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The Christian Satanic Book: An Introduction to Christian Satanism. Lucifer Jeremy White. The Christian Satanic Book: An Introduction to Christian Satanism. By Lucifer Jeremy White A new public domain book. C- The Importance of Being Moral Minded In A Crazy World It’s value cannot be understated. Let me illustrate what I mean by crazy people in the world today: they are quick to throw tantrums if they don’t get their way. They will try to accuse you of nonsense and call the police on you. You know, that person in the restaurant that doesn’t get his food immediately.A lot of anger and hate quickly comes out of them. They will rant that their rights are being abused but they are in fact abusing the institution of rights because they are there for higher concerns. They make a mockery of it. They harass the police and expect things to go well. As though the police are emotionless and cannot be degraded. After all, freedom of speech allows them to. Then there are those that do wrong, thinking they were in the right, until the day that they are arrested for overstepping their boundaries. They are all sinking. They are all sinking into a deep pit of hell and are full of agony. They are quick to rage. Some of them would spit at others, some would even take a bat against them. They are insane. Where did they come from? I think that is just the way that society itself developed them as society has moved away from its previously moral minded state. Those that are patient and moral will do well. Those that are mature will get through just fine. There are certain values to learn that can save you. There are values that will make you thrive in a world of the deranged and I have a list of them here: Patience. If a thing that you want to happen doesn’t happen then maybe there is only one thing to be gained from it: patience. If you manage to accept the loss then at least you know that you are stronger emotionally even though perhaps your hopes were let down. So just try again if possible. How many times can a thing go wrong unless it is impossible to begin with? Maturity. This must be one of the most important ones. Very well, even the most important one. Some will grow the right way. Some will grow the wrong way. It is as simple as that. Those that grow up wrong get into criminal behavior. Those that grow right learn to become strong- resilient. They can deal with upsets and they do not develop behavior that is harmful to others. So you grow strong or else succumb to the world and lash out against it. Understanding. Leading into understanding always does a lot of good. The right perspective is always there- that perspective that makes you understand someone or something better. Maybe the person had a bad day. Maybe they are that way all the time, to everybody. Maybe they will take their hate too far and you don’t have to worry- let another deal with them. Anything that helps you take things less personally helps. Looking at the bright side certainly does. Maybe if your worst problem isn’t really so bad then you can accept it better as there are those in the world with far worse problems than you. Acceptance. Life will let you down. No doubt. Unfortunately things sometimes just don’t go your way. It will happen from time to time throughout our lives. Sometimes the best we can do is make the best out of it. In some instances we can turn a bad thing into a good thing. With a little adjustment perhaps make it a blessing in disguise. Even little things can be like a big pit before you. You either jump over it or you don’t. It can take a lot to accept a bad thing but it makes you stronger if you do. It is, in fact, something that can make you much stronger than other things might. Wisdom. We either learn from our mistakes or let them fester unto corrosive behaviors. Old age brings a lot of maturity. Middle age sometimes. And for a few, wisdom is learned early on. The youth do have somewhat of an excuse. I feel it is fine to sometimes feel bad about our past as it helps us be better people. A person either brings all of his or her lessons together and does well by them or not. There is always wisdom of the day to learn. To keep yourself on track requires wisdom and without it we can crash and burn. Civility. It is becoming a popular word in today’s world. That’s because of this tribal aspect that has been creeping in- to where it is now taking steps. So crime is easier when more are doing it. “They can’t stop all of us.” This is dangerous. It is more dangerous than those that do it know or care to know. Things like common criminality and anarchy lead to police states and dictatorships. When that time comes then the uncivil will have a lot to learn and quickly. If they don’t then there will be hell to pay. Love. As a Christian Satanist I feel that there are aspects of Christianity that I cannot ignore. They are the basis of Christianity. They keep its core within me, and strongly so. That I at least have those components kept and preserved within me, and among them Love is certainly the most important. I was raised to not use the word “hate,” and it actually had a strong impact on my perspective of others. That and cursing. I was taught not to curse. It is effective- because what starts in your mind and leads out of your lips taints you on the whole. If you would think up things like insults and hateful feelings then they will come out, but not otherwise. There is that old trope “if you don’t vent out your anger then it will explode out of you.” That’s not true. Things like that only teach you to hate. It says “you must hate.” To me that doesn't make any sense.You are brighter in the eyes of God every time you choose to forgive. “The more the merrier” as your future in God’s Kingdom grealy merits you. Peace Keeping. There are some that will purposely aggravate you. They will toy with you. They want your anger and know exactly what to say to sort of do so without being apparent at it. Arguments can be ended quickly. It isn’t ever done with the words “calm down.” Rather it is done by apologizing and sorts of things like that. Showing some consideration and explaining yourself without excuses