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The Book Of The Breast PDF

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$ 10.95 "The words of magic, O my brothers: Tits. Boobs. Teats. Bazooms. Thingumbobs. Knockers. Headlights. Grapefruits. Cantaloupes. A pair that stick out like Mussolini's balcony. A pair that would make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window." That's the way this book begins and that is what it is all about-breasts. It's a pervasive subject. In his masterful blend of history and humor, erudition and erotica, author Robert A. Wilson writes, "There is no art, no poetry, no song, no human expres- sion in which the female breast is not celebrated and adored. Its forms appear disguised but ,rrr.ri-niable in architecture, in pottery, in the design;rf cathedrals and temples, in mystic ..rmlols 1i,'<e the Chinese yin andyan6f and the i.rroo"".r Rc'sY Cross." With text and photo- grrph., The Boo-'! oI the Bteast traces man's never-ending breast-.Quest through all these areas, uncovering 5ems .fascinating facts along the way. Such as the ancifnt gold cup that, legend has it, was molded directly f1,om a breast of Helen of Troy. There are many heroines of ti'' female figure, from Eleanor of Aquitaine, who ' "'e bare-breasted through the streets of medie"al Jerusalem, to Jane Russell, whose breasts wer' said to have hung over the movie The Outlaw like thunderclouds. There are even anti- heroines, such as Theda Bara (her name an anagram on Death Arab ), the sex goddess of the 1920s, when women developed mammalo- Continued on back flaP Continued from front flap phobia and figuratively gave their breasts away. Why are we so obsessed, even worshipful, of breasts? The reasons have little to do with fashions or fads. They are essentially biological, evolutionary. Look around you and count the number of people you see smoking, or chewing gum, or biting their fingernails, or eating too many potato chips, or gnawing the edge of their mustaches. We are oral creatures, always in search of a breast. Our world view is formed in large part during those first seven months of our lives when we are being nursed by breasts or breast substitutes. But it isn't just the milk that attracts us. It's our sexual nature. In fact, the human breast evolved to its present size-proportionally large compared to other mammalsn-more to suit the needs of adult sexuality than infant feeding. Combine the instinctive drives of hunger and sex, focus them on two catenary curves that promise fulfillment, and you have a force powerful enough to shape civilizations, inspire artists and poets, and give visual, tactile and emotional pleasure to each individual male. A word about the photographs: Some peo- ple will tell you that they are sinful or sexist. Pay them no heed. They are a dying breed,like the duckbilled platypus, and you will outlive them. Robert A. Wilson is a former associate editor of pr-aysoy magazine. His writings have appeared in over 2OO magazines and news- papers. He contributed to the Encyclopedia oI Sexual Behavior and is the author of Playboy's BookoI ForbiddenWords and Sex and Dru$s: A ourney Beyond Limits. J Jacket photos by: The Art Institute of Chicago (top left); The Penguin Collection (bottom left); Wide World (center); Scala, New York/Florence (top right); Abner Symons (bottom right). Cover Designed by The New Studio, Inc. PLAYBOY PRESS Distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York, New York 16804 rsBN 87223-38+7 TI{EBOOKof TI{EBREAST S:,' ,i 'ij,j **.i.- &, ". P-- i:'' Sri $ d-j .qd r .l' ;::"J ,& {.,i$ s - - - - - i: .t* TI{EBOOKof TT{trBREAST RobcrtAntonWilson qYP A Pla1'lnv I'rcss l]cxrk Acl;tt ou:Iedg m.ent Table o.l' Putrist ancl Mutrist CuLtures by G. Rattray Taylor reprinted from SEX IN HIS- TORY by G. Rattra-v Taylor by permission of the publisher', The Vangu2l'd Press, Inc. Cop.1,"right , 1970, 1954 by G. Rattray Ta.-,'lor. Originally published in England by Thanes and Hudson, Ltd. in 1953. Cop5'r'ight , 1974 by Robert Anton \Vilson. All rights re- scrvetl. No part of this book n.ray be reproducecl, stoled in a retrier.al s1'sten or transnittetl in any foln-r by zrn electron- ic, mechanical, photocopf ing, recording lneans ol otherr'",ise, rvithout priol rvritten pelmission of the zruthor. Published simultzrneousll in the United States ancl Canada bv Plavbov Press, Chicago, Iilinois. Plinteti in the Uniterd State's of Amcrictr. Librarl' of Congress (latalog (':rld Nunr- ber: 7iJ-8.1919. ISRN 8722i:i-:18-1-7. I,'ii st crlition. PLAYBOY and Rabbit Head design are trademarks of Play- boy, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 (U.S.A.), Reg. U.S. Pat. Off., marca registrada, t,ial"que 6 cl6nos6e. 891011 to thc \\'()nlcll o1-lllirrrct citrllt this sturh'o1'unitv in rhralitr- "To the littie boy in ure, I am a God, you are a Goddess. To the little gill in yriu, you are a Goddess, I am a God. To the God in nre, I arm a little boy, to the Goddess in you. To tl-re Goddess in -von, you ale a little giri, to the God in me." - i.;! zi,;,!,t"o',',Y,oc, o n n ",

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