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Preview The Boston Phoenix January 19-25, 2001: Vol 30 Iss 3

An obsessed-fan shamefully awaits the sequel visit AWAY ARd aT-velalel-Tilp xetel i for articles, archives, and listings JANUARY 19-25, 2001 * BOSTON’S LARGEST WEEKLY * FOUR SECTIONS PHILADELPHIA STORY free THE BOSTON Cops & feds conspired to squash civil liberties As protesters at last summer's Republican National Convention come to trial, a nasty tale emerges BY KRISTEN LOMBARDI IVIL-LIBERTIES LAWYERS confider it one Of the worst large-scale-violations of First Amendment rights since the Vietnam War — and as many as 25 New Why Kennedy England activists were caught in the and Kerry middle. should vote For nine months against before the Repub- lican National Ashcroft Convention, which took place a Phoenix editorial in Philadelphia from July 31 to August 3, Philly police worked closely with the FBI and Secret Service, as well as with state troopers from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, to ensure that the GOP confab would not be disrupted. The first part of their strategy was effective, if not particularly novel: arresting and jailing street protesters. It’s not much different from what their brothers and sisters in blue did last April in Washington, DC, where protesters flocked to demonstrate against the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. But the second part of the Philly strategy was much more malicious. When protesters UES are arrested for acts of civil disobedience, most police departments issue summary offenses, THURSTON MOORE PHOTO BY ERIC ANTONIOU which are no more serious than traffic tickets. SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT The Philadelphia police had done this for years. When police arrested more than 400 protesters last summer, however, they instead slapped them with misdemeanor and felony Christian sex outlaws charges. Doing so allowed prosecutors to seek bail, which they did with zeal — those arrested were held on bail ranging from $10,000 to $1 million. That allowed police to keep many Thanks to a little-known federal program sponsored by the Christian activists off the streets for days after the GOP right, teens are learning less about AIDS, STDs, and birth control than delegates had left town. And it also let prose- cutors pursue cases against those protesters they were even five years ago. And they’re still having lots of sex. who’ve refused — on principle — to plead out their charges. BY MICHAEL BRONSKI If the city succeeds in convicting people and sentencing them to jail time, it will surely have a tremendous chilling effect on the future of EORGE W. HASN’T even moved into the White remain virgins. How? In what may be a major legacy of organized activism. As Chip Berlet of the House yet, and we’ve already traveled back in time to the Clinton administration, teens have simply redefined Somerville-based Political Research Associates the cultural nightmare that was Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say abstinence. A 1999 study of Midwestern high-school explains, “In Philadelphia, we saw the return No” campaign. Earlier this month, the National Institute students between the ages of 12 and 17 showed that they of overt government repression of dissent. of Child Health and Human Development released the re- shared no common definition of the word — which, ac- Which works fine for a police state, but not at sults of a study showing that teen virginity pledges can ef- cording to the dictionary, pretty clearly means “to refrain all for the free-speech principles of democra- fectively delay sexual intercourse until later in life. Virgini- from something by one’s own choice.” cy.” ty pledges, for those who’ve been too busy screwing Maybe it was the vagueness of the word “something” Philadelphia district attorney Lynne Abra- around to notice, are public promises made by young peo- they had trouble with. In 1998, a survey of freshmen and hams has assigned attorneys from her office’s See TEEN SEX, page 78 elite homicide unit — the city’s A-list of sex until marriage. But the devil (as usual) is in the details; lawyers — to prosecute these outstanding in this case, it lies in what the definition of “sex” is. It is a biological fact that teenagers — whether or not Hip to be dull cases. It’s a move that Philadelphia defense at- torney Lawrence Krasner finds ridiculous. they engage in sex are hard-wired with sexual desires. “These are not killers,” he says..“They’re A lot of sexual desires. So it’s no surprise that many of See ‘Out There,’ page 12 them have found ways to have sex even if they want to See PROTESTS, page 20 mad season tour teen eyey.< | Ww £ Mw FT everclear LIFEHOUSE March 15 7pm ON SALE SATURDAY 10AM RIPas E NI ARENA AND CONVENTION COMPLEX TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE CENTRUM BOX OFFICE AND ALL tiCKétmaster get tickets at |sfx{.com LOCATIONS. CHARGE BY CALLING (617) 931-2000 or (617) 228-6000. Please note: date, time and ticket price subject to change without notice. A service charge is added to each ticket price. Brought to you by SFX. www.matchboxtwenty.com JANUARY 19, 2001 MEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX 3 Phoenix, contents JANUARY 19, 2001 “I'll probably get hooked again, and whoops, there goes two months of my life. This is going to wreak havoc on finals.” bit ontop he ae — Survivor fan “Cosmic Amanda” Newhall, News and Features, page 28 news and features n= lant ae Our “Pick of the Week” is the “Cuba, Cuba” exhibit at Gallery 12; in “State of the Art,” Carly Carioli asks Frank Black what we should expect when Frank plays Lilli’s with his band the Rough justice by Kristen Lombardi Catholics on Wednesday; in “Next Weekend,” Peg Aloi gets us When demonstrators committed civil disobedience at last summer's Republican National ready for Sarah Dougher and Anonymous Girls; Jimmy Scott Convention in Philadelphia, police outraged civil-liberties advocates by slapping them with comes to Scullers; the “Festival of Funny Songwriters” returns misdemeanor and even felony charges. Next week, two Boston-area activists go on trial. to the Somerville Theatre; George McGovern reads at WordsWorth; Beth Custer comes to the Zeitgeist Gallery; and Boston Lyric Opera stages Richard Strauss’s Salome. Christian sex outlaws by Michael Bronski : An ew study shows that self- -proclaii med teen viirrggii ns are reveliing ng ii n the delii ghts of oral and anal sex. Dining: in “Dining Out,” Robert Nadeau hits the North End for a red-sauce revival; in “Uncorked,” Thor Iverson plots the wine DON’T QUOTE ME: Tight fit by Dan Kennedy list for your next dinner party; in “On the Cheap,” Nancy Pat Purcell’s purchase of Fidelity’s Community Newspaper Company staggers toward the finish Kalajian surfaces at the new seafood spot Out of the Blue; and line. Plus, why trigger-happy Tom Alciere slid by the New Hampshire media, and how the Globe in “Noshing,” she twists her taste buds around the chocolate- let Charlestown’s leaders look bad. dipped pretzels at Gary’s Gourmet Chocolates. TALKING POLITICS: The blue collar and the blue blood . ¢ - The art of noise, page 20 by Seth Gitell = Raya y FlyFlny n, the fo rmer D omocre tii c mayor of f Bosto n, . alul unch-buuc ket" populil ist. Robini Moorer, ! tt h. “ : The January 24 concert with Sonic, author of The Green Berets, is an old-money Republican Cold Warrior. But they have two things in ; : ta hi d ; Youth's Thurston Moore is just the common: a thriving relationship as co-authors, and a sense that the worlds they came from have _ ; v ished : opening salvo of the “Dangerous —— Waves: Art of Sound” exhibit at the ; School of the Museum of Fine Arts: Off the rag by Julie Dulude ....... 