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- ~ - - - SECOND EDITIO ' T h e B I < S I .....--.1----> o f S A A _FieZd Guide RICE-:i:.A_RD Ci-.A_RRIGU S ROBERT DE.A_N a,-2d A ZONA TROPICAL PUBLICATION I1 1 h \ /11 ll u r s tllH.i R.aptors in Flight Illusrrations arc nor ro c;calc. I th \ ulaures .111d r.1p101\ 1h.11 arr mos1 likdy to br ~rrn 'oaring. JJ.. ~ l BIMk Vulture, p 90 King Vulturt', p 92 Cooper·~ lf,1wk, p 100 Hook·b1lled K1k, p 6 lom.>1 ....... 106 Common Black· Hawk, p 106 White Hawk. p 102 Double-toothed Kite, p. 104 Broad·w1nged Hawk, p 104 Gray Hawk, p 104 - llr rt t 11ld Hawk, p 102 Great Black-Hawk, p. 106 Barred Hawk, p. 102 White-tailed Hawk. p. 102 Short-tailed Hawk, p. 102 Black-and-white p.tle ITlOIJlh Hawk-Eagle, p. 110 f - ... Sw.11nson's H.iwk, p. 108 Swainson's Hawk, p 108 Hams's Hawk, p. 94 Crane H,1wk, p 96 Solitary Eagle, p 106 Crested C.tracara, p 114 p lo moiph ' dul< mo<ph Rt•d t,11h•d I t.iwk, p lOR S 1Vd1111 I I t.1wl\, p <1 I lll11ck collar d I I 1wk, p <1 I I C.ray headed Kite, p 92 Bl,1ck Hawk-Eagle, p 110 Ornate Hawk· Eagle, p 110 • Plumbcous Kite, p 98 M1ss1ss1pp1 Kite, p. 98 Osprey, p 92 Merlin, p 112 l'u1q11111 I 1lco11, p 11.l 'lwilllow I uh d Kite. p 98 .... , The Birds of Costa Rica A FIELD GUIDE Second Edition RICHARD GARRIGUF Illustrated by ROBERT D EAN A Zona Tropical Publication PROM Comstock Publishing Assot iates di11isio11 of fl Cornell Universit) Pn.•o;!. Ithaca, New Yo1 k I1 \I ,11111 1.111g•· 111.11" wpl'l 1gl11 ~) 2007, 20 I 1 ll\' Ridwd C.ir11gm·, llh1,11.i111111\ "'I') n1~l11 ' '007, 20 I l h) ,\ 1.ir< 1~<><1,\i<'rs .1ml John R. ,\1,( 11.-11 I h , ph11111g1.1ph,·r-m.1i111.11n <llJ') 1igh1 nn r!1,·rr 11n.1g<'' on the lnllm,ing p.1g<·,: t '"H 1\.1,w: X !bottom), •J (hottmn), 10, 11: \d11.1n I kpwrn1h: 8 (wp). 'J (mp) \II 11gh1, 1.-n\'nl. l·x.:cpt 1;,r hricf lj11<n.111on' 111 .1 rc\lc\\, tl11, hook. or p.ir1' rlH 1cuf, lllll\I not lw rc:prmlun·d rn <lll)' form without pcrml\\1011 111 writin!\ I 111111 1hc: puhli,hcr,. For inform.nion "rthin Co,t.i Ril.t, """ /.on.1 'I ropil.tl .11 W\\\\,w11.11ropi<.1l.m:t hir i11for111.11i1111 in tlw l 'niu:d "•11gdn111 llmi'h < 111111111>11\\c,1hh (cxdu<lrn!\ ( .111.1d.1), .111d l·urop( .1ddr•·" ( hmtophcr I klm. ,111 11111>11111 nf Blolllmhun l'uhli,hing, 'iO lkdfor<l Sq11.1r<'. I n11dnn \'('( I B \I >I!"' '"" \\W~\.hl110111,hur).«>111. I nr i11form.11in11 in tl1l rn1 ol 1h•· \\mid. .ddrcs~ ( n111c:ll UrHV<'l\ity l'r•·"· S.tg<· I lom<'o 'ill'"''' ~I.II( "i111:c1, lth.ll.I, R1clwrcl clecl1cal<'' 1/11, /11111~ /11 lh1 /111 11 Nn\ \urk I 18'i0, nr \'i\11 \\\\\\.<C1111c:llprc:".<0111c:ll.nlu. 111e111on o/' lhhw ! lon•1111 /(11' 11h1 11 /11111 Im /inf l'e1cn1111 \ s, w11d nl111nn puhl1,hnl .20 I •I hy <' m11dl U11iw1,i1y l'I<'" I 11\I prn11111g of wwnd nli1i1111, ( '0111dl l'.1pnh.1d,,, .WI I R11h<'l't clcdlC'llfl'\ tJii, h1111J.. to th / 11 A 11 " \/o.~l'llH'll, 11·/i11 \(Cll'h cf /11111 011 /II\ ( 11 /{ Ill I 11\1 nl1111111 puhll\lwd 2007 hy C0111dl lJrll\c:r'll) Pr ... " n) I 11\1 pri11r111g of'fil\1 nlirion, ( ornc:ll J>.1pcrh.1d.:,, 2007 acfr1•11111n•. e111d '" 11111/ / "' '" 1'11ntnl in ( 'hin.1 I 1hr.1ri.111': 1\ C.11' <.11.1111!\ rnord for thi, hook j, .l\',1il.1hl,· from 1h•· I ihr.u) of <:C>11wc". < nrndl l"iB"-1P8-0·80 I I ""988 'i (phk.: alk. p.tpcr) /n11.1 linpiul l'>BN 1P8·0 9816028 8-2 I 1>1111 II lJ111H r'i1y J>r,·" \tri\'n 111 u" •·m imnmc111.1lly rnpoll\ihlc '"l'Jlllcl\ 11111111.11<11.11, 111 rill' lullnr <'\ll'llt pm,ihk 111 tlw puhli,hing ofit, hook-. "iud1 11111c11.1I\ 111d11d<· H'gl·1.1hl<··h.tll'll. lcm \'()( 1111.., .111d .1.id-frn• p.1pn' 1h.1t 111 •l•)d,,J. 1111.111) d1lur11w·f1n" or p.t1tl) lontpmnl of 11011wood lilwr,. hu 11111111 I 1111111111.111011. \hit 11111 wdhii<· .11 W\\W.l(>llldlp1l'\\.lOl1ldl.nl11. I 0 I) 8 7 (1 'i •I J 2 I /0111 l1oph 111 d11111. J{uhin K.11111i,·1 lluul .t lj 11 h•ll I I II 111\,1 ~ i\. JI 11 I C, 1f11I<J1 \\ 111\nll 'table of Contents ,\duh V11l1111c' .rnd R.1pwr\ in l·ligl11 .......................... 