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The DODO Survey II: A Gemini Direct Imaging Search for Substellar and Planetary Mass Companions around Nearby Equatorial and Northern Hemisphere White Dwarfs PDF

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Preview The DODO Survey II: A Gemini Direct Imaging Search for Substellar and Planetary Mass Companions around Nearby Equatorial and Northern Hemisphere White Dwarfs

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed23January2009 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The DODO Survey II: A Gemini Direct Imaging Search for Substellar and Planetary Mass Companions around Nearby Equatorial and Northern Hemisphere White Dwarfs 9 0 0 E. Hogan,1,2 M.R. Burleigh,1 and F.J. Clarke3 2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Universityof Leicester, UniversityRoad, Leicester,LE1 7RH, UK n 2Gemini Observatory, Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile 3Department of Astrophysics, DenysWilkinson Building, Universityof Oxford, Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH, UK a J 5 23January2009 ] P E ABSTRACT . The aim of the Degenerate Objects aroundDegenerate Objects (DODO) survey is to h p search for very low mass brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets in wide orbits around - white dwarfsviadirectimaging.Thedirectdetectionofsuchcompanionswouldallow o the spectroscopic investigation of objects with temperatures much lower (< 500 K) r than the coolest brown dwarfs currently observed. These ultra–low mass substellar t s objectswouldhavespectraltypes>T8.5andsocouldbelongtotheproposedYdwarf a spectral sequence. The detection of a planet around a white dwarf would prove that [ such objects can survive the final stages of stellar evolution and place constraints on 1 the frequency of planetary systems around their progenitors (with masses between v 1.5−8M⊙,i.e.,earlyB tomidF). Thispaper presentsthe resultsofa multi–epochJ 2 bandcommonpropermotionsurveyof23nearbyequatorialandnorthernhemisphere 3 white dwarfs. We rule out the presence of any common proper motion companions, 5 with limiting masses determined from the completeness limit of each observation, to 0 18 white dwarfs. For the remaining five targets, the motion of the white dwarf is not . 1 sufficiently separated from the non–moving background objects in each field. These 0 targets require additional observations to conclusively rule out the presence of any 9 common proper motion companions. From our completeness limits, we tentatively 0 : suggest that . 5% of white dwarfs have substellar companions with Teff & 500 K v between projected physical separations of 60−200 AU. i X Keywords: stars:whitedwarfs;planetarysystems;lowmass,browndwarfs;imaging. r a 1 INTRODUCTION searching for planetary mass companions1 in orbit around young,lowmassstarsandbrowndwarfs(e.g.,Chauvinetal. 2003; Neuh¨auser et al. 2003). Any planetary mass com- panions found in orbit around these young stars will have Directly imaging the extrasolar planets found in orbit around solar type stars is difficult as these faint compan- ions are too close to their bright parent stars. As this pa- 1 Wemakethedistinctionbetween verylow massbrowndwarfs per was being finalised, Kalas et al. (2008) announced the and massive extrasolar planets by formation mechanism rather discovery of a directly imaged ∼ 3MJup extrasolar planet than mass, since the mass distributions of these two types of with a projected physical separation of 119 AU in orbit object likely overlap. For example, the 9MJup transiting object aroundtheA-typestarFomalhaut.Onthesameday,Marois HAT-P-2bistoodensetobeabrowndwarf(Baraffeetal.2008), et al. (2008) announced the discovery of three directly im- while the free floating objects with masses of the order of a few Jupiter masses that have been found in young clusters possibly agedcompanionsaroundtheA-typestarHR8799withlikely masses between 5−13MJup and projected physical sepa- ftohramtethdeinIAtUhedsiastminectmioannnbeertwaesesntatrhse.seIntdweoedp,ospoumlaetiaountsh,obrasseindsiosnt rations of 24, 38 and 68 AU. However, coronagraphy and massalone,hasnovalidfoundation(Chabrieretal.2008).There- adaptive optics were needed to detect these faint extraso- fore,throughout thispaperweprefertousetheterm”planetary larplanets. Another,perhapssimpler, solution totheprob- mass object” to refer to any body at or below the deuterium lems of contrast and resolution is to instead target intrin- burning limit (13−14MJup), since the evolutionary history of sically faint stars. For example, many groups are already anycompanions discoveredwiththesemassesisuncertain. 2 E. Hogan et al. relatively high luminosities, since planetary mass objects dwarfs allows the examination of a currently inadequately cool continuously from the moment they form. Famously, exploredregionofparameterspace,supplyingnewinforma- a ∼ 4±1MJup (Ducourant et al. 2008) companion to the tion on the frequency and mass distribution of extrasolar ∼25MJup browndwarfmemberoftheTWHydraeassocia- planets around intermediate mass main sequencestars. tion2MASSWJ1207334−393254 (2M1207) wasimagedby A number of extrasolar planets have been discovered Chauvin et al. (2004, 2005). However, Lodato et al. (2005) around evolved giant stars using the radial velocity tech- arguethat2M1207Abmorelikelyformedasabinarybrown nique, e.g., HD 11977 (G5 III; Setiawan et al. 2005), dwarfsystem,sincethecoreaccretionmodel,thoughttobe HD 13189 (K2 II; Hatzes et al. 2005) and β Gem (K0 III; themostlikelyformationmechanismforgasgiantslikethose Hatzes et al. 2006; Reffert et al. 2006). These stars have in the Solar System, is unable to account for the formation entered the red giant phase of stellar