the d i c t i o n a ry of drea m s the d i c t i o n a ry of drea m s Over 1,000 Dream Symbols, Signs, and Meanings © 2017 by Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. First published in 2017 by Wellfleet Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 142 West 36th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA T (212) 779-4972 | F (212) 779-6058 | This edition published in 2022 by Wellfleet Press, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 142 West 36th Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Selections in this edition are from: “Dreams” by Henri Bergson, published by B.W. Huebsch, New York, 1914. The Interpretation of Dreams by Dr. Sigmund Freud, Ll.D., an authorized translation of the third edition with an introduction by A. A. Brill, Ph.B., M.D., published by The Macmillan Company, New York, 1913. 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, or What’s in a Dream: A Scientific and Practical Exposition by Gustavus Hindman Miller, which also appeared under the following title: Dreams: Their Scientific and Practical Interpretations, published by T.W. Laurie, London, 1910. The Witches’ Dream Book and Fortune Teller: Embracing Full and Correct Rules of Divination Concerning Dreams and Visions, Foretelling of Future Events, Their Scientific Application to Physiognomy, Palmistry, Moles, Cards; Together with the Application and Observance of Talismen, Charms, Spells and Incantations by A.H. Noe, published by Henry J. Wehman, New York, 1885. Additional material contributed by Linda Shields, Prudence J.M. Theriault, Jessica B. Casey, Francesca DeVito, Viki L. Robinson, and Dr. Kimberley Smith. Art © 2017 by Alexander Ushkevish Karnoff / Creative Market. All rights reserved. Created by Warren Street Books All art by Alexander Ushkevish Karnoff © 2017 Creative Market Wellfleet Press titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at [email protected] or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 100 Cummings Center Suite 265D, Beverly, MA 01915 USA. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-1-57715-284-2 ebook ISBN: 978-0-76037-385-9 Cover Design: Andrea Ho Cover Illustration: Sosha Davis Library of Congress Control Number: 2021948493 Printed in China CONTENTS Foreword 6 Introduction 8 PART I: UNDERSTANDING DREAMS The Top-Ten Most Common Dreams and Their Meanings 12 Selections from “Dreams” 15 Selections from The Interpretation of Dreams 22 PART II: KEEPING A DREAM JOURNAL How to Keep a Dream Journal 36 PART III: DREAM SYMBOL DICTIONARY Introduction to Dream Symbols 44 Contributor Biographies 520 Index 522 FOREWORD By Linda Shields People often contact me asking me what stress are an excellent example of the a specific dream meant. But I have found brain attempting to make sense of the ev- in my years of experience and study that eryday issues confronting us. Fear-driven the interpretation of someone else’s dream dream scenarios, such as drowning, falling, isn’t so black and white, as dreams are very running, being chased, and being unpre- personal and have a lot to do with what pared for a test, are, more often than not, is going on in one’s life, past and present. also connected to the every day. By exam- Most important, dreams are a meeting ining these types of dreams more closely, place of the subconscious and the spirit we may find the answers we need to deal world, leading to levels of personal inter- with our stress and face our fears. pretation and even problem solving. I also believe that dreams are a place When our dreams are trying to work out where we can connect with a more spir- issues we are facing in our daily lives, such itual side of ourselves. I have found that as career, family, romance, financial strug- certain symbols have meanings beyond gles, etc., I believe that this is our subcon- the realm of psychology and thus enter the scious trying to make sense of these things realm of the spiritual. or attempting to figure out the puzzle pieces placed in front of us. Water is always a very potent dream symbol, and is often associated with emotion and the For example, stress and fear usually induce unconscious. There are a number of ways in strange dreams related to the subcon- which we view water in dreams. For example, scious. We don’t let go of stress easily; we if the water is clear, this suggests a positive hold on to it, struggle with it, and often outlook; if the water is murky, this suggests a don’t share it. The dreams that result from problem or confusion. Transportation is also 6 a powerful symbol. Whether it be a car, boat, The other thing I often tell people is to plane, train, or rickshaw, it usually represents recall entire dreams. Don’t just look up the escape or change, both on a spiritual and psy- one symbol that made an impression on chological level. you; instead, try to remember your dream as thoroughly as possible. Write down ev- Our belief in animals as spirit symbols dates ery element of it. Look up the meaning of to the dawn of civilization, with different each symbol that is part of the dream and animals having different meanings. For piece it all together. Try to make a story of example, a cardinal represents someone who it—this way you can have a better under- has passed on and is watching over us. standing of what your subconscious, or the spirit world, might be telling you. I also believe that dreams are a place where we can connect spiritually with those who This book is an invaluable resource. It have left us. Dreaming of those who have is the first book to combine some of the passed on is always a very powerful moment, most important writings on dreams from no matter the relationship we had with them both the world of psychology and the in life. Are we feeling nostalgic, or longing spirit world. Included are classic selec- for them, or are the departed trying to tell tions from dream experts Sigmund Freud us something? Are they merely trying to tell and Henri Bergson, a wonderful section us they are still with us? Are they trying to on dream journaling, and concluding comfort us? Warn us? This is the next stage with an expanded and updated version of understanding our dreams—connecting. of Gustavus Hindman Miller’s classic text, 10,000 Dreams Interpreted, updated to Death and birth are subjects people often include fifteen thousand different dream bring up to me. In the spiritual world, to interpretations. dream of death is to know that there will be the birth of something new, a transfor- Learning to pay more attention to your mation, or a rebirth. To dream of a birth is dreams will put you in touch with your to know that death or the end of something hopes, fears, desires, and worries, as well as is coming. Determining the spiritual side of connect you more to your spiritual self such a dream versus the confronting of cur- rent fears or worries is up to the dreamer. Enjoy discovering this huge and important world awaiting inside! The one thing I tell everyone who talks to me about dreams is this: keep a journal or notebook and a pen by your bed, and write your dreams down as soon as possi- ble, while they are still fresh in your head. Doing so is an invaluable tool, both on a psychological and spiritual level. 7 INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of time, people have Valley, New York, area—consulted numer- debated whether the dream world we ous recently published psychology and sym- inhabit while sleeping is an alternate reality bolism texts to distill the current wisdom or just our brain’s way of dealing with the about the meanings of the most common everyday problems and struggles of life, dreams people experience. Walking naked and, sometimes, its more pleasant attri- in front of people? Not being prepared for butes. A number of symbols have even the big test? Falling? These are all com- spanned centuries, taking on spiritual as mon dreams. The section then moves on well as practical meanings in our current to selections from the revolutionary essay lives. In this ambitious dream book, some “Dreams” by the French philosopher and of the most important dream texts, along thinker Henri Bergson. Bergson’s ideas with new and updated material for the were incredibly influential in the first half of modern era, have been assembled into the twentieth century, impacting an entire one volume. Now, readers can accurately generation of psychologists and dream-in- decode the meanings behind their nightly terpretation specialists, and he was awarded musings with more than fifteen thousand the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1927. He dream symbols interpreted, making this was the first major thinker to lecture on the one of the most definitive books on the subject of dreams, long before Sigmund subject. Freud. Bergson attempted to understand this netherworld and make sense of it in Our dream journey begins in Part I, with modern times. After Bergson, the section the ten most common dreams people concludes with Sigmund Freud, who needs experience. In this essay, Prudence J. M. little introduction. An Austrian neurologist, Theriault—a certified hypnotherapist and Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis. popular advice columnist in the Hudson He became a doctor of medicine in 1881, 8