~~ 1'='111 t e m 0 g 8 1 n THE WORLD'S FIRST 4 4 0 MHz SYNTHESIZED HAND HELD RADIO Tempo was the first with a synthesized thoroughly field tested , is so simple to hand held for amateur use, fi rst with a operate or offers so much value. The 220 MHz synthesized hand held, first Tempo 8-4 offers the opportunity to with a 5 watt output synthesized hand get on 440 MHz from where ever you held...and once again first in the 440 may be. With the addition of a touch MHz range with the 8-4, a fully tone pad and matching power synthesized hand held radio. Not only amplifier its versatil ity is also does Tempo offer the broadest line of unsurpassed. synthesized hand helds, but its The 5-4.,.$349.00 s ta nd a rds o f reliab ili ty are With 12 bulton touch tone pad $399.00 un s u rpassed ...re Iia b iIi ty proven With 16 button touch tone pad $419.00 through millions of hours of operation. 5-40 matc hing 40 watt output No other hand held has been so 13.8 VDC power amplifier...$149.00 • Tempo 5 -1 $pe<;lllcalions: The first and most thoroughly field tested hand held Frequency Coverage: 440 to 449.995 MHz Channel Spacing: 25 KHz minimum synthesized radio available today. Many thousands Power Requirements: 9.B VDC are now in use and the letters of praise sti ll pour in, Current Drain: 17 me-standby 400 ma-trenemtt (1 amp high power) The S-1 is the most simple radio to operate and is Anlenna Impedance: 50 ohms built to provide years of dependable service Sensitivity: Beller tnen .5 microvolts nominal for 20 db Despite its light weight and small size it is built to Supplied Accessories: Rubber flex antenna 450 ma m-ead battery withstand rough handling and hard use. Its heavy pack, charger and earphone duty battery pack allows more operating time RF output Power: Nominal 3 watts high or 1 watt low power between charges and its new lower price makes it Repeater Offset: :t 5 MHz even more affordable. Optional Accessories for all models Tempo 5 -5 12 button touch tone pad (not installed): $39 • 16 button touch tone pad (not installed): $48 . Tone burst generator: $2995 Offers the same field proven reliability, features and • CTeSS sub-audible tone control: $29.95 . Leather holster: specifications as the S-1 except that the S-S $20 • Cigarette lighter plug mobile cha rging unit: $6 provides a big 5 watt output (or 1 watt low power operation). They both have external microphone capability and can be operated with matching solid TEMPO VHF& UHF SOLIO STATE POWER AMPLIFIERS state power amplifiers (30 wall or 80 wall output). Boost your signal. .. give If the range and clarity of a high Allows your hand held to double as a powerful powered base stalion. VHf (135 10 175 MHz) mobile or base radio. Drive Power Output Model No Price S-30, . $89.00· S-80 ..$149 .00· 2W DOW 130A02 $209 'For use wilh 5-1 and 5-5 lOW DOW 130AlO $1B9 30W 130W 130A30 $199 Tempo 5 -2 s 2W BOW BOA02 169 lOW BOW BOAlO $149 With an 5-2 in your c ar o r pocket you can use 30W BOW BOA30 $159 s 220 M Hz repeaters throughout the U .S. It 2W SOW 50A02 129 s offers all the advanced engineering , p remium 2W 30W 30A02 B9 UHF (400 10 512 MHz) modell, lower power and FCC Iype accepted model. q uality components and features of the 5-1 also available. and 5-5. T he 5-2 offers 1000 c hannels in an extremely li ghtweight but rugged case. If you're not on 220 this is the perfect w ay to get started. W it h the addition of the 5 -20 T empo solid state amplifier it becomes a powerful mobil e or base station . If you have a Henr/Radio 220 MHz station, the 5 -2 will add tremendo us versatility. Price $349.00 (With to uch to ne pad installed ...