evolution, proving of 2M1207b. thatplanetscansurvivetheearly stagesoftheRGBphase. An alternative approach, rather than looking at the Evolved giant stars are significantly more massive than the bright, early part of a planet’s life, is to look at the faint, Sun,sotheirprogenitorswerelikelytobeAorBtypestars late part of astar’s life. Whitedwarfs are intrinsically faint (seeTable6ofHatzesetal.2006).Thecompanionsallhave starsandcanbeupto10,000timeslessluminousthantheir masses significantly larger than Jupiter, implying that sig- main sequenceprogenitors, significantly enhancingthecon- nificantlymoremassiveplanetsareformedaroundthesein- trast between any companion and the white dwarf. In ad- termediate mass stars than around lower mass stars (Lovis dition, any companion that avoids direct contact with the & Mayor 2007). In fact, both Lovis & Mayor (2007) and red giant envelope as the main sequence progenitor evolves Johnson et al. (2007) suggest that intermediate mass stars into a white dwarf will migrate outwards as mass is lost aremorelikely tohostextrasolar planetsofallmasses than from the central star by a maximum factor of MMS/MWD solar mass stars. (Jeans 1924). This increases the projected physical separa- Up to three white dwarfs are known to be wide com- tion between the companion and the white dwarf, substan- panions to stars hosting extrasolar planets. The bright tiallyincreasingtheprobabilityofobtainingagroundbased (V = 11 mag), well studied white dwarf WD 1620−391 direct image of aplanetary mass companion. Theevolution (CD−38◦10980) wasknowntobeacommonpropermotion of planetary systems during the post–main sequence phase companiontothesolartypestarHD147513 (Wegner1973) is discussed in more detail by Duncan & Lissauer (1998), beforeaplanet,withaminimummass,Mpsini=1.21MJup Burleigh, Clarke & Hodgkin (2002), Debes & Sigurdsson and an orbital radius of 1.32 AU, was discovered in orbit (2002) and Villaver & Livio (2007). aroundthelatter(Mayoretal.2004).SinceWD1620−391 The direct detection of a planetary mass companion in andtheparentstarareseparatedby∼5360AU,itishighly orbitaroundawhitedwarfwouldallowthespectroscopicin- unlikely that the evolution of the main sequence progen- vestigation ofverylowmassobjectsmuchcooler (<500 K) itor of the white dwarf affected the mass or the orbit of than previously found. The coolest known brown dwarfs, HD 147513b. It has been suggested that the faint com- ULASJ003402.77−005206.7 (Warren et al. 2007) and CF- panions to two other planet hosting stars are also white BDS J005910.90−011401.3 (Delorme et al. 2008), have ef- dwarfs. The planet in orbit around Gliese 86 has a mini- fective temperatures of 600 < Teff < 700 K and spectral mum mass, Mpsini = 4.01MJup and an orbital period of typesofT8.5.TheletterYhasbeensuggestedforthenext, 15.8 days (Queloz et al. 2000), while the likely white dwarf cooler,spectraltype(Kirkpatrick2005).Anyplanetarymass companion has a mass between 0.48 6 M 6 0.62M⊙ and companions directlydetectable aroundold (>2 Gyr)white anorbitalradiusof∼20AU(Mugrauer&Neuh¨auser2005; dwarfs could well belong to this class, regardless of forma- Lagrange et al. 2006). The possible effects of the evolution tionmechanism(Zuckerman&Song2008).Suchadiscovery of the main sequence progenitor on the mass and the orbit would help provide constraints on models for the evolution of the planet are discussed by Desidera & Barbieri (2007). of planets and planetary systems during the final stages of The planet in orbit around HD 27442 (ǫ Ret) has a min- stellar evolution. In addition, the age of any substellar and imum mass, Mpsini = 1.28MJup and an orbital radius of planetarymasscompanionsdiscoveredinsuchasystemcan 1.18 AU (Butler et al. 2001). The white dwarf companion beestimatedusingthewhitedwarfcoolingageandthemass (Raghavanetal.2006;Chauvinetal.2006),currentlysepa- and thelifetime of themain sequenceprogenitor, providing rated from HD27442 by ∼240 AU,was recently confirmed model-freebenchmarkestimates oftheirmassandluminos- from an analysis of its optical and infrared (IR) spectrum ity, which could be used to test evolutionary models (Pin- (Mugrauer et al. 2007; Chauvin et al. 2007). fieldetal.2006).Radialvelocitysearcheshaveconcentrated The discovery of metal rich dust disks in close orbits mainly on stars with spectral types between mid F and M, aroundwhitedwarfsmayindicatetheexistenceofold,rocky sincethefasterrotationandincreasedactivityofearlyB,A planetary systems, suggesting that even terrestrial planets andmidFtypestarsbroadensthelownumberofabsorption and asteroids can survive the final stages of stellar evolu- linesintheirspectra.Asaresult,itisdifficulttoaccurately tion. The first dust disk was discovered around the DAZ measuretheDopplershiftofstarswiththeseearlierspectral white dwarf G 29−38 (WD 2326+049) from the identifi- types.However,newmethodsinmanipulatingthemeasure- cation of a large IR excess in its spectrum at wavelengths mentsacquiredwhenusingtheradialvelocitytechniquehas between 2−5µm (Zuckerman & Becklin 1987b). This IR allowedplanetarymasscompanionstobefoundaroundstars excess was initially attributed to a spatially unresolved, with spectral types of A and F (e.g., Galland et al. 2005). Teff = 1200±200 K brown dwarf companion to the white Nevertheless, as the 1.5−8M⊙ progenitor stars of white dwarf. However,subsequentmeasurements showed that the dwarfshavespectraltypesofearly B,Aandmid F,search- blackbody–likeIRexcesswasduetoadustdiskratherthan ing for planetary mass companions in orbit around white a brown dwarf (Tokunaga, Becklin & Zuckerman 1990). A Searching for Planets Around White Dwarfs 3 mid–IR (MIR) spectrum of G 29 − 38, obtained by the of a planetary mass companion to the DAV white dwarf SpitzerSpaceTelescope, shows a strong emission featurein GD 66 has been recently found from the periodic variation the spectrum between 9−11µm, which indicates the pres- in the precise timing measurements of GD 66’s extremely enceofsilicates (SiO4) in thedustdisk (Reachet al. 2005). stable non–radial pulsations (Mullally et al. 2008). While Eight additional white dwarfs are now known to have dust current measurements suggest that this companion has a disks in orbit around them: GD 362 (Teff = 9740 K; Beck- minimum mass, Mpsini∼2.11MJup and an orbital radius lin et al. 2005; Kilic et al. 2005), GD 56 (Teff = 14400 K; of∼2.356AU,furtherobservations,tocovertheentireorbit Kilic et al. 2006), WD 1150−153 (Teff = 12800 K; Kilic of thecompanion, are now required. & Redfield 2007), WD 2115 − 560 (Teff = 9700 K; von InBurleighetal.