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The Canadian parliamentary companion for 1876 [microform] PDF

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P i\M \I\'M Tailois and Robe '*fi rcnoiTTO. 1 UniVSRSITY TRINITY COyuSaS AND M. A. B. A. "Secn'stered Trade Mark. GOWNS AND CAPS Gowns and Bags. Bdrristers' The ivbove are-imported and always in stoek. QUEEN'S COUNSEL AND OTH£R R0t2ES IMPORTED TO ORDER. POPS JOSEPH 3. ~*^'^s^ "^^^' >-6^4?t:.:>^^^^^^^::>^^^ - ^ ^ i f STUDIO : ^ CHAKIj opera H0US2, V TOP.QN.TO. ©iST, "'ss SOME OF MR. FORBES' PAiNTiNGS "^» s \\'i!] be exliihit'jd at tlio iCentennial Exhibition, ^ Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. Ottawa, 2iul Feb., 187G. Notice is Heroby Given tiat ies leciilim Must apply, until further notice, to this Department, transmitting at the same time a CERTIFICATE OF IDENTITY Accompanied in each case with a descrip- tion of the Applicant, signed by a Justice of the Peace, and also the K. W. SCOTT, ; Secretari/ of Stale, — of To AduertiiiErs in "Canada Gazette." FARTIES sendiug advertisements to be inserted in the Canada Gazette will hei-eftCter please observe the following lules : lo. Address the *' Canada Gazette, Ottawa,. Canada." 2o. Indicate the number of insertions required, 3o. Invariably remit the fees for such advertise- ments, which will otherwise not be inserted. The rates being eight cents for the first insertion and two 4 cents for each su)>sequent insertion, per line of nine words. Subscribers will also notice that the subscription, $4 per annum is invariably payable in advance, and that the Gazette will 1^ stopped from them at the end of the period paid for. Single numbers will be charged 10 cents each, and when required by ad- vertisers must be remitted for likewise. i BROWN CHAMRERLIN, Queen's Printer^ Office of Queen's Printer, ( Ottawa. 2 January, 1875. \ THE ZSTJ^TIOI^, 1876- THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Rcniittuiocs at the risk of the Siil>scri>)er, nnloss iimde hy re;j!"istered letter or ]>y draft or P. 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C Bank Concert, Bills, jyrammes, Bills of Fare,°Bill Heads, Labels, PamphletsrBills of Lading-, Circulars, Catalo<^ueg, Scri^) Certificates, Brokers' Note Forms, Account Sa-es Forms, Insurance, Bankand Liw Forms. All letters should te addressed to I J. Hoss S^olssitson, Bnsinesr Hanairer, S TftKHtA'TO ^TRKKT, TOKO>'TO. THE CANADIAN MOmmy il and NATIONIiL REVIEW The Publisliers will 1m3 gliid to receive tlie kind offiies of I'rieiicls of the Maj^-azine in iJi-oniotin*;- its circulation ; and hej; speciuUv to call tlie attention of those interested in the deve- lopnient of Canadian Literature to the following Cli'B Katks One copy for one vear, including' postage prepaid, .$3 no Three coi)ies *"'' * *' " , . i) 50 Five *' *' ** *' .15 00 q'^^j^ << ti (( it (( :;nd an additional cojjy to person sending the Club. SO 00 Clnbbing with the Toronto "Nation" and the London "Academy.' The Publishers havemadearrangejnentswith the Proprietors of the above Journals, which will enal)le them to furnish TiiK' Canadian Monthly and those Periodicalsat thefollowingcom- muted rates for the coming year. The Toronto Nation, as is well known, is the most im}>ortant and mo.st influential weekly journal published in Canada and lite Academy is a weekly ; review of Literature, Science and Art, which in a very few >ears has attained the position of the first literary weekly pub- i lished in Europe. Specimen numbers of the several publica- tions will be mailed on application. The Canadian Monthly, The Nation, and The Academy su])plied (postage free) for one year, for i^lO, cash in advance' The Canadian Monthly and The Nation, supplied (postage I free) for one year, for ^0,00, cash in advance. of The separate subscriptions are as follo^^•s : The CanadianMonthly • $3 50per annum or together, TheToronto Nation - • 3 00 ) post-paid, The LondonAcademy 6 25 " ) for $10 00. I ADAM, STEVEITSOIT & Co., PUBLISHERS. TORONTO.

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