2.020 ennennnnnnnes2 0 over the next couple of the weeks, the Thanks to the birth-control pill, a growing number of women are discovering that they don't school will be overflowing with the have to get their periods every month. In fact, some doctors believe it’s healthier not to. multimedia creations of artists and composers. Ted Drozdowski offers a guide to exhibits and events, and talks with Moore and several of the exhibit’s other principals. a 1 will Survivor ... again by David Valdes Greenwood Survivor, p. 28 Hip irony is no defense against the allure of those fabulous backstabbers. Also: Peter Keough says that Cate Blanchett’s performance as a psychic makes Sam Raimi and Billy Bob Thornton's The Gift worth unwrapping; Scott Heller says that the casting of Gillian Anderson as Edith Wharton's Lily Bart is only one of the curiosities in The depa rtments House of Mirth, Christopher Millis finds the crossing of science and 2 folk art in new work from sculptor Pat Keck, “Robots and Beyond,” EDITORIAL URBAN BUY by Mike Miliard at MIT and an exhibit of folk art at the Berenberg Gallery; Damon Just say no to Ashcroft. Buy a bed, save a tree. Smith talks with Web music critic Glenn McDonald; Lloyd Schwartz reviews a fistful of concerts at the BSO and one from local pianist Judith Gordon; Marcia B. Siegel checks out the MOON SIGNS astrology by Symboline Dai “Boston Moves” festival and the Joe Goode Performance Group; Librarians through new glasses, and more. and Carolyn Clay says the New Rep Theatre production of Conor OUT THERE by Kris Frieswick .. McPherson's The Weir is a gem. Plus, poetry from David Welcome to Dullsville, population: you. & Gewanter, Gail Mazur, and Joshua Weiner. Boston Beer Works makes the big time, Marc Kadish gets arrested, and more. Plus, Ray Flynn on Tom Menino. THE STRAIGHT DOPE by Cecil Adams. ... next week PHOENIX FLASHBACKS HELP WANTED Aliens at home, couples therapy at the video store, and In Arts, Willem Dafoe and John Malkovich star in other odds and ends from the Phoenix's past. Plus, David CLASSIFIEDS Shadow of the Vampire. |n News and Features, the Sipress’s “Reality Check.” public-access delights of Can of Worms. TEEN SEX ILLUSTRATION BY SCOTT GETCHELL; RAY FLYNN PHOTO BY MARK OSTOW; THURSTON MOORE PHOTO BY ERIC ANTONIOU AMERICA'S LOVE AFFAIR WITH THE GUITAR JUST HEATED UP Dangesa’ces ART OF THE GUITAR November 5, 2000 through February 25, 2001 Sponsored by John Hancock Financial Services. TICKETS ON SALE NOW! fo tencork, Call NEXT Ticketing at (617) 542-4MFA —— Become a member for free tickets QV Free audio guide narrated The media sponsor is WBZ-TV RR by James Taylor (617) 267-9900 Open 7 days The e prpriinntt sponsposnsoro r ii s The Boston Phoeninxi.x . Plheaatnvii x www. mfa.org The radio sponsor is 100.7 WZLX. Pi Organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Glenwood 99 model electric guitar, National brand, Chicago,1963-64. Plastic. Lent by Stan Werbin, Elderly instruments, Lansing, Michigan BOSTON M U Ss E U M 0 F F | N £ A R T,» 4 JANUARY 19, 2001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE 80 N PHOENIX Phcenix EDITORIAL BOSTON * WORCESTER * PROVIDENCE * PORTLAND Bush’s pick for attorney general is just plain wrong VOL. XXX, NO. 3 PusuisHer & CHAIRMAN: Stephen M. Mindich Presipent & CHieF OPERATING OFFICER: H. Barry Morris Stop John Ashcroft Eprror: Peter Kadzis BOSTON Sewor Manacina Eorron/Proemx Newspaper Group: Clit Garboden, Senior Eorror: Linda Lowenthal, Desian Director: Kristen Goodinend, Eorroria Desianers: Kelly Davidson, Ashley Willard: News Eorror: Susan Ryan-Volimar Features Eorror: Lisa Gerson, Arts Eorror: Jeffrey Gantz, Associare Arts Eorror: Jon Garetick. Ants Eprrors: Carolyn Clay (theater), Peter Keough (film, Matt Ashare (music). Carly Canoli (events), Starr Eprrors: Suzanne E. Bashoft F ANYTHING CAN be said about John persuade the US Supreme Court to overturn a land, and Jim Jeffords of Vermont. So far, all Catherine Tumber, Sewor Warren: Dan Kennedy, Stare Warrens: Done Clark Seth Gitell, Kristen Lombardi, Chris Warght, Usnwas Coorpwaror: Sean Ashcroft that everyone can agree on, it’s federally mandated, locally structured desegre- four have indicated that they will support ERoircrhoarr:d sonM,i ke PMHiollraorfdm. aEcoer romPirao ouAscsniostna ntA:s siNsitnaan t:W ilidToerdt Baird. ASSISTANT TO THE this: he’s a man with deeply held moral con- gation plan for St. Louis public schools. Ashcroft. Chafee and Jeffords have made their FincCho, ntrMiiscuhateiln e EForreerdobre:r g. LioKryids ScFnhewsawritckz. (cBlraeststi caMli)l, anoC,o nrmCihsruitstionpahe r WrMrilrleisr,s : RobAemryt victions who’s not afraid to stand up for what The last time the Senate refused to confirm a support conditional on any new information that Nadeau, Gerald Peary, Alicia Potter, Marcia B Siegel, Harvey Silvergiate, Robert he believes in. His strong beliefs have earned president’s nominee for a cabinet post was in might come out in the confirmation hearings. David Sullivan, Gary Susman, Charlies Taylor, Steve Vineberg, Stephanie Zacharek, Cartroonst: David Sipress: Astro.oaer: Symboline Da him praise from his former Senate colleagues 1989, when the body rejected Senator John Collins says she wants to show deference to the Eorror At Lance: Nancy Gaines as a man of integrity. Tower as George H.W. Bush’s pick for secre- president’s freedom to choose his cabinet. Saves Director: A. William Risteer Genera. Saves Manacer: John Laton; Trarric Manager: Jennifer Proe, TRAFFK But this raises a question: what would the tary of defense. The highly charged 53-47 vote All four of these senators would be wise to re- CExoeocruotmwaerso:r s: DarcAy nneB umpusR,u therfoKelrlyd . MDoanrtcy,y CLScaasnlsoin,m en CLiiavsessi mSeaov esD isMpALNaAyG ERA:c coMuinkte former Missouri senator do if his duties as at- marked the only time the Senate has failed to think their positions. George W. Bush entered APicacntoiuginnit. ECxLeacsustieieso: LinJeohsn AssiDesLtisaine,t ManaRobcine r: LasMkay,r yelMlaexn MoStCwealdnsr. CLalsasviidm epM urLrianye s torney general conflicted with his firmly held confirm one of its own for a presidential ap- office having lost the popular vote by 500,000 Megan Stewart Comporare Music Sates Manacer: Michael Aliberte: MANAGER OF beliefs about abortion, race, pointment. But in the intervening years, ballots. Such a situation calls for reasonable Recrurrwent Apvernsina: Edie Shack Retaa Account Executive: Kelly Ratner Si: Account Executive: Matt Butler Ewrertamment Saves Account Executive and homosexuality? Ashcroft partisan opposition to presidential picks picks, and he’s made some: Colin Powell for aah Brande Music ano Vioeo Account Executive It Senior A yuNT Executives: e Meade H wd Termk believes abortion is wrong has accelerated, homing in on a number secretary of state, Paul O’Neill for treasury sec- we Saces Dine ey. Couriers: with no exceptions unless the of nominees: James Hormel (nominated retary, and Rod Paige for secretary of education. NaTIONAL SALES mother’s life is in danger. He as ambassador to Luxembourg), Susan Bush’s decision to make a divisive appointment SALE tt Nanion opposes affirmative action, Oki Mollway (the first Asian-American such as Ashcroft’s may be smart politics with re- holds an honorary degree to be nominated to the federal bench in spect to the far right — but it would be folly for Corporate ApminisTRATK from the racist Bob Jones Hawaii), M. Margaret McKeown moderate GOP senator: from states in which Human Re University, and in a 1998 in (nominated for the Ninth Circuit Court Bush lost to support such an ugly partisan pick RCEHS umMaAnN aGeRRes ource terview described Confederate of Appeals), and Bill Lann Lee (nomi- Chafee who is a Republican more for rea TOR OF MARKETING soldiers as ‘patriots He believes that homo- nated for the top civil-rights post in the Justice sons of tradition than of ideology is particu ANAGER sexuality is a sin Department) larly vulnerable on this issue. Democratic ac- Sr Marketi Associate He also believes that morality should be leg- Ashcroft who as a member of the Senate tivists in Rhode Island have been urging him to islated. He recently said as much to Beliefnet Judiciary Committee regularly asked nominees switch parties. And a Chafee vote for Ashcroft fF New Mevia r Assistant Onuine Manacina Eprror a multi-faith excommunity, in an article titled whether they were faithful to their spouses would negate the notion that liberals can feel se- MANAGER te Weemaster Onune Content Cooroinat “The Anointed”: I think all we should legis led the charge against these people, whom he cure voting for moderate Republicans. So long late is morality,” he said. “We shouldn’t legis- opposed on purely ideological grounds. He held as the Republicans