111 1.t 1111111 111V 1 1'1d.1u ............................ . ,\,k11owkdgmcnt' ........................................................ . I 111tod11u1on ............. ..... .. ............. ...... .. ................ .. ( lim.ttr: .rnd lopography ofCmra R1c.1 .................... ~l.1p ofCo,1.1 Rrc.1....... .......................... ................... 11 ,\11.1101111cal l·c,uurc~................................................... .. .. . I ( ~lo\\,llf ........................................................................ .. 0 \pn in An ou nt' .111d 1l lmtr .1tioll\ 'J'in.1111011, ............................................................... ( 111,1\\0W\, ( ·1t,1d1,tl.1l t\, (1U.ll\\,,,.,. .................... , h New \\:'orld <iu.111...... . .. .. .. .......................... .. \ungrdw ................................................. . Ill ( 11chn ................................................................... .. Ill I >ud .. , ............................................................... .. \,', ( ormor.1111' .............................................................. . ·\11h111g.t\ .................................................................. . l'd1c111, ................................................................. .. I rig.ucb1nh ......................................................... . I roprchird ................................................................. . Boob1c,. ..................................................................... . 'iwrm Pccrcl, ............................................................... .. 'ihcan\,ltl'r' .............................................................. . 'lku.1,, l.tr:gcr\ ....................................................... .. ( 111lk JCrn,, \k11111nc1, .................................. . ( )n t•'ll.lll hn,. ........................................................ . \1111l1111c111 .............................................................. .. I lcmn,, lgr•'''· B111•·r11, ........................................... . 11 I hi\ l'\, 'ipoonhi IJ, .................................................. . ,,, l.impJ..111 ............................................................ . I h1,k knn·' ............................................................ . 111 \tnrk' ................................................................ . ,',' " PloH·r,, I .1pwi11g\ .................................................... . 'lcih,, t\von·c, ........................................................... . '1.indprpcr,, t\llic ....................................................... , JJtolllJ\ ....... .. ........................................................ .. H R.1ib, Cr.th•,, (.,11l11111ln ...................................... .. H Ne" \X'orld \'uhurc\ ...................................... . •JO ( hpre\' ............................................................. . IJ I I l.1wk,, J...11e,, r.1gJc, ......................................... .. IJ I I .1ko11,, ( .at.K.rr.I\ ................................................ . 1111 B.1rn ()wk ................................................... . llC1 ()wk . I I<• l'occ>cl\ .......................................................... I I 1 ( >alhi1d ........................................................ . I I 1 / N11 l111.11,, ,\1111, ........................................................................... 1! .6 \wt11~ ..................................................................................... 1 lO \\\ di"'"""'"' ............................................................................... I l·I Preface I h1111111111rl111d, ............................................................................ Ill! l'11;t1>1h I )u\'n .............................................................................. 151! l'.11101, ..................................................................., ......... 161! I In l onu.·pt for th i~ book evolved from seVl't .ii n·.1" 111 si 1i11g \1~11111 ~. 