(2008)wereportedlimitsonplanetary Hippel et al. 2007), GD 40 (Teff = 15200 K; Jura, Farihi mass companions to the nearest single white dwarf, vMa 2. & Zuckerman 2007), GD 133 (Teff = 12200 K; Jura et al. Preliminary results and progress reports from the Degen- 2007),PG1015+161 (Teff =19300K;Juraetal.2007)and erate Objects around Degenerate Objects (DODO) survey G166−58(Teff =7390K;Farihietal.2008).Thegenerally have been published previously (Clarke & Burleigh 2004; accepted origin of the material in these dust disks is from Burleigh, Hogan & Clarke 2006; Hogan, Burleigh & Clarke the tidal disruption of an asteroid that had strayed within 2007). In this paper we report further extensive results of theRocheloberadiusofthewhitedwarfafteritsorbitalra- theDODOsurvey;aNIRdirect imagingsearch forsubstel- dius was altered during the AGB phase of stellar evolution larandplanetary masscommonpropermotioncompanions (Graham etal.1990; Debes&Sigurdsson 2002; Jura2003). in wide orbits around nearby white dwarfs. In addition to these dust disks, there have been metal rich gasdisksfoundinorbitaround2hotterDAZwhitedwarfs; SDSSJ122859.93+104032.0(Teff =22292K;G¨ansickeetal. 2 TARGET SELECTION 2006) and SDSS J104341.53 +085558.2 (Teff = 18330 K; G¨ansicke,Marsh&Southworth2007).Thesegasdiskscould The ability to directly image an extrasolar planet in orbit also indicate the presence of old planetary systems, since it around a white dwarf will depend on the apparent magni- islikelythatthehotwhitedwarfscausedthedustinthedisk tude of the planet, which in turn depends on its absolute tosublimate.ThefractionofknownsingleDAZwhitedwarfs magnitudeanddistancefrom theEarth.Theabsolutemag- with IRexcesses, which can be attributed toa dust disk, is nitudeoftheplanetisdeterminedfromitsintrinsicluminos- 14%(Kilicetal.2006).Inaddition,Jura(2006)arguesthat ity,whichisdependantprimarilyontheageandthemassof >7% of white dwarfs possess asteroid belts similar to that theplanet, since it will cool continuously from themoment oftheSolarSystem,andbyimplication, remnantplanetary it formed. The age of an extrasolar planet found in orbit systems. around a white dwarf equals the sum of the main sequence The first search for low mass substellar companions to progenitor lifetime and the white dwarf cooling age. Using white dwarfs was conducted by Probst (1983), who mea- thisageandthedistancetothewhitedwarf,Burleighetal. suredtheIRmagnitudesof∼100whitedwarfstodetermine (2002) used evolutionary models for cool brown dwarfs and whether any excess emission was present. No companions extrasolarplanets(Burrowsetal.1997) tomakeinitialpre- were found during this survey. Subsequently, a number of dictionsoftheIRmagnitudesofplanetarymasscompanions groups unsuccessfully attempted to detect substellar com- aroundwhitedwarfs.Theresultspublishedinthispaperuse panionstowhitedwarfs usingthesame method(e.g., Ship- the more recent “COND” evolutionary models of Baraffe man1986;Zuckerman&Becklin1987a).Thefirstconfirmed et al. (2003). These models assume irradiation effects from subtellarcompaniontoawhitedwarfwasdiscoveredin1988 theparentstarontheplanetarenegligibleandpredictthat around theDAwhite dwarf GD 165 (Becklin & Zuckerman a5MJup planet withan ageof ∼2Gyrwill haveanappar- 1988). Over 15 years later, a second brown dwarf compan- ent magnitude of J ∼ 24 mag at 10 pc. This magnitude is ion was found in orbit around GD 1400 (Farihi & Christo- comparable with the expected sensitivity of a one hour ex- pher 2004; Dobbie et al. 2005). More recently, radial veloc- posureacquiredusingan8mtelescope.Brightercompanions ity measurements revealed a brown dwarf companion in a suchasmassivebrowndwarfsandMdwarfsshouldeasilybe close(∼116minutes)orbitaroundWD0137−349(Maxted detected. Indeed, these more luminous objects would have etal.2006),whileitsspectraltype(L8)waslaterdetermined already been detected in previous IR studies (e.g., Farihi fromnear–IR(NIR)spectroscopy(Burleighetal.2006).The et al. 2005) and in 2MASS data. L dwarf companion fraction, determined from a wide field, Lower mass planets could be more easily detected proper motion, NIR search for wide substellar companions aroundyoungerwhitedwarfs,sincethesecompanionswould to347whitedwarfs,isestimatedtobe<0.5%(Farihietal. be brighter than their older counterparts. In addition, 2005). fainter,andthereforelowermass,companionscouldbemore The recent discovery of an extrasolar planet around easily detected around nearby white dwarfs compared to the post–red giant star V 391 Pegasi proves that plane- more distant targets. Nearby white dwarfs are also more tary mass companions with an initial orbital radius outside likelytohavelarge propermotions, which requireasmaller the maximum radius of the red giant envelope can survive baselinebetweentheobservationsofthetwoepochs.Anini- the RGB phase of stellar evolution. The planet was discov- tial sample of ∼40 targets, with total