have hatchet men who en- OPERATIONS Manaaine Eorror, MaGazines ano SpeciAL PuBuCcATIONS topher Young: Pro- late immorality.” up Hormel’s appointment, for instance, merely force party discipline, having quirky Republicans DaUnCtT IOANp veMrATNiAsiGnEcR Art Diraemcnott,o r Aovertim siRnaa mdAerwta r DireNcettorw:o rx DMavea NnaGerre Assis ) So how could Ashcroft be relied on to exe- because Hormel is openly gay. President Bill with pretty position papers doesn’t mean much. lian; ’ Desk" tor SuMpaptito) r tW otM anacer:F inanBrciiaan , SyGoswtdeemy,s APpCm/iMwasct ratSoyrs:t emsBr ian TECHHNayIyC IAN1S cute the laws of the United States? The an- Clinton finally appointed Hormel ambassador On the Democratic side, Senator Ted Senor Grapnic Arnst: Josh Falkenburg; Grapwic Arnsts: Angela Bertalotto, M swer is that he couldn’t. Ashcroft simply during a Senate recess, when confirmation Kennedy of Massachusetts has stated that he a De 2 We Pe 4, Faciuies Manacer: John Nunziat doesn’t have the temperament to be the na- wasn’t necessary. Ashcroft delayed McKeown’s is “deeply concerned” about Ashcroft, and CIRCULATION CIRCULATION Manacer: Maureen Roberts; Curcutarion Anacyst: Jackie Macke tion’s top law enforcer. And the Senate should nomination for two years and actively cam- John Kerry has also expressed reservations. Retan Cincucarion Manacer: Robert Brady vote down his confirmation. paigned against Mollway’s appointment. Rhode Island’s Jack Reed says he’s waiting to Director of Corporate Finance: Charles A. Walter Conrroer: David Coppola, Mercnanorse Apmavistrator: Alan Orlove, Trae The attorney general is one of a handful of Soon, the Senate must decide on Ashcroft. see what happens during the hearings. “The Ornce Manacer: Kary! Langill, Thane Coorpmator: Leigh Harrington, Account ING@)*Manacers: Ralph Dragonetti, Greg Pereira; Semon Accountant: Jonatha: high-profile presidential appointments. The of- Republican Senate leaders have stated confi- burden of proof is on Senator Ashcroft,” Reed LesiBwlika.n c:S tarCer eApcrc/oCuon.tacnetc:n onNsa taSluipyea rvDiszoyru:b a.K Catohryp oratCaer dinaClree. pitC reMparn acReerp:r esGeenrtaard fice is responsible for enforcing the laws of the dently that all 50 GOP members will vote to says, “and it’s a very high burden given that he Tes: Lanna Maheux, Mary Ann Rebeiro. Finance Assistant: Kelly Risteer United States and ensuring that US Supreme confirm him. But there’s been much talk in re- enters this process not as a legal professional, WORCESTER Court rulings are carried out. Ashcroft, who has cent weeks about the special role to be played by but as someone who has been a passionate ad- a long history of pursuing his conservative agen- New England’s own senators, especially a mod- vocate for ideology.” Associate Puauiswer: Cris Warren Manaainc Epitor: John Michael Dobies da in the courts, would make a po®r choice. erate coalition of GOP legislators who have We couldn’t agree more. a Events Eprror: Brian Gosiow, Stare Warren: Chis Kanaracus, ConTrripuTING Warrers: Sally Cragin, Walter Crockett, Margaret LeRoux, Leon Nigrosh, Jot Three times during his tenure as Missouri attor- earned the moniker “the Mod Squad.” This O'Neill avid Ritct Vineberg, CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS: | Despres, Paul Moreau Jr., Chery! Richards, Pa houl, Steven Sunshir ney general and Missouri governor, as the Wall group includes Susan Collins and Olympia What do you think? Send an e-mail to CRaOiNpThR IBUDTrIaNgoGn etItLiL,U STRACTrOeRoSm:/ TrRaorgreirc JonCeso, orpiwLaentnoier : PetLeoriss on: MilFleitnta. nce PrMoAoNucATGiEoRn Street Journal has reported, Ashcroft tried to Snowe of Maine, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Is- [email protected]. Manacer: Michelle Pitcock; Grapric Arnist: Karen Little; DinecToR OF NATIONAL Saces: Everett Finkelstein, Semor Reta Account Executes: Nancy Dayiar Marlene Ledoux, Debra Pillsbury, Recernonist/AomiusTrators: Linda Benedict Wor.o- Wive Wes Sire: http://www worcesterphoenix.com ILLUSTRATION BY MICHAEL KUPPERMAN PROVIDENCE Associate Pus.isHer: Stephen L. Brown Manaainc Eoitor: Lou Papineau News Eorror: lan Donnis, Stare Warrer: Kathleen Hughes, Contrisutine Eorror LETTERS jim Macmie, David Andrew Stoller, Conrrisunna Wrrrers: Ana Cabrera, Rudy Cheeks, Bob Gulla, Phillipe & Jorge, Bill Rodriguez, Johnette Rodriguez, Par Steager steven Stycos, Chip Young ConTRIBUTING ILLUSTRATORS: Steve Brosnihan, Elizabeth Rock, ConTripuTinc PHoToGraPHers: Peter Goldberg Richard McCaffrey, Director of Nationa Saves: Everett Finkelstein; Account Executwes: Bruce Allen, Keith Curtin, Allison Ga ion, Denise Gibson, Ginny We welcome responses from our readers. to the rebirth of a vital, politically active left especially when you're seeking-to gain allies. Hall, Tina Hallam, Andrea Lyr Mark, Kern Ann Pizza, Mary Ann Reese; NanionaL Accounts Coorpmartor: Erin Moore. Promonons Director: Ed Garcia, Finance Letters should be typed (double-spaced), if in our country. Which brings us to the Nader Diane Russell Natera MParnoaocuecrt:i on RaMlapnha cerD:r agonPheilt ti,M aigrTerta:r riGca/aCprreHpircr AaCnosotsr:p inaSTtoacry Astorwiunr tiney JoCeh uFracnha possible, and must include the writer's name, campaign. You wrote, “The protesters drew Portland, Maine CWorre.oo - MWainvaea erW:e e ASnrirte:a hAtnt;d erson, pRreocveipdneonncsetp/hAopemniinxs.tcRoamT OR: Jennifer Dyso address, and a telephone number where he scores of once-apathetic young people into PORTLAND or she can be reached during business hours the political process — witness the strength It’s unfortunate that the Phoenix unhesitat- Saces Director/Operations Manacer: Marc Sheps for verification. The writer’s name and posi- of Ralph Nader’s presidential run.” First of ingly repeated some of the corporate media’s Manaainc Enoitor: Sam Smith tion or town will be published, but these may all, there is no evidence that Nader energized standard lines, such as low-balling the partic- Events Eorror: Sam Pteifie, Stare Warren: Noah Bruce:ConTrisuTinG WrrireRS Theresa Flaherty, Tony Giampetruzzi, Pete Hodgin, Doug Hubley, Mark Klimek be withheld for good reason. anybody. Among all voters, 17 percent were ipation in protests by as much as 50 percent joan Lang, Tim O'Sullivan, Robert von Stein Redick, Jenna R all, La Ta June Vail, Director of Nationa: Saces: Everett Finkelstein, Senior Ac- Letters may be mailed to the Boston between the ages of 18 and 29 — the same and referring rather condescendingly to cRoaumnot: Execule tive: helKteolnl,y ACColCl OUNTAIcNcG ouMnatn acEexre:c utReaisp:h ElizDraabgoentetht i: RaCfrueseo,r /TKrearrrir-cJ Phoenix, 126 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA as four years earlier. Second, this is the first “self-styled anarchists.” As for the “lack of a ACronosrtp:i natAojary: HardSairnagh. WCiolsnotrr iguPtRwOcD UCGTrIaOpNw ic MANArAtGisEtR: MGalrecn HSaalyleird, ay. RecGerranpnoinc- 02215; faxed to (617) 859-8201; or e-mailed time I have heard winning less than three coherent message” — most people in the tst/ApmasTRATOR: Amanda Gonzale: to [email protected] or to staff writers’ e-mail percent of the vote described as “strength.” movement are for collective decision-making OFFICES addresses (e-mailed letters must include a My last point of contention is with Pro- by autonomous groups of empowered indi- Soston, MA 02215; Tel: (61 telephone number for verification and a home- fessor Joseph Boskin, who said that conser- viduals and communities. Some call it anar- sing departmenfta x: 536-1463 Editona! department f€x 859-8201 town). All letters are subject to editing for con- vatives’ “nasty policies will translate into chism, some direct democracy, but almost all C.assifieps: 328 Newbury St.. Boston, MA 0211 Tel: (617) 859-3300; Fax: (617) 425-267( siderations of space, fairness, and clarity. greater activism.” | heard that theory about the major actions of the past year have been WorceTsett: er:( 508) 1087 67G-r9o7v7e7 , StF. ax:W or(c5e0s8t) er,7 95M-A0 4390 1605 Ronald Reagan 20 years ago. Worked real organized using the consensus process. Provivence: 150 ChestnutS t., Providence, Ri 0290: YOU SAY YOU WANT well then, too. Janek Dichter Tel: (401) 273-6397, Fax: (401) 273-0920 A REVOLUTION Port