can turn a heated argument into peace again. Jesus taught Christians to turn the other cheek and accept theft. It is better that we do it for the sake of not being harmed or even killed. That’s why he taught it. In any circumstance where you can quickly be ganged up on and beaten- it is just better to let things go. The best reaction is usually the silent one. To pass by anyone that insults you quietly. Believe me, they’ll hate it! Independence. It has saved many people from a corrupt and criminally inclined lifestyle. Don’t do drugs. If any sin enslaves you it is that. I have lived a whole life without them. Gangs- they lead to circumstances that may imprison you. More harm is done to individuals through groups than anything else. When I see a person heavily involved with popular culture I see clowns. They act and talk and think collectively. They have their favorite phrases that they say at least a few times a day and are influenced and guided by impersonal things. I was homeless one year and the entire time I spoke to only a few people. If they seemed to have been leading me somewhere or if I didn’t clearly understand that they couldn’t lead me into something bad then I didn’t stay with them. It saved me from gangs, from drugs, and those sorts of things. Prayer. We can use prayer to understand people better. We can have a touch of empathy through it. That is as long as we aren’t praying for revenge either directly or less so. Rather we should pray as real Christians do: wishing them the best, hoping that things go better for them, so maybe they themselves can mature appropriately. Those that are very angry just are towards everybody. It isn’t anything personal. We certainly live in a difficult world and we all suffer. So pray to those that especially suffer. This is the best advice I have to live well in the world. What I said here is more Christian than Satanic. Again I am a Chrsitian Satanist but in this case Christ surely wins. Let me turn then to things that make life better and let me teach you them. S- A better life.. A wise man once asked why life must be so difficult. We are human beings. We need more than food and even food isn’t at all as simple as that. We need good food. We need good entertainment. We are not empty headed animals waiting on the hour of food and not much more. Even in their nature they just do what they were made to do, without the kind of thought behind it as we have. We are in a design that makes us think through everything. What a cumbersome thing! Sometimes anyway, fortunately not all the time. It’s no wonder why we choose the form of entertainment that we do and for its purpose (half thinking half observing.) A distraction- a neat distraction is often all we need. That is, unless we have to think things through too much. We desire to be empty headed in a good way. We desire to fill our heads with external things. It helps to have a nice seat. A movie theater experience isn’t so complete without a nice drink, without snacks. Some of our days are very bright. Cashing a check and spending it for example. While others are a bore. Without stimulation we might even choose to lie in bed all day. So what would we occupy ourselves with? That is important. To have a hobby. To have a creative venue. I myself dreamed long about working on certain things. The two hobbies I personally like the most are tailoring and electronics. I got extra money for the month and decided to buy most of what I needed. Things like a soldering iron and a sewing machine. I might not have used it much yet but gained the idea of it all at least to see if I wanted to, that I could. And I can. It is as easy as I thought. It is there when these ideas of doing it arise. I have a lot of creative hobbies. One of my favorites are my prayer sheets. That involves so much. It is basically to take a paper and specialize it, writing prayers on it, turning it into an Origami star. Laminating them with a bank note tithe inside. Using coins as tithes alongside. Sheet protectors. A banknote tithe inside those. Staplers, scrolls, jugs, glitter, stars, etc, etc. Solomon was right when he said that humans need things to occupy themselves with. Money does buy happiness. It buys us things to do and enjoy. Those that say it doesnt are voices from long ago when we were still living in substanceless caves. Yes, money buys enjoyment. It buys us things to collect. I like to collect video game magnets. Whatever you choose to collect is what you should even if you are just collecting the best of everything over one kind of thing. Being in a store or online buying things for an hour is always a good time. Entertainment is essential- best form of relaxation, whatever we choose. Be it a movie, book, or video game. It's up to you. I would only advise on a good chair to sit in. A good drink to have with it. Stuff like that. “Enhancements,” the more the better, the best of them, as you determine. Whatever creative thing you choose to do, do it until it is done so well that it impresses you. Think in terms of pride. Become so ego-bloated that it makes you drunk on yourself. Use bright sided thinking, gratitude, and develop an “optimal perspective” alongside. Then you will be in the Kingdom of satisfaction and happiness. Again, you need a nice chair for these things so spare no dollar on a good one. I personally like moon (sometimes called “globe”) chairs. Buy things that make life better and if they make life much better then never fail to have them. Get that large TV you crave. Get a remote control fan. Upgrade something that needs it. If the better thing only costs a little more then pay a little extra. Give your feet the comfort of sandals while inside. Get a new pillow and a new blanket from time to time. Access what you really need and buy it. And explore different options. New for newness sake is its own good reason. You may have a name brand you prefer, but still it is nice to buy differently sometimes. Besides, you may find that the alternative is better. A good drink is important to have with you throughout the day. Four is a good number. Three is good enough. For me it is ice tea, coffee, and some occasional alternative. I once drank cherry cider