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Greetings from Pave Welcome to our latest issue! From my view point this is a hurry- up project, as so much is go¬ ing on around here—why I don’t know— but everyone is smiling! Tradi¬ tionally, late December is suppose to be a slow month January 21, 2002 $ CC Issue #122 in the rare coin business, but not at Bowers and Merena Galleries Wolfeboro, NH 800-222-599; Bowers and Merena Galleries! Busi¬ A Collectors Universe Company (nasdaq: del) *’2002 Bowers and Merena Galleries ness was at an unprecedented rate, with just about everything from; ISSN 1073-9580 $3 S.S. Central America treasure to 1873-CC books going out the door as fast as The No Arrows Half Dollar- we could pack them. Wow! Welcome also to the year by Tom LaMarre 2002. May the year be one of It was a memorable year on several counts. specimens. Numismatic Guaranty Corporation health and happiness for you, In 1873 E. Remington began to make type¬ has graded a single MS-67 1873-CC. peace for the world, and other writers, color photographs were first de¬ A PCGS MS-64 specimen appeared in Ira & veloped, and J.C. Maxwell wrote Elec¬ Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles “The good things. Numismatics is a won¬ tricity and Magnetism. At the Carson Fairchild Family Trust Collection” sale, Lot 728, derful hobby, and here deep in the City Mint, rare 1873 No Arrows half May 28-30, 2001. It realized $23,000. At the heart of New England we will do dollars were struck before a new lower end of the grading scale, a Very Good coinage law went into effect, bring¬ specimen, Lot 460 in Stack’s “The September our best to provide excellent qual¬ ing changes to the 50-cent piece Sale,” Sept. 12-12, 2000, sold for $230. Consid¬ ity, service, and value to you in the and other denominations. ering their rarity, both examples might be consid¬ months to come. Count on us, Missing from many price lists and ered bargains at those prices, in my opinion. indeed lean on us, for anything we auction catalogs, the 1873-CC No While 1873-CC No Arrows halves are Arrows half dollar is much more diffi¬ prized mainly for their rarity and their can do to help. cult to obtain than its reported mintage historical ties with the Carson City Check through this issue care¬ of 122,500 might suggest. Apparently most Mint, I also like to think of them as fully. There are many new purchases of the coins were melted after the Coinage Ulysses S. Grant collectibles. Act of 1873 increased the weight of the half dol¬ Grant’s election to a second term and lots of worthwhile specimens lar and several other silver denominations. was formalized Feb. 12, 1873, the in just about every American series. The half dollar’s weight jumped from 12.44 same day he signed the coinage law. If you already have a specialty, add grams to 12.50. The change may seem slight, heavy A few years earlier, Grant had been to it. If you are to the point at which but it represented something more significant, use in presented the first coin struck at the an attempt to introduce the metric system to the min¬ Carson City Mint, an 1870 Seated new items come slowly, branch out U.S. coinage. To distinguish the new-standard ing region. Liberty dollar. into something new—always excit¬ half dollars that went into production in the In fact, sur¬ Currently Grant items are quite ing to do. Spring of 1873, arrowheads were placed along¬ vival of any popular, judging from an Internet site side the date. The Carson City Mint went on 1873-CC No devoted to the 18th president. As an See something of interest? Tele¬ to strike more than 200,000 1873 With Arrows Arrows half dollar aside, other Grant collectibles include a carte phone, 1-800-222-5993, and ask for half dollars. Today this variety is desirable in its was largely a matter of de visite valued at around $150, an 1866 etch¬ Tom Becker or Sandi Scott, and own right, although not quite as rare as the No chance, as few collectors were interested in ing priced at $50, an 1880s bust valued at $175, before you know it a package from Arrows half dollar. mintmark varieties when the coins were struck. and 100 “standard” Grant books which can be Another provision of the 1873 coinage law Eventually leading the vanguard was A.G. acquired at mostly modest prices. Bowers and Merena Galleries will eliminated the standard silver dollar, briefly Heaton, who wrote concerning Carson City Possibly someday Grant’s poor rating as arrive in your mailbox. Have a ques¬ making the half dollar the largest silver coin is¬ half dollars in his 1893 booklet, Mint Marks: president will be reevaluated. According to the tion? Ask Tom or Sandi. We are sued for circulation in the United States. (The “1873 presents two varieties. The first has a Ulysses S. Grant Home Page (yes, such a thing here to help. In a word, enjoy this Trade dollar, authorized by the same legisla¬ plain date, and the Mint Mark consists of two really exists, at www.mscomm.com/ulysses/), tion, was intended for use in the Orient.) Crit¬ very small round cc’s, close together, in the same the president’s heavy drinking has been highly issue. We all look forward to hear¬ ics soon blamed the demonetization of silver location as before. This variety we consider rare. exaggerrated. I learned from this source that ing from you. for the financial panic that began in September The second presents, for the first time, arrow¬ Grant did drink to excess when he was Sincerely 1873 with the collapse of Jay Cooke’s banking heads at each side of the date, and has the up¬ younger, especially in the early 1850s. During house. In reality, however, the Coinage Act of right, small, close cc’s of preceding years.” the Civil War, he drank occasionally, always to 1873 had little immediate macroeconomic im¬ Years later, Harry X Boosel of Chicago excess, but only when there was a lull in the pact. Because silver was undervalued in relation made a specialty of the rich and varied action. In the last 20 years of his hfe, he rarely to gold, silver coins did not circulate anyway, at U.S. coinage of 1873, thereby becoming touched a drink. Q. David Bowers least in most parts of the country. known as “Mr. 1873.” Today the date attracts One final bit of Grant trivia. His full name President In Carson City, the situation was different, many collectors, but few Mint State 1873-CC was Hiram Ulysses Grant. Most sources claim Bowers and Merena Galleries and the relatively few 1873-CC No Arrows No Arrows half dollars have survived. The fin¬ die “S” in Ulysses S. Grant was for Simpson, but half dollars that were released experienced est examples graded by PCGS are two MS-66 Grant once admitted the “S” stood for nothing. Bowers and Merena Galleries PRST STD Box 1224 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Wolfeboro, NH 03894 PERMIT #65 BRUNSWICK, ME 04011 2 The Coin Collector $ January 21, 2002 “You Should Own This Coin” 1923 Hawaiian Commemorative Often referred to as the “King of Silver paying a premium to obtain examples of COLONIAL AND EARLY Commemoratives,” the Hawaiian half dol¬ this beautiful and exotic coin. AMERICAN COINS lar was issued to commemorate the 150th As with many commemorative issues, anniversary of the “discovery” of the islands the elements included in the design of the by Captain James Cook in 1778. This is the Hawaiian half dollar have considerable his¬ Lustrous 1652 Pine Tree Shilling only United States commemorative coin toric significance. A Hawaiian resident, Miss 1652 Massachusetts Bay Colony. Pine Tree issued by a group residing in a territory Juliette Mae Fraser of Honolulu, assembled shilling. Noe-5. Large Planchet. AU-58 rather than a state. the obverse and reverse subject matter into (PCGS). This is an absolutely spectacular example Only 9,958 regular issue coins plus 50 a beautiful design. As a young collector, I with considerable lustre and lovely natural me¬ sandblast Proofs were struck making the was shown one of these valuable coins and dium gray surfaces, highlighted by splashes ofblue and heather toning. The planchet is nearly com¬ Hawaiian commemorative the lowest mint¬ asked if I could find the eight volcanoes. plete and only slightly out of round with light age of all the various commemorative types After a few minutes I gave up and was then waves. We cannot overemphasize the aesthetic produced from 1892 through 1954. How told to look at the triangular symbols on For many collectors, the “Hawaiian” appeal nor the importance of this example. Truly the coins were distributed contributed to each side of the words HALF DOLLAR. serves as the primary challenge to complet¬ a remarkable opportunity for the colonial coinage its almost instant recognition as a scarce There they were! ing a commemorative collection. Ideally, it aficionado. 14,950 and prized item. Half the mintage was re¬ Because of its rarity, the Hawaiian com¬ should be the first coin purchased, but is 1773 Virginia halfpenny. Breen-180. With Period, Seven Harp strings. MS-64 RB served for distribution on the Hawaiian memorative is prized in any grade. A good often missing from an otherwise complete (PCGS). Lovely medium brown with consider¬ Islands with the rest being sold in the United number of the surviving specimens from set. able faded red lustre. A popular colonial type is¬ States. Purchases were limited to five coins have been cleaned. The salty air that perme¬ It’s safe to say that if you wished to limit sue, one of the relatively few that are often per customer at the issue price of $2 per ates the islands is not kind to coins and your collection to include a single com¬ available in higher quality. 1,195 coin. This method of wide distribution re¬ many of the commemoratives quickly ac¬ memorative, the 1928 Hawaiian would be 1760 Hibemia-Voce Populi. Breen-227, Nelson- sulted in collectors and dealers willingly quired unattractive toning. the obvious choice. 3, Zelinka-7E. “VOOE” spelling; not an error, but caused by a die break connecting the top and bottom of the opening in a normal letter C. VF- 25 (PCGS). Satiny medium brown surfaces. 379 Lustrous 1787 Fugio Cent Lustrous 1825 Half Cent tion. EF-45. Attractive medium brown surfaces 1740-P French Colonies. Sou marque. Breen-540. 1787 Fugio Cent. KN-11X. States United. 1825 B-2, C-2. MS-64 BN. An outstanding example with tan highlights. A pleasing coin that will AU-55. Pewter gray surfaces with golden high¬ Four cinquefoils. MS-62 RB (PCGS). A lovely with deep olive lustre and pale bluish iridescence. This nicely answer the connoisseur’s call for a high- lights. These were made ofbillon, a composition grade example of this date and variety.... 1,695 example with light brown surfaces and traces of is a very elusive issue in Mint State.1,850 of 25% silver and 75% copper. The sou marques red lustre, in addition to splashes of deep steel Half cents of the Classic Head design were issued bearing 1805 S-267, B-l. Net EF-40, Sharpness and qual¬ were struck in extensive quantities and circulated toning. A variety known from the Bank of New dates from 1809 through 1811, and again from 1825 through ity of AU-50 or slightly finer, but with a hint of in colonial America, including Canada and Loui¬ York hoard. 2,950 1836, with intermissions in 1827 and 1830. The final year microscopic porosity in places. Still, a beautiful siana. 395 of 1836 was only issued in Proof format. example. Superb medium tan with some deeper 1828 B-l, C-3. 13 Stars. MS-64 BN (PCGS). Lovely Mint State 1787 Fugio Cent highlights. This is an “eye-catcher” ofa large cent, Impressive 1776 Continental Dollar Lovely medium brown surfaces. A most impor¬ and definitely a strong value for the grade. Your 1776 Continental dollar. B-1095, Newman 3- 1787 Fugio Cent. KN-13X. States United. tant opportunity for type collectors. 695 complete satisfaction guaranteed. 1,395 D. E.G. Fecit. Pewter. AU-50 (PCGS). Deep Four cinquefoils. MS-61 BN. A pleasing ex¬ 1829 B-l, C-l. F-12. Olive-brown surfaces. .. 56 gray surfaces with lustrous light gray around the ample with medium brown surfaces and traces of 1833 B-l, C-l. MS-64 BN (PCGS). Beautiful Small Date 1812 Large Cent devices. A few light surface marks are present. An blue iridescence. Certainly from the Bank of New brown surfaces with green and rose highlights. Breen-3 attractive example of this ever-popular, highly York hoard. 2,150 Although a common issue, most examples are cir¬ desirable issue. These so-called dollars were pro¬ culated or in low Mint State grade levels. Among 1812 S-288, B-3. Small Date. EF-40 (PCGS). duced as a prototype for a hard currency to replace all half cents of the type in higher grades, this date Well centered chocolate brown surfaces. An at¬ existing paper money in circulation in the colo¬ is generally one of the most attractive.595 tractive example of the scarce Classic Head type nies. Long considered $1 coins as a substitute for 1833 B-l, C-l. MS-62 BN (NGC). Highly lustrous and perfectly acceptable for the date or type col¬ SI paper notes, although some have suggested chestnut brown with splashes of iridescent toning. lector. 1,795 they were meant to be a smaller denomination. An attractive example for your type set.279 1812 10% off-center. Net F-12; sharpness ofVF- This variety is signed by the artist, Elisha 1835 MS-65 BN (PCGS). A sharply struck and 25 with moderate porosity. Olive-brown surfaces. Gallaudet, with his signature appearing as E.G. HALF CENTS very attractive piece. Uniform deep brown. An Desirable for the collector of error type coins. 595 FECIT. 18,750 excellent choice for the collector .who enjoys 1787 New Jersey copper. Maris-32T. EF-40. natural appearing coins. 879 Choice 1817 N-9 Large Cent Well centered with medium brown surfaces. Be¬ Especially Nice 1794 Flalf Cent 1835 B-2, C-2. MS-64 BN (PCGS). Sharply Well Struck and Beautiful lieved to have been minted by Thomas Goadsby 1794 Breen-la. Cohen-la. Rarity-3. EF-45 struck with lustrous dark brown obverse. The 1817 Newcomb-9. 13 Stars. MS-64 BN. Well and Albion Cox at Rahway Mills. 1,095 (PCGS). Medium brown surfaces. An especially reverse is fighter tan with iridescent highlights. struck with iridescent surfaces. This is a slightly Walter Breen noted that Rahway Mills was on the east nice, especially high-grade 1794 half cent. Al¬ Exquisite detail and excellent lustre.. 525 scarcer die marriage and will serve as a nice ad¬ side of the Rahway River at what is now Saint George’s though the half cents of the following year, 1795, Tiny obverse die crack links stars 2-7. All 1835 half dition to the specialist’s collection. 1,695 Avenue at School Street. cents—circulation strikes as well as Proofs—were made often or even usually come “nice,” this is not true 1817 N-14.13 Stars. MS-63 BN. Lovely fight tan 1787 New Jersey copper. M-46e. Small from one die pair, causing all sorts of complexities when a for 1794. The present coin is truly exceptional. prooflike piece (ofwhich this is not one) is found! surfaces. A candidate for the type or date collec¬ Planchet, Plain Shield. EF-45 (PCGS). At¬ High or large head variety, so-called due to the tor. 629 tractive medium brown surfaces. Attributed to placement of the head, high above the date. 3,695 1820 N-13 Large Date. MS-65 BN (PCGS). Thomas Goadsby and Albion Cox at the Rahway Sharply struck with highly lustrous tan surfaces Mills coinage facility. 1,195 Affordable 1796 Half Cent Rarity accented by pale blue toning. Among Randall 1787 New Jersey copper. M-63s. Large Planchet. G-4. Dark and wavy surfaces.99 1796 B-2, C-2. With Pole. AG-3, or better de¬ Hoard varieties from 1816 to 1820, this die scribed as G-5 obverse, FR-2 reverse. Minute variety is the most sharply detailed, a wonder¬ 1786 Connecticut. Miller-5.2-1. Mailed Bust left. VG-8. Very dark fields with light brown devices. surface roughness is visible as nearly always seen. ful candidate for the type collector.1,195 This is an entirely pleasing low-grade example of 1820 N-13. Large Date. MS-64 RB. Lustrous red The series of coppers for Connecticut is the most an important rarity. Perhaps only 125 to 150 ex¬ and brown with attractive iridescent colors. A won¬ diverse among all state issues, encompassing amples of this date, comprising two die varieties, derful example of this Randall Hoard variety. 1,295 nearly 400 distinct varieties.69 may be traced today. Rarity similar to the famous 1821 N-l. EF-40 BN (NGC). Deep chocolate 1787 Connecticut. M-33.9-S.2. Draped Bust left. 1794 Sheldon-18b, Breen-2b. Rarity-4. Head of and popular 1794 silver dollar, although not brown surfaces. A lovely high-grade example of VF-20. Light olive-brown with very faint rough¬ ’93. Net G-5; sharpness finer with minor porosity nearly as expensive. Most of the survivors, like this the second rarest date (1823 being the rarest) ness.99 and insignificant edge imperfections. Pleasing olive 1788 Connecticut. M-4.1-K. Rarity-5. Mailed example, are very low grade. 5,950 and steel brown surfaces. An important issue, fea¬ among later copper cents 1816-1857. Not often do we have one this nice!. 1,295 Bust right. VG-10. Attribution painted in obverse turing the sable head style used for the 1793 Liberty Near Gem 1804 Spiked Chin Half Cent field. Dark surfaces. 139 Cap cents, as designed by Joseph Wright. ... 1,095 Notable 1823 Restrike 1786 Vermont copper. Ryder-9. Rarity-4+. 1804 B-7, C-8. Spiked Chin. MS-64 RB. An Ex Naftzger Collection Baby Head. F-12. Struck on an irregular absolutely wonderful high quality example of the Important 1795 S-77 Cent planchet (as always seen) from naively prepared popular Spiked Chin variety. Lovely olive-brown 1795 S-77, B-6. Rarity~3+. Plain Edge. EF-45 1823 Restrike MS-65 RD. A wonderful example dies—a typical “rustic” Vermont copper, this surfaces with hints ofblue toning and splashes of with fully prooflike orange surfaces and just a hint (PCGS). This is an absolutely wonderful example of being an early entry into the portrait series, hav¬ orange lustre. The Spiked Chin nomenclature is this scarce variety with smooth medium brown sur¬ of delightful pale blue toning on the highest ing a simple, childlike portrait. 1,175 an accurate appearance of this damaged obverse faces and splashes of deeper toning. A minor area of points. The various cent restrikes were the sub¬ Struck within the borders of the “state” ofVermont under die. Several theories have been proposed to ex¬ ject ofa talk presented by Mark Borckardt at the faint corrosion is visible at lower right reverse. Prob¬ the auspices of Reuben Harmon, Jr- Although Vermont plain the die damage, however, none have been ably among the top 10 known for this variety and 1996 ANS Coinage of the Americas Conference. aspired to statehood, this did not occur until 1791, after the proven. 5,350 Nice pedigree!.2,150 coinage. an important opportunity for the specialist. . 