ages (main sequence ered from the periodic variation in the precise timing mea- progenitorlifetimeplusthewhitedwarfcoolingage)<4Gyr surements of V 391 Pegasi’s extremely stable, short period and distances within ∼ 20 pc, were selected from the cata- pulsations (Silvotti et al. 2007). It has a minimum mass, logue of white dwarfs within 20pc Holberg et al. (2002). Of Mpsini ∼ 3.2MJup, an orbital radius of ∼ 1.7 AU and an these targets, 23 equatorial and northern hemisphere white estimatedageof∼10Gyr.Strongevidencefortheexistence dwarfs(Table1)arepresentedinthispaper.Theremaining 4 E. Hogan et al. Table 1.Parametersofthe23equatorial andnorthernhemispherewhitedwarfsintheDODOsurvey White Name Sp. µ θ d Teff logg MWD tWD MMS tMS ttot R Dwarf Class [m′′/yr] [m′′/yr] [pc] [K] [M⊙] [Gyr] [M⊙] [Gyr] [Gyr] 0115+159 LHS1227 DQ –201 –6471 15.412 9050 8.19 0.69 1.02∗ 3.0 0.63 1.7 3 0148+467 GD279 DA 14 1244 15.854 13990 7.89 0.53 0.21∗ 1.8 2.26 2.5 5 0208+396 G74–7 DAZ 10311 –4971 16.722 7310 8.01 0.60 1.38 2.3 1.20 2.6 6 0341+182 Wolf219 DQ 4151 –11251 19.012 6510 7.99 0.57 1.79∗ 2.1 1.54 3.3 3 0435−088 L879–14 DQ 2431 –15551 9.512 6300 7.93 0.53 1.79∗ 1.8 2.26 4.1 3 0644+375 G87–7 DA –2264 –9364 15.414 21060 8.10 0.547 0.07∗ 1.9 2.04 2.1 5 0738−172 L745–46A DZ 11471 –5381 8.902 7710 8.09 0.63 1.45 2.6 0.95 2.4 6 0912+536 G195–19 DCPa –10861 –11251 10.282 7160 8.28 0.75 2.54 3.5 0.45 3.0 6 1055−072 LHS2333 DC –8221 911 12.152 7420 8.42 0.85 3.01 4.2 0.27 3.3 6 1121+216 Ross627 DA –10401 –141 13.442 7490 8.20 0.72 1.76 3.2 0.53 2.3 6 1134+300 GD140 DA –1474 –64 15.324 21280 8.55 0.96 0.20 5.0 0.17 0.37 8 1344+106 LHS2800 DAZ –8719 –1819 20.042 7110 8.10 0.65 1.67 2.7 0.82 2.5 6 1609+135 LHS3163 DA 141 –5511 18.352 9080 8.75 1.07 2.71 5.9 0.12 2.8 6 1626+368 Ross640 DZ –4699 7099 15.952 8640 8.03 0.60 1.02 2.3 1.20 2.2 6 1633+433 G180–63 DAZ 2181 –3021 15.112 6650 8.14 0.68 2.28 2.9 0.67 3.0 6 1647+591 G226–29 DAV 1394 –2924 10.974 12260 8.31 0.80 0.56∗ 3.8 0.35 0.91 10 1900+705 G260–15 DAPb 1059 4799 12.992 12070 8.58 0.95 0.94 5.0 0.18 1.1 6 1953−011 G92–40 DAPc –4421 –6991 11.392 7920 8.23 0.74 1.63 3.4 0.47 2.1 6 2007−219 LTT7983 DA 1091 –3131 18.2211 9887 8.14 0.69 0.76∗ 3.0 0.63 1.4 12 2047+372 G210–36 DA 1601 1491 18.1611 14630 8.13 0.69 0.26∗ 3.0 0.63 0.89 13 2140+207 LHS3703 DQ –2079 –6589 12.522 8200 7.84 0.49 0.82∗ 1.5 3.56 4.4 3 2246+223 G67–23 DA 5809 139 19.052 10330 8.57 0.97 1.56 5.1 0.17 1.7 6 2326+049 G29–38 DAZd –3609 –3029 13.622 11820 8.15 0.70 0.55 3.1 0.60 1.1 8 Columns:µandθ aretheR.A.andDeccomponents ofthepropermotionofthewhitedwarf,respectively,measuredinmilliarc seconds per year;d isthe distance to the whitedwarf,measured inparsecs; Teff isthe effective temperature of the whitedwarf, measured in Kelvin; log g is the log of the gravity of the white dwarf; MWD is the mass of the white dwarf, measured in solar masses; tWD is the cooling age of the white dwarf, measured in gigayears; MMS is the mass of the main sequence progenitor, measuredinsolarmasses,andiscalculatedusingtheIFMRofDobbieetal.2006;tMS isthemainsequencelifetime,measuredin gigayears,andiscalculatedusingEquation2(Wood1992); ttot isthetotal ageofthewhitedwarf,measuredingigayears. R=References,whichrefertotheTeff,logg,MWD andtWD columns.(1)Salim&Gould(2003),(2)vanAltena,Lee&Hoffleit (1995),(3)Dufour,Bergeron&Fontaine(2005), (4)Perrymanetal.(1997),(5)Bergeron,Saffer&Liebert(1992),(6)Bergeron, Leggett & Ruiz (2001), (7) Fontaine, Bergeron & Brassard (2007), (8) Liebert, Bergeron & Holberg (2005), (9) Bakos, Sahu & N´emeth(2002),(10)Gianninas,Bergeron&Fontaine(2005),(11)Holberg,Oswalt&Sion(2002),(12)Koesteretal.(2001),(13) Giovanninietal.(1998),aMagneticfieldstrength,B=100MG;rotationperiod,P =1.3days(Wickramasinghe&Ferrario2000), bMagneticfieldstrength,B=320MG(Wickramasinghe&Ferrario2000),cMagneticfieldstrength,B=70kG;rotationperiod, P =1.4418 days. WD 1953−011 is alsophotometrically variableat the ∼2% level, an effect whichisbelieved to be caused by astarspot(Brinkworthetal.2005), dA dustdiskisknown toorbitthisZZceti whitedwarf,∗Thewhitedwarfcoolingage was calculatedusingmodelsfromFontaine,Brassard&Bergeron(2001). −2.5 southern hemisphere white dwarfs will be presented in an MMS upcoming paper. tMS =10 (cid:18) M⊙ (cid:19) (2) The cooling age of a white dwarf, tWD, can be calcu- lated using evolutionary models. When thecooling age was where tMS is measured in Gyr(Wood 1992). unavailable in the literature, models from Fontaine, Bras- sard & Bergeron (2001), which use Teff and log g values to calculate the cooling age, were used to estimate this value. 3 OBSERVATIONS Theinitialfinalmassrelation(IFMR)determinedbyDobbie etal.(2006),basedonthemeasurementsofasmallnumber Observations of the 23 equatorial and northern hemisphere of white dwarfs found in young open clusters, was used to whitedwarfs(Table2)wereacquiredintheJbandprimarily determine themass of the main sequence progenitor, MMS, usingGeminiNorthandNIRI between2003and2005,while from themass of the white dwarf, MWD. This linear IFMR a small number of observations of equatorial targets were is given as acquired in 2002, using Gemini South and FLAMINGOS. NIRI consists of a 1024×1024 pixel ALADDIN–II array. MWD =0.133MMS+0.289 (1) Whencombinedwiththef/6camera,NIRI suppliesapixel Recent observations of white dwarfs in older open clusters scaleof0.117′′pixel−1andawidefieldofviewof120′′×120′′. have placed constraints on the low mass end of the IFMR, FLAMINGOS consists of a 2048×2048 pixel HAWAII–II suggesting that this equation is valid down to white dwarf array.Whencombinedwiththef/16camera,FLAMINGOS masses of 0.54M⊙ (Kalirai et al. 2008). Themain sequence supplies a pixel scale of 0.078′′pixel−1 and a wide field of progenitor lifetime, tMS, is