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The Debatabase Book: A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate, 3rd Edition PDF

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THE DEBATABASE BOOK A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate THIRD EDITION Debatabase_revised.indd 1 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM This page intentionally left blank Debatabase_revised.indd 2 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM THE DEBATABASE BOOK A Must-Have Guide for Successful Debate THIRD EDITION THE EDITORS OF IDEA Introduction by Robert Trapp  International Debate Education Association New York * Amsterdam * Brussels Debatabase_revised.indd 3 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM P u b l i s h e d b y i n t e r n a t i o n a l d e b a t e e d u c a t i o n a s s o c i a t i o n 40 0 We s t 5 9 t h S t r e e t / N e w Yo r k , N Y 1 0 0 1 9 Co p y r i g h t © 2 0 0 7 b y i n t e r n a t i o n a l D e b a t e E d u c a t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o - d u c e d o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y f o r m o r b y a n y m e a n s , e l e c t r o n i c o r m e c h a n i c a l , i n c l u d i n g p h o t o c o p y, o r a n y i n f o r m a t i o n s t o r a g e a n d r e t r i e v a l s y s t e m , w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n f r o m t h e p u b l i s h e r. F o r p e r m i s s i o n t o r e p r o d u c e i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , p l e a s e c o n t a c t : i d e a @ i d e b a t e . o r g The topics and arguments included in The Debatabase Book rep- resent the work of an international group of contributors with diverse points of view. We would like to thank the following for their contributions: James Action (UK), Heather Begg (UK), Kumar Bekbolotov (Kyrgyzstan), Patrick Blanchfield (US), Matt But (UK), Alex Deane (UK), Joe Devanny (UK), Thomas Dixon (UK), William J. Driscoll (US), Alastair Endersby (UK), Peter English (UK), Cristina Gherasimov (Moldova), Tom Hamilton (UK), Alexis Hearndon (UK), Sebastian Isaac (UK), Nathan Ketsdever (Romania), Maryia Lahut- sina (Belarus), Dr. Kevin J. Minch (US), Richard Mott (UK), Vikram Nair (UK), Drew Patterson (US), Anca Pusca (Romania), Jacqueline Rose (UK), Christopher Ruane (Ireland), Jacob Russell (US), Jona- than Simons (UK), Andrea Stone (US), Jason Stone (US), Richard Stupart (South Africa), Wu-Meng Tan (Singapore), Hayden Taylor (UK), Eleanora von Dehsen (US), Bobby Webster (UK), Robert Weekes (UK), and Marc Whitmore (UK). Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The debatabase book : a must-have guide for successful debate / by the editors of IDEA ; introduction by Robert Trapp. -- 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 978-1-932716-27-6 1. Debates and debating. I. International Debate Education Association. PN4181.D3945 2007 808.5’3--dc22 2006039746 D e s i g n b y H e r n á n B o n o m o P r i n t e d i n t h e U S A IDEA Press Books |The Debatabase Book Debatabase_revised.indd 4 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM • Contents Introduction 9 Abortion on Demand 23 Abortion, Parental Notification/Consent 25 Advertising, Image of Women in 27 Advertising, Targeting of Children 28 Affirmative Action 30 AIDS Drugs for Developing Countries 32 Alcohol, Banning of 34 American Culture: Should It Be Feared? 36 Animal Rights 37 Arranged Marriages 39 Arts Subsidies, Abolition of 41 Assassination of a Dictator 43 Assisted Suicide 45 Biodiversity and Endangered Species 47 Boxing, Abolition of 49 Campaign Finance Reform 50 Capital Punishment 52 Cell Phones, Banning of Use in Cars 53 Censorship of the Arts 55 Child Labor 57 Child Offenders, Stricter Punishment for 58 Children, Choosing Sex of 60 China, Fear of 62 Civil Disobedience 64 Condoms in Schools 65 Conscription and National Service 66 Corporal Punishment: Adults 67 Corporal Punishment: Children 68 Corruption, Benefits of 70 Creationism in Public Schools 72 Cuba, Dropping of US Sanctions on 74 Cultural Treasures, Return of 76 Curfew Laws 78 Democracy, Imposition of 80 Developing World Debt, Cancellation of 82 DNA Database for Criminals 84 Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 86 Drugs in Sports 88 Drug Testing in Schools 90 Economic Development vs. Environment 91 Economic Sanctions vs. Engagement 93 Electoral College, Abolition of 94 Environmentally Linked Aid 95 Ethical Foreign Policy 97 Factory Farming, Banning of 98 Failed States, US Intervention to Prevent Collapse of 99 Foreign-Born Presidents 102 | Debatabase_revised.indd 5 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM Free Speech, Restrictions on 103 Free Trade and Development 105 Gay Adoption 106 Gay Clergy 107 Gay Marriage 109 Gays in the Military 110 Gene Patenting 112 Genetically Modified Food 113 Genetic Screening 116 Globalization and the Poor 117 Global Warming 118 God, Existence of 121 Greenhouse Gases: Trading Quotas 122 Gun Control 124 Hate Speech on Campus 125 Health Care, Universal 126 Home Schooling 129 Human Cloning 131 Human Organs, Sale of 133 Human Rights: Existence of 134 Human Rights: Imposition by Force? 