$399.00) 5-20 $89.00 2050 S. Bundy Or., Los Angeles. CA 90025 12131820-1234 931 N. Euclid , Anaheim, CA 92801 714 772-9200 Butler, Missouri 64730 R16 679-3127 TOll FREE ORDER lUMBER: 11001421--8831 FOf all states u tepl Cahfornia Calif. reSidents please calf COIlIll;I on our regulal numbers c-. "'- -'iort .. IOitlMlllt 1Illta. F I V E S T O R E B U Y I N G P O W E R ! S U M M E R S A V I N G S SHIPPING REGULARLY TO COUNTRIES IN ALL CONTINENTS. ETD A LP H A 77DX 78 REGULAR REGULAR FREE PHONE $4945 $3185 8 0 0 YOUR PRICE: $4199 YOUR PRICE: $2599 854·6046 76PA 374A CAUF CUSTOMERS PLEASE CAU OR VISIT USTEO STORES REGULAR FREE $2395 SHIPMENT YOUR PRICE $1999 (UPSB,own) MIRAGE B·1016 2M CONTINENTAL u.s A. AMPLIFIER 160W OUTPUT REGULAR $339.95 SSB, FM, CWo Includes: N8P-9 Freq. range: 144.148MHz. RFout:160W 1'IOtTl. battery pack. (10W in). • RF power in:5-15W. DC operating pwr: 13.8VDC @ 20-25A . Intermittent duty Ne-9B wall charger. cycle . Built-in receiver pre-amp. Auto- FEP-, earphone, matic inlernal orexternal relay keying. rubber ftex. ant. REGULAR YOUR PRICE $289.95 $279.95 YOUR PRICE $249.95 R.L. DRAKE TR.7/DR.7 COLLINS KWM·380 ANAHEIM, CA 92801 2620 W. La Palma. (714) 761-3033 (213) 860-2040 REGULAR $1599 NEW REGULAR PRICE $ 3496 Seh,ee.,OtsneyIand & K..,.r. BetryFarm ASK FOR YOUR PRICE $2695 UMrTEO NUMBER AT OLD PRICE BURLINGAME. CA 94010 999 Howard Ave., (415) 342·5757 5 miles south on 101 from S,F. At,porl. K E N W O O D OAKLAND, CA 94609 2811 Telegraph Ave., (415) 451-5757 - Hwy 24 Downtown. lel1 27th ort-ramp_ TS·130S ~ j*l~ .~- SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 !""'" - ~ 1;;1 - .].;:" .~- 5375 KearnyVilla Road (714)S60-4900 - _:_.. _ '..... v -!...-- Hwy 163 & Clairemont Mesa Blvd. 0 -' ."--' ''- •'-.•-•_ •-". - VAN NUVS. CA 91401 6265 5epuIv9da Blvd., (213) 988-2212 San [)ego Fwy al VlClory Blvd. '. OVER-THE-COUNTER TS·830S :....... Mon. thru Sat.10AMto 5:30PM ALA·"'U.IANCE·A!.......· AlllECO·AMPHlENOl·..." " ·ASTHON •AVAHnoN NCI*:" · BERo{-TtK' 5IRO' M W.C· · , "'"""O(.COE ·COUJNs·o.-:; 'CURTIS ·C\.lSHCIV.FT. twwA • o.o.TONG LCA LL NOW-FO~ YOUR SPECIAL ox • DENlAON- l)lIIAKE• EN<:U,,"U RlN(l • lE'IoI"": • HUSTLIiI'l TR·7800 • HY-GA'N •!COM. J.WMIUER · KENWOOD"'''K'Ifl''" • LAASEtl \ SUMMER SAVINGS PRICES r.oo . · U/t<AR • MEll ' "'FJ • ""e AO- f'ROOOCTS •""RAGE • ,.YIE • PALOt.I..." ."0801.IlOH"·SHURE•SWA" · TELH·fELAEX· TEIolf'O·TEto-TEC· TFlISTM> m.n' mot.' Prlctt" spees .ubject 10 chal1'lle w~hout notice CallI. '"Klan'. p1ea,e add sal" t.... • V..ESU. .... Preamplifiers RAC INFO • . .• ~ - -- - ,... . • t .- ! t i • Manuscrtpts , - Contribution, in the lorm 01 manu + t<;r1pta willi drawing. 'nd/or phole> TRAC'ONE DELUXE g.lpM are _ Icome , lid wilt be COil tldared for posalbll publlcallon. We CMOS KEYER The famous Palomar Engineers can assume no responsibility lor 1088 preamplifier has been updated and or damage 10 ...y m,t,rl.L Plena packaged in an attractive new enclOU • stamped, NII·&d!jrl'uc1 $119.95 ...""lope wllh Nell I</bml..lon. Pay· cabinet "'*" for the uH 01 11'1)' untollcit..:l IT"IIllel1al will be mede upon accep For the SWl there is the P·305 tan08. All conlrlbo.o!lOnl ahould be d~ 19·Y DC powered) and the P·308 •..:ted to tile 13 eCI1loritl Qlflefl. (115'''' AC powered) featuring full ~How to Wrtl, for 73R OUldeH,.. ... Features: ModeITE-464 shortwave coverage. seecroe of two ~lal:Jle;upon~. c:w "True signal rll(lfodUC:llOfl-SlI'lgle signal rec:ep antennas, 20 db ettencatoe, 15 db Editorial Ollie..: ,"".'