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COMPLETE BENONI THE Winninwgi thB laciks n o easym attere,s peciaallgya insat soliqdu een'psa wn playerT.h iiss a problemL evP sakhis facedi nt hel asrto undo ft he1 98S0o viet ChampionHse hip. optedf otrh eB enonain,d t her esitsh istory! Thidsy namicd efencies Q bouta sc losteo t otawla rfarea s youg eti nm odernc hessT.h el ikelihoofoe dx changeasn da quickd rawi sm inimizefdr omt hes tarbto;t hp layermsu st carroyu tt heiprl answ itht heu tmosvti gouorr,r isbke ing swamped. • Thorouguhp,- to-the-mcionvuetrea goef a ltlh ek eyl ines • A deadlwye aponf ocrl ubp layers • Writtebny a leadinegx ponenotft heB enoni LevP sakhiisso neo ft hew orldl'esa dinggr andmasteHres . has twicefi nisheedq ualfi rsitn thes uper-strSoonvgi et Championshidpe,f eatiGnagr ryK asparoevn routien 1 981. Hisf irbsoto kf orB otsfoTrhde,C ompletFer encwha,s a huge succesasn dr eceivoeudt standrienvgi eiwnst hec hespsr ess: 'Ar aret rea.t. t.h ibso okw ilalp pealt op layerosf a wide rangeo fs treng't hs. CraiPgr itchTehtte,H erald 'AlBlo tsforTdh'esC omplet.e.s .e riaerse o fa highs tandard andP sakhivso'l umei sn oe xcepotni.' JamesP laskeNtte,w Statesmaannd S ociety Otheorp eningbso oksf romB otsforidn clude: TheC ompletFer ench TheC ompletPel rc LevP sakhis JohnN unn TheC ompleteVi enna TheC ompletAel ekhine MikhaTisle italnidn GrahamB urgess IgoGrl azkov TheC ompletQeu een's TheC ompletSee mi-slav Indian PeteWre lls EfiGme ller Fora co.mpletlei osftt hese ando theBro tsfocrhde sbso oks pleaswer itteo : B.T.B otsfoLtrdd 4F itzhardinSgtere et LondonW lHO AH TheC omplBeetneo ni LEVPSAKHIS Translbayt eSda rah J. Young J' B.T .B atsfLotrdLod,n don Firpsutb li19s95h ed ©L ePvs ak1h99i5s Repri1n99t6e d ISB0N7 1473 762 5 BriLtiibsrChara yt aloguingD-aitna-.P ublication A catalorgeucefo ortrdh is book is avaiflraothbmelB er iLtiibsrhar y. All righNtosp arortfte hsbieosrom vkae byde . reprobdyua cnmeyed a,wn ist,h poruiptoe rrs msiion otfh peu bshleir. TypesbeyJt o hNnu nn anpdr iniGtnre edBa rti btya in RedwBoooodkT sr,o wdbgrWeii,l ts fotrhp eu blishers, B.T.B atsfLotrdd, 4F itzharSdtirnegeet , LondWo1nHO AH A BATSFOCRHDE SBSO OK EditPoanreiMlaar:lk D voreJtosSnkp ye,e lman GeneArdavl:iR saeyrmoKnedeO nBeE SpecAidavliiDssrJet or hN:nu nn CommissEdiiotnoGirrn:ag hB amu rgess Contents Symbols 4 Introduction 5 1 