estimated using the equation view of 160′′×160′′. Searching for Planets Around White Dwarfs 5 The science data were acquired using a dither pattern, Table 2. Details of the observations of the 23 equatorial and northernhemispherewhitedwarfsintheDODOsurvey whichinvolvedsystematicallyoffsettingthetelescope,toal- low the effective removal of the sky background. The total exposure time given in Table 2 was achieved by obtaining WhiteDwarf Date ET FWHM TW Number Observed [m] [′′] 60secondand90secondindividualexposuresperditherpo- sitionforNIRI andFLAMINGOS,respectively.Thenumber 0115+159 2003-08-17 20 0.65 GN+N ofcoaddsacquiredforeachindividualexposurewasadjusted 2004-08-25 55 0.73 GN+N toavoidsaturatingthewhitedwarf.Unfortunately,onocca- 0148+467 2003-08-09 54 0.57 GN+N 2 sion, the requested exposure time of 1 hour was not always 2005-08-28 75 0.48 GN+N achieved.“Lamps on” dome flatswere acquired by imaging 0208+396 2004-08-25 55 0.57 GN+N a uniformly illuminated screen within the dome. “Lamps 2005-08-29 75 0.66 GN+N 0341+182 2004-12-21 55 0.62 GN+N off” dome flats were acquired using the same method, ex- 2005-09-04 74 0.58 GN+N cept with no illumination of the screen. These dome flats 0435−088 2004-12-24 39 0.55 GN+N wereusedforthecalibrationoftheNIRI sciencedata.High 2005-11-13 75 0.58 GN+N andlowtwilightflatswereacquiredforthecalibrationofthe 0644+375 2003-11-03 52 0.59 GN+N 1 FLAMINGOS data. Short dark frames were also acquired 2004-11-02 54 0.65 GN+N to help with theidentification of bad pixels. 0738−172 2004-12-24 53 0.56 GN+N 2005-11-13 75 0.71 GN+N 0912+536 2003-03-22 54 0.63 GN+N 1 2004-02-09 37 0.64 GN+N 4 DATA REDUCTION 2005-01-28 27 0.56 GN+N 1055−072 2004-12-24 49 0.58 GN+N All the data acquired for the DODO survey were reduced 2005-11-16 63 0.77 GN+N using the Image Reduction and Analysis Facility (IRAF; 1121+216 2003-03-24 54 0.63 GN+N 1 Tody 1986) and the gemini package, versions 2.12.2a and 2004-02-04 52 0.77 GN+N 2 1.8,respectively.RawNIRI imagesareintheformofmulti– 2005-01-20 19 0.48 GN+N 1 extension fits(MEF) files with most of theheaderinforma- 1134+300 2003-03-22 40 0.73 GN+N 1 tion in the Primary Header Unit (PHU), “[0]” extension 2005-02-21 52 0.66 GN+N andtherawimagedatainthesecond,“[1]” extension.Raw 1344+106 2003-03-22 54 0.62 GN+N 1 FLAMINGOS images are in the form of single extension 2004-02-03 54 0.68 GN+N 2 1609+135 2003-06-10 53 0.44 GN+N 1 fitsfiles. Thenprepareand fpreparetasks in thegemini 2004-02-11 51 0.53 GN+N 2 package were applied to all raw data acquired with NIRI 1626+368 2003-06-10 46 0.43 GN+N 1 andFLAMINGOS,respectively.Thesetasksaddcertaines- 2004-04-01 47 0.50 GN+N sentialkeywordstotheheaderofeachdatafile,allowingthe 1633+433 2003-06-09 53 0.61 GN+N 1 subsequent data reduction tasks to be applied. In addition, 2004-04-01 54 0.52 GN+N 3 the fprepare task converted all the FLAMINGOS images 1647+591 2003-05-17 54 0.58 GN+N intoMEFfiles.ThismadeitpossibleforboththeNIRI and 2004-02-12 40 0.57 GN+N the FLAMINGOS data to be reduced in a homogeneous 2005-02-20 54 0.81 GN+N manner, using theniritasks in thegeminipackage. 1900+705 2003-05-17 54 0.58 GN+N 2 For the reduction of the science data, a sky frame was 2004-04-06 54 0.54 GN+N 1953−011 2002-06-23 127.5 0.53 GS+F used instead of a dark frame as it gives a much better dark 2003-08-10 51 0.52 GN+N 2 measurement, since it was acquired concurrently with the 2007−219 2002-06-21 136.5 0.47 GS+F science data. The sky frame also removes any constant ad- 2003-08-15 53 0.53 GN+N ditions to the science data due to bias levels. The nisky 2008-05-20 78 0.53 GN+N task was used to create the sky frame by median combin- 2047+372 2002-06-16 51 0.53 GN+N ing each individualscience image after masking theobjects 2003-08-10 54 0.51 GN+N 2 ineachimage.Thenireducetaskwasusedtosubtractthe 2004-06-06 54 0.64 GN+N skyframefromtheindividualscienceimages.Aflatfieldim- 2140+207 2003-08-11 52 0.53 GN+N 2 agewascreatedbysubtractingthemediancombined“lamps 2004-06-07 47 0.80 GN+N off” / low twilight flat image from each individual “lamps 2246+223 2003-08-09 57 0.43 GN+N 2 2004-06-07 53 0.70 GN+N on” / high twilight flat images and then median combing 2326+049 2002-06-23 148 0.58 GS+F the resultant images. This flat field image was divided by 2003-08-09 54 0.49 GN+N 2 its mean pixel value to create a normalised flat field im- age. The niflat and nireduce tasks were used to create Columns: ET is the total exposure time, measured in min- thisnormalised flat fieldimage andtodividetheindividual utes; FWHM is the full–width at half–maximum, calculated science images by the normalised flat field image, respec- as the average FWHM of stars in the field using SExtrac- tively. For each individual science image, a sky background tor, measured in arc seconds; TW is the telescope and in- image was created by median combining the previous and strumentthedata weretaken with;GN+Nindicates Gemini North and NIRI were used; GS+F indicates Gemini South subsequent 5 and 4 science images for the NIRI and the andFLAMINGOS wereused;Notes:(1)Moderate60Hzsig- FLAMINGOS data, respectively, after masking the objects nal, (2) Severe 60Hz signal, (3) Streak across the image due in each image. The xmosaic task in the xdimsum package toabrightsourcejustoutsidethefieldofview. was used to create and subtract each sky background im- age from each individual science image and then create an 6 E. Hogan et al. average combined final stacked image. This task also cor- theobjects in the2MASS catalogue. Objects near theedge rectedthebadpixelsineachskysubtractedimagebyusing of the final stacked image were removed from the transfor- amaskcreatedbytheniflattaskandlinearlyinterpolating mation calculations. The ccsetwcs task was then used to