3,895 1806 B-3, C-l. Small 6, Stemless. MS-60 Very late die state with obverse and reverse die cracks frilly 1795 Talbot, Allum & Lee cent. B-1035. AU- developed, including a branch from the primary reverse die 58 (PCGS). Lovely medium brown surfaces. Few (NGC). Sharply detailed with mottled tan and 1797 Sheldon-131 Cent crack through TE of STATES. dark brown surfaces. Much scarcer in high qual¬ Talbot, Allum, and Lee cents circulated to any Stemless Wreath Breen-27 1827 N-5. VF-20. An attractive example with dark ity than the usually seen Large 6 variety.995 degree, with most surviving examples in higher brown fields and lighter devices.85 1797 S-131, B-27. Rarity-2. No Stems, Reverse grades, generally at least EF. A large quantity of 1808 B-3, C-3. VF-30. Nicely struck with choco¬ 1830 N-4. Large Letters. AU-55. Lustrous chest¬ of 1797. EF-40 (PCGS). Pleasing dark brown late brown surfaces. Scarce in higher grades, es¬ these tokens were sold to the United States Mint nut brown with exceptional aesthetic appeal. 595 surfaces. A lovely high-grade specimen of this dis¬ pecially if sharply struck. 595 for use to produce half cents. 595 tinctive stemless type—a classic for many years. Amazing 1833 Large Cent The obverse die is instantly recognized by a promi¬ Mint State 1787 Fugio Cent Important 1811 Half Cent Struck Over 1806 British Halfpenny nent curved die break from the left border. 3,495 1787 Fugio Cent. Kessler-Newman 8X. States 1811 B-2, C-2. Rarity-3. Net VF-35; sharpness 1833 N-l. Struck over British halfpenny. VF- United. Four cinquefoils. MS-63 BN slightly finer. Now with lovely dark tan over Nearly Mint State 1802 S-230 Cent 30. Glossy medium brown surfaces. This is a (PCGS). Lustrous and smooth brown surfaces. A lightly cleaned surfaces. Minor hairlines are vis¬ Breen-8 spectacular and intriguing item, an 1833 large cent sharp die crack is visible at lower obverse, radially ible. As always, your complete satisfaction is guar¬ that was struck over an 1806 British half penny. from the border at 5:30. No doubt from the Bank anteed. 2,500 1802 S-230, B-8. AU-55 (PCGS). Light brown The obverse has Britannia boldly featured on top surfaces with tan highlights. Very close to Mint of N ew York hoard, the source for nearly all sur¬ of Liberty, with the profile of George III perfectly Desirable 1811 Half Cent State. Ideal for the date and variety and a perfect viving Mint State Fugio cents.2,950 centered in the wreath on the reverse. Undoubt¬ candidate for the type collector. 2,995 1787 Fugio Cent. KN-9T. States United. Four 1811 B-2, C-2. Rarity-3. VF-30. A pleasing edly unique and previously offered by us in our cinquefoils. VF-25 (PCGS). Mottled light tan example with intermingled chestnut and dark January 2001 Rarities Sale. 5,795 Attractive 1803 S-258 Cent and steel brown, and possibly cleaned, however, brown. A few scattered marks are visible as 1837 N-13. Rarity-2+. Plain Hair Cords. MS- Breen-17 nicely retoning. A scarce variety for the special¬ usual. This is a key date among circulation is¬ 64 BN. Dark bluish steel lustre with considerable ist.995 sue half cents of this design type.1,995 1803 S-258, B-17. Small Date, Large Frac¬ faded orange mint lustre... 1,275 The Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 3 Plain Hair Cords—this being the traditional style. In this year 1858 Large Letters. MS-64 (PCGS). A lovely the Beaded Hair Cords were adopted and were used continu¬ example for the date or type collector. Sharply This & That ously in later years, save for the 1839/6 (a special situation, as it struck with lustrous, satiny tan surfaces. Very was created from an old-style die made in 1836). 1840 Large Date. N-8. MS-64 RB. A wonder¬ slighdy prooflike. 1,395 ful example with light pinkish orange lustre and 1858 Large Letters. AU-55. A lustrous light tan TONGUE TWISTER: “Hundreds Queue to Shed Escudos”—recent headline in the attractive brown toning. Splashes of pale blue add example. ..219 Financial Times, discussing Portuguese citizens standing in long lines to exchange escudos for to the appeal of this choice cent. Late die state 1858 Large Letters. AU-50. Deep orange and fight the new euro currency. with numerous prominent obverse rim breaks tan with hints of blue toning. 189 • • • from 1:00 to 6:00. 975 1858 Small Letters. AU-50. A delightful medium tan example. 195 THOUGHTS TO PONDER: “Some people are making such thorough preparation for 1850 N-12. MS-64 RD (PCGS). Deep orange mint rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine."—William Feather * “The more you have lustre with a few small spots on the obverse. 1,295 1851 N-2. MS-65 BN (NGC). Lovely olive- Indian Head Cents to live for, the less you need to live on. Those who make acquisition their goal never have brown with considerable faded orange lustre, A enough.”—Sydney Harris • “It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty desirable example. 875 1859 EF-40. Pleasing quality for the grade. Quite of work to do.”—Jerome K. Jerome • ‘Misers aren’t much fun to live with. But they make 1851 N-2. AU-53 (ANACS). Medium brown with affordable, we suggest..95 wonderful ancestors.”—Terry Glaspey • (Collected by the Freeman Institute) splashes oflustre. . 129 1860 Pointed Bust. AU-50. Attractive with very • • » 1853 N-3. MS-65 BN (NGC). Lustrous medium fight tan surfaces. Scarcer of the two bust tip va¬ brown surfaces. Very nicely struck.745 rieties of this year. 139 GREAT ARTICLE by Ed Deane in the latest issue of The Numismatist—featuring Harry W. 1853 N-10. MS-65 RB (NGC). A wonderful ex¬ 1860 Rounded Bust. MS-64 (PCGS). Lovely fight Bass, Jr., on the cover and, inside, a fascinating look at Harry’s personality and collecting ample for the date or type collector, exhibiting tan lustre with sharp design features. The wreath interests. One of the great “assets” we all have here at Bowers and Merena Galleries is the nearly full orange lustre with traces oflight brown at lower left reverse is partially obliterated due to memory and continuing involvement with the Harry W. Bass Foundation, its numismatic toning on the high points of the design. An im¬ foreign material on the die.345 endeavors, and the people involved. And, this reminds us to say that if you haven’tyet ordered portant opportunity.850 1860 Rounded Bust. MS-63 (NGC). Lustrous and a copy of the Sylloge (combined historical, technical, numismatic, etc., study) that Dave Bowers 1857 N-l. Large Date. MS-65 BN. Considerable sharply struck with attractive rose and blue ton¬ wrote (with a lot of help from others), check our Books for Sale section and sign up for one! faded orange lustre on both obverse and reverse. A ing. 189 lovely example of the final large cent issue. 1,375 1860 Rounded Bust. EF-40. Light tan surfaces. . 65 As these words are being written, the book is at the printer. A good “read” is assured—and, 1857 N-l. Large Date. MS-64 RB. This won¬ 1861 AU-55. Sharply struck with traces of gold lus¬ if you are even slightly interested in such subjects as gold coins (in particular), patterns, or derful example has very nearly full mellow orange tre. 175 currency, you’ll learn a lot, and have fun while doing it! mint lustre just beginning to fade to attractive 1861 AU-50. Pleasing gold surfaces with splashes of • • • light brown. Examples of this final issue are sel¬ darker brown. 159 A LOTTERY TO REMEMBERl The San Francisco Daily Placer Times and Transcript, dom encountered with orange lustre. 1,375 1861 EF45. Very pleasing surfaces for the grade and October 7,1854, included the announcement that Fitch’s Grand Gift Enterprise was to offer having great eye appeal.99 Amazing 1868 Large Cent Rarity 1861 EF-40. Light tan surfaces.99 2,000 prizes, including “first prize—200 slugs—value $10,000.” • FYI, $50 gold slugs, made in 1862 MS-65 (NGC). Highly lustrous and sharply quantity in 1851 and 1852, were becoming scarce in circulation by 1854. Gem Copper Proof struck. Lovely fight golden tan surfaces. Consid¬ • • • Fewer than a Dozen Known to Us First We Have Offered in Years ered a common date among the copper-nickel RATING SYSTEM: In a recent issue Bottles and Extras, put out by the Federation of issues, however, still elusive in gem quality. 975 Historical Bottle Collectors, the “Elmer Lester Contest Score Sheet” was presented, whereby 1868 Pollock-676, Judd-611. Proof-65 BN 1862 AU-58. Lustrous golden tan.79 bottle clubs (could this be applied to coin clubs as well?) could rate their activities. In terms (PCGS). One of the very finest of only a few we have 1862 AU-50. Pleasing medium tan with consider¬ ever seen. Large copper cent of the circa 1843-1857 able lustre.55 of programs, the maximum value, three points, was given for each time that “an outside Braided Hair style, but dated 1868. Struck after cents 1863 MS-65 (NGC). Lustrous with full diamonds on speaker without slides” gave a presentation, with two points going to a “dub member speaker of this format were officially discontinued, to create the ribbon and full lines on the shield. An exceptional without slides.” Slide programs on their own were worth just one point. A club picnic was a rarity for numismatists, in the style of the 1913 Lib¬ gem example for the date or type collector.995 worth 10 points, and, other points were given for other activities. erty Head nickel, 1884 and 1885 trade dollars, and 1864 Copper-nickel. VF-30. Grayish tan surfaces. 49 « • • related items. We are unable to account for even a 1864 Bronze. MS-60. Outstanding quality with ABOUT COIN CLUBS: At one time there were over 500 local and regional coin clubs dozen different specimens, at least one of which is sharp design details and lustrous surfaces.99 impounded in a museum (American Numismatic 1864 Bronze. AU-50. Delightful medium brown. 65 in the United States. We doubt if there are that many today. Interestingly—years ago as well Society). The present piece has been consigned to 1864 L on Ribbon. MS-63 BN. A nice glossy as today—the clubs that flourish are those that emphasize the history, art, romance, and fun us as we go to press. For the forthcoming book, More brown piece. Well struck and having exceptional of collecting. This is why specialists can talk for hours on end about dies used to make 1794 Adventures with Rare Coins, Dave Bowers has created eye appeal. An affordable example of this very half cents, or interesting varieties in the Morgan dollar series. Such philosophies as “my coins a chapter on this great rarity—calling it “antipodal popular issue.465 are better than yours” or “my coins are worth $$$” have little interest except to the speaker, to the 1804 dollar,” in that just about everyone 1864 L on Ribbon. EF-40. Lovely medium brown and for such reasons coin clubs that emphasize such things are apt to have their members knows about the famous, classic 1804, but relatively surfaces. 199 few are aware of the 1868 large cent. Just as a set of 1864 L on Ribbon. VF-30. A pleasant example with disappear. Liberty Head nickels cannot be truly complete with¬ medium brown surfaces. 185 out an 1913, a set oflarge copper cents cannot be 1865 Fancy 5. MS-65 BN (PCGS). Attractive sur¬ 1870 MS-63 BN. Lustrous brown wdth some red Please call quickly as we don’t expect this to truly complete without an 1868. This is the first we faces with some red visible. A popular issue from visible. 485 last.2,150 have offered in a long time!.28,750 the close of the Civil War... 395 1870 EF-40.. Pleasing quality with mediumbrown 1877 VF-35 (PCGS). Pleasing medium brown sur¬ 1865 Fancy 5. MS-63 RJ3. Sharply struck with consid¬ surfaces. 269 faces. A very nice example at the grade level. An erable orange lustre blended with olive-brown. 149 1870 Doubled Die reverse. EF-40. FS-008.7. At¬ affordable way to own the consummate rarity in 1865 Fancy 5. AU-55. Dark olive and attractive. 59 tractive mahogany surfaces with fighter tan high¬ the Indian cent series. 1,195 1865 Fancy 5. AU-50. Pleasing fight brown sur¬ lights. 425 1877 F-15 (ANACS). Nice attractive medium faces...........49 1871 MS-64 RB. Sharply struck with slightly re¬ brown surfaces.995 1865 Fancy 5. Doubled 65. EF-45. Olive-brown.35 1878 MS-65 RB (PCGS). Lustrous red and brown flective surfaces. Pleasing orange lustre is inter¬ SMALL CENTS 1865 Fancy 5. EF-40. Mahogany brown.35 mingled with olive-brown. A desirable example surfaces wdth lots of red.895 1865 Plain 5. AU-55. Olive and chestnut brown. 59 1878 MS-64 RB (PCGS). Light and glossy tan sur¬ of this elusive issue.875 1866 MS-65 RB (NGC). An attractive example of faces with some mint red around the devices on 1872 MS-64 RB (NGC). At least 75% nnnt red Flying Eagle Cents this scarcer issue. The obverse shows about 30% mixed with fight tan. A beautiful example of this the obverse. More brown than red. Well struck of the original mint red mixed with fight tan. The and having outstanding eye appeal.495 popular issue. No detracting marks and having the 1857 MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant. A lovely specimen reverse is about 80% red. As the grade suggests, 1878 VF-20. A pleasing example of this scarce is¬ natural look that appeals to many collectors. 1,245 of the first circulating year of the new Flying Eagle the coin is free of any detracting marks. .. 1,095 sue.69 1872 F-12. Attractive fight browm. Scarce.309 design. Released to the public on May 25,1857, 1866 AU-55. Choice olive-brown surfaces. A 1879 MS-63 RD (PCGS). Exceptional mint lustre. 1872 VG-10 (ANACS). Medium brown sur¬ the coins became instantly popular. 1,395 pleasing example of this scarce date, first in a A well struck and spot free example. This beauti¬ faces. 139 1857MS-61 (PCGS).A pleasing example with lus¬ series of scarce and rare date Indian cents. 245 ful coin has outstanding eye appeal. An unusual 1873 Closed 3. MS-64 RB. Brilliant red and trous golden tan surfaces.379 1866 AU-50. Sharply struck with dark brown sur¬ opportunity to acquire a wonderful coin.679 browm. Very pleasing in every respect.850 1857 MS-60. Lustrous tan surfaces with hints of faces.225 1879 AU-53. Nice medium brown surfaces. Avery 1873 Closed 3. AU-50. Lovely olive-brown sur¬ gold highlights. 295 1867 MS-64 RB (NGC). About 50% mint red pleasing coin for the grade.79 faces. 199 1857 AU-55. Sharply defined with medium brown mixed with fight tan. A well struck example with 1879 AU-50. Attractive fight brown.69 1873 Open 3. MS-65 RB (NGC). Lustrous red surfaces. 209 excellent eye appeal. 575 1880 MS-65 RB (PCGS). Virtually foil red lustre and brown surfaces. 1,345 1857 AU-50. A pleasing dark tan example. ... 185 1867 MS-63 RJ3 (PCGS). Approximately 30% on both obverse and reverse. Both sides are very 1873 Open 3 MS-63 RB (PCGS). A truly beauti¬ 1857 Doubled die obverse EF-45 (ANACS). A well mint red mixed with pleasant light tan. Nicely slightly subdued by a trace of olive and blue ton¬ ful coin with generous amounts of mint red struck and problem free example of this interest¬ struck with excellent eye appeal.359 ing. A coin for the connoisseur.395 mixed with fight tan. Nearly full red on the re¬ ing variety. Pleasing medium tan. 129 1867 MS-63 BN (PCGS). Medium brown surfaces 1880 MS-62 BN. Lustrous brown surfaces wdth red verse. Well struck and sure to please.279 with some red visible in the protected areas. A highlights.85 1873 Open 3. EF-45. Sharply struck with attractive Amazing 1857 Clashed Die Cent scarcer date.329 1880 EF-40. An attractive example..25 fight brown surfaces. 149 Obverse Clashed with Half Dollar Die 1867 EF-40. Mahogany and olive surfaces. ... 165 1881 MS-65 RD (NGC). Lustrous red with a few 1874 MS-65 BN (PCGS). Medium browm surfaces 1857 From die clashed with Liberty Seated half 1868 AU-50. Delightffil fight brown. 189 wdth a hint of red at the periphery. A very pleas¬ fly specks noted for accuracy.895 dollar, and showing traces of the half dollar 1868 EF-45. Very clean and appealing surfaces for the ing specimen. 675 1881 MS-64 RD (PCGS). Blazing mint red wdth no design. MS-66 (NGC). This piece exhibits grade. A glossy medium tan piece. 145 1874 MS-64 RB. Lustrous red and browm. ... 395 major marks or spots. Sensational eye appeal. A nice choice for the type set builder who would traces of clashed dies with a Liberty Seated half dol¬ 1874 AU-55. A pleasing medium browm example lar, one of three very curious and related pieces of Bold 1869/9 Recut Date Indian Cent wdth glossy surfaces and strong eye appeal. . 139 like something a little different.395 1881 AU-50. Pleasing quality.25 this year. Details are to be found in the Snow and 1869/9 MS-66 BN (NGC). A well struck ex¬ 1874 AU-50. Sharply struck with pleasing olive- 1882 MS-60 BN. Attractive glossy brown surfaces Bowers texts on the subject (or will be sent gratis ample wdth even medium brown surfaces. High¬ brown surfaces. 125 with some iridescent toning highlights.39 to the purchaser, on request). An exceptionally lights of red peek out around the rims. An 1875 MS-65 RB (PCGS). About 50% mint red 1882 EF-40. A lovely example for the grade. ..19 high-grade specimen of this American classic—a impressive gem example that is certain to find a mixed wdth light tan. An appealing example of 1883 MS-65 RB (NGC). Lustrous medium brown “must have” for the advanced collector!.. 8,750 home in the connoisseur’s collection. 1,895 this scarce issue.895 surfaces wdth red highlights.285 1869 MS-65 RB (NGC). More red than brown. A 1875 MS-63 RB. Lustrous red and brown. ... 295 1883 MS-64 BN. Lustrous brown. 165 Beautiful 1857 Cent with beautiful mixture of mint red and light tan. A glossy 1875 MS-63 RB. Mint red mixed with light tan. A 1883 AU-58. Some pleasant mint red remains. Half Dollar Clash piece without detracting features. A welcome ad¬ slight haze suggests pristine, natural surfaces. 299 Glossy and appealing.42 1857 From die clashed with Liberty Seated half dition to most any set of Indian cents.845 1875 EF-45. A lovely example wdth pleasing me¬ 1883 AU-55. Glossy medium tan surfaces.29 dollar, and showing traces of the half dollar 1869 MS-63 RB. A wonderful example of this dium brown surfaces.99 1883 AU-50. Lustrous and desirable.25 design. MS-63. Another desirable and very lus¬ scarce issue with considerable reddish orange lus¬ 1875 EF-40. Medium brown with fighter high¬ 1884 Proof-65 RB (NGC). The obverse is 95% red trous example of this intriguing variety, which tre. Sharply struck. A few minor spots are trivial lights. 95 while the reverse is about 50% red. A nice ex¬ shows traces of clashed dies with a Liberty Seated in nature. 559 1876 MS-65 RB. Very attractive wdth about 90% ample. 479 half dollar die. A great “story coin” for the special¬ 1869 EF-40. Glossy medium tan surfaces. Slight red. A beautiful Indian Head cent from the cen¬ 1884 Proof-64 RB (PCGS). Brick red and brown ist, and without doubt, one of the most curious and even wear and problem free surfaces. Sure to tennial year of American independence . 1,195 surfaces. A lovely specimen that offers “a lot of please quality.279 1876 VF-30. Olive-brown.65 fascinating varieties in any series of this era. 1,895 coin for the money.” .299 1857 From die clashed widi a Liberty Seated half dollar die 1884 MS-64 RB (NGC). Lustrous and mostly and showing traces of the half dollar design. VF-30. Lovely Mint State 1870 Cent Desirable 1877 Indian Cent red.239 Pleasing grayish tan surfaces. 385 1870 MS-64 RD (PCGS). An outstanding example 1877 AU-50. Delightful chestnut brown and 1884 MS-64 BN. Pleasing medium brown sur¬ 1858/7 Overdate. VF-35 (PCGS). A pleasing ex¬ wdth bright orange mint lustre. Sharply struck and mahogany surfaces with considerable eye ap¬ faces. 