1111. ti l 111 kttn\ ..................................................................................... 174 l111dt'I\, and even naturalist guide~ vcnruring in co dw lirld "11li 111~1 d1l dim I 1 ogml\. . ..................................................................................... I "'I! 11.11nl ph11es removed from the c.:emer of A Guirlt• t111/i1· ll11t/1 11/ I o 11 !.'1111 Ii, 1\ln1111ttl\ ....................................................................................... 184 I. (••II')' Stiles and Alexander r. 'kutth (Cornell l 111\l'l\il\ 1'11 \,, I •IJi'I). h.111vh,ht·r, ................................................................................... l86 \Ii hough undemandable from the perspective of mini111i1i11g gt: ir "u1ol11, 1111'.:1.:~~' ~~ :: II: :: :: ::::::::::: :::::::: :: :: ::: :: : ::: :: : :: :: :: : : : ::: ::: :::: ::: : :: ::: :: : : ::: : : ::: : : : : : : : : : tl11, practice always seemed a pity, as ir meant leaving bl hind d1i.: ( 11111l 11 1 Nn~ \X'orlJ lhrbet\. ...................................................................... 190 111 that wonderful guide. ince ic was clear rhat people wcrt p11111,11 ti~ 1111t 1 :;.:::~.:~·~,?:'' :~~ l''ted in making correcc species idcnrificarions while in rhc field. Wt''' 1 0111 111 provide an alcernacivc for rhat specific purpose. In 2007, we published the first edition of rhis book with the oh1n 1i H nl < hrnb1nf,, \Xloodcn:cpcr~ ............................................................ 200 lvp1l.1l 1\nthird, ........................................................................... 212 p.1iring quality illusrrarions with concise species accounts co faufit.lll idt 1111 ( oll,ltC;\ICr\ .................................................................................. 222 liL<ttion in 1he £ield. In order to limit rhc si'lc and weight of dit.• h1111I \\1 I~::::;: ~1:11:,~~::·: ~ ~~ ,,tcrificcd niacerial that, while interesting, w;1s not directly pe111m·1H 111 lit Id ·:: :::::::::: ::: : : : :: : :: :: : :: : : : : :: : :: : :: ::: :::: :: : :: :: : ::: :: : : : : : : : :: : ::: : :: : :: itk111ifica1ion. Our recommendation was-and still is- that scrim1s hi1dn' I .1p.1l11lo, .................................................................................... 224 oht.1in a copy of the Stiles .ind Skucch volume for more in-depth 111101111.1 I 11,1111 l·lvt;lilhl·r, ........................................................................ 226 tion on topics such as habits, neMing, voice, and full range. I 11n.1,, Hn.1rd,, All1l'\ ................................................................. 252 The response from reviewers and users of' the lirM edition h.h bel·n ow1 ~,'.:::·;:,~:,·;~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :~;; .... whclmingly positive. Nonetheless, we felt we rnuld provide a morl' rnrnpfut ( 111111µ.1, ....................................................................................... 260 resource by incorporating •tddition;il species ;ind making improvenH.'nts 111 f,I\\ .............................................................................................. 264 the rext, illustratiom, and range map~. f It 111\ht·'· J\ 11 ic' ........................................................................... 266 In this second edition, we describe all 903 spcties definitely known li11111 ~i.F:::::::E.; : :: : : ~~~ Cosra Rica a.s of Ocrobcr 2013. Thiny of these arc new speLies th.11 h.nt• been added ro Costa Rica's counrry lisc since rhc publication of rhl' lm1 t·di \X'.tx\\ing' ..................................................................................... 274 rion; for rhc firsr rime we abo include pelagic birds and spcLies tl'f\111.u 111 C• II.II wren\, Gn:ncarchcr£ .............................................................. 