ano: 482 Congress Street, Suite 501, Portland, ME 04101 Thaddeus Windt Brighton Tel: (207) 773-8900, Fax: (207) 773-8905 Narionar Saves Orrice: 150 Chestnut St., Providence, Rl 02903: The article “Outrage Returns” [News and Washington, DC Tet: (401) 273-6397 x232; Fax: (401) 272-8712 CHECK OUT THE LIBRARIANS Wor.o- Wive Wes site: http://www.bostonphoenix.com Features, December 29, 2000] suggested INFORMATION that the anti-globalization protests represent Although I do not agree with your por- I appreciate your publicizing the debate Manuscripts: Manuscripts should be addressed to Senior Editor, Boston Phoenix the stirrings of a much bigger movement for trayal of the RNC protests in Philadelphia (1 on Internet filtering at the Old South Meet- 1n2a6 nusBcrroiopktlsi nen otA vea.,c coBmopsatonni,e d MAb y 0a2 2s1t5a.m peWd,e asselsfu-maed draeistseesdp onesnivbeilloiptey for retuming change in American politics. Alas, to borrow was living there at the time and it was quite inghouse [“Free Speech,” TJI, News and Lerrers To tHe Eorron: Send to 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215, fax to a phrase that was first used to describe the a yawn), I certainly agree that these Features, December 29, 2000]. It is an im- 617) 859-8201. or e-mail to letters @phx.com. Please include a daytime telephone wimber for verification Million Man March, the anti-IMF protests protesters lack any cohesive statement. | portant issue for librarians and the public. Suascrenons: Bulk rate $456 months, $80/1 year, first-class rate $110/6 months $200/1 year. Bulk-rate postage paid. Boston, MA: allow 10 days for delivery. Send were “a moment, not a movement.” The was standing face to face with several What I do not appreciate is the tired old vame and address with check and money order to. Subscription Department, Boston Phoenix, 126 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. Coprriant: © 2000 by protesters are a narrow band of American protesters and never once heard “Stop capi- stereotype of the unattractive, bun-wearing tnhee thBoods townh atPshooeevniexr,. iisn c. proAlhli bniitgehtds reserved. Reproduction without permission, by any society with a highly specialized and not ter- talism, globalism, Republican conservatism” librarian in the accompanying illustration by Prreo By: Mass Web Printing Co., inc.. 314 Washington St ribly cohesive agenda. or any other such legitimate battle cry. All | Timothy Walker. Were Mr. Walker to come Auburn, MA 01501 « (508) 832-531 +} [ THe Proemx Mepia/ You wrote that “people took to the streets heard was, “We’re going to shut this city into the library where I work, he would see Communications Group with a passion and ferocity that this country down!” Should George Bush and his co- a staff as varied in age, gender, ethnic back- Cxaimman Stephen M. Mindich Presipent H. Barry Morris hadn’t seen since the late 1960s.” I heard the horts attempt to revert to standard, conser- ground, and style of dress as the urban area Eorror Peter Kadzis Director of New Mepia Gib Fullerton Dinector of Corporate Finance Charles A. Walter same about the nuclear-freeze movement vative Republican practice, we will need ag- we serve. Get with it, Mr. Walker! DDimneeccttoorr ooFF SNpeewcsipaatp ePrr osGercotusr DSaaviieds BiA.e bWeirl liam Risteen and the movement against American involve- gressive campaigners experienced in lobby- Pamela Barchat Colt THe Proemx Newsearens, Srurr Macazne, FNX Raoio Network, ment in El Salvador in the 1980s. It would ing. Destroying the property of innocent in- Cambridge Public Library TELEM-aPsUsBL IWSHeIsN GP rIeNvTnEnRaN,A TISOrNuArLr,@ NIiNcSnTTA,T RAC be difficult to argue that either movement led dividuals is hardly the way to lead a protest, Cambridge Jt Bt JANUARY 19, 2001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX 5 SEE 17 FinsT/suy iT Fins’ BACIIVELOM DUE TO OVERWHELMING DEMAND, PARADISE SHOW HAS BEEN MOVED TO AVALON. COLDPLAY ‘North American Tour 2001: CONCERT MARGH 20 7:30PM ON SALE SATURDAY AT 10AM! §A T.F EBRU.A RY1 oeso rm0 ORPHEUM THEATRE 3: wornetiwerk.com 3 www.coldplay.com Onftel www.hollywoodandvine.com Baa AVALON BAURQOM ONE HAMILTON PLACE - BOSTON 800- 786-GOLD Tickets available at Orpheum Theatre box office and all *#@K6titiaster get tickets at Isf.com |l ocations or call 617-228-6000, 617-931-2000. Please note: Dates & time ALL TICKETS FROM THE PARADISE WILL BE HONORED. SM subject to change without notice. A service charge is added to each ticket get tickets at Isf.com Taincdk estesl eaclts oS tarvaawibleabrlrei esat ltohcea tOiornpsh. eCuamll T6h1e7a-tr4e2 3-BoNxE XOTf fifcoer | price. Brought to you by SFX sM tickets. Tickets available at Avalon box office night of show only. SEE 17 Finst/suy iv First’ DACLIVELOM Dates and times subject to change without notice. American Express—Official card of Avalon, Brought to you by SFX SEE 17 FinsT/BuY 17 FIRST DLELIVELOM The English Beat featuring Dave wakes with special guests Steady Earnest Sunday, January 21 Playing the hits Tearsofa' pSave it for Later, Mirror in-the Bath. / Cont <S,‘ and-more » Stereophonics acoustic with Adam Thursday, Februar8y A + with special guest a a i ’ ; ' \q| Fisher’ Wecindadeaiillalifuary Cabaret style pet A} SAT., FEBRUARY 17 7:30PM Shap fi ON SALE SATURDAY 10AM! ORPHEUM THEATRE ONE HAMILTON PLACE ¢ BOSTON 800-786-GOLD Museum of Fine Arts, Boston feat ART OF THE GUITAR Tickets available at Orpheum Theatre box office and all *Ketmaster November 5, 2000 - February 25, 2001 Call for tickets (617) 542-4MFA get tickets at Isf.com | locations or call 617-228-6000, 617-931-2000. Please note: Dat&ets im e | subject to change without notice. A service charge is added to each ticket price. Brought to you by SFX Tickets available at the Orpheum theatre box office without Get ti: ckets at Sfx.COM | 5a 1s7e-rv2i2cNe EXchTa.r geT,i cskeeltesc t aSvatiraabwlbe erartitehse —Para dise onri geht ye |at SEE 17 FinsT/IBTu FiYn s? DECLIVE.COM Worried About How You Look? 2 WITH THE PURCOHF AAN ASD EGET A Millions of Americans worry a lot about how they llooookk. Are you one of them? Do you think about your appearance an hour a day or more? Do these thoughts upset you? Do these thoughts interfere with your life in any way (school or dating)? Do you wish you could do something about this problem? | ROOMMATE If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, we may be able to help. If you are between the ages of 12 to 65 years, you may qualify for treatment study or an interview study. If you qualify you may receive: p 4s in th » FREE EVALUATION commate ads in the * STUDY TREATMENT Siseinie Classiiieds. if * MONETARY COMPENSATION BUTLER They work. Guaranteed. HOSPITAL For Information Call The Body Image Program (401) 455-6466 001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE 8 MEDIA TRUE BREW Why Bush can’t talk Ale, ale, the gang’s all here Not to worry: the webzine Slate hasn’t taken down “The Complete Bushisms,” a compilation of George W. Bush’s most fractured and boneheaded utterances. But for those who prefer print to pixels, Slate’s Jacob Weisberg has put together the just-released George W. Bushisms: The Slate Book of the Accidental Wit and Ever since Cheers went off the air, the terms “Boston” Wisdom of Our 43rd President (Fireside, 96 pages, $9.95). and “beer” have not been as strongly associated in the In a brief introduction, Weisberg offers some thoughts on why Bush can’t seem to connect his thoughts national consciousness as they might be. But now that world-renowned beer guru Michael Jackson (the chubby with his tongue and why he sometimes seems to have no coherent thoughts at all. Could it be dyslexia, as Gail Sheehy speculated last year in Vanity Fair? Not likely, says Weisberg, even Brit, not the falsetto eccentric — he drinks white-wine though Bush’s reaction to the Sheehy piece was to say, “The spritzers, we’re told) has included two favorites from woman who knew that I had dyslexia I never interviewed Boston Beer Works among 500 of the planet's very best in her.” Apraxia? Maybe, although not likely, given that it is a his new Great Beer Guide (Dorling Kindersley), this suds serious neurological disorder. Could it be that he’s just stupid? in’ town can enjoy That would appear to be a promising