across bad columns in each image line. In addition, cosmic applythistransformationtothefinalstackedimage.Theas- ray eventsareremoved by replacing thevalueof thepixels, trometricallycalibratedfinalstackedimageswerethenpho- whicharemorethan5σabovethemedianofthepixelvalues tometrically calibrated using aperture photometry. Objects in a surrounding box of 5×5 pixels and that are not part in the final stacked image, with instrumental magnitudes of an object, with thelocal median value. mi, were matched with objects in the 2MASS catalogue. Saturatedpixels(e.g.,fromthecoresofbrightstars)can The instrumental magnitude of the matched object could lead to persistence effects in subsequent frames as residual then be associated with their apparent magnitudes, m, us- charge remains in the pixels after the array has been reset. ing the linear formula m = mi+zp. The zeropoint, zp, is Persistence manifests itself as an apparent faint object at therefore equal to the y intercept of the line of best fit to the location of the saturated object in the previous image. the points in the plot of mi against m. Only photometric This faint object can remain for several frames depending 2MASSstars, with aJ band photometricqualityflagequal onthelevelofsaturation.FortheALADDIN–IINIRI array, to“A”(given toobjects with aSNR>10 andaphotomet- a highly saturated star will leave a faint object at the level ric uncertainty, σ < 0.109), were used to determine the zp. of∼1%inthesubsequentexposureand∼0.2%inthenext Inaddition,objectsneartheedgeofthefinalstackedimage one (Hodapp et al. 2003). Persistence affects ∼ 42% of the or that were saturated were excluded from this step. science data in Table 2. To remove these persistence effects from the sky background image and from the final stacked image, a mask consisting of the cores of the bright stars in 5.1 Point Source Detection thefieldfromthepreviousthreescienceimageswascreated for each individual science image and added to the object TheSExtractorprogram(Bertin&Arnouts1996) wasused mask used in thexmosaictask. todetectallobjectsinthefinalstackedimageswithasignal Intermittent pattern noise substantially degraded a to noise ratio (SNR) > 3. SExtractor determines the posi- large amount of the NIRI data throughout 2003 and has tion of the centre of an object by computing the first order alsoaffectedsomeofthedatafrom2004and2005.Adiago- moments of the isophotal profile of theobject, which is ad- nal herringbone pattern dueto60 Hzinterference (Hodapp equate for detecting point sources in all the final stacked etal.2003)isseenin∼37%oftheNIRI data(Table2).This images in the DODO survey. A “weight map”, created by pattern is reflected symmetrically in each quadrant, due to thexmosaictask, was usedto normalise thenoise overthe thefactthatthereadoutofthequadrants,fromeachcorner final stacked image. This avoided the detection of spurious of the array to the centre of the array along each row, is sources around the edges of the final stacked image, where symmetrical. This pattern is not present in thelab and has only a few of the individual science images contribute. The been eliminated at times on the telescope, indicating that firstpassofSExtractorusedapertureswithdiametersrang- it arises from the telescope environment and not from the ing from 1 to 20 pixels to determine the aperture size that NIRI electronics. It was not possible to remove this noise delivered the highest SNR. Only objects with an internal from the NIRI data. flagequalto0,indicatingthatnoproblemswerefoundwith Anotherformofintermittentpatternnoisefoundinthe the detection, were used in the determination of the opti- NIRI data is due to 50 Hz interference, which creates a mumaperturesize.Inaddition,theellipticityoftheobjects, horizontal pattern.Theconstant variations intherows and given as 1−B/A, where A and B are the semi–major and columns of each image due to this pattern were removed semi–minor axes of the object, respectively, was chosen to by collapsing each quadrant along rows and columns and be <0.2. This excluded objects with high ellipticities, such then subtracting the median value from each row and each asbackgroundgalaxies, from thedetermination oftheopti- column separately for each of thequadrants. mumaperturesize.Also,onlythoseobjectswithin thecen- Anotherformofintermittentpatternnoisefoundinthe tralregion ofthefinalstackedimage thathaveafull–width NIRI data, which manifests itself as a combined quadrant at half–maximum (FWHM) < 1′′ were used. This further patternplusaverticalpattern,wasalsoremovedinthesame assisted in removing extended objects. The resulting ideal manner. The quadrant pattern occurs due to mismatched aperturesizewasthenusedtodetectallobjectsinthefinal bias levels between the quadrants and the vertical pattern stacked images. has a periodicity of 8 pixels, which corresponds to the 8 amplifier channels reading out each quadrant. 