range of disturbance regimes ment (Tyson et al. 1976; Van Wyk & Smith 2001). The and environmental heterogeneity related to altitude mean temperature of the warmest month is less than (lowest limit to higher altitudes); rainfall (low- to high- 22°C, whilst winter temperatures drop to well below altitude gradients as well as north-to-south latitudinal freezing with snow and frost commonplace. Soils of the and aspects gradients); temperature (low- to high-alti- DAC above 3 000 m therefore have frigid or cryic tem- tude gradients as well as north-to-south latitudinal and perature regimes with mean annual temperatures ranging aspects gradients; see Figure 1) and many of the 11 veg- from 0°C to 8°C (Schmitz & Rooyani 1987). The varied etation types occurring within the DAC. climate is partly responsible for the 11 vegetation types (fi ve grassland types, fi ve shrubland types, and one for- This study only concerns itself with alien plants intro- est type) occurring in the DAC (see Mucina & Ruther- duced from areas outside the borders of South Africa ford 2006). (even though certain species native to South Africa, yet WW 2288ooEE GGGG FFrreeeeSSttaattee SSoouutthh RR AAffrriiccaa 2299ooSS DDrraakkeennssbbeerrgg oo GGCC hh AAllppiinneeCCeennttrree oott ss ee SSPP LL KKwwaaZZuulluu--NNaattaall QQNN nn aa nn OONN nnddiicceeaa II OO NNNN KKEEYY((NNttooSS)) GGGG,,GGoollddeennGGaattee EEaasstteerrnnCCaappee WW,,WWiittssiieesshhooeekk RR,,RRooookkddaallee((MMnnwweennii)) GGCC,,GGiiaanntt’’ssCCaassttllee SSPP,,SSaanniiPPaassss QQNN,,QQaacchhaa’’ssNNeekk NN OONN,,OOnnggeelluukk’’ssNNeekk 5500kkmm NNNN,,NNaauuddee’’ssNNeekk FIGURE 1.—Study sites in the eastern DAC proposed for sampling potential emerging invasive plants in disturbed habitats. This fi gure should also be interpreted in conjunction with Table 1. Bothalia 42,2 (2012) 73 TABLE 1.—Examples of physically disturbed sites which may facilitate the invasion of certain alien plant species in the DAC. Many such physi- cally disturbed sites are also sites of nutrient enrichment (e.g. cattle kraals, heavily grazed or overstocked sites, and rural settlements without on-site or waterborne sanitation). Sites of disturbance Explanation Example(s) Proposed study site General Specifi c 1. Paths. 1a. Foot paths. Paths to homesteads or Qwa Qwa section of Golden Golden Gate HNP. trading centres. Gate HNP. 1b. Tourist trails. Paths for hiking (recrea- Main Caves walk, Giant’s Giant’s Castle. tional). Castle. 2. Road and rail 2a. Mountain passes. Trans border access to Sani Pass, Ramatseliso’s Sani Pass. networks. trading centres. Gate Pass. 2b. Local service roads. Roads used by tourists or Winterton to Cathedral Basuto Gate Pass locals. Peak, Barkly Pass, Naudes’ (Witsieshoek), Naude’s Nek Pass, Basutho Gate Nek. Pass. 3. Settlements 3a. Rural centres (& cattle kraals). Disturbance, soil compac- Qacha’s Nek, Phutha- Qacha’s Nek, Rookdale (habitation). tion, nutrient enrichment. ditjhaba, Rookdale. (Mnweni lowlands, near 3b. Urban centres. Bergville). 4. Plantations. Gum, wattle, pine & poplar. Immediate sources of Boston, Impendhle, Sani Pass area. alien plants; and potential Maclear, and Underberg sites for others. areas. 5. Lands. 5a. Arable lands. Easily invaded by agrestal Naude’s Nek, Qwa Qwa. Naude’s Nek. 5b. Pastoral lands. & ruderal weeds. 5c. Wastelands. 5d. Transformed. 6. Poorly managed 6a. Sub-optimal grazing. Often leading to erosion Eastern Cape Drakensberg, Lower Mnweni area. rangelands. dongas. Mnweni, Sani Top. 6b. Sub-optimal burning. 7. Harvested sites. Over-collected (exploited). Harvesting of plants for Ongeluk’s Nek, Ongeluk’s Nek, Qacha’s fuel, medicines, gardens Qacha’s Nek. Nek. & thatching. 8. Naturally dis- 8a. Landslides. Slope instability & dis- Sani Pass. Sani Pass. turbed sites. turbance. 8b. Rock falls. 8c. Terracettes. 