165 ample of the only overdate in the Flying Eagle most attractive. In all grades, PCGS has certified peal. Pleasing surfaces for the grade. This issue 1884 MS-62 BN. A very attractive piece with some cent series.795 just 75 examples of this date as full red. 1,875 is always in demand in higher circulated grades. hints of mint red within the obverse lettering. 99 4 The Coin Collector $ January 21, 2002 1884 AU-50. An elusive issue.32 1885 MS-62 BN. A sharply struck piece with pleas¬ Amazing Very High Grade Buffalo Nickels ant glossy brown surfaces. 100 1886 Type I. AU-50. A sharply struck example From One of the Finest Sets Ever Assembled with pleasing medium brown surfaces. 135 Important 1886 Type 2 Indian Cent 1913 Buffalo. Type I. MS-67 (PCGS). A truly gor¬ with all this piece has going for it, envisioning there are none graded higher, the appeal of this 1886 Type 2. MS-64 RB (PCGS). Hints of mint geous examples of this first issue of the Buffalo a better specimen would strain one’s imagina¬ specimen increases considerably. 1,675 red around the devices. Beautiful glossy surfaces. nickel. Full blazing lustre exudes from both sides tion. 1,195 A most appealing example of this scarce and and is embellished by hints of gold. One of the fin¬ Fabulous 1936-S popular variety. 1,195 est, as only four pieces are graded a point higher. This year marked an important design change for the A virtually perfect first year type coin.95 Indian cent as new hubs were made. The first type, as seen on earlier years, had the lowest feather pointing between I Finest 1913-D TY I and C of AMERICA. This second type, also seen in later years, has the same feather pointing between C and A. 1925 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A fabulous 1925 Scarce 1888/7 Indian Cent nickel. The surfaces exude a white satiny lustre 1936- S Buffalo. MS-67 (PCGS). An incredibly 1888/7 G-4 (ANACS). Though exhibiting consid¬ with nary a break. A very important coin in the beautiful example of the date. Blazing lustre is erable wear, the surfaces are problem free for the scheme of things as NONE have been graded enhanced by a light champagne caste. With only grade. The overdate feature is clearly visible un¬ higher. It will, and did, grace one of the finest of 29 pieces graded MS-67 and none better, the der the final 8. 1,895 1913-D Buffalo. Type I. MS-67 (PCGS). Incred¬ Buffalo nickel sets. 2,195 fortunate buyer will have a gorgeous Buffalo of This overdate variety was first discovered in 1970 by ible example of the first Denver Mint Buffalo. Full 1926 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A beautiful coin unsurpassed status. 1,675 James Ruddy (former business partner of Q. David Bow¬ unbroken lustre emanates from both sides comple¬ whose lustrous surfaces display a light opales¬ 1937 Buffalo. MS-67 (PCGS). A common date in ers), and reported in an early issue of the Rare Coin Review. Since that time, two other overdate varieties have also been mented by a hint of russet gold. As with the pre¬ cence.329 uncommon condition. Blast white super coin discovered, one of those later identified as a recut date and ceding, this piece is one of the finest but, in this 1927 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A fully struck, with needle sharp strike.395 not a true overdate. case, none have been graded higher! ... 3,295 white, blazing lustrous gem. None graded higher. 1937- D Buffalo. MS-67 (PCGS). Another com¬ 1913 Buffalo. Type II MS-67 (PCGS). Lovely What else is there to say?.595 mon date in extraordinary condition. A hypnoti¬ Blazing 1889 Indian Cent example of the first Type II (Buffalo on plain) is¬ 1928 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A superb example; cally beautiful piece with unbridled golden 1889 Proof-65 RD (NGC). A full red example sue. A hint of gold accentuates the beauty of this frilly struck and fully lustered. An important coin iridescence. Of the 26 or so graded, and none with some wonderful rose highlights on Miss Lib¬ specimen. 1,025 as only three pieces are graded higher.895 higher, we can’t imagine a more desirable speci¬ erty. Very difficult to locate in this high-grade men. 1,195 with full mint red (although in lower grades the Choice and Rare 1914/3 Overdate Top Condition 1930-S 1937- S Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant white 1889 is easy enough to find). 1,995 coin. 89 1890 AU-53. Pleasing medium brown and defect 1938- D Buffalo. MS-67 (NGC). Incredible free. 22 soft golden color separates this one from the 1891 MS-63 RB. About 20% mint red. Pleasing pack.239 quality. 89 1891 MS-63 BN. Lustrous brown with some red Unsurpassed 1938-D/S visible.70 1930-S Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A premier 1891 AU-55. A pleasing medium brown ex¬ 1914/3 Buffalo. MS-63 (PCGS). An outstanding specimen of this popular San Francisco mint ample.29 example of the rare Philadelphia overdate. On date. The brilliant lustre leaps forth from both 1892 Proof-64 RB (NGC). Lustrous rich brown this specimen, the horizontal top of the 3 is clearly sides and a fight golden glow about the obverse surfaces with red highlights.349 seen under the peak of the 4. This piece is very periphery reminds one of the setting sun. With 1892 Proof-64 RB (PCGS). A mostly red piece lustrous and exhibits a beautiful cloak of rose gold. only one piece graded higher, this specimen with very flashy and appealing surfaces.285 This is the best example we have had the pleasure warrants serious attention from the advance col¬ of offering to our clients. 3,950 1938-D/S Buffalo. MS-67 (PCGS) A rarity of lector. 1,695 Fully Brilliant Gem 1892 Cent 1915 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). Extremely well huge proportions in this condition. Virtually struck with lustre so dazzling that viewing with flawless fight golden color with rainbow hues, 1892 MS-65 RD (PCGS). This lovely example has Tied for Finest Graded sunglasses is recommended. 525 more pronounced at the peripheries, that pro¬ fully brilliant orange mint lustre. Very sharply 1916 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). Fully struck su¬ duces a stunning cameolike effect. Only 16 struck with outstanding aesthetic appeal. 1,495 perb gem. Shimmering lustre is enhanced by a pieces graded with none higher, this absolutely 1892 MS-62 RB. At least 80% mint red and very light golden overlay. One of the best you will see gorgeous specimen represents a rare opportunity pleasing quality.69 as only seven pieces are graded higher.795 indeed.2,295 1892 AU-58. Lustrous dark brown with bluish 1919 Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). A prototypical highlights.29 date and type coin. White with blazing lustre. 1892 EF-45. Light tan. 16 1894 Proof-63 RB (PCGS). Hints of mint red Very sharply struck with fully rounded horn 1935 Buffalo. MS67 (PCGS). Well struck with Gill to Order. 800-222-5993 mixed with light tan. A very affordable Proof In¬ and completely split tail. The PCGS Popula¬ incredible lustre as one might suspect for a coin dian cent. 189 tion Report fists four pieces graded higher but of this lofty grade. Combine this with the fact that 1895 MS-62 RB. A beautifully toned piece having mint red mixed with iridescent blue toning. 39 with brilliant light orange lustre. A few tiny spots may matte Proof surfaces. Only occasionally encoun¬ 1941- D MS-67 ILL) (PCGS). This wonderful gem 1895 MS-62 BN. Lustrous brown surfaces.35 be seen on either side. This is the first small cent is¬ tered in this superb gem preservation! A major find has folly brilliant orange mint lustre. 115 1895 AU-58. Medium brown color and pleasing. 25 sued at the San Francisco Mint, and represents an im¬ for the specialist. 1,495 1942 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Beautiful mint red sur¬ 1896 MS-62 RB. Some mint red mixed with tan and portant opportunity for the type collector.1,895 1913- S AU-55. A glossy medium brown piece with faces.39 having iridescent toning with a bluish tinge. .. 39 1908-S MS-64 RD (PCGS). An outstanding faint hints of red.75 1942- D MS-67 RD (PCGS). Amazing quality with 1896 AU-58. A medium brown piece with glossy specimen. Seldom seen so fine.795 1914- D VF-30. Smooth medium brown sur¬ highly lustrous orange surfaces. 115 surfaces.26 1908-S AU-50. Very lighdy cleaned, however, with faces.295 1942- D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.49 1896 AU-55. Glossy brown with faint mint red outstanding aesthetic appeal. Satisfaction guaran¬ 1915- D AU-58. A well struck example with me¬ 1943 Steel cent. MS-66 (PCGS). Highly lustrous around the devices.22 teed. 135 dium brown surfaces. A very pleasing coin... 39 light gray surfaces. An outstanding example of this 1897 AU-58. Light tan surfaces.25 1908- S AU-50. Medium brown and pleasing. 129 1916- S MS-64 RB (PCGS). Light tan with about special issue.35 1898 MS-61 RB. Nearly full, somewhat subdued, 1909 Indian. MS-64 RB. Lustrous red and 30% mint red.399 1943- D MS-68 (PCGS). Sharply struck. Full mint mint red surfaces.35 brown.79 1919-D MS-64 RD (PCGS). Sharply struck (and color and brilliance. 73 coins given this grade ac¬ 1898 AU-58. A nice medium brown piece with a 1909 Indian. MS-63 RB. Nearly full mint red sur¬ unusual as such) with fully brilliant orange lustre, cording to the November PCGS population re¬ natural look.25 faces. Great eye appeal. One small spot on the slightly mellowed on the design features. ... 329 port with none graded higher.995 1899 MS-64 RB. Nearly full red with light brown reverse is the reason for the grade.49 1921-S MS-65 RB (PCGS). Lustrous and sharply 1943-D Steel cent. MS-67 (PCGS). A stunning toning.89 1909- S Indian. VF-25. Attractive medium brown struck with violet and orange surfaces.995 gem example with lustrous gray surfaces.59 1899 MS-64 BN. Deep chocolate brown with surfaces. 475 1930 MS-65 RD. An exceptional example.49 1943-D Steel cent. MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant with splashes of orange lustre.65 1909-S Indian. F-15. An affordable example. 395 1931-S AU-58. Light tan surfaces with some hints light gray lustre.39 1899 MS-63 RB. Considerable orange lustre with of red. It takes close inspection to find the wear In 1943, the need for copper to support the war effort was splashes of brown toning.65 Lincoln Cents on this pleasing piece.62 tremendous. In this single year, with the change from copper 1899 MS-63 BN. Lustrous medium brown with 1934 MS-67 RD (PCGS). This impressive gem has to steel in our one cent coinage, a little over seven million pounds of copper was made available. The three coinage hints of orange mint color.55 Outstanding 1909-S V.D.B. Cent fully brilliant orange lustre. A coin for the con¬ facilities produced just over one billion cents in this year. 1899 AU-58. Olive and tan with considerable or¬ Brilliant and Lustrous noisseur.235 1943-S MS-67(PCGS). An impressive gem with ange lustre.25 1909-S V.D.B. MS-65 RD (PCGS). Fully bril¬ 1935 MS-67 FED (PCGS). An amazing gem ex¬ lustrous and brilliant surfaces.69 1900 AU-58. Glossy medium brown surfaces. 22 liant with satiny orange mint lustre. Sharply struck ample with brilliant orange mint lustre. 125 1943- S Steel cent. MS-66 (PCGS).35 1901 MS-62 RB. About 50% mint red mixed with and extremely attractive. A delectable example of 1936 Brilliant. Proof-64 RD (PCGS). A wonder¬ 1944 MS-67 RD (PCGS). This defightfal example fight tan.29 this extremely popular issue. 4,250 ful Proof with fully brilliant orange mirrored sur¬ has bright orange lustre. A shell-case copper, 1901 AU-58. Glossy medium tan surfaces.22 1909-S V.D.B. AU-55 BN (PCGS). Lustrous faces. 435 minted in 1944 and 1945. 125 1902 MS-64 RB. At least 90% mint red. Great eye 1936 MS-67 RD (PCGS). Fully brilliant orange Ini 944 and 1945, spent copper shell casings from the war brown. 795 appeal. 99 lustre.89 were recycled at the Mint to produce the shell-case cents of 1909-S VDB VF-35 (PCGS). A pleasing tan ex¬ 1902 AU-50. Slight wear. Medium brown.22 these years. Such examples have a distinctive light orange or 1936 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Full blazing mint red. A 1903 MS-63 BN. Pleasing brown surfaces.39 ample of one of America’s most popular coins. 645 pinkish orange appearance. good way to add some spice to your type set or to 1904 MS-66 RB (NGC). Lustrous with 90% 1944- S MS-67 RD (PCGS). An outstanding ex¬ Gem Matte Proof 1909 Lincoln Cent just own a neat coin.39 red.495 ample with folly brilliant orange lustre. Sharply 1905 Proof-64 RB (PCGS). The obverse is prima¬ Outstanding Quality 1937 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant with frosty or¬ struck and with pristine surfaces. Although a ange lustre.32 rily tan with iridescent toning, the reverse nearly 1909 Lincoln. Matte Proof-65 RD (PCGS). An number of examples have been certified by PCGS 1938-D MS-67 RD (PCGS). An outstanding gem, full red with amber toning.279 outstanding example of this first year of issue with at this grade level, none have received a higher sharply struck, and with brilliant orange lustre. 95 1905 MS-66 RB (NGC). Nearly full red with very brilliant yellowish orange matte Proof surfaces. grade.99 1938- D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Blazing mint red sur¬ faint tan on the obverse. The reverse appears fully Minor splashes of fight brown toning are visible 1945 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.39 faces. An impressive coin available at a modest lustrous. This example would fit nicely in a full at upper reverse. 2,195 1945- D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.39 price.39 red set of Indian cents.379 1909- S Lincoln. MS-65 RB (PCGS). A sharply 1945- S MS-67 RD(PCGS). A superb coin with 1939 MS-67 RD (PCGS). Fully brilliant with ex¬ 1905 MS-63 RD. Slighdy mellowed full mint red struck example. Easily 90% red. Sure to please blazing mint red surfaces. 69 cellent aesthetic appeal. 89 surfaces. Pleasing at an affordable price.79 quality. 385 1939- D MS-67 RD (PCGS). A delightful gem with 1946- D MS-67 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.79 1907 AU-58. Very attractive with light tan color. 22 1910- S MS-63 RB. Olive-brown obverse with fully brilliant lustre.89 1946- S MS-66 RD. Full mint brilliance with im¬ 1908 MS-66 RD (NGC). A beautiful specimen traces of orange lustre. The reverse is brighter maculate surfaces.36 1939- S MS-67 RD (PCGS). Sharply struck with with blazing mint red surfaces. Stunning quality orange intermingled with fight brown. 119 fully brilliant deep orange lustre.89 1947- D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Fully brilliant with that is sure to please. 675 1911- S AU-58. A pleasing medium brown piece with 1940 MS-67 RD (PCGS). A lovely gem with folly intense orange lustre.39 1908 MS-65 RD (PCGS). A lovely example with faint hints of mint red. Strong eye appeal. 139 brilliant light orange lustre.99 1949-D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Blazing mint red with fully brilliant orange lustre. 395 1912- S EF-40. Glossy brown and a nice choice for 1940 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant red.32 immaculate surfaces.36 1908 AU-58. Just a hint of friction on the high your collection.45 1940- D MS-66 RD (PCGS). Fully lustrous with 1952-S MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.59 points. Medium brown surfaces.22 bright orange surfaces.36 Matte Proof 1913 Lincoln Cent Very Pleasing 1955 Doubled Die 1941 MS-67 RD (PCGS). A brilliant gem with Gem Mint State 1908-S Indian Cent Exceptionally Fine frosty fight orange lustre.89 1955 Doubled Die obverse. MS-63 BN (PCGS). 1908-S MS-65 RD (NGC). A splendid gem example 1913 Matte Proof-65 RD (PCGS). Attractive 1941 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Brilliant.35 A nice glossy brown example of this always popu- The Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 5 known. Although 11 examples have been certi¬ 1869 MS-64 (NGC). Lustrous champagne sur¬ Coin Quiz: fied by PCGS at this grade, none finer have been faces.289 examined. An outstanding opportunity for the 1871 Proof-65 (NGC). Frosty devices encircled by connoisseur. A lovely gem with frosty lustre and mirrored fields. Gems of high quality are few and very faint champagne toning. 2,250 far between on today’s market. A magnificent Animal Kingdom Numismatic Style specimen of this highly regarded date.995 Possibly Finest 1876 Three-Cent Piece 1871 Proof-64 (PCGS). Brilliant with some frost Animals have been intertwined with numismatics for a long time—and even ancient Greek 1876 MS-66 (PCGS). An important example with on the devices.499 coins depicted turtles, horses, and other creatures. And, what would American coins (or at least superb fight gray lustre highlighted by tinges of 1871 Proof-62 (NGC). Satiny surfaces.289 older American coins) be without eagles? gold toning along the borders. The surfaces are 1871 MS-63 (PCGS). Pleasing golden surfaces. A key pristine. This lovely centennial issue coin is issue among circulation strike Shield nickels. 595 Such form the subject of this issue’s quiz. How many can you identify? Get three or more among the very finest currently available. Includ¬ right, and you are doing well. Get four right, and you are in the expert class. Get all five correct, Superb Proof 1872 Nickel ing this coin, PCGS has only graded three such and you deserve a visit to Walt Disney World to see their new “kingdom” of animals, or, if you examples with none finer.3,950 1872 Proof-66 (PCGS). A wonderful example with are on the West Coast, a day-trip to the San Diego Zoo. Answers are given at the end. 1878 Proof-66 (NGC). An attractive example with faint champagne toning over reflective fight gray mirrored fight gray surfaces and faint amber ton¬ surfaces. Very light cameo contrast is visible. 1,475 1. One popular and readily available a. Sea serpent. ing. A Proof-only issue. 1,095 1873 Closed 3. Proof-64 (PCGS). Pale amber ton¬ variety of Hard Times token dated 1837 b. Horse. 1881 AU-58. Very faint gold toning over pale gray ing over reflective surfaces. A lovely Proof with depicts a: c. Walrus. surfaces.79 light contrast. This year saw Proofs struck only a. Pot-bellied pig. d. Owl. with the Closed 3 logotype.395 b. Diamondback terrapin. Gem Mint State 1881 Three-Cent Nickel 1875 Proof-64 (NGC). Light golden surfaces with 5, In 1939, Russ Rulau, a well known frosty devices.439 c. Osprey. 1881 MS-66 (PCGS). Fully brilliant and well d. Mole. numismatic scholar acquired his first Civil struck. As expected, few marks or other imper¬ 1875 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilliant. An underrated is¬ sue in Mint State.369 War token while residing at a ranch in El fections are present. 1,695 1875 MS-63 (PCGS). Light gold surfaces.369 2. A popular Civil War token has the Cajon, California, that raised: 1881 MS-65 (NGC). Reflective fight gray surfaces 1876 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. An punning inscription, GOOD FOR A SCENT, a. Desert tortoises. with faint champagne toning. This lovely ex¬ attractive Centennial year issue.329 ample, while Mint State, resembles Proof coins of and illustrates a: b. Catfish for food. 1881 Proof-65 Cameo (PCGS). A delightful ex¬ this era.745 a. Dog. c. Turkeys. ample with fight champagne toning.795 b. Skunk. d. Palominos. Frosty 1882 Proof-67 Three-Cent Nickel 1881 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. Very c. Prairie chicken. elusive in this grade.795 6. Admittedly, question no. 5 was not 1882 Proof-67 Cameo (PCGS). Wonderful mir¬ 1881 AU-58. Lightly toned. An important oppor¬ d. Guinea pig. fair (not even Walter Breen would have rored fields with nicely frosted devices. ... 