.0_ gain control andco-cttevcess switch -Re<no.es ilil aRM iOIId ORN c:w P1".S,,.. -Digs 001 signal. dKo<le$ it _.Ih PhMed L.ock Loop Tone DecOder lhen .eproduces il _i111 lUll Pelllttlorough NH ~ PI'Ione:llQ3.924-3l173, 924-36U operalOf conlrol ower Gain. F'eq. Tone, Delay, •...11 ccenrore on I'on! panel Adyartlslng Ollie..: ' Freq contrOlva.lllble JOO Hz10 2500 Hz "'HI malell any"g· Elm SIt. 'LEO Ilaslles du"ng d&eodM ope'ation P$lerbofoullh NH o:w5lI ·Ope.ates in jin(l ",1111 .Ig alldio- Ieavtl in Ii.... on Phon',6Q3.924-'138 OFFIBYP,6.SS ' Buill in speake, Circulation Ollie..: ' Headphones jack 'aa' panel ' Balle<yor ,6.C..,daplor, 9VOC ope,alion Elm Street ccee PLUS: For transceivers, the P·310X 111 5·... Peterborough NH •DeluxeCMOS Keye<- '"SliOllHlf·lI1e-V1··CMOSel,· Phone:llQ3.924-7296 AC powered) and the P-312X (12-... cu,try DC powered) leature automatic Subscription Rat.. -Setl-complehng dolSand dastleS mem<II, "Both dot ilnd ISnh bypass on transmit. adjustable delay In the UnIted Stl'" and P: I..nlons: "liOmbic keyIng "'i1h...,. sq.-za paddle lor return 10 receive, and 350 watt One Y_ 112 ' 125-00 "S-50 _ .p,m transmit capaMity. TwoV \2 ' ; S38.OO "Speed. Volume, Tone, Tu... III1CI WeigI'lt conlrols llvee v P51MuM1S53JXI "Sidetone and speak... "Semi--iOuto S_,lch 101' bug 01 straight key All models have these leatures: Elsewhere: tor "Deluxe q.....rt...-onch ;.eks key'ng ilnd OOlPUI • Up to 20 db gain. "Keys god block 01' solid sIal" ngs Canadl-$27.0011 Y'" only, U,S. • Covers 1.8 to 54 MHz in lour funds. Foreign sUl1_ mall_~CO'l bands. yea. only, US. lUnda, foreign lir • Low noise figure. mlll-$62.CD1 yH' only, US. funds. • Reduces image and spurious To subscribe, i: . • response. .' renew or change • 8" 5" 3", Brushed alum II II an address: ,,- Inum control panel. Black vinyl ~ cover. Writ, 10 13 ItII QI1IM , Sut:..criptlon • SO-239 connectors. Oft>'rlmenl, PO eo. 931, Fwmlng. • LED pilot" dll, NY 11737. For '_wIII Inc:l TRAC'ONECW changea 01 addrMa. InctWe the ad llteea label Il'om your moet recent PROCESSOR Order direct Of from your tavoote __ of 73. FOf gltt tubKrlptlona, In dealer, Model P"305 Receiver Pre· ~ your ........ .-Illlddt-. .......1 11$tI'oQM ol gift ...eJpienta. Poetmut.., $89.95 amplilter feM" 9-v OC $99.95. Model Send 10fITl 13579 10 73 Wa~n.. Sub p·30e feM" 115·v AC $109 95. trans. s.......... eo. Ik;l1ption P.O. 931.Farm. ceiver Preamplllier Model P-3 10X Ingd&le, NY 11737. $ 12995. Model P-3 12X $1 29.95. Subscription Add $3 shippingihandling. Calif. Features: Model TE 424 problem or residents add sales tall. c:w •True Signal ._odUC:hon-Singla s~n.al recep. question: ,,~ "R"mo_es " II aRM and QRN .. maste, Write 10 73 ""aoall,... Subscription dlarge, ' Oigs oul CW signal, Qecod-es it wilh Phased LOCk ." Departmenl, PO Box 931. farmingdale Loop Tone oeeceer then repeccuces 'I wilh lull cp ~,~ ,~,- d NY 11737. Please Include an addnns e'810' control everGain. F.eq. Tone. Delay. label. on Oon'l wait any longer 10 pull out ",6.11 controls t.ont pan'll ' F.eq conlrol .allatlla 300 1-11 10 2500 Hz "" II malch weak, rare OX. 73 Maoul,.. (ISSN 0ll'il8-9(10) is pub eo any"g lished monthly by 73, lne., Pine "LEO f1i1slles du"oo decode< ope<iOlion Street, PeterbOfough NH ln456, Sec P a l o m a r "Operates in 10.... ""th .ig ilU."'O-Iea.., ,n I,... on ond elaM post. paid at PetertlOf· OFFIflYP.