A60R:a rMeo ves 6 2 A616:lD f3i ntroduction 13 3 FianchSeytsttoe Imn:t rodu(cAt6i2o)n 33 4 Fianchweittt.hlDo. b .d 7I:n trodu(cAt6i3o)n 4 8 5 FianchMeatitLnoi n(eA 64) 61 6 e64 I ntrodu(cAt6i5o)n 74 7 MikenAatst a(cAk6 6) 105 8 Taimano8v..t 'bs5 +( A67) 111 9 FouPra wnAst tawcikt ho9.u l:.te. 8 ( A68) 129 10 FouPra wnAst tac9.k :.:e. 8 ( A69) 138 11 ModemL ineasf t7elDrf 3( A70) 162 12 7lDf3..t g78 ..t g5( A71) 188 13 7lDf3..t g78 .i. e20 -0( A72) 194 14 ClassiIcnatlr:o du(cAt7i3o)n 198 15 Classi9.c a.a6.lw :i tho1u0.t ..t. g.4 ( A74) 208 16 Classi9.c a.a6.l1 :0a 4..t g4( A75) 211 17 Classi9c0 a-l0:: e 81 0'i i'c2( A7 6) 225 18 Classi9c0 a-l0l:: e 81 0lD d2 (A7 7) 228 19 Classi9c0 a-l0::l: e 81 0lD d2lDa6( A78) 243 20 Classi9c0 a-l0l:: e 81 0lD d2lDa61 1f 3( A792)4 6 IndeoxfV ariations 255 Symbols + Check ++ Doubclhee ck # Checkmate ;!;( +) Silgahdtv antWahgi(etB elt aoc k) ±(+) Cleaadrv anttWoah gietl ea c(kB) +-(-+W)i nning taWodh via(tnBetl aagcek ) /!,. Intending = Levpeols ition 00 Unclpeoasri tion ! Goomdo ve ? Badm ove !! Outstmaonvdei ng ?? Buldner !? Intermeosvtei ng ?! Dubimoouvse Ch Championship Cht Team championship tt Teatmo urnament jr JunEivoern t worn Wome'nesv ent rpd Rappilda y Wch World Championship z Zonal IZ Interzonal Ct Candidates OL Olympiad Corr Posgtaamle (D) Diagrlalmo wfso Introduction Winnnigw iBtahlc ikns oe ayms at­enhtusiamsytc sa,rB eeneorpn eir ­ lere,s peciinta hldilasyoy f h ighf ormcaonmcoeeus at 2t 63w5h,i ch lveetle ncihqAugea.i 1ne s4tt h erwei Btahlc ikqs u iat es usc.c es nrocp tisouncashst hSeci inlD iea­ ReceWnhtiltyef ahvaoTsua rie­d fnecbeu,wt h aitis pt o sstiodb ol mea n'opsvl an7 f 4oa fn8 di. b5+ ngai1d n4s?t (Cphtae8)ra, g aiwnhsitIch ha d If actehsdpi robbleefmto hreen ohta d ytohuete hnftuhlu tsoi asm crigtaimcweai lt hB Yaluarsiihn o dve fefnosdrmo efi vyee rasT.h ese lhpee nultriomuoanfttd he 1e 9 80d ayIos n pllyta hyBe en onafit 1e r SoviCehta mpioIwn asfishg ihpt.id n4lLlgf 6c 4e2 63 lLl fa3 nndo 3w. c.,5. fotrhS evo iteitat nlidest e emteod w hiccuhot ust atnohdti hwseo rr ry­ met hmaytQ ue'eIsnn ndD ieafenicnepg l a.On fcs oumrosspetl ayareer s woublrdia dn rga awbt e st, annoduw spietnrhpg­el n oa fi. d3a nhd3 haopnsl y ada ifftfiedcreeu fnlcIt e (.C hap1t)1e,wr h ihcahcs a used eveunatldleyc itdpoel dta hyMe o d­Balcskmo et ruoblBeu.tt h earree erBneo nnain tdh rese ta,st