1,675 tunity for the date collector.595 1885 PR-64 (PCGS). A folly brilliant piece. Mod¬ 3. The Bowers and Merena Galleries known the answer!), so here is a bonus 1881 VF-25 (PCGS). Natural light gray surfaces. A erate contrast between the fields and devices. 445 planchet lamination at left obverse resembles a emblem, the griffin of mythology, is said to question: A popular motif on 19th-century retained cud. Interesting.379 have been the: banknotes depicted an iron safe or strong¬ Important Gem 1885 Three-Cent Nickel 1881 F-15. Lightly toned.299 a. Guardian of treasure. box guarded by an animal with its paw on a 1885 MS-66 (PCGS). Although PCGS has actually 1882 Proof-66 (PCGS). Mostly brilliant with a b. Oracular source of knowledge at key, the animal being a: certified two MS-67 examples, this is one of the whisper of fight golden highlights.925 Delphi in ancient Greece. a. Lion. most important opportunities in the present of¬ 1882 Proof-65 Cameo (PCGS). This gem Proof c. The ruler of the sea. b. Dog. fering. This lovely gem has highly lustrous, frosty has folly brilliant mirrored fields with lustrous gray surfaces of pristine quality. Unlike some oth¬ devices, an outstanding example.595 d. The support for Atlas, who was hold¬ c. Tiger. ers we have seen, there is no doubt that this is 1882 MS-66 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with satiny ing up the world. d. Wolverine. actually a circulation issue, and not a subdued fight gray lustre and pristine surfaces. A rarity in Proof being offered as Mint State. This date is this grade with only two examples certified by 4. The 191S-S Panama-Pacific com memo- often the last to be acquired by specialists work¬ PCGS in higher grades. 1,195 rative $50 gold coins are dominated by a ing on this series. 5,750 1882 MS-64 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with excellent large: q-9 ‘>s ‘p-fr ‘e-£ ‘2-z q-L :Sd3MSNV appeal.329 Beautiful 1887 Three-Cent Nickel 1882 MS-62 (PCGS). Light golden surfaces with a lar variety. Some hints of mint red around the 1871 MS-65 RB (PCGS). A lovely example of this 1887 MS-66 (PCGS). This delightful gem example strong doubling at the date. 199 devices adds to the eye appeal. 1,895 scarce issue with pale orange lustre and splashes of has outstanding design definition and is accented Liberty Head Nickels 1958 MS-66 RD (PCGS). Full mint red with im¬ light brown toning. This is virtually foil red, and by moderate champagne toning and iridescent maculate surfaces.29 extremely desirable as such.775 splashes on the reverse. Truly a beauty. PCGS has 1883 No CENTS. MS-66 (PCGS). Fully brilliant 1960 Large Date over Small Date. Proof-67 RD graded just four examples including this coin, with fight champagne toning.865 (PCGS). An outstanding example of this doubled with one finer MS-67 coin. 2,650 1883 No CENTS. MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant and hub variety. Doubling is primarily visible inside lustrous. Selected quality.269 the curves in the date, however, other minute Cameo 1888 Three-Cent Nickel Piece 1883 With Cents. MS-62 (PCGS). Sharply struck doubling may also be seen. 285 1888 Proof-67 Cameo (NGC). Very attractive with brilliant lustre and faint iridescent toning. 119 1964 Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). An amazing with a full cameo on both sides. 1,895 1884 EF-45. Light gray surfaces.69 gem Proof example with folly brilliant orange NICKEL THREE-CENT 1889 MS-63 (NGC). Highly lustrous with frosty Proof surfaces and exceptional cameo contrast on fight gray surfaces and pale champagne toning. A Gem Mint State 1885 Nickel both obverse and reverse.350 PIECES pleasing example of the final issue of this denomi¬ 1885 MS-65 (PCGS). An amazing gem example of 1964 Proof-68 RD (PCGS). Brilliant red with nation. 465 this rarity with folly lustrous champagne surfaces. cameo obverse.39 1865 MS-65 (NGC). Brilliant and well struck. A Pristine quality with sharp design features. This is 1966 SMS. MS-67 RD (PCGS). Fully brilliant or¬ lovely specimen of the first year of issue.895 one of the very finest examples of this issue that ange lustre.49 1865 AU-50 Slightly toned with very clean sur¬ we have handled. Housed in a first generation 1967 SMS. MS-67 RD (PCGS). Satiny orange lus¬ faces.49 PCGS holder.3,895 tre with slightly reflective fields.49 1866 MS-63 Slightly toned with great lustre. 159 1885 G-5. Pleasing fight gray.345 1995 Doubled Die Obverse. MS-68 RD 1868 MS-65 (PCGS). A bright and attractive piece SILVER THREE-CENT 1885 AG-3. Key date.239 (PCGS).209 with excellent lustre. 699 1886 Proof-65 (NGC). A wisp offight golden ton¬ 1995 Doubled Die Obverse. MS-67 RD (NGC). PIECES Finest Certified 1869 Three-Cent Nickel ing adds to the strong eye appeal. Good contrast Exceptional quality. 109 1869 MS-66 (PCGS). This is one of eight similarly between the fields and devices. Second most 1995 Doubled Die Obverse. MS-67 RD (PCGS). 1851 MS-65 (PCGS). Sharply struck with delight¬ popular (after 1885) of the early dates in the se¬ graded examples by PCGS, with none finer. Really superb quality. 139 ful ivory lustre. A few splashes of very faint gold ries. We really can’t believe today’s low market Highly lustrous and sharply struck with outstand¬ 1995 Doubled Die Obverse. MS-66 RD (NGC). 79 toning are visible. This three-cent coinage was price—a fraction of what this coin would have ing aesthetic appeal. A trace of gold toning adds 1996 Mint error. Die cap. MS-65 RD.279 authorized on March 3, 1851, as part of an act to sold for during the latest market boom (1989). to the appearance of this gem. Truly a coin for the 1996 Mint error. Counter brockage. MS-65 RD. 99 reduce and modify the rates of postage in the The word opportunity comes to mind! . 695 connoisseur. We recently acquired an excep¬ 1999 Mint error. Triple struck, fold-over, and United States.995 1886 AU-58. A lovely example with nearly full tional, high-quality Mint State collection of brockage. MS-64 Red (ANACS). A wonder¬ 1862/1 AU-53. Considerable brilliant white lustre. lustre. Average strike for the issue. 629 three-cent nickel coinage, nearly complete. This ful multiple error with a lot going on. This is The overdate features are prominently visible. 199 1887 Proof-63. Light, somewhat hazy, toning is collection was ranked number one on the PCGS worthy of close inspection. Satisfaction guaran¬ 1862 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. 975 quite attractive as it provides the coin with a natu¬ Set Registry. 2,250 teed as always.795 The PCGS Set Registry is available to those with internet whWene ’ivt ew baese nno atr uonuunsdu laol ntgo efinnodu lgithtl eto g rreomupesm obfe trh tish ed a1t9e5 o0ns ral, untampered with appearance. Hints of golden access, and provides a forum to rank your collection with the market—from several to, say, a dozen pieces all in one toning. 199 those of others in the same specialty. This fast growing place, the remnants from some long-ago inventory, perhaps 1890 MS-63. Highly lustrous fight gray surfaces program has approximately 1,700 participants as ofDecem- Raymond, Proskey, or Henry Chapman. with champagne toning. 199 ber 29, 2001. For more information, visit the PCGS web 1891 AU-50. Lustrous fight gray surfaces.79 site, www.pcgs.com. 1871 Proof-64 (PCGS). Light gray with moder¬ 1894 MS-65 (NGC). A spectacular gem example ately reflective fields. A pleasing early Proof ex¬ with fully brilliant lustre and frosty fight gray sur¬ TWO-CENT PIECES ample.495 faces. An elusive issue.975 1895 Proof-65 (NGC). Very fight golden toning, Top Quality 1871 Three-Cent Piece nice contrast, and strong eye appeal.665 1898 AU-50. Pleasing quality with lustrous light gray 1864 Small Motto Two-Cent Piece 1871 MS-66 (PCGS). An amazing gem example NICKEL FIVE-CENT surfaces and pale gold toning on the obverse. . 75 1864 Small Motto. MS-65 RB (NGC). Very at¬ with outstanding lustre and sharp design defini¬ 1899 MS-63. An exceptional example with pale tractive with lustrous red and brown surfaces. The tion. Tied with eight others for finest certified by PIECES gold lustre and very sharp design definition. 135 first two-cent piece coined for circulation. This PCGS. An important opportunity. 2,250 1900 AU-50. Light gray with traces of lustre. . 85 variety is at least several dozen times rarer than the Shield Nickels 1902 Proof-64 (NGC). Light to medium blue and Large Motto style! A great coin, a great opportu¬ Stunning Gem 1874 Three-Cent Nickel gold toning. A very pleasing piece.285 nity . 1,995 1874 MS-66 (PCGS). This is a spectacular example 1905 MS-65 (PCGS). Wonderful cartwheel lus¬ 1865 MS-65 RB. “Fancy” 5. The ever-popular and one of the very finest known. Just four ex¬ Gem Proof 1866 Shield Nickel tre.545 woodgrain blend of red and brown toning. Ideal amples (including this) have been certified at this 1866 Proof-65 (PCGS). This stunning gem has 1905 MS-64. An outstanding choice Mint State for the type collector.495 grade level by PCGS with none finer. Extremely deeply reflective fields with light champagne ton¬ example with lustrous light gray surfaces and There are two interesting varieties of this date; the tip of sharply struck with pristine, lustrous light gray ing. Light cameo contrast adds to the aesthetic wisps of champagne toning.219 the 5 is either plain or curved ("fancy"), the last being the style usually seen. surfaces. 2,750 appeal of this first-year of issue coin. This de¬ 1906 MS-64 (PCGS). A great strike with fight am¬ 1865 MS-63 RB Nearly full mint red surfaces. A 1874 AU-58 (PCGS). Highly lustrous with faint nomination was added to the Mint’s repertoire to ber surfaces.209 very attractive coin for the grade. 169 amber toning over light gray surfaces.. 129 aid in circulation of small change during a period 1908 AU-50. Wisps of dark gold toning subdue pale 1874 AU-58. Lustrous surfaces. At a glance the coin of silver and gold hoarding.3,995 gray lustre.59 Gem Proof 1868 Two-Cent Piece appears to be Uncirculated. 129 1867 With Rays. EF-40. Light gray surfaces. One 1909 AU-58. Vivid gold toning is highlighted by 1868 Proof-65 RD (PCGS). Deeply reflective with of the scarcer issues in the series. 155 teal along the borders. 75 outstanding mellow orange Proof lustre. .. 2,150 Wonderful Gem 1875 Three-Cent Nickel 1867 No Rays. MS-63 Having excellent lustre. No 1910 AU-50. Pleasing fight gray with considerable 1871 Proof-64 RB (PCGS). Lightly mirrored with 1875 MS-66 (PCGS). This is one of the scarcer die cracks. A very pleasing piece. 145 lustre.59 mostly orange lustre on the obverse and consid¬ dates among circulation issues of the decade, with 1869 Proof-64 (NGC). Mirrored fields with frosty 1911 MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck and highly erable brown on the reverse.575 the present example among the very finest devices. 545 lustrous with attractive gold toning.219 6 The Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 Buffalo Nickels 1919- S MS-62 (PCGS). Light golden toning sug¬ 1937-D MS-66 (PCGS). Sharply struck with satiny 1943-P MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 gests natural surfaces that have not been tampered fight gray lustre. 119 1943-D MS-67 FS (PCGS). Outstanding quality 1913 Type I. MS-67 (PCGS). A stunning example with. A pleasing example of this scarcer issue. 695 1937-D 3-Legged. MS-61 (NGC). A lovely ex¬ with fully brilliant lustre and very fight amber ton¬ for the connoisseur. Fully brilliant gray surfaces 1920 MS-65 (PCGS). Faint toning over very lus¬ ample of this popular variety, featuring attractive ing. Although PCGS has graded 96 examples of with gorgeous blue and lilac toning. This superb trous and appealing surfaces. Nicely struck and medium gold toning. This variety was created this issue in this grade, just one finer MS-68 FS gem is fully struck and virtually perfect. Only four sure to please. 775 when a workman polished the reverse die in an example has been certified.389 examples have received a finer MS-68 grade from 1920- D EF-40. Sharply struck with light gray sur¬ attempt to remove clash marks, and removing the 1943-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.45 PCGS. 995 faces and wisps of amber toning.265 design features during the process. 1,250 1945-P MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.89 1913 Type I. MS-64 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with 1920-S MS-62 (NGC). Unusually sharply struck 1937-D 3-Legged. AU-58 (NGC). Brilliant. 1,095 1945-S MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 pale gold toning.69 for this issue with satiny lustre and splashes of 1937-D 3-Legged. AU-55 (NGC). Light golden 1945- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.45 1913 Type II. MS-65. Light and uniform golden heather toning.950 toning. 975 1946- D MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.99 toning over lustrous surfaces.365 1920- S EF-40. Sharply struck with fight gray sur¬ 1937- D 3-Legged. Net AU-53. Sharpness 1946-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 1913 Type II. MS-64. Light golden toning and ex¬ faces and splashes of dark gold. 185 slightly finer, however, very lightly cleaned. Sat¬ 1947 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 cellent lustre. 109 1921- S EF-40 (PCGS). A lovely example with isfaction guaranteed as always. 850 1948-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 1913 Type II. AU-58. Light golden toning with fight gray surfaces. The reverse is lightly toned. An 1938- D Buffalo. MS-67 (PCGS). Sharply struck 1948-S MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant. 19 good lustre beneath.28 important opportunity for the date collector to and lustrous with fight gold toning.245 1950 Proof-68 (PCGS). A stunning superb Proof 1913-S Type n. MS-63 (PCGS). Attractive steel acquire this elusive issue.895 1938-D Buffalo. MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 example with very fight cameo contrast. Sure to blue toning mixed with hints of light gold. A very 1921-S VF-30 (ANACS). Even wear and pleasant 1938-D Buffalo. MS-66. Fully brilliant and attrac¬ please the connoisseur.495 pretty piece . 695 toning. Quite an acceptable example of this scarce tive.69 1951-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1913- S Type II. EF-40. Pleasing amber toning over and popular issue. 495 1938-D Buffalo. MS-65. Brilliant.39 1952 Proof-66 (PCGS). Attractive, deeply mirrored fight gray surfaces. An attractive example of this 1923-S MS-63 (PCGS). Pleasant golden toning and 1938-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 fight gray.49 scarce issue.249 having quite a nice strike.795 1938-D/D MS-67 (PCGS). Sharply struck with sat¬ 1953 Proof-68 (PCGS). Brilliant. 169 1923- S EF-40. Medium gray surfaces with fight iny lustre and very light champagne toning. Doubled 1954 Proof-68 (PCGS). Brilliant. 129 Delightful 1914 Matte Proof Nickel gold toning. An attractive example.265 mintmark features are boldly defined. 395 1954 Proof-67 Cameo (PCGS). Frosty devices with 1914 Matte Proof-65 (NGC). Extraordinarily 1924 MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant.359 1938-D/S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous mirrored fields.279 sharply defined with faint champagne toning over 1924- D VF-35. Attractive fight gray with darker with fight golden toning.259 1954 Proof-67 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 fight gray surfaces. Satiny lustre is typical for Matte toning at upper left obverse. 139 1938-D/S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant. 150 1955 Proof-68 Cameo (PCGS). Frosty devices Proof examples. 1,795 1924- D VF-30. Medium gray surfaces, darker with nicely mirrored fields.495 Jefferson Nickels 1914- D MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck with faint around the devices. 99 1955 Proof-68 (PCGS). A lovely superb gem Proof gold and rose toning over lustrous fight gray sur¬ 1925- D EF-40. Sharply struck with fight gray sur¬ example. 115 1938-D Jefferson. MS-67 (PCGS). An exquisite faces. A choice example with considerable aes¬ faces and mottled toning. 155 1955-D/S MS-63. Golden surfaces. 145 gem with fully brilliant lustre and fight gold ton¬ thetic appeal. 595 1925- S EF-40. Light gray surfaces display pleasing 1956 Proof-67 (PCGS). Very attractive.39 ing. 375 1914-D AU-53. An attractive example with fight pale gold toning. 165 1958-D MS-65 FS (PCGS). Light champagne ton¬ 1938-D Jefferson. MS-66 (PCGS). Lustrous with gray lustre. Obverse has a rim break at 4:00. 225 1926- D EF-40. An attractive fight gray example ing.79 fight champagne surfaces. 65 1914- S MS-63 (PCGS). A fully brilliant piece with with splashes of golden brown. 159 1959 Proof-68 Cameo (PCGS). Nicely mirrored excellent lustre and strong eye appeal. 459 1926- S EF-45 (PCGS). A wonderful example of Superb Gem 1938-S Jefferson Nickel fields surrounded by frosty devices. 445 1915 AU-50. Light toning over problem free sur¬ this rarity with light gray surfaces and sharp design 1964 Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant. 249 1938-S MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant. Only eight faces.45 features (compared to the typical example). The 1994-P SMS. MS-69 FS (PCGS). Sharply struck pieces graded MS-67 by PCGS with none higher. 1915- D MS-62 (NGC). A pleasing example with mintmark is bold, all lettering is sharp, and even with satiny fight gray lustre.219 A condition-rarity!. 1,495 subdued lustre beneath pale gold toning. ... 289 the tops of LIBERTY are complete!. 1,095 1997-P SMS. MS-69 FS (PCGS). Sharp and brilliant 1938-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant. Partial steps. 139 1916 MS-65 (PCGS). A well struck example with 1927 MS-65 (PCGS). Lustrous fight gray surfaces with attractive fight gray surfaces. 435 1938-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 satin lustre and a wisp of golden toning.289 with wisps of champagne toning.245 1938- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.49 1916 MS-64 (PCGS). A brilliant and lustrous ex¬ 1927- S VF-20. Pleasing gray surfaces.29 1939 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and frosty with fight ample.95 1928- S MS-62 (PCGS). Outstanding lustre. A wisp gray lustre.54 1916- D MS-64 (PCGS). Lightly toned. Quite a of fight golden toning adds to the appealing ap¬ 1939 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.36 nice strike and having excellent lustre. Outstand¬ pearance of this coin.395 1939- D MS-67 (PCGS). Lustrous golden surfaces. ing eye appeal.469 1929 MS-65 (PCGS). An exceptional example with HALF DIMES Only 17 pieces graded by PCGS with none 1917 MS-66 (PCGS). A well struck example with brilliant lustre. 295 higher. 1,395 fully brilliant and lustrous surfaces. 995 1929 MS-64 (PCGS). Very fight gold toning is vis¬ 1917 MS-63 (NGC). An outstanding example with ible over satiny white lustre. 