&.SS ough NH03458.-1ll.t Iddltional mal~ 'Buill~n ~k.. Ing oftlc:ea. CopyngM lei 1.1 by 73, ,ear "Headphones jac:k pall8l Inc:.- All t1ghts .....NId No p,ar1 aI this E n g i n e e r s "Balte<y 01 AC-ldaptOl, 9 VDC operahOf'l ",. 76 l)III)6Ieation may be repOnted Of other· SEND FDA IlROCHUREON OUR FULL PfIOOUCf LINE wIM .eplOO'1C'4l! _1t1'Qfl Mitten per. m1Mlon Il'om the oubIlIhIr Microtllm ELECTRONICS, INC. Editlon-Uni...slly Mierolllm. Ann 1106 RAND BLDG. Art:lor loll 48108- R A C nlO-G Industnal Ave . Escondido CA 9l0l5 BUFFALO. NY 14203 Phone' [7141 747-3343 (716) 852-8188 4 73 Magazine. August, 1981 Wild Turkeys 1, FBI 0 A Flier's Guide to the Airwaves -canorher foul-up from the teds WA7UDO 12 -off we go into the wild blue yonder W B6BHI 58 Sailplanes on Six Cybernel Ten-Meier Offset - these thermal-hunting hems have an edge on the - If you've gone (B to 10, why not go all the way? competItion W 636QO 20 Add the repeater offset. too! K)NXU 66 The Supernova Station Organizer A Siout Hearl for a Simple.. Autopatch 26 -in this project. four into one willgo ! W 3BYM !l1t 70 - put your KIM-1 towork WD8CHH R" iew: Kenwood's TR-9000 Review: - the multi-mode z-rneter rig that'smaking SSBersout The Bearcat 350 Programmable Scanner a VHFers WB86TH, N8RK 30 - a uru-ctass act from Electra WA4PYQ 78 Review: The Calectro Multi-Tester -a tull-stze, lab-type multimeter for fans of analog 80 operation. . " W8FX Review: How To Defend Yourself Against Radar 85 ., , , N8RK Review: Review: Butternut's HF5V-1II Vertical Guide to RTTY Frequencies -this one really does work equallv well in all ........................................................... ...... K8D IU/4 87 34 direcnons KAllR The History of Ham Radio 88 -e-part XVii W9C1 The Melerless Ohmmeter 36 Re\tiew: -an audible continuity tester WB7NEZ The Robot 800H QRM-Free Antenna Tuning - 3 specialty terminal for RTTY/Morse/SSTV and 40 you WB9PKD 92 -with this inexpensive noisebridge Staff The Better Vertical IC-2A Accessories the Cheap Way -celevated feed means low angle 01 44 - build 'ern yourself and silve. _ ADSX radiation W[)9AHH 94 Re\tiew: Solar-Powered Alignment Tool The TET SQ-22 Antenna 48 - usingOld Sol to find true North K6BW -e-walkmg the dog with il two-meter quad... KAllR 99 Newcomer to Nicadsl The OX Primer - you'lt get a charge out of thi~ informative - low power plus low antennas plus good technique so 100 overview .... ...................................W60JF equals 300 countries.,.. .. " W8YA Never Say Die- 6, Fun! -102, leaky lines-104, Ham Help-105, 143, Contesls-106, DX-120, Awards- 122, Social E'Jents-123, New Products-128, RTTY loop-132, letters-133, Looking West-134, Kahaner Report - 13&, Corrections-137, OSCAR Orbits-142, Dealer Directory-162, Propagation-162 Cover. AEA's Mike Lamb and daughter Julie go bicycle marine mobile with the Isopolen~ 144. Photo by Audris SkuJa, 73 Magazine. August, 1981 5 ing in teams to distracl dealers while an accomplice grabbed equipment. One dealer lost three HTs... from the back of his exhibit booth! MILLER HASSLE WON'T QUIT The dumping of Miller as a director of the ARRL and the naming of his opponent, Metz· W2NSD/i ger, without the benefit of even counting the votes, has upset hams in Indiana considerably. We published