274 Cocos lsland. Pi fry-six of the specie covered arc placed in a Rariril' \l'l iie111 ~',~:::::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·;~~ (p. 372), which includes species recorded less than rhrcc riml's, spn il's 1li .11 Nt'\\ \\orld \XIJrhlcr' ................................................................... 290 have not been reported in more rhan rwcnry years, and the morl' 1111u11111111111 I .111.1µl'r\, \t•cdc.ttcr,, A I lies .......................................................... .314 pdagit:s. I 111thl·,, Nt'\\ \Xorld "ip.trrc>w\, Aflic\ ...........................................J .H Arri t Robcn Dean has ~upplied over 360 new ilill\tr.H1011' 1111 tins l d1 (lid \\'ndd .'lp.1rrow' .................................................................... J42 t ion. These fall in to three categories: those that replace (.llld 111111111\1 11 p1111) t '""h,,1k,, lh1111111g,, Alfie\ ..........................................................M l illuMratiom from the first edition, 1hoJ.c that Mtppknwnr dtt 1111111,111 dim ,\ 111111.1\., ................................................................................... J52 fll.1t Ll111.f, < )1 iok·, ........................................................................ J54 trarions with in-flight views and nddition;il plum.t~l'S, ,111d d1m1 di.it 111\l 1 r 1111hu1t1.I\ ............................................................................ ~64 the ,ixty-four species illu uatcd for the first timl' 1n tlll\ nli111111, I l1t l.11111 1111.J uf <"""hi.ind ....................................................................1 61! group includes 1hc thirty new addition~ to tht· cmrntl)' ll\t ·" \\1 II ·" ptl.1g1~ ll111111' • ... .................................................................. Pl i.pcc.ies, Cocm l~land species, and all raritil·s rl·wrdnl ft11111 du < '11s111 l~tl.111 h 1 I lt,1 "' 1111• ll11d, of ( m1.1 Rk;1 ..................................................... J8.l 11 , 1 1. . .1. x ............................................................ 11 1 \I 11111 1111 \111hn1 .111d lllm11.111>1 .......................................................... .4l'i l 1111 I I 111d 111.!1 ................................1 1Hidc hack rover Acknowledgments 111 11111.11111 ~ t' have also c:iken gre<H care co fun her enhance the prim qualiry Ii""·" 111 1I i, iI iom in order to ensure che highesr degree of accuracy and fid d- 11~ 111 d11 n11~i11.1l .tnwork. J 11,1 of' ,1ll, I would like ro thank Phillip 01>1emo 101 h.1\ 111~ pl.11111 ii il11 'ii I 11 11·,111111se to numerous requeMs, the range maps ;1re now color-coded dt.11 ~rl'W 10 become this book. My deepest 1h.1nl., ·"'" ~11 1e1 111~ .1111 t 111 t<'llnt 111igr.nory staltls. The maps have been upd:ucd and abo now indi , 11llc.1g11e, Rohen Dean, for having been so rl-.td). willi111" 111.I 1hlr '" 1111 tl1t 1 ' ,111· \,1~1.1nt records. Similarly, the species accounts have been adjusted to p.11111111g' that grace the pages of this guide; 0111 p11hl1\l1e1 , l11li11 f\ll 11 11 h fill I 1ww infc>rmarion :ibout spctics' ranges and parrerns of occurrcncc .ind M.1rc.. Roegiers, for having led u1> rhrough tht' l'tll in p1oc ' 11 tllo1 ill 11, \\ 1111111 d1t• lOlllltry. •111d for h.iving provided thoughtful critici:.111 .111d '"l'!',1 '111111 , !11 11 ul11111, or ( )nl' d1c mosc debated changes for che second edition had to do with R11h111 Ka11nier, who has shown amazing aue1111011 111 d11.11I 111d who 1 ill 1 l\llllOlll) .111d order of 'PeLics. To be in accord:mce with eBird a powc1ful d1wr\'es mosc of che credit for making thi' 'ecoml nli1i1111 .1 11 tl111 rn.1 11,lt .111d 1111po11.1111 on line data-collccrion tool-we chose 10 follow the nomen .111 improvement; and, of course, 10 Gabriela Wa11M111 11 71111.1 I ll Ill\ 1 11 1 d.1111tt' .111d systematic.