109 1939-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. An Early Half Dimes outstanding example of this key date issue. 139 brilliant lustre and choice surfaces. Slightly weak 1929 MS-64 (NGC). Full brilliance with attractive 1939- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 at the centers, perhaps keeping this from a higher frosty lustre.99 1940 MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant with frosty fight Important 1795 LM-1 Half Dime grade. 139 1929- S MS-65 (PCGS). An outstanding example 1917- D MS-64 (PCGS). Pleasing lustre with wisps with a high degree of aesthetic appeal. 419 gray lustre. 119 1795 Valentine-1, Logan McCloskey-1. Rar- of champagne toning over satiny fight gray sur¬ 1930 MS-64. (NGC). Light-gold toning over frosty 1940 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.54 ity-6. AU-55 (PCGS). A stunning example with faces. An amazing example. Somewhat weak at lustre. 85 1940 MS-65 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.79 light central^ lustre accented by lovely peripheral 1940 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.36 the centers, typical of this issue.985 1934 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.395 blue and lilac. A few typical abrasions are noted. 1917-D EF-40. Sharply struck with fight gray sur¬ 1934- D MS-65 (PCGS). A wisp of golden toning 1940- D MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant. 99 Authors Russell Logan and John McCloskey faces.....i. 115 over very lustrous and attractive surfaces. A very 1940-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.,....,.59 noted that this variety is difficult to obtain in any nice example of this scarcer issue.895 1940-D MS-65 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.79 grade. The present example represents an impor¬ Mint State 1917-S Nickel 1935 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.239 1940- S MS-65 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.79 tant opportunity for the specialist. 5,250 1941 Proofr65 (PCGS). Lovely bluish gray surfaces 1917-S MS-64 (PCGS). This lovely example has 1935- S MS-66 (PCGS). A brilliant example with lustrous light gray surfaces. 439 with fight iridescent toning.75 Pleasing 1795 LM-10 Half Dime fully brilliant satin lustre with sharp design defi¬ 1941 MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 nition. An elusive issue in choice Mint State qual¬ 1795 V-4, LM-10. AU-55 (PCGS). Sharply struck 1941 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 ity. 1,995 Superb Gem Proof 1936 Nickel with fight silver surfaces and nearly full lustre. An 1941 MS-65 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.79 1918 MS-64 (PCGS). Light golden toning of the Type II with Brilliant Mirror Fields 1941 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.36 attractive example for the date or type collector. type often found on buffalo nickels. A very lus¬ 1936 Type II. Proof-67 (PCGS). This gorgeous 1941- D MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant. 129 The specialist will also be interested as this is a late trous and pleasing piece. 519 Proofhas deeply reflective mirrored fields with very 1941-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 die state with prominent rim break over TY and fighdy frosted devices. Highly attractive with very 1941-D MS-65 FS (PCGS). Brilliant.79 right. Light adjustment marks are located along Lovely 1918/7-D Nickel fight iridescent toning. You’ll love this coin! 3,650 1941- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.36 the left obverse border. The reverse is rotated nearly a quarter turn to the right. 4,295 1918/7-D VF-25. This is a pleasing example with 1942- D Old style. MS-67 FS (PCGS). Lustrous light natural fight gray surfaces. Originally a sharp im¬ Brilliant Gem Proof 1936 Nickel golden surfaces. This particular coin reminds us that Capped Bust Half Dimes pression from the dies with remaining design fea¬ 1936 Type II (brilliant deep mirror). Proof-65 we should write a little article one of these days about tures (where not worn) all clearly defined. An (PCGS). A very pleasing example of this popular 1942-D nickels, one of the most elusive varieties in 1830 V-3, LM-4. MS-63 (PCGS). A sharply important opportunity for the collector of this Proof coin. Selected quality!. 1,595 the series, but few people know it! .1,395 struck example with fully brilliant lustre and faint series. 2,796 1936 Type II. Proof-64 (PCGS). Deeply mirrored 1942-D Silver content, new style. Mintmark over champagne toning. A desirable example for your 1918-D EF-40. Sharply struck with pleasing fight fight gray surfaces. Lovely. 1,150 dome. MS-66 FS (PCGS). Brilliant. 109 type collection. 695 gray surfaces. 189 1936 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant and sharply 1942-D Silver content, new style. Mintmark over 1918-D F-15. Pleasing fight gray surfaces.59 struck. 109 dome. MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 Lovely 1835 Half Dime 1918— S EF-40. An important opportunity. Light 1936- D MS-66 (PCGS). Light golden toning over 1942- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.49 1835 V-4, LM-7. Large Date, Large 5C. Rar- gray with hints of champagne toning. 155 very lustrous and pleasing surfaces. 189 1943- P Double Die Obverse. MS-66 (PCGS). ity-3. MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous with 1919- D EF-40. Pleasing fight gray.209 1936-D MS-65 (PCGS). Lightly toned.99 Brilliant. Only eight pieces graded MS-66 by a whisper of gold at the rims. 1,695 1919-D VG-10. An attractive example.29 1937 Proof-66 (NGC). Brilliant. 1,295 PCGS.895 1835 V-ll, LM-4. Large Date, Large 5C. MS-62 (PCGS). An exceptional example for the grade The States Quarters Error Collection with satiny silver lustre. The reverse has a rim break over NI.435 For as little as about newly discovered errors and be given the Liberty Seated Half Dimes $100 per month first opportunity to add these amazing coins to you can begin as¬ your collection. By the time all of the State Gem 1837 No Stars Half Dime sembling what Quarters have been issued you will have as¬ 1837 Liberty Seated, No Stars. MS-65 (NGC). will immediately sembled a beautiful and interesting collection that Sharply struck with golden brown toning over become an un¬ may be difficult, if not impossible to duplicate. satiny lustre. First appearance of Christian usual and spec¬ Now is the time to begin having Mark select Gobrecht’s Liberty Seated design among coins of tacular collection. coins for you. If you’ve not been collecting this denomination. The obverse design sits in a plain field, immediately capturing the viewer’s Under the guid¬ these interesting errors there is some catching attention. 2,475 ance ofourSenior up to do. As an added incentive to join this 1839 No Drapery. MS-64 (PCGS). Lustrous fight Numismatist, Mark Borckardt, each month exciting program we will include a 2000-D champagne surfaces. 695 you will receive one or more fantastic error New Hampshire quarter, struck 5-10% off- 1839 No Drapery. AU-55 (ANACS). Sharply coins like those illustrated. center, regularly sold at $49, at the very special struck with nearly complete silver lustre and It’s important to remember the issuance of price of just $35. This special coin will get your splashes of heather toning. 179 State Quarters has really just begun. Based on collection off to a roaring start. Lustrous 1840 Half Dime the wonderful errors created thus far, it’s logical There is one catch. Because finding examples No Drapery Type to assume that in the future diligent numisma¬ of currently known State Quarters errors is no 1840 No Drapery. MS-65 (PCGS). This satiny tists may discover horses with but three legs, easy task, and will surely become more difficult, gem has pale golden brown toning over ivory lus¬ blundered legends, mistakes created during the we must limit participation in this program to tre. Struck from a shattered obverse die. Virtually minting process and much more. the first 100 collectors who join. When that identical to the No Stars design, except for the As a participant in this exciting collecting number of participants is reached this extraordi¬ addition of 13 stars in the obverse field. . 2,250 endeavor, you will be among the first to know nary program may not be offered again. 1840 No Drapery. MS-62 (PCGS). An affordable Mint State example of this design variation. Lus- Hie Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 7 trous silver surfaces are highlighted by splashes of has fully brilliant lustre with a ring of light toning at steel toning.375 the borders. Sharply struck with intricate central This & That 1844 EF-40. Pleasant medium heavy toning with details. Important as a very early die state lacking the golden highlights. A well struck example with heavy clash marks seen on most examples. .. 8,250 even wear.49 WHERE WAS IT LOCATED? Among the more elusive Michigan Civil War tokens are those 1845 MS-65 (PCGS). Lustrous with light cham¬ Capped Bust Dimes bearing the name of the TOWN BRANCH STORE, but without a location given. In his book of pagne surfaces and frosty devices. Not rare as a decades ago, Dr. George J. Fuld attributed it to East Saginaw, Michigan, and gave it the designation date, but very elusive in gem preservation! You’ll Gem 1814 Large Date Dime MI-280-F. We recently acquired one of these, with the distinctive PRAIRIE FLOWER reverse, which, like this one. 1,345 1814 JR-2. Large Date. MS-65 (NGC). This according to the pedigree, was sold with Dr. Fuld’s collection of New York tokens, to Kenneth Lustrous Gem 1849/6 Half Dime splendid gem has satin ivory lustre accented by pe¬ Trobaugh, “based on new information" about its location. Steve Tanenbaum, token of source ripheral gold and iridescent toning. Most design 1849/6 MS-65 (PCGS). This wonderful gem has information par excellence, says he has “no idea" where the token is from. Question: Can a reader details are sharply defined with weakness among exceptional aesthetic appeal. Sharply struck with find an old directory listing for a business called Town Branch Store, circa 1863-4? the stars at right, and on the eagle’s claw and frosty white lustre. An important opportunity for • • • branch below. Minor clash marks are visible on the specialist to acquire a high quality example of the reverse. This is one of the scarcest varieties of A GOOD WAY TO WAKE UP? B.T., of San Diego, recently wrote: “I received the this popular variety. 2,450 the year with the presently offered example package you sent and wanted to thank you very much. I also wanted to tell you that the night 1849 MS-64 (PCGS). Lovely satin lustre is hiding among the very finest known.9,450 before I had fallen asleep watching television. I was awakened by your voice. I had been beneath deep gray and iridescent toning. Small die 1820JR-1. VF-20. Pleasing quality with attractive watching the History Channel and the program about the history of gold, and drifted off. Then lumps (as struck) appear on the top surface of dig¬ light gray surfaces.395 its 4 and 9. This is a popular issue due to many you were talking, and I must have subconsciously recognized your voice, as I woke up! I was varieties of recut dates and overdates.995 amazed you were right there. At first I thought I was dreaming...” Choice Mint State 1827 Dime • ♦ • Gem Uncirculated 1853 Arrows 1827JR-13. MS-63 (PCGS). Sharply struck with TREASURE HUNTING: “The fastest two weeks of the year have just passed. Vacation pale blue and amber toning over reflective sur¬ Half Dime faces. The lustrous devices are nicely contrasted is now behind me. The best laid plan of mailing Christmas messages from Christmas Island in 1853 Arrows. MS-65 (PCGS). Frosty, lustrous, with reflective fields. 2,295 the South Pacific came to naught. A tropical storm at sea, with 30 to 45 foot swells, washing sharply struck, and aesthetically appealing. What 1829 JR-2. AU-55 (NGC). A lustrous example out the pier at Christmas Island, and our ship was forced to cancel the stop over. So, belated more could one desire in an example of this popu¬ with pleasing fight silvery gray surfaces and hints Christmas Greetings are being sent. The sea legs of the U.S. Navy held true and escaped the lar type issue? A definite gem. 1,975 of toning. 419 1853 Arrows. MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck with mal-de-mer experienced by many aboard. Also survived an afternoon of scuba diving at Bora brilliant lustre and wisps of heather toning. A few Mint State 1830/29 Overdate Dime Bora, but found no sunken treasure to add to the museum collection.” (Newsletter from Ed minor abrasions are intermingled with traces of Rochette, Executor Director of the American Numismatic Association.) 1830/29 JR-5. MS-61 (NGC). A pleasing Mint die clashing. 569 • • • State example of this unusual overdate variety. Sharply struck with only very slight central weak¬ WHICH REMINDS US: Recently in the news regarding Afghanistan, Tora Bora has been Impressive Gem Proof 1856 Half Dime ness. Reflective fields with light gold toning add mentioned often—which we can now add in our memory cells to Bora Bora, as mentioned by 1856 Proof-65 (NGC). Tins glittering gem Proofhas to the appeal. 1,495 Ed Rochette, and Tora! Tora! Tora! - the movie title about Pearl Harbor. deeply mirrored fields with light cameo contrast. This overdate variety is not like most, as the overdate • • • Splashes of deep golden brown and iridescent toning features appear on top of the final digits on the struck coin, are present, primarily along the borders. An extremely not beside these digits as usual. CHANGING THE LAW: Our friends up at the Alamo Theatre in Bucksport, Maine, important opportunity for the type collector. All operated by the non-profit Northeast Historical Films, recently sought to let youngsters be Proof coins struck prior to 1858 are elusive, having Lovely Mint State 1831 Dime employed in historical preservation and film projects. They did the obvious thing: “a Maine been minted in very limited quantities.12,875 1831 JR-3. MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck and state law forbidding anyone under age 16 from working in movie theatres has been amended, 1856 MS-65 (NGC). Deep blue and gray irides¬ highly lustrous with exceptional gold and irides¬ allowing them to work at the Alamo Theatre. This change is important, principally because cence on lustrous, satiny surfaces. Some striking cent toning. Without a doubt, this will please Northeast Historic Films and Cinemas Study Center are focused on providing opportunities weakness is noted at the obverse periphery, as most any collector. 2,595 for young people to study and work.” The Maine House of Representatives passed the nearly always seen for this date. The surfaces are 1832 JR-2 AU-58 (PCGS). Lustrous lilac-gray devoid of any serious marks, and the overall appeal with amber and green peripheral toning. A lovely resolution and it was signed into law by the Governor. By the way, Stephen King (of modern is strong. A great coin for the serious type collec¬ example from a late state of the obverse die. 575 novel fame) is a grand patron of Northeast Historical Films and your editor (QDB) has donated tor or Liberty Seated half dime specialist... 1,295 a thing or two as well. 1858 EF-40. A well struck piece with pleasant old Choice Mint State 1835 Dime • • • toning. Problem free.49 1835JR-5. MS-63 (PCGS). This choice Mint State LOTS OF ACTIVITY: According to a recent report in Numismatic News, the Delta Coin 1858 over Inverted Date. VF-25. Light amber sur¬ example has frosty white lustre with traces of pe¬ Club of Victor, California, (way out in the Mohave Desert, if we recall), recently had a coin faces. 145 ripheral heather toning. The surfaces exhibit a few 1860 MS-65 (PCGS). Wonderful cartwheel lustre minor abrasions, consistent with the grade. 1,650 show with “wall to wall collectors.” Lots of enthusiasm, it seems! with a whisper of light amber at the rims. 1,245 1861/0 MS-64 (NGC). A spectacular example of Liberty Seated Dimes 1874 Arrows. MS-63 (PCGS). A highly desirable Superb Gem 1906-D Barber Dime this overdate with satiny white lustre and full bril¬ liance. Design elements are sharply defined and 1838 Small Stars. AU-55. An important oppor¬ example with outstanding silvery white lustre. 975 1906-D MS-66 (PCGS). Sharply struck with the overdate features are clear and bold. First pub¬ tunity to acquire an attractive example. Ivory lus¬ 1878 MS-64 (NGC). Brilliant. A wonderful choice lovely white lustre. This frosty gem is sure to de¬ licity of this overdate variety occurred in 1977, in tre is highlighted by pale lilac and blue peripheral for the type collector. 495 light the new owner. First year of operations at the the ANA Convention auction catalogue. 1,375 toning. 525 new Denver Mint. 2,995 1843 Doubled Date. Breen-3243. AU-53. Very Choice Mint State 1884-S Rarity 1906-0 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant lustre is visible Amazing Gem Mint State 1863 faintly toned over satiny ivory surfaces. A popu¬ 1884-S MS-64 (PCGS). Strong cartwheel lustre on beneath deep heather and steel blue toning on the Half Dime lar variety due to strong doubling on all four dig¬ satiny surfaces. Wisps of pale champagne add to the obverse with fighter gold toned reverse. This its.325 overall aesthetic appeal. An impressive example of wonderful gem features an unexpectedly sharp 1863 MS-66 (PCGS). This stunning gem is exquis¬ 1844 VF-20 (ANACS). Lilac-gray with deeper gray a San Francisco Mint issue that is quite elusive in strike. 1,375 itely detailed with satiny white lustre. Just 18,000 in the protected areas. A pleasing example of the choice Uncirculated preservation. Let this beauty 1906-0 MS-63 (PCGS). Highly lustrous with coins were minted and there is no doubt that this “Orphan Annie” dime, one of the great prizes be a showpiece in your collection. 1,795 frosty surfaces and pale gold toning. A delightful example is among the very finest survivors. 2,765 (and interesting nicknames) from the early years 1884-S MS-60 (NGC). Lustrous with golden sur¬ example.335 1863 VF-20. Pale silvery gray surfaces.315 of Liberty Seated dime coinage. Scarce in all faces.750 1908 MS-64 (PCGS). Lustrous with a whisper of grades. 1,095 1885 MS-63 (NGC). Brilliant and lustrous. .. 219 amber toning.259 Gem Mint State 1865 Half Dime 1851 AU-53 (PCGS). Although not a rarity, this is 1889- S MS-62 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. A 1908-D MS-64 (NGC). Lustrous light champagne 1865 MS-65 (PCGS). A gem prooflike example a pleasing example of the date and type. Sharply scarce issue. 595 surfaces. 675 with outstanding aesthetic appeal. Silvery white struck with slightly reflective surfaces retaining 1890- S MS-64 (NGC). Brilliant. An important 1910-S MS-63 (PCGS). Brilliant.795 with cameo contrast. This is a key date among considerable lustre. 175 opportunity for the date or type collector... 795 1912- S MS-64. A lustrous and satiny branch mint Civil War era half dimes from a mintage of just 1853 Arrows. MS-64 (NGC). Frosty silver lustre Barber dime that readily approaches gem quality. 13,000 coins. 