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The Biology of Apples and Pears (The Biology of Horticultural Crops) PDF

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     BiologyofApplesandPearsisacomprehensivereferencebookonallaspects of pomology at the organ, tree and orchard level. It provides detailed information on propagation, root and shoot growth, rootstock effects, canopy development in relation to orchard design, flowering, pollina- tion,fruitset,fruitgrowth,fruitqualityfactorsandqualityretentionin store.Italsodealswithmineralnutrition,waterrelationsandirrigation, diseasesandpests,andbiotechnology.Thebookemphasizesthescien- tificbasisofmoderntreeandorchardmanagement,andfruitstorage. It describes key cultivar differences and their physiology and genetics, and environmental effects and cultivar × environment interactions in tropicalandsubtropicalaswellastemperatezoneconditions.Itiswrit- tenforfruitgrowers,extensionworkers,plantbreeders,biotechnologists andstorageandcropprotectionspecialistsaswellasforresearchersand studentsofpomologyandhorticulture.  hasawealthofexperienceinthescienceoffruitgrowing. HeheldseniorpositionsatEastMallingResearchStationandwaschair- man of the Orchard and Plantation Systems (High Density Planting) workinggroupoftheInternationalSocietyforHorticulturalSciencefor many years. Recently he was in charge of the Horticultural Research Centre,Marondera,Zimbabwe.Hehasvisitedfruitgrowingareasand lectured to fruit growers and scientists in  countries, spanning four continents.Hehaspublishedextensivelyintheprimaryliteratureand has contributed to, edited or co-edited numerous volumes on various aspectsoffruittreesandplantationsystems. BIOLOGY OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS Existing texts in horticultural science tend to cover a wide range of topics at a relatively superficial level, while more specific information on individual crop species is dispersed widely in the literature. To ad- dress this imbalance, the Biology of Horticultural Crops presents a series of concise texts, each devoted to discussing the biology of an impor- tant horticultural crop species in detail. Key topics such as evolution, morphology,anatomy,physiologyandgeneticsareconsideredforeach cropspecies,withtheaimofincreasingunderstandingandprovidinga soundscientificbasisforimprovementsincommercialcropproduction. Volumes to be published in the series will cover the grapevine, citrus fruit,bananas,applesandpears,andstonefruit. TheoriginalconceptforthisserieswastheideaofProfessorMichael Mullins,whoidentifiedthetopicstobecoveredandactedasGeneral Editorfrom untilhisuntimelydeathin. BiologyoftheGrapevine, MichaelG.Mullins,AlainBouquetand LarryE.Williams BiologyofCitrus, PinhasSpiegel-RoyandEliezerE.Goldschmidt BIOLOGY OF APPLES AND PEARS JohnE.Jackson    Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge  , United Kingdom Published in the United States by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521380188 © Cambridge University Press 2003 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2003 ISBN-13 978-0-511-06533-0 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-10 0-511-06533-7 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-38018-8 hardback ISBN-10 0-521-38018-9 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of s for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Contents Preface pagexi Acknowledgements xii Introduction  Thespecialcharacteristicsofappleandpearproduction: settingthescenefortheirscientificstudy  Recommendedreading  References   Thegrowingofapplesandpears  Thehistoryofappleandpeargrowing  Tradeinfreshapples  Tradeinpears  Appleandpearproducts  Climaticconditionsinmajorcentresofproduction  Recommendedreading  References   Applesandpearsandtheirrelatives  Taxonomy  Theplaceofcultivarsinappleandpearproduction  Applescioncultivars  Applerootstocks  Rootstockeffectsonscionperformance  Othercharacteristicsofapplerootstocks  Majorapplerootstocks  Pearscioncultivars  v vi  Pearrootstocks  References   Appleandpearrootsystems:induction, development,structureandfunction  Introduction  Rootinitiation  Rootgrowthoftherootedcuttingandduring treeestablishment  Orchardtreerootsystems  Functionsofroots  Specialfeaturesofappleandpearseedlingroots  References   Thegraftunion,graftingandbudding  Introduction  Formationofthegraftunion  UnionformationinT-buddingandchipbudding  Incompatibility  Doubleworking  Effectsoftemperatureongraftingandbudding  Effects of height of budding or grafting on scion vigour andcropping  Effectsofinterstocksonrootandshootgrowth andcropping  References   Mechanismsofrootstockandinterstockeffects onscionvigour  Introduction  Mechanismsofrootstockandinterstockeffectsonvigour  Conclusionsandcomments  Recommendedreading  References   Theshootsystem  Introduction   vii Buds  Buddormancy  Dormancythroughcorrelativeinhibition  Seasonalbuddormancy  Shootextensiongrowth  Watershootgrowth  Secondarythickening  References   Leaves,canopiesandlightinterception  Leafanatomyandmorphology  Leafproductionandgrowth  Leafsenescenceandshed  Individualtreeandorchardleafarea  Effectsoflightinterceptionandof within-treeshade  Shadingbystems,fruitsandleaves  Canopylightinterceptionanddistribution  References   Photosynthesis,respiration,andcarbohydrate transport,partitioningandstorage  Introduction  Photosynthesis  Respiration  NetCO exchangebycanopies  Source-sinkrelationshipsandcarbohydratepartitioning  Netcarbonexchangeandorchardproductivity  References   Flowersandfruits  Juvenility  Flowering  Pollination  Femaleflowerfertility  Fruitset  viii  Fruitgrowth  Fruitskincolour,russetandcracking  References   Eatingqualityanditsretention  Introduction  Fruitsensoryquality  Changesduringmaturationandripening  Readinessforharvest  Controlofripeningandsenescence  Calciumandfruiteating-quality  Calciumnutrition  Othernutrientsandfruiteating-quality  Recommendedreading  References   Mineralnutrition  Introduction  Nutrientrequirements  Symptomsofdeficiencyorexcess  Nitrogennutrition  Phosphorusnutrition  Potassiumnutrition  Calciumnutrition  Magnesiumnutrition  Manganesenutrition  Coppernutrition  Boronnutrition  Ironnutrition  Zincnutrition  Effectsofaluminiumonnutrition  Interactionsbetweennutrients  Orchardmanagementandtreenutrition  Recommendedreading  References   ix  Waterrelations  Introduction  Soilwateravailability  Evaporationandevapotranspiration  Basicconceptsintreewaterrelations  Rootsandtreewaterrelations  Stemwaterrelations  Leafwaterrelations  Fruitwaterrelations  Integratedeffectsofwaterstress  Irrigation  Droughting  Effectsofflooding  References   Diseases,pests,andresistancetothese  Introduction  VirusandMLOdiseases  Bacterialdisease  Fungaldiseases  Pests  Replantproblems  References   Biotechnologyofapplesandpears  Propagationinvitro  Genetictransformation  Molecularmarkers  References  CultivarIndex  GeneralIndex 

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