5.2 Measurement of Proper Motions 5 DATA ANALYSIS The motion of the objects in the field of each white dwarf The cleaned final stacked images created using xmosaic between thefirst epoch and second (or third)epoch images were astrometrically calibrated to within ∼ 1−2′′ using was calculated. Since the white dwarf is rarely positioned TwoMicronAllSkySurvey(2MASS;Skrutskieetal.2006) onthesamepixelsineachepoch,spuriousdistortioneffects objects in the field of each white dwarf. The IRAF tasks can be seen, which are caused by optical aberrations. As a ccfindandccmapintheimagespackagewereusedtocal- result,themotion ofobjects between thetwo epoch images culatethetransformationrequiredtomatchthepositionsof is seen to be a function of field position (Figure 1). When the objects in the final stacked image with the positions of a large number of background reference stars are present, Searching for Planets Around White Dwarfs 7 0.5" Figure 1. Distortion effects before (left) and after (right) the distortion correction was applied to the images of WD 2047+372. The x–andy–axes arethe R.A.andDec,respectively, measuredindegrees. Thearrowsintheimageindicatethe directionandmagnitude, multipliedby20,ofthemotionofeachobjectinthefieldbetweenthefirstepochandsecondepochimages. the two epoch images can be well matched and the distor- (PSF)ofotherrealobjectsorartificialstars.Themotionof tions can be effectively removed. However, as the number anobjectcanbecalculatedonlywhentheobjectisdetected of background reference stars decreases, the two epoch im- in both epochs. Assuming that the probability of detecting ages can not be accurately matched and this is often the an object in the first epoch image, P1, is independent from limiting factor for astrometric accuracy. The geomap and the probability of detecting an object in the second epoch geoxytran tasks in the images package were used to cor- image, P2, the probability of detecting an object in both rectforthesedistortioneffects.Objectsfromthefirstepoch epochs is P1×P2. Therefore, by multiplying theindividual imagewerematchedtotheclosestobjectpresentinthesec- completeness limits for each epoch, a combined complete- ond (or third) epoch image only if 1) their magnitudes are ness limit for both epoch images can be determined. This within 1 mag, 2) the SExtractor internal flag 6 3, which assumption is valid for objects nearthecompleteness limit. indicates a good detection, 3) the ellipticity of the object However, it is not valid for the bright objects not detected is < 0.5. This excluded objects with very high ellipticities, due to the fact that they are within the PSF of other real such as background galaxies, from thematching procedure. objectsorartificialstars.Therefore,thecompletenesslimits In some cases, the closest object was too far away to be a at thebrighterJ magnitudes are underestimated. true match, so a clipping factor was introduced to remove these mismatches. The “COND” evolutionary models for cool brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets (Baraffe et al. 2003), along with the magnitudes at which 90% and 50% of artificial stars were recovered, were used to estimate the minimum 5.3 Limits and Errors massofacompanionwhichcouldbedetectedinbothepoch The completeness limit for each finalstacked image was es- images.Themodelspredicttheabsolutemagnitudesofsub- timated by determining the magnitude at which 90% and stellar objects depending upon their age. Isabelle Baraffe 50% of inserted artificial stars were recovered from each kindly supplied these models for the total ages determined image. The starlist task was used to create a list of forall thewhite dwarfs intheDODOsurvey.Thetotalage 200 randomly positioned artificial stars at a magnitude of isequaltothesumofthemainsequenceprogenitorlifetime J = 19.0 mag. The mkobjects task was used to insert and white dwarf cooling age, both of which depend upon the artificial stars into the final stacked image. SExtractor evolutionary models. Whilethecooling age errors aresmall was then used to detect all objects in the image, includ- and well constrained (Fontaineet al. 2001), and thescatter ing the artificial stars. The calculated magnitudes of the intheempiricalIFMRissignificantlyreducingasmoreand artificial stars were checked to ensure they were equal to higherqualityobservationsaremadeofwhitedwarfsinopen J =19.0 mag.Usingthesame artificial starlist, themkob- clusters(Casewelletal.2008),themainsequenceprogenitor jects and SExtractor steps were repeated for magnitudes lifetimesrelyonmodelswhicharedifficulttocalibrate(e.g., between 19.1 6 J 6 24.0 mag in 0.1 magnitude steps. The Catal´an et al. 2008). Therefore, to take these uncertainties entireprocesswasthenrepeatedafurther50times,equiva- intoaccount,aconservativeerrorof±25% isappliedtothe lent toa totalof 10,000 inserted artificial stars for each 0.1 total age of each white dwarf (note that the white dwarf magnitudebin.Plots ofthepercentageof artificial stars re- cooling age is the dominant timescale for most of the tar- covered against the apparent J magnitudes of the artificial gets in the DODO survey, as shown in Table 1). However, stars were created. The number of artificial stars recovered at ages > 1 Gyr, the “COND” evolutionary models indi- wasoftenmuchlessthan100%atthebrighterJ magnitudes cate that the absolute magnitudes of substellar objects are as some stars were lost within the point spread function relatively insensitive to changes in their age, implying that 8 E. Hogan et al. even with a ±25% error, the resulting error on the mass of et al. (2007) is used here to determine the total age of the a companion is small (Table 3). white dwarf, since this mass provides a radius consistent The detection of a companion with a mass equal to with observations. Note that a companion with a mass of theminimummassdeterminedusingthecompletenesslimit 5±1MJupcouldhavebeendetectedifthelargerwhitedwarf will only be possible if the companion is outside the extent masswasusedtodeterminethetotalageofthewhitedwarf. of the PSF of the white dwarf. In addition, it is expected that the orbital radius of any companions that avoid di- rect contact with thered giant envelopewill expand,which 6.2 WD 0738−172 would increase the projected physical separation between WD 0738−172 is a member of a known common proper the companion and the white dwarf. The majority of the motion binary. The secondary star of this binary system is DODO survey observations were acquired in good seeing an M6 main sequence star (Monteiro et al. 2006) with an conditions,sotheminimumprojectedphysicalseparationat