2,250 is accented by pale golden toning. A popular type Barber Dimes Scarce this nice.545 1868 MS-64 (NGC). Brilliant and lustrous with issue. 975 1913- S MS-64 (PCGS). An important opportunity reflective surfaces. Hard to find when you want to acquire this scarce date. This is a brilliant ex¬ Gem Proof 1892 Dime one—so, why wait? As the old-time flour adver¬ Gem Proof 1858 Dime ample with just a trace of heather toning. This tisement suggested, “Eventually—Why not 1858 Proof-65 (NGC). An exceptional cameo 1892 Proof-65 (PCGS). Subdued obverse with issue has the second lowest mintage among all now?” There are many half dimes that are not Proof, this lovely dime has deeply reflective fields deeply mirrored fields beneath pale gold and iri¬ circulation strike Barber dimes.889 recognized as great rarities, but tracking down a and outstanding peripheral iridescence. First year descent toning. The reverse is fully brilliant with choice one, as this is, can be a lot of work! 1,345 of widespread Proof coinage for collectors, and an outstanding aesthetic appeal. This is the first year Mercury Dimes 1868 MS-63 (NGC). Brilliant and lustrous with ideal candidate for the type collector, combining ofissue for the Barber design, and an ideal oppor¬ some frost on Miss Liberty. We see lots of value beauty and quality with reasonable financial con¬ tunity for the type collector. 1,475 1916 Mercury. MS-66 FB (PCGS). A lovely ex¬ at the MS-63 level!. 875 siderations. An estimate of the number surviving 1893-0 MS-62 (PCGS). Dark gray surfaces are ample with brilliant and frosty silver lustre. accented by light gold toning.525 Sharply defined.399 today is difficult, perhaps impossible. Even the 1895 AU-55 (ANACS). Sharply struck with out¬ 1916 Mercury. MS-66 FB (NGC). A very attrac¬ original mintage is not specifically known, with standing eye appeal for the grade. Mostly bright tive coin with fully brilliant surfaces and great lus¬ estimates suggesting 200 to 250 Proofs. .. 4,950 silver surfaces with light gold toning. An im¬ tre. 375 portant opportunity to acquire this elusive is¬ 1916 Mercury. MS-62. Lightly toned and nice. 39 Desirable Proof 1858 Dime sue.595 DIMES 1858 Proof-63 (ANACS). An outstanding example Attractive 1916-D Mercury Dime with lovely mirrored fields and very light cameo Scarce 1899-S Dime Key to the Series contrast. Design features are all bold. 1,695 1899-S MS-64 (PCGS). Full brilliance and lustre. A 1916-D AU-55 (NGC). A beautiful and lustrous Draped Bust Dime well struck example of this scarcer issue. .. 1,495 example of this ever popular issue. Slight wear is Proof P-390 1863 Pattern Dime 1899-S MS-63 (NGC). Brilliant with satiny lustre apparent on the high points of the design but the 1863 pattern dime. Pollock-390, Judd-325. and a whisper of light golden peripheral toning. coin has no heavy marks of other detracting fea¬ Desirable 1805 Four Berries Dime Rarity-6. Proof-65 (NGC). Silver. Plain edge. Parallel diagonal planchet striations on Liberty’s tures. An excellent combination of quality and 1805 John Reich-2. Four Berries. Rarity-2. Mirrored surfaces with lovely blue and gold ton¬ cheek were part of the minting procedure and do price. Somehow, virtually the entire mintage of AU-55 (NGC). An exceptional example with ing.2,195 not affect the grade.495 the 1916-D dime, not very large to begin with, deep golden brown toning and considerable lus¬ 1870 MS-64 (PCGS). Light golden surfaces. A 1903-0 MS-62 (PCGS). Good lustre and very few slipped unnoticed into circulation. We’ve never tre. Faint blue peripheral toning adds to the ap¬ scarce issue in higher grades.795 marks beneath medium deep^olden toning. The figured out why, but suspect that the Philadelphia peal of this wonderful coin.3,395 1873-S Arrows. MS-62 (PCGS). A lustrous and at¬ coin has the natural appearance that many collec¬ and San Francisco coins were released first and tractive piece with a wisp of golden toning. An af¬ tors find desirable.325 took the “edge” off the novelty. The great largely Attractive 1805 Dime fordable way to acquire this important type. 1,250 1903-S MS-60 (PCGS). Lustrous surfaces with a whis¬ untapped area for 20th-century numismatic re¬ 1805 JR-2. Four Berries. Rarity-2. EF-40. 1874 Arrows. Proof-62 (PCGS). A lovely cameo per of very light gold toning. A sharply struck example search lies in newspaper accounts, which take a lot Pleasing silver gray with lilac highlights. Free from Proof with outstanding aesthetic appeal.750 for the specialist. This is among the most elusive is¬ of time to delve through, but can yield some in¬ detracting marks, and a choice example of the sues in the series, always in high demand.1,075 teresting things. It might be interesting to mount type as such. 1,750 Delightful 1874 Arrows Dime 1905-0 MS-63 (PCGS). An outstanding example a nationwide search for press clippings oflate 1916 1874 Arrows. MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck and with far above average design definition for coins and early 1917 and read the first accounts of the Outstanding 1807 Dime fully brilliant with outstanding frosty white lustre. of this Mint, featuring brilliant frosty lustre high¬ new dime, quarter, and half dollar designs intro¬ 1807 JR-1. MS-63 (PCGS). This exceptional dime A wonderful example for the connoisseur. 1,895 lighted by wisps of pale gold toning.459 duced in late 1916.4,995 8 The Coin Collector $ January 21, 2002 1917- D MS-63 FB (PCGS). Outstanding quality 1944-D MS-65 FB(PCGS). Brilliant with frosty ible on the reverse. Just four examples have been 1918-D MS-64 (PCGS). Delightfully toned over for the grade with satiny silver lustre and sharp lustre.35 similarly graded by PCGS with one finer MS-65 satiny lustre. An outstanding example of this is¬ design features. 675 1944-S MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 example. 3,750 sue with above average design details.745 1918 AU-58. Lustrous with silvery surfaces. Sharply 1944- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and pleasing qual¬ struck and very nearly qualifying as full bands. . 49 ity.39 Mint State 1850-0 Quarter Important 1918-S Quarter 1918- S MS-63 FB (PCGS). A lustrous and brilliant 1945- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant with satiny lus¬ 1850-0 MS-63 (PCGS). An impressive choice Full Head coin with a bold strike, and a date with a reputa¬ tre.27 Mint State example of this scarce date with 1918-S MS-64 FH (PCGS). An extremely impor¬ tion for rarity when assigned the FB designation. 1945- S Micro S. MS-66. Brilliant. 129 slightly prooflike fields. Sharply struck with vir¬ tant opportunity to acquire this very scarce issue A definite winner for the assigned grade, choice Roosevelt Dimes tually full brilliance, subdued by very fight splashes with full head details. Choice surfaces with ivory and highly attractive in all regards. 1,245 of toning on the obverse. An extremely important lustre and delightful peripheral toning. ... 3,795 1924-D MS-64 FB (PCGS). Brilliant.595 1946- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 opportunity for the specialist to acquire one of the 1920-S MS-64 (PCGS). This is an elusive issue that 1924-S MS-63 FB (NGC). Brilliant. 995 1947 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 finest existing examples. PCGS has only graded is often on collectors’ want fists. Choice quality 1924-S MS-63 (PCGS). Fully brilliant and attrac¬ 1947- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 one finer coin, an MS-64. 2,950 with fight golden brown toning over satin ivory tive.525 1947- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 1854 Arrows. MS-63 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with lustre. 1,395 1926- D MS-63 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with frosty 1948 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 frosty lustre. 1,275 1926 MS-64 (NGC). A fully brilliant piece with lustre and sharp design definition. Very nearly full 1948- D MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 great lustre and close to full head detail.245 bands. 245 1948-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 Desirable 1856 Proof Quarter 1927- D MS-65 (NGC). Fully brilliant with excep¬ 1948-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 1856 Proof-64 (NGC). An important early Proof, Important 1927-S Rarity tional lustre and claims to a higher grade. ... 795 1948- S MS-65. Brilliant.29 a rarity as such. Deeply mirrored and sharply de¬ 1927-S AU-55 (PCGS). Light pewter surfaces with 1928- S MS-64 (PCGS). Light champagne toning and 1949 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 fined with light cameo contrast. Only a few dozen golden highlights in the protected areas. The most full cartwheel lustre. Just a few ounces of pressure at 1949- D MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant and attractive. such pieces exist—and at any given time they are important issue among later dates in the Standing striking time away from full split bands. 365 One of the scarce dates within the Roosevelt nearly impossible to locate. This is one of these Liberty quarter series. Scarce at any grade level, 1929 MS-66 FB (PCGS). Brilliant.389 dime series.85 coins for which opportunity may be the most im¬ rare AU or finer. 2,975 1929- S MS-65 FB (PCGS). A superbly lustrous 1950 Proof-66 (PCGS). A lovely gem Proof with portant consideration!. 6,250 1927-S EF-40 (ANACS). Bright silver surfaces specimen, sharply struck and aesthetically appeal¬ light cameo contrast.79 1857-0 MS-61 (NGC). A fully brilliant example with a few very minor hairlines.895 ing. A splash of pale gold graces the reverse. 595 1953-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 with a nice strike. As expected for the grade there 1930 MS-66 FH (PCGS). A superb gem Mint 1930 MS-66 (PCGS). An outstanding example with 1953- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 are some marks on the coin, but they are fight. 995 State quarter from the final year of the design type. satin lustre and very light amber toning. 179 1954 Proof-68 (PCGS). Brilliant. 115 1858 MS-60 (PCGS). An outstanding example Satiny surfaces show extremely bright lustre with 1930 MS-64 FB (PCGS). Satiny white lustre with 1954- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.29 with attractive heather and iridescent toning. a nuance of golden toning at the rims. A whole lot wisps of very fight champagne toning. 159 1955- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 Deserving of a higher grade except for noticeable of coin for the money! . 1,345 1930 MS-64. Brilliant.69 1956 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 central weakness of strike.329 1931 AU-55. Fully brilliant. Good lustre and only 1956- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 1864-S F-15. Light gray surfaces and very rare, re¬ Washington Quarters a hint of wear.29 1957 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 gardless of grade. Who knows, perhaps E.I. Barra 1931-D MS-66 FB (PCGS). Brilliant.695 1932-S MS-63 (PCGS). Lightly toned.895 1959 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 once handled this coin.695 1931-S MS-64 FB (PCGS). Brilliant.795 1932-S AU-50. Having even wear. Problem free 1960 Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant. 395 1867 VF-30. Attractive.595 1934- D MS-66 FB (PCGS). Brilliant.895 surfaces for the grade. An affordable way to own 1960- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 1870 VF-35. Pleasing gray surfaces. 199 1935 MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant. 129 this scarce and very popular coin. 189 1961 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 1873 Arrows. AU-50 (NGC). A pleasing example 1935- D MS-65 FB (PCGS). Fully brilliant. Espe¬ 1934 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant obverse with lightly 1961- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 with a hint of heather toning over fight gray sil¬ cially pleasing quality. 695 toned reverse.79 1962- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 ver surfaces. 449 1935-S MS-66 FB (PCGS). Very slight golden 1935-D MS-65 (PCGS). A beautiful example of 1963 Proof-69 DC AM (PCGS). Brilliant and hav¬ toning over lustrous and mark free surfaces. 525 this scarcer date in the series. Fully brilliant with ing exceptional eye appeal.249 Gem Mint State 1890 Quarter 1935-S MS-63. A brilliant piece with outstanding frosty lustre and great eye appeal. 895 1963- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.32 lustre.29 1890 MS-66 (NGC). A splendid gem example with 1935-D MS-63 (PCGS). Sharply struck and fully 1970 No S. Proof-65 (PCGS). An important op¬ 1936 Proof-65 (PCGS). Brilliant. 1,395 full brilliant, satiny white lustre. Extremely sharply brilliant with satiny white lustre.345 portunity for the specialist to acquire this variety. 1937 Proof-55 (PCGS). Lightly toned. 179 struck with all obverse and reverse design elements 1935-S MS-64 (PCGS). A wonderful example with Very fight champagne toning over mirrored blu¬ 1938- D MS-65 FB (PCGS). Having fully brilliant boldly defined. This is a scarce date from a circu¬ soft frosty white lustre. 179 ish gray surfaces. These coins were produced in and lustrous surfaces.79 lation strike mintage ofjust 80,000 coins.. 2,750 1935-S AU-58. A brilliant and lustrous piece with error, with the coinage die not receiving the stan¬ 1939 Proof-67 (PCGS). Brilliant.575 no detracting marks.79 dard letter S mintmark of all Proof coins from this Barber Quarters 1939 Proof-66 (PCGS). An exceptional brilliant 1935-S AU-58 (ANACS). Brilliant and attrac¬ era. 695 example with deeply mirrored fields.469 tive.69 1939 Proof-65 (PCGS). Having a thick halo of deep Desirable Mint State 1892-S Quarter 1935-S AU-55. Brilliant and of pleasing quality. golden toning on the obverse. The reverse is bril¬ 59 1892-S MS-64 (PCGS). From our sale of the liant with a slight haze. These positive features 1936 Proof-64 (PCGS). An impressive example Eliasberg collection. A brilliant and beautiful piece suggest the coin has not been dipped or otherwise with reflective silver surfaces.985 with satiny lustre. 2,650 tampered with. 379 1936- S AU-58. Brilliant and lustrous. Only a touch 1894 MS-64 (NGC). Frosty white lustre with a 1939 MS-64 FB. Brilliant and really nice.39 of friction on the high points.79 hint of very fight gold toning. 695 1939- D MS-65 FB. Brilliant and of pleasing qual¬ 1937- S AU-58. Very few marks and good lustre. A TWENTY-CENT PIECES ity.39 very nice coin. 149 Gem 1894-S Barber Quarter 1940- S MS-67 FB (PCGS). An impressive gem 1938- S AU-58. Brilliant with great lustre and clean with satiny white lustre and sharp design features. 1894- S MS-65 (NGC). This sharply struck gem surfaces.79 Very slightly prooflike in appearance. 495 Gorgeous 1875-S/S 20^ Piece has fully prooflike fields with outstanding aes¬ 1939-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. 279 1941 Proof-65 (NGC). A gem Proof with hints of 1875-S/S MS-65 (NGC). Sharply struck with thetic appeal. The surfaces are mostly brilliant 1939- D MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 heather toning.279 wonderful satiny surfaces. Ever popular, ever de¬ with faint heather toning.3,450 1940- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 1941- D MS-66 FB (PCGS). Brilliant and very at¬ sirable for type set purposes. A very popular vari¬ 1895- 0 AU-55. Brilliant with a whisper of toning 1940-S MS-64 (PCGS). Lightly toned.59 tractive. 59 ety with doubled mintmark resembling a ($) at the rims.265 1940-S MS-63. Slight golden toning and a mini¬ 1941-S MS-67 FB (NGC). Brilliant with prooflike dollar sign. 4,500 mum of marks for the grade.39 Important Mint State 1896-S Quarter surfaces. 279 1941 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 Lovely 1875-S 200 Piece 1896- S MS-64 (NGC). This is an extremely impor¬ 1942 Proof-65 (PCGS). An attractive Proofwith faint Mint State 1942/1 Dime 1875-S MS-64 (PCGS). Lustrous surfaces with tant opportunity for the specialist. Faint gold and toning on the high points of the obverse. 119 1942/1 MS-61 (PCGS). Faint heather toning over rose highlights. 1,650 iridescent toning over satiny, slightly reflective lus¬ 1942 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 lustrous silver surfaces. A pleasing example of this 1875-S MS-63 (NGC). This choice example has tre. Extremely sharply struck and highly attractive. 1943 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 popular Philadelphia Mint overdate issue. 2,795 brilliant lustre and a hint of champagne toning on This is one of the three famous rare dates among 1943- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 We wonder if Rudy Guliani and Michael Bloomberg the obverse. 1,095 Barber quarter dollars, along with 1901-S and 1944 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 realize that the 1942/1 could be called “the New York City 1875-S AU-55. Above average design definition 1913-S.Just 188,039 coins were minted, the third 1944 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 dime”? It could, as specimens were first discovered and with nearly full ivory lustre. Just a trace of toning lowest mintage in the series.12,250 1944- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. 79 publicized there, and when the public realized that they is visible. 385 1945 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 were scarce and had value there was a mad rush to find them. Several people who had been token sellers in the subways Desirable 1896-S Quarter 1945- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 searched incoming coins for these prized overdates, found Proof-Only 1878 200 Piece 1896-S AU-55 (NGC). Sharply struck and with 1946 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 them, and went on to become rare coin dealers of distinc¬ 1878 Proof-61 (NGC). Highly attractive with bril¬ exceptional aesthetic appeal. This example has 1946- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 ttoio onv—erMloaoxk LM. Korarpisla Mn aonsdc oHwe.r bert Tobias among them, not liant mirrored fields. A desirable combination of mostly silver surfaces with wisps and splashes of 1946-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 1946-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 1942/1 AU-58 (PCGS). This is an impressive ex¬ aesthetic appeal and affordability. Only Proof ex¬ golden brown toning. A key date in the series and ample of this popular overdate issue, and quite amples of this denomination were struck in 1877 always in demand. Call quickly as we don’t expect 1946- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 elusive in similar or higher grades. Sharply struck and 1878, after discovery that this unpopular de¬ this to be available for long.4,350 1947- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 1947-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 with partial split bands. 1,095 nomination failed to circulate. 2,195 Gem Proof 1897 Quarter 1947-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 1942/1 F-15. Pleasing fight gray.399 1948 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 1942 Proof-67 (PCGS). Mostly brilliant with a 1897 Proof-66 (PCGS). Deeply mirrored with Okay, you collect State Reverse quarters—and have dis¬ splash of iridescent toning on each side.495 outstanding iridescent toning. A lovely example covered numismatics. Now, how about the rest of the Wash¬ 1942 Proof-65 (NGC). Reflective silver surfaces are for the type collector. 