some letters on NEVER SAY DIE the subject and I'm told by some of the 73 team which was at Dayton (nine of us were there) editorial by Wayne Green that a chap claiming to be a lawyer for Metzger came by the booth yelling and threatening to sue us over the letters. He ap ROCHESTER HAMFEST The exhibits were then forced to dealers collected the tax. , .and parently came across loud and CLOSED DOWN BY TAX close down. The 73 booth was didn't pay it. The New York ham obnoxious. OFFICIALS permitted to continue without dealer, feeling that this gave his interruption, though the OST competitors an undue edvan New York tax officials If this chap is representative booth was closed. tage ... the tall. collections be descended on the Rochester of Metzger, the division is in for This all got started about two ing pure profit. .. complained Hamlest and closed down the a most interesting time. I don't years ago when several ham again through trrs congressman. ARRL booth, threatening presi envy them. More information dent Harry Dannals with an ar dealers collected the New York When the tall. people and the has been promised on the de rest warrant if he continued to state taxes on sales, but then police showed up at the peak of tails, but from everything I've hawk his books and magazines. did not turn them into the tall. the hamfest, the committee heard it is a crear-cut case of the h was at the height 01 the department. Out-of-state ham went into hiding and offered no ARRL wanting to get rid of a di· hamlesl just before noon on dealers who just ignored the tall. help or advice. The only state rector who was asking too many Saturday. with an estimated did not cause problems, but the ment, issued hours later, was to questions. The smear of Milleris 3,000 people milling around the collecting of the tall. without the the effect that the committee contmumq. Insignificant things flea market and the handful of payment of it was too much. A had no position on the tall. one are being blown up out of all pro exhibitor booths, when the lax New York ham dealer cern way or the other. The situation portion to try to justify the char officials and police arrived p1ained through his state con was one of total confusion, acter assassination of Miller. The police cars drove up and gressman and the heat was on. The media got the word, and Pity. television teams soon arrived, down the aisles of the flea Last year, a tall.official turned causing a fast exit by the police DAMNED GOVERNMENT market, demanding that every up to investigate and made it and tall. people, The th reats of one pack up and leave rmmeot clear that this sort 01 thing Many of us expect to see the arrest warrants were apparently ately. Inside the exhibits build would have to stop. He told all federal government react about just scare tactics " .anc of ing, the tax officials demanded exhibitors to be sure to get state the same as the states to a re questionable legality. Exhibi· proof of a tax certificate, which tall. certificates, collect the tax, duction in funds: Cut the most few exhibitors could produce. and pay it. Again, some of the tors would have done best, it important and visible services turned out, to just keep on seil first, protecting the bureaucrats ing. Losses in sales have been to the last. It is nice that Reagan estimated at about a quarter of PLAIN LANGUAGE DEADLINE EXTENDED has put out a call for the public a million dollars. to blow