hseayy s,i gtnhtsah tte e eatrbhee ing drawn wahsi story. formt hssi ytsema,f ter which the Depsiittresi srkeyp utIac tainBo enn,om naiyb es eftro falu slc-ale satyh aaftt eyre a'1er 5xs periceonmceeb ack. wittihhds e feinitccs ee ,r tnaoi nlIhy o pteha afttr eera dtihbniogso k wortsheaa nnoy t haenhrda asd efi­you wiisnlpli trbomee ad r icnht o nitpel uisnt hiadtto ensoa tl lobwa tatnlfideg httot hdee aitnthh ,e Whitaene asleyiM. fy o wrnse ultsst yolfMe i khaTialal n tdh oet her hvaeb eeenx cepfrtoimoo nv6ae0rl :B enosnpie lsciti.Tsa hiidsse finitely gamIes sc o7r0ep de rcleonsti,nn ogat no penicnogw safA.rosd tr h e onfloygu arm Aemso.n mgyso tp poa­nciSepnaatrn'w ts ivuesste ods a y, nesnw terteh lei koefGs l igoarsit hce,my a rcthowe adwr i tthh eir KhlamiafnP,o lugaBeelvvissakkyys, h ieilnhd as:n" dEitwhietirhot r anTudk makaonvtd,h ose fuepwo intd .e"­ fecatosun lobdteb lameodnm yp o­ LePvs akhis siiotfnrsot mho ep en.Fi onrrga ting Hert1z9l94i ya 1 A60:R are Moves 1 d4 lDr6 a)F o5r. i. .d.6s ,eC e. 2 c4 c5 b)W heih taasna dvanatftaegre 3 dS e6 5. g.66.e 4!�?x 4e!?( f6o. dr.6! .s? e e Thearrteeh rperei nlc iipdae5a. sd. 67.i)i. n d �3d 680 -i.0e 97i. h6 this chapter: f61 0�c 3citf7 1h14 �1a'i26di' 2, A)L inweist heoarul�tyc . 3 Murey-GJreiirnufse1a8l9ld6e,.m B)4 � 3:E arldye viationcs)W. h eih taasp lenagtsa amaef ­ C)T h'enS akBee'n o(..n i.. id 6)t.e 5.r .b. 56 c'i2(i' 6d 6!)? .i.6.b .77 Firswtesl hyo muelndt tihoanet 4 'i�i'bed7i.2 x 8d 5 9 i.xb5 i.xe4 Wheic tannot taona davcahn1i­0�e xvee'i4 xi' e41+'if1 x e4�+x e4 tawgie4t d hx ef6x5 eg 63( o5i.r g 5 120 -0 1�3di. 6a4 i. e71 4 1.l:,e d56 e 4h 67 i. x6f x'ifi'86e xd5P oleuvgsaBkeyilv-askLya,Ps a l­ exd95c xdi.5d 6w itcho mpenmsaa1s­7 94. tio5.n .�.) c 66i. g2d 57� h3d4 8 d)5. d.66. e(4f6 o� rc 3s ee 4 �f4 i.�dd6h3 6 19 0 e 4e 5M ocha�­c36.) g. 67.i. d3(f 7o� rc !3s?e e love-sThskoMvisnk1sy89k,2 . A707.) i.. g.7 8 0h-30( r o 09- 0 9 l:e:t1l:e:t 81 0� bdi.2g4 1 h13i. x3f A)L inweist heoaurtlDl cy3 1�2x f�3b d17i.3 f 'if4b 6 14 �2 �h51 5� c4'it' d81 6 i.�he25= 4 g3 Mur-erGytienlfBdee,r sh1e89b5a) Afte4r � f3e xd55 c xd(5D )a nd Bnalocwhk a s rteowanosa ble Whihtaeasf eiwd etatosr t ybo e nem­eth:o ds fitfr omd eladyeivnegl tohpei ndg1 9). c .4. i. 1c02 (�a1b605 ! .?. . knight etxoam pcl3e,: fo1ra1 3 a 51 2� c3i. a61 3�d 4b 4 14� cb�5b dao 7R azuvWaahelvs-, Berl1i89n7 1)1� c 3i. d71 2i. f4 �e81 3a 3 �1c4l:l5 e b15 1 5e 5 dxe156i. x e5i. xe51 7� xe�5d 6 = LisDiukk-hRouvs,s i1a9n92 .C ht d29). b .51. 