2,475 ington quarter series? Dating back to 1932, the series is replete highlighted by an arc of peripheral iridescence. 285 1898- 0 AU-58 (PCGS). Brilliant.495 with many interesting varieties, rarities, etc., most of which 1942 Proof-65 (NGC). Fully brilliant and highly 1899- 0 AU-53 (NGC). Light champagne sur¬ are quite inexpensive. Use the present list to build your collection. You’ll love our quality, and the value we deliver attractive.285 faces. 265 is really excellent! 1942- D MS-66 (PCGS).35 1900- S AU-58 (PCGS). A brilliant and attractive QUARTER DOLLARS 1948- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 1943- D MS-66 FB(PCGS). A brilliant and appeal¬ coin. Nice lustre. Only the slightest friction on 1949- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilfiant. 129 ing piece.59 the high points.269 1949-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilfiant with a whisper of 1943- D MS-65 FB (PCGS). Brilliant and pleasing Early Quarters 1902-S MS-61 (PCGS). Lustrous with a whisper golden toning.79 quality.45 of champagne toning. Elusive so fine. 639 1950 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilfiant. 129 1944- D MS-66 FB (PCGS). Brilliant and of superb 1818/5 Browning-1. EF-45. Very attractive deep 1907 MS-64 (PCGS). Fully brilliant and a coin for 1951 Proof-65. Brilliant.59 quality. 59 gold and iridescent blue toning. Problem free sur¬ the connoisseur. Sharply struck. This is an ideal 1951-D MS-66 (PCGS). Lightly toned. 159 faces. An excellent combination of quality and candidate for your type collection.495 1951- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilfiant.49 Letters to the Editor price. 975 1907-0 AU-58 (NGC). Brilliant.259 1952- S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant. 119 1825/3 B-2. AU-50 (NGC). A pleasing example 1910 AU-55. Light golden surfaces. 139 1952-S MS-65. Brilfiant and attractive.59 with fight gold and iridescent toning over pew¬ 1915-S AU-50. Brilliant silvery surfaces with nearly Want to Share an Opinion? 1953 Proof-66 (PCGS). Fully brilfiant and having ter gray surfaces. Very slightly reflective with complete lustre and a hint of peripheral toning. 169 close to cameo contrast.95 traces of lustre remaining. 1,295 Dave Bowers welcomes interesting Standing Liberty Quarters 1953 Proof-65 Cameo (PCGS). Brilfiant. 129 communications. Address Dave Bow¬ Liberty Seated Quarters 1953 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant and frosty with a 1917-S Type I. MS-64 FH (PCGS). This is a wisp of gold toning.49 ers, Editor, at Bowers and Merena Gal¬ wonderful example with sharp design features, 1953-S MS-66 (PCGS). Brilfiant.99 leries, Box 1224, Wolfeboro, NH 03894, Lustrous Mint State 1846 Quarter including full shield details with every bead boldly 1953-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilfiant.49 or reach Dave on his personal website, 1846 MS-64 (PCGS). Repunched date with rem¬ defined. An important opportunity for the spe¬ 1954 Proof-68 (PCGS). Fully brilfiant with consid¬ [email protected]. Items nants of an early 46 south of the final position. cialist. 1,175 erable cameo contrast. 119 deemed of general interest may be re¬ Fully brilliant and sharply struck with outstand¬ 1917-D Type II. AU-55 (PCGS). A pleasing ex¬ 1954 Proof-67 Cameo (PCGS). An outstanding produced in one of our publications. ing aesthetic appeal. A few very minor surface ample with splashes of lustre. Silvery white sur¬ example with fully mirrored fields and highly lus¬ marks are present. Faint champagne toning is vis- faces. Considerable head detail remains. 179 trous devices. 269 The Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 9 1954 Proof-67 (PCGS). Brilliant and attractive with with lustrous light gray surfaces. These are non- light cameo devices.59 certified with grades of MS-64 to MS-65, or per¬ 1954 MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.79 haps finer. A large quantity of these were included 1954 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.49 in the collection we acquired. We will be de¬ 1954-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.69 lighted to pick out the finest available quality, just 1954-S MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.89 for you, so be sure to order quickly! $49 each, or 1954-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 10 (in this way you can keep the hoarders from 1955 Proof-67 Cameo (PCGS). Fully brilliant with getting them!) for.465 outstanding cameo contrast. This is an extremely The recently introduced Intercept Shield series desirable issue.299 of coin albums features technology intended to 1955 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.49 provide state-of-the-art protection against coin 1956 MS-66 (PCGS). A pleasing gem with brilliant “corrosion.” The manufacturer states that “this silver lustre.79 1956 MS-65(PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous.39 revolutionary technology is a solid state material 1957-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 that contains active additives—which instantly neu¬ 1958 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 tralize corrosive agents and clean the environment. 1959 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.85 A permanent and irreversible chemical reaction 1959 MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.85 HALF DOLLARS renders the gases harmless as they attempt to mi¬ 1959 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1960 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 grate dirough the material.*” It is said that these 1960- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1795 Overton-110. F-12 (PCGS). Natural deep holders will stabilize the surface of a coin—in 1961 Proof-68 (PCGS). A superb Proof with bril¬ gray with exceptional surfaces for the grade. The that attractively toned coins remain that way, liant mirrored surfaces. 49 devices are very slightly fighter, more so on the “bright” coins will not become toned, and so on. The reviews have been excellent. While we 1961- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 reverse. Choice early type coins such as this are 1962 Proof-69 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 extremely difficult to locate in today’s numismatic make no warranty or guarantee concerning the claims of the manufacturer, we have heard 1962- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 environment. 1,195 nothing but good things, and we do know that pieces displayed in these holders are attractively 1963 Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Bril¬ 1795 0-112. Doubled Date. VG-7. Medium presented. Intercept Shield coin albums, coin holders and protective boxes are available through liant.550 gray with faint blue toning and amber peripheral our Publications Department at 800-222-5993. Order by Stock Number. 1963 MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.79 iridescence. The date is sharply doubled below.895 1807 Draped Bust. 0-103. VF-30 (PCGS). Al¬ 1963 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 1963 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 though very weakly struck, this is a desirable ex¬ Coin ample with traces of lustre. A tiny rim bruise is Albums Available 1963- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 visible at 5:30 on the obverse. 495 1964 MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.99 1807 Draped Bust. 0-103. F-15 (ANACS). Typi¬ 1964 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.99 cal grayish toning. Smooth and even wear. No 3 page Indian Head Cents 1857-1909 • Stock #ISC1.$22.50 1964 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1964- D MS-66 (NGC). Brilliant.79 significant flaws to mention.269 8 page Lincoln Cents 1909-2007 (including Proof-only issues) * Stock #1SC2.35.50 1964-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.79 Pleasing 1807 Draped Bust Half Dollar 2 page Buffalo Nickels 1913-1938 • Stock #ISN3.20.50 1964-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1966 SMS MS-67 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 1807 Draped Bust. 0-105. AU-50. Very 5 page Jefferson Nickels 1938-2002 (Including Proof-only issues) • Stock #ISN4.26.50 1999-S superb gem proof five-piece State Quarter slight toning over evenly worn and appealing 2 page Mercury Dimes 1916-1945 • Stock #ISD5.20.50 set struck in silver: Connecticut, Delaware, Geor¬ surfaces. 1,995 gia, Newjersey, and Pennsylvania. Silver. Proof- 1807 Draped Bust. 0-105. EF-45 (NGC). Pleas¬ 4 page Roosevelt Dimes 1946-2002 (including Proof-only issues) • Stock #1SD6....24.50 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS)... 195 ant old toning with some golden highlights at the 8 page Washington Quarters 1932-1998 (including Proof-only issues) • Stock #1SQ7.35.50 2000- S Superb Gem Proof five-piece State Quar¬ rims. Even wear and no significant marks. An ter set struck in silver: Maryland, Massachusetts, excellent choice for the type collector. 1,125 5 page Washington Statehood Quarters 1999-2003 (Complete set including Proofs) • Stock #ISQ8.26.50 New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Virginia, 1807 DrapedBust. 0-106. EF-45 (PCGS). Pleas¬ 5 page Washington Statehood Quarters 1999-2008 (Philadelphia and Denver mints) • Stock #1SQ9.26.50 Silver. Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). 189 ing pewter gray surfaces with light silver lustre and 2001- S Superb Gem Proof five-piece State Quar¬ just a trace of iridescent toning. A delightful ex¬ 3 page Washington Statehood Quarters 1999-2008 (Statehood 50 coin date set) • Stock #ISQ10.22.50 ter set: Kentucky, New York, North Carolina, ample despite some weakness of strike. 995 4 page Walking Liberty Half Dollars 1916-1947 • Stock #ISHD11 .24.50 Rhode Island, and Vermont, Clad. Proof-69 Capped Bust, Lettered Edge Half Dollars 2 page Franklin Half Dollars 1948-1963 • Stock#ISHD12.20.50 Deep Cameo (PCGS). 125 6 page Kennedy Half-Dollars 1964-2001 (Including Proofonly issues) • Stock #ISHD13.28.50 Mint Errors Important 1807 50/20 Half Dollar 4 page Morgan Dollars 1878-1890 • Stock #ISMD14.24.50 2000-P New Hampshire. Double struck, one 1807 Capped Bust. 50/20. 0-112. AU-50 4 page Morgan Dollars 1891-1921 • Stock #ISMD15.24.50 strike 20% off-center, the other 90% off-cen¬ (ANACS). Bluntly struck as often seen, however, ter. MS-66 (PCGS). Satiny fight gray with traces with considerable lustre and choice surfaces. A 2 page Peace Dollars 1921-1935 • Stock #ISPD16.20.50 of champagne toning. The first strike is 20% off- wash of champagne toning is visible on both ob¬ 4 page Eisenhower Dollars 1971-1978 (Including Proof-only issues) • Stock #ISED17.24.50 center at 5:00, the second strike 90% off-center verse and reverse. A popular die blunder with the at 12:00. 679 denomination incorrectly entered, then corrected 4 page American Eagle Silver Dollars 1986-2003 (Including Proofonly issues) • Stock #1SAED18.24.50 2000-P New Hampshire. Double struck, second by over punching with the proper figure. 1,899 2 page Susan B. Anthony (Including Proof-only issues) • Stock #ISSBA19 ..20.50 strike 85% off-center. MS-64 (PCGS). The first 1810 0-103. AU-50 (NGC). Attractive light silver strike is properly centered and the second strike is surfaces. Slight central weakness is noted. .. 459 2 page Sacagawea Dollars • Stock #ISSD20 . 20.50 85% off-center at 6:00. Fully brilliant with satiny light 1821 0-104. AU-50 (NGC). Quite a well struck gray lustre and just a hint of amber toning. 545 example with medium deep gray toning mixed with * Corrosion Intercept Technology is a developed and patented product of Lucent Technologies Bell Lab Innovations. 2000-P New Hampshire. Double struck, sec¬ splashes of gold. As the description suggests, this Tested by Lucent Technologies. ond strike 60% off-center. MS-64 (PCGS). piece has outstanding eye appeal for the grade. 569 The first strike is properly centered and the sec¬ 1823 Normal Date. 0-105. AU-58 (NGC). Sharply ond strike is 60% off-center at 2:00. Lustrous light struck with deep gold and heather toning over sat¬ 1847-0 MS-62 (NGC). Lustrous with fight cham¬ 1877 Proof-61 Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant with a gray surfaces. 679 iny lustre. A candidate for your type set. 439 pagne surfaces. 1,395 whisper of amber at the rims. This example has a 2000-P New Hampshire. Triple struck, second 1827 0-110. Square base 2. Rarity-4. AU-53 nice cameo.595 and third strikes 50% off center. MS-66 (PCGS). (PCGS). Rather deep and yet attractive old gray Desirable Mint State 1850 Half Dollar The first strike is normally centered, widr the second toning over problem free surfaces.279 Barber Half Dollars 1850 MS-62 (PCGS). A sharply struck example of and third strikes each 50% ofLcenter at 2:30. Highly 1828 Square base 2. 0-121. EF-45. Lustrous silver this scarce date with brilliant ivory lustre, slightly lustrous with satiny light gray surfaces. 749 surfaces with a trace of peripheral toning on the 2000-P New Hampshire. Triple struck, second reverse. 219 reflective fields, and lovely gold toning along the Outstanding Gem 1897-S Half Dollar borders. 3,150 and third strikes 50% off center. MS-66 1897-S MS-66 (NGC). This is an absolutely spec¬ (PCGS). The first strike is normally centered, with Choice 1830 Half Dollar tacular example of this rarity for the connoisseur. Choice 1853 Arrows and Rays the second and third strikes each 50% offrcenter 1830 Small 0. 0-101. MS-64 (NGC). Highly Half Dollar Both obverse and reverse are fully prooflike with at 8:00. Highly lustrous with satiny surfaces. 749 lustrous with satiny surfaces and warm golden cameo contrast, and extremely sharp design fea¬ 2000-P New Hampshire. Triple struck, second 1853 Arrows and Rays. MS-63 (PCGS). This tures. Although the mintage ofjust under one mil¬ brown toning. A lovely example for the connois¬ and third strikes 40% off center. MS-66 (PCGS). choice Mint State example is most impressive lion coins does not immediately identify this as a seur. 2,495 The first strike is normally centered, with the second 1831 0-112. AU-58 (PCGS). An attractive example with extremely sharp design features and brilliant rare date, advanced collectors know that gem Mint and third strikes each 40% off-center at 8:30. Highly silvery lustre. An important opportunity for the State examples are few and far between. ..11,500 with pale gold toning over frosty lustre.T. 395 lustrous with satiny light gray surfaces. 749 1834 Large Recut Date, Small Letters. 0-102. EF- type collector, representing the only year of this 1899 AU-55 (PCGS). Slight wear only on the high 2000-P New Hampshire. Triple struck, sec¬ 45 (NGC). Deep iridescent toning with traces of design. 3,895 points. A brilliant piece with excellent lustre. 359 ond and third strikes 40% off center. MS-65 1854- 0 Arrows. AU-53 (NGC). Very slight toning. 1900 AU-50 (PCGS). A brilliant and lustrous piece. lustre.99 (PCGS). The first strike is normally centered, Some lustre remains. The slight wear is even. 329 No significant flaws and thus a nice choice for the with the second and third strikes each 40% off- Choice Mint State 1836 Half Dollar 1855- 0 MS-61 (NGC). Brilliant.775 type collector.325 center at 3:00. Highly lustrous with satiny fight 1902 MS-62 (PCGS). Brilliant and attractive. Sharply Capped Bust, Lettered Edge Elusive Mint State 1856-0 Half Dollar gray surfaces. A small disturbance on the reverse struck and with a wisp of fight toning. 619 edge may be seen at 10:00. 679 1836 0-114. Lettered edge. MS-63 (PCGS). 1856- 0 MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck. An attrac¬ 1902 VF-35 (ANACS). Pleasing fight gray with the 2000-P New Hampshire. Triple struck, sec¬ Brilliant ivory lustre with a whisper of pale gold tive example with heather toning. 1,645 devices outlined in darker toning. 109 ond and third strikes 40% off center. MS-64 toning. 1,950 1858 AU-53 (PCGS). Pleasant old toning suggests 1908 AU-58 (NGC). A wisp of fight gold toning (PCGS). The first strike is normally centered, this problem free coin has not been cleaned. Nice over lustrous and attractive surfaces. A nice choice Liberty Seated Half Dollars with the second and third strikes each 40% off- if you like that natural look.219 for the type collector.339 center at 3:00. Highly lustrous with satiny fight ENJOY Y OURSELF: Coin collecting is a very pleasur¬ 1860-0 AU-58 (ANACS). Deep but attractive old gray surfaces. A small disturbance on the reverse able pursuit. The best way to “get involved” is to buy some gray toning over well struck and appealing sur¬ Liberty Walking Half Dollars edge may be seen at 10:00.619 useful and interesting books on the subject—not price faces.239 2000-P New Hampshire. Struck 5% Off-center. guides or market reports, but books that tell you about coins, 1866 With Motto. WB-103. MS-61 (ANACS). 1916 AU-58 (NGC). First year of the design and an how they were made and how they were used. attractive example. Lustrous satiny white with MS-66 (PCGS). Sharply struck and fully brilliant Well struck. Having nice lustre and nearly full Our Books for Sale section offers many interesting and excellent eye appeal.279 with lustrous fight gray surfaces.89 worthwhile titles, all priced at a discount! brilliance save for a bit of pretty blue toning on the 2000-P New Hampshire. Struck 5% Off-center. 1842 Medium Date. MS-62 (PCGS). Sharply obverse near the rim. 795 Outstanding 1916-D Half Dollar MS-65 (PCGS). Sharply struck and fully brilliant struck and highly lustrous with frosty silver sur¬ 1873 Arrows. AU-53 (ANACS). A well struck with lustrous fight gray surfaces.79 faces. A few minor abrasions are consistent with example with nice lustre and no significant 1916-D MS-65 (PCGS). Frosty lustre with fully 2000-P New Hampshire. Struck 5% Off-center. the grade. An attractive example that is sure to flaws.495 brilliant white surfaces. Sharply, although nor fully MS-64 (PCGS). Sharply struck and fully brilliant please. PCGS has only certified 25 Mint State struck. Far above average for the is- ' . , 75 with lustrous fight gray surfaces.69 examples of tins issue. 1,050 Important 1874 Arrows Half Dollar Choice 1916-S Liberty Walking 1842 Medium Date. WB-106. AU-55 (ANACS). 1874 Arrows. MS-62 (PCGS). A brilliant example Best Buy A well struck example. Pleasant medium gray of this popular type issue with traces of faint Half Dollar 2000-D New Hampshire State Quarters toning.379 champagne toning. 1,750 Rarest Variety of the Year Struck 5 to 10% Off-center 1845 AU-58 (NGC). A well struck and brilliant 1876-CC AU-58 (PCGS). A most attractive example 1916-S MS-64 (PCGS). Fully brilliant and lustrous 2000-D New Hampshire. Struck 5% Off-cen¬ example. Only a touch of friction on the high with fully brilliant lustre and satiny surfaces. Very with wisps of champagne toning. In Mint State ter. MS-64. Sharply struck and fully brilliant points.715 slighdy prooffike with a cameo appearance.... 