8d. River beds (fl ooding). naturally absent from the DAC, may be viewed as ‘alien’ 2004). Emerging invaders are also not necessarily those if introduced into the DAC). A classic example is the most obvious. For example, species that have the great- ‘Ermelo’ ecotype of Eragrostis curvula (Poaceae) from est available habitat and potential to increase in distribu- the Highveld. Furthermore, certain native species may tion are sometimes not identifi ed by experts as impor- even become ‘weedy’ within their native range. Again tant invaders (Robertson et al. 2004). Many are initially such species were excluded [e.g. Artemisia afra, Chryso- innocuous and restricted within their introduced range coma ciliata, and Stoebe vulgaris (all of the Asteraceae (Simberloff 2001). This may be because the dynamics family)]. The study also focuses predominantly on ter- of range expansion and population growth of an invasive restrial invasive plants, the only exceptions being the alien plant typically include a time lag between its arrival aquatic herbs Glyceria maxima (Poaceae) and Nastur- in a new habitat and the start of widespread invasion tium offi cinale (Brassicaceae). Plant nomenclature fol- (Simberloff 2001). Richardson (2001) cited many exam- lows Germishuizen & Meyer (2003). ples of invaders not showing invasive tendencies for as long as ± 50 to 150 years after introduction. The fl oristic and threats analysis was based only on the ‘current’ emerging invasive alien species identifi ed ‘Top-down’ approach in this study. To avoid ‘reinventing the wheel’, this study drew Two-tiered ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approach: in part from the broad-based desktop review of South introduction Africa’s emerging invaders from natural and semi-natu- ral habitats (Mgidi et al. 2004, 2007; Nel et al. 2004). Many alien plant programmes lack objective protocols After a screening process, confi dence was placed in for prioritising invasive species and areas based on likely a fi nal subset of 28 invaders (out of a possible total of future dimensions of spread (Rouget et al. 2004) and reli- 454) because they had been scrutinised a number of able methods of predicting invasion potential are hard times by a number of authors. During this process, Nel to come by (Nel et al. 2004). Criteria using the impact et al. (2004) applied the expert scoring of four criteria scores of Parker et al. (1999) are problematic because strongly associated with factors that predict the poten- they are essentially qualitative, lacking information relat- tial invasiveness of plant species (‘impact’, ‘weediness’, ing to abundance and rates of spread (Le Maitre et al. ‘bio-control status’ and ‘weedy relatives’) to 454 emerg- 74 Bothalia 42,2 (2012) ing alien invaders listed in the Southern African Plant employed and can shift in invaded ecosystems over time Invaders Atlas (SAPIA) database (Henderson 1998, (see MacDougall & Turkington 2004). Furthermore, dis- 2007). In so doing the 454 emerging alien invaders were turbed habitats such as mountain pass roads can extend reduced to 115, and by further fi ltering were reduced the distribution of alien plants beyond reasonable alti- to 84 according to estimates of their potential habitat tudinal expectations (Kalwij et al. 2008). A number of (‘habitat that can potentially be invaded’) and current sites have been proposed for the fi eldwork component propagule pool size (Nel et al. 2004). Further fi ltering (Figure 1; Table 1). These sites may help to identify by Mgidi et al. (2004, 2007) then reduced the number additional emerging invasive species undetected in the to 28 during an exercise identifying the areas in South ‘top-down’ approach, the focus of which is natural and Africa with the greatest likelihood of being invaded. The semi-natural environments. 28 species were also used by Le Maitre et al. (2004) to assess their potential impacts on the biodiversity, water More specifi cally, the ‘bottom-up’ approach should resources and productivity of natural rangelands (bush- therefore, based on the premise that disturbance is often veld, grasslands, and shrublands) in South Africa. a critical prerequisite for the invasion of certain alien plants, (i) identify major disturbance nodes (sites) as The list of 28 species was then scrutinised further for well as major disturbance types in the DAC (Table 1); the DAC context only. The fi nal sub-set amounted to (ii) ensure that the suite of disturbance nodes takes all 23 taxa based on expert opinion by the author [personal major types of disturbance, environmental heterogene- fi eld observations, published literature, and specimens ity, and land tenure of the DAC into account; (iii) docu- lodged in the Natal University Herbarium (NU) of the ment all (potentially invasive) alien plant species at each University of KwaZulu-Natal], and distribution records designated site; and (iv) compare the fi eld list with the from Henderson (2001) and the SAPIA database (Hen- SAPIA database, keeping in mind that, if not already derson 2007). Many of the 23 taxa recognised as ‘cur- data-based, the fi eld species could be an unrecognised rent’ emerging alien species in the DAC are regarded as emerging invader. Due to the marked environmental gra- major invaders in other parts of South Africa and there- dients that traverse the length of the DAC from north- fore were not part of Mgidi et al. (2004) and Nel et al. to-south (and east-to-west), certain alien invasive plants (2004), as these studies focussed solely on emerging may not be present across all sites (e.g. those of the invasive alien plants. drier, colder Eastern Cape Drakensberg vs. those of the Although not the primary focus of this study, a further warmer, wetter northern KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg). 27 taxa have been tentatively listed as ‘future’ emerging invasive alien plants in the DAC. These species were RESULTS selected on the premise that the next invaders to occupy the DAC in any meaningful way are most likely those This study has identifi ed 23 ‘current’ emerging inva- of a temperate affi nity and are currently located within sive alien plant taxa, represented by 15 families, which 70 kms of the DAC’s lower altitudinal boundary and pose the most immediate threat to the DAC (Table 2). therefore stand the greatest chance of breaching the The families Fabaceae and Rosaceae contribute most of DAC’s climatic envelope, or are so poorly known from the emerging invasive alien species (four taxa each), fol- few localities that their ‘emerging’ status in South Africa lowed by Boraginaceae and Onagraceae (two taxa each). is yet to be investigated in any detail. These 27 ‘future’ All other representative families contribute only a single emerging taxa should form the basis of future studies taxon each (Table 2). In terms of functional type (growth lest they become forgotten and their future potential eco- form), most taxa are shrubs (9), followed by herbs (8), logical threat overlooked. tall trees (5), and a single climber (Table 2). Of the 23 ‘current’ emerging invasive alien plants assessed, some ‘Bottom-up’ approach 78% are of a northern temperate affi nity, and 22% of a tropical affi nity (Table 3). Interestingly, none of the Land cover monitoring studies have shown that large assessed taxa were of a southern temperate affi nity tracts of South Africa’s natural ecosystems are already (sensu Henderson 2006). All tall trees and almost all transformed (Fairbanks et al. 2000) and the extent and shrubs are of a northern temperate origin, whereas the rate of land transformation will probably increase with herbs are equally representative of northern temperate time (Macdonald 1989; Tainton et al. 1989; D. Jewitt pers. comm.). This trend is in line with other regions of and tropical origins. the world (Dale et al. 1994; Sala et al. 2000). Known for This study also highlights a further 27 species as its high plant species richness and high levels of plant possible ‘future’ emerging alien invasive plants, as the endemism, the DAC (~ Eastern Mountain hot-spot) is potential for more recently detected species to invade also characterised by high levels of man-induced habi- into the DAC should not be underestimated (Table 4). tat transformation and is therefore recognised as one of For example, Rubus phoenicolasius (wineberry), locally southern Africa’s eight biodiversity ‘hot-spots’ (Cowling naturalised in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands (Stirton & Hilton-Taylor 1994, 1997). 1981) may pose a severe problem in the future given the Given the disturbance factor associated with the study invasiveness of other Rubus species such as R. cuneifo- area, the approach takes both disturbed and undisturbed lius in mesic high-altitude grasslands (O’Connor 2005). habitats into account because invasive alien plants are Although R. phoenicolasius currently does not occur in able to dominate all stages of succession; early (~ sup- the DAC, it is regarded as a ‘future’ emerging invasive pression) and late (~ tolerance) successional strategies alien plant given its temperate affi nity and proximity to are contingent upon the specifi c competitive strategy the DAC (the closest population being ± 70 km’s away).