0%t e la nd Bnlcoakw shopullyad1 . 0c. 41. 1i. c 2( o1r1 i.fl:lle 18a2 4b4 1i.3x c4� xe144 aS i.1a5'i6 i' c2 1�6:c x5e S+ 'ii'x1e�78b d�2b d= 7P .nimCling­ WinaBnurtsss,te1 tl89 s71 )1. ..a�6 A60: MRoavre7es 1lLl2ci.3d 71 a34b4 1lLl4b5i. xb5lLl e5wi tcho map ligcama;Set aevd­ 1a5x blLl5cw5i mtuht ual icnh cahneocn-e.kGsuK zmiSntP,.e tersburg Vand eWri eWli-na,Dn uttsCchht 1 992. 1897I.ne sattdh eerr or.i. .d17.0? ! doomBsl cakt oad ififcudletf ence afte1ra1 4! b xa(411. ..c142i. f !l) w 1i.2f i.4e 18 lLl3ca53 1lLl4dlLl2h5 1i.5h 2±Z s.uoPlrg-aRonmiashin, Bi11e89.7 4 ... exd5 5 cxd5 Thpioss itiaornif sroeotfsmht ee n Caltaamno ve-1od r4lLld fe62rc 4 e63 g 3c 54d5 exd5c5 x .d 5 5 ... b5( D) This movteh gea gmiaevn e s 6 i.g2 oriingal cAhlartaecrntaetri.v eBsal:ch ka nsop robalfteemrs: a)5. d.66.i. g2g 67e 4( lLl7c!3? a)6e 4lLl xe74 e'i2'ii' i'ei.7g 28 i.g87liJ f03- m0e rterlayn stpoo lbsde69si. eb34 1 0i. x5cW xe21+1 A62)7. i..g.7l o okrses aobnla:e 8lLl xelLl2a61 2i.d 4lLlf=5 S oskoon­ li:e:\20 -0 :9e 1s00lLl - e0c b35! 1? 1F .OlaWfiksjaan s oZene ,17 97. li:'lxb5( 11e 5!) ?1 1.lLl..xe41 l:t2e1 a 6 b)6 a 4 7bf 43g 68 e 4i. g79 1lLl35clLl3xc134A x e'iSxi'+e 185 lLld20 -100lLl c 4d 61 i.1f i.4 a6! l.ix:'lclLl3d 7w itehq uyaV;lo lizthi1n2­'i di'2( unfort1u2i.n xadt6e ly TunikK,a tow19i92c.e dosenw'otrb ke caouf1s .2ei.. x.c 4 b)I hfo weBvlceark p5l. ga.6y. s1 3i. xf8i. xf1l4i. xgi.7g 21 5 6 i.gi.2g 77lLl c03- t0h,te hnce o ri.­x6f 'ii'1x6l:f b6i.1 x h11 7� f2 recmto vieps r ob8alLl bfl3wy h enlLl d7 18 lLlwihat3b h i l:aged 8va n­ 1Lb5( f8o. dr. 6!.s? e Ae6 29lLl)x b5t atgoBe lcak-Ftac1n.2ii.. kx.)c 4 'ii'a51+0 lLl c3lLl e41 1i.d 2 lLlx1d3i.2x c'i4ei' 71 4l: c1lLlh51 5 i.g5 1lLl2x dd261 30- lLl0d7 1 4lLl de4f 6 i.1e63f , 5K ocrhnoiimma-nT, l:b8 'ici'12±5K aknhii.-auKGzmiTni,bl u r1g89 .7 Helksi1i 99n2f,a voWuhri.stI en­ 6 ... d6 setatdh aem boiut8sdi 6c reantoe s 7 b4!? problfeoBmrl sca kf,o erx amplTeh iitssh oen mloyv weh ilcahy s H. .lLl.c 69lLl h3( o9rlb f3l: b81 0 any ctaoln aa divma nWthaihgtaees. i.eb36 1 01- i.0b 71 'i2di' 2lLla51 3a ltsroi ed: i.g'i5ei' 81 4l:a 1dlLle4�P olku­liaa)7a 4b 48lLl d2( Bclkqa uickly hvoA-rkhiMpoosvc1,o99 w2 9.) b .6. g aiannea dd vanitnBa egiemu -­Da I 00- i.0b 71 e14 lLl e81 