the whistle on govern A last-minute effort by 73 MagaZine, the ARRL, and others Just to make things even ment waste, bad management has resulted in a 6O-day extension of the deadline for filing worse, security at Rochester practices, and fraud, If you've comments on Ihe Plain Language Rules docket. You now was poor and many exhibitors run into any such, you might have unlil August 21 to contribute your thoughts about PR found themselves made mrsera send word to Howard Messner, 80-729. ble by thieves. Some were work· Office of Management and Bud get, Room 10208, New Executive We urge every club and repeater association to take a close Office Building, Washington DC look et the docket and then submit specific, constructive 20503. comments. If you would like to be a formal participant in the W2NSD ON·THE-AIR comment process, file an original and five copies. If you fue SCHEDULE It appears as if there is going an original and 11 copies, every Commissioner will see your AUGUST,1981 to be a try at getting the govern remarks. Of course, the FCC will consider all comments, reo 8:00-1 1:00 PM EDT ment out of the large-scale print gardless of the number of copies submitted. The important ing business, too. That'll be a 4 15m·2Om ATIY thing is to speak out before the August 21 deadline. relief, 11 2Om-40m Phone 18 15m·20m CW Until October 21 , the FCC permits you to file replies to com PETERBOROUGH DAYS 25 15m·2Om Phone ments received by August 21. The difficulty ues in obtaining "Our Town," as Peterborough copies of the many comments the Commission has received. Look for us in the first 25 is called as a result of being One good way to obtain these comments is to contact the in· kHz of the General ocr used as the role model for the dividuals who flied them. For more details about the FCC's tton of each band, We'll play of that name many years activities, call the Office of Consumer Assistance at (202)·632· be on the higher frequen ago, is having an en-out bash on 7000. cy band first. August 6-7-8th, and you're in vited. 8 73 Magazine · August, 1981 Miniaturized,5 memories, memory/band scan T R - 7 7 3 0 memory stores both receive and transmit frequencies to be o ffse t ± 60 0 kHz for frequency Independently. to allow opera repeater access (or to be operated tion on repealers with nonstandard splits. simplex) during transmit mode. The TR-7730 is an incredibly compact, Memory backup terrruna t on rear panel. • Four-digit LED frequency display reasonably priced. 25-watt, z-meter FM • Memory scan Indicates receive a nd transmit frequency mobile transceiver with five memories, Automatically locks on busy memory during si mplex or repea ter-offset memory scan. automatic band scan, UP! channel a nd resumes when signal operation. DOWN manual scan from the microphone. disappears or when SCAN switch Is • S/RF bar meter and LED indicators and other convenient operating features. pushed. Scan 1101.0 or microphone PTT Bar meter of multlcolor LEOs shows. switch cancels scan. relative receive a nd transmit signal levels. TR-7730 FEATURES: • Extended frequency coverage Other LEOs Indicate BUS Y. ON AIR. and • Smallest ever Kenwood mobile Covers 143.900-148.9 95 Mllz In REPEATER offset. Measures only 5 -3/4 Inches wide. switchable 5·kHz or lO·kHz steps, allow • Tone switch 2 inches high, and 7-3/4 Inches deep. and Ing simplex and repea ter operation on ActJvates internal subaudiblc to ne weighs only 3.3 pounds. Mounts