136 Immigration Reform 138 International Criminal Court 139 Internet Censorship 141 Internment Without Trial 143 Iran’s Right to Possess Nuclear Weapons 145 Iraq, Immediate Withdrawal from 147 Islam and Democracy 149 Israel and the Palestinians, US Policy Toward 151 Israel’s Security Barrier 152 Ivory Trading 155 Just War 156 Landmines, US Production and Use of 158 Mandatory Sentencing: Three Strikes 160 Marijuana, Legalization of 162 Minority Languages 163 Minority Schools 165 Monarchy, Abolition of 166 Multiculturalism vs. Integration 168 National Testing 170 Nuclear vs. Renewable Energy 172 Nuclear Weapons, Abolition of 174 Overpopulation and Contraception 175 Overseas Manufacturing 177 Pacifism 178 Parentage, Right to Know 180 Parental Responsibility 181 Politicians and Special Interests 183 Polygamy 184 Pornography, Banning of 186 Preventive War 187 Priestly Celibacy, Abolition of 189 Privacy vs. Security 190 Prostitution, Legalization of 192 |The Debatabase Book Debatabase_revised.indd 6 2/26/2007 12:01:08 PM Rebuilding After Disasters, Government Role in 194 Religion: Source of Conflict or Peace? 195 Religious Belief: Rational or Irrational? 197 Russia: Strong Leadership vs. Democracy 198 School Uniforms 201 School Vouchers 202 Science: Threat to Society? 204 Sex Education in Schools 205 Sex Offenders: Publicly Naming 206 Single-Sex Schools 208 Smoking, Further Restrictions on 209 Space Exploration 211 Stem Cell Research and Therapeutic Cloning 213 Sudan: Increased Military Presence in 215 Torture in Interrogation 217 Two-Party System 218 United Nations: A Failure? 220 Vegetarianism 222 War Crimes Tribunals 224 Warrantless Wiretapping 225 Water Privatization 226 Water Resources: A Commodity? 228 Whaling, Lifting the Ban on 229 Women in Combat 232 Zero Tolerance Policing 234 Topical Index 236 | Debatabase_revised.indd 7 2/26/2007 12:01:09 PM This page intentionally left blank |The Debatabase Book Debatabase_revised.indd 8 2/26/2007 12:01:09 PM INTRODUCTION Debatabase is a starting point on the road to participating Communication, rhetoric, argumentation, and in debates. The volume provides a beginning for those debate debaters who would like to learn about important topics being argued in the public sphere. Debaters can use this Communication, rhetoric, argumentation, and debate volume as a method of discovering the basic issues rel- are related concepts. Starting with communication and evant to some of the more important topics being dis- proceeding to debate, the concepts become progressively cussed in various public forums. It will provide debaters narrowed. By beginning with the broadest concept, a brief look at some of the claims that can be used to communication, and ending at the narrowest, debate, I support or to oppose many of the issues argued about by intend to show how all these terms are interrelated. persons in democratic societies; it will also provide some Communication may be defned as the process sketches of evidence that can be used to support these whereby signs are used to convey information. Fol- claims. This volume is, however, only a starting point. lowing this defnition, communication is a very broad Debaters interested in becoming very good debaters or concept ranging from human, symbolic processes to excellent debaters will need to go beyond this volume if the means that animals use to relate to one another. they intend to be able to intelligently discuss these issues Some of these means are a part of the complex biology in depth. of both human and nonhuman animals. For instance, This introduction is intended to provide a theoretical the behaviors of certain species of birds when strang- framework within which information about argumen- ers approach a nest of their young are a part of the tation and debate can be viewed; no attempt has been biology of those species. The reason we know these made to provide a general theory of argumentation. I are biological traits is that all members of the species begin with some basic distinctions among the terms use the same signs to indicate intrusion. Although all communication, rhetoric, argumentation, and debate, of our communication abilities—including rhetorical progress to a description of the elements of argument communication—are somehow built into our species that are most central to debate, and then to a discussion biologically, all communication is not rhetorical. of how these elements can be structured into claims to The feature that most clearly distinguishes rheto- support debate propositions. Following the discussion ric from other forms of communication is the symbol. of argument structures, I move to a more detailed dis- Although the ability to use symbolic forms of commu- cussion of claims and propositions and fnally discuss nication is certainly a biological trait of human beings, the kinds of evidence needed to support claims and our ability to use symbols also allows us to use culturally propositions. and individually specifc types of symbols. The clear- A caveat is needed before proceeding to the theoreti- est evidence that different cultures developed different cal portion of this introduction. This introduction does symbols is the presence of different languages among not intend to be a practical, how-to guide to the creation human beings separated geographically. Even though all of arguments. It does intend to provide the conceptual humans are born with the ability to use language, some groundwork needed for debaters to learn how to create of us learn Russian, others French, and others English. arguments according to a variety of methods. The clearest example of symbolic communication is lan- Introduction | Debatabase_revised.indd 9 2/26/2007 12:01:09 PM

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