2i.g 5 ft6oB ver,l 1i99n1a ,f t8lLlehr3 ?g!69 1i.3e 3'ibi' 81 4lLl b5� h8 lLl1f54 0-0 1i.0lLlgd 72 lLl1be1d47 i. a6 8 AR6a0r:Me o ves 12ll e10 -103 f4 l: e8 �f124c 4! alairnm gtahmeUe l ybIizne-ta, wihit niti8.a g.t69.i� vce4() lB acMk es1a99 .3 neendof te 9a� rg f.t3a6 1 0'ici' 2 d)7a 3a5 �8c 'j3bj' 69� f.t3e 7 .tg71 1�c 40 -102 0 -l:.0e 81 3 100- 00- 10e1 4� bd17li2 e 1.t a6 �e1.t xc41 4'i xi'c�4b d17S a5 13.if (4 1e3Sd xe1S4� x e�Sx eS 'iei'71 6� d3� eS= R agozoitn­1-SllB xellSf e8 1h66= L .targsSe n­ vinnik, 1S49v39e.) r.t .da.l61 o0v TsakBl el,dC t( 31)69 S1).3 �. g.!4 = 'idi'3.t g7 11'iei' 3�+f 81 2'if i'4 Larse-nTaBelld,C t( 71)69 S. .txc41V3x c�4b d174a S �!e =8 7 �a6(D) ... Henleeiyr-aSIwnadno,n1 e9s8i3a. W hihtaeas n e asaynp dl eaanst b)7� fg36 ( .7.t. e.78 � fd02- 0g amieBf al cakc cetphpteas w n sac­ 9a 4b4 10� .ta61 �1b d�2b d7r ififcoeer,x am7p. lc.ex4. b a83 12b 3� b6= Vanheste-Tbixma(m3.8ab .n 39.,'if xba361 0 bax4a 4 DucthC h1t89 7i,ns o bta d e8i t1h1'jexj' ra)4 + �1b2�d f73.t e71 3 li)fd(2o8 0r - .t0g7 a94b4 10 ��bdd420 -10�4 c 'it'6e 81 S.te ±3A l­ .ta61 V1c �2b d17l:.2 e 1 01-e304 bu-rIvta.nIoNve,wY or1k89 39) li)g!4w itthhi en ittioBaa ltcikv e�i xna 'i3di' 7( .9g. 61. 0� x b.tSg 71 1 KoulaySte-taLnu,ec rnOeL1 892)� f30 -10 2� fd.t4b 71 3� c3 8. �.b.d 97� c3a 6 1b04 1 a14� bd1704-�0b61eS4;!;Agzamov­ �cea54 1 V2b 3.te 17 tl)3c �4x e4C herRniig1n8a9,S 1)'i0 bi' 3� a61 1 14.tx e4� b6=P osrctKiho-crhno'W'ix,b llSb 18 'W'2x d7.i+xd 71 �3c 2 Lucern18e92 O.L �cS l1b74a .i e7( 1.ll4.b .11 S c)7e 4.i b(7.7 g. 68.'it' e!2g?i velisaS +!9l; e71 6.l:.a )11 S�f �3x dS Balcekx tprosasi bsifl,oi rt ieex1a6�m f­d�4c 31 7� c6;!;S oosnko­ pl8e. � .b.d 97f 4!.t?g 71 0eS 0 -0A dorWjianja,kan Ze e1 894. 11e xfl:6e 81 2 fl:xxge721 +3 �xe'it'2e 71 4'li fi>2� f61 S.l:. e1 .tb7 �1a36;!;! P lasketett-eGrr,o szp w ThseslnaoiOkLi1 8948)� f3 8( or a4b 49 �gd621 0a5 .t a!61 .t1fl .tg71 'i2ai' 4'j+j' dD7a v=i es-Onish­ chuBkud,a p1e9s93t8) . g .6(. a fter 8. �.x.e 940 -�0f 61 0'it'e 2'fl+e 7 11'jxj' bS'it'+d 71 2� c3� xd1S3 �d!4c xd144'j xj'd7�+x d17 S �xd.tSx d1S6.t xdllSb 81 7b 3 Whihtaems o rteh aenn oucgohm ­ peantsifootnrh p ea w-nU lyb9i n) 8 bxc5 tl)xc5 0-0 .tegSd7 x e11S0�1 x e0S- 102 9 �f3 g6 �c6'if b61 3� e7'ili>+h 81 4� c3 10� d4 .tg7 �bda7n Bdl cakh ando c aufsoer 110 -0 a6

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