area of inquiry, but i return to form Weisberg inconveniently observes that Bush’s butchered syntax Displayed proudly calls to mind nothing so much as the meandering utterances of on two facing pages his father, who, whatever else he may be, is surely no dummy. of Jackson’s magnum Although many of the Bushisms contained between the covers us are majestic are familiar, some including a few gems — were new to me. photographs of “I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to BBW’s Beantown Nutbrown Ale and answer questions. | can’t answer your question.” “I mean, there needs to be a wholesale effort against racial profiling, which is Buckeye Oatmeal illiterate children.” “As far as the legal hassling and wrangling and Stout, lauded for ont posturing in Florida, | would suggest you talk to our team in their “cherryish ac ii aw? 4 Florida led by Jim Baker.” fruitiness ... oh bad Entertaining as these are, Bush’s inability to communicate has suggestions of potentially serious policy implications. His father’s re-election, after cinnamon and cedar” all, was done in as much by his failure to articulate a rationale for and “oily, oatmeal- his presidency as it was by 1992’s mild recession. In this week’s BOTTOMS UP: {wo Boston tasting, Slate, William Saletan goes so far as to speculate that Bush’s brews are global standouts. marshmallow-like controversial Cabinet appointees, John Ashcroft (attorney general) sweet[ness],” and Gale Norton (interior), have run into more trouble than they respectively. (Boston should have because of Bush’s inability to defend them with anything Beer Company’s Sam Adams Triple Bock was also more than vague generalities about the goodness of their hearts. included in the round-up, but it’s, uh, made in “Republicans have learned the hard way that control of Congress isn’t Wisconsin.) enough,” Saletan writes. “Without a coherent, authoritative voice, Jackson also informs us that “‘navy’ or baked bean, they can’t beat the Democrats. For six years, they’ve waited for that voice. They’re still waiting.” prepared with salt pork or ham and molasses (and on As Peggy Noonan recently observed in a piece for the Wall Street Journal’s OpinionJournal.com, “Mr. Bush occasion beer), is a traditional dish of maritime Boston, tends to see public presentation as a phony part of the job, and he doesn’t love it. But it’s not a phony part of Massachusetts — hence ‘Beantown’” — and that “the the job. It is the job. A presidency is a public thing.” Boston Beer Works is a brewpub near Fenway Park, home of Noonan should give Bush a copy of George W. Bushisms. Maybe then he’ll get it. Besides, it’s got lots of the Red Sox baseball team.” But we already knew that, right? photos. And as Bush himself once said, “One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some Both beers are currently on tap at Boston Beer Works, 61 fantastic pictures.” Brookline Avenue. Drink up. — Mike Miliard — Dan Kennedy CITY HALL Hennigan declares for at-large race After months of speculation, Boston city councilor citywide in order to make sure | feel the city goes committee. We’re going beyond our normal Maura Hennigan of Jamaica Plain says she will give up in the right direction.” team — talking to business and money her district seat to run for an at-large council position. Her announcement will make life easier for Mike people, political and community people in Hennigan was elected at-large in 1981 (at that time, all Rush, a 26-year-old teacher who lost to Hennigan particular, to determine the viability of a candidates ran citywide) and has held the District Six seat two years ago and announced last week that he’s f.. challenge.” Roache plans to decide by since its creation in 1983. In the past year, she has taken on a number of high-profile causes across the city (most running again. But it may not be greeted with open gf March whether to run. notably monitoring waterfront development and crusading arms by the four current at-large councilors (Peggy Though Davis-Mullen officially has remained against the Red Sox’ plan for a new Fenway Park), which Davis-Mullen, Michael Flaherty, Stephen Murphy, and mum, sources close to her reveal that she, too, has prompted widespread rumors that she was planning to Mickey Roache), one of whom presumably would be begun exploring a bid for mayor. “| know she’s challenge Mayor Tom Menino. ousted if she won. Hennigan says she doesn’t think looking very seriously at running,” says Instead, Hennigan, who has been chair of the Ways and her candidacy will affect their relationships. political consultant Jim Spencer, who Means Committee for the past seven years and hopes to be “Just as when | was first running for the worked with her in the 1997 race. appointed as chair of the Committee on Planning and at-large seat, | asked people to vote “We've had a couple of Development this week, says she'd prefer to do some forme, not against someone else,” conversations about it . . . | think grassroots consciousness-raising. “| need to talk to people she says. “I have a great deal of she could cobble together a across the city so they in turn can put pressure on the mayor,” respect for my colleagues. | don’t coalition to win — if she can she says. “The mayor doesn’t seem to respond to individual intend that to change.” | raise enough money. The elected officials, but he does seem to respond to the public.” There may be more breathing * thing that stands between She cites her work with the Greater Boston Interfaith room in the at-large ranks if her and the office is, can she Organization (GBIO) as an example of the kind of citizen Mickey Roache or Peggy Davis- raise enough to run a involvement she'd like to encourage: “Working with GBIO, we Mullen decides to run against credible race?” But even if were able to convince the mayor to make an even greater Menino. Roache announced last all the at-large councilors commitment to affordable housing. That's the tack I'd like to week that he’s seriously ultimately decide to run for take, and | think it can be successful.” examining a candidacy. His re-election, Hennigan In addition to lobbying for a yearly line-item appropriation spokesman Jim Gordon says, points out that voters, on in the city budget for housing, Hennigan plans to “For lack of a better term, there average, use only 2.8 of emphasize public safety, health care, and especially is an informal exploratory their four at-large votes. scrutiny of development projects. “These are issues you She observes playfully, “1 can’t fix once you do them wrong; these are forever issues,” HENNIGAN prepares to run think there’s room for me.” she says. “That’s why | feel so strongly. | need to do this citywide. — Dorie Clark MYREN. HENNIGAN PHOTO BY ER ANUARY 19. 2001 MEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX 7 UNUSUAL SUSPECT MAYORAL MUSINGS To catch a thief? Flynn on Menino “I’m always hunting for oddball “The investigation into Kadish’s some explanation, if this is true In recent months, Boston mayor Tom Menino has come stuff,” Marc Kadish said a few alleged stolen-property scheme is why it would be true. | just don’t under fire for his handling of the South Boston linkage deal years ago in an interview with the continuing,” the report continued, get it.” and the Red Sox’ plan to build a new park in the Fenway. Boston Globe. Last week, those “and further charges are possible.” Certainly, if the allegations turn Now former mayor Ray Flynn has jumped on the words came back to haunt him. News of Kadish’s arrest left out to be valid, this will go down bandwagon. According to the Suffolk County those who know him mystified. as one of the more bizarre local In an interview with the Phoenix last week, Flynn district attorney's office, the local “This is so out of character,” says crime stories of the year. “I’m in criticized Menino’s handling of the high-profile bar owner’s penchant one business shock about this,” says one friend development issues as proof that the mayor has lost touch for collectibles went associate. “Marc “This is not something that he with city neighborhoods. Flynn, who lives in South Boston, well beyond flea- is such a would need to do. I mean, this said the ongoing waterfront development “will be the demise market bric-a-brac. wonderful