\ of rhc eBird/Clcmcnts Checklist of Birds of the h.1ving dcsigm·d a great-looking book. \\/01 Id: Vt·rsion 6.8, which, nmong other changes, eliminates the lncf'l'ftle st' 'urre111 birders in CoMa Rica all owe a debt m thml 111111111111111•1 1 \\1111 rli1 ''·111" for several genera and moves a number of former finches and secd- h.we provided us with o much informacion .1bm11 rlw 1<·1•11111 ~ li11dl1f 1.llt'r' inro rhe ranager family. A counrry checklist char matches chis current During the prepararion of chis book I drew imalu;1hl) l"ro111 the \\011 of (111 1.1\onomic.. order is included as an appendix (p. 383). alphabetical order) Roberc S. Ridgely, Alexander F. ku1d1, l'.11tl lud 111d I I lowevcr, ar rhe family level, we have made various deviations from die C.uy tiles. Among my active birding colleagues hcit• I 11111 1 !''\l f" 11 i i 11,1 order in an effort w assisr less-experienced birders. Inspired by an anicle menrion ro Rafa ampos, Kevin Easley, Julio foche1 t ..1 11d, .1hovl di )1111 111 dH: ovembcr 2009 issue of Birding by tevc N. G. Howell er al. on rhc Zook, for having provided much informarion and in,pn.1111111. I or11111 Hl h i"uc of taxonomy versus uriliry in field guides-and further rnmivated by in rccenc years many ocher people have also been willing to ~k11< 111l11rtt11111111 thl· retent raxonomic reposirioning of falcons after woodpeckers- we have about Cosra Rican birds, and chey include Kenneth t\lf.1111, \'\ tlh \II 1r • 111wrpor.1ted a sequence rhac places families of somewhat similar birds next Jaime Alvarado, Joel Alvarado, Rodolfo Alvarado. I d11.11do 1t1(11ru 11 111 l·.1d1 other. This means. for example, char swallows and swifts appear con .I lernan Araya, Gilbert Barranres, Esccban Biamonre, (,uilkrrno Bl llll<l I 111 Wl llti\'d) because, despire noc being ar all closely related. rhey arc simih1r Campos, Neyer Campo~. Ernesco Carman, Jhimm1 C.1s11hl,1mo I 11 I 1t11ugh in si1c .rnd behavior that it is advancageous 10 have them close m CaMro, Marino Chac6n, Johcl Chaves, l conardo Ch.tvl''· Bill l I 1.I l'wl l i.;l thcr in tl1l' guide for easy comparison. Following the same reasoning, wt• Coopmans, Jorge Corrales. Mariano Cru1., Rol;rndo I )d~.1do. f\ l 111 I > 1m111 'ho't w kl·ep falcons next to hawks and eagles. C.1ry Diller, Adolfo Downs, Steven Easley, Pablo L li1011d11, 11 SSl I 111 lul1 Ill I hl· ordt·r of families in roughly chc firsr third of the hook i., as follows: l·ern<lndc1, Melvin Fcr11:\nde1, Jeanne Fossani, Bob hl Ill Ii, \lir iii llll 1, illo l\·•111l h11d,, swimming hirdi., aerial pcl.igic and c..oa'>tal specie.,, wading birds Mark Carland, Ceiner Colfin, Charlie C6111e1, C.1r} <1 c>1m 7, h 111 I• q11t .111d ,1io1l·hirds, diurnal birch. of prey, nocturnal bird.,, aerial inse<.:tivores, and Cmard, Lou llegedu,, Esteban llerrera, O:.c:11 I k1 ll·1.1 1{1'11 fl,. u, I" 1 l111111111111gh1Hk hom 1hcre, the fomilic'> follow mort· clo!iely the order pre Alberto 1 luerc;1', Carlo~ Jimenez, li1, Jone..·\, I k111 \ I 1111111w11 I • 11 1hul h\ dw l·Bird/Clemenrs list. Along with what we believe is a mort• Kocnr.1ads, Machias Ki.immcrlcn, Mark Lo1.kwood I l 11ml I 11p I' 1q 1 11,,1 Ii 11 ndh rn g.1ni1a1 ion.ti scheme, we also provide ,111 alphabetical Quitk l oth, Bruce Mactavish, Eric Madrigal, hedd\ t\11d11r al l't• c1 /\I 111111 ii l 111.! l111ll"!i of groups on the inside back cover of the book so 1h.11 users can Daniel Marc!ne1., Roy May, Nicole Michel. Mid1d \ln11t11\ 1, t\ld 1 /\1111111 111, l111d 1lu l111d' thq'1e looking for as quickly as possible. P.1111 Murgacmyd, Nancy Newfield, JefT Norm. 1'1111, I < l I >1111111 II I,, 1 1111" 1111 i. .1 hook hr birders for birders, :rnd we sincerely hopc rhar rl1csl' Obando. Diego Ocampo. Walter Odio, Winni~· ( )1,1111, < 111 11w I >1111<11 11 111r1 s \•ill f1111 lw1 t·nh,1nCl' your enjoymcnr and nppreciation of CoMa Ri Randall Onega, Pablo Porras, Noble Proc..tm, ~\111m I li11 1111, 1\1111 t >1111111, \ 1111 ii 111.! f.l\ti11.11ing ,1viE1una. /1111/ oj I 111/1/ /.'1 X j lt1111111·1 h.1hdl Reid!. Rafa Robles, David Rodrlguez, Froil:in Rojas, \l.1snn, Alan and Karen Ma~terl., Ric:k J\lcr.1. 1.1111i1· J\lidgk ·, I >.111u1 J\lP111, ( ' l 11 1.111 l{m1111111g. Alv.1r .S.1borio. Cesar Sfoche1, Luis Sanchez, Luis Sandoval, \l.uina Muhlfricdcl, Donna Pengilly, Ruth Rod1tg11u, P11ml.1 l11il111\, 11111,1 \1111.!11 '•Ill(, n.1vid Segura, Aaron Sekarak, Cagan Sckercioglu, Jorge \\,1gm·r, Annie Wcn1., Janelle Wilkim, and Ill) "''l'I, l.nmt .