from Carizozo, but where I live now it is nowhere to be found. I guess that is part of my journey in life. Finding good things and getting them. You won’t find me buying the first book I see in a bookstore. Not until I am entirely satisfied with my pick will I buy one. I narrowed it down for myself. I like Del Rey books from the 1980s. I really do. Without certain things we are plain miserable. Obviously we should commit ourselves to buying what we truly need. We should wash out bad thoughts- we should wash away negative thinking. This is done by pacing around and going over them until its effect is diminished and changed into something more manageable. An especially smart person can even change it all into a positive. Do things that make life better. Work towards a better future. These are all the things that make life the best it can be. CS- What Prayer Sheets are all about: This was a practice of mine for years and years. I felt that deities could see what I wrote, and so prayed to them on paper, preserving it. When I was homeless I would write my prayers on paper and stuff them in a plastic bottle, then throw them away. Trash paper and plastic bottles were easily come by. In fact I used to call it “trash writings.” I have developed it a lot since then. My preservation of these papers turned to lamination. Earlier on they were put into a zippy and an envelope then just thrown away. Throwing them away is actually an act of preservation. There they sit in the landfill for all time. I always used tithes in them too. That was one constant. That would either be foriegn bank notes or coins. I would buy a few hundred coins or 50 of the notes online to use over time. I got to learn a little origami along the way. Things like stars and heart envelopes and such. I placed a plastic glow in the dark star inside my star origami prayer sheets. I used ribbon for my prayer sheets, often. Those would be glued and stapled on the borders of the papers. As for where I placed them could either be a jug, an envelope, an empty coffee container. I use different color pens, markers, even paint. I used glitter to spell out “Satan,” and to him a prayer. I used my favorite stone, the rose quartz, too, placing them in the jar I used. That and green marbles. If I had something that would go neat inside I used that, such as a small troll doll. Stickers can be used. Honestly nearly anything you think of can be used in one way or another when it comes to prayer sheets. You can use bells and incense, an altar, a magic box with crystals inside, when it comes to prayer sheeting. Prayer sheets are the magic I use the most. And I will list here the demons and deities I honor the most: Shiva, Lilith, Abaddon, Mammon, Beelzebub, Samael, Azrael, Leviathan, Dagon, Belial, Isis, Osiris, Bael, Asmodeus, Hecate, Neti, Mother Aeon, Agnes, Set, Santa Muerte, and Uriel. Santa Muerte is the “catholic saint for sinners,” while Mother Aeon is my Guardian Mother Goddess. Mother Aeon is the basis of my religion founded upon the book I wrote “The Bible of Mother Aeon.” It is another one of my free public domain books found online. She was my protector in hard times. She preserved me. She led me into a better life. Some are given guardian angels by God. I was given a Guardian Goddess. She was predestined for that purpose, being with me since my birth, and has saved both my life and soul. C- Why The World Needs God. If there is ever an accusation of “why would God let ( ) this happen,” it is easy to answer that question. It happens because we have refused to allow God in our lives. We have refused and expelled Him from it. Why would anyone continue giving good things to someone who despises Him? Secondly, we are without the wisdom of God. Now so many also say what terrible things Christian do- those that burn at the stake and judge the hell out of people, as it were. No, they aren’t Christians but are all just wolves in sheep’s clothing. It is the Bible used for evil means. It is actually an anti-Christian thing they are influenced by. No, real Christian don’t hate and murder, believe it or not. God’s wisdom is the one true wisdom. And while God can be much of a Lion sometimes, that is just the way things are for all of His creation. We eat meat- by many tons per hour. We are all “guilty” of being Lions ourselves. Anyways- His wisdom is useful and necessary if we are to be at our best. So often it is said that these very gruesome influences we have in movies and entertainment on the whole do not corrupt us. When will it end? They just get more and more worse and more and more commonly so. That does have a negative effect on children taught to just go with their impulses without reservation. Cursing and swearing the hell out of someone is to be expected, “just natural,” just be the animal. Their lusts turn dark, sexuality runs rampant. Means of violence the message on TV, in cartoons, in music, all over the place. When people are taught nothing of values they will lie, steal, cheat, and kill. Without God what reason is there for values? God is irreplaceable, to add to that. Without Him things spiral out of control and chaos is born. Consider Israel and its past- there is strong historical evidence to what I say. God was with them until they chose sin over Him. So the wall protecting them collapsed. Only when they return to Him did their protection and quality of life return. It can be said of America as well. Living in sin is a lost sort of life. Reward and punishment is all they know really. So selfish. Irresponsible too. With God we are dedicated to the good. Without Him all that life means is the next good thing to have and they all wander around aimlessly finding it not really caring if it makes others lives better or not. Humankind has tried to form a good working society since the beginning, but without God that cannot be. When you have the spiritual backbone that it gives then you strive to do well towards others. You seek to understand things better. You are not led into devices that harm you and others. There is such a thing as not having a soul to save. Christianity gives you a soul. Without it we are just

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