guy. guy’s a millionaire — what's a of this town” and that Menino has paid more attention to On January 11, the What he’s done couple of VCRs when you’re a development interests than to 37-year-old Kadish for Allston, he’s millionaire?” communities. whose Allston- changed that Kadish, of course, is innocent “Before you start based businesses whole unless and until the state proves giving approval to include the Sunset neighborhood.” him guilty in court; and it remains development Grill & Tap, Big City, Indeed, over the to be seen whether prosecutors projects, you cut the 6 Burner Café, and 13 years he’s been will be able to do so Although he deal with the | Redneck’s Roast Beef a business owner did not return phone calls from community,” said was arraigned on in the area, Kadish the Phoenix, Kadish told one Flynn. “He didn’t charges of receiving stolen has built a solid reputation as a friend that the whole affair is the make the deal with \ \ property, plus one count of one-man urban-renewal scheme. A result of a “misunderstanding.” the community. This \ breaking and entering, which few years ago, Mayor Menino “He had just tried to help out area 1S going to be \ arose from the allegation that honored Kadish with a civics someone ... by buying things from negatively impacted by Kadish used his vehicle to award in recognition of his work. him,” the friend writes in an commercial transport the spoils of a December Jennifer Rose, executive director e-mail. “The guy had told him he development. There is FLYNN wouldn't have done it 23 burglary. At the arraignment, of the Allston Village Main Streets was moving out of some place absolutely no question Venino’s way he pleaded not guilty. Association — of which Kadish is (which explains Marc’s picking the about that.” Flynn A report released by the DA’s a board member — says, “Marc stuff up at the apartment). This is likened South Boston’s office last week announced that and his staff have worked hard certainly in keeping with Marc’s plight to the Fenway’s: Boston detectives recovered “a doing clean-ups in the vicinity, generosity. I hope this will turn ‘What deal was cut on large quantity of stolen goods” tearing down posters and picking out to be the explanation fo1 Fenway Park with the from Kadish’s office — including up trash. He’s always doing things something that otherwise is so community people? CD players, computers, and to improve the district.” self-defeating it is You can’t cut a deal mountain bikes — and “two stolen “I can’t understand this,” Rose incomprehensible.” with the Red Sox television sets” from his home. adds. “I can only hope that there’s — Chris Wright and City Hall. You cut a deal with the community.” Where Menino erred WHERE THE HEART IS on South Boston, said Flynn, was in his lack of Marathon man candor with the whole city on the pluses and minuses of the convention-center project and the corresponding linkage Jeremy Alderson may be one of the few people left continues to grow. The advocacy group National deal. Under the agreement Menino helped forge, South these days who still get mad as hell about Coalition for the Homeless estimates that two million Boston got 51 percent of linkage money paid by developers homelessness in the United States — mad enough to people nationwide went homeless last year alone. even though neighborhoods affected by development have actually done something about it for four years That’s more than the populations of Boston, Atlanta, typically receive just 10 to 20 percent of such funds. Menino running. and Kansas City combined. A University of reneged when community activists and political leaders in “The driving force for me is outrage,” says the New Pennsylvania study suggests that as many as 12 other parts of the city learned how much South Boston York radio journalist. “Outrage that people are percent of Americans have experienced an episode of would receive and criticized the deal. sleeping in the streets and nobody says anything homelessness in the past 10 years. about it.” Alderson’s marathon is “It was tragic that it turned out South Boston versus the To get people talking about meant to raise awareness, not rest of the city,” said Flynn. “South Boston was isolated. | the homeless problem, money and for good would have brought all the parties together. You ask what Alderson first broadcast a 14- reason. “Charity is a fine are the community benefits of that convention center. If you hour live radio show in 1997 thing,” he explains, “but I determine that the convention center, these luxury in Ithaca, New York. Since don’t want to encourage the condominiums, and the hotels [are] not in the community’s then, the show, known as The view that homelessness is best interest, then I would not go forward with them.” Homeless Marathon, has about charity for poor In addition, said Flynn, if the mayor makes a deal with the spread to more than 30 misfortunates.” That’s why the community over development, it’s the mayor’s job to make stations across the country, show features hourly segments sure the deal sticks. That’s what Flynn claimed he did in including those in such major on topics that would interest getting the FleetCenter, the Ted Williams Tunnel, and the markets as Chicago, Los almost anyone, such as the Angeles, and Portland, gentrification of city new Boston police station built. Oregon. neighborhoods and the “You sell it to the rest of the city,” Flynn said. “You say, This year, Alderson is dwindling of housing stock ‘We have a convention center here and this is in the best bringing his marathon to This year’s new programs interest of the economy of Boston, and this is going to bring Boston. Next Wednesday focus on the connection in all kinds of jobs.’” He added that it’s the mayor’s job to night, starting at 7 p.m., he between homelessness and disclose all the negative points at the same time: “For me to and his five-person crew will characteristics like race, sell this deal, I need to sell it to this community just like I take over the front steps of the gender, and age. had to sell the North End community the Boston Garden o1 Old Cambridge Baptist Alderson promises a the Big Dig, or just like I had to sell the people in Roxbury Church, where they’ll mesmerizing show. “People the police station.” broadcast their show for 14 find themselves listening hour So does this robust critique mean Flynn wants to get back straight hours in the winter after hour,” he says — not cold. COMMON PLIGHT: studies suggest that because they feel they should, into politics? Not at all. The former mayor and Vatican as many as 12 percent of Americans have Alderson doesn’t pretend but because the broadcast is ambassador said he’s happy with his new life as a writer and been homeless. It’s not “about charity for that spending one night outside just that good. Catholic activist and isn’t planning a political comeback. poor misfortunates,” Alderson says. is anything like being homeless. Tune in to the Fourth Still, he was disturbed by what he discovered in South But for him, homelessness isn’t Annual Homeless Marathon Boston when he returned from Rome in 1997. “When I just about not having a home. on WMBR (88.1 FM) from came back from the Vatican I was absolutely shocked,” said “It’s about the entire structure of society,” he says. 7 p.m. on January 24 to 9.a.m. on January 25. Or Flynn. “People from the financial community were buying “That we let people sleep in the streets says something visit the host site — where Alderson will set up an up all this property for $400,000 and taking three-deckers about the real lack of humanity in our domestic open mike at the Old Cambridge Baptist Church, and turning them into three condominiums. Young people policies.” 