• 111.l l1t 1 I 1111tl ~111.t1111 l111g1· ~l·trnno Jr., Alejandro Solano, Daniel Solano, Tyler Sruarr, I must also thank rhe acur.11 I ti~wn I kp.1t 1111t 111 11 tit~ J\lt1 l" 1111111 ~lllll\,111, "ei1h ·1:1ylor, Rac:hcl Taylor, Bill Tice, Daniel 'forres, Noel N.1tional de Costa Rica for having graciou'I) p1midnl ·'"'"' 111 il1111 1'11<1 l l11 tt,1 l.11 Vamk·r( ;af't\t. David Varga.,, Elidic.:r Varga~. Juan Diego Vargas. wlk·(lion, Josep del l loyo and rhe / lr111dbo(}k 11f'tli1· flml• of th \\ 111U IL 1111 I >1 l.1111!11 \ .1rga,, D.rnny V.isquez, Alex Villegas, Max Vindas, Andy Walker, Im treating such an indispcnsabtc rcfercnc:c guidt, .111d R11l•t 1l ll1d11lh 1111 111~ I 111.t \'( 1·dmon.:, Jan Weslra, Pieler WeMra, Drew Wheelan, 'oo Whiling, invaluable work on the birds of rhe Ncorropics. 1111111 \\ oodrnck, Bruce Young, and Rudy Zamora. 1 should also like ro rhank Kiny Liu al Cotndl lJ111H1s1n 1'1c • 1111t 1 I ,h1111ld abo rhank all chose fellow rravders who have accompanied me designer at Zona Creaciva, Gabriela Wauson. and J\l.111 l{"ll.l' r II /1111, 111 dw fidd during chcse years for giving me a chance ro pracrice bird f'ropical Press. My gracicude and appreciation go out to 1111111J\111 lll 11 11111 i1k111 if1t.11ion skills. And I parricularly wish ro rhank Carson Wade for his Robin Kazmier ar Zona Tropical for their ediring skills .rn.I, .tl111H tll Ii 1111 pniod11. . injections of wir and wisdom rhroughour rhe projccr. work and derermination ro make chis second edition tlH lilsl 11 111tl1I 1\nd of course, my wife, Maricia, and my children, Leonardo, Daniel, posl!ibly be. I ).i, id, Roberro, and Laura Carolina, were kind enough to put up wilh my And last, I am grateful LO my co-author. Rid1.11d {' tt 11g11l , lot l11'i 'lwnding long hours at the.: compurer over the ye<11:. and I truly appreciate t:ncyclopcdic knowledge and pas ion for the bird~ of tlm 1111.11111r • t1111111 \, d1rn p.11 ience and u ndersrandi ng. without him 1his guide \\Oulcl nor have become a re.il11y i11 dtL111 I pl 111 f{i1 h.ml ( ;,11 t igLH..'\ Robert Dean I 11,t, I wi,h lO thank the multitude.: of researchers and avid birdwacchers who 111111111111· ro expand our knowledge.: of Co. ta Rican avifauna. Their dfons 111.1'<1· .111 updmed. second edition of chis work all rhe more imporranr. h11 tht:ir camaraderie and assiscance in rhe field I wish to the rhank the following people: Bill AdseH, Eduardo Amcngual, George Angehr, Nick \1he11.1,, ~usan Blank, Juan Carlos Calvachi, Euclidcs Campos, Erncsw < .111m·n, Marino Chacon, Judy Davis, Michael Dulfy, Kevin Easley, Karhy I 1h , Jl'\\t' Fagan, David Fisher, corr Fisher, Michael and Pacricia Fogdcn, Ion\ ( ;odfrcy. Ricardo Guindon, Colonel Steve Guy, Deborah Harnilron de 1{11\lt'I, Dev Joslin, Johan Kuilder, Olger Licuy, Daryl Loth, Rolando Mata, \lit 11111110 J\ lolina Rojas, Pecc Morris, Paul Murgatroyd, Parrick O'Donnell, .111d l\lid1ael Olivieri, Bob Pronicwych. Src.:ve Pryor, Biery Ramirez 1\11\1111 I ill.11 k· l·l·m,111clc1. Andrew Rmsc.:11, Candy and Rich Stewart, Jo:;c 'lcjada, '1111 I >111id lo11t,, l.uis Eduardo Urena, Alex Villega!>, Mark Wainwright, Bany \\ tll,1·1 ll11lw1 to Wt·,,011, .111d Jim Zook. Int ilH'i1 u>111i11ui11g frienchhip. encourage1rn:n1, and suppon through- 11111iii"1111g1111114 .111i,tit journt·y I wish to rhank Stan Fenton. l.<1rry French, 1 l111g I t1'tH 11, I l.111 il't lmlin, T:1nya Kut11chcra, L.arry I andMrom, Roger ., II /lt11I• 11( r ,,.,,, N11. t X, lnrro<luction 1 lil p1111c..ipk ohjec..tive of this hook i' to hdp r1111 w11u d 11lc11llf\ l•11d' 111 1 11\l,t Ric...1. l'he spcc.ies account~ trc;tt the: ')0.\ 'l'u ll:' I 1111\\ 11 111 •llllll 111 1 "'1.1 Ric...t as of October 20 I .3. The!.e species rc..·p1l'\l llt 8' I 1111il1l rnd c.. 1 11 I 1111111 is introduced by a brief description chat '>hotild ltdl' d1t 1111\ Ill h11.l11 .l1,1111guish members of rhar family from ochc..