even in some MARS and CAP frequencies. encoder (not Kenwood-supplied). the smallest subcompact car, and is an • Automatic band scan ideal combtnauon with the equally com Optional a ccessories: Scans enure band In 5-kJlz or lO-kHz pact TR-8400 synthesized 70-c-m FM steps a nd lock; on busy channel. Scan • MC-46 16-button autopatch (DTMf1 mobile tra nsceiver. resumes when signal disappears or when UP/DOWN microphone • 25 watts RF output power SCAN switch is pushed. Scan HOLD or • SP-40 compact mobile speaker Even lhou,gh the TR-7730 is so compact. microphone PTT switch cancels scan. • KPS-7 frxed-stauon power supply it still produces 25 watts output for • UP/DOWN manual scan reliable mobile communications. HVWW More tntormanon on the TR-7730 and With UP/DOWN microphone provided. power switch selects 25-W or S-W output. TR-8400 Is available from a ll authorized manually scans enUre band in 5-kHz or • Five memories dealers of Trto-Kenwood lO-kHz steps. May be operated In simplex mode or Communications. Inc.. repeater mode with the transmit fre • Offset switch 1111 West Walnut Street, quency offset ± 600 kHz. The fifth Allows VFO and four of five memory Compton. California 90220. Synthesized 70-cm FM mobile rig T R - B 4 0 0 accessing autopatchesl or other tone signaling devlr-e. • H1/LOW RF output power switch • Synthesized coverage of 440-450 MHz Selects 10 watts or I watt output. Covers upper 10 MHz of 70-cm band in • Virtually same size as TR-7730 25-kHz steps. with two VFOs. Perfect companion forTR-7730 in • Offset switch a compact mubtle arrangement. f or ±5 MHz transmit offset on both WOs • Other features similar to TR-7730 and four of five memories. as well as five memories, memory scan. automatic Simplex operation. f ifth memory allows band scan (in 25-kHz steps). UP/DOWN any other offset by memorizing receive manual scan. four-digit LED rccerve and transmn frequencies Independently. frequency display (also shows tra nsmit • DTMF autopatch terminal frequency In memory 5l. S/Rf ba r meter On rear panel. for connecting OTMf and LED Indicators. tone swltch. and Specifications and prices are sub;ecl 10 [dual-tone mulufrequencyl touch pad (for same optional accessories. change wilhoulllolice or abligaUaT1. To do our part In the celebra beautiful in New England and it climbed the mountain I took the tion, we're going to have a wide Is situated in one of the most train back down. STAFF selection of back issues of 73 remarkable little valleys in the So, if you and your family are available for the taking ... plus country. One visit and YOU'll see within driving distance of lower ham gear and parts collected by why New Hampshire is one of New Hampshire, you might plan me over the last 40 years. We the fastest growing states in the on getting up here in early have to make room for a new country. Remember that we August to see us... and to get PUBLISHER/EDITOR Wayne G'""" W2NSDI1 magazine and that means I've have no sales taxes, so when in on some of the fun of Peter EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT lost my ham equipment storage you shop you pay the actual borough Days. We monitor SIlo'", Smylhe rights. Pick 'em over and watch retail price for everything. 