orbital radius of ∼262 AU (Poveda et al. 1994). The main whichacompanioncouldbefoundaroundeachwhitedwarf sequence secondary does not appear in the proper motion wastakentobe3′′.Beyondthisdistance,thecontributionof diagramasitwassaturatedinthe2005secondepochimage, thefluxfromthewhitedwarfwasassumedtobeminimal.A makingitunavailableforpropermotionmeasurements.The morecarefultreatmentofthePSFofthewhitedwarfcould overall decrease in the completeness limit, compared to the allow companions to be uncovered within 3′′ and will be otherwhitedwarfs,oftheimagesacquiredofWD0738−172 dealt with inafuturepublication. Themaximum projected is due to the higher proportion of artificial stars inserted physical separation at which a companion could be found within thePSF of thebright secondary. around each whitedwarf is limited bythefield of viewcov- ered by both epochs. The completeness limit is only valid in the central region of each final stacked image, where all 6.3 WD 1626+368 the individual images contribute. The useable field of view decreases further when the two epoch images are matched Recent MIR observations of the helium atmosphere DZ asthewhitedwarfisrarelypositionedonthesamepixelsin whitedwarfWD1626+368shownoevidenceofadustdisk each epoch image. The minimum and maximum projected (Mullally et al. 2007). However, the abundance of carbon physical separations at which a companion could be found relative to iron in the atmosphere of WD 1626+368 is 10 aroundthemainsequenceprogenitorcanalsobeestimated, timesbelowthesolarabundance,similartothecarbondefi- sincetheorbitalradiusofanycompanionsaroundthemain cientasteroidsintheSolarSystem.Therefore, externalpol- sequence progenitor will expand by a factor of MMS/MWD lutionfromsuchasteroidsnaturallyexplainstheabundances duringstellar evolution. of the metals in the atmosphere of this white dwarf (Jura 2006). The possible presence of asteroids in orbit around WD 1626+368 represents an increased probability of the existenceofanoldplanetarysystem.However,themotionof 6 RESULTS this white dwarf between the first epoch and second epoch Figures2–24showtheresultsforeachofthe23equatorial images is large enough to confidently state that there are andnorthernhemispherewhitedwarfsfromtheDODOsur- no common proper motion companions to WD 1626+368 vey. Using the combined completeness limit for each white within thelimits given in Table 3. dwarf, an estimate of the minimum mass of a companion whichcouldbedetectedinbothepochimagesiscalculated. 6.4 WD 1633+433 Therangeofprojectedphysicalseparationsatwhichacom- panionofthismasscouldbefoundaroundeachwhitedwarf Although no dust disk has been found in orbit around the and the corresponding range of projected physical separa- DAZwhitedwarfWD1633+433, thepresenceofmetalsin tions around the main sequence progenitors is determined. its atmosphere may indicate the existence of an old plane- These results are summarised in Table 3. Comments are tary system. The 2003 first epoch image of WD 1633+433 made only on interesting objects. wasdegradedby60Hzinterference(Table2),whichhasde- creasedthecompletenesslimitofthisimage.Inaddition,the 2004 second epoch image of WD 1633+433 was degraded 6.1 WD 0644+375 byalargestreakacrosstheimage,duetoasourcejustout- ThemassofWD0644+375usedthroughoutthispaperwas side the field of view. However, this streak is not present determinedbyassumingthatthecoreofthiswhitedwarfis in the first epoch image. It is likely that these effects have made partly of strange matter (Mathews et al. 2006). This introduced the large scatter in the motions of objects with unusualcorecompositionwassuggestedasawaytoexplain magnitudes J > 21 mag between the 2003 first epoch and the inconsistency between the radius determined from the 2004 second epoch images (Figure 25), particularly in the parallax of WD 0644+375, obtained from Hipparcos data, region of the streak. This suggests that the error on the andtheradiuspredictedusingamass–radiusrelation,which motion of these faint objects is comparable to the motion assumes the core of the white dwarf is composed primarily of WD 1633+433 (Table 1). As a result, multiple objects of carbon (Provencal et al. 1998). The mass of the white appear to have motions similar to the motion of the white dwarf was originally determined by Bergeron et al. (1992) dwarf(thetwoobjectswithmotionsclosesttothemotionof to be 0.66M⊙, but this predicted a radius that was signif- WD1633+433 lieonthestreak).Realcommonpropermo- icantly larger than predicted using the parallax. Therefore, tioncompanionstoWD1633+433 cannotbedistinguished the slightly lower mass of 0.54M⊙ determined by Fontaine from non–moving background objects. Therefore, a third Searching for Planets Around White Dwarfs 9 Figure 2. The completeness limit(left) shows the percentage of artificial stars recovered by SExtractor fromthe 2003 firstepoch and 2004 second epoch images acquired of WD 0115+159, against the apparent J magnitude of the artificial stars. The proper motion diagram (right) shows the motion of all objects in the field of WD 0115+159 between the first epoch and second epoch images. The dashedgreencirclesrepresentthe1σ and3σ scatter ofthedistributionofthemotionsofallobjects excludingthewhitedwarf,centred onthewhitedwarf,tohelpdeterminepossiblecommonpropermotioncompanions tothewhitedwarf. Figure 3.Thecompleteness limit(left)andthepropermotiondiagram(right)forWD0148+467. 10 E. Hogan et al. Figure 4.Thecompleteness limit(left)andthepropermotiondiagram(right)forWD0208+396. Figure 5.Thecompleteness limit(left)andthepropermotiondiagram(right)forWD0341+182. Figure 6.Thecompleteness limit(left)andthepropermotiondiagram(right)forWD0435−088.

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