·rs. I Im I' II •r11plt r11111 ill ri\l'\ informarion (about behavior, diec, and "1licn1 lc.111111 ~> rl111 1ppltl~ '" 111m1 or all of rhe family members found in Cost.1Ril1. l 11llm\1111 dtt I 111111 1ksc..1 iption arc rhc species accounrs, which rnnt.1111 the lollP\\ 1111· t I 111 111 \pecics name. Each spcc..ie' is identifit:d by its I nglislt ln11111u111 111111 11111 Ul'ntific.. n.1rnc (in it.tliC'>). according to the dfod/( k1m 1m l ltukli t {If l\hd ol the World: Ver11ion 6.8. Both 11'\mt:s appt:•tr in the .Spu ll'S Ind (p 11 l Measurements. Each a<:counc hegim with a me.1'1m·ml·111 ol tit lmd from the tip of the bill to che tip ofrht: t.ul \\lll'll tltlll 1 fercncc in site becween che sexes.. we give the..· kngth of li11d1 mems have been rounded off co the nearest whok• lig111t· 11ul h1111ld 11111) 111 used as a general indication of siz.e. Judging che si1e ol ,1 l.11.l 1111 111 111111 I~ c..hallenging, and ic's irnporcanc ro remember rluc 111.1ny f.1< 1111 11111111 111 d1 impression of a bird's si1c:- lighcing, distanc<..' from tht· 11h 1H1 11111 \\h d1l 1 or nor it is viewed through optical equipment. \11111111 I). wlult di I 11 1h 111 1 sLiremems indic.ttc site, they do not accou111 for le~ k11gtl1 111 1 h11d h 11• 111d 111,1\s .ill f.icrors that <.:;ln ddiniccly afTecc the 1111prt• si1111 11f '"' \ 111 pie, boch the Sneak-c..hcsted Antpiua and the l.ong hillul l 11111\\llll (pl tt11HI bdow) arc listed .ts mc..·aMtring 5 in ( U c..m); on sn·in~ tlH"ic.. l111d 111 hli h11\\ ewr, fow people would say they arc rhe s.1111e sitt'. l'hi, i~ h1 lll\l th 111q11111 1 a long legged, chunky bird chat weighs ten times llllllt' 1h.111 tlu I 11d 1 111111 billed, long-tailed gn:uwren. Noncrhelc:-.s, by \C,1t1ng tl1.11 the Ill l1111h hH inch hirch, you won't be expecting something the: \Ill' Ill .1111rl1 Streak-chested Anlptlta l\\n 'i·ind1 111111, •I"'" 1h~1 I 11 iii 111 1 11r 111 111 111.!1 .1lo11l' l,lll l><'.l llll\I 1111111• llh•1111f I /11rdr of I m/11 N11 1 1 < l11, iu\t,111ll' \\hlrC the given measurements could he very useful, how l'1",1gc rnigranrs traverse Co,ta Rit.:a in chc fall rn1 d1l i1 \\.11 s1111il1, 11111 11• 1111 lH I, \\111.ld hl· \\hen two spct.:ies arc near each other, in more or less rhe '<lllH. 111 the 'Pring on chcir return mp north. \\t1ntl'I llsid\:111' sp 11.I il11 I ill .111.t I'"'""' ..1 11d .11 the ,,1me <lisrance from rhe ob~crver. A perfect ~:x.unple would \\llltl'I in Cosca Rica before returning north 111 dw p1111g. 1 ltc .11 uq111111111 Ii ii \1111 h.1d onl of the ycllowlcg.s (p. 74) sranding within .1 merer of a Wilkt 11111'1 passage migrant 'pccic' includes 1nfor111:11i1111 .il11H11 11lrl 11 11 p 1 (p. 7 t). Both <.re.ucr .rn<l Le sscr Ycllowlcgs arc quite 'imilar and, if ecn •11111h and in wh.11 111oncl1, it make, its rernm jo11111t I t1r w1111 1 t 111 111~. .il1>11l, <.Ill.I rd1abl) be wld <lparr by si1c. I lc>wt•ve1, wi1h rhc 15-inch \'V'ilkt rhl· r.111gc of time cited is cirwm,c.ribcd h} the c.1111<,t 111d I 11 1 Jl 111111 111 "I'' , lmt' h~. om. could dcrermine if the ycllowlcgs was nearly rhe same size, and known occurrence. chough note that most 'pn.ics 11111 Iii 111ld 11~ 1111h tl1m .1 l.re.11er YdlO\dcgs ( 14 in), or significantly smaller, and rhercfore .1 1 kw individual al ci1hcr extreme of rhcm d.ut·s. I '"l'I Ycllowlcgs ( 11 in). Many species include some individual\ th•ll .Ill' p.1\s.ll'' 1111 •1 1111 111d 11il1 t:rs rhar arc winter residcncs. ome pa~age migr.rnc' d1spl 1 hd1I\1111 tit it " 11 Held marks. After rhe measuremencs, we describe peninem field marks that ,imilar co char of wincer residents chac it is diffiwh 111 tell th 111 JP 111 111d 1°1 dl\11nguish each peci(!.) from similar ones. The most significam of chese fea 1h us know the precise rime of occurrence in Cosca RK.1 lor <ult 1 I 11111111 1111 t urn appear in bold rype. Please consult the Anaromical Features seccion granr. When rhac is