1151 Mass Ave, in Cambridge. can no longer afford to live in this town.” There’s no doubt that the homelessness problem — Kristen Lombardi — Seth Gitell FLYNN AND MENINO PHOTOS BY MARK OSTOW; HOMELESS PHOTO BY K. BONAMI 8 JANUARY 19, 2001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX lashbacks i= The Boston Phoenix has been cov- tounding numbers of women are com- ering the trends and events that shape ing forth with stories of violent mar- Februree ary } our times since 1966. The following riages. The Boston Police Department receives 45 calls daily from beaten selections, culled from our back files, doors 6pm * show 7pm_ 18+ were compiled by Nina Willdorf. wives, and 70 percent ol the Boston City Hospital's emergency patients AVALON beLKOON" Awestruck by aliens who are victims of assault are women years ago: who were attacked by their husbands January 19, 1996 One of the most serious problems Tickets also available at the Orpheum ——~ Theatre Box Office and select Strawberries Bigfoot, aliens, UFOs: some people these women face is finding refuge get tickets at Isfq.com locations. Call 617-423-NEXT for tickets actually believe in these things. Carly since many of them just don’t know Brought. to you by SFX Carioli met with one such man, John where to go to get away from an abu Horrigan, who was gearing up for an sive husband: A group of women in alien extravaganza. NEEDLESS TRAGEDY: « domestic- Somerville is trying to address this “It was only a matter of time before problem with a program called Re- violence victim, long before O.]. aliens went Do-It-Yourself, which is spond. Since March the group has see iT Finst/euy 7 Fins’ DALOCLIVELOM FHLE TO FALE what happened here last month when provided counseling and support- John Horrigan did a session on ‘Mak- 1984.... Clearly, the traditional culi- group sessions. Now it is working on ing Your Own Alien Autopsy nary symbol of the American good life a plan to lease or buy a building where Footgge ; is making a comeback. Elegant and battered women can stay.” “Although that might sound like the simple, yet somehow excessive, the lilo® eo work of a guarded skeptic, Horrigan hefty slice of cooked cow is a fitting Dance-groove master is a believer — one of New England’s food for the mid ’80s.... 3 0 years ago: foremost authorities on the supernat- “I'd like to think that more people January 26, 1971 ural, in fact. And his year-old Super- are eating more beef because beef just Thirty gold records and a bent to- natural Coffeehouse, where historical plain tastes good. At home or dining ward avuncular advice-giving couldn’t FEBRUARY 11 revisionists and psychic healers get out, nothing excites the senses more jam up funky soul brother James down to earth with skeptics, aca- than the presentation of a magnificent Brown, wrote Stephen Graham. demics, and regular Joes, is one of the rib roast, juices dripping, garnished “James Brown is the King of Soul; DOORS SPM / SHOW GPM ALL AGES most compelling developments to with vegetables and maybe a York- he’s super-bad, he’s super-funky, he’s come out of the paranormal’s most shire pudding.” Mr. Dynamite. You can accuse him of recent brush with the mainstream.” Sour note Decisions, decisions ? years ago: 1 0 years ago: 0 January 20, 1981 January 18, 1991 Despite Sondheim’s zealous ef- Browsing the racks of a video store forts for the play Sweeney Todd, one Friday night, Mark Leibovich was Lloyd Schwartz found the music more intrigued by the intrigue than by disappointing. the movie titles. ‘Stephen Sondheim's score for “The video store has become a Sweeney Todd is one of the most modern laboratory of relationships, a ambitious ever devised for a Broad- place where personal taste collides way show. Parts are so complex with the demands of compromise, and ingenious in their ensembles, and where a simple commitment t orchestration, and musical counter spend two hours on the couch can in pointing (one song accompanied spire agonizing meditations and gru with the tune of another; a grisly JAMES BROWN: s/i// feeling good. with epooiel guest dexter freebish throat-slitting taking place while FEBRUARY 12 someone sings a love song) that it’s virtually impossible to ‘get’ every lomism for his televised ‘cool-it’ speech DOORS 8PM * SHOW 9PM 18+ thing in the theater But not all during the riots after Martin Luther SNO-COREICICLEFEST = Sondheim’s complications are for the King’s assassination, and you can sneer better. Crucial plot developments at him for singing songs like ‘Don’t Be a GALACTIC (and there is a lot of plot) get lost in Dropout.’ And still the fact remains that the texture. There is also a destructive his is one of the few major soul acts of inconsistency of tone the witty long standing that still generate real ex- sting of nastiness that is one of Sond- citement on the stage. He proved at the heim’s contributions to musical Sugar Shack two weeks ago that after S CLAY POOL'S VIDEOS (el! the inner story. ‘comedy’ turning periodically into an more than 30 gold records, he and his inflated, overwrought imitation of band haven't lost their touch.” bad opera.” FRoe BrleAnDs eling struggles for control.... Where are they now? “Yes, video-store sociology is a com- Gimme shelter Carly Carioli is the events editor at OPRUwsS AND SUBEA) plicated science, a display of personal 2 years ago: - the Phoenix. Mark Leibovich is a staff history (‘He says he saw Airplane II 18 5 January 20, 1976 writer at the Washington Post. oFomEenBiioRmeUsnA RY 1 times. Oh dear’), pretension (‘I just As awareness of domestic violence Michael Gee is a sports columnist for doors 7pm/show 8pm 18+ ON SALE NOW! saw it last night, but I’d love to see My grew, Brenda Payton highlighted the Boston Herald. Brenda Payton is a Dinner with Andre again’), insensitivity some community resources for news columnist for the Oakland Tri- AVALON 2R OOM (‘I don’t care if your parents just got women dealing with this plague. bune. Lloyd Schwartz is the classical- divorced — | want to see Kramer vs. “The problem of wife-beating is music critic for the Phoenix and a Tickets also available at the Orpheum Kramer’), and taste for adventure (‘Do being discussed more openly, and as- Pulitzer Prize recipient. get tickets at Isfx.com lTohceaattiroens . BoxC alOlf fi6c1e7 -a4n2d3 -sNeElXecTt fSotrr atwibckeertrsi es you have Betty Blue in French?’), all in Tickets available at Avalon box ottice night the guise of negotiation.” of show aay. Date & ange reality CheECK y pavia sipress f tt } > Mad for cow 1 years ago: ah.. e n 5 January 21, 1986 Catchy slogans, powerful lobbyists, Tts not a saint eK- Face it, youre expensive ad campaigns — they actly, Tts Marce (1a worked. Americans threw caution to not to find a the wind and starting slapping more and more steaks on their plates. $350 a month studio. Michael Gee salivated over the pow- erful appeal of juicy red meat. Get a roommate in the “For years now, American cattle- men have been urging Americans to Phoenix Classifie ds. eat more beef.... Throughout the 70s, though beef remained our major protein source, Americans ate less and less beef, for reasons of economy and for fear that those well-marbled steaks could lead to arteries clogged with fats solid as marble. But in 1983 Americans ate more beef than they did in 1982, and they ate still more in SIPCESS® 24 0 RY MARK MORE N PHOTOB Y CHARLES AWYER JANUARY 19, 2001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX 9 Four words you hate to hear: “I told you so”. Three more words? “That's seventy-five dollars”. Getting your car towed is big bucks, unless you’re a member of AAA. When you join, roadside assistance is free, 24/7. Including towing. And if your car needs more than a tow, take it to an AAA authorized shop. Just dont tell my!f ather | joined. You get special member rates on VISA, loans, online banking, car insurance, travel, and more. Plus discounts on hotels, meals, movies, and attractions. And when the time comes, check out our online car buying service. AAA saves you money and hassle. Get moving and join today. We won't tell anyone that deep down inside, there’s some common sense lurking. 1-80020DIN AAA 4 — Southern New England Ree ee back to school 58% Art Store Value Sketch Pack Includes a 9 x 12 Biggie Sketch Pad, 9 x 12 Classic Cream Drawing Pad & a 8.5 x 11 Basic Black Sketchbook. RealArtists. Over 2,000 items on cake big tubes. big Savi a? = . Prismacolor Pencil Set Le 24 color set sku 622096 Liquitex Acrylic > i; List $27.49 sale $16.98 2 tub 1 a +4 . OFF LIST List $5.29 sale $3.17 “a : A | 48 color set sku 622097 al) , aA a List $54.79 smartbuy $32.98 MRISMACGCOR] 4.65 oz tube series 1 120 List $9.99 sale $5.99 120 color set sku 622099 List $135.99 smartbuy $79.98 similar savings on other series Art Store Acrylic Paint + ee = | 50% orrust ARTIST BRUSHES 50% All Art Store Brushes. Winsor & Newton Monarch & University. Art Store Oil Paint Ee OFF LIST /™ Robert Simmons Signet & White Sable. 