147.54 when you're in the area. ASSISTANT PUBLISHERIEDITOR Jolt OeT,., WB8BTH my stifled sobs as you walk off This is a mecca for famous If you can arrange for a few ASSOCIATE PUB~ISHERlllIRECTOR with my treasures. writers and artists, so you may OF PUBllCATIOtlS days in New Hampshire, you Edward Fem,." WAlUFY The town will be having a lot be bumping elbows wit h people should include a visit to the "'ANAGINO EDITOR of special events, includ ing a who stay at our MacDowell col JoM Bum.U White Mountains, about 100 circus on the 6th, a muster on ony, such as Leonard Bernstein, ASST. "ANAGING EDITOR miles north of Peterborough. Su...n Pn"MCk the 8th, a relatively short mara or some of the wen-known local You may want to stop off in War· NEWS EDITOR than race, sports tournaments residents, such as Ed land. You Gen. Sm.'to WIl6TOV ren and see the Morse Museum. EOlTOIIIAL ASSISTANTS in tennis, swimming, softball, never know who you are going to From there you are a short drive Nancy Noyd and volleyball, a book sale, see in the A&P. Ricnard Phonl. to Franconia Notch and the REVIEW EDITOR square dancing, a bluegrass One of the highest mountains amazing Flume, the Foot Basin, Paul Grupp KAll R band, kite flying, an antique in southern New Hampshire is in CONTRIBUTINO EDITORS and the first North American Chri. Brown KAlO show ... there's no end to it. Peterborough, complete with a tramway on Cannon Mountain. AIV><>n C'upp N1BEJ Add to this your chance to mad to the top. Bring a good HT larry Kahan. , WB2NEL visit (and perhaps operate from) If you have sometime and like or mobile rig and see how many AOMINISHIATIVE ASSISTANT POIO,.hom the W2NSD ham shack, the to climb around, you might want repeaters you can kerchunk ASSOCI...TES Roberl Bako, WB2Gf E growing 73 publishing offices, to visit Lost River, right near from there. I've often gotten up 6111 Gooney KHC Instant Software, etc. You may Franconia Notch. Or you might there in the early mornings and So."lIe' Green 0••• IOO,om ~oTWJ not believe what resou rces and want to join the multitudes who made contacts all the way down Joe ~U""r G3ZCZ ,.y Dl. "'Ole l •• WA;l.t,JR people it takes to bring you this have climbed Mt. Washi ng to Washington DC. Long Island Do•• M,,,,a,nn,n.K2AGl magazine every month. ton . . .or at least take the cog is a snap. This is where the big 8111 P.. WASITF Jonn Schu'l' WeFA Our Town is one of the most railway to the top. The last time 1 effort VHF contesters gather. Pel.. Sto" "'2QAW - -- ----- - PRODUCTION ..ANolOERI PUBUC...fIONS Nancy Salmon ASST. PRODUCTION Well ... 1Can Dream, Can't I? by Bandel Linn K4PP MANAQERIPlJBUCATIONS M,cn••1~u,phy "'RT DIRECTOR OIan. Shonk ...DVERTlSINll GR...PHICS M...N"'GERS Robe't D,ew Sto,o 8al~w,n lIruee He<;l,n MODUCTION -- F,anco. Benton - L:) Fion.O...e. ~ liMa O'ew Gaty Otenam '. LJ ~. Mnnelh J'G~""n Ro•• lIen""n IIAlOAV 1",~~!i} "T Doanne lI,iloon The'e.a O.tebo ~ Jene P,e.lon DebO,an Stone \ 1 S"..n Symonds Thoma. Vilionou", )~\E;') Oonn. Wolllla"h PHOTOliIlAPN' W,n,am Heydolph Te",. Anoe,son Bill 5"lIonlieio Paul 8ablcM TYPESETTING Ba'bara Lelli • Sa,a aeooll M.,y I(,n, ol S'ew.,' Ka'en Mochol. De.RooMe,. SI_ Jewoll LuaM liM O, CORPOR"'TECO"'~'"~O."'"'"'-- Ch',fe. O.,n,u . J!, EXECUTIVE"'SSISTANT LeaUiGe O·Ne,j ...CCOUNTlNO M...N"'GER lie".' Kmnl IIV' OOI' CIRCUL...TION .....N...OER Deb" 8oud"0'" ClRCUL"'TION Do". Diy «l3·92' ·1296 Pau"na John",,,,,. BULKS"'LES M..N...GER Gonnia 80u,;,loou APVERTISING «l:l-924-T138 Jim OrayW1XU, Md' NancyCiampe. An i Mo! "Honey, I know you're talking to ox . , . I've put dinner on hold . , .just tell me when you're ready to eat!" 8 73 Magazine. August, 1981