the case, rhe species is referred w s1111pl) 1 1 'II 11111 111.t (p. I t) w clarify any body-parr terms that may not be familiar m you. For the text gives a single range of rime chat describe' ''h"n \llll l 111 I' 1t111111 ddinitiom of non-anacomical rerms, see the glossary on p. 20. passage migrants or winter residents in Cmta RK.t; .1t wh 1 < II 1111 t1f th llllll frame, you can expect a grcarcr proportion of p.1Ss.1gc 1111 r m1 \ 1111 onh Abundance. following the description of unique markings, we include in- winier residents will occur <luring che middle of the iim f 1 1111 1111 m.mon .1houc hm\ rommon a species is and where ir occurs geographi oce chat a handful of species breed in Cmc.t l{K.t 11111 th 11 1111 1 11 111 , ,111) J>le.1sl hear in mind thac commonality can vary grcad) 1hroughouc the outh America during the 'econd half of chc yt-.11: dll,l 11 1111.f l1 1111 111.1ppnl r.mgt'. and is given as an approximate indic:nion of one's likelihood igm nrs. 111 11l l•nrn11ntc1ing rhc species (including by voice only) in cht· appropriate: hah i1.11 .111d tirrn: of yc•H (for migrants). Also, rhc usage of tenm varies somewhar Distribution. A brief staremenc explain~ whcrt the pl 1 111 h l111111d 111 lw111 l.11nily 10 family; for example, .1 "common" raptor will never be as nu Cosia Rica, generally in ccrrm of 1hc life zone' lk~lflh(d o 1 I' I Ii 1 It' 1 llll"IOl" ;ha "common" warbler. fhc terms used arc rhc following: cion rnngcs scacc<l in the rexr arc not rigid; \Ollll' sptc1c 1•H1 ill th11 • 1har feed mosdy on Rower neccar or fruir-w11l 1t:.1d1h "111d11 llJI 111 tl11\\11 \bumfant: Should be recorded daily and in appreciable numbers. slope, beyond chcir normal clevarions, in searth of f.111d I ii 1\ \I jll\ 11.ll ( ommon: hould be recorded alrnosr daily, rhough nor necessarily 111 birds seeking a territory co claim will somcume' l111w up 111 u11 pt•Hd l.11 gt numbers. places, though they will rarely sray long. l".1irh common: hould be recorded on 50 co 75% of days. One area worth special menrion is che Guanat..1,11.: l 1111111111 1 \\11 11 tl1l l nrnmmon: Recorded on less chan 50% of days. volcanoes are separated by low passc chat do not .1u ·" s111111 •I ~ Ii 111111 1. . ltm: Recorded on I 0°o or less of days. chc dispersal of Caribbean and Pacific lowland 'pc1..it:\ .is d111lr l11rl111 I''\{\ 1 < 1,11,11· m cxpecred, bur has been known 10 occur (rypically applies co ei- in mounrnin ranges farther to the sourh. Hence. 11 is 11111 1111l111111111111 111 1111.t 1h u Nonh \mcrican migrants or wanderers from d\cwhcre in Co ta Rica). species that are otherwise confined to the Canbbt'.111 l11p1 'l'P 111111• 1111 tl11 i\( < 11k111.al· ( )nly one or two records (these species arc treaccd separatdy in Pacific-facing slopes of chc Cuanacai.ce \'olcanoc,, .111d, 111 • 11111 l 11 111, \ ''' die lt11 i1 ic' \Ctl ion (p. 372)). versa. These distribution quirks may not alw.1p lw 111d11 11111 1111 rl11 '·"'l;' map~ or in chc rexc, so be alert ro the possibility \\l1C11 )"" '"' li11d1111• 1111 tl1t• J\lig1.1toq \l,llU.'>. Wll· identify each bird in terms of its migratory sratus(es) i.lopes of those volcanoes. 111 I "11 R1l 1 \lmt 'petics ;uc re idcncs, meaning 1har they arc prcsenr year- As a further aid co undcrsran<ling whc1l' .1 giH 11 'i(" 1 '' ~ rs •"I"' ll .I 111 1111111<1 \h11111 .1 'lll.11 tl r of rhc species rhac occur in osta Ric.1 arc seasonal occ.ur, rhc map of Cost•l Rica on p. 12 tf 1,pl.1)' 111m1 111 il1l l:l "l\' 1pl111 k.1- 111111 1111\ ''""' N1111h J\merita, cicher passage migrams or winccr n:sidenrs. rures and place names mcnrioncd in the: lt\I. /lm/1 11/ Cm1r1 /?Im I 3

This is the one compact, portable, and user-friendly field guide the novice or experienced birder needs to identify birds in the field in the diverse habitats found in Costa Rica. It features descriptions and illustrations of all 903 species definitely known from Costa Rica, including pelagics and s
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