425 this western Mint issue is far and away the rarest 10 Hie Coin Collector ^ January 21, 2002 variety of the year. If this is on your “want list,” 1945-D MS-66 (PCGS). A lovely example with was little interest in collecting such pieces, and we Liberty Seated Dollar your search for a really attractive specimen ends satiny lustre. The obverse has light iridescent ton¬ did not stock them singly. In fact, we had a general right here. Bowers and Merena Galleries quality ing while the reverse is mostly brilhant. 195 policy—with just a few exceptions—not to stock 1842 AU-50 (PCGS). Uniform hght to medium personified! . 2,895 1945-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 129 any United States coins dated after 1940! Today this gray-gold toning over problem free surfaces. For 1917 MS-65 (PCGS). Pale lilac and bright electric 1945-D MS-64 (PCGS). Brilhant and attractive. 62 seems rather silly, but back then such pieces played the collector who desires the increasingly difficult blue iridescence gathers at the rims. A satiny gem 1945- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. Sharply struck to a small market and had relatively litde premium to find natural looking coins. 695 with frosty, matte like surfaces that are typical for with frosty white lustre. 169 value. Now, competition to buy choice Franklin the date. 895 1946 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.209 half dollars is fierce, and it takes a great deal of effort Impressive 1850 Silver Dollar 1946 MS-65. A lovely gem with frosty white lus¬ for us to maintain our inventory.59 1850 AU-58 (NGC). An important opportunity Important 1921 Half Dollar tre. 209 QUALITY: The Bowers and Merena difference! For for the specialist, this attractive dollar has over 45 years, since our founding in 1953, we have been Lowest Philadelphia Mintage 1946- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant.239 slightly reflective fields and light toning over supplying choice, rare, and interesting coins, tokens, med¬ 1946-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 109 pale gray surfaces. Just 7,500 were minted, the 1921 AU-55 (PCGS). This wonderful half dollar als, and paper money to discriminating collectors, dealers, has nearly complete silvery white lustre with 1946-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 139 and museums. Ifquality is important to you, you’ve come to lowest mintage of any circulation strike issue 1947 MS-65 (PCGS). A lovely example with soft the right place. Let us help you build a fine collection from Philadelphia, save for the 1851 and 1852 pleasing surfaces. A key date and always in de¬ white lustre.229 combining excellent quality and value for the price paid. rarities...3,750 mand in high quality circulated grades. Just 1960 MS-64 FBL (PCGS). Brilliant.57 246,000 were struck. 2,950 Franklin Half Dollars 1961 MS65 (PCGS). Brilliant.219 Choice Cameo Proof 1861 Dollar 1921-S F-12 (ANACS). Medium gray surfaces. 1961 MS-64 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. ... 29 Even wear and no significant flaws.65 1948 MS-66 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant. 895 1961-D MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilliant.975 1861 Proof-63 (PCGS). A stunning example with 1935 MS-66 (PCGS). Sharply struck and bril¬ 1948- D MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.269 1961-D MS-65 (NGC). Brilliant.375 lustrous devices framed by deep mirrored fields. liant.439 1949 MS-64 FBL (PCGS). Attractive gold obverse 1961- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.375 This choice Proof has pleasing peripheral irides¬ 1935 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant and lustrous. A with brilhant reverse. 109 cence. A few very minor hairhnes keep this from 1962 Proof-68 (NGC). Brilliant.79 sharply struck example with frosty surfaces. 319 1962- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant centers with gold the gem category. An important choice for the Attractive 1949-D Franklin Half Dollar specialist, given the rarity of Mint State examples peripheral toning.350 Gem Proof 1936 Half Dollar 1949- D MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Lustrous with light 1963 Proof-66 Cameo (NGC). Exceptional qual¬ from this early Civil War year. 4,150 golden surfaces. 1,875 1936 Proof-65 (PCGS). An impressive gem ity with nice cameo contrast between mirrored DISCOVER BOWERS AND MERENA: If you like Desirable Mint State 1862 Dollar Proof example with deeply mirrored fields and fields and lustrous devices.75 QUALITY coins, as we do, and you want excellent VALUE very lightly frosted devices. This gem is sure to for your money, discover Bowers and Merena Galleries by 1963 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 1862 MS-60 (SEGS). Highly lustrous and attractive please.4,550 placing a trial order today. Do this, and you’ll be a client for 1963- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 with silvery white surfaces. This is an extremely 1936-D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant.795 many years. In fact, some of our clients have been with us important opportunity for the specialist. Civil 1936- S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant. 495 since we started our business in 1953! (The number gets Kennedy Half Dollars War era Liberty Seated dollars in Mint State qual¬ smaller each year, due to the human predicament of not 1937 MS-63 (NGC). Brilliant.69 ity are few and far between. 2,950 being able to live forever!) 1964 Proof-69 Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant silvery 1937- D MS-65 (PCGS). An outstanding example 1950 Proof-66 (NGC). A brilhant and sparkling Proof surfaces with light cameo contrast. ... 225 with frilly brilliant lustre. An elusive issue. . 465 example of this scarce issue among the Franklin 1964 Proof-69 (PCGS). Brilliant.59 Lovely Proof 1866 Dollar 1937-S MS-66 (PCGS). Fully brilliant and sharply Proofs. Sure to please quality.595 1964 Proof-68 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant. 450 With Motto Design Type struck with frosty white lustre.795 1950 Proof-64 Cameo (NGC). This is an abso¬ 1964 Proof-68 Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant and attrac¬ 1866 With Motto. Proof-63 (PCGS). Light 1937- S MS-64 (PCGS). Quite a nice strike. A lus¬ lutely superb example with deeply mirrored fields tive with light cameo contrast.79 cameo contrast combined with attractive heather trous piece with a hint of attractive golden ton¬ and lustrous devices on obverse and reverse. This 1964 Accented Flair. Proof-68 (PCGS). Brilliant. 125 toning makes this a coin for the connoisseur. First ing. 245 is the first Franklin half dollar issue in Proof, and 1964- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant.39 year of the With Motto design variation among 1938 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant. 289 seldom encountered with cameo contrast. An 1972- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant 150 Liberty Seated dollars, an important consideration 1938 MS-64 (PCGS). Full brilliance and nice lus¬ important opportunity for the Franklin half dol¬ 1973- S Proof-69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). An excep¬ for the type cohector. 2,950 tre. 139 lar aficionado. 1,375 tional example with amazing cameo contrast. 99 1938- D AU-55. Having nice lustre and a wisp of 1950- D MS-64 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant. 139 1974- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant Brilliant 1870 Proof Dollar golden toning. A pleasing example of this scarce 1951 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Lustrous golden sur¬ with excellent contrast.79 1870 Proof-62 (NGC). A fully brilhant example of and popular issue.295 faces. 319 1976- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant this popular and affordable issue. Some contrast 1939 Proof-67 (PCGS). A thin halo of deep golden 1951- S MS-65 FBL (PCGS). A brilhant example with outstanding eye appeal.89 between the fields and devices. This attractive toning on the obverse adds to the strong eye ap¬ of this scarce issue. 1,295 1977- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant. 39 piece has fewer than expected marks for the grade peal. The ideal coin for those who appreciate the 1951- S MS-65 (NGC). Lighdy toned.95 1978- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant. 39 with none of them being heavy. An excellent natural look. 1,275 1952 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.219 1979- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Type I. choice for the type collector. 2,095 1939- D MS-65 (PCGS). A lovely example with Brilliant.35 soft frosty white lustre. 145 Lustrous 1952-S Franklin Half Dollar 1980- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Brilliant 35 Cameo Proof 1871 Dollar 1940 MS-66 (NGC). A wonderful gem with attractive 1952- S MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant. Not rare in 1981- S Proof 69 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Type I. ivory lustre and feint peripheral gold toning. ... 199 1871 Proof-63 Cameo (PCGS). This choice Proof lower grades or if indifferendy struck, but with Brilliant.35 1941 MS-67 (PCGS). A stunning gem example with has outstanding cameo contrast with highly lus¬ Full Bell Lines it’s a different story! A find for the outstanding aesthetic appeal. Fully brilliant with a trous devices and deep mirrored fields. Light cham¬ specialist......:. 1,350 touch of light champagne toning. This superb pagne toning adds to the aesthetic appeal. . 3,595 1953 Proof-64 (PCGS). This lovely Proof has bril¬ “Walker” is sure to please the connoisseur. . 725 hant surfaces with hght cameo contrast.99 1941 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilliant. 185 Mint State 1873 Seated Dollar 1953 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). A dehghtful example 1941 MS-66. Brilliant. 165 1873 Liberty Seated. MS-62 (PCGS). A wonder¬ with fully frosty, fully brilhant lustre. This is an 1941-D MS-65 (PCGS). Fully brilliant with white ful example with prooflike fields and cameo con¬ extremely difficult issue to locate, and is consid¬ lustre. 149 trast. A few minor hairhnes are present, keeping ered by speciahsts to be the rarest Philadelphia 1941-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant with considerable this from the choice category.2,350 Mint issue with full bell fines. 1,295 aesthetic appeal. An outstanding example with 1953 MS-65 (PCGS). Light golden toning. .. 229 Morgan Silver Dollars above average design definition. 1,175 1954 Proof-68 Cameo (NGC). Brilhant. 1,395 1941-S MS-64 (PCGS). Exceptional satiny white 1954 Proof-67 (PCGS). Mirrored fields with frosty 1878 7/8TF MS-63 (PCGS). Noted on the holder lustre. Very slightly prooflike. 219 SILVER DOLLARS devices. 119 that the doubling of the tail feathers is weak. A bril¬ 1941- S MS-64 (NGC). Brilliant and lustrous. 219 1954 Proof-66 Cameo(PCGS). Full brilliance and hant and very pleasing piece for the grade. ... 129 1942 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant.209 a beautiful piece.359 1942 MS-66. Brilhant and attractive.209 Draped Bust Dollars 1954 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.245 Prized 1878 Proof Morgan Dollar 1942 MS-65. Brilhant. 109 1954-D MS-65 FBL. Brilhant. 219 1942 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 109 8 Tailfeathers Reverse 1954-D MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.219 Pleasing 1798 Silver Dollar 1942 MS-64 (PCGS). Brilhant.49 1878 8 Tailfeathers. Proof-63 (PCGS). A lovely 1954-D MS-65. Brilhant. 169 Heraldic Eagle 1942 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilhant.45 Proof with intense gold toning surrounded by 1954-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant.49 1942- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant and attractive. 319 1798 Bowers Borckardt-123, Bolender-25. splashes of peripheral blue and lilac. The actual 1954-S MS-64 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.69 1942-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant.259 VF-20 (PCGS). A pleasing example of the first number of Proof examples of this variety minted 1955 Proof-67 (PCGS). Wonderful quality with 1942-D MS-64 (PCGS). Brilhant and attractive. 105 Heraldic Eagle date among silver dollars. This is not precisely known, however, is certainly a brilhant Proof surfaces. 169 1942-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant.599 has wonderful hght gray surfaces with faint am¬ very small quantity. Given the additional stature 1955 Proof-67 (PCGS). A dehghtful example with 1942-S MS-65 (PCGS). Attractive with satiny lus¬ ber toning. An ideal example for the type cohec¬ of this as the only Proof eight tail feathers Mor¬ highly lustrous portrait. The obverse has heavy cameo tre and brilhant surfaces. Very faint champagne tor. 1,650 gan dollar makes this an opportunity of prime contrast while the reverse is fully brilhant. 169 toning is present. Above average strike for this importance. 2,995 1955 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). The popular “Bugs issue. 599 Lustrous 1800 Silver Dollar 1878 7 Tailfeathers. Reverse of 1878 (as nor¬ Bunny” variety, so named due to the clash marks 1942- S MS-64 (PCGS). Old style PCGS holder. A 1800 BB-192, B-19. AU-53. Light gray surfaces mally seen). MS-64 DMPL (NGC). Brilhant located exacdy in front of Franklin's mouth, giv¬ brilhant example with average design details. 95 with faint amber toning, especially on the high with deep prooflike contrast and frosted devices. ing the appearance of protruding teeth, much hke 1943 MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant, sharply struck. 199 points of the reverse design. A few minor sur¬ A very difficult date in DMPL and even more the familiar cartoon character.795 1943 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 109 face imperfections are noted. This is a pleasing difficult to find without heavy bagmarking. 1955 MS-65 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant.329 1943 MS-64 (PCGS). Brilhant.49 1956 Type II. Proof-68 Deep Cameo (PCGS). example with considerable remaining lustre. Choice for the grade.795 1943 MS-63. Brilhant.44 Given the current market conditions for early 1878-CC MS-63 PL (PCGS). Brilhant.229 Brilhant with heavily frosted devices. We have 1943 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilhant.44 dollars, this represents an important opportu¬ 1878-CC MS-63 (NGC). Brilhant. 195 available a small group of this particular variety, Enjoy Liberty Walking half dollars? Collecting them is a nity....5,750 1878-CC MS-62 PL (PCGS). Brilhant.. 175 pleasure when you buy from Bowers and Merena Galleries. each one a treat to the eye. Purchase one for 679 1878-S MS-66 (NGC). Brilhant.950 We look “beyond the grading number” and acquire coins 1956 Type II. Proof-68 Cameo (NGC). Frosty that are visually appealingand among the finest in their grade white devices with full contrast against immacu¬ 1802 VF-20 Dollar 1878-S MS-65 (PCGS). Brilliant with good eye categories. It is no wonder that for years, indeed decades, we late fields.295 1802 BB-241, B-6. VF-20 (ANACS). Pleasing appeal. 225 have helped to form some of the finest Liberty Walking half 1878- S MS-64 (PCGS). Satiny white lustre. ... 79 1956 Type II. Proof-68 Cameo (PCGS). Heavily pewter gray surfaces with some golden high¬ dollar collections ever assembled. 1879 MS-65 (PCGS). Fully brilhant with outstand¬ frosted devices offset from reflective fields.. 295 lights. 1,775 1943- D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant with frosty white ing frosty white lustre...i 975 lustre.259 1956 Type II. Proof-67 Deep Cameo (PCGS). Bril¬ Gobrecht Dollar 1879 MS-64 (PCGS). Full brilliance and nice lustre. hant. 379 1943- S MS-65 (PCGS). Very slight golden toning Fewer than expected marks for the grade. ... 135 adds to the positive appeal of this gem.379 1956 Type II. Proof-67 (PCGS). Fully brilhant with 1879- 0 MS-63 PL (PCGS). Frosty with excellent 1944 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 159 very hght cameo contrast.99 Attractive 1836 Gobrecht Dollar contrast and a hint of even golden toning... 245 1944 MS-63 (PCGS). Brilhant.44 1957 Proof-68 (PCGS). Fully frosted devices. 285 1836Judd-60 Restrike. Proof-50 (PCGS). Light 1879-0 MS-63 (PCGS). Fully brilhant. 159 DISPLAY AND ENJOY YOUR COINS! Our “Eagle” 1957 MS-65 (ANACS). Bnhiant.45 hairlines over reflective silver surfaces, cleaned in 1879-S Reverse of 1878. MS-63. Brilhant. ... 359 notebooks with clear plastic album pages for the storage and 1957 MS-65 (NGC). Brilhant.45 enjoyable display of your certified coins fill the bill—and at 1957 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant.45 the past and now beginning to acquire natural 1879-S Reverse of 1879. MS-66 PL (NGC). Su¬ low cost. Instead of having your “slabs” rattle around in a gold toning, visible along the border. Die Align¬ perb frosty devices. The obverse is blast white and While we have a great stock of Franklin half dollars, it will box, display and appreciate them! help you and also help us ifyou have second choices in mind ment IV with the eagle flying level in respect to the reverse has lovely gold and rose peripheral 1944- D MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant.239 when you telephone, fax, or mail your order. the horizontal axis of the obverse. 8,450 toning. 345 1944-D MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 139 1958- D MS-66 FBL (PCGS). This is an excep- Gobrecht dollars are identified by, among other factors, 1879-S Reverse of 1879. MS-66 (PCGS). Bril¬ 1945 MS-66 (NGC). Brilhant.225 tional example with outstanding eye appeal. Light four different die alignments. These are signified by the liant.219 1945 MS-65 (PCGS). Brilhant. 119 ivory lustre is highlighted by peripheral irides¬ eagle flying either level or upward, with respect to the 1879-S Reverse of1879. MS-66 (PCGS). Brilhant Now it seems to us that we have the nicest qiaility inven¬ cence. 395 htoo rmizaoknet aylo ourr v heertaidca slp aixni.s T ohf ethree oisb, vheorswee. vIte’rs, a almn oeasst ieenr owuagyh. and frosty centers with amber peripheral toning tory of Liberty Walking half dollars anywhere in the coun¬ 1959 Proof-67 (PCGS). A superb Proofwith deeply Simply determine which two letters on the reverse are at the rims.219 try. If you like “high-end” pieces, you’ve come to the right place. And, once you see the quality we deliver, our prices reflective fields.49 exactly opposite Miss Liberty’s head. Die Alignment I has 1879-S Reverse of 1879. MS-65 (PCGS). Bril¬ will seem like bargains! 1959- D MS-64 FBL (PCGS). Brilhant. Reviewing Liberty’s head opposite DO of DOLLAR. Die Alignment liant.99 II has Liberty’s head opposite ES of STATES. Die Align¬ 1945 MS-65 (PCGS). Mosdy brilhant with just a our beautiful inventory of Franklin half dollars 1879-S Reverse of 1879. MS-64 (PCGS). Fully ment III has Liberty’s head opposite NE of ONE. Finally, wisp of light toning. 119 prompts us to recall the days ofthe 1950s when there Die Alignment IV has Liberty’s head opposite OF. brilliant and attractive.55

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