175 ml tube series 1 int lp on ” ” 50% orr ist ART STORE CANVAS Deinnottone enOiel ? Color “£ ANhed) — —~EQ)_-—-« MEGANEWSPRINT PAD Sale $3.98 List $11.50 sale $6.90 eiebuses 18X24 120 Sheets similar savings on other series aim BOSTON GRAND OPENING LANDMARK CENTER ‘NEXT TO GENERAL CINEMA FENWAY THEATRE corner of brookline ave & fullerton st-green line (D) to fenway stop t 617.247.3322 mon-sat 9-9 sun 11-6-validated parking. see store for complete details 10 JANUARY 19, 2001 NEWS AND FEATURES THE BOSTON PHOENIX urban buy Home furnishings for Reuse, recycle, the ecologically correct ONTRARY TO THE beliefs of our benighted new president, global warming is a very real thing. And those landfills ain't gonna empty themselves. It’s time to rethink the way things are made and bought, to look to the future with an eye fixed on re- ducing the volume of manufacturing’s toxic byproducts and heaps of discarded junk. Enter Eco Interiors, part of a burgeoning movement of retailers who don't play by the rules of large manufacturers. Everything in the store comes from “reclaimed, recycled, and natural materials,” says owner Gail Bohan. “If they're made out of the country and imported, | look at who's making them and what kind of labor laws are going into them. If a company couldn't answer my questions, [their products] didn’t come into the store.” What did make it into the store is a surprisingly wide and practical selection of home furnishings, often made with astounding ingenuity. Take, for example, a handsome kitchen table ($800, including shipping) made with wood from demolished 100-year-old farmhouses and fin- ished with a lustrous beeswax. Or check out the surprisingly attractive queen-size head- and footboards ($2000) made entirely from discard- ed warehouse pallets. Throw on a natural-latex mattress wrapped in naturally flame-retardant wool ($1900 with base board) and an irre- sistibly soft blanket made from melted and extruded soda bottles ($45), and you'll rest easy in the knowledge that you’re doing your part for the environment. And there’s more: sit your ass down in a chair constructed entirely from reclaimed skis ora bench made from decommissioned snow- boards ($350 each) — perfect additions to the eco-friendly chalet. Lean back, light a beeswax candle in a rotating candelabra made from reconfigured bike sprockets and entwined chains ($38 to $68), grab a bottle of vino from your stylish Art Deco bicycle-rim wine rack ($116 to $184), and toast your good sense. Okay, some of this stuff is pricey. But not all of it. “I try to have something for everybody,” says Bohan. She points to a shelf of clocks and lamps made from old computer motherboards with labyrinthine electronic mazes ($18 to $34), and a greeting card with seeds em- bedded in the paper ($3.50). The latter is the perfect birthday gift for a kid: plant the card, get a tree — environmentalism is learned in the } home, after all. Whatever you buy, know that it’s better to give your money to a place like this than to places like Wal-Mart. Bohan stresses the importance of supporting this kind of innovative inventory: “Show the big manufactur- ing companies, the companies that really rule the home [furnishings] industry, that there is another way to do this,” she says. “Take that power away from them so they’re no longer clear-cutting our forests, they're not taking out virgin material, not wasting natural resources. When you recycle something, you save energy. ... There are tons of > INNOVATIVE INVENTORY: Gail Bohan’s Eco reasons to buy this stuff.” © Interiors sells furniture and accessories made Eco Interiors is located at 694 Broadway (Ball Square), in only from reclaimed or all-natural materials. Somerville. Call (617) 623-0907 or visit www.eco-interiors.com. i— _ ~*~ — Mike Miliard PHOTO BY JOEL VEAK = ° moon SIGNS BY SYMBOLINE DAI The Church says that the Earth is flat, but | know that it is someone so you have to go show extra consideration to older round. For | have seen the shadow on the moon and | have through with it. Sagittarius — a women — but if you do, don’t ex- Key to Moon Signs good day for subtle romantic ges- pect immediate gratitude. more faith in the shadow than in the Church. tures. Leo, give way on the little This horoscope traces the passage of the — Ferdinand Magellan matters (especially if you were Tuesday, January 23 moon, not the sun. Simreapd frlom yday to born after August 8). Virgo, spend Dark of the moon in day to watch the moon's influence as it moves the night — you can always borrow Capricorn/Aquarius. Not through the signs of the zodiac. :F YOU LOOK up, this is an excellent week to see the curve of the a toothbrush. VOC 1 p.m. to 9 a.m. a good day for firm deadlines. The When the moon isi n your sun sign, you earth, and the increased darkness will make Jupiter and Saturn visi- tomorrow. most stable personalities emit are beginning a new 28-day emotional cycle, ble when night falls. This waning phase of the moon is called the “bal- mixed signals. All-day void-of- and you can expect increased insight and Sunday, January 21 course adds a dash of “good inten- emotiWhoen nthea moloni motvesy in.to the samic,” and it’s an excellent time to finish up business — or have busi- Waning moon in Capri- tions.” Capricorn “wants to help,” sun sign opposite yours (see below), expect to ness finish you (Scorpio and Sagittarius are supposed to be frazzled corn. For the next couple while Aquarius is not to be found. family, or authority figures; social or romantic of days, be careful you don’t see Libra, it’s a great day to take a right now). actiwilvl noit bte ait theeirs be st. everything as harder and less number of wrong turns and still Thursday, January 18 going skiing or skating or workable than it is. Capricorn, what end up where you want to go. VOC When the moon is in Aries, it opposes Waning moon in Scorpio. anything where sliding was your big dose of reality in 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Taurus/Scorpio, Gemini/Sagittarius, Cancer/ Remember the episode of happens, please-please- 2000? Is right now harder? Taurus, Capricorn, Leo/Aquanad rViirgou/Psis,ces . Seinfeld where Elaine referred to her please limber up. Or put a crutch in if you work extra-hard and no one Wednesday, January 24 The moon stays in each sign approximately ability to keep secrets as “putting it the car. Impetuosity rules. Sagittar- notices, does it count? New moon in Aquarius. two and a half days. in the vault,” yet a dose of schnapps ius may feel restless, in that “I can’t Sometimes a new begin- As the moon moves between signs, it will basically broke the combination? last in this job for much longer” sort Monday, January 22 ning can find you shell-shocked, sometimes become “void of course,” making You may feel tiny fingers prying at of way. Aries wants a quick — rather Waning moon in Capri- but it’s a great day for writing no major angles top lanets. Consider this a your most private feelings, and an than big — finish, while Gemini corn. Somehow the plea- (not publishing). Jupiter and null time and try to avoid making or overly passionate reaction will be needs to watch the boasting. sure of a grudge loses its appeal. Saturn move direct, freeing up implemdeecisnionts iif ynoug ca n. thoroughly appropriate. Scorpio, of Live and let live, even if no one’s crucial “mentor” energy for those For Symboline Dai’s sun-sign horoscopes course, is exempt. But not Pisces. Saturday, January 20 living it up. Capricorn, a great day who need it. Aquarius, focus and advice column, visit our Web site at VOC 9 to 10:30 p.m. Waning moon in Sagittar- for project completion, although comes later in the week. Libra, ius. What's the road to hell your nearest and dearest will if you can stop fussing about how SymbDaoi caln bie rneacheed at Friday, January 19 paved with? If you feel do-goodism want to drag you into Let’s-Have- you're saying it, people will still symbol@i aoln.ceom . Waning moon in Sagittarius. If you're bubbling up, for gosh sake, tell Funville. Cancer, you may need to listen. *

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